V Till!; M HI.) FOR J) .MAIL TRIBUNI CITY NOTICES. ' - -4 f 44- H f CITY NOTICES. f CITY NOTICES. 3, MKDFOUD. OWSfiOX. TL'liSDAV. Nnviamrcn. v mno MUCH LAND SOLD I t CITY NOTICES. f tt ttt NEAR ASHLAND iitfulimt dm 1 ii y I it k of mild water main on hiiIi! port Ion of mild Mtrtit anil tin; iihuoHMiiH'iii or mo com i Hereof uh llfOIOIOlld. Alllt whol'OMN. Mil I.I riiMlllllllfin U'nu Htroot, rioHcrlhuiI Vol. 72. jingo teals, hut no pvotontn -vrro r, r,, AHK0Km-nt N'o. 15 Ada Orchard Properly Moves Briskly-CUT 'Konl'fl .MJcSir 0I Acreage to Do Planleil to Trees Coming Season. Tho (Jnnn Prult Conijinny of Ht. I. otiln, ii firm doing upward of a inllllun of IiiinIikimh ur iinuiiiii In fruit it ud produce. rejiroHonted by C. II. Holn'rlMin, who Iiiim Jtmt returned lo HI. I.oiiIh, have jiurchiWod hnlf Intercut In 100 acre of laud with A. O. (loliiKor. of Anhhind, for n ronnld erntlon In the uolKhhnrhood of $10.- 000, and rontrnctcd to begin Immodl- Inld. of wild city And whoreim, a mooting of tho council whm hold ut tho tlino and plnco fixed In xitld icHolutlon for tho purpOHo of eonijldorlng any mieh pro (.mtH hut no proU'MtH woro at mild time or at any othor time, made to or reeelv and I. addl. Oregon, Ride of .10, county rtcordt.r'roU)tdHor Jnclfc- time or a' any other time mndo to O. Porter, tot 14, block 1. Park a koii county. Oregon. 50 feet; rat.) or received hy tho council to the lay- tlon to the city of ledfonl Ore Pr foot, U2.I7 ccnlH; amount duo. 1 log of mi Id water main or .,. uJZL trnntnZ r.n Ml .7 Vm I.UK. , merit of tho ccl Hww( m nfor-ie. "d. , Xewtown street and deHcrlbcd Vol. AHHctMinciit No. lOCharleH Wol- nfd council having nnldcred . ., page .., county recorder's rcc gnmott, commencing nt a point 130 tU-' 'natter, ar,d dceinhg that Bald ordK of Jackdon county, Oregon. 50 feet bo nth of tho nortlie.it comer .w"l-'r miia wan and In pf ir.Morlal feet. Unto per foot, 57c; amount of lot i, block 2. MlnKiin diih-dlvlBlon, ht!ti "' -Ity "ml thai all pro- due, 128.50. itectlon 24, toviwhlp 87 Bouth of "'ry ,0..'! V A. t,,?rff"-o , AHHCBment No. 16 Ada and L. ruigo 2 went of V. M. and from ald '''' 'eriefllt therchy to the extent O. Porter, lot 15, bl'ck 1, Park nddi polnt running thence Mouth 100 feet. I, l,a' ,ir"'" ,J,t' "ni"'t of tbo renp?c- tlon to the city of Med ford, Oregon, went II chalriH. 13 IlnkH. north 1 00 ilv.". iwntwm tp he l-vled atralnnt 1 frontage 50 feet on east Mdo of Ncw- ir at any (ithor tlnio niadu to or feet. eit 3 chalriH, 13 llnkB, to placei "'V ,irfl.'c y' wr tor, town Btreet rind described Vol. ... ed by tho council to tho laylnif, of heitliinlnir. frontm?,, inn f,...t , ,nR! .'a'"- pngo ... county recordei'B rocordn of Bald water main or the itBBCBHiucnt 'went Hide of .... ntreet, dencrlhed In , w-jorcn( the rest 0f said of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet; of the font thereof uh aforeMald. rind Vol. 71. priKo 570. county recorder's Wfl''r mn'n ",c'-'n berohy (Hrate per fo-it, 57c; amount due. said council IiiivIiik cormldoi d the record of JackMOn county. Oreuon 1 ,''rrnln''tl t'lc ,'"'!n 8C0.70. i S28.50. mailer, and deemlriK that nald water 100 feet; rato per foot, 02 17- -ow therefc-e. It Ib hfrby fnrth-1 Assessment No. 17 Ada and L. -I .ivn-riiiiiieu w.ai -lie prporMonate o. Porter, lot If,, block 1. Park ad- m.iiM.. oi mo cohi or rayi'ir; r'kj wat-idlt on to the c fy of Med ford. Or. main whm and m of materjal benefit . amount due. 92.17 io Mam cny ami tnai an properly to A feUIlillitMlitlf Vi 1 1 rt....M... ft lie iihHesHeu tetireror would lie bene- Honhert commenclni' at a u, ,t in I " , ' c '"'rc'' r" im pro-icon, fronfiRe 50 feet on enl b do of fitted thereby to the extent of of Newtow eet and described Vol. probable amount ofthe respective as- lot 2, block 2, MlnKus suh-dlvlslon. b", 7StnTXh,X'n' fi ' l ccunt' .de ' rec- HesHinentH to be levied nRiiliint said Hectlon 14, township 37 south of nil m dl of Jackw.n county. Oregon. 50 property, did order mild water main ranue 2 west f w. m r 'J .f..,.nn'L 1h''nlUU" V? l"-.l"J-' feel; rato p t foot, 57c; amount du. .i..." . ...;.. ' V"? '"k " '"i" wrier mai i me run ex- i J2S.r.O. th" amount to set tpposllo Assessment No. 18 Marthc John- .!. imi nut irnuillIlK Ol me emire " im- turn u mini will- "ii". HMiivnaiii line O m.0 (JPKcrlOt on Of each nairot nr nn rst 1 Klr.,.1, f. Ii.,:. , lfiO aereH In apples an ars. 'r ' " ""' l '"") In do. "". llienco north paral- and 'hat tho respective ' the city of Mtdfr rd Ort's-rn front- Then, have been soveral other real "'""" ... sum of IU0C.05. ' ' r"2 i"' r"Znt lh" Prpportloi.l rS S?f2t on west ?.dTNewown estntn tranfers made. IncludlnK the Now therefor.-. It Is hereby further i . .7 . l; " . ma'n 10 M'rcct. 50 feet; rate per foo'., 57c; sale of .),., .. Aii..r. i .determined that lie proportionate I '.V .."V. .7".l",uu ln I;; "r1! 1 :r:Ll'Y:J'i'r5 "neny ana Amount du. 128.50. wwiiiinuii ,.i .. . . . i ui'hlti ii i viii. iiii hi IT m i .i muni v iiru lih 1 1 rr i niin l rri n i rrnnrirn ffhn- - f v u , iHVi , Includlni; tlx., ;ow tnereror... it is iiereoy further ( 100 . , . ., f Albert Johnson ' 1termliHMl Hint tl e proportionate ' J,1 v.T -n . , 1 . ' "'Hhare of the cost of luyl r K said water I ' Vrt l-'?J ,mK.0 jm In toh city , ,,,, of ,,, mrcd jf , prorty!0"' rec" ,f. Jrn i Mr. T.i.i nt fr,,.,ii.... i.i .1 , y. OreKn. 50 feet; ra Assessment No. 19 Martha John- 4 1-2 acre orchard home In tnh cllv ... '. V. : i recorder's records of Jackson ronn- of on snld nortlon of until frw i. .t.i, e. n-.i. . .. ... v. . . 1 1 ( VJ i., iiimt IT ' . . . yv r . .. . . . . V. . . . .. . . . . ' ' ' -- . ........... .... luiiiuii ut auiuinoi ... . tin nt, which they sold to n Mr. Lewis of fronlltiL' m unl.l ,.,.rHnn .f .ni.i i y. OreKon. m ' . . .... i ........ .i... .. ' 02.1 7 centsi wiiiiiip, lexim, ior inuuii, no riiiviDK i" n" niniMini sei opposuo mo i , - i,in- . . . "v u" "cru-u purchased It for hi. son-in-law J .Inscription of each parcel or p.cco ! J. I'boTame0 ferHT .V.3fh . S" f?il Stf" pCr f00t' feet; rate per foot, 'be council doce hereby declare each the city of Medford, Oregon, front- .1 i.mctiH oi pronery aescriuort ape 50 fet on west side Newkowa me same hereby w assessed ihnUmmmt An t9R r.n family who will Bhortly more hero, j mrct., of ttnt, ,,cnefUtC( by ,10 ,ny. ,.,, ,2 clin,nB( r,0 links north of "mL1"? rlpit?n A"ml No. 20-Martha John Possession Is lo bo Riven Jnnuary 1. K 0f said water main to tho full the southwest corner nnd on the west 00 1 of ,nInB ea,d watw roa,D. on ,ot 3- bloc!t 6- Park addition In tAnother sale has been mndo of 2R 'extent of the hrnount so sot oppolto,lnw of ,lock Mlnuus sub-division. ASSKSSMENT FOIt A KOL'R-INCH tue ,'y,af L 1r.cK''' tr9' acreof orchard land at $100 tier the ileserlnfJon nf irh t,nrr..i "ecllon -4- townsnip 37, south or a ic.it mai. rKUji WEST V . . . ,uu . . ncre.lh.n a com, 1, o , , A' iecc anTff 2 west ofU'. M. and. from said MAIN TO V.WESTE1GHTH ON rrt 50 fee ; rale per foot, 57c; " . . .. .. .7 ... . iiioini rnnnini; iiwnre norin on tn.t .'t.niwr diiicci. " i rnrri i' Assessmeni mo. 21 .Marina jonn w rlll.uJi:' en lot 4, block C, Park, addlllon lnl a.... . . ... I rnnrimiiHt It . iit-nhnnll..H.I l......fli I ...... . ... . lcu ,u m;i,. i .bm ' ne.f "" '""CK 7 Plains, 2 Assessment No. 1- nna n small i.earlni: orchard nt 18000, ,.arFtll. , f nr' ' , ', .uA Yi 1 ,'nkB ,0..lno "outhwesterly llrio of 200 Ceorge, now Mm. FOR SALE At Reasonable Prices Ready to Deliver Now Newtowns Spitzenbergs Bartlett Bosc ? i Cornice t J' Winter Nellis And all commercial varieties. See L. E. HOOVER Or Call Phone Suburban 371 MEDFORD which latter two properties will be ..orllonnl fron ago thereof on sa d J,m,.rnAlron'l r,Ktl ot wny of ih" - ,ot block 2 Park Edition to tho Vn' f .m? nw 1 hlx,y Any'- .r" ' each of tho y jno of M,d rroad right-of-way , described Vol. 63, page 92, county amunt due-. '?8'5o0X v. , I Iimrrrln of property described below chnln. 35 links, more or less, to recorder's records of Jackson coun- "f8?, 'Y-,2"8.!? ' I HOME CURE FOR ECZEMA j laying lutld water main. AHKJJHflMKNT FOIt A SIX-fNCH WATBIt MAIN FROM SOUTH WEST COn.VEK OF OKAY'S AD DITION NOIITH TO CLAItlC 8THEET, WEST. Jjiitkes u wush that ib bound to core. , 1,10 rll' Medford, Oregon, front mi i .. . .. . . age 230 Ket on west side of .1. ..I.ki..nte onse., it im true enn ) tmli tUl((rrl,1(.(, Vol. ci, page 32. not lie eured in u few days, but there county recorder's records of Jackson if nlmolutely uv niifcrer (rom re- county. Oregon. 230 feet: rate ncr Tomft who over uTthis nimpio xnTsh ',,,,:. ?2'17 wn,; n'0l,nt nu.l .lid not find iniineiliatelv thnt !165.00. wonderful fuothiur. cnlui, cool freiifii- AsoMmont No. 2 R. W. Orcy. et tion thnt oomo when the itch in Ink-1 ". 't - Ornv's nddltlOn !.". en away. InMiiutly upon jiiiplyiiiL' a ihw urops oi mo uiimi uie rvmc(i dfcrlbed Vol. ... tmge... county . frontage 100 foet on east Bide ginning, containing 2.2-100 frontage 75 feet on street, described Vol Jackson county records of Jackson county recorder's records of Jack count.v Oregon, 75 feet; rnte ner "on county. Oregon. 50 feet: rate 17 cents; amount due, $69.- per foot, 57c: amount due J2S.50. . . . .... i - ......... ... .-" . ... ., . .. . v . v. ri ui UiiLKiuu L.JUU . . . . . . . . t . . . . nwcHca nna eacn or mo name the tmrth lino of a tract of lend de- ty. Oregon. 50 feet; rate per foot X"n. ; V aiuon in i.... ..i... i. ......... it.. . '...n. ... i. .. .. . r.. . ... . .... y vn ihi eltv of Ifpilfnrri. O'ppnn. frnnf- i.ohHi. ..nM. ,ii.rrtninn nf m.. nf 310. Vol. 2S. deed records of Jackson Assessment No. 2-rnrri v obo CO feet on west Mde Ncwtwon' un oi winicrorecn, inymoi uiycer Inc. Etc., Used a Simple Wash It really neonis strange (hut hi many people suffer year in nml year out with eoiemn, when it is no longer! nun ... i "iniergreeii i Assessment .no. 1 KooeM AI1- foot 9 tlt,.1 '.ll. ll. t ..I.......! , .....,!. 1... 1 1 fm.. ..... ..I.ll.nn I ' v. . ... , iv. ..... .. . ......... .............. . . , Animionf Vn 3rnrrla r Assessment No. 13 C. A. Meeker. George, now Mrs. F. W. Cnrnahan. 'A , t "1. -t":V ?: J..n?s ln r .lt, 1 Vn,r.nnn n.l.ll,lnn In Int 3. IllnMf Port n,1.1 It (nr. In . , ""u " ol"' "'C ebl DSll OI lO'R wv f, U(t. r t II fl (1 MIIMIW its w 'w. t a HU4IIIVH V V v i4 v; REAL ESTATE county, 'thenco west on said north George, now Mrs.'F. w. Carnahnn! .VcVn0 per r0t' G7c: line 5 chains, 30 links, to plnco of be- lot 2. block 2. Park addition to hn an,.ount due'. V.8-6?' . . g 2.2-1 oo acres, cuy or Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 ' unb , ' ,,. Z. hif . t int 7 n s n east sldo of . . . . feet on west clde of Newtown street 2," p'-rtiunr m .V it 5 ol. 53. pag0 301. and descrlbfd Vol. 53. page 92. 1,5? Ci P2,rk rd4njon n th ' .f ' l - . ' . . b" Afflfnrrt nr.rftn frnn'ncn UC .aa! Medford. Oregon, fron'.age 88 feet on west side Newtown street. 88 feet; rate per foot, 57c; amount due, J50.1C. Assessment No. 2-1 W. S. Jones n n .1 i a n - i jut i the city of eMdford. Oregon, front- city of Medford. Orecon, frontage 50 xfIi? nl nu7uc? ,B ng0 100 fc-t on east side . .. street,, fed on west side of Newtown street , n' fn, hfen:.fr" '? described Vol. f.B. pago 111. county 'and described Vol. M page 92. r Jfl Jr ?nS 'VJi'T; recorder's records of Jackson conn- county recorder's records of Jack- f 'A r pcr f00t' 5,Ci amount ty. Oregon. 100 feet: -ate per foot. ' son county. O.'cgpn. 50 feet; rate ,ou' iat. v rr,i,.i n AssesBhU-Iit S6. 141. N'nrra- Assessment .Martin, lot 11. MnrV 7 Pirlr nrlrlt. 4 Carrie E. i lie eny or .Muniorii, uregon, rroni-jgen, ioi u, iiiock .i. .nrragen auiu- v,i.-wih.-, nu .mi a. r. . ,.-inuuinn, '-onaso 5" I00t. on 't Sid" New age 55 5 on west side of .... street, tlon In the city of Medford. Oregon, lot . block 2. Park ajJ'Jji.Ip.11 to the 'town street "50 fel; per fcot, iletrrllied Vol. ... tinire... county . frontnee 100 fet on enst Bide . . . . . Clt.7 Of Medfpru. rfrrMi .Anlicn 1ft ini lll:i effeof. Ill itch I uiImvuiI r.ii',ir.l.tr' ruinrilu ,if .lurUnnii riiiintv. ntr.int W.urrllw..1 Vnl Til. in m or.1 fait nn iva... i.Ia .i Vk...in...k .i.i.i i ..' " " . 'P...A :. ..a ......1 .C 1... f!ctAii r.T. r. fnnl! md mir fnnt. pfinntv vr..,irilff'a .aaa..!. nf TaIiah nnH .IticHltwt Vi -. .Mr.A AO I .ivii' ii- in1 n-'v.'. w- s iiijuiu" i uv - -..... , ...... . w. . . . ... v. .v., Vu, iiunv v. AsstBsment No. 2C Ann G. An- lintirnt kllrtws ht ooco. ,02.17 cetit; amount duo, 151,15 lin.ti.fld ,.t irvtin. i.. ...l !. Asmsmnit No. 3 noorce Dan-; ......... ... .v..,, ..wiiii.. iv ... . ... . i.i... i. i r..... ...l.tl.l.i Im n f i , . li'li.. iui a. lili'cn l. iilii.i n uiiuiiiuii in of wii.tergreon, thymol, glycerine. Pv of Modford. tiregon, frontage etc.. in lite nscht proportion? our- :,..:, feet on wost side of, . . . k . 1 t a t . A . . . A . ole we nie itniir n nresennt on Miwruien oi. uv, page Si m I PAlOflllM'n drow. lot 12 liloelf 7. Park atiaition IZZ J? 6 rP? OIi?rB0" l Htv of Medford. Oregon, front countv, .Oresoa. 4 2 .cot: m per nRa r0 wt p p(l?t ,I(lo Xewtown oot, 5c; amount due. $23.?-K '.tt r.n tnf.h r.t ir fnt r.7r? engo, nmi our long exponeiicu tin remedy hn given ih vrcnt con fttl"neo in its merits. Mclfonl I'hnr tnncy. , Notice. Notice i hereby j-ivon that the nn ileiigneil will npply at the next log u'lar meeting of the. city council Medfonl. Oregon, to 1m held on I)e-' cumber 7, V.tOil. at 7:H0 p. in., for u licriiM. to malt, vineoiw find epir county .Oregon; 100 feot; rnte per foot, 92.17; amount du. J92.17. Assessment No. 1'. William Mil-. nes. lot 7. block 2, Narragen's addl- Ass-t.siien'. No. A. L. Olin- .... - A I I.. ... . I . .. - S f - I -l rt-... . . V Hireei.i nun in me rnv in .uriiniiu. urenuu, . yetn, pert or let ... MOCK .'. I'nrK nu- Asisesfttnpn- Vn "7 nn V. An- county jfrontnge 105 feet on east side illtlon to the city of Medford. Ore- V" h'v PVPk ftVitlon In the city of M'dfonl, Oregon, fron' aee 50 feet on eat side Newtown street. 50 feet: rate per foot, 57r: , amount due. I2S.50. Assessment No. 2 Ann G An drew. 1"t 14 hiock 7. Park addition tn the cltv of Medford. Oregon, front ae 50 fet on east sld Newtown treet. 50 feet: rate pr foot. 57c; amount due, $2$. 50. Assessment No. 29 Volna1 Web- A..e..ment No. nCharlo M. AN J;v. . : r-t. nor r,r.. 'icort- Jnckson coun- ftor, lo: 15. block 7. Park addition Farmland Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims .... . i ntiMiiiLj ik..H.iu t i.Ht..A.. Anif r At iwcpriitiwi ii j l tin rA nnc efflcc It I k own n. t he 1 I) 'v. Oron. 55.5 feet: rati- per foot. "nV "corder's rwonls . of Jrckson Newtown street and described Vol. n . iV. --. 5 " 17 rvnts- Amount due 151 15 countv. Oreeon. 10., Met; fate iter on. pace 599. county rccorder'a rec- P. PrMfriptinn. or Oil 0? Winter- , ' L ' v 1 rZZAi vi foot 17 ct'n,v' nmnt. due. SOP..- ords of Jarkin coiruy. Oregon. 9 Compouml V, i, made by fe-t: rat, per foot. 57c; amount due. D. D. 0. u.m'll Company of Chi- el,y of Medford. Oregon, frontage' ffi" H 2 ,5 U ; imt Vn ,n , n,m. with i r. ? on wen suio oi .... sireei. no- ;.r.:v.J. I ..,1 1 i rninni Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building II. I i I'tlKV O.IP, 11 III II I I J I " fc . ronl-r'fi roooril of JticUmiu county, frnntape on onnt Hldo or iiKMrr.ii r.r. r. r.w.i? rnt nor fnnt. tr(et. doM-rPtd Vol. "C. nt"tt 4 10. 0 2 i 7 CentB; amount due. 51.U. comity Vecorder'K records of Jackson 2. Pr.rk addition to the eltv of Med ford, Oregon, frontage 33 feel on west side of Newtown itrm and de scribed Vol. 62. page 495. county l.in lot r.. hloelt 1. T.rnv's addition InlfOOOt. 02.1 the city of Medford. Oregon, frnntngol f 05. SO 55.5 foet on west side of .... street, Assessment No, 17 I.. C. Narrn d icrlbed Vol. 71. pace 520. county cn. lot 7. block 1. vf-racen's nil ill- rvcorjler'a records of Jnckson county,, tlon In the city of Modforil. Oregon. Or 0 tv. Oregon. S3 feot; rate per foot. ..7c; amount due. 5 is. si. Assessment No. 7 H. L. Olm stead, the north 2S feet of lot C. W- ."'L; .rJ00V 7MeiforKOre,g,on,ra frUageS .ll K-llin. Illlliiilll. l.i--. oiivui, imiiurii l-ro- ... Cl,u Varfr,vn .Irm In the city of Medford, Oregon, front age 50 feet on east side -Nswtown street. 50 feet. Rate per foot, 57c; amount due, I2S.50. Assessment No. 30 Volna Web ter. lot 16. block 7, Park Mldltlon In fet 'on wVst side oV N.v tcwn street the city of Medford Oregon, front- and described Vol. G2, page 405. " ANMiiHnl No. 0 T. W. Daily. 253. county recorder s reronls or ,.,.w,i..ii,iiiiif nt Mm Honthenst comer Jackson county. Orfgon. 100 feet; iloiiK limior- in Iohh oiiantitieh thin, of lot 2. block 2. Mlngua sub-dlvlslon rnte per foot, 02.1. cr-ts; amount " " ' , " oe ,"1.. 7; r amount due, S2S.30 one gnllon nt the Ihitel Moore bur. mi section 24. townflhlp 3i south of due. JPG.S0. foot. 57c; amount due. 15.9C. Sections. The recorder ot -the Im. 11 nml 111 block 4. of the towi range 2 west of W. M. nnd running Assessment No. IS It. II. Toft. city of Medford Is hereby directed to iois ii unii in. " ,"" V thence north to the enBt lino of said lot 6. block 1. Nnrrngen's addition In. Assossmont No. S Henry D. Pat- onter n statement of said several ns- (iiow eity) ot Meiltnni, in .ineKMin ,(U )( wl(hln a0 feet to tho northeast ' the city of Mtdford. Oregon, front-, terson. the south 22 fet of lot 0 80ssmentB In tho wnter ninin lien gountv. for n periml of hi months ' corner of said lot. thence west paral- ago 105 feet on 'at s'de of .... land the north 30 fot of lot 7. block aoclcot. Dated November 18, lOOi). 11 with tho north lino of said lot 3 street, described Vol. 72. page 67, 2. Park addition to the city ot Mod- Tho forcgoinB or,ilnance was pass- W V K'AU chaliu. 13 links, thenco south pnrnllel county recorder's records of Jackson ford. Oregon, frontage both parcels j bv t, . c0ncll of the cU'T of 'wltli in. enst line or sum nu m mv couniv, uregon. n.i iei; nuc iior i iwi nu ni-m muv m .ciumi - iKiuth lino thereof, thenco east to foot, 02.17c; amount due, $50.60. street nnd described Vol. 72. page yH M I U ,., .. il,.,,nliiir. containing two I c.,m.. ti. ..-....i,.,. ti. nit,. 144, county reccder's records of PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable' COFFEEN . PRICE 11 North I) St., Medford. Ore. Phone 303 CITY NOTICES. acres, more or less. ... of Medford Is hereby directed to on 4- TtlT save ami excepting a amp oi iiuiu tor a stntement of ald several ns- ' too feet wide off of the north end of sessments In the water main Hon -im ,irv ,.,-neAen nn I the above described proiulsos hereto- docket. .fin.OOO (in Ul- .MMMUMi, IU(., f(,ro ,it.ciua to Sarah HIchardH save The foregoing ordlanco vas pnasod IMPUOVIJMKNT llONDR. !,! oxcjpt tracts mnrked T. Q. It. a. IV tho cltv couuril of t'o city of Mod- Meilforil, Or.. Nov. 17, WOO. frontage 50 feet on west side stro-t, forij on tJ,c joth day of November, ti. r., r. it ,.f M.,.if,.,..i n... described Vol. 71. pngo 132. county ipoo. by tbe ft 'lowing vote: Mer- i uv i n.i ' .m.ii... ... ... ...... ... ,., ...,io ... l.inl.uiM ninn. 1 ..i.i. . .. . n...ii. .. reiiini.Mn n-riniin in ni nrmi ili'K, iio; r. iirvi uv; i-hii, nrrvin . ,tv. Oregon. 50 feet: rnte per foot, Kmorlck, aye; Wortman, nye; Dem 02.17 cents; amount due $ 1 6. OR. Aunuunwinf V,. 7 HbIII-V V Rtltn- "'" Approved Nov. 17. 1000. W. 11. CANON. Mayor. Attest: ROUT. W. TKI.F13K, Itecordor. county, Oregon. foot, 57c; 61 feet: ogon, will veceivo seaieu iiiiik up io l:,10 o'clock p. m., December 7. 11)1111, fur the hiile of l.ri.0fl0 (1 o r cent 10-venr Iinprovement Hoiuls huU to'cllffe. beginning at a polni t 3l 0 f, 1 . ...i.l. t.t ,1... iini )i.mui pav nnr nf Kfl 111 he iieeoniimnicil by n eetlifievl check couth of the northeast corner of said ),.i ) Mini -riuiiiliii? tliiuico woill 3.13 I eiiual to five per cent of the amount cimlnH. thenco south 60 feet. S Inches.' bid for. The right to reject any nr thence east 3.13 chains to tho east nil bilk is lesoilvcd. lino of said lot. thence norm uu reoi. . . . 1. .... ... 1 1.. ..I.... n..f.t Di,l. to ho nililrcBscl to Hobert W. l T ' ' . ,P I prlilied ,jVH0M. section 24, township 37 to the Telfer, City Heconlor. eheel; In be miiilo pnynhlc :'ll of Medford. Oregon. City Heconlor. Dateil Medford, Oregon, Novoinbei' 17. MOP,. . , 227 KOHKRT W. TKI.FER. OltniNANOH NO. 25R. An ordlanco declaring the nssos in on t on tho proporty benofltted for vout'' of range 2 west of W. M.. front- duo 60 feot on west sldo .... street, ; mont on )p ,,ro,,orty bsnoCltted for described Vol, 72. page 30. county recorder'H records of .IncKsou coun tv. Oregon. 60 feot: rato nor foot, 02.17 cents; nnmtint due, $55,30. Assortment No. S T. W. Daley, commencing nt a point 110.7 feet north of the southeast corner of lot . block 2. Mlngus Bub-division aoc Jnekson rate per $34.77. Assessment No. 0 S. G. Simon, lot S nnd tfouth 11 feet of lot 7. block 2. Park addition to the city of Med ford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on west side of Newtown street nnd de scribed Vol. 65. pngo 550, county re corder's records of Jnckscn county. Oregon. 61 feet: rato per foot, 57c: , amount due, $34.7:7. Assessment No! .10 Josso Houck, lot 0. block 1. Pajk addition to the cltv of Meil'o-' nro-i frontage 50 I foet on oast side pf Newtown street and desorlbad Vol. 60. page 40, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 foot: rate per I foot, 57c: amount .'due, $28.50. Assessment No. 11 Jesso Houck. lot 10. block 1. Park addition to the city of Medford. Oregon, frontnuo 50 tho cost of Irylng p. four Inch wntcr foot on oast sldo of Newtown street mnln on Newtown street and direct- and described Vql. 60. pngo 40. lug the recorder to enter n Btntoment county recorder's vecoa-ds of Jnckson thereof In tho water lion d.vkot. countv. Oregon. 50 foet; into per Tho City of Medford doth ordain foot, 57c; r.niount !duo, $2S,50. ns follows: Section 1. Whereas, tho city Medford on the 16th day of Nov., 1900, by the following vote: Mor rlck. nye; AVelch, absent; Elferf. nve; Kmerlclc, aye; Dommer, nye; ,i... i t, wuivi ii I., amount due, ii.i,, ., ortman, aye, Approved: W. H. CANON. MF.yor. Attest: ROnT. W. TELFEK. Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. n oidlnnnoo deolarln? 257, tho nssess- Assossinent No. 12 S. G. Simon, lot 11. block 1. Pft.rk nddltlon to the Hon "I township 37 soutn or rnngo couueu um ui'ii-mnit- u imumiui , cny or .Moutoru. uregon, iromngp tv 2 wit of W. M. and running thenco doclaro Its Intention to lay a 4-lnch ( foot enst eld? of Newtown street and tho cost of laying it six Inch water north 60 feot. east 200.5S foet. soutn wmw main on 'V:i, ?."r. ... ' llof(,,'ll,oa. Vn,'rv ,)nBe '1' , 60 UV' CO fee' WoM 30(1. tin rpPI IO IIIO pinco i mil on- mnu vi rniu pur mm, uiv, (iinuiiiii uue, ;o.- orboglnnlng. frnntniie 60 foet on wet 1 to assess tho cr.st thoroof on tho 5 0. side .... street, doHcruieii voi. m. ..rui.-..i iihii.ii.j; 1... .ssossmont .no. 13 Clias, n. oat'o 132, countv recorder's -""'.pIs "f al.l s'reot 'n proportion to tlie fj..nVi jot 12, block 1. Park addition main on Nnrrogan strcot and direct ing the roenrdor to enter a statement thereof In tho wator mnln llfii dock ot. Tho City of Modford doth ordain iir follows: Rtictlon 1, "Whoronfl, tho city coun-1 nf Jnekson county. Oregon. 60 feot; rnt ncr foot, 02.17: nmount duo, Ui5. 30. Assessment No. 0 Ilonry F. Stan frontago of sild proport. nnd dld,t0 ,0 cltv of Modford. Oregon, fix a tlmo bmI plnco for hearing front R0 feet on enst 8,(1 of Now. protostH agnliiBt tho laylii'; of su d , (own 8tm, ,, jipsc-ibed Vol. ... wator main on tald povtlcn of salt ,,nj;o -0 fM0(. ,.nto .,er foot 57c. nl...,.it IIia njfniiDOiniif of Ihn nndf ' . .. . nnn.ii vo 11 1 int fv r in " " . 1 iiiiuti 1 .. iiu i-vi iiilu uur iui oil did heretofore ly resolution de- n.. a 10 t 230 foot t,, and Wo asscsFinont of tho cost aIn0Ullt ,,Me $2S.r,0 claro.lts Intpntlon to lay 11 fpui-lnch ; ff ,oru,0niS corner of lot 2.! thereof as afoies Id. Assessment No. 14 Ada an wator main 011 Narrogan strot from ! f 1 ' " . Sflh-lHlnn. sootlon A'1 wliorooB. said icsolutlou was Porto )ot n l)lor,c t ,,,, uii( liti'nuf imillriK Of IIIMiV'U liilMllllll '( CWIIIIIIi ill VWI liv'i w him,' " ("iMiir"! north to Clark streot, west,, and iihsonh the coh( theerof on tho proper and L. G, Park addl- "4 town ,37 sm . 0 Vango 2,'lulV imbllshed and posted as r- ,,01V , city of Modfonl Orego , J" weM,M"wl,V'7anrn.nn 11,5 (,: tho chnrtor ' fontnge 50 foot on oast side Now- tr ...... it -.a i ! fir kill II OltVi i nu'ii Gtrnnr nri i1ituorl1icl Vil iihsonh me coh( ine.eror on uio pnn.er- , . B.,,.ih Tlft fon(. onRi in bin i ci.v. . town street anil ty fronting on Bifid portion of aiil ,''"' " r' " , '', n, Bni,i And vp-rcaP. a meeiing or i",,mgo ... county hi rem in propouion m um- uuiii..K" ,,. .,. -ft fnnf in n..ni ... 1in,ti,.. vuti-i-ii mid propon place for ..I , I in I lilts. mill . II llin Hum".' ,,, rA ,. . . n.n.,1,.. llllli'lll mm him uv , ....... . .... oj .laCKS of said property, and did fix a time 1ipo fixed In s-iid resolution it mo fpot. Pntft ,)0l. rooti r,7e. nm0unt duo, hcnrlng Jackson protestH nliig, frontago 50 feet on west Bldo jmrpogo ot considering nny such pro- $2S,'c0. described Vol. recorder's records countv, Oregon. 50 Ye Can Buy Y. N. Pippin Spitz Bartlett Bosc Cornice Winter Nelis Dlreot from the OltOWERS. Ab Stocli grown by Nurserymen Iw know how. Write us for prices boforo signing a contract. NORTHWEST NURSERY COMPANY 18 K. Yakima Ave., North Yakima, Wat.li. Union Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Fornici'ly located on the corner of Seventh and J3 streets, now removed one block south on B street. BALED HAY AND GRAIN. Home first class Mules and Horses BARGAINS IF TAKEN SOON. CRESTBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS 10 20 Acres Adjoining Hlllcrest orchard aHd con tain unexceletl deep, rich soil. Rea sonable prices anil generous terms. OBEGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RWER VALLEY $ a m 1 I f r t iYieoToro iron wopks E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All H.v' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma- f . iiiiM(iitnw, liiur UU UUf chlnery Agents In Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. j t