20 THElrtEDFORD "MAIL TRIBUl'nMEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1009. CURTIS WRITE OF ROGUE VALLEY Tells of Wonderful Records Rogue v River Fruit Has Made in the Great Markets of the World, j ! The highest prico over received in the United Stntcs ns $-1.(50 box for Bartlett penrs. Tho highest nvor igo on record stands in favor of tho Anjou pear, which sold for $4 a lov during an entire season. The hlvh-1 cost recoiil for any orchard is cred-j ited to yir. Hopkins, formerly of Chi-1 engo, who sold $10,000 worth of fruit from lO1 acres in 1007 to (llae & Hatfield. i It is assorted that the average profits on Medford pears during toe last five years have, been $700 an aero. i i i I The Fruit-Growers' association furnishes mo the following statement showing the maximum and minimum prices received lor mm oy tne or chardmen in tho vicinity of Medford during the year 190S. It is too early FIR CAR T1 LONDON SOLD Rogue River Fruit G'owcrs' Union Avcrago $3.06 for Nr.wtowns In the City of London. England. (By William E. Curtis in tho Chicago Record-Herald.) Rogue. River ponrs bring the high est prices. Pears will not keep like npplcs, however, and are sold by the to fn,ish a statement for 1900. box at auction immediately upon nr- Per Box. rival at market, to commission men. Cornice pears $4.50-6.(10 Kiirtltt niiniM -'l !.'. i '.. 2.50--J70 Tho first car of Hoguo lUvor Now towns sold In Liverpool, England, Saturday, went at an nvorngo of 128 ORCHARDS ARE HEALTHY, (Continued from page 17 ) incut. Tho irolitntout of such dis easas as authraonose, peach blight and other troubles which may be controlled by -spraying. N so oil undcrMnod that the grower- have al most foi-gtUtou about thorn. Timely and effective spraying prcvenls a recurrence of thce troubles, To show what horticultural iiwlructiou has done in the Rogue River valley, the remarks of a visitor at one of the meetings of the Horticultural soci ety may be quoted: "The orehardists of tho Rogue River valley must cer tainly be graduates, if not post- graduntes, in horticulture, since they 9d nor box. or S3.0G. Ttio apples comprehend readily a technical lee wore, shipped by tho Roruo niver turo on plant pathology which is nil A In:1r.m1 nf nMN IS TYindo 1111 III ., , Anion pears hurried eastward on passenger Boso pcarg schedule time. A car will be dropped winter Nelis pears off at Oranhn; another will bo run Newtown apples . down to Kansas City; others to Sr. Spitzenburg apples Louis; more to uncago ana mc resi jonatuan apples t. J- V- V I. Ti.:tnir,i.;n ' a a Sow land costs from $150 to $-250 and Boston, dropping off n car nt T. . e ... PUtsbur. Cleveland and Buffalo by an acre-. 14 cos f n ?me,o ! i i n . an acre 10 piu me sou in oruer ami ho the wav, where the commission men , e 01 " por J.V , ni;nn cntn set out tho trees, and an average of, arc notified and the auction sales '.. nwi take place. . 2.00-2.05 2.00-2.30 1.75-2.1)3 2.50-3.'l0 2.00-3.00 2.00-2.50 Fruit Growers' Union and woro es pecially selected tor the export trade, being small apples, which tho foreign trade has seemed to demand hereto fore. Later advices from tho mar kets, however, Indicate that tho larg er apples ar more In demand than heretofore and nro bringing from 50c to 75c moro per box than smaller sizes. Tho car above mentioned wtll net tho grower here In the neighborhood Ureok to me. Tins is, indeed, a compliment to tho orehardists of tho Rogue River valley. APPLES ASTOUND EAST. (Continued from page 17.) Quick Money Needed. My 20 lots including a good 5 room house, must go for $1000. Property just outside of city lim its. $2,500 cash) rest easy pay ments. Address Roy W. Harris, room 5, Palpis Rooming House, Mod ford, Oregon. 212 Oregon Agricultural Gol ! lege Winter Coursee WE DON'T DELIEVE YOU CAN DEAT THIS: Thirty-two acres in this tract, fine fruit land, about two miles from n shipping point, Tho buildings consist of a l'ivo-i'tiom box house, good-sized barn, etc. Thoro are 12 acres of 5 and O-year-old ap ples, mostly Nowtowus, with com mercial peaches planted between as fillers. Also three acres ( young pear trees and some family orchard. Four acres in alfalfa. Six or eight acres of timber, most, ly onk and laurel. Them is a pumping plant on tho placo which supplies water for tho garden and alfalfa, equipped with gasoline onginc. About 40 rods from a (Mod school. Has rural mull de livery and telephone. Prieo $10,500. Terms. W. T. YORK &. CO. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Ol'fioe: 201) WW Main St , Medfoid, Oru. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE $10 nn acre for five years to carry tf ti tliA linnmnrp crnmv limn tllP The bids are governed by the state cosl of producIllff the crop depcn,is. of the mnrket and the quality of the , .... , n:.,i.ers pears-the old law of supply and de- when th(J ruU ig rf p;ckers arc . ?fl?ItlKc ToS scarce' and thcy demand $1'75 n 0M ?o 8000 population. A January 4th. to February 18th, 1910. nnnLnn mnrkets This var the dfly' boardifS themselves, or $1.2o a Commorciai olubt of which Mr. Eifert Practical work, lectures and dem and Boston markets. This 3 .ear ti e day whcn they arJ bonrded . ucnr onstrutioI13 wiu be iven ; aucU vi. canieus sen ai nn w ui Johu D Qne of the moM Rl5Iroad station an exhibition tat subjects as General Fanning, per box in low as $2.80, ne carload sold for 3 70 Jobu u Ulwell one 01 u, m0Sl the nulroad station an c.xnioiuon mi suojecis as uenerai ranmug, nnton' another Bold a experienced apple and pear growers, bungalow, made mostly of glnss walls Fruit Culture, Animal Husbandry, g , tells me that the cost of production and which is electric lighted. On the Dairying, Poultry-keeping, tho Busi- tKnrrl mnn wlin nro nHc wu1 averago CO ceuts a box; the north is a rose garden with beautiful ncss Side of running, Forestry, Car rot.- 1 1 .1 M.H 1. nM. . ..., U"I; freicht on apples to New York City bloom the vear through. Insido the pentry, Blacksmithing, handle their own business but the' 13 50 ccnts n box' or $1 a hun,lred bungalow .there is a continual displav Drawing, Cooking, Sowing, frnit from the smaller orchards is pounds; on pears it is .?1.40 per hnn- 0f fruits, grains, mounted game, also making, Home Management. handled by an association, and each wim corresponu.ug rnie8 , finCs ot tislla sll0W mat wou.o ,o contributor receives credit on books when his fmit is sold. .Missouri river points. The -world's record for prices is .,.ncv;i P cin to RF held bv tho Rogue River. The Bear; VAU5iyi.ySI2TB.!, Creek Orchard company, nenr Med-j ford, sold a carload of Cornice pears at auction in New York City in 1907. for $4622.80. The best previous price for a carload of fruit was ob-j 1 it "V 1 5 f. tainea oy tne mucresi urcnara com stop 10 minutes and tho httlo show house is crowded with wondering tourists. SPLENDID ENTERTAINMENT Tho apples arc as beautiful and fraerrant as flowers, as cood to tho Mechanical Dnws-ctc. All regular courses Login January 4 and end February 11. Fanners' week, February 14 to 18. A cordial invitation is extended to all interested. Good accommodations may be se cured nt reasonable rates. No ago Manager Hazclrigg received tho eyo as the palate. The hearts of the limit above io years, o enirauco llowing telegram from the manager westerners are as large and fine as requirements. Prominent lecturers Eugene, where tho Pantages valid- the pippins. They are hustling boost- have been secured for special topics. 3le companv appeared last night, crs for one of the greatest countries Tho instructional force of tho college panv in New York in 1906 for 3450. and it evidently assures Aiearora in me worm ni max , n ""7J "-"V"";, Durbg Januan- mst (1909) a ship- theatergoers a first-class entertain- all say who have visited this coun- A special features the rarmers' SfS2 pears from the Hill- meat tonight at popular prices : try. Week which comes this year Febru- crest oreharf S in Indon for "Eugene, Or., Nov. 25,-Chas. Ha- Incidentally, we might mention that nry 14 to 18. Lectures, discussions, $10 08 Sr box wholesale which is zelrigg, Medford Or.-Pantages Mr. Eifert is one of Medford's lend- and a general reunion. $10.08 per box wholesale, wnica is ( vJ... ... . Q. . n . 6 busine3s men nnd hig manv liar- For further infonnation address TUhZI ''GEO. h" SMITH." din county friends will be pleased to Registrar, Oregon ,...w - - I ( learn, one of her most successful Agricultural Col lege. Corvnllis. Or. The Jackson County Realty Co. With offices over the Funnel's ami Fruit Growers bank, ' corner Main and Grapo streets, nro always prepared to show, you the best Jackson county lias in the real estate line from the unimproved land to the best bearing or f . chards, farm land or stock ranches; also city property. The manager has had ten years' experience in the county, which will aid the prospective purchaser. Seeing is know- ing. fc c JACKSON COUNTY REALTY COMPANY MEDFORD, OREGON r. nf xrntvAni in i Qiis rnpM. 'ti do ana ou cems. The Chalmers - Detroit - Outclassed All Others at Atlanta, Georgia Wins 5 Firsts 1 1 Seconds tot WE WANT YOTJlIO exohne these new MODELS. YOU WdjL FIND THEt QUALITY ALL THE WAYROt THE TAIL LIGHT TO THE RADIATOR. . THEY ARE REAL HIGH GRADE "BUZZ WAG ONS", ONLY THE "BUZZ" IS MUFFLED SO YOU CAN'T HEAR IT. MAGNETO INCLUDED? CERTAINLY, AND WHEN IT COMES TO FINISH AND WORKMAN-! SHIP, WE'VE GOT OTHER DEALERS "TRIM-? MED TO A FRAZZLE." COMPETITION? NO A7.l: ILVVJSN'T ANY. ALL ALONE SO TO SPEAK AND WE ARE PROUD OF BIDING LONESOME. GOING . TO S'J'AY SO,I TOO. ' . i CIIAL.MHHS-DiyrnOIT "30" TOURING. If cars hold up and win in contests, they naturally will give the utmost service at the lowest possible cost to the customers and owners. Any car that can go from Denver to Mexico City, or that can go 208 miles a day for one hundred consecutive days, as a Chalmers-Detroit "30" did, is a pretty safe car to buy. a The contest rallies of the American Automobile Association say that a car is a stock car if a manufacturer makes a minimum number of twenty five of that particular type. Some manufacturers have made twenty-five cars of a certain tvpe in order to get into certain contests. A Chalmors Detroit stock contest car is simply one of J000. It does not differ in stock specifications from any car we sell. If some one tells you his car won a race, find out whether it was a car out of a stock of twenty-fivd-or out of ' jugular stock ot hundreds o rthousands built to sen. We don't want any prospective buyer of an aulo mobile to believe these things merely because we say them. Make your dwn investigations. If you don'fc know yourself, please ask someone who does. Tho, more a man knows about automobilo construction, the easier it is for us to sell him a Chaliners-lJotvoit car. The utmost value at the price is our ambition, and wo Jet Chalmers-Detroit owners say whether wo realize it. Phone or Call on T H E V ALLEY AUT O CO. PHONE NO, 1861 1