TJ1I3 MlfiDli'OJlD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, "FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 3909, 3 ETO FOR A novel feu I urn In to ho innugurut oil in llio Mail Triliiinu in it low tlnyn. It In proponed to print nboitl lilty brief il(ul('lii')i of iih iiiitny eiilifrpiiH llig IniNiiiDM liniiHim nnil i'irnm in tin city, giving Minn! (if llioir diMingiilMli iug IVnhirt,', nnil from tluwu dom-rip-tioiiH llio public in In 1)0 nutted to identify Ilium. No iimiiii'H or ml- lllt)KHt' will lie givun, J1IH' H,M"" jllicir eliimictoriHlic fonlimm; Itnt in every iiiHtiincd tlumo will nlTord i'oluo liy which llm roiuliirn nuiy fol nnw llio trial that U blim'd with itnr iiutrU all along ninl thill I'iiuIh to - poailivo identification. The biiiduc'M mem of Meilfonl nio tint honi' anil hIiuiw of tin oomiijer ciiil life of th'iH growing city, nnd tin' people cannot gel loo woll ai'tpuiiiit -ed with t bcm. It in for thin purpoMM that HiIk "Knowledge Competition" i imttitiiliMl. The people xhouhl Itnow tin liiiMincHH men of (ho rity intimate iy, ami likuwino the liniti men Hhotihl know tho people. Their in tercHtH are Inrgclv hound together. Let nil the people gel better neminin- flM TREE FOR . RUNAWAY TURK jOno Mctlfortl Home Nearly Went Without Their Allotment of Turkey Dinner. i Ono .Medford cltlzon canio near los- slng lit ThnnkHKlvInc dinner n few dnyn ngo, ami had It not been for h jwrnlntoncy and nglllty tho mnln part of the feniit would hnvo oltlior dec iruteil Hotneone'H oImo'h tabic would bo ronmllug 1 frco nnd untrnmmeled IhroiiKh tho country. Tho turkey win confined In n coop mndo of n pocking cane nnd food wan, Introduced' to tho coop by menn of n movnhlo bonrd nt tho top. One of thoo rnlny morning of tho flrnt of .tho week tho Indy of tho bonne went $ut to food tho bird nnd found It 'perched orenoly on top of tho coop, hnvlng nllpped tho board nnldo nnd 'climbed out. Ho rofunoil to bo cap itiired nnd nftor coquetting a llttlo ,wlth bin purHuorn spread IiIh wings nnd flew to tho. top of n llvory Imrn over n Idock nwoy. Ho wan followed 'by IiIh owner and novernl nttendant imnll boyn. who bud boon nttrncted to tbo Hccno, utonoH nnd clulm wore UHcd ,to pcrmmdo tho turk to lenvo hU lierch. hut. unllko Crockett's coon, be wouldn't como down, but flow to nnoth'er and higher, olovntton In tho top of n tree, wbcro ho Kt Into cliff I "cultleH by HllpphiK between two llmtm In Hiich a wny that hu couldn't es cape. It was then up to the nwor to repent Home of yo boyhood stunts nnd climb for tho bird, "and," ho snld, J'enrryliiK a 20-pound turkoy from tho top of n tree, with tho turk object Inn nil the tlmo Is no onsy trip." Ananias Mutts In. This reminded ono of tho crowd of nnotber story, his personnl exporloncc. In tho early dnyya whon tho woods wero full of Rnmo tho nnrrntor of this, story was qulto n hunter, nlthouRh only n 1 t-yenr-old boy. Ilo wnH hunt ing one day whon ho saw a largo four point buck standing hrondsldo nt n little dlfltance. Not wishing to spoil any meat, ho took enroful aim nt tho deer's head and fired. Ilo hnd confi dence enough In his mnrkumnnslilp to know ho didn't miss, but was surpris ed to see tho deer run nway from tho spot. IntestlKntlon showed n dead deer, shot sipinrely thrniiKh tho head, nnd u trail of blond londltiK from tho place. Following this a short dls tanco, ho henrd n fluttorliiK In tho " hniHh and picked up u nut vo pheas ant with his head shot orf. '.'he trn'l led onward and In a fe.v tU ho found a second bui'k ns lari?o 1 ti tho first stone dead, shot throtmh :ln .heart. There wasn't any ercok near by or ho mlKht havo killed a few fish with that snmo bnllot, ?ie explained npoloKotlcnlly. ' llei-o's Another. A third man In tho erawd drew n loiiK broath nnd romarked: "I don't doubt tho truth of thnt, bocauso I hnd tho truth of that, hecnuso I hnd n po oullnr exporlenco mysolf onco. Whon I was nbout 12 years of nun I mado friends with an old hunter, and used "to follow him around for tho prlvl iono of cnrryliiK his Iouk, old fashion pd miiBkot nnd IiokkIhb t shoot It onco Inawhnlo, Ono dny tho old iimin fixed thnt Kim for mo, londod It lor bear, you mlKht sny, nnd Invit ed 1110 to go with him nftor dueka. Wo soon locntod somo In tho crook nnd ho gnvo mo tho nun, tolllnR mo to tnko tho first shot, I cropt up until nearly In shootlni; dlstnuco whon thoy flow, About that tlno CONTEST OF THE AD PAGES led, Thin friendly competition in do , hiKiicil to bring thin ahoiit. I TIiIh iiitcroliiig IVnlnio Iiiih been tried in many other citiim and it Iiiih I heun found to he a great hiiccchk in j bringing the IniMiiieHH hoiiHUH and the people iir it a Honor aeqiiniiitaneu and rclitlioiiblilii. Theru 1h no room for doubt' that it will bring a lilio re tail here. The doHeriplioiiH are now being nieiiared liv mi cxnert in that Hue and it wil )hu up to the rcndorM of I tho Mail Trihmio to deleriuimi by llio oanmirkH to whom roforonco i made. I Ah mi inducement for vigoroim competition in becoming proficient in nimiitiL' the lniHinuHH lioiiHeH to be j treated of in thin huggealivo manner (ubMnutinl prize will bo given. TIicko will ho announced on the day this feature is puhlibcd. Full in-i-t ructions will nlao be published at that time. 'Pinion who contemplnto competing for the prizoK Hhoiild bo carefully rending the ndvortiHing page of the Mail Tribune, for (Iuh will be the IhM plan to fot knowledge of tho luiMUcsH firmn, and to refrcHh your memory, GRANT'S PAS'S GETS COL. RAY'S LOGS Over 25,000 Feet of Saw Logs Are Pulletl Ashore There During the High Water. (Mult Trllnino Hpeclnl Scrvlco.) (WANTS IASS, Or., Nov. 120. As a result of tho recent hiuh water in 'Hoijuc Hiver, this city linn almost 'enough logs fo stnrt it mill with. Over 25,000 feet of snwlogs were hnulcd ashore at thin jMi'mt nnd are now piled along tho banks of tho stream. It is estimated thnt Colonel Frank liny lost f0,000 feel of snwlogs, which were enrried down stream. The question here is: "How much salvnge holds, or do wo fceop tho logtit" NOTICIJ Is hereby given thnt tho undersigned will apply at tho rogular mooting of tho city council nt Mcdford, Oregon, on December 7, 1909. for llconso to toll malt, vinous and splrltous liquors In less quantities thnu ono gallon at lot 17, block 20, In Modford, Oregon, for npertov of six montls. 1 .Dated No'vombcr 24. 1 O. M. SKLSDV. beenmo n llttlo suspicious concomlng tho kludnoBS of my hunter friend i)nd concluded to Investlnnto. I plnccd tho butt of tho gun ngnlnst a smnll sap ling, pointed tho wonpon In tho gen eral direction of tbo sky and pulled tho trigger. A roar llko tho broad tddo of a battloshlp followod, tho gun leaped from my hnuds, splitting tho stock nsalnHt tho tree. As my eyes followed tho direction tho gun was pointed In what wns my surprlso to seo two ducks tumblln.T ot.f: of tho Hky. In circling back In their flight theld had reached tho proper spot nt the moment tho gun was fired nnd two fat mnllf.rtls vero killed." Tbo bystanders who hndn't had n mco to toll ft story 7ot looked re proachfully nt him nnd filed slowly nnd silently out Into tho rain. fr 4..f4.4..t. 4- CITY NOTICES. RESOLUTION. Ilo it resolved by tho city qouueil of tho City of Medford: Thnt it is the intention of tho coun cil to Iny n Inch water main on South flrnpo street from Twelfth street, South, lo tho city limits nnd to nsscss tho cost theorof upon tho property fronting on said portion of snid street in proportion to the frontage of said property. Tho council will moot at tho Coun cil Chamber in tho City Hull in said city on tho 7th of Deeombor, 1000, nt 7:H0 p. m. nt which limo all pro tests ngaiiiRt tho Inying of snid witter mnin on snid portion of said ptroot nnd the nssesmont of tho cost thoro of upon tho property fronting thoro 011 will ho henrd. Tho foregoing resolution was pass ed by tho City Council of (ho City of Medford, Oregon on tho 10th day of Novemhor, 1000, by tho following vote: Welch, absent ; Morriolc, nyo; Emoriok, nyo; Wortmnn, nyo; Eifort, nye, nnd Deminor, nyo. Approved Novemhor lth, 1000. W. IT. OANON, Mnyor, Attest : UOHT. W. TELFER, City Rocovdor. niTY NOTICES. f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f OIIMNANCH NO. 'J07. ! An ordinnneo providing for the eonstriioliim of a Inlcral sewer along drape street from Twelfth street, South, to corporation bomidnry nnd 1 for the nssessment of the cost there of on the properly directly benefit ted thereby, and adjacent thereto nnd providing u meeting of tin- coun cil to consider protests ngniiist said construction and assessment mid the serving of the owners of such prop erly with notice thereof. The City of Modford doth ordmn ns follows: , .Section 1. It is the intention of the council t'o cnnc n Internl m-wci to ho const rueled along Oripe street from Twelfth street, South, to cor poration boundary nnd to nsse? 1 lie cost thereof upon the properly di rieetlv benefitted thereby nnd ndjno eut thereto. Section 2. The Council will hear and consider any protests against said const ruction nnd the usses-iti of i-11 id property for the eo.t there of, nt n meeting of the council to be held December 7th nt 7:30 o'clock p. m. in Ihe Council Chamber in suid city, nnd all property owners of property ndjuccnt to said sewer and benefitted thereby are hereby called Umii to appear before said council at said time nnd place and show eauc. if nny they have, why such construction should not bo made nnd the cogt thereof so nsjcsfecd. Section 3. The City Ilecorder is hereby directed to tervo notice there of upon the property owners nfore snid, by cnusing three copies of this ordinnneo to he posted in three pub- lie places in said city, nnd Raid ordi- jiinnco to be published onco in n daily newspaper published nnd of gcncrnl .circulation in tho city, nt least ten days beforo the dnto of said meet ing. J The foregoing ordinnneo was pass ed by the City Council of tho City of ;Medford, Oregon, by the following 1 vote: Welch, nbscntj'Mcrrick, nye; lEmcriek, nye; Wortmnn, nye; Eifcrt, ,nye nnd Dcmmcr, nye. ; Approved November 18th, 1000. W. II. CANON, Mayor. ttest: nOnT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. Slfl.OOO CITY OF MRDFORD, OR., IMPROVEMENT BONDS. Modford, Or., Nov. 17, 1000. The City Council of Medford, Or icgon, will receive senlcd bids up to U:.10 o'clock p. m., December 7, 1000, jfor the sale of $15,000 0 per cent !l0-ycnr Improvement Rondi, bids to bo nccompnnicd by n certified check equnl to five per cent of the nmount bid for. Tho right to reject nny or nil bids is resodved. I Kids to he addressed to Robert- W. jTolfer, City Recorder. Certified I check to bo mnde pnyable to tho ' ?ity of IWedford. Oregon. ! City, Recorder. 1 Dnted Medford. Orngon, November '17.1000. 227 ROBERT W. TELFER, OUDINANCi: NO. 25S. An ordlnuco declaring tbo assess ment on tho property benefitted for tho cost of laying n bIx Inch water mnla on NarroRiin street and direct ing tho recorder to ontor a statomont tboreof In tho water mnln Hen dock et. Tho City of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. Whereas, the city coun cil did heretofore by resolution do- I claro Its Intention to lay n four-Inch I water main on Nnrregnn street from southwest corner of Orny's addition north to Clark street. West, nnd to nssess tbo cost theorof on tho proper ty fronting on said portion of snid stroot In proportion to tho frontngo I of said property, nnd did fix a tlmo and plnco for henrlng protests ngnlnst the laying of said wntor main on said portion of said street and tho nssepsmont of tho cost thorcof as nforesnld. , And whoreas, said resolution wns duly published nnd posted ns ro- quired by section 11C of the chnrtor I of said city. I And whoroas, n mooting of tho , council wns bold nt tho tlmo nnd plnco fixed In said resolution for tho I purpose, of considering nny such pro 1 tests hut no protostH woro nt said tlmo or nt nny otnor timo mnuo to or rccolved by tho council to tho laying of said wator main or tho assessmont of tho cost thereof as aforosald, and snid council having consldored tho mnttor, nnd dooming thnt snid wntor main was and Is of matorlnl bonoflt to said city and that all proporty to bo assessed tohrofor would bo bono flttod thereby to tho oxtont of tho probable amount of tho rospoctlvo as sessments to bo lovled ngnlnst said proporty, did ordor said wator mnln laid. And whorona, tho cost of said wnt or mnln hns boon nnd horoby la do tormlnod to bo tho sum of ?130C,0G. Now thoroforo, It Is horoby further dotormlnod that tho p.ronortlonnto shnro of tho cost of laying said wntor main of each parcel of tho proporty fronting on snid portion of Bald stroot Is tho amount sot oppoalto tho description of each parcol or ploco of land bolow and thnt onch ploco or parcol of land bonofltted by tho lay niTV NnTinrj? CITY NOTICES. ing of snid water main to tbo full oxtont of tho amount m sot opposite tho description of each parcol or pect and thnt tbe respective amounts represent tho proportional benefit of s;ild water main to said respective ' parceVs of property and also tbe pro portional frontngd thereof on said portion of said street, and the coun cil does hereby d'lore each of the parcels of property described below to bo assessed find each of tho enmo hereby Is nsscused tho amount set op pnslto onch description of tho cost of laying said water mnln. ASSESSMENT FOR A SIX-INCH WATER MAIN FROM SOUTH WEST CORNER OF OKAY'S AD DITION NORTH TO CLARK STREET. WEST. Assessment No. 1 Robert Ash worth, lot 1. block 1. Cray's addition ( In tbe city of Medford, OreRon, front- ' ne 230 feet on vmi side of street, described Vol. 01, pago 32. county recorder's records of Jackson county. OreRon. 230 feet: rate per foot, 92.17 cents: nmount due, $163.90. Assessment No. 2 R. W. Gray, et ux, lot 2, block 1. Gray's addition In tl'e city of Medford. Oregon, front age 5 on west side of .... street, described Vol. ... pace.., county recorder's records of Jackson county, Orctton. C.r.r, feet: rate per foot, 92.17 conts; nmount due, ful.lfi. Assessment No. 3 Oeorce Dan iels, lot 3, block 1. Gray's addition In tbe city of Modford. Oregon, frontage feet on wos side of .... street, described Vol. 09. pago 295. county recorder's records of Jcckson coun tv. OrcRon. feet; rate per foot, 92.17 cents; amount due, Jfil.15. Assessment No. 4 Chnrles M. Al len, lot 4, block 1, Gray's addition In tho city of Medford. Oregon, frontage on west side of .... street, des cribed Vol. 71. page 520, county re corder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. feet: rato per foot. 92,17 cents; amount due, $51.15. Assessment No. 5 Chnrles M. Al len, lot C, block 1, Gray's addition in tho city of Medford. Oregon, frontage feet on west side of .... street, described Vol. 71. page 520. county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 55.5 feet; rato per foot, 92.17 cents; amount due. $51.15. Assessment No, 6 T. W. Dally, commencing at the southeast corner j of lot 2, block 2. Mlnguo sub-dlvlslon section 24. township 37 south of range 2 west of W. M. nnd running Ithcnco north to the east lino of said 1 lot to. within 30 feet to tho northeast corner of Bald lot, thence west paral hel with the north lino of sold lot 3 .Minimi, is links, thence south parallel with tho cast line of said lot to tho south lino thereof, thenco east to nlaco of beginning, containing two ncrcs, more or lesn. f Save and excepting a strip of land ' 100 feet wide off of tho north end of tho above described premises hereto fore deeded to Sarah Richards save ' nnd except trncts markdd T. Q. R. S. 1 frontage 50 feet on west sldo street, (described Vol. 71, pago 132, county recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon. 50 feet; rate per foot, 92.17 conts; nmount due $4G.0S. I Assessment No. 7 Henry F. Stan cllffe, beginning nt a point 340 feet south of the northeast corner of sold lot 2, and running thence west 3.13 ! chains, thenco south 60 feet, S Inches, , thenco cast 3.13 chains to the eaBt lino of said lot, thenco north CO feet, 1 S Inches, to point of beginning, snid .lot 2 being In block 2. Mlngus sub- division, in section 24. township 37 1 south of range 2 west of W. M.. f ront jago CO feet on west side .... street, I described Vol. 72, pago 39, county recorder's records of Jackson coun , ty. Oregon. 00 feet: rato per foot. 92.17 cents: nmount due, $55.30. I Assessment No. S T. W. Daley, 'commencing nt n point 110.7 feet 'north of the southeast corner of lot 2. block 2. Mlngus sub-dlvlslon sec tion 2 1, township 37 south of range ' 2 west of W. M. nnd running thenco north 00 fcot. east 20C.5S feet, south en tent west 20C.5S feet to tho place I of boglnnlng. frontago CO feet on west I side .... street, described Vol. 71, Ipngo 132. county recorder's records of Jnekson county, Oregon. CO feet; Irnto per foot, 92.17; nmount duo, $55.30. I Assessment No. 9 Henry F. Stnn icllffe. beginning at a point 230 feet south of tho northeast corner of lot 2, block 2, Mlngus sub-dlvlslon, section '24, township 37, south of rnngo 2 wost of W. M. and running thenco west 3.13 chnlns. south 50 feet, east 3.13 chains to tho enst lino of said lot. north 50 feet to point of begin ning, frontngo 50 foot on west sldo 1 . . . . street, described Vol. 72. pnge I 39, couuty recorder's recovds of Jnck 'son county, Oregon. 50 feet; rato .per foot. 92.17 conts; amount due, ! ft COS. Assessment No. 10 Charles Wol Igamott, commencing nt n point 130 foot south of tho northeast corner of lot 2, block 2, Mlngus sub-dlvlslon. section 24, township 37 south of rnngo 2 west of W. M. nnd from said ! point running thonco south 100 feet, wost 3 chnlna, 13 links, north 100, I feet, east 3 chains, 13 links, to place I of beginning, frontngo 100 feet on west sldo or .... Btreot, uescnuuu i Vol, 71, pngo 570, county recorder's records of Jnekson county, Oregon. 100 foot: rnto per foot. 92.17; amount due. $92.17. Assessmont No. 11 Georgo A. ltntilinrt mmmnnetnir nt a llolnt 30 j foot south of tho northeast corner of lot 2, block 2, Mlngus suu-uivisiou, section 14, township 37 south of rnngo 2 weat of W. M. running thonco south 100 foot, thonco west nt right angles with nforesnld lino 3 chnlns, 14 links, thonco north paral lel with east lino 100 fcot, thenco onst to plnco of beginning, frontngo 100 foot on west sldo of .... street, dosorlbod Vol. 70, pngo 132, county recorder's records of Jnekson coun ty. Oregon. 50 feet; rnto por foot, 92,17 cents; amount, $4G.0S. Assossmont No. 12 Mnrngorot J. olgamott, commencing at ft point CITY NOTICES. situated 12 chnlns, 50 links north of the southwest corner nnd on the west line of block 1, Mlngus sub-dlvlslon, section 24. township 37, south of rnngo 2 west of W. M. nnd from said point running thence north on tho west line of said block 7 chains, C2 links to the southwesterly lino of 200 feet rnllroad right of way of tho O. C. R. Co., thonco south 34 degrees. 45 minutes enst on said southwester ly lino of said railroad right-of-way 9 chnlns, 3fi links, more or less, to tbe north line of a tract of lend de scribed In deed, recorded nt pago 310, Vol. 28, deed records of JncRson county, thenco west on said north line 5 chnlns, 30 links, to plnco of be ginning, containing 2.2-100 ncrcs. frontage 75 feet, on enst sldo of.... street, described Vol. 53, pago 301, Jackson county records of Jackson county. Oregon. 75 feet; rnto per foot, 92.17 cents; nmount due, $G9. 13. Assessment No. 13 C. A. M"eker. lot 7, block 3, Narregan addition In the city of eMdford, Oregon, front ngo 100 feet on east side .... street, described Vol., page ill, county recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon. 100 feet: rate per foot, 92.17 cents: nmount due, $92.17. Assessment No. 14 L. C. Narra gen, lot C, block 3, Narragen addi tion In the city of Medford, Oregon, frontago 100 feet on enst side .... street, described Vol. 56, pago 253, county recorder's records of Jackson county .Oregon; 100 feet: rate per foot, 92.17; amount due. $92.17. Assessment No. 15 William Mll nos, lot 7. block 2, Narragen's addi tion In the city of Medford, Oregon, frontago 105 feet on east side .... street, described Vol. 71, page 5$S, counly recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 105 feet; rate per foot, 92.17 cents; amount due, $96. 78. Assessment No. 16 Hamilton Wat kins, lot 6, block 2, Narragen's addi tion In tbe city of Medford, Oregon, frontago 105 feet on east sldo of .... street, described Vol. 72. pago 449, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 105 feet; rato per fooot. 92.17 cents; amobnt due, $96.80. Assessment No. 17 L. C. Narra gen, lot 7, block 1, Narragen's-addition In the city of Medford, Oregon, frontago 105 feet on east side of .... street, described Vol. 56. page 253, county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 100 feet; rato per foot, 92.17 ccts; amount due, $9,6.80. Assessment No. 18 R. H. Toft, lot 6. block 1. Narragen's addition In tho city of Medford, Oregon, front ago 105 feet on cast side of .... street, described Vol. 72, pago 67, county recorder's records ot Jackson county, Oregon. 55 feet: rate per foot. 92.17c: amount duci, $50.69. Section 2. The recorder of tho city of Medford is hereby directed to en tor a statement of said several as sessments In the water main Hen docket. Tho foregoing ordlance vas passed by the city council of the city of Med ford on the 16th day of November, 1909. by tho following vote: Mer rick, nve; Elfert. aye; Welch, absent; Emerlck, aye; Wortman, aye; Dem mer, nyo. Doramer. aye. I Approved Nov. 17, 1909. W. H. CANON. Mayor. Attest: ROOT. W." TELFER, Recorder. Notice. Notice is hereby given thnt the un dorsigned will apply nt the next rep ulnr meeting of the city council o Medford, Oregon, to be held on De cember 7, 1900, nt 7:30 p. m., for n license to sell malt, viucous nnd spir itous liquors in less quantities thnu ono gnllon nt tho Hotel Moore bnr, on lots 0 nnd 10. block 45. of the town (now city) of Medford, in Jnekson county, for a period of six months Datod Novomber 18. 1909. W. P. RAU. Cut Flowers YOUNG MAN, get thnt young lndy of yours n bouquet nnd wntch her smile. 1 Delivery nny part of city. MEDFORD GREENHOUSE. Cut Flowers and Potted Plants East Mnin St. Phono 000. 13 said Judge Lindsey to the policeman, " want to save bicycles. I want to save boys." From "The Beast and the Jungle," in the DECEMBER EVERYBODY'S j It's a big, human, well- written story. Get it and read it. On display nt Medford Bouk Stoiv, Russoll's Confectionery Storo, Nnsh iiotci. YOU WILL Have something to Be Thankful For if your Thanksgiv ing dinner is cooked in the Fireless Cooker. W. Whitney 211 West Main Street The Best Thing in Oregon' that is the First National Bank of Medford and that bank fully indorses the following, which is copied fro mthe Pacific Banker: ""Vl:en bankers fully appreciate their responsibilities to the community , in which they live, and keep steadily in mind that they are trustees of the depositors' monev, they will not be en gaged in financing speculative ven tures, whether they be oil or gas schemes, mining ventures, cement un derwritings, trolley roads, office build ings or land booms." CROWELL, Pres. DEUEL, Vice Pres. Savoy Theatre Tonight LIQUID AIR Colored Trick Comedy. FROM CABIN BOY TO KING Novelly Comedy Drama. PRINCESS OP THE SEA Marino Drnmn. ONE DIME. AsAlways WE HAVE IN STOCK THE CHOICEST LINE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHICKENS, ETC.,. AS WELL AS OUR OWN SPECIAL MAKE OF SAUSAGE, BUT OWING TO CHANGE OF POL-, ICY WE WILL CLOSE ALL OUTSTANDING AC COUNTS DECEMBER 1. AFTER WHICH DATE ALL BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED ON A STRICTLY CASH BASIS. WESTSIDEMARKET Bybee (8b Heil, Props. ALFORD, Cashier CRAWFORD Asst. Gash.'