'M I I 111 f I."' I Wt t I l M A fl flWJ I tJI TVT1.1 f M n rtl I.- !-VVT mifmilillf UAirfKrmn. rw. . n ij ii lairiin. jiniu j,iviiuniK, ii vyivi, umn;, I UlWWrt),, iNU V J'jiW JjJiilt i.J, iVUi). I Classified Advertisements, Business Directory And Market Reports ? 1 HOT WATER. NOT BORN N .Hlllah Temple to Introduce Innova tion in Ashland When Cere monial Is Held Next January. Hot winds (if (lit) tlifiiort f.rn prnvnr- llllll III tllU CurclMlllllllI SCKSluilH of thu Aiiulont Arabic Ortlor Nobles of tho Mystic Hhrlno and iimtiy'H thu novlcu who linn hail thu nolo of his foot foorohi'it In tlui trying Journey across thorn to roach thu sacred Mhrlno nt iUeceii; hut lllllnh IViupIo or AhIiIiiiiiI of thu nrdor Ik to provide mi Inriova tlon anil cortMiionlul which Ih to ho lwhl nt Ashland, Kuttirdny. .Inuunry "Sth, tirrorilliiK to plane ni?nil upon nt it hiiNltioKH session u few tlriyn no. Tlu iiinniiRomont of t ho big now nnt ntoi linn ut Ashland him tendered tho tiso of thu tiDtlro Institution for thu Unto named to tho Hhrtnors for their corutnonlnl, nid tho offor will bo tak t'ti advantage of. tho plan striking a rvaponsclvu chord, In tho hoart of ov er)' member of tho order to whom It lm been prosontod. It U hoped that tho HiiKKoittlon of n lint It and a swim In tho hot sulphur pools of tho uata torlum which tho announcomont In vito, will not dismay tho largo nu ru bor of prospective candidates for tho Rhrlno degree throughout Bouthern OroRon and Northern California, who nro hereby nsmired of tho honcflclont effects of Ashland milphtir water, even upon tho most Incorrlftlblo. flhrlners. na n rule, nro said to bo not used to wntor, but It la Impel that Iho Introduction of audi n novety nt n ahrlne reremonlnl will bo n drawing card nnd thnl tho nnblea from far nnd wldo wll mnku thu pilgrimage to Ash land In January. Of courae, Aahlnnd being n atrlctly "dry" town, mnke thin proponed water euro In atrlct keepInK with tho rulea of tho com munity, nt tho anmo tlmn providing n -novelty for tho visitor. The committed of Hlllah Tomplo nro already bolng lined up for tho work of nrnnglng for tho coming cer emonial In which much Intorcat has already been onllatod among Shrln rs and prospective candldntea throughout thla aectlon of tho atato nnd In Northern California, whither tho Jurisdiction of tho tomplo ox Jonda. Thi apeclnl offor on Walnut Park 'lota la Dm uoat popular of any on the market. 209 AViv Train Prvlro on Hie Conrallls A KAatorii. X)n Novcmbor 1st n straight pas BcnKcr train wna established on tho Corvr.llls & Eastern rnllroad botweon Albnny nnd Ynqulna, loavlng Albany at 1 2 : 3 r p. in. and arriving In Ynqul na nt 5:15 p. in. Returning leavo Ynqulna nt 7:10 n. m arrlvlnn In Albany nt 11:15 n. in., making direct connections nt Corvnilla nd Albany with Southern Pnclfla tr.Mn to and from Portland and othor Southorn Pacific jolnta north nnd south. NEWPOUT IN WINTBU, Now'port Is ftn Ideal winter resort, nnd ho low rntos now In offect from nil 3. P. nnd C. & 12. polnta, with tho Improved train Horvlco now ea tnblluhed, plncos It within n few hours' ride from tho vnlloy, nr-lvlng thero nt C p. m. In tlmo for dinner. Bxcellcnt hotil nccommodatlonB nt reasonable ratoa. For further particulars call on any lO. & R. or S. P. agont, or wrtto to WM. McMURRAY, Oonoral Paaaoncer Agont, ' Portland, Or. PORTLAND MARKETS. Jlojxt, Wool nnd I HA. )i0g 1908 crop, cholco, 17c; rlmo to cholco, lcj prlmo, 16 V,c; ,mdlutn, 15c; 1009 choice, 23o; .prime, 22c; medium, 20c. ' wni 1909. Willamette valloy, 20024c; eastern Oregon,, 20 ? 23c. J Th.nflyins - ahoirlnif, XOfiTSRcl rOeh: Hort wool, 25B0c; medium' . 11 K onoh. tallow Prlmo, por lb., 3 4c; N. 2 and grease, 2a2MiC. nhitllm bark -4 04 c. M,Qtr 1009. 2324o lb. HldoB Dry bldoH, 17ffl ! eon 910M.o lb; bullH, urooitj ..AAM (1 11. HI) salt, 7c lb; kips, mwiv-n" , green, 10 018a lb. llutter, Mgjfs and Poultry. HggaLocal, candlod, solsct, 42He; ordinary run 40Q42o; soo ends, 32c; local stor, M4 05oj onatorii stoiiige .'12 Kt fit 3 Sec Mutter 1'nt Hellvury f u It laud Sweet creniii, ' 3l',4c; I'on- Hour, 32 He Huttor Kxtin croitimiry, 30c; fan cy, aifl.ir.r; Htoro, 22',c. CheeHo Fancy full cream flat, ISc; t rlplotH mid daisies, 18c; Young Americas, inc. Poultry Mixed chickens. 1.1(57 I3',6e; fnncy hens, 1 tc; roonter. old, lOtfj lie; sprlnga. it'r; genie, loci ducks, 22 11 22 lie; pigeons, aiiitiba, $2 dor; dri-Hiud chlckeim, 17 Vi Q'fSc; wild Kooao, dor, fJriiln, Flour nntl Hay. Hurley Producers' prices 1900 reed, $2..7r.; rollod, 30; brow- 20.r.O Wheat Trnck Club, 91J93c'. bluoatem, (1.01 Q 1.03; red, 90c; for tyfold, ltr,9(5c; Turkey rod, 91tf 92c; Wlllametto valley, 94c. Mlllatuffa Helling prlco Bran, $25.50; middling, $32; nhorta, $2T 50; chop, $220 28; alfalfa meal, $19 per ton. Flour Now crop, patents, $5.00; Htir.lght, $2.35; bnkera, $ 1.85 G. 00; Wlllametto valley, $4,00 bbl; export grade, $4; grahnni, 'a, $5.00; whole wheat, $5.80; ryo, 50, $6.50; baloi, $3, Hay producora' prlcea New timothy, Wlllamotte vnlloy fancy, $18; ordinary, $17; eastern Oregon, $30; mixed, $14 016; clover No. 1, $14 015; wheat, $14015; choat, $15 f 16; nlfalfa, $15. Oata Spot delivery, now, produc ora' price Track No. 1 white, $29 0 29.50; gray, $23(28.50. Corn Wlolc, $30; cfnckcd, $37 ton. Fruit and Vegetable. Frcah Fruits Orongea, Valenclna, $3.26 03.50 a box; bananas, 5c lb; lemons, $5ftC box; grapefruit, $4; peara, 60 $1.15; Tokay grapoa, 90c fl'$1.35; Concords, 12 015c; buck llcberrleit, 8c. Potatoes Rolling, now, $1; buy Ing, eaatern Multnomah :.nd Clacka- cwt: garlic. 10fl2c lb. Applea $10 1.60. Vegetftblca Now turnips. Oregon, 80tf 90c acck; beeta, $1.25; carrots, 80C 90c sack; cabbage, local, 75 (j? 90c; tomatoes, local, fancy. 50c crate; boans, 10c lb; cauliflower, 75?90c dox; peas, 10c lb; horseradish, 10c; greon onions, lOo dot; poppars. bell, 10c lb; head lettuco, 20c dor; hot house, $1.25 box; radlshos, 10c do, bunches; calory, 40 86c; egj riant. $1$T1.25 crato; corn, $1.25 sackr sweet potatoes, $1.75 1.85. Itlce Imperial Japan No. 1, 5 "4c; No. 2, 6Uc; New OrloanB Load, 6 3-4 T7c; Crcolo, 6 Vic. Beans 8mlll white, $5.50; large whlto, $4.50; pink, $4.25; bayou, $5.76; Llmas, $; reds, $7.50. Orocerlcs, Nats, Ktc. Sugar Cube, $6.25; powdored, $5.85; fruit or borry, $5.85; dry granulated, $5.76; cooef. A. $5.65; extra 13, $5.16, golden O $5.25, D yel low $5.16, boct $5.65, barrels 15c, half barrela 30c. boxoa 5Co advanco on sack bno!s. Abovo quo'-Hons are 30 days not qnsh quotations.) Honoy New, 13 c id. Ments, Floh and Provisions. Dressed MortB Front street hogs, fnncy, OHc; ordinary, 9c; veals, ex tra, 10(i lOVic; ordinary, 10c; heavy 5 TT Cc; mutton, 7c; lambs, 7c. Hums. Dncon, etc. Portlannd pack (local) ham, 17 Vic; breakfast bacon, 181$ 27c; boiled ham, 25 20c; picnics, He; cottago roll, 15c; regular abort clears, smoked, 16V&c; bncks, smoked, lOVjo; pickiou tongues, 60c ench. , Local Lard Kottlo leaf, 10s, 17 Vic lb; 5s, 17 5-8c lb; 50-lb. tins, 17c lb; Htenm rendorod. 10s, 16 Vic lb; 6s, 16 5-8 lb; compounu ius, llUo lb. Clams Hardshell, per box, $2.40; raaer clnms, $J bo. PluhUork cod, 19c; lb; floun- I'.orfl, 6c lb; hallhut, 8s lb; atrlpod bass, 16c lb? catfish, 10c lh; salnaon. Hteelhead, 7c lb; silvers, Co lb; soles, 6o lb; shrimps, 12Vic lb; perch, 6c lb; torn cm!. So lh; lobnters, 35c !) crawfish, 2ffo per dox; sturgeon-, 12Vio lb; black bnBs, 20o lb; uWrer amelts, Co lb; black cod, 7ftc It; crabs. $101.50 iot. Oysters Shoalwator bay, per gal lon. $2.60; per 100 lb. saeR, s; Olympla, per Btln, $2.4; per 100 lb. Back, $7fi7.t,0; canned, C0a can, 37 doxsn; eaatern In onoll, ?l.T ner 100. Coal oil Pearl, Astral and Star, 19c gallon; eocene, 22c gallon; olalno 28o gallon: headlight, 20VSQ gallon; lextrn stnr, 22o gallon; vater whlto, U.tPw Bu.n, white, 15c Billion. apodal wntor Gasoline Rod crown and motor, 10fl23c Rallon; 86 gasollt 0, 38 3 37 0 gallon; , M. & P, naphtha, 13V40,2O4c gallon; onglno uistu late, 9 016c gallon, Cattle Ilcat attars, welgftlng 120) l Fill a By Using the Classified Ad Columns of the Med for d Mail Tribune No matter what it is you need, a want ad will bring it at a next to noth ing coat. tfonieihiii" to tnidu? Something to Hell ? A cldMaifiud ml will do it in recoid time. They work while you sleep. They reach the multitude. Do you want lo rent a house or a furnished room ? The quickest and best way is thiough the clarified ad. 'Have you losd something ? A classified ad will find it. Do you want to kiuw the lending but-iness iirms .of Med ford the wide awake ones 1 Look at the diiectory and at the advertising column-5 of the Mail Tribune No homo in Medford in c mplote without the Mail Tribune and Medford is a city of complete hon ea ; .'; , Kverybody roads ihe Mail Tribune and everybody reads its want ads. pounds, $4.50; medium itea's, $4.25; host cows, $3.26; boat bo I 'era, $3.00; bulla, $1.762. 25; atags, $2.60(33. Horb Deal caat of tho mountains, $S: Willamette valley, best, $7.75 df 7.85; Blockers, $4&G; pigs, JC7. Sheep Host wethers, $4.25 ? 4. GO; j UH.50; aprlrg lamb ; Ight ewos, $3.500 4.00; ' . . $5.25; strr. mixed lots, $4.00. Cutrcs Deal, $5; ordinary, $3.60 M.60. MEDFORD MARKETS. Fruit and V-jetahle5. (Prices paid h Med rd merchants Apples l2c lb.; p aches 2V34c lb; pears, ll:2o; BwcotvrateT Krnpcs, 2,i3c; plums, IV20; To- 1 . Knj grapes, -ic. I roiniow. ic nnion. ri.i.u cwt;; green onion-. . nn-tn"; carrots, 1,1- U. ''f, ftrinj,'hcans, 3e; t-ahbau, 1 '-jo ; givea peppers, 6s; cucurubeft), 10c dozei. ; , torontoes, lc; squnsb, 30c$l dorr; pumpkins, 10(ulGc. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford merchantd.1 j Ranch butter, 30c; fanoj crenm--) orv, 37'o. Fresh ranch egps, 35o. Mixed poultry, 10c; spring chick-ens-r 15c; dneks, 10c; turkeya. lflc Feed and Mlllstuffs. (Psicw paid prodncenj.) rTny Timothy, $10; alfalfa. $15; grass,. 914 ton. Wll rat Old, $1.20 bushel; new, $1 bushel; oats. $39 ton; barley, old, WOt new. $2(. , (Belling prices.) RoHr barley. $2;00 cwt; $36 ton;' hrnn.. 9T.75; middlinrgs, $1.85(31.90; shorts fr.801.85. Beef, 2i3c; pork, Co; mntton, 3Uc; lhrnr, -Pac; veal (dressed), On Turni'pfv lc per lb; carrotH, lc iho per lo; parsnips, luvi're per Mi LOST. . ,v Z 77 LOST lhrownish yellow big Seotishi COIIIU. as seen msi uuiir niisworo to nnnie of Mne." Noti- . i it l .?.t tr..ip T 1 .... .... ... . , - . , i iy 11. n, ommi, Jieuioru, ur tciiui doir witH- Louis Oliver in Whitman i.urk. Ln)eral reward. 215 1 FOR RENT. FOR KENT: Pleasnntly located and modern- Otrntshed rooms with bath. Call- 604' West 10th Btreet or 124 King strew. Tel. 141. FOR K13NT Two pleasant rooms. AdUrr-ss L., car Mall Tribune. 211 FOlC RENT Nlco bonso keeping rooms, furnished with bath and eleotrle Wshts. 26 South Orango stteot. 210 FOR ftKVT mrmlatvcd rocnu, wo. 1-0 K. Orjw t. 211 FOR ttK?T Front bedroom for gen," tloma only. 113 South Laurel. 2J.9 FOR RENT Furnished roomu. Tno FOR BKNT- -Furnished room to. younjf man. Apply at 6 S. Orange, 210 FOR RENT Nnwly turnlsherf huso keoplng rooms, consisting of front bodroom, set i-antry and litch on on xround floor. North Rlvr- sldo and Fifth street. No. 133. 21T 1 4- - FOR SALE. 4 FORSALE 60 ncros cholco npplo land, 25 acres full boarlng winter npplos, 3ood sovon room i.ouso, nnrn unu iaro puukihs ' lin'Momonts. Only 2 miles fiom a city of 7,000. A nap at. A suap nt 121,000. See or wilte F, Q. Williams, Ashland, Ore. 238 f Long' Felt l f t frttt FOR SALE FOR SALE 5, 10, 20 and .10 deve tracts for sale near Phoenix. Matt Calhoun. SALE-IIouBcfeoid" furniture at . . , . nnvate sale-, mosnv newt now wi- ano includod. Call at 607 South Central nvenuo. 216. FOE SALE Four lot on 12th Ht. for sale cheap. Price- 51200. Ad &re P. E. Zeph, Medttvrd. 214 WILL TRADE 160 acres pood tlm ber land for Medford city property. W. T. York & Co. 112 FOR SALE Fine Jersey C0W7 good reasons for selling. Inquire corner of Second and Fir sts. 23-2 FOR SALE A house and lot for ch ,D Eaat Medfortl. CaU sale choap In East Medford. at 112 Cottage at. 201 t?OR SALE Good 80 acrefe for sale in a fino fruit district 13 miles be low Grants Pas, six miles from Merlin. This SO acres is on a coun ty mad, on a F. St. D. route audioa a telephone line, one mile from school honse, good deep soil, good Heigbbrobood, 1200 apple aud peoch trees- set out last spring, water Sor irrigatttie near orchard. Price $50001 My hutne m on North lOtk street W. J. Stargw, L. B. 615, Grant Pi, Oregtm. 205" FOR SiiLE 500 tier of first-cte pino'wtioiL. thorousjaly season!; will dU-er Zz tiers- to any one-at $2.50,,pr tar. W. L. Howardr Phoenix;. Or. tSf FQR. g,- AT A RiKQAlN 1G0- aero iaprovil: fancy located &V: mile9-o Graat Pom; good irriga tion. WHtn- for particulars. Gle-ments-BhHlor Realty Co., owners, Grants-DhBSv Or. 20L"' FOR SAIlE-HDUkv far and pine cord wood, 12' ninF 1'6-ixaiht; also dry: rail wood; dry pitwh for kindling. Phone- order t Miiciv -RICH. FOR SALE 120a tans nnimpioved , . , . '.,,. ...III., 1. 1 1' W M.I'.V.U II.IIU OV.UU.U for fruit,. fw sale nkeap. See H. JL Cos's, solo- acent, SO-1 W. TeuA St . Medford. FOR &ALK 12H cre.s improve lnii'l', Hiiihihly inr fruit, r aal chetip. Stta H. ftZ. Coss, so! agent, 1104 W. Tenth St.. Medford. tf. FOR SAUS Or exchange for Rogjao RUor property, town or country, 11 S6.10i' acnus, tho Tory best In tin Sacramento valley, saltablo to gruwlns all kinds of fruit, grain and bay, located at Enclnal, eo-Nortllorn niaotrlc railroad, 3 ml tea north of "Suba Ctty,. Sutter, county, Cal., and J0 mllw north ot Sacramento Cal. Handi lerel, no waat or orarflow lainU Irrigation dttcA tbroujsJ. ca tor wtth boxes amd cliecxod'oomplete for- quick Irrigation wltk irolnag ditch on one sldo, county- road oa two sldoa. About 10- acrea- set t alfalfa nnd will yield' troe 4 to. & tons per acre. Tie bnUmra In fruit, truck garden aod' poultry lots, the latter fenced with 800 reet 6-root poultry wire. K good Tarlety of early to lato apple, pear, rch, apricot, plum, cherry, grapa. blnckbrrIo8, raspberrlea and strawberrlea; a new four-room houBO, with cemeat foun dation anot cellar: hbuse plastered, papered and painted and, has olec trlo lights; poultry and outhouses painted. This Is a cholco location nnd an Ideal home, and a bargain-at J3500 ?700 at 6 per cent, to run 4 years. Also new houso In Med- i ford, 5 rooms and bath, one block , tfQm bft8ebaU ground, U00; ?800 hand,oa th,8i Addr()Sti n. L. Town-j aend 130 E, 6th, Medford. 200 FOR SAI.R 5 and 10-ore traota just within nnd adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. AddresB P. O. Box 418. f-f-f-f- Want FOR 8 ALE Two yeara' lease 'and furniture of Vendorae hotel, good location, in Ashland 20 farnidbed rooms, besides parlor, office, dining room, etc. Price- 01060. John P Patty, proprietor. 215 FOR SALE Finely-split stoTewood in oak, fir and pine, and cordwood sawed into lG-foch length blocks. Call on F. Osenbrugge, Stniebaker Bros. Warehouse. FOfi SALE lOJ-horse automobile for sale or trade for real estate; in first-class condition. Inquire at Modgord Auto (To: FOR SALE 75-acro ranch, with' good! water rtehtv finest frvll land; cbnp:; also property In PbrWand1? will trado for Medtbrd' p-oportr- Seo Colema-o at cigar factory; FOR SiVLE Fine, nearly new, 7 room bungalow, 4 closets, bath and pantry, beautiful lot; best' locality off Wes Main; wiife or withaur furnitnrc the best bargain in resi dence property in Medferd; terms. 16 Ross aoart, oirnr; 212! FOR SAHE Completely equippodtl shlnglo and sawmill,, machinery, power, etc. Address-Box ISO, OmA tral Point; Or. 214 FOR SALU A groac barcatn ivm acres 90 aero clear; 12? acres e four-yem and thDe-yar-cldl araH pics and' peArs antU n family oi chard,' some grapes;, two goei' barns,-.orj new conafortablo honse; fonced an! 'cross feacedj telephone; with palcyop shareTO'auea'hi'pssn tur wltft. plenty oTwooi: Price, $45.00 per acre; tvrms, halt'ceelf; balanco car time. Adfiress R'. F." D) routo 2, tz 93, Central Polht: -f 4- -- wanted; WiVNTED Girls fr.r-operators ; . tll between 8 n. m. aud 5 pt m.. Pa cific Tfli and T Co. 2JS (WANTED To tray a house, andi lot, closo ia. Price reasonable Ad dress. A E. Ttsumor, 410" East Main, near briugg. WANTED Dressmaking. All Rinds of plaif and ncy sewing' dtrao at C05-West Main street 213 WANTED Competent girl for gen" eral housework, family of- three. Address P. O. box 257. 200 WANVED TIrouso of a traction en gine or a doonkey englnox D. W. Shnrpo, Medford. 112 WANTED Marrle mani -wants po sitron as foreman on fruit ranch; oaporlencud'. AdJirese- W Coll Box; 41, JacksdnTllte. 21S WANTED Experienced qnnrry ma. Address P; O. Box 418i Meafor On VANTED 12 od eboppera to okp oordwod ami tierwod. Addres E. BUSIMESS DIRECTORY. , Civil 'Engineers WILL take by contract, on reason abb terms, all kinds of work, also irrigating, plauting and ouHivatino ete. Landscape gardening, ifirst class references. William Petors, Civil Engineer, Phoue 1801, 322 East Main street, Medford, Oregon. Attorneys. COl VIG & REAMS W. M. Col. C. L. Reames. Law .b. Off Medford Bank Buil2g. See Floor. j WITFIINGTON & KEJ Lwy. Pnlm building PORTER J. NEFP Attorny-t-l No. 0 D street, ground floor. FOR 8ALE Choice business proper ty at a bargain, on long time; eauy terms. Address P. O, Box 418. BUSINESS DlflECTORY Stenographer. PUBLIC STEN'OORAPIIER, nt the Moore Hotel. J. C. LOWREY, Stenographer and no tary. 29 Jackson Connty Bank bldjj ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palm bUck. Stenographic work dona quickly ani well. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loans and fire insurance Office 112 Main u., Medforc Hre Phone 3073. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. has the best equipped job iffice is Southern Oregon; Portia ad prices 37 South Central ave. Opticians. DR. GOBLE- The only exclusive op Hcian between Portland and Sac ramento Office on West Main street una re,rad. CALL ON DR. E. 3. BONNER, Ey fpeo'alist. when others fail. Offie in Eagle Pharmaey. Main 233. East Main near D'Anjou. KLWOOD AND BURNETT, tbe jew elers, carry a complete stock ajsd make a specialty of big! grade re pair work. Opposite the Nasov Bo te!. ORG. A. .BUTT Wat ckaaker jew eler and engraver. My jewelry steak is up-to-date. My tacilkios, inelv ing. eperieuee- and' matarisi for t pair work, are tho- beat in the ci Corner Or and Seventh et9. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. ' T. OTW a D. No . THE MEDFORD : 1ICK CO. Brict matiufnctu . aad. oontrs tora; also limo, cmsi and: plasty in any quantity. Office; Medfttp National bank blJg, .'honee Male 545. MEDFORD' PURNITURE CO. Un dertukera. Day Phone 353. Nigfet Phones C. W. Co-kKn 36; J H. Butler 148t Pto) IhsiractltHr.. HARMONS, sight reading, nsnsioal rorm. Mbs. E. E. Gbre Metropolitan Collegfl-off MUsio. Mlss-FIonaiQray, Studios, 144 Souths Central! avenue. Phone 490. PruWtffcg: JACK MOORE Gontrexton for plumbing; heating and sewering; Elevens and Front, MeOford, Or. Phono -123. Paint; Stores M. J. METCALIF Paints,. Bruslies. Wall Paper, Glass, Varnishes Stains nnd Wall Tints, 318 2. Main St., Medford. Oregon. Tea (QHnpanie& GRASSD UNION' TEA CO. S. Ifiemr thome, agt. Store opened from to. 6. Phouo- 3871. 237 Rinorsid a-.miue. Tin Shcfis. J. A. SMI17U Tin ahop. Tin and sWt iron ware on hand an&mnde to order 128 North 6 street PwotograpJi. Studies. 5MAOKE'S STUDIO "-Pose with Maakejt and die with joy." Ovor Al len & Reagan's- store; entranee 00 Soveatti street. Carriage antl Auta Palntlig. VALIiEY SIGN AND CAttHTAftt? WfeVltKS Hxsh-clnss. work guaran teed Sign. Riverside arene. Pbena S01. Painttog and Decoraltog. M(BDFORD DECORATING CO., suc cessors to Shearer & Phillips, painters and decorators in all branches; weathered oak on inside finish a specialty. Our green roof stains guaranteed not to spot. 504 N. Beatty st. P. O. Box 14, Medford Elocution. CLASS WORK and individual les sens. Mrs. Rosooe A. Johnson, 608 Cutkormo st., Tuttle's Additioa. P. O. Box 273. Restaurants. BEE HIVE RESTAURANT Menls 15o; beds, 15o, Give us a trial. 20 Central avenue, upstairs. Kindergarten. KINDERGARTEN 1009 W. Main street. Hours; From 9 a. m. to 11 :30 a.m. For particulars apply to Miss J Arra Harmon, director, at the school - 4- BUSINESS DIRECTORY.. f t t Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON-Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jaokaon County Bank Building, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Yonng and flail building. A nioo cool place to spend the hot after noons. Architects. J. K. A. BILES. Architect nnd Build- ing Superintendent, P. O. Box 430, Medford, Or. Your building, ro- , spectfully solicited. BIJOU THEATER West Seventh st. Darling Stock Co. in repertoire of high-grade comedy-drama produc tions. Changes Sunday and Thurs days. Admission 10c and 20c. Furniture H. P. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second ) ind furniture and hard ware. Agents for Mound City kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSIO-N FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8tb and Holly Sts., Med ford. SCission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOPP & WOLFF Cook Storea and Ranges. New and Second Hand Furnienre. Eads' old stand, 18-20 F St .South. Phono 91. Medford, Or. rhsiteis. MEDFORD HOSPITAL Surgical cases- a- specialty; thorough equip ment. Mrs. L. G. Gardner, Prop., 446 B. Evergreen St., Medford. Drayagfc and Transfer. ADAMS & MOORE, GENERAL D raying, and Transfer, wiH call anywhere-in city. Phone Main 561. Stand at S. P. Depot nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees ara-budded, not grafted. Ourrstoek is-not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything: put out. We are not m the trust. Hi B. Patterson, ofir in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. G. E. Cask. Prop. R, R. V. depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 583. Medford: TfcHTsfrsr awl Dfaytuj JHJ Si BRTBCBUB Drayagfe and tran&nr.- J&ggoge stored. Utlioe n and Saveath. CMwnt Workersi B. J. ADYEDTT All work, guaran tee!! striatic first-class. Residence No 406 Baatty street. A card will braig; mo- to- you. Music. MTSIC ASD. LANOUAGESi Mrs. H. B Hhillbr 707 Maiu street West. ?rivatn? lessons in sbgitig. (method Bbssina)i and langii&gi;sr Froueh, Ilaliaty Gfereaan, Spanish. MRS. E E. GORE Piano instrueti-in Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Phone 493. 144 South Central avenue. Batttftufl and Loan- Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C. Boggs, Acting Secretary, 12b E. Main street. Carpenters-and Builders. PL E. HILL Will furnish plans an list of all timbur to be put in build in sr. Medford, Oregon fenllsts. DR. FRANK ROBHIMS Dentist Office hours.: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Mhiin street, Medford, Ore con. Physiriarrs and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night oalls promptly answered. Office and res ident phone Main 2301. S. A. LOGKWOOD, M. D. Physician and surgeon. Office, 133 W. Main st. Phone Main 577, Medford. CONROY & CLANCY Office la, Stewart Building Physicians and Surgeons. Oftlco phone, Main 341; private phone, Main 012, S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Office honret 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office In Jackson Co. Bank Bunding. DR. F. G. CARLOW, D. VA MAINS CARLOW Osteep at hie Physicians. Missies fHeek, Pfeea 201, Medford. i