Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 22, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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lM'JII.IHIlCIi 1'AIM J;.i'J;l'T HATt' III 'A V
A if H'" M"ilfor.l Mutl. chIuIiUhIipiI lh Hit? Hmilh. rn i K"i.
Inn, iHtaMlBl.i.l ISM'-' II. " m.Brui.c Tin... .....l.liHhi..l ItrJ tl,. AM.I..F..I In',
line, tRthlilimiwI IK'ifi. r,d Hi. M..iroil Trll.un.. hiiiIiIIMiihI ltinti
Uffioml Paper of the City "f Mcdford.
OKOHdr. I'I'TNAM, hditor and .MuwiKer.
.... .. i ..,.,,, i rio. iimilir Noviniliir I
; ores..... ..n.l-r Hit- act of Martl. 3, 1S79
I99, til Hip jHintofflee Bt MtiUtunl
One ytiir, tiy mull
stmscniPTtoN hatus:
ni) one nxmtl. iy mull or carrier.
I .10
Ifoguo liiver vallev lins long claimed the palm of su
premacy as the banner apple and pear soot ion of tin world.
b'ov pears record-smashing prices have boon obtained
again and again until tin- valley's claim in that particular
could not he questioned. However, other sections while
admitting the Medford district's supremacy in pears, have
i disputed the vallev's claim to supremacy in apples. Hut
now the world will listen 1o their depreciatory and cavil
ing criticism with ears that hear not. Kor a hody of men
exports all, chosen for their knowledge of perfection m
fruit, have named a car of apples have the Ifogne Hivcr
vallev for first place, when placed on exhibition m compe
tition with the finest grown in other sections. Incidental
ly their decision carried with it a sweepstakes prize of
500 and the title "Apple Kings of America
future, the tension will he so great that each of the two I I lift Q A I TO
parties that now predominate will he snapped in twain. Mil J uHLLu
From the two wjIJ come a new party, untrammeled ami , .. . nn i nn n n mn nilTniirnn
investment, and sentimental reverence tor party History
and past leaders, who knew not of and could not have
known of present conditions and problems.
From preferred positions on the first jingo to n little
obsciiro'corner Peary and Cook have traveled in a few
short weeks. In another month both will have been for
gotten. For awhile if Peary went out to dine it was an
event, if Cook criticised the weather promptly the wires
hummed with the incident. Now they can talk all day and
only get a two'line head.
That is the work of the groat American daily. "Today
publicity and constant jmblicity at that, is the breath of
life to our groat and near-great men. Let the pajiers drop
them for a day and the American readers jiass them uj).
Politicians realize this better, perhaps than others, and
never yet was there a successful politician that did not
look after the publicity feature with feverish and persist
ent assiduity.
I'ho best business men realize as well. as the j)olitieian
Many Real Estate Men Turning 'Hard Fought Battle Ends With Yale Killed Two Americans-No Doubt
Deals Every Day Aggregate
Is a Large
Kent estate, in spite of tlio wont her.
is tiiovinj,' in good sized tracts, mid l
jni'tvntiiiK prices, us in shown by the
sales mentioned below. These do not
by any menus comprise the total of
lb the sales of the week, others huv
Bull Dog Again on Top
Harvard Dies
Reamins as to Their Lacmnt
alile Fate Ordered it
Over Protest.
(Unlit d I'rifcM i.iiucil Wire.)
CAMMUDGK, Muss., Nov. 'JO. -The
Ynlo butdoj 1ms uomo into its
ywn npiin.
Bv lowering the crimson eolos
, 01 me uuh, unic "-.. , , , f O ,,. I). I ,
in been previously priiiled ,,,,,1 ui. "i, '' "' 'I T.
',: ..... , Ya e not only wiped out its defeat ol T
inert) arc sun muttis not icimnuu
(United Press Leased Wire t
WASHINGTON, Nov. '20. There
is no doubt but that Leonard (Irn.-c
nnd Leroy Cnntinn, the two Ameri
cans arrested with the revolution
ists in Nieuraua have been excrut-
I'lie state deiartineiil today ic-
inaki'i a tairly respectable -mn.
J. 10. Stewart lias sold ."10 acres of
his orchard two miles northwest of
Yale not only wiped
1 iiiji. I Iv-ififi iuii. ....iii.
1 . 11... 1 1.. ......... I 1ml fili.r. fu mi. i ii . . i it. ...
However the njwre.atc ot the fuu ,'"sl " . - cciveci a came meisnye . rom u.c ivm-
uiieu m iiruiiiiL-i luuiiinu iiuiiu..- Qi'ifiin consul in Aiiiunj;iin connriii
l!)0!l. iu the repoil tlial the America m
The satno was one of the limit 1..,.,.. ,.Y.,.iitcd on the orders .it
1 ... !. 1 1. . ........ . . ...
.Medford. ailjoini.ij; the Captain Car- .vciunK ever wm.e-.suu ... im- nt.,1((M1t .eiaya. wno is now um-
roll ..lace, to C. II. A.iwiker, ot,' t'"-" -IMJt'tiifuIiir plays lJi- jK Ki,wt the revolutionists, head
Cellar H..piK Iowa, for a consider-' '' ! U'"' lt" .tht ,n-; ed by ProviMonal President IMr..!.
nt inn of .!. 000. The tract is nlant-' M'eetators to their ieet tune ami Aecordiic'to the me-ic tin
flu. twiwl il' 1 uMiil no 'k! iiil.- vi' nvtil'iiiiu tlm vtwviwlm.f 11 mic-i..,l iwiiu.ii.iillv in fiMiii o.'t in. 11. lw.. time nimill.
cess and developnient of newspajier advertising in thisi'"-; ,,J Newtowns ciuht yenr old and1
i T: 1 1.. 1 41. ..A l 1 41..,.. 4 .llllll III III OICII IIO IS IIIM-Cliss
,, x ;:, .. (. ,.:,.. ,tc 1 coiuii vv. ise iiicrcu,iius kiumv uiiii iiiMirriTd inc iiiiim , . . ,
'IMwi imiMiiiiefiiiiPuf that roilSOll iV 1 IC S cai ol . . . , ,lalta laud and is hi
Iht! iinnou 1 c me 1 n; 11 1 n WM 1''I 'H'ir wares and their jiersonahty jam uj) in the iub-linv ,.,, vt,m,
Sjatenburgs I ruin then hatfle I o.nt u i n u 1 . ( ;u)j (m(i (,.(V (M. mQ W(i(k ,)nf aU (h(i tin)(i Jn otluM.,eavus ntl
first honors, came withou surpr so to lo .1 I s s. . .u-wspajier tends to hasten the paee bv which; with his family ...
wl.o have long known that lioguo River I mt ort t Wi ,)mko w ' ' .....1 will o ...Iowa i
I'ntil the referee soauded the whis
l. tie calling the Kiinie at the conclu-
li . r. . t 1 I I 0 I i
Kit-uranium ovcrnincnt adinils thnt
the execution took place. The nt-
fieials justify the act by the declar-
Cannoii both
Put it was welcome news, nevertheless, for it demonstrat
ed that their judgement had not been warped by jirojudice.
The car was lint one of many. Others year after year have
been nhiied to eastern markets its equal in excellence.
Mir the Rogue River vallev is not a jiroduccr of a single
-ar of fine fruit but a producer of many.
Of vast benefit to the valley will the victory be. Not
onlv will the outside world be convinced, but loeal skeptics
-will be forced to forever hold their peace. And jirobably
the victory will in a small way assist in the education of
Portland and the Portland Oregoiiian, which has been, lo!
i ... :.. .1:.,.. ...... Qf.n( liii'ii fii'nimn
inese many vcjum m iiiwmnini, ". "f-i
Of benefit also will lie the column airer coiuum 01 .m
vert ising given the vallev bv the jiajiers the world over for
the Spokane National Apple Show has attracted much at
tention. .
No longer may other sections claim supremacy. 1 lie
Rogue River valley leads the world.
fill... I,...,' ...It.. ...... ...... f.. .wl,...,W I.... ........ .1..,tt... .mi, nisposu 111 HIS.
I 1 11 'II ll. l 1 III 1 1 wini 1 1 iirii n ii. 111 1 1 1 1 t ini . n. 1. 11 1 n i . ij in . 11 1 1
. .1. . ...1 1...II' ! M.1I1I...I .... .
..I.. ..inn- ,.r:-nu 01 inc sccimu iiuu n.- ii.ii.t-. .. ..... 1 1 111 1 liroec am
.Mr. Au.sseikeriw,,s 1,1 ""inil, ami realizing nils tin- ,.r,,sM.,i that they were hiyint;
icii'.cs in the San .laan river for the
pMipnst' nf blowing; up steamers
can in).' pn eminent troop-.
ippeni's that Zclava
1 Miipeurs that .clnvn nrilercii
1 i'.i -nil. m over the prolil nt
;inn ctiiin.'i ilci'-iu-cbict nn'
mini-lt r ue .en. I.
The gneral ignorance of Portland regarding the rest of'
the state in general, and Southern Oregon in particular, is ,. ...
leai'lv set-forth iithe "(Mfamber of dnnnerce Bulletin,'' ipianted ti
"'"" Famous Suit Between Heirs Will Be
uthern California ! " "tmeies never lei u. uir
peud the winter, i instant.
in the sprm- to uni'vimi I"" up a
holdings ther... thai tsnnw nut iaie pin up a oeuer one.
In. .11,.,.,. i.;u ,.i. ii .iini.ii..,. 1.. 1 Uio most spcciaciuar pinys uc.e
o tile )1ll)llc eye. 1 lo Will Hold Old einuoinors JieriiajlS, Dill l,js interests here. This sale W'is,I,llt "P ' ,,,u ",un liom !' 111
ho makes lew new ones. In a rapidlv growing community niadc throutrh the agency of .1. n. 'Ii'- i'"nect Coy and I'liiihin
like Medford, the new comers look to the newspaper for!w. Wood also .corts ,H.,ti.e se.ntiiiaiinK stars.
11 1 1 41 lit followin snles iiiailc lbiini-li bis Shortly betorc the conclusion ol
store news as well as general news, and the merchant wliOj;" """" """""" ",S:1R. tir;t i,if iM.iibh,. the piuckx
p . ! 1 1 it.. . i i . I . .1 . l' .1. . t : 11.1 in .
rails ro aoveruse, laus 10 secure 11 is snare 01 llie oiisuioss. Kn,nk llathawav to K S rainier 'left-half-back ot llie ulo asmeyn-
a twenty acre tract near Centril ' ,llt' fHers of the blue
Point for ijilUOO. This tract is plant- W'I1 when he caught Minot's punt on
ed lo pears and Newtown apples. '' r)0-yard-line. and with head
W. W. (llasL..iw tn Mr. KilTcr. SO lowered like an enraued bull ic-
1 .1 1.:.. -.11 1.. 1.
acres six nii vs northwest o .Med- lunieii uie ii-mh .timn ........
acres of hwf ate now ho was .finally downed alter
iiimii.i.l I.. iVnif 'I'll,, n.i.v. .......... rtver three ol llie 1 nmsnu inek
a UlOntlllv jmblicatioil issued bv tile Portland Chamber of made arraiu-cments to have Id acres s IhoUKh they had been mere ten
Commerce ' ",,,n' '"' ""' ,n"'t llt'l to apples I'ii's. (I vn , nun of the Innae-t
fn the'mazinc.isgivon -OregVin by Counties," in ;;;"- The price paid was i5,- nn-ar.d yeor the most spectae,,
whicii alleged resources, population and industries ot the! () M u-(Hm1 , SlilW( ,.. Tb- ki.-kiau' of Captain dy was
various counties tire set forth, and the followinir misinfor- half in i-o ncres sewi.' n. lies' little .hurt of marvelous. Twice did
r i...ii....i 'in .......... ,,iv the Yalke tsar make sensational field 1 1
lllil I Hill in 1 11 I III l-il il in ill 1 i iii-iMi.. i-.iii.ji . , ......... , . ... . 1 .1 .,..,, , ., :, ,
"tot,illMtion fe VHm 1(5 000 Tot'll VlIllO of T-lVlblo 1 "Ml ,"' " "'H-.vear-old tics and'P" i'o.u almost naposs.l.le nnudes. in the c . cunt to slt as, le a
I 0)UI,lt Oil ( 'St. I JU.i 11,1 W. I OI.Il ailH Ol T.lX.IOK ( Ti) Wrk n(. Mim)(( lhi,,, ,. .deed and boa.l l.,r a deed nmde by
property (1JJ0) $12'J..S 1 1 ,,590. Products, peaches, SUgar mmu ,.(r . tnni( i,.w.., ,,uiTc.vd meatly in comparison the late W. II. IWadshaw before his
boots, lieilin. onions, sormilll and strawberries." ;.. ,.iv mil.. ,..,,1'..'. ,... with that of the Yale uinnt. In the death, has been opcupyini,' the alten-
A tnu' 1111111 li President Taft took occasion -ni n -pi,,, .ti.i.ntiwi ,.n..iii.itir.ii .if .I..I.1.- UMII ..nllllh' ill I'lli.t 'I' It. ...I.- liiFi.m ..I' 111,. I line iilmiLMin: he" was the most con- tiou of the circuit court tor the past
Hpeech in .Minnesota to rap the insurgents in congress who ! ox:(1(1,is i)-,ono n a conservative basis. Few sugar boots1':""""', raihoad. trainer ..t the tw., teams.
r!.fused to vote forth, now tariff bill. . .. .iaro raise. 1, though they grow well enough. There isn't J- .-..J'tr SLC;; !!!
, A few davs ago Speaker ( annon in a speecn 111101 nn u 1 (,nouJrj, i,(.mp grown to make a rojie long oiKiugh to hang;Ka!f,, ,,. Tlis ail(1 play but a few minutes before the
his auditors that the republicans in the house who opposed j ,1. , n,01. nor surL'hnm eiioiiLdi to sweeieiVfti's coffee. The lis ......d ..rcbani la'mi but m.t vet crims..!! imN had worked it daner-
his rules would be deprived of their committee appouu-1 .,SS(.SS(,(i valuation' exceeded (..000,000 in H)0S. jproved. .Mr. Ayier intends i'u.prov-
Adjutlicated in Circuit Court
Next Week.
The case, whcichy Kf-
fie and Charles '. Tcrrill have Mied
jnents and otherwise jmnished for insubordination.
These criticisms and throats are received by a jargo
number of our people as timely, proper and just. Wo are
a free jjooplo. undoubtodlv. and very jealous of our rights
as citizens, and very determined to maintain our free insti
tutions. Hut could anyone imagine tlial. siuniai spot in & ;M,niV(.s ,,.m JIIIV Kcctiii of
us 111 I'.ng-
1 (III, !llllf
laiKI, icrillllll 01 riiiini-. iiiiiif, 1 , . .
otjuaniinity that they were received with in this
The in'dif feroneo with which such matters
ujion in this country would .seem to indicate that wo are
the most conservative poojile in the world. The events of 1
nusly near the Yale jronl.
Harvard tried repeatedly to carry
the hall over by line plunges but
the Yale line stood like a stone wall.
After loosing the hal on Downs, Coy
kicked the ball out of the danger
zone and Hnrvnrd never had a look
The Chamber of Commerce bulletin is evidently igno- "V"1" ;'
... , i . 1 . I . . DskoihI lias purchased, act-
rant ol the tact that Jackson county grows more ajiplos ((. w,iut ,,. n-iends i nw.i, Da
and pears than any county in Oregon, that wo have pro- uin. sexemy acres r land about
duoed and are jirotlmriug nioi'e gold, than any other county jthree miles ,.fniiinvfi of Medford
ii n.l tlini .r.K.l.-w.iii ,.,11111. v li-iw in, ii . ili'iii'cil'iiul 11 m 1 1 1 ivi 1 !!. from . Schaler. The hind ir. 1111-
llllll llllll 'III. IIP.'ll . IMIIU 1 .III.- Ill.ri , ttitt.tiiit.. 1.1........ .t.' I. , t . . ..,.. ...PPM ,,n ,......tli mi...nuii win. ,ae e.Ncup.ion ... uav- ; ,
: . . 1 :.. l.v... " ' ' " ' ' "' . , . . . ....... n,. 11 as uue f. nay am. 1110 ouuii.e--
made by gentleman occupying sinuiai posumns m imh , ,gIO..m,.(. ,( ti. lmllejin regarding Southern Ore- KmuVH ril.n(U , u.lllm,tl. mu w... nm i.. be denied. Thousands,.!
land, (lormany or France, being received with the same ! , js oniv )V j1;lt j,s rontoniporarv, the Port- the mu-t t.. apples ami iwir ihi" dollars .imnued bauds .... the o...
S counil'V : Ol'e-onian 1 winter and will later sub-divide into ' ' the ,'imic.
are looked1 Ismail tracts. The price paid 'he alc ..uitinyeni m .-
,m ,.. i,', ()()() Sinn uf !niiiii imiilii.
IT DOESN'T LOOK GOOD. . I ' rami; t. n... administrator of
1 1 1... "..!. .... 1 1.1 ... M ...
tin last congress, if occtiring 111 the national legislative ji,,,.),. iS.,, ,(. ,js UWM h.-mkor. The central bank .Wilson critzer. of Detroit. .Mich.. 1.
bodies of Kngland. I' ranee or lormany, would call into no- : 1 ... MS .,(ivn(.at,Mi ,N Senator A Id rich and in the interest 'wenty acre tmet h Hour Civd;
,east 01 ninenix at ?Hn an acre.
and the pinvliiici' biw inede nrrai'e-
inga now political party of considerable power. I.ut with,,,.- wi,j(., ,). ,r,.t Ionian from Uhode Island is now tour
.... tl. ...... L., mi, ,1,mli(u Iml inif nutivn ilmspllf th.'lt ,1. - 111 1. 1 1:1 :.. ..!i...: :.. .1. ....
un iiu u nun. ti. ..... . lllg UIO IIIUKIIO WOSl lll,l HO .M SpiOIKlKl IIISlllllllOII III llll-nrx ., , 1V(, j, ,,nt...I to apple.
takes the form of ..rgaiu.ation to carry into ell eel. the poi- ),, j ..n,.ti,.i. it js certain to fall into the hands of Wall nnd pears during the winier.
leies ol the doubters. Hie doubters kick a nuie, aim in ..,.,. .iMti I,,, i,s,.,i tn further the interest of a small srroini - T. Mrown and if. V. Meikie have
real ,,c e;, boiiL'ht a 7-cre tract in the Stew
art farm .two tnilen northeast of the
;iek a lit f 1c
turn lire kicicod bv llie majority and I) (id oil ill th(
... .. - , -ii 1
of those they denounce.
Vov yeai's students of our politics have jierceived the
need of a new parly that stood for soiuothing practical, and
not subject to the mercenary control of tle present yroat
jmrtics. Put we seem to be unable to jiroduee a man or
men groat enough to ho a loader tor such a movement
ol inlanders.
,. , . 1 1 1 .1 . i 1 i Fii t: 1 1 t "" innn .two tiules nortliei
It li i 1 . wmimu ihkuiIi In tliot I 'I'liuiilimf lull 1:1s; 1 1 liwiiil .....
.. ...,..,. . ..... " city, ami n tract ot the sntne ic
the reliance upon Aldrich that he apparently litis. If is a mid adjacent im. been purchased by
notorious fact that Mr. Aldrich is a creature of the "inter- 1-'. N. Cummintfu. The price
est V probably more than am other man in public life and Ma r"
,1,, ,x,,,-,,su,,i r mil, .... tlH- r 11... ,,r,si,I., ,,, JJTrJSS.
i.Iiililikih ' Mn. vni'v Mi't tlijit Mili'ii'h iiilvoi'iif os nnytliiiit' ti... . . ..
. . 1 ,1 1 1 r . , 1 1 ...1.:.. , ' . , .-. lie .ii.iiih nu; Minis un HUHiriCtl
'1 he reason is not so much the lack of groat leadership. ini(,w th(. iH.n(.fjt 0f t, ,,ubii,." ,,i,.,v it under susuic- i,v the D.e..i...- h..i K-inte;
joU, 0 I. K. Andeiwin to Isnii William?.
Vor the present tit least, and not until the interests" :',,r7 ,nil"- t,'t"-'
1 , 1 1 1 1 ii 1 Mt'dtoril, .TlllHMl.
come farther under government control should;tho people (Wlt, lilltfWa , Jnmt,, MhI.
consent to a central bank. It offers too great a temptation ot neincr. c.iio.. :tn nere four
for the interests. Indeed it simply seems to he a move mile -ouib ( Medford. i-io.
wherebv a few men would obtain control oC the public mon- 'n,ir,.v ut' Kk tJi "
. .. I., 1.,',,. 1.. I e ...:ti: .... Si'eiilh street to Charles Bnr-
h . V U :A. 1 Y ... , ' i- si,. Mr.
1111 iiiiiii mi- rt'iniiiFii.s. in 1 in- i;i ri niiiriii iuiu nil- ui- H has let e.nitracts for tic
jis it is iw the underlviiwf onuses of the unroasoniiiK party
fealty that ties the majority of the voters to the two par
lies. Pefore the civil war new parties were froiuently start
oil that soon became powerful and iromiucut. Put since
Hio Wiir all such efforts have proved weak and almost fu
tile. The cause can ho traced to the civil war. One groat
cause was the prejudice that grew out of the war. Another
several days and was concluded, with
the e.Neeption ol taking the deposi
tion of the nurse who attended Mr.
Mrauisbai 1 1 1 1 r i 1 1 r his lust illness,
which deposit i. ui will be in Ken by .1
referee, in acordauce with the Mip
latieus am red tn by the attornev
for each sjdo in the controversy.
The ease will then be submitted 1
the court for ndjitdiention next week.
Tile eijsc ban been contested
strongly on each side and 11 ..lvcs
the ilisiiilinli..i ot the fstaic nt the
laic W. II. brnd-ltiiiv. win died 111-!e-UII".
Ii I ll.ld 1-jFOsed "I le- es
tnle b ileid Jiift lieliU'i- bis
0. A. C. SCORE Or 12-0
l-M'dKN'K. Not. -'ii. ()- a s..jr'.v
raiu-siiuked held under wcep sk.e.s the rniciity ol Drenn
eleven, hv tile score ol 1 to II, l'-i-
,in atleruooi. ilctcateil ()rej'.iu A'n-
cultural College in the fiercest, bit-
Chrlsliaii Science Announcement. ,,.u., (j lns spectacular f.n.ihnlt
llenKtnnlni; with next Sunday. , ov,,,. foittit between the old
Nov. 21st. the Christian Science serv- rivaiSi Oregon won 1V two li.iicb-
Icee will Iip held at l.S North drape ,ows j llu. second half, after tin-
street, one and ont-liHlf blocks north ,;,.,( ,0,iilted in a v!es
o; Sherman-Clay niiiflr house. Serv- ,utjn(. battle.
Iro m usiiJil nt 11 o'rlock. to which all nth scores were replete with -en-
nro welcome. Sunday F.Uool nt 10 (ins. 'fin. fjrM, w,ll4 ,nii;. ,V
'cIek- 210 Qunrtoibaek Iitnrelte ten mn -
tites niter the beginning ol the i..i!i.
I'lesli.vtcinl,, Cliiirch. H.j,pl, J,,, (.,auul,t hup ,.r Ciri W.illt s
Sunday at 11 a. in.. "A Thanksnlv- twjstjK npiIs on Orewvi'- r-i'.l
lux SrmoB." Bvcr patriot and ev. jiuei jm,jpi.t,.d )V ,, j..,,.,' . .r.
of-v chriillan ahoFild be present . om,0 M, fal Hint it llUW'ltfC Cll.t
her this sermon. You may not iisree A-i,.11ilir.1i ..i.,...., f-..,,, i,v ,,i,
with It. but the preacher- will say
what ho believes to ho true. oOoil
(i " - v ;i ri1
nnd more latent .-ause is the ticul leadershii. and fol- P,.,.sts ..,. ,nol.(, t.ionriv understood, Vnele Snm should bungalows 't'. i. cmpited in
lowing Hurt came therefrom. I ho civil war was foiuiht ..ontinue to be his own banker. "'
alnuist entirely i votinu; men and boys. 1 ho army roc- 1 c. a. rnrker i. J. n si km.H.n
ords prove this. When the war was ended and the young There is hope in the fact that ihero is a rapidlv growing 'i1,liM,",'"p'- "'"J:"" " ,",k"" :m
inen oi' both anuien ivtunied to civil life, and took pant sentiment thr..u;hout the state favoring higher assess- ' " ' " ' . .
jn the politics of ilmr communities, because of associa- nu.nt of vacant and unimproved proiiertv," which is, for the DISAGREEMENT SNAPS TEN
tions and training the naturally looked for leaders in ! nuieit jiart, held for purelv speculative purposes, and for a st(N IN NOTED MURDER CASE
..till m . - I I . . . . I . . . , 4 I . ... . . . 1 . 1 I it. ... t . I . . . . -. .P . . . . . . "
pi.i.iicin .mi-Mi. i.. iiiiim- vim u-u nieiu in tiie noui- in deereuse m the assessment of improved property, held by
men who spend their money, time and energy in the up
building of (heir sections and the development of its re-
First Baptist Chufth.
Stranger.' Sunday Home.
W.i.iiK ii' Mi.'n-I. lliver. Falls,
circled the lett end tor
r" tn a t.i-ichdiiwn.
iC.iiilinuiil fmiii Mk-- 1 1
water, and mure damage is epi'. leo
to the unfinished portion t' the stim--
It has been said of tlu- ftuith that no one could ! elect
ed to mt important office who was not a colonel. This was
almost eiiiull, true of the north. It was not only mili
tary renown of the eaudidyir, but the ties of affect ion and
itonfidouce on the part of the former soldier that hie
kept the republican party of the north and the democrat
ie party of the south firmly cAuenled.
Mm a i few onler has arrived
il'nil-,1 lr-. l. sl Wlrw t
TACOMA. Wiish.. Xo. 20. -Di-n-
the 1st w'" l't-0'! nt 'I tp moiiiiiHf and t u re.
11. "I little will ineii.-h in the eenn.. Much of the snow jn the luoui.tau.-
meillOUISl Llllircn. ttl,.h fell carrier in the month i be
At the' servii-e nt M intt m,.ted by the rain aid the
o'eku-k. the choir will "I Heard it reams are swollen in etinseiiuein e
the Vuii e ..I .Ions Suy," by Ciiltci ; of this addition to the actual ili.wu-
sulnist. tr. Charllon ncH Air. Meek- pour.
fr. Mr Vmi Seoy. sonrnno. will Ir cWtk i. rnjiidly raisin, but
siniit the ..ttertory. At the veninv no damage is e.p4etetl to reult tr.mi
wniee the choir will 'mg Slu-llx's tlii uniiree.
"Saxiiiv. When Nigkt lnnle th'
Slies." with Mr. Mwrill lis siilnist.
nm a new or.yr nas arr eu a new u'ettor.uion m upon t, mHwlio hiwrovos his i-oj-t- Holi.s his neighbors by
us. We realnte that there should Ik- new tHirty alitrnmontis. .,ivm tl,,..,, rtmic.,miit. t...i.t ..timiK. .i.ii.. v,r,M-,,., uun.
...... .....I .......... .......... i. 1111. OII1I IT l . i. Fi ... ....... -........ . " . " .
h!. Ill IF.IIIC
' .1. .. l. l .: . i
H, ii- .1 i i i . iw cmf gMiiiii .lire, .uiwiiiia n.:.i-
is not good Inwiiiess to place a tax ujion industry, yet hHngt a,.,.u.,.,i , ,.OIUpiieiiv .ih
under the preseut sxstem the mail who improves his prop Chnrle V Ntwwnih. in the murder
ci ty is taxed far greater than the man who sit.s and waits ' hu-biind .h. -hot t.. ih-.o
for his noighlnir to im-rcase the value of his property, h XeW,.,mb My u ii. Th iy
i tl.. i- tli.n ilin l,,,l ,.,.Jit ..,..,.J,.l l' .,.i,.t h..h mee UMOyealerday afterootwi
tion of ci.nvielion ur amuittai. tit 1
o'clock this moroinir reiiiied its fail.
eeiiient has siapH.l the ten-ini ii. .MJS aw Ffnu will luy tlw ftfti
Aft utosi ci.rUially jpvktfd.
As far as local orchards ai l
rauebcs art concintd the rum i .1
ble-fciinf. Th fmit kurve-t i , on.
Ileted. and every preparation for bud
weiiiher made l all except lui.e win.
aever are prepared, so that the .-n-lle
of the valley a. a whole cm let
er rain, heeaiine they know it
St. Mark's Church,
Kev. Mr. I.-ieas of MMiigiin, wh
i t take charge of Si Mark's Khs
coital chun-h, i here and will hold uol la.t ItMiii,
jservic tuday at 11 VI.Hk and 7:i IfanWr rains than thin. hae beej
exiwriencpd in the Rogue riwr uiliev r HeUlel, assistant em-
i i .., t i,i 0i:il ii ..I. t. : : .1 7 . x 'C" " - i nfiinuimi r. uei.iei, ai.iani ew- m ini sntne of yr, iiwe of whicb
ii nun iuiu ..-...i F,u urn, j... o ... .t mt-jiiauiKoi iiiinim.i- , St. f; w entitled to Tar more consideration at the hands of Vrdi- amr IB hour fineer of t deparlwent of mmcl. have reunited in dtuua to the on-h-
hl( to destroy tlrv party loyalty Dora ot a loyulty to cHl-. ilu assessor than is the umsslmek nd the uneoulaiors who',,f ffu," wnt. The iurr,re. iefi fnAu evenimr for raid- arduu. but ihU i,.ri ,. have
taill, colonel nnd monil. t miolrs; ...ilv norsinml iihis '".,u0? f"I ,,",.,,,,, W "' 1Wk. lwr lw will UU an eome ai inst Ike luue when it iNinld
uerunwt ti..u io tit let daaia and the. moit
NeverthehSi5,.the signs are that in time, mul the near h Is injustice to punish a man for being progressive
jw m vae nri are mm one rur or am
I murder in the second decree. w.rK