THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1909. I FAR-AWAY HOLLAND PRAISES ROGUE PEARS Eiikoiio, Or., Nov. 22, JtlOU. Hal h. Coniutl, Motlfonl, Or.! )enr Sir- 1 inn HtnprlHiiil Id ni ci'lvo thin iiKiniiiiK 11 luttnr from iny i'utlirr, William Hilling, linn of liar. IK ft 1'VmuI, Holloiilum, IIiiIImimI, from wliloli 1 iiolo iih folio wh: "Vcntorday I wiik in Tim IIhkmi 1111(1 I lltlKllUtl III HIM) KOIIIU )L'llt'H in Ihixi'h marked, Mcilford, On)'oii, Tin) Ihwn. Vrvo nour Dulcli ponrH cannot wmipnro wllli tliutri. Tlio fruit dualor got thorn from Hughinc and I K'ot hoiiio of tliom' at 25 anil .'ID ci'iilH apioco (10 lo 32 oontH in Am erican money). Tlio puar nro Himp ly wrappi.'il in a pioco of paper ami could Im Hliippcd no iih lo arrive huru in miii'li butter condition, but they an; ho dolieloiiH llial tlio fincHt puadi mBBb ' BkBBBl C. B .WIIISIiKK AND ONK OF HIS FANCY PKAKS. Mr. WliMcr in milliliter of tlio Hoar Creek orcluirdu, wIioho pears arc noted the world over for their quality. Time and timu uitiii tlio Kcnr Creek orehard him HinnHlicd world's record for high prices. His D'Anjous and Cornice took firnl prizo for l"diljyjittlio A. V. 1. exposition. licinj; tlio Blnto whero you nro now living, it attracted my attention, and I noticed that tho poar wero wrap ped in pnpor, of which I hcixI you ono herewith. Knoh papor was im printed 'Ilcnr Creek Orchard, C. II. Lewis, Mcdford, Or.' and in load pen cil was written, 'Ilogiio Hivor VnKoy Cornice.' Thia in nothing wonder ful, because wo soo Amoricnn fruit hern fre(inutly, hut (Iicho Cornice ponra which coino from your neigh borhood nro no wonderfully delicious tlmt peoplo lioro nro dolihtrd wit'i jor tho most delicious grnpo cannot bo compared with thctn." Ah ho is nil importer of American produce, ho wnuts to know if Mr. Lewis hhips theso penrs to Kuropo or whether this is dono through mid dlemen. Would you kindly write mo or nsk Mr. Lowin to write mo, for thoro heeniH to bo'ho rcntfbn why this bus iness should not bo dono direct and tho grower get tho middleman's extra profit. ' JOHN n. TIARTOO. 8PECIAL RATE TO THE OREGON THRESHERS' ASSOCIATION, At The Dalles, Or., December 2 and 3, 1909. One and one-third furo on tho cer tificate plan will bo inn do from all points on the Southern Pacific (lincH in Oregon) to Tho Dalles and return. Tickets on hiiIo November 20, 30, De cember 1, 2 and .'I. Final return limit December (1. Important addreHRns will be made by representatives of tlio V. B. de jmrliiHMit of ncriciilture, ilepurtme'it of goml roads; l'rof. Philip S. Itoe, Madison, Wis.; H. H. Clark, editor American Thrcnliermnii ; Hon. Lionel K. Webhter, Portland, Or., and otli ers, on subjectH .of importance. I wo hundred dollars in gold will lie given as prizes for the best wheat raised in Oregon. Silver cup for outfit threshing $100 prize btifdicl of grain. I'or further information call on any Southern Pacific agent, or write to William McMurray, general pas senger agent, Portland, Or. A Methodist Minister Recommends Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and.Dlarrhooca Remedy. j "I have used Chamberlain's Colic,! Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for! several years for diarrhoea. I co:i-i sider it tho bent remedy I have over tried for that trouble. J bought a but- tlo of it n fow days ago f-otn our druggist, Mr. K. R. Brooks. I shail over bo glad to speak n word in it prniso when I hnvo tho opportunity." Rev. J. D. ICnnpp, pnstor M. B. church, Miles Gr-ve, Pn. Sold by Leon H. Ilaskins' Phnrmncy. OIVINO OUT. The Strngglo OlBcouragcs Many a, Citi zen of Mrtiora Around nl. 1u) witn m aching back; mo pleasure U cknowJgo ths bene fit ierivrrf fri.rr, n use of Doan's Kldnoy Pills. , luffcred from a voro case of kldnrv complaint. My back acbed constancy and l th'w;bl I would nerer gft rob'l. 1 alto bad r dull, dragging pain t, -rush m? iclti which robbed mo of u 11 imhitfnn. finally procured n box o i lean 'a Kid ney pllla at Ilaiklru'a dr.iir itort. Tt only took a short-so of iIa rcraedr tocntlrely euro mo. I glvo ibo or lif for the great chango to Doan v uey Pilla." For anlo by all dealers. Prief ' cents. Foster-Milbarn Co., Now i ork, solcsolo agents for tbt United States. Remember tho name Doan 'a and take no other. SO Can't rest at night; Enough to make any ono "jrivo out." Med ord Furniture Co. The Only Complete House furnishers in Southern Ore. Have Just Received a Carload of Stoneware s Think of what this means. It means that they are doing the business. Doing the business means selling at a small margin of profit. Ladies are especially invited to call and see our novelties in Royal Doulton, Old Ivory, .Cut Glass, Haviland China, white and decorated; Nippon Jardineres, Silverware, Glassware and Graniteware. Everything a lady wants for a gentleman; every thing a gentleman wants for a lady may be found in this store Timely Christmas Suggestions Something for Every Member of the Family, Brcrther, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandmother, Grandfather, Yes, the Baby, and all the Best of the Relatives The benulifiil and useful things wc have will make them as happy as can be, and think of the amount of money we save you. "Ehe worry of what shall I get for this one, or that one, is eliminated at our store, for we have spent months in selecting and buying our stock and have not overlooked a single item; further, wo have everything displayed so you can sec at a glance just what you are looking for. Further, if you have not decided,' a walk through our store will convince vou what you ought to buy. CHRISTMAS PURSr-TAILOR SUITS KID GLOVES SWEATERS WOMEN'S COATS UMBRELLAS LADIES' WAISTS SHAWLS DRAWN WORK DRESS GOODS HOSIERY SILKS SUIT CASES MEN'S NECK WEAR MEN'S FANCY SHIRTS LADIES' NECKWEAR and thousands of other good things tit reduced prices. Ladies' Fancy Waists 4 Ladies' fancy "Waists in silks, taffetas, messalines, nets, linens and madras cloths. Wo have a rango of prices that will moro than please you. Our $4.50 taffeta waist can not bo duplicated at $G.50 just tho articles for tho Christmas timo. Ladies' Furs We hnva one of the largest lines of furs that has ever been displayed in this city. All kinds of fur, all stylo?, from the cheap to the highest priced. Seo what we have at $2.50 to 5.00. Just the thing for Christmas paesonts. ' i, . -- Fine table linons for Christmas Special prices on ladies' Cloaks. Wo Christinas Pillow Tops, Stenciled Ladies' Rain Coats, $12.50, $15.00, Shawls, Sweaters etc. at Christ- $1.25 per yard. This is better linon have all the newest cloths and styles Cushion Slips, on burlap, one of the 8i' iuilks' mohls. and,,inohail'' u mas bargain prices' Wo have tho than you have ever bought before for ami are selling this line at this season luost poplUa, 'of reccilt Ls in fancy 'tot t L of" woolen and silk kni? $1.j0, $1.7.). at less than one-quarter usual prices, 1 1 fomuI in J,1V dt yQ wjmt tQ shawls and sweaters, and they aro , Napkins to match, special, $4.00 $7.50 to $25.00. Lot us show you woikj DacJcs tomatcii, -oe to7oc,spe- seothom We back what wo say with nil marked at a saving of one-quarter dozen. what a saving wo can mako you. cial. the goods always. All sizes. to you. DON'T BE ONE OP THOSE ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH, WAIT UNTIL THE CHRISTMAS HOUR IS HERE, AND THEN AWAKE TO THEACT'STHAT" THE CHOICE THINGS HAVE BEEN TAKEN BE ON HAND NOW. THESE PAT BARGAINS CANNOT LAST LONG. YOURS FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS, W. H. MEEKER & COMPANY