'PEtS MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2(5, .1001). i $ EAGLE POINT EAGLETS $. By A. C. Howlett DECEMBER LIST OF When I wrote my lust article Cot Miss Klsio Nye anil her mother tire ' the Mail Trihnne 1 was on my way to earing for William Von iler llclleu's , Portland, anil while 1 was gone I children while they are away to Port- Clerk IssilCS Call for December Term' jotted down n few items that I land, Mrs. Von der llellen having p t I thought might he of interest to the gone there for the purine of having! 01 11,0 wrcuu ( readers of Ilogue Kivcr valley. an operation informed for nppen- Court. The first item of interest to at dicitis. The operation was perform- J least some of the readers of the Mail od in the Good Samaritan hospital ! Tribune, was the meeting of Hob An- last Saturday and Sunday morning1 The llst ot juror, f0r tho Decern-1 dewm and family on the car on their 1 saw her and she was feeling fine. bw Qf ,m8 .u M I way to Tncoma to visit his father in The Paeitio !c bastern Itailroail his declining years. Mr. Anderson ! company have a gang of men at the j ,0"loW8: j was well and favorably known m railroad bridge watching to keep the, W. S. Stancltff, I'hoonlx, farmer; j Medford and Eagle Point in the con- driftwood from bnnking against it. as( J. H. Chambers. Ashland, merchant: struetion days of the Pacific & Butte creek has been quite high, al-! T v. Iiwton, Medforl. merchant: Eastern railroad. Since be was though not near so high as it wis George Irwin, Ashland, farmer: Lee here he has been situated at uohl-. seven years ago. lher have pnte a field. New, but he now thinks that he force of men stationed there and are nlnck Uuch- farmer; Hey Turn will remain in a more northern conn- j doing good work and lots of it, con- baugh, Phoenix-, farmer; Aaron Heck,1 try and expresses a preference for sideling' that it has 'rained so much Butte Kails, farmer; II. L. Oregoryy. 1 this valley. I the past two weeks. Along the dif- central Point, farmer: W. X. Grubb. ' Ashland, farmer: L. A. Abbott, Tnl- TUe next one of whom I shall feront camps the men report that write is J. E. Stepp and John Iseli, they are getting their camps arrang the two men who owned the-Round !ed so as to have things convenient Top mill that was burned the sum mer of IflOS. They are both living and mnko the nurti comfortable. Charley Thomas had a runaway in Kirlnnd, Portland. Mr. Stepp is with his team last Sunday and came in the real estate business and Mr. Iseli is working at h trade as cab near being killed, with the re.-ult that he got off with one horse having his ent, farmer: E. O. It fowl I, Sams Val ley, farmer; U. II. Halley. Medford. hotel proprietor: S. K. Adams. Sams Valley, farmer; L. D. Ilrown. Med ford, fanner: II. A. Hawkins. Jack sonville, minor; John A. Wright, inet maker. They are both doing leg broken so as to have to be killed. Phoenix, farmer: George E. Fox, Cen- VANITY'S VISIONS. A Radical Cli-njj- Hnt Tnken PUce In Hfllrdreitlng Blouie Fashloni. The coiffure Is now quite Hat over the forehead, built rounded at tho sides, lyud when decorated sometimes three bands cross (he fotvlieitu and end with little bows among the purfs at the sides, lly tue uiTiingetuciit the hair Is parted on one side ami Is built at the crown of the head In a loose knot, Dangling lurls bang down the right side. The picturesque high coif fure Is Hat over the front and medium snug at the sUlos. though ornamented with curls. mouses opening on the side are very new and stylish, and this waist fash Ion has started the craxe for one sided Jabots. Motoring sets of furs comprising a wide, long scarf and a muff are shown In squirrel lined with gray opossum. Hlnck chiffon broadcloth was used to make a handsome draped gown which had little to relieve Its severity save a row of little slashes bound with black. satin, which opened to reveal a band of satin In brilliant Persian col orings. The slashes appeared on both bodice and skirt. Skirts that are either plaited or gath ered and attached to yokes are among the notable features of the season. The full skirts of the past year can be made quite up to date by being Joined to one of these yokes. As tlu older skirts are apt to bo fuller thr.n well, but are dissatisfied with Ion v. the tral Point, farmer: Chsrles Fields. , Applegate, farmer; L. F, Ldzler. Med ford, farmer: W. M. Chllders. Gold and had his buggy broken all to wet, cold winters up around pieces. Fortunately he had refused Speaking about cold to tnke his children with him at all, weather,; ;Mr. Iseli told me that nt the, though his wife had asked him to. and Hill, farmer: E. Watson, Butte Falls, time we hnd a little cold snap here as a general thing he took them with fanner: J. W. Hatcher, Ashland, so ns to freeze ice as thick as n pane , him, and hsi wife had been in the farther; John Cameron, Ashland, mor-, rif glass, Uint it was so cold in East and driving the team, although one of chant: C. H. Gillette. Ashland, real! Portland that th-y'ater pipes bnrsted jhabit of taking the children with her estate: H. D. Kubll. Applegate, farm and that the ground -was frozen fro the horses was kuown to be a run- I er: John Barneburg, Medford, farm- j hard that it would bear up a wagon Jnwny horse. - or; C. A. Boardman, Medford, paint-1 and' team, and in n card from a Tho friends of George Wicks are r- .inahim Wa'linmpr. wimor. fnrm-i niece I have in Washington, she says rejoicing with him over the advent of 1 er; E. B. Barron, Barren, farmer; lier son, a boy of 10 summers, is out a nine-pound boy at his home on thelrtalph Billings, Ashland, farmer; T. ou the ice skating while she is writ- 9th instant. ; b. Hlginbotham, Persist, farmer, itig. How is that for the middle of R. L. Finlayson. n traveling sales- l jvember, while here in Southern -man of San Francisco, was here last' Noy Oregon we have hardly had frost Monday interviewing our merchants! enough to kill the touinto vmesf Mr. on the subject of J. A. Folga & Co.'s Iseli says that just as soon as he goods. can sell out there he is coming back) Mr. Bassett has opened up a cob to btis country to live, and Mr. Stepp bier shop in our town, says to tell "Ma Howlett' that she) I learned today (Tuesday) that may look forme to have my feet uu-Mrs. Lee Wntkins, living near Agate, der her table at most any time. Once while attempting to cross a slough liero in Jackson county they most nl- near the north end of the Bybeo, ways come-back again. I also saw bridge, hadUier horse drowned, and 0, P. McGee and family. They also ' came near being ' drowned herself, want to sell out and come back to and had it not bee their old stamping ground, SEVEN CANDIDATES THE ALREADY IN THE FIELD j SPOKANE. Wa-h.. Now 2G. Sev 1 en candidates are already In the field, with ten of the 13 counties In eastern Washlnston to hear from, as succes sors to Miles Polndcxtcr, president of the Southern club of Spokane and congressional representative of the Third district, who has shied his cas tor Into the arena for a seat In tho thnt there were . TTnlttwl St.otpq RPnntrv Thn nrosnee- Another.two men near by ,o help her. she in rnnriMntos nr wiiPrm H. Lud- ite mof more, than ordinary interest would have drowned. den. president of the New England is the fact that .an Eagle Point or.cli-. Miss Myrtle Howell of Oakland. club. Senator Harry Bosenhanpt, ard took the first prize for the best Cal., was the gnest of Mrs. Cora Of- who wa8 Polndexter's chief opponent canouu oi opuzeuuurg uppies ai me ncer last week, nnd is now visittmg Spokane apple show, and after it was friends in Ashland, known on ;the car and in Portland,' Last Monday night Brisenos' show Fairview and Oregon City thnt I was was here and "gave an entertainment, from Eagle Point the people were'nnd the next morning there was asking me all kinds of quetsions .scarcely any one woaid admit that about Rogue ".River valley and Eagle they were there. Finnlly it leaked Point in particular, for while Eagle out that they had been sold, nnd now Point is acknowledged to be the ban- the people say they are sorry that ner place fdr onions and small fruits, they did not egg the whole outfit, for it is now conceded to be the banner they say that it is the biggest fake, place fqr Spitzenburg. apples but I humbug or anything' else you may must stop on this lino or I may be name, except a respectable f-how. and classed' among the 'ar'ilroad boost- still the people will patronize these ers." one-horse, catchpenny traveling Since my arrival I have gleaned shows. Experience is the best tench the following items: er nnd fools, etc. In 190R; Se?bnryl Merrltt. lawyer, and T. D. Rockwell, stato railway com I mlssloner. Spokane: Leo Johnson, , Sunnyslde; L. O. Meigs, North Yak-1 Ima, nnd J., D. Bassett, Rltzvllle. The scramble for the senatorial toga la, also Interesting, the candidates to date being Polndexter, Thomas Burke, , Seattle; R. L, McCormlck. Tacoma; John E. Humphries, Seattle, who de clares he has quit making way for other aspirants, nnd Legh Richmond ; Freeman, North .Yakima. Polndexter has tho support of tho Progressive Republican league, composed of edi tors and owners of dally and weekly newspapers In eastern Washington. BKinT YOKES OF THE BEABOX. the new ones, thero Is often material left for cutting the upper portion of tho yoke, but even when this Is not possible a harmonizing fabric may bo used. All the yoke designs Illustrated are new and smart. ' JUDIC CHOI. LET. This May Mnnton pattern ts cut from 3 to 30 Inches waist measure. Send 10 cents to this oRlce, Klvlnj; number, CITS, and It will bo promptly forwarded to you by mall. If In haste send an additional two cent stamp for letter postage, which Insures moro prompt delivery. PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSED FOR THANKSGIVING WOULD PROTEC TTHE WASHINGTON IBEX '.The public schools closed Wednes day, afternoon for the Thanksgiving recess. As Wednesday was tree- nlnnlin'' dnv 5n Mfulfnril. tlinro wrnl . . . , . '. ,, ;, i Parker of Bal:e progrmns given in an ine schools appropriate to tho day, and, also, to Thanksgiving. In response to invitations issued by the children nnd tenehers, many parents and friends of the children were present to enjoy the exercises. The programs w;cro all rendered in a highly pleasing manner, the children, all reflecting great credit on themselves. After, the programs wero concluded parents nnd friends had an opportunity to inspect collections of tho dnily work of the children. Tho collections of draw ing nnd written work of pupils were especially attractive and they brought out many expressions of satisfaction from parents. The exhibits in the domestic science add manual train ing departments attracted much at tention nnd brought fortli numerous expressions of surprise at tho excel lence nttained in tho short time this work has been going on in our schools. One of tho most pleasant and com mendable features of the exercises of tho week wns tho donation of articles of food, clothing, etc., nnd cash, by tho children of the schools for tho Boys' & Girls' Aid society of Ore iron. and hnvo been shipped to the homo in Portland. Cash was donated by tho several schools ns follows: High school, 00 cents; Washington school, $11.05; North school, $7.25; total, $10.40. As tho ensh donntion exceeds $.17.50, o bed will bo placed in tho homo nt Portland apd Tnnmerl in honor of tho donation from the chil dren of the, Medford schools, . SPOKANE, Wash.. Nov t Sportsmen In Spokane and through out the northwest will sdvo W. R. City, Or., every sup port In his efforts to secure state or federal protection for a herd of Ibex on Mount Eagle In Oregon. Parker advocates the creation of a preserve on the mounta'n so that the only known band of Ibex on the continent may be saved from slaughter, . He has hunted big game In eastern Oregon for years and possesses wide knowl elgo of the trails and canyons In tho ! Mn5n .st- "''f proprietor, Notice. ( 0r5nf to th fnet " flu-Jar. j are crowded for room to disi)lay them we will offor all postals-at a 20 per : cent discount for one day only, Snt-1 nrday, November 13. This will af- j ford a good pportunity for you to lay in a supply for futuro corre sponding at a price that will pay you. Look over our Christmas' goods that are coming in. It is a pleasure to how them. Remember, $1 worth of postals will only cost you 80 cents next Saturday. Tho Blue Jay Postal Shop. 331 E. Frank II. Hull, WE D0NT BELIEVE YOU CAN BEAT THIS: Thirty-two acres in this tract, fine fruit land, nbout two miles from a shipping point. The buildings consist of a five-room box house, good-sized bam, etc. Thero are 12 ncres of 5 and 0-yenr-old ap ples, mostly Xowtowns, with com mercial poaches planted between ns fillers. Also threo ncres of young pear trees and some family orchard. Four ncres in alfnlfn. Six or eight acres of Umber, most ly oak nnd laurel. There is a pumping plant on tho plnco which supplies water for tho garden nnd alfalfa, equipped with gasoline engine. About -10 rods from n good school. Has rural mail de livery nnd telephone. Price $10,500. Terms. W. T. YORK & CO. f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f MEDFORD TIME TABLE, "h f 4--f-f4- f t SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. No. 20 No. 12 No. l No. M Northbound. Koseburg PaHM... Shasta Limited... Oregon Express,. Portland Kxpress. Southbound. No. lllShnstn Limited. . . No. 15'Cnliforuin Express No. 1H1S. F. Express... . 7:11 a. m 0 :'-,' a. m. 5 :2 1 p. m 8:30 p, in 5 :fiO u. m. 10::i.rm. in 3 ;32 p. in. Meilford to Jacksonville. 8 :00 a. m. Motor oar leaves Train leaves Train leaves Train leaves . . . Motor oar leaves 10 : 15 a. in 3 :!'..") p. tu 0 :00 p. m I) :30 it. u Jacksonville to Mctlfoni Motor ieaves Train leaves Tniin leaves Train leaves Motor ear leaves PACIFIC & EASTERN No. ll Leaves Medford.. No. 3'Leaves Medford. . No. 2'Arrivob Medford.. No. ('Arrives Medford. . No. llArrivc L'nglo Pt. .. No. 2! Leaves Kagle PL. No. 3'Arrives Kagle Pt.. No. Leaven Katie Pt.. . MAIL CLOSES. 7 :()() a, in. 8 :-l5 u. in 2 :30 p. in t :30 p. m ; 7:30 p. in RAILWAY. :00 a. in :20 p, in :10 a. m :00 p. ui :l a. m. :05 a. in :(). p, ui :15 y m. REAL ESTATE Farmland Timber Land P Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, JaGkson Comity Bank Building Northbound . Southbound . Kngle Point. 8:55 n. ni.lS 9:00 p. m.3 lo :10 p. m. :00 p m. :00 p. m, You Can Buy N. Y. Pippin Spitz Bartlett Bosc Cornice Winter Nelis Direct from the GHOYVKI18. Ab solutely Reliable and Dependable Stoelc grown by Nnnwrymon who know how. Writo us for prices before signing a contract. NORTHWEST NURSERY COMPANY IH I'. Ynklmn Ave., North Ynkliiiit, Vli. J. K. KNYAH'I. President JOHN S ORTII. I'lKlu-r J A. PKHitY, Vien.Preside.it W. It .JACKSON, Ass't CiiHhiur, THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK o'APITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. Wo solicit your patronaue. RESOLVED The beHt rcKoIution'.for you to mnko is to coma to tin for your next unit, if yovi wnut something out of the ordinary. We do the best work nnd elinrgo tho lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT Tim raOQBIiBSIVD TAILOR For the Best in harness, saddles, whips, obes, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds ofrcustom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. DON'T FORGET To see my Silver Toilet and Man icuring Sets and Silver Novelties all new in latest styles and designs Maif n I Reddy THE JEWELER Near P. O. mountains, and bolleves ihat Blnce tho haunt of tho herd s knwn to others . Mo,for(, Oregon : This certifies the animals ought to bo protected , ,hnt wo ,nvo ,,,.. Tm(W Wo. to prevent extinrtlon. When he first i . . , ... an hunters asbed for proof, which was forthcoming by Parlter hvi glng out a dead bucl:, doo and tt'.wn. Parker looks upon tho Ibex as a Llg r.sEct In a sporting way for tho entho northwest. and rheumatic troubles for ton years, and linve never tmd a com plaint. It g'ivcs and permanent relief. 00 days' treatment in cneh bot tle. Medford Pharmacv. THE BUNGALOW RINK W. A. ROBBINS, Prop. Admission Saturday 10c Skates 25c The New Improved Aladdin 1 INCANDESCENT KEROSENE MANTLE LAMP. Costs Ono Cent for Six Continuous Hours' Burning. Brightest, purest and safest light. It asves Oil, requirus little care,! buniH without noiso or odor can't explode. For unlo by W. E. STACY,; E. O. AYLER, Gen. Agents AGENTS WANTED. Lamps mny bo seen nt Shorty Qarnott'fl storo. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER - Send your trophies to rno for mount " ! ing. Big gnmo heads, fish, birds nnd TALENTED LITERARY WOMAN mar:umi mounted true to nature by TO ADDRESS LADIES' CLUB improved methods. 1 do tanning, rankf uir rugs, mnko, remodel nnd clenv 1 -I The Greater Medford club meeting is to bo held in the Commercial club Four largo boxes were filled rooms Monday nt 2:30 p, m Novern- . 1 1 1 J,. , . ' . . . , nor 'M, Mrs. iidwm seeiy rnrsons, a talented literary woman from Du luth, will address tho club. Among tho business of importance which is( to comjg before he club is the elcc-i tioirof a' pr'esidenffor the ensuing! yenr. Mothers nro privileged toj onng guesis. fur garments. Express and mail or ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS, 495 Washington Street. Portland, Or Telephone Mnin 3(100. M. M, J I HUMAN. C. II. IIKRMAN. HERMAN BROTHERS Dealers in HARNESS, SADDLES, ROBES, WHIPS, TENTS, WAGON COV ERS, HORSE BLANKETS, ETC. All kinds of custom work and repairing done on short notice 317 East Seventh Street MEDFORD, OREGON PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Gunritntuotl Pricos Roiieonublo COFFEEN & PRICE 11 North J) St.. Moilford, Oro. I'homi 303.''; V ... r 4' Ella Gau'nyaw, public stenographer, room 4, Palm building. Orders for Bweet cream or butter milk promptly filled. Phone tho oreflmerv. Quick Money Needed. My 20 lots including a . gc(od 5- n I Art room house, must go ior -lOOO.j ITOpervy JW ouisiue vi vupr jiiji- its. $2,500 cash, rest easy pay ments. Address Hoy W. Harris, rnnm fi. Pnlms PoomillL' House. Med ford. Orecon. 212 I; We are G rower Buy direct from tu NO Ad K NTH Our Tree are crown IrMIr WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writ (or free cUlo. Lrue tock or TarletluralUUletarcouiiuirclalorcbudj Ctolct fruit. Nut iti Oram4otil lint, Qnp UI... TM.'rf IH.n,. .nJ fikn.f.fi.M , ., wi.ii ii.ii ,,, '";, I'liw Dai.t.hb KimfiKnn'S Htla Offloe, 121 Qnai At, Portl tat, Ore. P. 0. Hunson. Torn Moffat We make any kind and stylo Of windows. Wo carry glass' of any size on band. Medford Sash & Door Co. Union Livery, Feed and Sale S'ables 0 Formerly located on the coraor of Seventh and B streets, now removed ono block south on B streot, BAIKD IIAY AND GRAIN, Home first class Mules and'Horses BARGAINS IF TAKEN SOON. j