T11K MEDFORD MAfL TRIBUNE, MKDKOKD, ORl-it MONDAY. XOVKMHKl? Jl 1009. -t- -f -f-f ----- --'-f-f-- - - f-f- U f HU4 l MfM f 4 vertisements, Business Directory And Market Reports I l . 4 t 4 f f fif ,----- 4 -f -f POOR CATTLE ARE OFFERED Demand Heavier Than Supply Hog Supply Is Very Liberal. (Special Correspondence.) PORTLAND, Nov. 22,-Onttle re ceipts at tho 1'artlntnl Union Slock Yard for the past week have not been up to tho requirements of tin tinlt, neither in point of number or finality, 2077 head bojng received. The demand has been strong find ac tive und prices liuve shown u higher tendency. Tho hog supply has been propor tiniiiitely liberal but buyer ha To tnk ii the offering promptly nt good price, 3740 head were received and several leads brought the top of the market $S.10, but the bulk of the -ales have run from $7.00 to $8.0n. The reeipts of sheep hnvo in no ny approximated the demand and -heep buyers have not been able to 1 U I their orders, 10-12 head wax all that eamo in during the week. The market has been firm and hiizh and tho demand is strong for good nimbly mutton and lambs. There were 284 goats, 150 calves and 'Mi horses shipped in during the week. Following nro representative of a few -ales of the pant week: 24 eows average 1045, $:k7.r; 27 eows, aver aire !l4, $.1.40; 2.") steers, average 122"i. $4.fl.V, 17 steers, nverage HUH. "f4.iUl; 1I wethers, averaire 100. I.(I0: 78 bogs, nverrage 240, $8.10 02 Iiol's. average 241, ifiH.10: (". hitr.. a vera go 224, $8.00; 85 hogs, a ci at;" 220, Iji7.fl0; 11 lumlis, aver age. (17, !?.i.00. Pillowing nro the quotations on all clusscs of live stock: . IW steers, $4.00 to $4.75; fair to .rood. $4.08 to $4.50; best eows, :t.(i0 to $3.75; fair to good. 3.50; bulls. f2.no to $2.25; bet bog-. .K.1; good mixed h-u-, .f7.M0 in f.nii: light mie( liiii.'-. 7.(i(i in rsn, pig-. l'J'i Hi-.. 7.2."i It. $7.U; -I.M !. crs, $(l.,"i; -heep, hc-t wether-, . I to jft.75; fair to v, I wether-, fl.iio t" $4.50; ewes, .'i.7.'i to $4.25; l.e-t lambs, $5.50 to $5.75; fair to yu.xl. $5.00 to $5.25. Nolle, Owing to tbo fact that our Chri-t miis postals are coming in am! v are crowded for room to display thei i we will offer all poMals at a 20 p--s cent discount for one day only, fcj t tirdny, November 13. This will ,it l'ord a good opportunity for yen t . lay in t, supply for future ...n. sponding at a price that will pay yn Look over our Christmas g.mils tint uro coming in. It is a pleasure i. rfliow them. Remember, $1 worth of postal will only cost you Si! nis next Sat urday. The liluo Jay Postal Shop. 331 H. .Alain st., up stair. Frank II. Hull, proprietor. arvjKa out. Tl XtniffU dlaewnifM May a OtU wn of Wf n;ore Around nl. 1u irito nn clung back; mo pleasure ti .fkBov-fc-dge the bend fit lerived froo, a- UM or Donn's Kidney Pills. , tuMcrei fr-m a se vere case of kidnev J( ra,,la:nt. My hark arbed ennstaat'v una 1 ib mglit I would vtr ft rtei. I 1n bil l i lull, 'lngging pain t 'ragh m icii, whli'h robbed me ft ml ui intmn finally procured a hoi o lioan's KM iit-y pin at iiaskiiw tr.:p '. only took a short use of I is r. " to entirely c4b me. I give the for the great Afaags to Doaa Pills." V r rala hy all dw.lcrs. Pr rf ci ntn. Postor Ktilbnrn Cn.. Saw I ,t i.i rk, s.)!i;i il.' agents for the T'nited States H ''ncmhi r the i.'ir'a-'Iionn ' an 1 take r otl.i'f 80 Can't i t at sight; Enough to make inv ono "give ot Cut Flowers Yoi'NO MAN", get that i . l.d of jours a bouquet ami "atch her smile. lt-Rery any rt of city. MEDFQRD GREENHOUSE. Cut Flowers and Potted Plants M.iH. M. nan's Kidney Pills will give re new oj life. Tliey will cure the backache; Curo rvcry kidney ill. Here is Mcdford proof that Is so; Mr O. L. T.oone, corner Ninth and C street, Medford, Or., says: ' "It givei o RXErtTTOIfS N'OTICH OF FINAL SETTLHMHNT. In tho county court ot tho state of Oregon for the county of Jackson. In tho matter of tho ostato of Isaac P. Stlmson, decerned. . Notice Is hereby given that Wil liam It. Stlmson, executor of the es tate of Isaac V. Stlmson, deceased, has presented and filed for settle ment In tho above entitled court and matter his first and final recount ami report of the administration of said estate; ami that Saturday, tho lSth day of December, 1000, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. in. of said day Is the time anil tho chambers of said court at tho courthouse In Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon, Is tho place appointed nnd fixed by order of the Judge of tho above ontlilod court for hearing of objections to said account nnd report and for tho settlement thereof. All persons Interested In said es tate nro hereby notified that all ob ectIons to said final account or any Item thereof must be fllod on or bo bore the date and tlmo herein ap pointed for hearing nnd netttement, as aforesaid. Dote of thj f.rst publication hereof Is tho 15th day of November. tOOO. WILLIAM It. STIMSON. Executor of the Estate of Isaac P. Stlmson, Deceased. W. E. PHIPPS. Attorney. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trnphios to mo for mount ing. Big game heads, fish, birds nnd mnirunals mounted true to nature by improved methods. I do tanning, maki fur rugs, make, remodel and cleat. fur garments. Express nnd mail or ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS. 105 Washington Street, Portland, Or. Telephone Main MOO M M lil l.'M.W HERMAN BROTHERS Dealers in HARNESS. SADDLES, ROBES. WHIPS. TENTS, WAGON COV ERS. HORSE BLANKETS, ETC. A I i K ul cii-tnin woik and rcpuinng done on -hurl notice. 317 East Seventh Street MEDFORD. OREGON The Days of Hand Sweeping are Over. Ask VACUUM UCTION GLEANER Household Size Can Be Attached to Any Lamp Socket. ogue River Jcv Electric Co. .Swfossors to Oonrlor Wntrr & owrr Co. ririr-rtrnniirniiii iiiiiiiiiii mi J K KN'iAui. I'rc-.dent J A 1'i UHV. Vice Tre-i,). ,.t JOHft S oiTlil. i ., r W H JA:KS4iK. A- t t'a-hir THE MEDFORD NATIffNA.L BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxw for rent. A general Banking Bushess transacted. i- in t ! Ul II lil tl i 1 1 n t .in a pr- peril ,u expedition. For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, oIjcs, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, sec J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. Yc Can Buy Y. N. Pippin Spitz Bartlett Bosc Cornice Winter Nelis 1)1 1 eel fioiu the (iltOW i:ttH. Ab Stiiek grown liy ni--ei) ineu who Know Inm. Wrltv us for prices before kUIui u contract. NORTHWEST NURSERY COMPANY IH i:. YuMma. Ave, North Yakima, Wash. C. II II1.KMAV to see the BiawaBHacgBJMaaasBwii mm Savoy Theatre Tonight PAPA'- HONEYMOON (Full of Fun.) OUT FOR A DAY (One Long Laugh.) THE SEN0RITA (A western Drama.) I. ONE DIME. I hh "Win i mum ii n i .. iti ii 1 1 in ii iFWBSCTFiiaMi8DBiBg7Kyiff ii 'rLwmMjjjuijmmiia!am I Timber and ENGINEERING AND SURVKYTNG CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. Si. Harris & Co. MlfDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs At Reasonable Prices Ready to Deliver Now Spitzeobergs Inter And all commercial varieties. See L. E. HOOVER Or Culi;Phonc Suburban 371 MEDFORD WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU CAN BEAT THIS: Thirtv-two nrr-i in thN tract, fine fruit land, nliuut two miles limii a hhipiin$f puiiit. Tho biiildinu cnnit of u liu-rnom box hmiho, ifood-sizod barn, etc. Thoro nro 1J ucrc- of r and 0-yeor-old up pie, mostly Newtowns, with ooi mcrciitl peucber pluntcd between n filler. Al tlnen neres if i.Hi'i-r uar trec- uml 'nine family oicliard. Four miti in alfalfa. S- or ciifht acro nl timber, mo-d-Iv nnk and lanri-1. Thero in u -iiiiiiii".' plttnt mi tin- pluca wh'n'h hiipplie- walor 1 -r tlie fiarden utid Qlfalfll, AipiipMil Mtll tflisnlinc enirii.e. About -10 rndi from a I'm, 1 1 si lionl. ll.m rural mail !- Iiei and telrphoiie. I'li--. f 1 0, ".(. Term. W. T. YORK & GO. rir-t ('la- l..nli("-' ai -I (iciitrt' BootblacK Parlors DYEING AND 0ILIHG A SPECIALTY. V. W. HowartJ. i li..niii'.n IJniitlilaf-k, Prop (i S. CRNTKAL AXKNTK. ii I ' r WANTED . I Coal Lands Ne!Iis L08T. - -ff'f'f f 4 v LOST iriiuiii-li iim biff Hcotioh I'nllic. a i i n l.i-i hear Alfllte, Illl-M. l iiai.ie nl "Mile." N'nll- ly i. V. s,, ui,, M,. (1(1,1,1, j,.,ivc dnr with I... in-. i)U(;r in Whitm.iii ptiii. I.iIhi.iI reward. "i' hO.sT l rear of lliltur and l)im-lap'-. rniitfi-tiniiery slir, a purtw t .iiii.Miiin-,' iiioiies Ifeward if left at Killer A lliinlup' -tor.- I'lll I.O.T l'i ! li Ii cow, -lia.M'il fi'nm Carinll i-l.ii.-, I1- mil." nnrlliwe,! -it' Mi i ..nl, I,, -i rejil. FmiKtr plea-.' ii linn f'.,r rewanl oi advise ii ii- v In 1 1 ii... .ib , C, A. ... 4t f f" FOR RENT. MHMHHtt f f 4 1 f i I'OK i.-KNT - IMcmuii lduiii,,! and ihi.iI- iii furnuihi'il in. him wild hath. ill Hut Wi-Ht JOMi ;,li et or n ' i 'ii' i-rcet. Tc!.ai; i KUI' KKST Two fil.ri.iH lonlim. A l in s I. , cjirn Mall TflJ.iine. 213 K')l: ItKNT - Nil ll'i-" kdiiplllK in mis. fir n'Htieil wli hath und line H-4hM. Zi Hi.liih Ori.iK',i-Ktl-I'l, ;i) I DH KKN'T- - Fui nl-d ex. in. .V-. in 'liaiio ,U, j I I I OH ItKNT- Kroi. ih iiKtn only, J 13 . A. POK Kl. ST - Kuri I - IlIM h .- 1. 1 ,i 'in KOI' KI.'N'I 'InuJ- ."-M.'HM.'il I, I' i M i.i i in . ii. M. i i i i i ox m. 310' SALE f FOR SALE f Hf f t t t-f f t I'OW SAI.K Xuw imulrrn seven roinn house, fine locution, a snap. Ad- dress SI. Clnsinif, box IlliU. KOU SAIjU Team, wnRon nnd h:ir nenB. Temn woIkIih 2500; 3 3-1 Mltcholl whkuii. Price $175. Korcod to sell. Cull at room 10. .Inckflun County Hank bnlldliiK- W'U.U TUAnii 1(10 nerea tiood tlm her land for Mmlford city (iroporty, W. T. York Co. 11 'J FOR SAIjH Twenty ncros, nenr Slorlin; jjood fruit hnitl; .f -101); terma. Address S, Trihnno. l''Olt SAI.1C li'Ino Jorsoy cow; j;ood reasnns for Helling. Inquire corner of Second and Fir nts. 20U FOK SAhH--A liouso und lot for h.iIo elicip in FiiRt Medford. Call nt. 112 CottiiBO 9t. 207 K( IK SALK -dood SO acres for snlo in a lino fruit district III miles be low (IraulH Pass, six miles from Merlin. This 80 neres is on n coun ty road, on u l- It. I), routo und on a lelt-pliiiiio Hue, one mile from school house, Rood deep soil, good iiciejilit'olmod, 1'JOU applo itiid pencil trees set out lust spring, water for irrigation near oicliard. Price $.')000. My homo is on North 10th street. W. J. Stiti-Kos, L. It. 01D, (lin n Is Puss, Oregon. 205 FOR SALU .100 tiers of first-oluss pine wood, thoroughly seasoned; will deliver UV& tiers to any ono ut 2.r0 per tier. W. L. Howard, IMiot'iiix, Or. tf FOK SATiIO--Choieo businusB proper ty nt a bargain, on long time; easy tonus. Address P. 0. Hox -118. FOK SAMS AT A HAKGA1N 100-nci-o improved farm, located 0'2 milos of Grants Pass; good irriga tion. Write, for particulars. Clo-iiienls-llaslor Kealty Co., ownorn, Ornntft Pass. Or. 1201 FOK SAliM Oak, fir and pine cord- wood, 12 and l(i-iuch; nUn dry rail wood; dry pilch for kindling. Phono order to Main '1-0 K FOK SAIjK .1-00 auriM unimproved land, also improved laud, suitable for fruit, for nlo cheap. Seo II. M Com, solu agent, (101 V. Tenth St .Medford. FOK SALH--1200 ncros unproved land, suitable for fruit, for sale cheap. Sun II. M. Cobs, solo agent WI4 W. Tenth St.. Medford. tf FOR 8AI.10 Good Konoral merch andlBO stock and IiusIiiosh In live Wlllamotto valloy town; about $10,000 to swing. Particulars addross llox r.OS, Cottage drove Or. 121 ood lino FOR HALH !! noios good garden land, under ditch; good limine Phoenix. Mult Calhoun. FOK SA LIS -fi and 10-acro tracts just within Hud adjoining city lira iU, at a bargain, on fi annual pay mei.t. Address PO. P.ox 418. FOK KALK- Good driving liorso. cheap. 17 Jtivorsidu ave. 201 FOU SAIJ'! -Two ymr' loaso and furniture oi" Vsudoitiu Iiotel, good locution, in Aslilauil; 20 furiiishstl rooms, besides parlor, ofl'tue, disinK room, eta. Price $1000. John F Patty, pxopriator. 215 FOR 8ALI5. Or oxeliaime for Rokuu River propnrty, town or country, II Mi-loo acraa, tho vory hst lu th Sacismonto valloy, aiiitHblo to growlOK all kinds of fruit, grain and hay, located i.i ICiielual, on Km thorn Klurtrlo railroad, S mile north of Yuha City, Butter eouuty, CmI., and CO mllta north of Sacraiimutii, Cal. Iuail level, no waato or oralow lan IrrlKnffon ditch tkroiiKl. cu tor with boxes and chock"d coiuplote for quirk Irrigation will, drulimgo ditch on one aide, enuuty rood on two aides. About 10 arrH sot to alfalfa and will yield frotu I to tons luir acr. The balance lu fruit, truck Kjf duM and poultry lots, the htttnr fenoicj with 800 foet (S-feot poultry wlrti. Aood variety of early to late apple, pour, peach, airlcot, plum, cherry, grape, blui4(lMrrl-s, r.isphorrtn.-i and strawberries; a uew fnm-i mm btfuae, with ennmnt fouu lutp.il ami rcllar; house plastered, i'n nil :md painted and has elea 1 1 - ts: poultry and out house I Thli Is a (.boles location - - ideal home, ajad a bargain at -$700 at 6 pur cent, to run S. ,AIdo mw house lp Mxl ! S rooms and batb, one block fr'in hascbpll Kround. J1000; S00 ..e N I. ,ilt Miilf.inl Town 200 I . 'v put -.tovi'Wiiod . . l i rd iV"d I, 1 t'i b' i' ' i i, FOR SALE. -f -f -f j- t FOR SALI'j 40-horsc antoraobiU for sale or t ratio for renl estate; iu first-class condition. Inquire at Medford Auto Co. l-'OK SALK 1800 pounds second hand telephono wire for sals, rolled in rolls in good shape; n bargain for someone. Call on Chris Ulrich or nddross Look Box 24, JacVsontillo. 211 FOR SAM3 7Cacro ranch, with sood wator right; finest frvll land; ch"ap:; also property in Portland; will trade for Medford property. Sea Coleman nt cigar factory. H FOlT SaXr $12G piano cortlflcaU Halo's Piano Houbo for best ctter. Address M. II. Signs, Oaston, Or. 201 FOR SALE About .100 acres of choice fruit laud, deep red soil, small stream, no rock, quite free of fog nnd frost; enough wood to pay for snmo; about 40 acres cleared or partially so; liouso, bam and other outbuildings; on main county road, Vs mile to Woolf Creek station, 4$ miles to Cllendnly; price $12.50 per acre as a wholo; subdivide on basis of $10 to $25. Address Martin Au gel, Merlin, Or. 211 FOR HALF, Fiuo, nearly now, 7 rnom bungalow, 4 closets,, bath aud pantry; beautiful lot; best locality off Vost Main; with er without furnituro; thu best bargaui in resi dence property in Medford; terns. J Q Itoss courti own o r. 2J2 FOR HAI.K Four-room homo; pries $1000; ano cash, hulanco lu atz semi-annual payments-of fl3C ouch. W. T. York & Oo. 204 FOR SAI.U Completely' equlppud shluglo and sawmill, machinery, power, rtc. Addicss llox 180, Cen tral Point, Or. 214 FOR SALIC A great barstiln 10d acres 1)0 auioa clear, 12 acres In four-yonr and throo-year-old p pies and peara .niut a. family or chard, koiiiu grupes, two good hnrns, ono now comfortiblo honse, fenced and cross fencod, tolephoao, with paid-up Hliaro, 70 uuos lu pas turu with plouty ot vYOod. V.rt! llti.00 por aero; tonus, half catrfi; balauco on time. Address. R. F. D. routo 2, hox OH, Central Point. FOR SALH Good SO adrus for sale in a fine fruit district IK mileo be low Grants Pass, six miles frets .Merlin. This 80 neres is ou a oouu ty road, on a R. F. 1). route aud on a telephone line, onu mile from Nchoolliousc, good deep soil, good neighborhood, 1200 apple and jwach trees set out last spring, vrutor for irrigation near orehurd. Price $,r)()U(l. My home is oti North 10th street. W. J. Kturgoa, L. 11. Olfi, Grants Pass, Oregon. 205 WANTED. . WANTHI) To buy a house and lot, close- in. Price reasonable. Ad dress A. I-!. Ttttsutner, -110 Knst Main, near bridge. WANTUI) -Drvasiuuklng. All kinds of plain and fanny sewing done at fiOr. West Mala stroet. 213 WANTHI) Touyjriow, gooij' service able toiini, v.-iKiit HIUD Jto lliiu piiiinds, any color except ray; also ImruehS and wagon, for cash. C, A. Liu, cm e Monro I Intel. . WANTHI) -Two unfurnished rooiim tor light housekeeping. Atldrcss P. (). Hox47!L ' 211 WANTHD -Comiieteut girl 'for g"- cral housHwnrk, family of thiou. Address P. O. box 2fi7. ' 200 WANTHI) The us of a trhctlou ea- Klut or a doonkoy onglmi. 1). W. Suarpe, Medford. 112 WANTHO Situation farm, us caretaker. IIuvo hud experience. Address Logan, caro Mail Tribune. 211 WANTHI) -Married i tan ants po sition us foiuman oh fruit ranch; eiperlenced. Addroni W.'JCuli llox 1 1, Jackwmvlllo. - 216 WANTHI)--I wish to oiuploy one oniiiH)tent, reliable man or wouiau to take olmrge of my business i Medford and the valley; xofereucea reipiired; high salary to right jwr soii. Call nt Oxford rooms or ad di'us me Msdford, goneraf dtillvory. W. H. Wilmer. , 209 WANTHD A woman cook at the Diamond at ouoo. WANTHD - To buy toani, wagon und harness on mouthly tprms. Ad dress K, care Tribune Mail. WANTED- Experienced quarry man. Addrc a P O, Hox 418, Modford, Or VANTHD 12 wood choppers to o.Vop 14 J 2 ti is iosh. n We solicit your patronag -a - Hiiiiiwi. rtU 1 1 H y ri a vav,'ain, tn long tune; easy t a vi r' rordwmxl and iUvUViAV1rHU fl I Imwt'ii hi i ("bilker II NX.llv ( l 1 III.