THE MEIXKORD MAIL TJ?1J3UNE, MEDF01U), 01? EG ON. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1909. ay 2. NO PRIZE APPLES AT OUR YARD BUT Prize Building Material 1 i At prices greatly less than you are getting for your apples with favorable comparison in quality. We carry only the best, a trial order will convince you. BIG PINES LUMBER CO. FOREIGN LANDS ASK OF MEDFORD Commercial Club Is Receiving In quiires From Every Section of the Known Globe. Inquiries tuo jwuniij,' in l.v tho score to the eocrutary of the Cotn inoreial Club with every mail, lmm piiretienlly every inhabited portion ot tin "lobe, iixkiiiK r" information i ((rniiiK til" Hsne Hiver valely in yen ernl ami Medford in partieular. Scotland, KitKland, Hawaii, Japan, ('hum. eOrinuiij. Franee, Italy, even lnwia ami oSntli Afriea have -eeker-, for infoiamtion foniKirninx Southern Oregon. )er t)0t imiUllk" a month are im bwured aithor hy somlinn the printed liooklut, or by personal letter, and t hi is eseluMve ot li-t -tn t in t the oilier eonmioreial elub- t the state, lonstue, or order.-, filled tor Me,! ford citizens. The photographs of southern or churtl tieoiiery, iiieliiilin-.' onli.nd and natural seenes of tin- eni..i.. itiWuililiK the 20 foot photoiiiipli .1 the jtrealest of all uuturul wi.imI. i-. Crater I.Hko, whieh were on exhiln tion at the Alaska-Yukon exhibition ! hmuxht om. 1- n. a Y Fi akima flour After eight years' experience in the grocery ljnsincss we can honestly say that this is the hest all around flour we have ever sold, and we do not believe it can he equalled in this eity at the price. It Makes More Bread and better than any other flour you can get in Ibis it . It is made especially for us from selected wheat. We don't make nnu-h on it at the price, but it is our best advertisement. After vou trv it vou will understand why our customers will take no other brand. Per sack, $1.70. WE PAY 50 CENTS PER DOZEN FOR FRESH COUNTRY EGGS. REX GROCERY CO. THE ONE PRICE STORE. IF IT'S GOOD value for your money and of first-class quality, regardless of what line of groceries you desire, We Have It and we can truthfully say that nowhere in Medford or elsewhere can so much bo purchased for the money as at Allen Reagan The Square Deal Grocers THE FAITHFUL FIRST' and the Simkune National Apple Show, have been .hipHd to I'ltifiiun, where they will be shown at the Chi cago Live Stpek exhibition d after ward in one of the hit; how wiu--dows of .Mar-hall Field's tore. Seeretary Contd state that a "fcreat majority of the innnirle front ' peojde of the Tailed States, in an ewer to the booklet and advertising matter sent out eirnie from the nr.rt , die western state end most of them fiw Clikiaco ami tin environ. With the Uuanee ol n new booklet in the spring together with the win ttinjr of the sweepstakes in ap)iles at iinum ot jov ..1.. '1.1.1 1.. lie lion and there 1- little hope tor him. ..en-d. Oilier mifii t In v While the poy and celfhraiin;; 1 iheinsuhes upon the uioiuid ami jfeneral, there is no dkrespet for tlm , kissed the fowl ot the reears. Tl'.' sorrow tliut lias sunken down irie- eiuwd swept aua the ifiiards nrtd inovubly upon the home of twenty- suryml alut the -hut I, with irrepies three men whoe dead Imdies Itava sjhlo frenzy. been identified. ! Auion the re-eued are: .loin, Fifty dead bodies have lwen tak-1 Cre-seium. Jiibn Amerw. Frank Itar en out t the mine and of tbesij iaua, John Hoiuieh and William there i not mueh hope of ideutUyin: II.vnson. more than the twenty-three who al- 'Thin i my 'oiid e.ypuriem-o." read have been it)ioiiied. stiid Hvne-oii. MJ vein It iried -ewn- lixeltonient llltl'iiMt. , l(, Umr onee in the Mar.Ufit, The exeitetnent here folowini JM'miae near here." nnouiieemei.! that men were hfinf Sddles .lolne.M elel.ratlon. taken out at the St. Paul mine ulit The oldiei mid the oiticcr- ul' Spokane, he fijfurs that tttr mut is mi intense and the people ar so hioe been deeply m.ncil b iheli-.u. either be me over time work f'( Mild in then" deinoiisl ration that It ; of the iluation, joined in 1 he expr.--the taff of the eonmreial enH or'lomt inipoaMble to get any absolute, j sions of joy and it apared im.-- more help added. Iv aeeurate aeount at this tima a tu how auiuy hve kern taken wU Jiva and how unv are lil aJiv within the mine, fhoiitfh it is eeitn Notice Don't fail to see the Sterling Mounted Shell Jewelry I have just received Maifn J. Reddy THE JEWELIiR Near P. O. 142 TAKEN FROM MINE. nlioo-t all of them can l -.ied t!.rKe Kdd, on ot the tirt u n hut,at.d alie. she full m a wild de- Mttd lhy luyl 4t)itt) ol I.hmI tit Ihir iwi.. J that belweeii one an dtwo hundred 'ot the imprisoned men are -.ate. When Mrs. Oeortre Smith -aw her , brother. ble for a ttHie tu rewlore order Meantime the resniers wer bn-ilx eiiH'ed in hriniiui; the urior- '.. I m li I.. ! the siirfaee. eon 11. . . .! ! h.oi l.. The first two men brought to the ban tuinty-tonr hour - t L I,' ... I 1 : II, I. tl . t .1 1 I -iinnaee uerr isiMPpn 1 Iftiui nun 111- n iiimni ,n i.'M.inn, 'il -i .'in Ij, l 1 ii ( !-! in )i . Inm.W no'.- i'pliiiniii.' 1 lit' wire pi'i, buried mid "iilil nol in iIil' ;i .111 L 'jli-h ...hiIiI imike 11 dole iimi! ullow Siilviitor I'igatti. Jo-epli mm.. li'' 1. ','..!.! (In- 1 I.. lulu J., rnti-r llir I1..I1.I.1 hIi 11 look t'toirgti ol the situMti'.n euil'ht I lies ,'l' -t . . . t . . I lies J t . - Milt Situated in an in telligent and thrif ty community, it is easy for the F ai t h f u 1 FIRST to experience a steady ami healthy growth. Ifead tin annexed report. It shows a growth of deposits of $104,000.00 since .SeplemljL'r 1, M'i)!J, tho' largest growth of any bank in Southern Ore gon during that period. No. 7701. Report of the Condition of . The KlltHT NATIONAL HANK, nt ' M.'.iriinl. In ll... Slut,. ur On'KOa, ut the dime .if liimliii mh. Nov Hlli, HH)'J; ItKKOUItUKH. I. iuiiiH mill MlHfotiiitH .. 21 4,63.1 77 OtelllriiriM set'llleil 11 1 1 1 1 11 If weiirnl 1,260.1$ , I'. tL llonds to r.'ouru vlrouU- lion 10,000 M II. ri. tloiiilM in wemirii IT H. He- a iiiwim I'ltilllliliilH nn t R HiiihIh. . . 2,705.00 IIiiii.Im, Hi-rinlllcH. i'Iii 133,217.:: lUnklriK hoime. furniture ami (IxliirPH 18.3Sl.05 line from National llnnks (nit . irtiwrvf Hk'filHi 3,101 S3 Dun fruin KlHlf nml prlvntu IWIlKK Mllll IhlllklTK, triiMt t'millHH Hllll DHVlllKM iHinkn . . .... . . 3,097 t Due from unproved rmtervti nl IllJ.StYTI . I'lit-ehM unit other eanh itfnn. 7.0IH it IjKiliuiiKf m fur clearing Iioiihm l.H Notes or ullii r NHtlimal Itmikn r.tXO.m 1'rseil.iiinl M4t eiirrntt, llli'l(elH lin.l eel) Ik IK.Si lawful mnnev reserve In iMtnk. vhl Hfeele , .111.312 90 l.u:Hl-ltiir aoten .. sK0O 43,1117 IteilMiill'lloa filli.l Willi IT H Tisnsiiier (i tr cnt nT ilr- oulnllmil !'"' " Total t7fi,36 IS I.I.VIIII.ITIIW. . , , rplll stook iml.l In.. .1 on l WurnliM final 7.99 h e Undivided liroflle. Im ' liellKsH and lMes ullll t,IZl 00 Nailoaul Itotik notra ouUtaad- ' I,, iO.OOB.lta Tine to nlher Nmloiml Hank S Hue In Hlnls Hil Prlvnl" ...... Itanka ami Hunker 9,0,1 IllUIVlllUlll )Kl0llM HllllllfPI I" ' I , in. i ii. I e, i ilflrMlM of iliwsll !'!'' Time eerllflelwi of iIhiwII . M!'5?' ' i,i. rlin l 31 I'linlilei i le rk niitHtaiiillnx t.'SO AO HhH.iI HUIe ilMllM. . . I.0UB.QO T..I..I tn.M.ta.. Hc l,. f fuewnii. Ponlv of .eks. s' I. M. t. Alforrt. Paehler of Ih iiImv nHinrii Imnk. ito unUinnlv nwnur llwt lli , .lu.vr. tlllelllnl I trilf llie tMWt Of mv .Ie ami Iwtl. f M. It. Al.rNMtO. "altler a,.i'rlie.l nml mwoio to tioforo me lhl Ktli !)' ef NtiVBmtuif t9. I'OIlTISIt J NBI'K. Notary Pulille. I'nrr.i't- Alleal- WM I CKOU'HI.U rilAX STUANO, I. K ))I'KI Hnlors Tliis Bank is a United States Depositary The First National Bank of Medford WM. K. CKOWISU.. Pendent . I,. AI.I'OHD, Cashier. P. K. Hi:i i:i., Tiee-lVesident. DIMS CKAWroltl). Ast. fnahier. .r- , j it n uargatn, on lou time; easvl u. ul .... . .WHI h. iu. to n uiri For iiarlienltini stt,ilu t M., I MAINS i!?iCARi-o.t7i;i; Brii tin DAI Vitl ht Ion vcv ik ni ,Pi. tiii 0 n ijh is IT y i IC IA 0 t Jl n t J, Cash. n r Ml