Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 24, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford Ma il Tribune
A consolidation of the Motfonl Mall, established 1SS9; tlio Southern Oregon
Ian, established 1902: the Democratic Times, established 1ST!; the Ashland Tilb
tine, established 1MB, and the Medford Tribune, established 1908,
Official Paper of the City of MtM.foni
Your Thanksgiving or Xmas Dinner
":::::W'' W' 1,0 JUST RIGHT ifitlaooukud on it
OEOJROE PUTXAM. Editor and Manager.
Entered' as second class matter November 1, 190?, nt the postofflce at Medford, (
Oregon, under the act of March S, 1ST?.
One year, by mall J5.00 One month by mall or carrier'....! .60
I " 1 I fJ
The people of southern Oregon, especially those in the
Rogue River valley, have many things to be thankful for,
this Thanksgiving time. The large fruit erop. the high!
prices for products, the influx of desirable homeseekors, ,
the development of natural resources, all combine to cre
ate a prosperity exceeding that ever before known and
also thankful that its supremacy in the fruit line was ac
knowledged by "the Spokane Apple Show as well as by
fruit buyers. I
The past year has witnessed a remarkable growth of
town and country. More property has been improved than (
in any previous year. The overgrown country villa ere has
assumed the airs and graces of a young city. Miles of;
paved streets, water mains, cement walks, sewer mains, j
have made Medford a desirable place to live, while orchard
villas are replacing the antequated farm houses of a by
gone period. ,
A big beginning has been made in the development of!
the copper field that lies to the west, in the tunneling of
the coal beds that lie along the western hill slopes, five ,
hundred men are rushing constructipn of the Pacific &,
Eastern to the immense timber belt on the upper Rogue
and Mt. McLaughlin district, to connection with a trans
continental svstem. the fifty thousand acres of commer- ,".:,
. , .... xi.. i j. -i! .-i;.- .i :j. i.,..i At the Nash W 111 lain
ciai orcnaras are m me uesi ol eoiuutiun ami miu umia Snokane. w R. Wallace, e. h. c.oar
indicate a heavy yield, and the oi'chard area is being in- tJ.t c A. Hunter, t. e. Wallace, p. 11.
WL ww-mm$W;
Hffllllll jMm'
W. Odell.
creased bv 10,000 acres or additional orchards, inc Heavy, Harrington, d. w. Dennett. Joseph
sf all rains have assured the crreatest output of placer crold'B- Adams, c. m. strauss, Portland;
since the davs of the arirouauts. when over $23,000,000 was ? E-' Webb, u. c. f. Astbur,- goui
. , n ,.,, 1 1 , . I II! .f Si i ! Mill, C. O.
laiien ri'om nuisicie ana crccKuea. ui signs pouit iu tuu Arthur Way Snn Franc!sco. John M.
most prosperous of years, and the development of the val- Feog, portiand; Arthur e. Eiston,
lev as if bv magic. " F. Sllverstlne, San Francisco: C. A.
' The banks are thankful because thev have nearly $2,- Palmer, Seattle: j. Meyers, Portland:
000,000 on deposit an increase of nearly a million in V year. bS
The postofficc for the establishment of rural free dehven . pasadcg. A P. Donahuc, Portland;
a great increase in its force and an increase in receipts to c. o. Garvin, city; Professor John st.
$20,000 a Vear. Onge, Ashland; James StoSdard, Bos-
The people of Medford are thankful for tlie best or ton: urover . .eu. As.uana; u. n.
city administrations, an able and -progressive executive T.S
and city council, for a live commercial club and its wide- ,and. E s Morrow. l03 Angeles; p.
awake president, for a half million dollar water system jzemansky, San Francisco; w. schom
near completion, for miles of paved streets and othcv uui-'ber, Tacoma; w. d. Hannon. caiia
nicipal improvements. Thev are thankful for a population J. J- nurdic. New York; j. s.
of 7000 as agiinst 5000 a yr ago iSSSSTpi- r. w.
The orchardists are thankful for the successful battle Patty and wlfe- PortIand. Mr. o. r.
A PrJudlct)' Juror.
An English stntesmnu campaigned'
Wales lately and iiswl story telling
tnctleo to lighten up h!. Herlnns argu
nn'nt . favorite story poneornrd a
limn who served tiHn thp Jury In n
ninnler pase. linfore leaving home he
'wtnjptiil hl uifi to get n salmon
f'T tiier and to nmlie Mire ot a
Ktx'd iiien: he told h.-r t fry mie half
r li and H II r .!:,. Murliiir the
rial he fntiii'! rw iwi' ; ' "It
'rm out of a I.MH; tr t 1 -til in
'V) n't Sriil ! wn a.siip,! In hi
Uy tl.i- fiitvnian. Well, .loir
".p.. irimt iin- we gohcj to do wit i
prlniin-r''" In a thick, guttural
In- p.-i:ni. r!). ri'oix "Ho one half or
mum ami frt th otlnr"
Told th Truth and Sat Down.
'Dip tun it who-ip "ii( of iiolltenesi
ww not ''titlrely allotixetl looked up
fr-'i'i h!-t ":n ii) t rrowileil pur at
tht- -imtr Inily who wiiyiil. In front
Mini "linilly he HirtiKgled. to. hl.1. feet
nut u.Terpd' tier the pliliv
THi- stout l.uj.v hi'sltiiti'd.
Ifiiri" I m!: your "out,"' she wild',
I want- yotr ru nsHiiri-me that you are
!(.,- jrr in. .ln"'fil. frit mo of
against fruit pests, for Professor O'Gara, for the co-oper- mddie, t. irwin, u. g. smith, Grants -s,T- .-n ,i ttau." nut
ation Of th6 COimtv COUl"t for beating the World's record Pass; O. McClaln. Henry Garlladn. mi ii . n-wind T am offering-
for high prices for d'Anjou pears that sell at $7.10 a boxiciorado; h smith ciendaie; E Peii. ; . ..-n-ir i-
in New York and Cornice that bring $10.08 a box in Lon- ''"Si'S1 " "'
don. for apples sought by the crowned heads of Europe und ;lf ct P w.' Linker, port-! ,:,? --'"-.'-"' '
P. Holymark. San Francisco;
and the emcures or America. land:
All Oregon is thankful because the Rogue River valley o. u. Tiningimst. Mrs. f. z
grew the fruit that won the sweepstakes prize at the Spo- Portland: Joe Burke, winjeii:
kane annle show and thankful for the enterprise of Tron- Thom"8n and famtI Inde
son & Guthrie, apple kings of the world, and other orchard
ists in exhibiting their products, proving to the world what
we always knew, that our fruit was the finest grown.
And" the valley is thankful for John R. Allen, .who has
taken the bankrupt Pacific & Eastern and made it a rail
road, making possible the establishment of large lumber ;
manufacturing plants, who is preparing to build a trolley'
line from Ashland to Grants Pass, who interested the --ap-'
ital that developed the Blue Ledge mine, who lias s'-own
Consomme Itallonne Paste
his faith in the countrv bv buying a $168,000 orchard and Filet of salmon, sauce Toulouse
set a good example by cutting it into small tracts, and by
investments in business property.
In fact, we have so many things to be thankful for ihat
it is impossible to enumerate them all not the least bing
the privilege of living in such a spot as the Roarnc Rivei?
valley, where God in his infinite wisdom, has made a place
worth while.
Thnnksglvlng Wnnpr, 0 P. M. to 8r.I0
Olympla Oyster Cocktail
Lonrre Special
Celery en Branch
Potatoes Maltro d'Hotel
Small Tenderloin Steak
Sanco Meyerbeer
String Beans
Frozen Egpnog Fiesta Wafers
Stuffed Young Turkey
C-anborry Sauco
Cati. riower In Cream
Mashed Potatoes
Fruit Sftlad, Macadolno
Whipped Cream
r English Plum Pudding
Hard and Brandy Sauce
ffoquefort Cheese Bent's Crackers
Cafe N'olor
Special music
In accordance with established custom, there willbe
no issue of the Mail Tribune on Thanksgiving day.
the Mail Tribune will issue a special edition of'N .
24 pages, containing a full account of the Spokane Apple
show and the winning of the Sweepstakes prize by Rogue tub
River apples. Those desiring copies must order at once. A " '
Advertisers arc requested to turn m copy tor auh mu-ij Mrrin Davis 418,
Browning Purdln 02
uircuu Louri. ,paui iiusscii no
William Schehlo and Delia Scheie prances Gurtt 1328
a 1 1-4 1 a . I ie -
vs. .Milton a very aim uaniei l. av- K8n Snyder 203
Tl,n nrlvnnee sale of seats for the . en' To recover money; dismissed, noy Bonalto '. 283
appearance of the Pantnares Vnude-j Henderson .hash vs. G. F. nill-,Merlo Oarnott 470
vntacomimnyattU.MedtU.aler.inSHlt to nuiet title; decree byH.rry 227
jPTiuay, jNOvemuer -o, is now ou u
Haskins' drupf store and nil indica
tions point to the usual big audience
which has become n habit nt this
house. Should vaudeville prove pop
ular hero, Manager Hnzelrigg will
mnko it a regular feature, stopping
oijo of tho shows hero every week.
Tho standard of excellence in the
cheaper-priced vaudeville circuits is
higher now than ever before, as wit
ness the presence of one of Jesse
L'asky's acts on a popular-priced bill.
Tho prices for Friday night will bo
25, 35 and 50 cents. "King Dodo"
U (he underline at the Medford.
Mary E. Harris vs. D. h. Harris .Mabel Edmeades 25
Divorce; set for trial November ora Davis 150
OQ Rex Barker 130
" Joseph Miller vs. Jesse M. Storm ' P ;
, , t-. , ... , iGeorgo Leonard 10
ot nl.-Demurrer submitted. VUHe Stlnnon .' 197
Peter Appleate va, W.-O. Jones rrter nrandon 923
mid C. W. Evans Decree by do- Cjmrje8 Ray 335
fnult- Myrlo niiodes 234
Willinm Hartninn vs. Anna Wnl-1 Willie Cubborley ,, 3
ters Suit to cancel dee.d Motion
to withdraw demurrer and file an
swer allowed.
F, W. Gaines vs. Ella Gaines
Divorce; dismissed
The Interest In tho Brownlokar still
continues. Every, boy and girl has
an equal chance. Only little over
another month for tho contest, Got
busy, boys and girls, and tho car will
E. C. Sherman vs, E. E. Bagloy et ,o yur8-
nl, Suit to reform deed; dismissed. .
Tlii'f' pxuliiliiii'd thf worldwide
tniviir iil!tr -t!uUii lu MM frli'inl
tU . .ir.jiui- li.ii; liuur Htory ( a pucll
it u'iitu' : Hunt lllaiic "That
m i Mt ( li.ilr niumg.'t it?"
'IitUiT UlUJVtt Itl iw frli'inl. "1
tbtiu.d just thliitc Hut. you uudw
vutt mill iu mo-it of iluit sturv bitfore.'
"indetnir .'Xi-'lauia'd ihi iravvlcr
"101 very sorrj. "Ul uuia '.Vba wa
Uat?" ,
'OIi. four months ago'" curvlesnly
feplle.! :Ui' friend "And la the four
raimtlis since- j"ou uir ..ltmlMMl fr thw
tif. "Utcoreil m fainting guldk' mm
tahiiw a Nnouxtorii, n tin- umnilt
aided two bvnuuibtnl strangers 011 tlu
way down and guldttl an vntlr purty
to tbe foot."
Phil Armcur and a Dudo.
a Chlfngo uilt applied for pout
tioii to Plill Annour. 'i lie young pup
modi one of tht vimttuentnl suneys
of the old mail, who tlion-iipon milil,
"Well, how do you like my looks and
what do you want?" "Sir, ir you
please, my desire Is to sell sausage,"
said the dtttle. "Oh." said old I'lill.
"the way you looked at me I thought
tuy family had sent you to measure
trie up for 11 new suit. ISutvhcrs might
look at you. but they wouldn't listen to
you. Show him out. John," Now York
A Card Sharp's Device.
One of the most wonderful median
leal aids to card sharping was a device
unearthed in a London gambling den a
short timo ago. It consisted of n spe
dally constructed tablo containing n
secret and Invisible drawer In tho top,
which could be opened by a spring
worked by slightly pressing tho edge
of the tablo. Covering tho action with
his bands rind cards, tho sharp dropped
tho cards he wished to transfer to his
confederate Into the opening, nud a
socond spring shot them silently along
a secret passage to tho other side of
the table, where there was another so.
cret opening, whence tho confederate
contrived to take thorn. London Tit
Bits, Grace.
A pupcr iu northwestern Kansas
tells of u pious old farmer who has
tlio habit of gazing at the rafters In
his dining room when saying grace.
One day while so engaged he forgot
himself, nud his gruco souuded some
thing like this; "Wo thank theo for
tills food nud By Joe, thero's that
deined gimlet I'vo boon looking for for
the last nix months! I'll havo Jim got
up there and got It. Thou hast bocu
gracious to us, O Lord, and nguln wo
thunk thee, Ameul" Kausas City
You will find u lino of thuau ningoH at Ihyi
Hturo of tho
Nicholson Hardware Co.
Fiftoon miiiutus of your timo looking over tho
South Bond Miillonblo Itnugo will nionn, for you,
u life timo of Range Hatinfaction. You will find
out for yournoll which i tho boHt rango, ami you
will buy it, for you want tho bt8t.
A sot of cook i ut; uttulls with ouch rango bought this wook.
Madras Curried AppUt.
A dish to serve with pork chops Is
made of thin slices of tipples and
onions fried together In butter, with a
sprinkling of curry powder as season
ing A recipe similar to that Just
given Is a foreign otie called .Madras
curried apples. I'eel and core four
sour upples. Cut them In rings. Sprin
kle with a little curry powdur aud fry
till brown, adding as they cook a few
shallots cut In thin slices. Cover tho
mixture ami let It cook until done.
Serve on 11 platter with, boiled rice and
a curry sauco.
For a curry sauco uso a white sauee
flavored with curry or a drawn butter
or black butter sauco flavored1 Ir the
same way and prepared from tho drip
pings Iu tho pan. Now York Tribune.
A Laaf- Qut of Her Boole
Philip, of fow years, but largo ob
servation, had been with til mother to
tho drossmakur's. LUs tnothur had de
clined to accopt several garments and
hud. extensive cbuiiguii made iu otiuirs,
silencing all tho protestation of tho
modiste with tho Invariably lncontevt
able assartlon,"YeM, It. nlc und artis
tic and all that, but it doesn't tit mt."
A fow nights lutvr wtwu Philip was
crying for meat and. potutoea for supper
Instead of tho usual" brvud and milk ho
vary suddenly ceasud, straightened Ids
face, smiled and said, with a perfect
Imitation of the maternal suavity and
assurauco, "Yes, mamma, I know It Is
nice and artistic ami all that, but
bread aud milk doesn't tit me;" Lo
Angeles Time.
Sandy Hook.
While- the proverbial Englishman
may not bo able to distinguish a Joke
in less than two weeks' time, he often
says something to arouse tho risibili
ties. Among tho passengers on one of
tho big ocean liners lately coming from
Cherbourg was a Itrltlsher with an ap
petite for information ou topics of ev
ery conceivable description. Wherever
knowledge was being disseminated lie
was to be found.
One day ho overheard another pas-
scnger remark that the cuptuln had
said they should see Sandy Hook with
in twi'tit v.fotir liinir-i 1
"Sandy Hook!" exclaimed the Eng
lishman. "And who's lie some promi
nent Scotchman in New York?" Now
York Times.
Answered Well.
"What, sir," asked tho large man
with tho bulglnu hlccps nud tho pon
derous (1st im hi glared at the slim I
gentleman who hud m t Mentally stum
bled over his toes, "would you say If !
I were to tell you that you were an1
awkward ass nud an annoying ,
cliumpV" I
;l should nt once say," replied tho
other muu. who had enjoyed tho ad
vantage of 1 course In the diplomatic
service, "that you had the courage of
your convictions." Chicago Hecord-,
Herald. 1
German Mashed FoUtoei.
A woman who has lived sumo timo
In Germany offers the following roclpo
as a Gorman way to prepare mashed
potatoes: Iloll tlio potntoes in salted
water. When they are almost cooked,
peel, core aud mitrtcr one-third us
many apples us there are potatoes.
Add thorn and cook tho whole till ten
der. Then mush thoroughly mixing
In meanwhile a pinch of salt aud a
generous piece of butter. This dish ,
Is served at dinner Instead of ordinary
mashed potatoes. It looks exactly llko
tho latter, but bus a slightly tart fla
vor, Now York Tribune.
Granite and Lime, I
Granite Is tho lowest rock in tho
earth's crust. It Is the bedrock of the!
world nnd shows no' evidottco of nub !
mat or vegotnblo life, It Is tho parent
rock from which all tho other rocks
havo been either directly or Indirectly j
derived. It Is claimed by scientists
that all tho lime In tho world has at,
somo time no doubt boon a portion of
many different animals and possibly ot
human beings also,
Have something to
Be Thankful
For if your Thanksgiv
ing dinner is cooked in
the Fireless Cooker.
J. W. Whitney
211 West Main Street
Nice fat, juicy birds that
would grace the table of a
king for only
25c ner lb.
I ' w s
Also Chickens and the!
choicest stock of Roasts,
Broils, etc., in the city.
Rex Market
Huth & Pech Props. Phone32 71
The New Improved Aladdin
Costs Ono Cent for Six Continuous Hours' nnrninn
ntighlost, purest and safest light. It usvos Oil, roquiroH littlo cure
burns without noiso or odor enn't oxplodo. For salo by '
W. E. STACY, E. 0. AYLER, Gen. Agents
Lamps mny bo soon nt Shorty Oarnolt's store,