Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 28, 1909, Second Section, Page 15, Image 15

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f i IwL. Srtiiioti ly
I IUHH IJltlflMyil
Ooo ii, .Nov 7. - I m hi nt ItiiMMi'll
pli'iuiii'il lining til I In- Ili'ouUlyii Tuber
iiuehi friuii (hi' text lib-lie. lit) miiIiI:
Mir text picphellcally rcpicm'iiN tlio
itttlliiiU' ut iiiliul uf (iiV inn ii'itpl. who tint nlli'iiH mill Htnincr.i
from !ixl would mil thus 1 1 in. v. Even
If they wen icpctituiit (lii'lr llrst pray
rr mIhuiIiI bo In I he iiittiirn of u con
foNNluii of mIiin unit mi nekunwledg
lllu'il of llit'lr acceptance of timl's
mercy III t It forglvcncM of thi'lr hIiih
ill'-' ;if IiIh m-reptlng tln'iii to be IiIh
i.'lillilri)ii through tlu merit of tin- lti
dootner, Hut oven (hone wlm have be
come children of Coil, hy renouncing
fin mill cxcrdHlng fnltli In IMvInc for
kIvi'IH'mm In tln uii'rlt of ClirUt. have
ntlll to nekiuiwh'dgi Hint liy nature
they wore "children of writ th even iih
others." Although (liny urn wived by
grace, only their mliid. thi'lr heart.
llit'lr wills, Iiiiu yi't been saved or
fully reconciled to !m ntul li.nii't
liUod to tlit Divine will. Tln'lr tlib l
Htlll Imperfect, flllll'll.
Hence, In tln hiuguuk'i of tln Psalm
lit. It In appropriate Hint tln I.okI'm
m'oii take knowledge of tlii-lr own
IiIoiiiInIum, Imperfection!, niul that they
Mi'U tin'' lord's iiHHlNt.inrc In lighting
llll' COIKl light IIUIllllHt tllOU IlkMllNlll'H
of lliclr lli'fili. Thank Coil, thin battle
of tin' New ('ten l ii ri. tin' iii'w iiilml.
Ilii new will, iiuiiliiit tlii fulli'ii Hi'nIi
niul It ii appetite will tint In forever;
to Hie faithful. death will lie tin i'Iimc
of till' colllllct. Till' Ktnrllll'il Itcilei'lll-
it N watching over tin- Interi'its of hit
people, lie guarantee us In advance
tlint nil of our trial, our dltlleultlo.
it ti ii II work together for our splrUiiiil
welfare. Mi guarntitcoi uh tlint when
hi' m Itn II lin vi Miitlltlciilly tented our
new mind, our new wills, by thooppu
xltloil of till' craving of the llcsli. he
will forthwith declare our t rial ciuli'il
-declare uk victor niul heir of glory.
Iiouor niul liniuortnllty with himself,
tireordlng to thi' exceeding great niul
precious promise of hi Word.
Tht Objtct of Our Tatting.
Thu ipii'Htliui nrlxi'M, Why hIioiiIiI not
tint Kniiit' to uh niul to nil iiiuti
lilntl mi ciihIit trial than In iiurN? Why
hIioiiIiI tlwro In' a fallen i!lpfltlon to
Unlit tiKnliiHt) Why xhotilil It not Im
iih 1'itny, or inori' inny, to do rllit than
to do wroiiu'' Why Hhouiil we not
linvi' Hi'xli v til. h mIiouIiI InKi' a U"ih
Wliu Can '..VI.. His
J. i fin '
"Ckaii i(.tu. .ci i C , '
Unit ihy i..u , ,.. . ...,u..
Sinn 'I Imi i Up ,tt'.j,. rj I S
IV Imiownt I 11 a l'. Gratt I
('Mint tit, 12. i j).
itiivIiik ini'i'i'ly, mill lot nu mil iyii
lux' Ami If we ihiihl li.ivc mi rill
cnivliiK, why nn mo not nt iit r.-
lll'VI'll Of tllll OtllVVIII'll Il'tllptlKlMllT-
whlrh cm hi' liiotc oll cr.n I. n'l-
ll'lUpllllloilM fl'illl I'll' yV'..l IllH.llt 114.
Iiii'llhx to oiil ri.ihvr Una to L"!.
niul, iiiTinilliiu' to thi' s riptui'iM n. il
our I'xpitrlitiu i'H, ii'iiiptMiluiiH mo from
Satitii 1 1 1 1 i mi r. anil froui lli fulli'ii mi
KcIh. who I'niiiliiually iiilciti'iir to In-
IIMIlll' tlpl tlx. lln llc IH In IIUKiT.
iiiiiIIh'. Ii.iti'ul. s i!.'.' .nil tin1 viiJii'I
worliM of the Hi'hIi mtl i: i! rll V
'J'lll'H' ItUl'illnlK art' I i.l lllll'I'IIMnll-
alilc, niul Coil ni'ltuuwliil ft"i thin wlii'ii
In tilaiwri in tint JiihI Much ravorauU'
I'onilltloni iih tln'of iitii'MtloU") nuuKi'it
will In provliliil for tin' Mm hi i f iniiii
Ifluil iIiiiIiik tin .MIIIoiiiilMiu .Satan
ami tlio I'Vll tui'.'lit under IiIh (nptilu
Vy will In' ivNtrniiitil ih i onMiiK to tin
llilili mill in. i In' pi'rtiilttiM i iimii'st
uiauklnil lu i'.l Iukn niul h-i-ts'i'MtloiiH,
W icnil that Siilmi hIiiII In
lioiuitl for a lli'diHMinl yttnrn that hi
mny iliK'i'lvo tint pfoplc mi utnri until
t hi thoiiHiiml y imi in la lliilnticil (ltcv
t'latloiiM xx. 'Ji. Id'lli'f 1h iiIho promlrti'il
from tin liijurlotirt coniluct or ntliem.
In that w an nxfiuri-il that ilurliii; tin
MIIIciiiiIiiiii iti.tliliiK hIuiII hurt or iti
utroy throiiKhoiit CkI'm holy KIiikiIoiii.
In that hlfHHisI tlim I'vory ovll ili-iil
will In i'iMtiiilni'l that It may not nc
coiiiiIIhIi Injury to nimtlior. whlU oven
the I'tTort to commit hIii will lu
promptly puiilNlii'il with strlMH:" not
mi Imiiiiiiloratt. not mi unjust tortur
ing for ci'iitiirlif. for Unite hIiim, hut,
nH tin SiTlpuirci (iH'Inri, n JiiNt rovoin.
pi'iiin of rcwnnl will he ulivii l)th to
tin JiihI ami to the unjimi.
The Srrlpiunw iiHuin uh that promnt
iiiwh In tin puiilHluitciit for hIii, ami Uh
ri'iiHomilik'nt'i.. its rlKhtcoiinii'Hs, will
ho promptly itH-oaiilziit ami iptlckly
bear rrultmic tliP'iiKlioiit the world In
peace ami oriler-i'UliteiiitHUi'HH. Thus
we rem!, "When Thy JiiilKiueiitH nre lu
the earth, the InhahltmitH of the world
will learn rlhteoiiHiicHi" (Innmli xxvl.
1J. The preachliti: of this rciiHnimlile,
rlKhteotis Juilumeiit of the future sure
ly benrH much better frultam than the
preachltii; of the "dark iikos," now for
tunately illHiipiM-nrliiK that the wn;c
of n trlltltiK hIii niluht In either u . i :i
tury of nciMliiu' or an eternity r it
lllellt Tie e ciuiiT'iMoji r tie el.
i Nil
The Cheapest and Best Located
Land in Rogue River Valley
If you want a home here that will be worthf every dollar invested, you
mistake in purchasing one or more of these tracts,
partly in bearing fruit and alfalfa.
Htlncllvcly niHlHts ami rejeclnjt
I he next .p.ery w, shall nnW.. r Is.
A fit ( rid'ii iviii iii.j.j.iiii I ' 4 ii.l If mil
ii It tJ r Mil' IHHH I ! If T
Why Hltoulil hn ptovlile at t In- presi'iit
Hun' for the Irlnl ami d'HtJiu of Hut i
Church 1 1 in ! it 1'iiiiilltloiiM ho itiM' li more
Hiivere thiiu llinse wlil-ii hIihII picvnll
hy ami by, iluilrm the ,Mlll-iiiilinn7 !
Why iitiiit ur battle mkmIihi tin Ail-
versnry mid ItU mlnlniis iim well as
if.-illi't i tir f I'. 'i mIi' W'tv nut,'
v e font 'lid . I'll uliiful i p;i nitidis In
out' lie! ''lb irli mN niul 'ir li'i'iii's?
Why Hhntilil nut evil In every hjiihu of
word tie riMtralned for us iw well
iih for the uni Id during the .Millennium
ami our way be made hiiioiiIIi also?
The Herlptuii'H answer that the
Church ehiHS, which Cod Is now hc
Iim'IIiik or electliif from the world. Is a
very npeclal class, for which he has
very ulorlous iIimUiis or Jnlnt helrslilp
with the llcileemer III lil kindly ami
plleslly olllci's fur the blessing or the
world durltiu the .Millennium. Tin
(.realness of the dignity to which the
faithful will be exalte! malies It lea
Honable that the terms and conditions
should be cxcciIIiikIv dllll' Ult In this
way. Hence we read that the Mite Is Um In remembrance "the horrible pit"
dltllcult mid the way a narr-'W one. h j ! of olii from which we were lifted by
that few limy ilml It. These few tire j the (,'rnclouH merit or the ltsleeiner by
the "elect," whom character-superior which wo wero Justified. All of these
Ity will be fully evidenced to Cod, to oxperlencoH will doubtless be helpful
iiiikcIh am! nj men to be such ns fully to us by drawing uh the more frequent
JustllleH the Lord lu granting to iIi-iii !' to the "throne of grace, that wo
the high rewind promised. Were their 1 mny obtain mercy, and llnd grace
honors no greater than those the world 1 (merit) to help In time of need" (Hc
Hhall experieiiii'. Imw could Cod's ways brews Jv, 10).
be Just anil eipial :i graniliu them the
heavenly nattiie and Divine glory.
while awarding the world of mankind
restitution blessing ami a worldwide
IMcu home corresponding to what was
lost by Adam mid redeemed for the
willing and obedient by the sacrltlce
of the mail Christ Jesus'
Who Underitands Hit Error?
If now we have clearly before our
nit ml m that It Is tlie t. Inircli class who
lire nddrcHHed lu bur text, let us exnm
luo the various steps It HUgf-cstH. Dur
ing the Millennium the errors mid ne
wt faults mid presumptuous Mas of
the world will nil lie made manifest
mid nil be openly rebuked and pun
Ished. Hut not so now. Those who
nre now called to be or the elect j
Clulrch are expected to be so zealous
for Cod, ho di'Klroiis to know and to do !
his will, ho opposed to hIii, that they ,
will voluntarily search ror their own '
errors, their own Nccrct fnults, mid '
strive against presumptuous sins.
When we remember that Cod, for
Christ's sake, has forgiven the sins of
the Church, the nuestlou mny arise,
What then Jre these fnults or errors'
If nil of i ur h'. is nre fm .h en freely
for Chrl-i - t . then re
main to be i i ,.m .. The answer Is
that through faith lu Christ's bliil wo
were fullj forgiven "the sins that are
past,-through the forbearance or God"
(Hoiuaus III. -."). We Hlialt never more
bo held responsible ror sins great or
nmall which were oura berore we came
to tho Lord mid accepted his grace, his
For Ftlrther
I rorlvont'HS, mid hemmo IiIh follower.
t) , coimocratlon of our llttlo
I f. .
nil to lilm. Wlmt reiiinliiH of hIii with
tm Im Hie lmperfeetloii or tin, flculi mid
Uh Inherited wumUiwhhch, anil lliewo
blemlHliDH may lit with uh to our dying
day In coiiHliluruhlu incimtiri'. It Ih
iiKalitHt thtnO that wo unmt lllit -llk'ht
the C'oil Ik'lit ami emlun liiinlnefiii an
valiant hoIiIPth or rlirliieoUHtteHM,
Hut H.iiiie i lie to '' I' '1'ilH'. 1 1 i. it the
merit or (MuIhI n-iii. n a only for
the hIiih Hint an par.t. but for all or
our iimwIIIIiil' blemlslifH or the tiant
! , f ,j, future? In other wordH,
Ioes not our Iord'n HntlHfaetUjn of
Justice Include our Imperfei'tloiiH pr
etit mid future, whli li are the result
of Adam's hUt ami our Inherltnuco of
thu fallen condition, iih well as ntono
for our hIiiji of the pant prior to our
ncccptnncL of the IJIvltie mercy' Wc
niiHwer, Vtn, HiIm Is quite true; never
tliebMH the Lord teuulrcH of us tlint,
after coming Into the family of Cod,
wo Hhall take note of our Imperfec
tions mid apply to lilm for Hecl(lc for
glveneHH of ull trniiHurenHloiiH. Uoubt-
leHH this Is Intended to itHHlst uh In
' keeping humble-to iimsIhI us In keep
The o00d of Chritt Cleanteth.
Tlio expression, "The blood of Jchus
Cirl)l cteaiucth us from nil hIii," refers
not merely to the sins that nre past
and the cleansing which uas ourrf at
the moment we llrst accepted the
Lord's favor, but rather, especially, It
refers to the cleansing which Ih con
tinually uecesiiry to the maintenance
of our relatloiiHhlp with the. Lord. Tho
forgiveness, the demising, is freely,
promptly given, but conditionally, it
must be applied for. This Is the Lord'a
method of Instructing us in tho way
of righteousness mid of assisting us to
overcome the oiiiMisltlons and tcinnta
Hons of the world and to become nt
heart "over. omers." He knows our
weaknesses better than we do; nnd ho
wishes us to learn or them, tiot with
a view to dlncotmiKlug us, but that wo
may light n gtsd tight against them,
compter them mid, lu mi doing, develop
the characteristics which ho approves
and has protnNcd to reward with Joint'
heirship with the Itedeemer lu tils
Hence, Instead or openly rebuklug
his people, the Lord leaves as ours tho
work or searching ror secret raulta nnd
putting them away. In proportion as
we love lilm, we will bo desirous of
doing those things which please Mm,
thus living lu his smile, under bh ap
proval, it l.i quite sufllclent (tint tne
light of the Lord's countenance, his
Btnlle, should be withdrawn from those
who do not walk the narrow way with
Information Call On
zeal who do not xoek for thefr owii
faults and" endeavor to correct llienl
mul to thus make character Art those
ik being called grow In love for the
Iy 'd, every hindrance to Ills favor will
quickly noted. It Is thl.i class that
lu our text Is represented as seeking
Divine nHHlutniicn In the searching out
of ,icir Hceritt fntiltM.
Home or those raulta mny bo known
to -ii-soIvoh nnd the Lord. l.:t un-
ki v :i to f llowmi-n. The h.'.ift that
Is truly convert d to the Ird nnd to
harmony with nil the principles or
righteousness which he represents
must more nnd more desire full per
fectionfull victory over the weak
nesses of tho Hash, and nniHt strive for
this condition. Other secret faults
may be secret from us but well-known
to the Lord nnd posidldy quite plainly
manifest to our brethren nnd neigh
Ixirs. How eiirinwily nil who are truly
the Lord's people should eek to fee
themselves n others see them, nnd to
correct those faults which hitherto
hnvo been nccrct to themselves.
Assuredly the Lord'fl nHslstnnce In
necessary lu this work; but, in praying
to lilm. In tho Inngungo of our text, we
should remember Hint his method of
answering our petitions Is to show us
the facts of our ense, and then to en
courage us by his promises to light a
good fiht ngalnst the weaknesses thus
brought to our attention. The Itlblo Is
the Lord's lamp. The Spirit of Its won
derful teachings, like n two-edged
sword, Is shnrp ami penetrating. It
can discern or discriminate lietween
the very thoughts nnd Intents of tho
heart which deceive so many Into
thinking a wrong cournc Justifiable.
The Christian who makes continual
and good list of this "sword" will soon
Ilml that with its assistance ho Is able
to analyze hit men mutltc lying lclilnd
his words and his acts; will sometimes
find himself secreting them, and some
times masquerading them ns graces
and virtues.
The dlttlculty with the mnjorlty of
Christian people neems to bo that they
have never undertaken a close scrutiny
of the witlrvH lying behind their words
or their deeds yea. the motive or In
tentlo'i lying hidden lu their own
minds. The reason for this laxity, tho
reason for their failure to follow up
with the M'lirelillglit nnd to "bring
every thought Into captivity to the will
of Coil lu Christ" Is that they have not
yet attained to a sulilclcncy of love for
righteousness mid a sulllclency of u
hatred for Iniquity. The reason for
this condition of things may bo that
they nre "babes in Christ" who have
in the past fetl merely upon the milk
of tho Word and not upon the strong
ment and nre, therefore, weak In the
faith and weak every way along the
lines of Christian character develop
ment. What they need Is more love
for the Lord and a greater apprecia
tion of his Word, which will lead to
more earnest study of the same.
"The entrance of thy words glvetli
light" (Pnalm cxlx. 130). As the Word
of tho Lord duells richly nnd abounds,
It cdncatcs us "resie"cUng Ood'd will
nnd its ntnmliird.i nnd. If wo nre obedi
ent (o fits will nnd hl.i gracious pur
poses, we "Sill endure, his tests and
ulUmrttelystrttid approved ns our Lord's
Joint-heirs lu his Kingdom.
Keep From Pretumptuout 8lnt.
Ono of tho great character tests im
posed upon the Church Is humility. It
Is not sulllclont that we love right nnd
linte wr-nx aul unanh for even our
Hixret rnuU. Kveii nrtor attaining
IMirfoetlon might bo presumptuous
mid, If ho, be unlit for the propost't ex
altation, Kntan, when a holy angel
cnlhsl Lucifer, the .Morning .Star, was
perfect; but the tin of prctumptlon
crept Into his heart nnd blighted every
thing. Ho Hatnn strove to tempt our (
Lord, who was perfect, to commit n
presumptuous sin, through which ho
would have made shipwreck of his ca
reer. Ho wished him to presume upon
Cod's goodness and abundant care, not
by starting a rival empire, ns Satan
himself had attempted to do, but t
presume, nevertheless, upon Divine
goodness to the extent of Jeopardizing
his life by leaping from the pinnacle
of the Temple and trusting that God
would suspend the laws of naturo and
work a miracle for his protection,
when no such miracle was necessary,
because no such hazard bad been de
manded. Applying this matter of presumptu
ous sin to the Church of our day; wo
And some who appear to be tho Lord's
people presuming upon his goodness
and mercy and love by Jumping from
financial and other pinnacles nnd
trusting for miraculous protection
from disaster. This, to our under
standing, is presumptuous sin. Some
times we see presumptuous conduct
amongst elders and others in the Body
of Christ, much after the manner of
Moses' transgression, when presump
tuously he smote the rock, while God
had merely bidden him to speak to
the rock. For pastors and elders of
the Church to assume and to exercise
an unscrlptural lordship over tho
Church would appear to us to be a
presumptuous sin a presuming to tako
place and authority not bestowed by 1
tho Lord. On the contrary, sometimes 1
a congregation of the Lord's people ,
mny be presumptuous In neglecting
tho Scriptural direction to take heed to
those who have the rule over them
and watch for their souls, ns those
who must give an account. In how
many ways might wc be presumptuous
nnd Ignore the Lord, his supervision '
over the Church, and his message to
us in his Word! I
Our text declares, "Then shall I be I
fnnocent of the great transgression"
Innocent of anything which would '
prove me unworthy or eternal lire and
worthy of everlasting death "the Sec
ond Death."
Egotism. !
The more oue speaks of himself the
less he likes to bear another talked of
La voter.
can make no
Polar Etlqutttet
Wc did .not hesitate to tnko advan
tage of the cache mndo by Ahruzzt on
Cape Flora; Showing time the dtttto
wns sere In warmer climes, for It la
polar etiquette that tho llrst hungry
party that finds a cache Is at liberty to
tnko tho supplies. Such action has al
ways been regarded as perfectly law
ful mid propor. becnuso the rood Is
taken to sustain life, and as in our
own case, they are ready to make good
if they ever get out alive In addition
to the canned moats left by the Abruz
zl expedition, (hero were some which
nn L'tigllsu party had cached - Captain
Edwin Collin's Story of the Zleglor
I'olar Expedition lu National .Maga
zine, Different Caddie.
Some New Yorkers wanted to go
around the links nt .Manchester, Vt.,
says the Saturday Evening Post. They
could find no caddies.
Presently two boys came In with
tome players.
"Caddies." snld the New Yorkers,
"come on nnd go nrouud with us."
"Nope," said one of the boys. "Wa
done enough today."
"Come on and take our bags."
"No. We've done enough today."
"Why, caddies down In New York
where vre live are always glad to earn
some extra money by going around as
many times ns thoy can."
"Yes," replied one of the Vermont
boys, "but I cni'late tbcra caddies
down there Is all paupersV'
The Dttti'nguiihed Man.
It was the second time they bad
dined at the cafe, which was some
what imposing with Its vaulted cell
ing and its German decorations of
plaques and steins. A man kept walk
ing back nnd forth through the room.
He did this several times before be
finally disappeared.
"It seems to me." she whlspeved.
"that I have seen that distinguished
man before somewhere. Haven't I?"
"Yea." said he. "Y.ou saw him hero
tho night you came to dine with nic.
He's the head waiter." New York
Disraeli the Dandy.
A contemporary of Lord Disraeli lu
his memoirs recorded this Impression
of that famous dandy's personal ap
pearance: Usually he wore n slate col
ored velvet coat lined with satin, pur
ple trousers with a gold band down
the outside seam, a scarlet waistcoat,
long laco rutUes falling down to the
tips of his tlugers. white gloves with
brilliant rings outside then) and long
black ringlets rlppllug down over his
shoulders. When lie rose lu the bouse
he wore a bottle green frock coat, with
a white waistcoat, cotlarless. and a
needless display of gold chains.
"I remember," wrote Wesley, "hear
ing my father say to my mother, "How
could you have the patience to tell that
blockhead the same thing twenty times
over?" 'Why, said -jhe. if 1 had told
him but nineteen times I should have
lost all my labor!' "