Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 23, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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A consolldntlon of the Medford Mull, eHtAbllshcd 1S88; ttn Southern Orin-
tan, vntnblUheil ISOSj the Democrntlc Ttme. established 1871; th Ashlnml Ttw
une, eMabllshed 1S96. and the Medford Tribune, established JIS06.
Official Paper of the City of Medford.
Her Dear it Frltndi.
Whre Extrrtnta Meet,
GEOKGE PUTXA5r,Editor and Manager.
entered as cecond clnna matter November 1, 1909, nt the poitofflce at MeTford,
Oregon, under the net of March 3, 1879.
15.00 One nitfnth by mall or carrier.... .60
One year, by mall.
The Portland Oregoman. charter member of the "Can't
Do It" club, enemy of southern Oregon, opponent of edu
cation, organ of reactionary polities and mouthpiece of
inossbaekism, voices its opposition to the proposed Crater
Lake highway and the good roads movement in general in
the following editorial:
"It would be a mighty fine tiling to have 'a Roman
road' irom Jacksonville, Medford and Ashland to Crater
Lake. Yes. indeed. But there is no road yet from Port
land to Hillsboro or from Portland to Oregon City that
Groom Aycil G3 nnd Brlilo of 54 Arc
Given License to
i Louis I!. Allen, aged Hit, mid KN
vera Short, apod 51, wore on Mom
i day granted n marriage license by
"i County Clerk Coleman. The couple
will reside in Ashland where they
'have heea making their home.
Evelyn J wonder why Nntkn can't
anv kind of a carriage can use for more than four montns talk two minutes without drawing i
. . "Je J'0UMS file's enptpotl to.
ma year. U ,n , vi i Myrtk-Koree of bablt. 1 suppose.
If there isn't; shame1 on Porpandiand Oregon City, and rve always understood sue had to
the rule of the silurian that such conditions prevail: "There drns h,u '",0 tue engagement.
ought to be a state highwav between these cities, and there ,
vrould be but tor tne narrow visionea opposiuon oi moss
backs, headed by the Ofegoriian. But Oregon City and
Hillsboro are not in the same class as Crater Lake, Ore
iron's one great natural wonder, and if there is to be a state
Th Polite Shoemaker.
nignway anywnere, ana mere ougni xo oe iui over, n suuum
be to malceaccessible tins most picturesque of regions., ded
icated by congress, "to flieN people of the "United States
forever as a tublic Blavsrouud,1 to the end that a constant
stream of money spending tourists from all parts of the
world may have an object in coming to Oregon.
Continuing, the Oregonian says: "Yet good roads can
not be had at once. Talk about Roman roads is prema
ture. It is well for an ideal, but we shall struggle yet
awhile to reach it. . . . Such roads have been more
than 2000 vears in building. . . . But it is hardly worth
while to talk of Roman roads except at immeasurable the other,
distances. Those roads represent an amount oi labor tnat )
will be beyond our means for hundreds of years to come." f
' In other words, it can't be done, and we much continue f
to waddle through the mud for centuries to come! "
Stuff and nonsense. Nothing can be done unless anj
attempt is made to do it. All the big things of this world
liflve been dons .within a single generation. The great Chi- N
nese wall was built in the reign of one emperor. The most
famous of Roman roads, the Appian highway, was built ,
withm one man's lifetime, by Appius Claudius, the blind,
three centuries before Christ. India's great military high
way was comparatively few years in course of construction.
Instead of waiting for our descendants to build high
ways, we ought to build them today, enjoy them, and let
the coming generations also enjoy them and snare in tne
It it
"Skip the gutter, mister, or you'll
pet your cuffs tmultly!" nrownltig'
Do at a Subttitutt.
"Do you see that I have one foot
longer than the other?"
"On.the contrary, one eecms smaller
Exactly a Hundred Ytarc
The Assistant Our tattooed man !
Museum Mnnnger Well, we oupht
to U able to tird n.'ootkill player with
enough black ami lilue t pots ou hint to
do as a substitute.
Not Sc Droenricnt.
Owing to the had weather the re
ception to he tendered Uev. and Mrs.
Lucas t,,r. eening has heen postponed.
is. hereby given thai the undersigned
will apply nt the regular meeting f
the city cotuiuil of Medford, Oregon,
on December 7, 1909, for license to
Fell limit, vinous and spirituoR liquors
in lens quantities than one gallon, nt
lots 14, IS and 10, block '21, in Med
ford, Oregon, for a period of six
Dnted November 21st. '
A Methodist Minister Recommends
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhooea Remedy. "
"I hnve used Chatnberlnin's Colic.
Cholera nnd Diarriioea Remedy for
several yenrs for dinrrlioca. I eo?i-
sider it the best remedy I hnvo ever
tried for thnt trouble. I bought n bot
tle of it n few dnyn ngo from our
druggist, Mr. R. R. Brooks. I shad
ever be clad to speak a word in it
piatsu when I hnvo the opportunity."
Rev. J. D. Knnpp, pastor M. K. ,
church, Miles Orove, I'a. Sold by i
Leon 11. Htiskius' Pharmacy. I
"Doesn't this dress make me look
younger. George'"
C70 Jn lx Jivo, iUJ UCUi, VJka.llJ AW juuto
expense or building, it is beyond tne means or a locauxy younger."
to construct 'a Roman road, but localities, aided by the.
state and national government, as proposed m the (Jrater ; ,
Lake road plan, can build them, and build them now. "It is nature's way of disposing of her discarded summer:
The state-aided plan lias been tried witn success in, garb. The ram washes away tne decomposing vegetation
. vj
T WW 111 I
Mr. Dark-?! Ah should kls-yo Min
Urowii. would y' m' ( h iih-Isiiih e"'
MlhS Brown-'Slsiunce! Do yn think
Mi need any VU'nme to receive otie
?tlii!.v little kl -
New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey. Penn
sylvania, Delaware and other eastern states, who have se
cured Roman roads within a few years. "Under this plan,
the state pays a fixed part out of general funds raised by
general taxation, supplemented by money raised by local
and removes the unhealthy vapors that would otherwise
arise to endanger the health. The earth needs a bath that
remotes as if by magic the remnants of a too luxuriant
growth and leaves it clean and healthy for her new dress.
And did you ever see such a fine rain so gentle that not
a twitr was disturbed, and so warm that it seems like sum-
California has found a way to secure Roman roads, and mer? And this is the time of year you awake in the east
that is by permitting counties to issue bonds. The bond to find a snowdrift on the floor and your water pipes
interest yearly amounts to no more than the amount now frozen."
i i .t :
spent m piece-meai roaa consu uuuuu, uuu cunuug gcu-,
eration bears part of the burden. DflPlir PPAPQ APP
Jackson county spends $30,000 annually in building its nUuUL rtflllQ ml
excuses tor roads. Tne amount is so small tnat out nine
can'be accomplished. But $30,000 is 5 per cent on $600,000
and this amount would criss-cross the county with Roman
roads, and the taxation be no heavier than it is today.
To the continued opposition of the Oregonian and the
mossbacks is due the poor roads of Oregon, and every at
tempt to secure a good highway or devise a plan whereby
the constitution can be amended to make possible a good
roads program is consistently and obstinately opposed by
both the newspaper and the reactionary, unprogressive
and provincial element which it represents.
Owing to the fuel .thnt our Christ-'
inns postnis nrc coming in nnd we .
nre crowded for room to display thent
we will offar all postnis nt n 'JQ per
f t discount for one dny only, Snt
nrdny, November 13. Thi9 will nf
ford n good opportunity for you to
lay in n supply for futnro corre
sponding nt n prico thnt will pny you.
Look over our Christmas goods that
arc coming in. It is n pleasure to
how them.
Remember, $1 worth of postnis
will only cost you 80 cents next Sat
urday. The Blue Jny T'ostnl Shop. 331 U
Mnin St., up stnirs. Frank II. Hull,
Philadclphian Writes Judge Crowell
Telling of 200-Box Exhibit
in Quaker City.
Some way must be devised for stopping the knocking
indulged in principally by real estate dealers, who in their
selfishness and greed discourage sales made by others in
the mistaken idea that it will enable them to make a sale
themselves. .
The Commercial club must devise some means of end
ing the anvil chorus. In this the Mail Tribune will co
operate and publish in big black type the names of those
guilty of trying to queer deals in which they are not per
sonally interested.
Every purchaser who locates here is the means of
bringing other prospective purchasers, and every one in
the valley should cordially assist in locating people and
boosting all sales, whether he gets any commission or not.
Tliis is a case where it should be one for all and all for one.
When the deal for the Snowy Butte orchard was pend
ing, some real estate dealer went to the prospective pur
chaser and tried to discourage him from making the deal
an act contemptible in itself and injurious to the coun
try.,. Such a man should be published and sent to Coventry.
It is refreshing in this connection to hear the reply
that Judge W. M. Colvig made to a new arrival who com
plained of the six days' rain-as a contradiction of Mcd
ford's claim to a fine climate.
"Yes, it' has rained for six days," said Judge Colvig.!
Hon. W. S. Crowell has reeclved
the following message on a post card
from Philadelphia, Pa., written by a
friend, P. E. Pomerene: "Coming
down Droad street last evening I no
ticed nn exposition of pears from
Medford, Oregon. Thinking of you
I went to sco it. There woro about
200 boxes of pears, tho llko of which
I never saw before or supposed grew,
Havo seen a large pear now and then
as a 'sample' but to see 200 boxes, all
samples, was an 'eye opener' to me."
Central Point and Medford yVilll
Meet on Gridiron for Champion
ship of Valley.
On account of tho increased cost
ot feed, we, the undersigned dairy-
imen of Medford, find it necessary to
raise the price of milk to ten cents
a quart, retail, and 25 cents a gallon,
wholesale, on and after December 1,
Marriage Licenses.
Tho county clerk has indued the
following mnrringo HcenscB:
Louis R. Ulen, nged 03, and El
vern Short, aged 54; Geo, W. Hoxie,
21, Ruth Trofren, 18.
The football teams of Central
Point High nnd ,Medfprd Higli will
meet on Thanksgiving day for I ho
championship of oButhcru Oregon.
Medford has won every game from
teams who in their turn have dofent
ed other nspirants for the chnmi'jn
ship honors. Central Point reniainh
undefeated nnd only this team Ktr.iidn
between Jfedford nnd lite covetel
Central Point always has and nl
wnyB will be the hereditary foo of
Medford's and nothing in tho world
gives them greater pleasure than to
defeat any team thn tplays under
the name of this city. To do thifc
tho Central Point team ib oxpriiiig
everything in its power to placo a
first-class team of such ritrongth
that the black and red of Medford
will bo trailed in tho mud of defeat.
Medford slnco its Grants Pass game
has corrected all of its weak points
and Thursday will send a power-
ful tenm on to tl.o field. In fact Med-1
ford, although they expect to play a j
bitterly hard fought gamo, noverthe
less when tho whltitlo calls tho game,
they expect to bo winners by a small
What Would You Do?
In a caso of bunt or scald what
would you do to rolieve tho pnin?
Such injuries nre linhlo to occur in
nny family and everyone should be
prepared for them. Chamborlniri'is
Salve applied on a soft cloth will re
lieve ho pain ulmost instantly, and
unless the injury is a very severe otn,
will cause the parts to hcul without
leaving n scar. For sale by Leon H.
Hnskins' Pharmacy.
The Struggle discourage Many a Cltl
en of M'troro
Around nl. hj ito n aching buck;
me pleasure t rkn "dge tbe bent
fit lerived frcn 'o uoe of DoanV
Kidney Pill. , urrred from a
vero cage of kldnrr cueiplalnt. M
back ached conitaai'v ana 1 th'i,gtit 1
would never get rol. 1 alto bad i
dull, dragging pain t. fiigh mv ioIi
wblrb robbed mo of ml m tdtlon .
filthily procured a box o I'oaa'a Kid
ney pills at HasklruV lr..p iUi'i. 't
only took a ahort uso of iia reined
to entirely enre me. I give he ' "
for the great cbarigo to Doan . jcj
For rale by all dtalera. Pnr
cent. FoBtcr-Mllburn Co,, New 1 ork,
solf'sole nccntu for thn United States.
Remember the name Doan's and 1
mV no other. 50
Can't rest at night;
Enough to make any ono "give out."
YOUNG MAN, get thnt young
lndy of yours n bouquet nnd
watch her smile.
Delivery nny part of city,
Cut Flowers and Potted Plants
Knst Main St. Phono 000.
To Rightly Handle a Shoe Store
Wrong buying gotri it Mock not Htiited to the tradu
Had Helling Ih not in cheating, hut it is the laok of
knowledge, of how to know quickly junt what nhoc
will kuo it customer.
ST i i r
Have had years of experience in tho bout Hhou Trade of tho Kant
Fhcy know how to buy to get good quality, right prion and n
wcll-fittlng shoe. They know how to sell to givo perfect satis
faction to their customer. Their prices are right, as luvestiga
'ion will prove. West Main Street, Hotel Moore Hlock.
Have something to
Be ThanRful
For if your Thanksgiv- ,
ing dinner is cooked in .
the Fireless Cooker.
J. W. Whitney
211 West Main Street
In Case of $ic&ness
r II O N E . 0 '1 1
Near I'ont Olfico All Night Sorvioo Free Delivery
The Last Day
for the purchase of the one hundred and one t hings
so essential to the proper observance of o-P' reat
national holiday is ,
and if you have not already secured your supplies
for Thanksgiving dinner you slould call at oneo
and make a selection from our stock of all kinds of
fruits, vegetables, cranberries, celery, salad oils,, oysters, clams, smoked and canned fish,
etc. In fact, everything you need for dinner, and
above all do not forget our delicious homo made