THE MEtfFOKT) MAIL TRIBUNE, MEEWRn, OK15UON 'IT USD AY, NOVIOAIIUiU HUM). BUCK HAND WRECKS TOWN Town Made Famous by Con gressman Joseph Cannon. Quick Money Needed. My 'JO lots including it good .I- room house, must so lor -uiuv. t cnmnflres. Ordo, glancing nround , trim, noticed these. "Doctor," ho commanded triinrply, ! right off and bring It down. Come on. Jorty jtwt outside nt city lun boynl" $--M cash, rest easy pay Over n coro of men nttnckol tii. wonts. Address Hoy W. Harris sluiceway, for by uow part of the tvur room 5, Palms Rooming House, Med- , crow had como dowu river. The point font, Oregon. 212 ' above had recovered Its vdlumo. Va Blow Up 25 Buildings ,in Center Of tor vras beginning to trickle over the, Medford. Oregon: This certifies top or wc gate. me men wcirKcu up , lhnt wo jmvo soIJ ,Tnips Texas Won to tueir Knees in swtit water, xney could not see, and the strokes of ax or pick lost much of their force against the liquid. Down by the sluice a dot en lanterns flickered and blinked yel low against the blue blackness of the sight. Ordo opened the sluice gates. ! The water had become too ileon for of- Twen- fectlvc work, and n half hour's flow I (United Press Lmscd Wire.) DANVILLE, 111., Nov, ty-flvo frame buildings In the heart would reduce the pressure. The time of t ehclty were wrecked today and was occupied In eating. four persons nre reported mlssiug. ' TVhen the meat was dnlshed the men Members of the Dlack Hand society Ut lr PP anl went back to work nro believed to be responsible for tho PW'osophlcalty. . i Ner tntdnlght a swaying lantern . ,, . i .v wns sen approaching. Onlc heard the According to the police the dyna-J, of vncc,8. A motnent ,ntor Dfl. mite was set off In the fruit ax& wine y.B bulky form pped Into the lllu house of Joseph Mascarl, an Italian. J mlnation of the Or. Tho nrnlnslnn iloninllshpri M&Karl's Onlo ndim1 fixer tn xvhpn his nlnn. n,1 nrqxt (fall V nil nt VA ttllllri. PIUnlOTPT tOOl tlMrlnr fltlOllt him. I lnes within tLo block. Tho slato 1 "Oh. there you arr cried Daly nn- glafis windows in the building, for ' lnh- rV to here? I "T?tinntn Intra " MnlU rtrvln asI1i several blocks were shattered I dor for tho euro of nil kidney, bind , dei? nnd rheumatic troubles for ten years, nnd hnvo never had n com plaint. It gives quick nud permanent refief. CO days' treatment in each bot tle. Medford Phnnuncv. Orders for sweet cream or butter milk promptly filled. Phono the creamery. Two men were seen near Mascarl's place shortly before the explosion. . -ij0w about this?" The Italian denied having any e mles and also declared that he ha'd sot received any threats. Running logs," replied Orde coolly. "Running logs!" shouted Daly, pro ducing a much folded newopxper. Orders for sweet cream or battar milk promptly filled. Phone the ereaaierr. Dosn's Kidney Pills will give re newed life. They will cure the backaebe; Cure every kidney ill. Orde lowered the paper to the camp fire. It was as extra, screaming with wood type: JUotlnr and Bloodshed In the Wood. - Rlvcrznen and Dam Owners Clash. There followed a highly colored state meat that a skirmish had left the field In pocsvbclon of the rlvermen, in spite of the sheriff and a large posse, but that troops were being rushed to the spot and that this "high banded dell Here I. Medford proof ttmtU so; . of authorlt .. would 80on e Mrs. O L. Boone corner XMh ud streets; Medford, Or., says: li gives unkn0wn. THE MVERMAN. (Continued from page 2.) gnme." The men broke Into mingled rhcers and laughter as the full sig nificance of Orde's plan reached them. They streamed back to the dam. Reed came out. eyes biasing. Ifeed stormed back nnd forth, for a moment, then departed at full speed tip the road. "Now, boys; get as much done as possible," urged Orde. "We better get back In he brush or he. may try to nrrect the whole b'lltng of us on some was as yet unknown. "Dont yoa know any better than to get into that kind of a row down here?' said Daly. "Don't you realise that this isn't the northern peninsula?" "Sure I do," replied Orde placidly. "Come along here till I show you the Huation." The sheriff did not reappear. Reed evidently now pinned bis faith to the troops. By 3 o'clock1 the main abutments bad been removed. The gate was then blocked to prevent its fall when Its nether support should b withdrawn. Suddenly was heard an exultant yc'l from one of the axmen. A brief In stant later the snapping of wood fiber began like the rapid explosions of li. Olympic Flour ii an aid to rather than a teat of your ability." If yon don't get the baking rejulta v tou should try a BXai3fL i aaclc or UIttbdio ir it always makes good tilings to eat. It's "better Uuuscrcr. AT YOUR GROCER'S foMUJtD Tbocaua Mou Co., Foxiuutn.Omaet I IF IT'S GOOD value for your money and of first-class quality, regardless of what line of groceries you desire, We Have It and we can, truthfully say that nowhere in Medford or elsewhere can so much be purchased for the money as at Allen 3) Reagan The Square Deal Grocers The Days of Hand Sweeping are Over. Ask to see the VACUUM SUCTION CLEANER Household Size Can Be Attached to Any Lamp Socket. LRogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. "How about the fliber boys?' ln-!"nfnr nre: a crasn ami uang oi in quired North ra smote ,ne 0,r an1 then ,he rlv?r- "1 pa've one of tbem fl telegram to tvavtae with joy. rushed Inf wrd to Daly." replied Orde. "Paly . th D,ew P opened for It. will be up to ball tbem out." . f 2S,,fI-Mo ttt . , Oreo riorc-they hid In' the woods.) olwt.rovnvwhcmr bM ana again, after a loncer Interval, the ' J0 thos,y wbo bftd jf- a,thlr ,tit n-r,r ni.,1 lm sl,oHfT rDnnnnr1 earlier In the night. itoll OUt. nnriearM to bo eTnonlatlnir viol ! .TOU webfooted son- ol srrs. .".nd hear lertly an tin rlrer. ftr'klly to to dam. summoned those "working below and !er'Arted up the W. 07 Craww-nnr Uct from na NO AaKNTI Oar Trvra ara crown itrictlr WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writ for frr csUloc Lars itock of nrlttlc ruubl(oroommarcia orchard Ctolet frait. Nat ui Oraimaattl Tmi, OfM Vlait, Snail Fnit Plaitti ui Skrakltry Tub Da.ll.zs NcnsEiats Main Offlc, IS Onai Are,FortIasa,Ora. pearMl to be expostulating vlo- I fou yreoiooiwi -on oi-ra. anu near ml n number of times pointed . thr 1 ",e,W n",,"ta,S ?T r. but the sheriff went ahead Suddenly Orde had fro.- h an nttl i tfa lm. RmmonP,l ,hn. I tuds Of attentive listening -narkr road as before. Reed stood uncertain until he saw the rlrermen bpplnnlng to i re-emerge from the bruh. then fol low..! the officer at top speed. "Without the necessity of command a half dozen men leaped down on the apron. The previous crews had made considerable progress In weakening th heavy supports. As soon as these sh m:d be cut out and the backing re moved the mere sawing through of the massive sill should carry away the whole obstruction. At -1 o'clock the sheriff made bis third appearance, this ume is side bar buggy. "I wish 1 dared Join that confab," said Orde, 'but he'd Jug me sure." "II? wouldn't Jug me," spoke up Newmark. "I'll go down." The young man departed In his precise, method ical manner. About sunset be re turned, "Well?" the crew demanded. "Reed wauted the sheriff to stay and protect the dam," reported Newmark. "Sheriff refused. Said his duty was .limply to arrest on warrant and as often as Reed got out warrants he'd cerve them. Reed 6ald then he whnuld get a posse and hunt up Orde und the rest of tbem. Sheriff replied ttir" as far as he could see the term Ordc uiitchvU tlum (uppusr of bid warrant were covered by the tneti ho found working on the dam Reed demanded protection. Sheriff paid for him to get an Injunction and It would be enforced." "Well, that's nil right," Interjected Ordo, with satisfaction. "We'll have her cut through before be gets that In junction," "Yes," said Newmark, "but now he's gono to telegraph tho governor to send the troops." "Kind of expected that, boys," said Orde. "Let's see. The uext train out from Redding They'll be here by 5 In the morning nt soonest. Hope It'll be Inter." "What will you do?" nsked Newmark. ''Take chances," replied Orde. ' Tho sun had dropped below the fringe of trees. Twq straight, thin col limns of smoke roso from the neglect- said be. Falut. the wandering morning b'e2 bore to their ears a sound wh isv dif ference from the louder nnle nir hand alone rendered It audible. "The troops!" exclaimed Orde. see ing n lantern and returned down tb trail, followed eagerly by NcvmarL and every man In camp. Tho men drew a little to one Bide, watching the dim line of the forest, dark against the paling sky. A man I rode out of the shadow and reined up , by the Are. "Halt!" commanded n harsh voice. The rlverman could make out the troops three or four score of tbem standing rigid at attention. t tteod pushed forward. "I wish to inquire, sir," asked the I commanding ofllcer of Orde, "If you 1 have gone mad to counsel your men 1 to resist civil authority?" "I have not resisted civil authority," replied Orde respectfully. "The re- ', ports have been false. The sheriff of this county has arrested about twenty of my meu single handed and without ! th.e slightest trouble." "Mr. Morris," cried the ofllcer sharp- ly, "Is what this man says true?" ! "It sure is, Never had so little fuss ! arrestln' rlvermen before In my life." ' "Then why the devil am I dragged ' up here with my men In the night?" cried the ofllcer explosively. "Who's responsible for this insanity anyway? Don't you know," he roared nt Reed, "that I have no standing In the pres ence of civil law?" Reed started to speak. "I've nothing to do with that; set tle It In court. And what's more, you'll have something yourself to settle with the stnte! About, face! Forward, march!" Orde burst into bis deep roar of laughter. j "Now you see, boys," he said, dig- ' glng his flats into his eyes, "If you'd put up n row, what we'd have got Into, No bluecoats in mine, thuul; you." "I tell ye, I'm not done with ye yet," 1 threatened Reed. "I'll sue ye for dam- j ages, and I'll git 'em too." "Now, hop along," urged Orde. i "We'll pay you any legitimate dam- , ages, of course, but you can't expect ! to hang up a rivcrful of logs Just on a 1 notion. And we're sick of you. See 1 here, you two; Just see that this man leaves camp." Reed hastily retreated. "Well, goodby, boys," said Daly. "I'll Just get along nnd bnll the boys out of that village calnboone " WE DONT BELIEVE YOU CAN BEAT THIS: Thirty-two acres th this trnet, fine fruit land, about two miles froth, ift shipping point. The ImihJlTgs consist of n five-room hox house, cood-sued ham, etc. There nre 12 ticres. of 5 nnd O-venr-old nn- pies, mostly Xewtowns, with com- vntreinl peaches plnntcd between K.v fillers. Also three ncres jI young vcnr trees nnd some family orchard. Four acres in nlfnlfn. Six or eight .irres of limber, most ly onk and Inure, There is n pumping plnnt on tho plnce which supplies water for the garden nnd nlfnlfn, equipped with gasoline engine. About 40 rods from n good school. Has rurnl mail de livery nnd telephone. Price $10,500. Terms. W. T. YORK & CO. As Always WE HAVE IK STOCK THE CHOICEST LINE OP FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHICKENS, ETC., AS WELL AS OUR OJYN SPECIAL MAKE OF SAUSAGE, HUT OWING TO CHANGE OF POL ICY WE WILL CLOSE ALL OUTSTANDING AC COUNTS DECEMBER 1. AFTER WHICH DATE ALL BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED ON A STRICTLY CASH BASIS. WESTSIDEMARKET Bybee Heil, Props. J. E. ENYART, President JOHN S ORTH. CH-hl-r J. A. PER It , Vire.l'reMdeot. W. B. JACKSON, A't CoHhl.r. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK L'APITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A feneral Banking Business transacted. Wo solicit your patronage. 5 RESOLVED Tho henl rcunliuion for you to mnko is lo come to us for your next unit, if yoii want Miniethiiig out of tho ordinary. We do tliu hot work nud ohnn;u the lowt'hl pricurt. W, W, EIFERT TUB rilOORbflfllVE TA1XO First-Class Ladies' nnd Genta' Bootblack Parlors DYEING AND OILING A SPECIALTY. V. W. Howard, Const Champion Bootblack, Prop 0 S. CENTRAL AVENUE. THE BUNGALOW RINK Grand Masquerade Skate WEDNESDAY EVE, NOV. 24 Music by SkatiDg Rink Band W. A. ROBBINS, Prop. Admission Wednesday Eve 25c Skates 25c DON'T FORGET To see my Silver Toilet and Man icuring Sets and Silver Novelties all new in latest styles and designs Marfnl Reddy THE JEWELER Near P. O. (To be continued.) For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, ones, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C- Smith 314 E. Main. ANNOUNCEMENT The Ro'iio Rivor CunniiiK & Kvnporntiiif company will devote Mondnya nnd Tlnuvdnys of each week to custom work in tho mnn ufnctiire of cidor, apple butter nnd jellies. Phono your orders for nice sweet eider lo 11X2. Deliveries w-ill he mnd'e on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. ROGUE RIVER CANNERY & EVAPORATING COMPANY Mill In West Medford. Phono 11X2. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISUED. IB. H. Harris & Co, MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs A VERY PERPLEXING QUESTION Is now, "Whnt shall I get?" If you will seo my stock it will not he luud to settle that question. I hnvo n fine line of Howard, Walthnm, Elifin, Hamilton, Hamp den and New KuIand watches, gold and filled jewelry, cut plnns nnd silver Toilet Articles, the best Kood for the prices. Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing nnd maiiufnclurinff. All goods sold' by mo engraved free. GEO. A. BUTT, 135 West Main Street, Corner Grape. M. M. HERMAN. C. II. HERMAN. HERMAN BROTHERS Denlors in HARNESS, SADDLES, ROBES, WHIPS. TENTS, WAGON COV ERS, HORSE BLANKETS, ETC. All kinds of custom work nud repairing done on short notice, 317 East Seventh Street MEDFORD, OREGON " O Hansen. Tom Moffi We make any kind and stylo of windows. Wo carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. I I