TJIM MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNJil. MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1909. 21 HOOKER DEFENDS PACK OF CAR ;Sny It Was Equal lo That of Others Was Rushed In Unwrnpplnu, Which Was a Dad Handicap. WANT SHOW AT CHICAGO. (Continued fniiii page 17.) Mrllitnkli Reds--Pen Krcns, Htii ilton, Mont., Hint, 100; II.u.. 1 i ., H(ovi'iiHvill(i, Mont,, nocond, .'(); II. iV. CollitiN, ('arson, II. '., tliinl. think of. Tim growers of tlin uontriil, Winunnpn H. N. Small, Wen (titnlcrn mill southern stales iiinl ntchoo, Hint, $150; A. (I. France, provincon III Canada could then hnvii Wciialeheo, second, $iO; Harold I' eiliial opportunity lo hIiow thalr np-:niazier, Weiinlohce, thiid. pleH and we would have n mil lister I Wngcmir, Silver drill pnre II I!, national npplo show." ( NdImoii, Chester, Wash., fiivi, M'O, ,1'olor King, Kelah, Wach., sc'ind, ROGUE FRUIT WINS. r.O; .1. II. Clay, Mica, WiimIi., tliinl. Arkansas niaelcH, Silver Grill Cost of Electricity (Continued from pap) 17.) purno Ellsworth France, Won u tehee, 'first, $1"0; Ted ford Hron., Wenntchee, second, JfflOj I.. A. Tuy- For Wuucnot C. E. Atkinson, (Ireeii Bluff, Hpokano county, first; lor, Wcnatclicn, third. "Tint puckliiK of tlio Tronson & Outlirle rnr." imys W. A. llookor, who wiih In elm wo of tlio prlzo car O..H.. k . ... .. . it v. nir v .IHI Wf w I M1J llHU . show, "was eipial to nny of tlio pnckH of the other 11! cum Unit entered for the prlmt. It linn boon frequently . ), Pnckwood, Entint, stated tlmt tho IIokiio Itlver pnck Staymnri Winenup, second. wiih Inferior to that of other npplo producing parts of. tho north went, but I rou Id not hod that thoy hail any thliiK on us nt tho bin slio'w. "Thoy khvo inn a llttlo of tho worm no necond. For Wine-imp Edward I'erry, North Vakiinn, firnt ; Joseph .Vessels, I Wiinutehcc, WjihIi., hccoihI. For IicbI ear of any other stand-1 nrd varioty W. W. Hnwyor, Sunny-1 (Hide, W'uhIi., Grimes' Golden, firnt; j Wash., , Delicious Itichard Hart, Toppen- irtli. first, $100; no second or third. Yellow Newtown l'ippin E. V. Small, Wenntchee, firnt, 10U; S. 1' Ralph, Ashland, Or., second, .; ,J. P. MeNubb fi Sons, Ashlnnd, third. Any standard cotiitnercial winter variety Ellsworth France, Wcn ..i..i r:.ui inn. n v i jlllillvl-, llim, w,i;i;u, iWenntchpo, necond, $.'0: I. W. Stov- For best car of mixed Btmitlrl ; Ciclnni Wn1i.." iliinl. winter ynncty-J. K MeCurdy, .WIrr,Kuic,! . 't'ntiiwiiiluli. WiimIi.. hrsl: no second.. I w,.wi I The Klickitat Development league . . . ...... ,401 uoiocooniu, tiinn wuii uiu urrn, Tlin International Ann 11 Simmers 1 .r,n . .1... .n. ... e r.. Per week for the average family for heating and cooking Monday . , . Tuesday . . Wdri-"dny Thurmlny , Krlilay ... Haturday . Humlay , . . Total,. lireakfa r.:30 H-.00 . ikw.h 1 kw.h kw.h , 4 kw.h , 1 kw.h , ; kw.h , H kw.h ,5A kw.h, st DaklnK 8:00 11:00 1 kw.h. 0 kw.h. 3 kw.h. 0 kw.h, 0 kw.h. 3 kw.h. 0 kw.h, 7 kw.h. Ironing 7:00 11:00 0 kw.h, ly, kw.h. 0 kw.h, 0 kw.h, 0 kw.h, O kw h. kw.h. IV, kw.h. Dlnnrr 11:30 1:00 1 V, kw.h. 1 vi kw.h. 4 kw.h. 1 kw.h. 1 kw.h. kw.h. 2H kw.h. 9 kw.h, Mlsc Day kw.h. V4 kw.h. 0 kw.h. H kw.h. 0 kw.h. 1 kw.h. 0 kw.h, 2 kw.h. Supper 4:30 S:00 hi kw.h. I kw.h. kw.h. 0 kw.h. H kw.h. hi kw.h. 0 kw.h. 3 kw.h, Misc. NlRht 0 kw.h, hi kw.h, 0 0 kw.h. hi kw h. 0 kw.h. 1 kw.h. 2 kw.h. Total kw.h. kw.h, kw.h. kw.h. kw.h. kw.h. kw.h. kw.h. nrizo of $100 in the dintriet free-for nuuinilnlinh'ji Irmdit' .mil. fur lllll Iu.mI ..11 .1! I.... .. r ......!M.:..M , 'tl.,. o fit In propurliiK tho Tronson A,""""; v ! v V ' .vfiiJiiur nidi tiiKiliiwr ii'na iiivnrifml flrooii llltifr r mil ( in iWirMT n iPt fluthrlo enr, hi It wna firm on tho n f, ' ...,., ' 'ninn p u,u. U'nl... w-n ,1. Krounil nml tho nlxth to bo unloaded. 10 a. omi n x ooo. wuruu.o, - "-; . ....... mil tin. olln.r iiiioiiIii lir..l ntiltuwiit VllHII. J 1110 "MrotllOr JOIiailllltr' IH) v.. j, . and the otlior people Had nnlppod , 0 , rriL-atei am :::;itt:;,;;,!'t,::'': "j.vr i'S,si s !ni? Ih frnlt fnr ..tI1II.III..m In snltn M'hl 0 tllO "IIottOT Frtllt" HpCCItll, for " ''"' "00 t-OllinjCrCIJII I IIIO, SLC- lnk th frnlt for exhibition. In milto t,.,,.box imck wan nwurded ""d. and tho Lnke Chelan dintriet. of that, w won out In ovory point ' ' ' I " u' WI , l rh,n. WnH,. tllln. .1 l. I. II ..wit, n M.M,..., KUII, IIIIIIIIWHII II. l OUIIIU -IIII.IU- ... , . ., , ous work. I don't reuret It. I lenrn- ,nB"'1 y. . rnmrn 01 '' ' ; , .wl n fow thlncH about uhowlnu nnnloH wo'' 1,10 W-l- ly ! 2fl0 petitionn, ..r)0 to firnt, $15 to siM-ond s:!:;l:t:i!;T ? t ,j3 .1 hurrcln, two boxen, two hanketn, two lollown: jnr nd two platen of one or more Hlaek TwIkC. I.. Green, Wun- ,vuriotien; Ilnrrv K. Nelnon, Chenter, atehee, firnt; II. M. Gilbert, North .NOTICK. (Wanh., necond, $100; A. J. Chamllor, Ynkiina, necond; K. K. Smnll, Wen 'Hpoknne, third, ntlver cup, 'ntflhoc, third. On account of tho lncrenol cost jiichncl Hornn of Wenntchee. who, Ualdwln Peter KinR, Selah, Hw'.; of fcetl, wo tho unilorslKnoU dnlry- caTIcl off the premiere honorn at IClickitnt Development Lenjruc, Gold men of Moil ord, fln.l It necessary to lh firNl ; 1(108( won fiv,,. ondn,0f WnRh f Hocond; A. G. Hall, ralso tho prlco of milk to ten conts npro ,rftct nf fn5l unil th Lllko. ChcInni tlir,j. . quart, retail, and 2C contn n Kallon, vi(,tt. ,,iHtrit.t( OrCK'oii, valued nt Hhode Inland GreemiiK-C. L. wholcalo. on and aftor Decombor 1. $m0i w;th 30 hoxeH of wintor Man- Green, Wenntchee, firnt; I). U. Smith, nnnn; Geort'e H. Spencer of Kntiat, Okanogan, Wnnb., necond; J. 1). WARNER & 8NIDRR. Wnnh., necond, $,r)0. It. M. Harrison Jonen. Mend, third. J. 0. CALHOUN, of Cnnhmcre, Wanh., won the Mcnd-t Nortliorn Spy It. Sweeny, Kel- j. n. hliimit, ow jjnj0 PpPCjni( fivo ncres of Intnl. owno, B. C, first; Coldstream Ranch, H. II. CALHOUN, valued nt $1250, with 10 boxen of Vernon, B. C.,' necond; no third. ' J. V. KRRZRR. (on jt.,Ujy npplon; William Ted- Stayman Wincnup II. P'-ickon ". ford of Wcnfttchco. necond, $50; P. Wenntchee, first; T. J. Wright, Wea- Snap; lot 50x100 with P. Poloqttin, Mnlnpn, Wnnb., third, ntehee, necond; P. L. PoM & Son., Chelan, third. Ben Davin C. L. Green. Wen- tunnjr concern; prico $lf00; incomo einl Chnrlen W. Iteed, Hood Ittvor, ntehee, necond; A. G. Hnll, Chelan, a. ii. Drowning, inini. POIt SAI.K fcood buildiiip, f blookn from bunt- Other winncrn Ic thin clnnn nre: nenn center; lenneil to a mauitfnu- Spitr.iubirp, Method Canal Spe- 1(1 per cent on Investment; thin in Or., firnt. $100; Our rate for cooking and heating is 5c per K. W. H., making the cost $1.55 per week ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. MEDFORD, OREGON Kilt-nlp); If interested, not quickly. Wcnatehee, necond, $50; S. P. Italph, Grimen' Golden EILsworlh Frnii"e. Addrcn Box 1(15. Modford. 215 Anhland. Or., third. Wenn itchpo. first; W. R. Gallon. Mead, second; J. T. Pogue, Omnk, Wnnb.. third. KitiB of Tompkins County W. R. Snndern, Mead, first; C. E. Atkin non, Green Bluff, second; James Spiers, Knslo, B. C.f third. Anj other standard winter vnncty John ITakcl, Hood niver, Or., firnt; William Hart, Cedonin, Wash., sec ond; A. G. Hall, Chelan, third. Other Awards. These nwnrds were made in the ntnto and foreiRn country groups, $100 to firsts nnd $50 to seconds for one barrel or three boxes, nny va rioty: Eastern, limited to Atlnnttc nnd New England stntcs Simons, Shut tleworth & Franco compnny, Now York, first; W. S. Tentor, Upper Red nook, N. J., second. Middle west, limited to middle west states nnd Ohio Jewell Nursery company, Lnke City, Minn., first; no second. Southern stntcs, to southern stntes John P. Fort. Athens. Gn.. first: Algnnin orchards, Calloway, Va., exceptionally well, for a season enjoyed it Some exhibittors have second. when tho crop was materially reduc- expressed dissatisfaction, but thoy Western states, west of Rocky ed by adverse weather conditions, always do." mountains Tronson & Guthrie, Wo believe special educntionad and Spltzcabergs Load. Eagle Point, Or., first; Ellsworth advertising steps have been nccom- ficureg of the judwa sW France, Wenatchce, second. 'plished through the medium of the . , . , . . ,., 0 chow tna t16 Spitzenbergs and Gnmes' Show a Success. snow. , " . , . . . . , ,, . . .Golden apples, world commercial When the final curtatn lowered on 'The remarkable increase m at-. standard8f rcach their dcvol. the Second National Apple show it tendance over last year, including J opment in the fruit irrowintr sections yua uviuio iuc uuuucr utuwu ui mu .vjsuuin. irum points ouisiae eice of ta0 northwest. Theso two vnri- weok, forming a fitting climax to northwest, shows how well the pur- tho months of effort of the trustees poses of the show were appreciated, and directors of the show and tho The show has been a success, exhibiting fruitgrowers of the north- j nigh Praise Is Accorded. we3t I "The show has beeh highly praised Despite the inclement weather of from an side3f and th0 trustees aro part of the week, the attendance fnr grateful for the patronage accord exceeded thnt of last year, with tho ed." exception of two days. The show nt-1 "The Bnow a winner." said H. C. trneted visitors from all pnrts of the Van Deman of Washington, D. C, presiding judge. "Tho fruit shown United Stntes nnd Canada Ren II. Rice, secretary nnd mnn nger, snid when the show was coil eluded: eties led all others at the show in quality, color, uniformity, commer cial value, freedom from fruit pests and general excellence. The pack of the northwest was commended by the judges. The holding of the third National Apple show next year is not fully decided upon, although highly prob able. A meeting of the trustees and business men will be held early next year definitely to decide the matter. "It's entirely up to tho business hns been of a uniform, high standard. Tho improvement over last year is remarkable, tho markings being high- men and exhibitors," said Secretary "The trustees nre gratified over cr. The next show will point out the Rice. "The show will more than the very successful show just closed, educational value of this one. My (likely bo held next year from what I We feel that the exhibitors have done work here has been hard, but I hnve can learn at present." INTENDING INVESTORS IF YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING- AN INVESTMENT IN THIS VALLEY, BUY PROM THE MAN WHO HAS SPENT HIS LIFE HERE, WHO KNEW THE SOILS IT CONTAINED BEFORE FRUIT WAS THOUGHT OF AS A COMMERCIAL COMMODITY IN THIS SECTION, WHO HAS WATCHED THE VERY BEGIN NING AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE FRUIT INDUSTRY HERE, WHO HAS BOUGHT THE PRODUCTS OF NEALY EVERY BEARING ORCHARD IN THE VALLEY AND WHO KNOWS EVERY FOOT OF LAND THE VALLEY CONTAINS. I HAVE LIVED THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS AND HAVE HAD TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN FRUIT GROWING HERE. TWENTY YEARS AGO I PLANTED 12,000 FRUIT TREES, THE LARGEST ORCHARD IN THE NORTHWEST AT THAT TIME. wHTEEN YEARS AGO THE FIRST TWO CAR. LOADS OF NEWTOWN PIPPIN APPLES WERE EX PORTED TO LONDON FROM THE NORTHWEST. THEY WERE SENT FROM THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY, AND I WAS THE EXPORTER. VALLEY, AND I WAS THE EXPORTER. I AM INTERESTED IN THREE HUNDRED ACRES OF ORCHARD HERE AT THE PRESENT TIME. THIS IS MY HOME AND I EXPECT IT TO CONTINUE AS SUCH. WHY BUY FROM ANOTHER, WHO MAY HAVE BEEN HERE BUT A YEAR OR SO AND WHO, A YEAR HENCE, MAY BE ELSEWHERE? WOULD YOU NOT RATHER ADVISE WITH A MAN WHO KNOWS THE VALLEY AND WHO WILL BE YOUR NEIGHBOR AFTER YOU LOCATE? THIS IS NO REFLECTION ON ANY RELIABLE REALTY DEALER OF MEDFORD YET IS WORTHY OF YOUR SERIOUS CONSIDERATION. ASK ANY OF THE BIG FRUIT GROWERS HERE ABOUT ME. ASK ANY OF THE MEDFORD BANK ERS OR THE BANKERS OF ANY OTHER CITY IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABOUT ME. THEY KNOW THAT I KNOW AND THAT I AM TO BE DEPENDED UPON. THINK THIS OVER AND WHEN YOU COME TO OUR COMMUNITY, CALL AND LET ME PROVE MY STATEMENTS. I SHALL BE GLAD ; TO ADVISE ANY NEWCOMER. 'I ii .1 5 .' V" k 3 John D. Olwell Exhibit Building Medford, Oregon