6 T T" " TIIK MKDFOIiF) MAN, TRim'ST:, M TOD FORD. OREGON", SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1909. t s Here Eo oped CflCiill3C me And It's Right iff V i V ir n A if IT I! ; ? The Elegant Appearance of the CADILLAC will meet your approval. r Call at our sales room, ex amine this car and get demonstration. Catalogue sent on request. Nothing but the finest ma terial and finest work manship goes into this car. Every buyer of a CADILLAC i'lp V is a rer4 aRd booster. vvnen npieases inem n win PLEASE YOU. The New 1910 CADILLAC 30" Price $1950 Fully Equipped In the CADILLAC you will find New Features that will appeal to you-features that you will not find in any other car selling for TWICE THE PRICE. This car must be seen to be appreciated. Model lO BUICK TOUR. ABOUT Model lO BUICK RUNABOUT The Motoring Pubiic has taken to these Car as naturally as a DUCK TO WATER The BUICK Model 10 is one of the best small cars in America--A car of classy lines, with a dashing appearance that is wanted by every prospective purchaser who looks it over or who rides in it. C H SNYDER MOTOR CAR. COMPANY Agents Pierce, Arrow, Cadillac, Buick 104 S. Bartlett St. Cor. 8th. Medforcl, Oregon i0 TURN ENGLAND TOWN IN PATH YACHT STILL UPSIDE DOWN FLOWING LAVA, UNHEARD FROM . t Constltlulon of Great Britain Will fin Spanish Town Seems Certain to Be! Colonel Astor Cannot Be Located Into the Melting Pot Men- Wiped Out if Volcano Docs Win-Jess Stations May Have day Crises at Not Cease Activity in I Gone Dawn in the Rh- i Hand. i Near Future. ctml Storm. by' TOSSED FOR DAYS ON SEA j WITHOUT FOOD; ARE SAVED i nt'lA'Tll. Mum. Nov 20. Aiir lii-ini; lo-ud rtli'Hil ii'lpli'-.l for Ni in u "ded" )lliliiif laiinuh, ,tl() Iioum of wlui'h they were without foil, AmsI Oliurjf, Ins wife ami two ahildron Mini two Miiilor- were i-u-t on lliu ropk of l,nl;o Superior, lit miles from heio lulu yesterday, Hunts (loud tlinti alivo. l Mipc'iliiiiiuui cfurts tin- Irt'i -a;' LONDON'. Nov- ao. Hi - 1-oik.iUu. tlon of t!i United Kitmdom -vill lull Into Hip tuultiwjf put Monday hImmi the Imilxi'i i moved for jtt rtet In the homo of lorda. The re.ieetion t the limlt-pi. Mi'ieta sewua pertain, will five tlw voter-. ultttrnutiu'K next January nl.pii it l plueed hefoiv ilu'iii for their irppruval or n-iPt'tion. The firt wil lle Hit iliu' linn the Lihvmla Hnd the uudirio and -" vv iniC added iuipatu to .Uv n ,irk' 1 cinlislJe tandem-iea of weal politic. Tim ntlwr i that of upholding the loid and the i'hii.i'mii''1!' mti . t i n of the eoiilittuional pMii.tn of tlii) llllUM of CiHIIUIMI' iM.lt I'ol of ih finaneinl I'lul of thf nuMMMinriit mid dHiumini; tli Suciuli-ti. No mutter vvhu-h mho'Ai m--lulktn of Hritih Miliiii- u-i t i '..I low. If the IJlornU it i .i!au-i Smui dm i 'hi Iioiim- oi lontb mil b fjjinluUnI out of mwtr. In 'iiy nt I is irtnin that their power W nrUiluJ. nr- dr.ii:yj't llu'iieeUc- to (n K'lirhin h(!u w tilt I lie news ot i It f liMTityuiK e'poiicni'0. 'I'lii' Imittl lift'-savini; prew inttnocd i:i laiincli mul ln'onght the half-tan oil in rt lit'i-p Inst ni(,'Iit. Mi-. jOlittrjt and hur cliildrpii wort' m hciu , thtit thuy witv M-nrcoly tthlo to .tnd. ' Tho purt' started from hwv i. Two ITarhors. Minn., Monduv jftpr noon. Tliy t'lu'onntored a m-nci ".torni -ulirrtv aftor ltftin; 1 1 i .11 ul thf i ii 1 1 1 failed. MADKID. Nu. U(. liupttuiit out Joti ih in eruption uifnin tod mi the ixlmiil of 'feneriffe, one of till)1 Cannrv irrotiti. ouporilitir to MiivmiM wt'eiveu uere Ni;V YOIIK. ho. '. i .1. John Jhttolt AMtor'' iiHhtlifitl :i.U the ourmuBkal, uiiutniiiiiije t mmi' ti-tnilliouiittn and hi mi, m.'i. i it nil t ite. 4Min.iit. loriml the inhithiiiitiu the uctirilifM- .KiHrublv i4pureheni.iou hhi...,s Li ft f tho vol.itno Niibkided, HPi'ortlinB o!rriBd wIh rr thst tll vprl m.i jthe tiorl today the eruption i-i hftv don in Uio sti.iiu t N.. work than lliHt of wMttrdity. j vembw tU. wluih wrought . ihh.u, A trHuu of aa thirty-gis iwt dtuuutp in Jamnii-H uud the WV-t I l wide and fifteen feet deep ha atari- (li Iwl rolliuK down tho mouiiliun-aide. j ft Mwllnouuiw' tfwei ti- n iK. The unlten i..rrent i headed diieHly unit -f tlw oj t ki lor the lomi of Sautiaii... mar it'w.. m,,. imortlKv tha , , 1 N'irrwak.l rv wtattlf i.. The inhftbiltttit hfl Tied fivtu the ib uale. it t- tewrerf tltot the A-i-i town and are huir.viiiB to the m ;. lit ha mi l .th dtatir. , i''"wM- j Th MMvh N'omwwhi.M.. leiror renin- ll ! helieed that wm9 uiteniatiounl t.av wh-i, t... there will Iw rtiplkm from alfeor Hritih nuiMi S. vlht oino,l u, u,, iioiintaiiik. eeuil of which w t,ui), ,, Kxi-ix nv'. -- khowinix eudenoM of vohwuiip aij. .Utiuii i- m-iii1ii out a-ht il - m 'hoie of lofaiiiiu the iniiu.: .ii'i I Th iiainl m( Onii. Ixinl ati.l Vnn. u HOTEL ARRIVALS, At tho NHkh V. tlulhrie. K I'oiHli K. A. Uinhert. rortland. ! H. Hm.tin, I'orlhtntl; r.. L .McKm-. Jpy, I'oMlaitd; Ifoln-rt I.. I'liiJaynoi. Sau 1'YiiiH-i-po; O. ('. Sinummd-. I. iihi-u O l.lol. Sun Praupi--(, C M H.itlilniui. Alli'i'v; II i ( . i ( . . ( In Ki nk Woi'oVanl, other ee.tl are also n-i-tiu tjie -earwi U-hu. M.... f. A ItullM. lf..K i. Mo.; Allen WUtU' AV)dite, (liuto. tualiUst, wb dewnled the town j lerda. nhoti lite lirl eruption , iiMjilil jMlejltvw ikiruij the night. Poiatiii.il IL.iwIim.t P.tiiiMt. IV. M....L . W V mi.:.... u.... t i II T . L' i t , it. . vhiii;. tiou , r.. i . . -.mi'mi. run rimrr'1. -i KeytmitU. San KraBfi-co ; John S IViidehon, Talile Km-k. Moii. San l'iuiMci; . I). Ia ' At Ihe Moore- l. ti. k.-llmo, son, San PrittieUvo ; V.. A- UttulwH, halem; J IV t'oulten and itr. Cortland: 1 Tarry SiUer. Alaad; I., fttiihavu. Mo . II. Kolu i-t-ui, ' K. Hawk. I'ale P..mf. l. M Smith. , l..on. . V C Ui!ln Puiili.l fhicaffo. 11 II.ill, p,.fti,inj. j. t :.m.,i.1 t m I.. ..,,J i l., Multh. If.i-.lvu. (.. I s :., p...'. , K , 1 N .,, THE BUNGALOW RINK I Open every afternoon f--om 2 p. m. until 5 p. m.; evenings, 7:30 p. m. till 10 p. in. DE NOVA Has Charge of Floor Every Afternoon and Evening. W. A. ROBBINS, Prop. Admission Saturday Evening. 10c. Skates 25c A Good LmHt These long dark nights is a soiuve of great satisfaction The Instantaneous Gas Light Is the Best, Cheapest, Most Economical and Safest One gallon gas gives 500 candle power for 40 hours. Call at 211 West Main and see demonstration. J. W. WHITNEY resolve;o The het resolution for vou to make i. to come to us for your next suit, if yot want soinothitij; out of the ordinarj. We do the ht'-t work and phare the lowet pr'ces. W. W, EIFERT TIUJ PEOOBbSSrVE TA.ILO In Case of vSickness I H t N K ;i t; .1 l - MEDFORD PHARMACY Xar l'osf U'f-CM AI. Ni.'it .tricc Fn. l)r'irv , ti