THE AIKDKOKD MAIL TRMUTNl!:, M UDKOlvM), ORIWON. DAY, NOVUM HMU 10, 1000. MERE CHANCE tt t f t t CITY NOTICES. f 4--r-f-f 4- H--f f-H- -f I f H ff 4- -f-r -t'4-4--f CITY NOTICES". CITY NOTICES. f CITY NOTICES. t F O. A. C. Offers Short Courses Different Lines Which Will Greatly Benefit Farmers Who Attend. in (Mall Tribune Special Service. C0KVALL1S, Ore., Nov. 1.1. Or egon Agricultural College, Corvnllls: The winter short courses (or general agriculture, dairying, horticulture, lilt II II I V V-vwv uwawaav -" ARMERS art. and commerce will open at thlal,,lnCo nXod In s-ild resolution fr tho college on Tuesday, January 4th and will extend for six weeks. There will also bo a one-week course In tho above subjects, which opens Monday, February 14th, and Is better known as "Farmer's Week." The purpose of these courses Is to accomodate those people who find It Impossible to attend the regular four year course. Then there aro also, no doubt, many mature farmers and housewives well past the usual school age. who desire to acquaint themselves more fully with the most recent developments In their respect ive lines of labor and to keep paco with tho rapid development In tho science, art. and practlco of agricul ture and home-making. Each of thetso courses, except tho ono In me chanic arts, which will consist en tirely of practical work In tho shops or in tho draughting room, will con sist of a series of lectures supple mented by demonstrations, and by practical exorcises In the dairy, tho orchard, and tho various l.-.bratorles. The work offered will be adapted to tho practical needs of farmers, fruit growers, dairymen, mechanics, or of women In the home. A pleasing and profitablo feature of these courses will bo a series of lectures by some of tho moijt prominent men of the state men who are especially well qualified by successful experience to spoak upon some particular phase of agriculture. No entrance examination or other educational test will bo required; but no ono will bo received who Is less than sixteen years of ago. Nearly two hundred men and women regis tered In these courses In 1909, their ages ranging from sixteen to over fifty. There will bo no feo whatever for attending tho exercises of Farm ers' Week. Those 'who attend tho other courses will bo expected to pay a registration fee of $1.00. In ad dition, students In tho six-week course In dairying will pcy a labra tory'feo of" $2 and a bzroakage de posit of $3; those in mechanic arts will pay a a feo of $2 for tho course In blacksmlthlng and $2 for wood work; those In household science and art wll Ipay a feo of $1.50 to cover cost of materials used In the course In cookery, and each student will bo expected to furnish her own materials for all other classes. Board and lodg ing may lie had In CorvalllB at $3.50 to $4.50 per week. Tho Y. M. C. A. has a list of boarding and lodging houses which they will gladly let you use. Tho Instructors are ready at all times to gladly give advice or Infor mation to thoso who may desire It. EDITOR OF NEW YORK SUN DIES SUDDENLY NEW YORK, Nov. 10. William M. Laffin, editor and publisher of the New York Sun, died at his home, the Laffau house, Lawrence, L. I., nt 3:30' this morning, following nn op eration for appendicitis. Laffan was born Janunry 22, 1848, in Dublin, Ireland. He had been an editor and pub lisher in Hie United States since 18C7. t JfJfHOTIOES. $15,000 CITY OP MEDFORD, OR., IMPROVEMENT BONDS. Medford, Or., Nov. 17, 1009. The City Council of Medford, Or egon, will receive sealed bids up to 4:30 o'clock p. m., December 7, 1900, for the sale of $15,000 0 per cent 10-year Improvement Bonds, bids to ho accompanied by a certified check equal to five per cent of tho amount hid for. Tho right to reject any or all bids is resedved. Bids to be addressed to Robert W. Tclfer, City Recorder. Certified check to 1)0 made payable to tho City of Medford, Oregon. ROBERT W. TELFER, City Recorder. Dated Medford, Oregon, November 17, 1909. 227 ORDINANCE NO. 257. An ordinance declaring tho assess ment on tho pr'oporty benefitted for tho cost of laying a four Inch water mala on Newtown street and direct ing the recorder to outer a statement thoreof In t'e water Hon docket. The City or Moilfori' dot! ordain ,is follows: Section I. Whereas, the city council did heretofore by resolution deeluro Its Intention to lay a 1-lnch wafr main on Newtown street to West Sth street from Weal Main and to assess the cost thereof on tho property fronting on said portion of sal.l street n proportion to tho frontage of said property, and did fix a tlmo niul place for hearing protests against the lnyln1.; of said water main on unld portlrn of said street and tl"? assessment of the cost thereof as nfotes ,ld. And whereas, said resolution was duly published and posted as re quired by section 116 of tho charter of said city And vfhoroas, a meeting of tV council was iold at tho time and purpose of considering any such pro tests, nut no protests 'cere at said time orva' any other tlmo made to or received by tho council to tho lay ing of said water main or the assess ment of tho cost tl ercof r.a nfors: "d. and said council having considered the matter, aid deeming that said water main was and Is of nr.terlal benefit to arid -dty and that all pro perty to be therefore would bo benefited thereby to tho extent of the probt.blc amount of tho respec tive assessm rt8 to be lvted npUnst said property, dll order said wrtor mnln laid. And whereas, tho cost of said water main has been anl hereby ?s determined to be tho sum or $S60.70. Now therefore. It Is hereby furth er determined that tho prporllonato 3hare of tho cost of laying s-ld wat er main of parcel of tho pro perty ironuns on said portion of said street Is (ho amount Bet onno- sito the descHp"nn of each parcel or uleco of land benefitted by tho lay ing or said w.-te- mal o the full ex tnt of tho amount so set opposlto tho description of each parcel or piece ana that the respective amounts represent tho proportional benefit of said water main to said respective parcels of property and also tho proportional frontage there of on said portion of said street and tho council docs hereby declare each of tho parcels of proocrty described below to bo assessed and each of the samo hereby Is assessed tho amount sot opposlto each description of the cost of laying said water main ASSESSMENT FOR A FOUR-INCH WATER MAIN FROM WEST MAIN TO WEST EIGHTH ON NEWTOWN STREET. Assessment No. l Carrlo E. George, now Mrs. F. W. Carnahan. lot 1. block 2. Park addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontngo 50 reet on west sloe of Newtown and described Vol. 53, pago 92, county recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon. 50 feet; rato per foot, oic; amount due, $Z8.r0. Assessment No. 2 -Carrlo E. George, now Mrs. F. W. Carnahan, tot z. mock 2, Park addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontago 50 .feet on west s!do of Newtown streot and described Vol. 53, page 92, county recorder's records of Jnck son county. Oregon. 50 feet; rate per foot, 57c; amount duo $28,50. Assessment No. 3 Carrlo E. George, now Mr3. F. W. Carnahan, lot 3. block 2, Park addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontngo 50 feet on west sldo of Nowtown street and described Vol. 53. pago 92, county recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon. 50 feet; rato per foot, 57c; amount due, $28.50. Assessment No. 4 Carrie E. George, now Mrs. F. W. Carnahan, lot 4, block 2, Park addition to tho city of Medford. Oregon, frontago 42 feet on west sldo of Newtown street and described Vol. 53, pago 92, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 42 feet; rato per foot, 57c; amount due, $23.94, Assessment No. 5 A. L. Olm stead, part of lot 5,- block 2, Park ad dition to tho city of Medford, Ore gon, frontago 9 feet on west side of Nowtown street and described Vol. 60, pago 599, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon. 9 foet; rato por foot, 57c; amount due, $5.13. Assessment No. 6 H.L. Olm stead, tho south 33 foet of lot 5, block 2, Park addition to tho city of Med ford, Oregon, frontago 33 feet on west side of Nowtown otrcot nnd de scribed Vol. G2, page 495, county recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon. 33 feet; rato pur foot, 57c; amount due, $18.81, Assessment No. 7 H. L. Olm ,stead, tho north 28 feet of lot 0, block 2, Park addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontago 28 f?et on west side of Newtown stroot and described Vol. 02, pago 495, county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 28 feet; rato per foot, 57c; amount due, $15. 90. Assessment No. 8 Henry n. Pat- and tho north 39 feet of lot 7, block 2, Park addition to tho city of Modn ford, Oregon, frontago both parcols 61 feet on west sldo of Nowtown streot and described Vol. 72, pago 144, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 61 feot; rato per toot, 57c; amount duo, $34.77. A tiunaamnnf Jf U Q ft Qlmnn lot 8 and south 11 foot of lot 7, block i 2, Park nddltlon to tho city of Modr torn, uregon, frontago ro reot on west sldo of Nowtown streot and do scribed Vol. 65. pago 559, county re corder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 61 feet; rato per foot, 57c; amount due, $34.77. Assessment No. 10 .Tenso Houck, lot 9. block 1, Park addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontago 50 feet on east sldo of Newtown street nnd described Vol, 60, pago 49, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. GO foot; rato per OAL TWO ORDINANCE -foot, 57c; amount duo, $28,50. Assessment No, 11 Jobbo Houck, lot 10, block 1, Park addition to tho city of Modford, Oregon, frontage 00 fet on east sldo of Nowtown Htreot nnd described Vol. (10, pago 19, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 foot; rato per foot, 57e: amount due, $28.50. As8o83inunL.No. 12 S. (1. Simon, lot 11, block 1. Park addition to tho city of MPdford, Oregon, frontngo 50 'cot east aide of Nowtown street and described Vol. ,., pago . .. 50 feet; rato per toot, 67e: amount duo, $28.-50. Assessment No. 13 -Clins. 11 Gray, lot 12, block 1, i'ark addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon front 50 feet on cast sldo of Now town street and described Vol. . . pngo ... ,50 foot: rato per foot, 57c; amount due. $, Assessment No. 14- Ada and L. O Porter, lot 13, block 1, Park add! tlon to tho city of Medford, Oregon frontngo 50 feet on oast sldo of Now town streot nnd described Vol. . . Pago . . . county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 60 feet; rato per foot, 57c; amount duo $28.50. Assessment No. 15 Adn nnd I G. Porter, lot 14, block 1, Park addi tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon frontngo 50 feet on east side of Newtown sfrcet nnd described Vol. ... page ... county recorder's rec ords of Jnckso'u county. Oregon. 50 feet. Rato per .foot, 57c; nmount duo. $28.50. Assessment No. 10 Ada and L. G. Porter, lot 15. blck 1. Park add! tlon to tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 foet on east side or .now . . . it. I., I,.. i town street nun uuscriuuu mi. .., nace ... county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feet; rato per foit, 57c; nmoui.t due. $28.50. Assessment No. 17 Ada and L G. Porter, lot 16, block 1, Park ad dltlon to the city of Modford. Ore gon. fronfigo 50 feet on o-si side of Nowtown street and described Vol. ... !)aKO .. ccunty recortle's roc o.ds of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feet; rato p; ?oot, 57c; amouut due, $28.50, Assessment No. 18 Martha John son. lot 1. block C. Park addition In the el'y of Medford, Oregon, front- ago 50 feet os west sldo Nowtown street. 50 feet; rato per foot, 57c; Amount due, $28.50. Assessment No. 19 Martha John son, lot 2, block C, Pnrk. addition In tho city of Medford, Oregon, front ago 50 feet on west sldo Nowtown street. 50 feet; rato per foot, 57c; nmount duo, $28.50. Assessment No. 20 Martha John sotj, lot 3. block C, Park addition In tho city of Medfoid, Oregon, front ago 50 feot on "est side Nowtown street. 50 foo'; rato per foot, 57c; nmount due, $28.50. Assessment No. 21 Martha John son, lot 4, block 6, Park addition In the city of Medford. Oregon, front ngo 50 feet on west sldo Nowtown street. 50 feet: rato por foot, 57c; amount duo. $28.50. Assessment No. 22 Narclssa Mc Cain, lot 6. block C, Park addition In .tho city of Modford. Q;gon. front age 50 feet on west sldo Nowtwon str.oet. 50 f'.ct: rato per foot, 57c; amount duo, $28.50. Assessment No. 23 H. A. Fred unburg, tho e.'st half of lot 7 and 8. block 6. Park rddltlon In tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontago 88 foot on west sldo Nowtown street. 88 foet; rato per foot, 57c; amount duo, $50.16. Assessment No. 24 W. 8. Jones and J. H. Smith, tho west half of lots 9 and 10, block 7. Park addition In tho city of Medford. Oregon, frontngo 88 feot on west sldo Newtown street. 88 feot; rato por foot, K7c: ,amount due. $50.16. Assessment No. 25 Franklin B. Martin, lot 11, block 7, Park addi tion In tho city of Medford. Orcgo frontage 50 feot on cist sldo Now town street. 50 feot; rnto per foot, 57c; amount duo, $28.50. Assessment No. 26 Ann G. An drew, lot 12. block 7, Park addition In tho city of Medford, Oregon, front nge 50 feet on cast sldo Nowtown sfeet. 50 foot; rato por foot, 57c; nmount duo, $28.50. Assessment No. 27 Ann G. An drew, lot 13. block 7, Park addition In tho city of Medford, Oregon, front ago 50 feot on oast sldo Nowtown street. 50 feet; rato per foot, 57c; amount duo, $28.50. Apsessmont No. 28 Ann G. An drew, lot 14 block 7, Park addition In tho city of Medford, Oregon, front ago 50 feet on east aide Newtown street. 50 foot: rato por foot, 57c; amount duo, $28.50. Assessment No. 29 Volna Wolw ster, lot 15, block 7. Park addition in tho city of Medford, Oregon, front ago 50 foet on cast sldo Nowtown Htreot. 50 feel. Rato por foot, 57c; amount duo, $28.50. Assessment No. 30 Volna Wob ter, lot 16. block 7, Park addition In tho city of Medford, Oregon, front ago 50 feot on oast sldo Nowtown street. 50 foot; rato por foot, 57c; amount duo, $28.50. 11Be",n ,"" city of Medford Is hereby directed to Section 2. Tho recorder of tho scssmonts In tho water main lion dockot. Tho foregoing ordlnnnco was pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford on tho 10th day of Nov., 1909, by tho following voto: Mor- rlck, ayo; Welch, absent; Elfort, n,: . limerick. a""' ?Jro aye; Dommer, aye; v,f W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROUT. W. TEL.FER, Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 255. An ordinance declaring tho assess ment on tho property honeflted for tho .cost of laying a four-Inch water main on Mlstlotoo street, and direct ing tho recorder to enter a statement thoreof In tho wator main Hon docket. The City of Modford doth ordain I as follows; 4 J Heutlon I. Whereas, tho Clt.v Council did horelofoio, by vomilutlnii, declare Its Intention to lay a four Inch water umln-ou .Mlwtlotow utroot to West Tenth streot, from West Mnln street, and to UMtess tho cost thereof on tho property fronting oil Mild portion of said street In propor tion to the frontage of said property, and did tlx u time mid plum tor hear ing protests against tho laying f nald water mnln on said portion of said streot nnd tho assessment of tho coat thereof as aforesaid. And whereas, said resolution was duly published and posted as re quired by Section HO of tho charter of snld city. And whereas, a mooting f the council was held at tho time and place 'fixed In said resolution for the purpose of considering any hucIi pro tests, but no protest? were at said time, or at any other time, made to or rocolvod by tho council to tho lay ing of said water main, or tho as sessment of tho cost thereof as afore said, and said council having consid ered the matter, and deeming that snld water main wnB and la of mater tal tanoflt tt said city, and that all property to bo assessed therefor wmilil 1m liKnnfltoil thnrebv to tho extent or tne p-piiniiio amount oi mo respective assessments to no lovioii nualust snld nrotiertv. did order snld water main laid. And whereas, tho cost of said wa tor main has been and hereby Is do tormlniMl tn !. thn mini of $893.70 Nnw. therefore. It Is hereby fur ther determined that tho propor tionate share of tho cost or laying snld water main of ench parcel of Hi.. urniiKitv fmntlnir nn snld nortlotl or snia street is mo nmouni set up positn tne description oi encu par col or nleco of land below nnd' that 'noli in liiirrnl nf Innil hnnufltcd by the laying of said wator main to mil extent or uiu amount so sot onnoslto tho descrlntlon of ench par pol or nlici. nnd thnt tho resnectlvo amounts represent tho proportional bonerit or snni water mam 10 sum respective parcols of property, and HL ,1...,bni.tln,iiil fpnnlnlirt llinril. man ill" 11111,1111.111..,. r. '. of on salil portion of Bald street, and tho council does herony ueciaro encn of tho parcels of property described linlnur In tin niimv-mnil nnil nnrh nf the snmo hereby Is assessed thn amount sot opposlto each uoscription or me cost of laying said water mnln. Assessment for n four-Inch water mnln on MlstleUm stro between Mnln street West nnd Tenth street West. Assessment No. 1 S. A. White. CA. Part of lot I, block 2, Galloway's nddltlon In tho city of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 200 feet on west sldo M!itlm street, described Vol 40, nir 379. county recorder's records of lnckson county, Oregon. 200 feet; rate per foot, 57 cents; amount duo, ?n. Assessment io. 2 V V nnmnlinll. Oil. Till) Wist ,if nf in i. iitnck 2. Ontlownv's nd dltlon In tho city of Medford, Ore gon. Frontago, 200 feet on east siu Mistletoe street, descrlued voi. on, pngo 30. n. I)., nnd described Vol. r.9 nrnre 204. county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county. Oregon 200 feet: rato per foot, D7 corns; nmouni due, $114. Assessment No. 3 Mnn a trifimtil. Itond. Lot 8, the south half of lot 7. block 1. Park addition In tho city of Medford. Or- , L.ifl nffn ; t. rniii nn wem sldo Mistletoe streot. described Vol. 08. pngo 290, county rccuruur n nv ords of Jnckson county, Oregon. 75 foot: rato por foot, 57 cents; amount due, $42.75. Assessment No. 4 a itnv R nnd thn north half of lot 7, block 1, Park addition, In the city or Meaioru, uri-K'"'- t- ' nn west Siao oi Mlstlotoo' H'recti dcscrlbod Vol. 71, nnise 42n. county recorder's records of Jp-ik'-T w '. Oregon. 7 rwi; rat "ir foot. 57 contH; nmouni uuu, $2.75. . Assessment iNo. u Bnnlh Horrid:. Lot n. r iiMuiiw ...... block 1. Park addition. In tho city of Mn.ifnrri. Orouon. Frontngo. 60 feot wno oiiin MlHtlotoe streot.' de scribed Vol. 69. page 41. county re corder's records or .incKson cniwiy. nrnrrnn fift fftet! mtO WIT foot, 57 cents; amount duo. $28.50. Assessment ro. - lli Hnrrlck. Lot 4. block 1. Park nddltlon, In tho city of K.iinl-,i n-oi'nn. Frontnco. 45 foot on west sldo Mlstlotoo street, de scribed Vol. 69, pngo ii. county re corder's records of Jackson county, n!. 4r. feet: rato nor foot, 57 cents; amount duo. $26.05. Assessment No. I t,.i. a i.vm i.nt 3. block 1. Park addition. In tho city of Med ford, Oregon. Frontngo, 55 foot on west sldo of MlBtlotoo street, de scribed Vol. 55. pngo 548, county re corder's rocordB of Jnckson county, Oregon. 55 feot; rato per foot, r7 cents; amount duo, .ii,.io. Assessment no. h - Annlo C. and P. K. Nalloy. Lot block 1. Park addition. In tho city of Modford. Oregon. Frontngo, 50 feot on west sldo Mlstlotoo stroot, do- onllm.i Vnl. fill, nnirn 47R. county ro- cordor's rocordB of Jnckspn county. - . i m l r.ff Oregon, uu reot; rnio por ioih, m cents; amount due, $28.50. AHBossmont No, 9 Annie C. nnd P. K. Nalloy. Lot 1. block 1, Park addition. In tho city of Medford, Oregon. Frontago, 50 foot on west sldo Mlstlotoo stroot, do scrlbod Vol. 62. pngo 478, county re corder's records of .TackBon county, Oregon. 60 feot; rnte per foot, 57 cents; amount duo, $28.50, xflsossmont no. iu Franklin E. Martin, Lot 8, block Park addition. In tho city of Mdd- tnrA nrnunn Ti'rnnfnt'A. 44 font on west sldo Mistletoe streot south, do ncrlhod Vol. 52, pago 232, county re corder's records of JnckRon county. Oregon, 44 foot; rato por foot, 57 cents; amount duo, $25.08, Assessment rn - ITmnlrlln IB MirWa T.nt 7. Iilnrk 7. Park addition. In th olty of Med ford, Oregon. Froatago, 44 foet oai . i..; bldo MbUloioo fllroet Htiutli, de-r.-rlbed Vol. S!!, piiKo J! II a,, county ro .'order's records of .Imilimm county, Oregon. II feel; rate per foot, 57 cculx; amount duo, $25.08. Assessment No. 12 Franklin K. .Martin. Lot (1, block 7, Park nddltlon, In tho city of Mud ford, Oregon, Frontage, 50 foot on west sldo .Mlstlotoo Htreot South, de scribed Vol. 52, pngo 2.12, comity re cordor's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 feel; into per foot, 5.7 contH; nmount duo, $28.50. Assessment No. a Franklin E. Martin. Lot 5, block 7, Park addition, in the city of Med ford, Oregon. Frontage. 50 feet on wcHt side Mlstlotoo street South, de scribed Vol. 52. page 232, county re (order's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rate per foot, 67 cents; amount duo, $28.50. Assessment No. 14 Anna l.nnc. Lot 4, block 7. Park addition, In the city of Medford, Or egon, Frontngo, 60 feet on west side Mlstietou street South, described In Vol. 62, page 262, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rate por foot, 57 cents; amount due, $28.50. Assessment No. 15- Anua Laue. Lot 3, block 7, Park addition. In tho city of Medford, Or egon, Frontage, 50 feet on west sldu Mlstietou street South, described vol, 02, pago 262, county recorder's rec ords of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rate per foot, 57 coiiIm; amount duo, $28.60. Assessment No. 16 Martha and Jossln Sheppard. Lot 2, block 7, Park addition, In the city of Medford, Oregon. Frontngo, 60 feet .on west sldo Mistletoe streot South, described Vol. 63, pnnu 45, county recordor'o records of Jnckson county. Oregon. 50 feet; rate per foot, 57 cents; amount due, $28.50. ASiioHHineiil No. 17- J, T. Ends. Lot 1, block 7, Pnrk addition. In the city of Medford, Or egon. Frontage, 50 feet on west sldo Mistletoe Htreot South, described In Vol. 58, pngo 13, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rate per foot, 67 cents; amount due, $28.50. Assessment No. 18 H, W. Jnckson. A, A tract of land fronting 100 feet on Mlstlotoo street South and 200 feet on Eighth strost west, In block .1, nod marked A, on map of the city of Medford. Or egon. FroutRgo, 100 feet on Mistle toe street Mouth, described .Vol. 61, page 39, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon, In Gallo way s addition. 100 feet; rate per foot. 57 routs; nmount due, $67. Assessment No. 19 Margarnto E. Gray. 11. A tract of laud fronting 112 feet on Mistletoe street south, nnd running through to l.nurei street suo rent in blocK :i. Unll'rvay'H addition, nnd marked II on map of tho city of Medford, Ore gon. Frontage. 112 feot on Mistle toe street South, described Vol. 40, onf.' 616, county recorder's records )f Jackson county, Oregon. 112 feet; rate por foot, 67 cento: amount due, $63.84. Assessment No. 20 J. H. Dnloy. C. A I f n'.lng 66 font on Mistletoe strecf. Mi, In block .1, Galloway's :.ddlt!on, and marked C on map of tho city of Med ford. Oregon. Frontngo, 66 fret on Mistletoe streot south, described Vol. 58. page 391. county recorder's rec ords of Jnckson county, Oregon. 66 feet; rato per foot, 67 cents; nmount duo, $37.62. Assessment No. 21 Franklin E. Martin. D. A lot fronting 102 foet on Mistletoe street south, nnd 131 fet on Tenth street west. In block 3, Onlloway'a addi tion, and markod D on map of the cltv of Medford, Oregon. Frontage, 102 feet on Mlstlotoo Htreot south, described Vol. 50, pago 696, and Vol. 55. tmgo 160. county recordor h rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon. 102 fct; rate per toot, 57 cents; nmount dun. $58.11. Section " Tho recorder of tho city of Medford Is hereby directed to enter a statement of Hnld Hovornl as nssmnts In thn Water Main Lion Docket. Tho foregoing ordlnnnco wbh pass ed by tho city council of tho City ot Medford on tho 10th day of Novem ber, 1900, by tho following voto; Merrick ayo, Klfort ayo, Emerlck ayo, Welch absent, Dommer ayo, Wormian nyo. Approved: W. II. CANON, Attosi; Mayor. ROUT. W. TELFER, Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 253. An Ordlnnnco authorizing thn Is suance, of $15,000 ot thn Improve ment llonds of tho City of Medford, Jnckson County, Oregon, nnd direct ing tho ndvortlslng ot tho samu for snlo In accordanco with Chapter V of Tltlo XXVH pf Ilalllngor & Cot ton's Annotated Codes and Stntutes of tho State of Oregon, Tho City of Modford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. Whereas, tho City of Medford has heretofore duly caused sowors to bo laid In certain streets of Hnld city and has duly assessed tho cost thoreof to tho property bono- tltod thereby In accordanco with tho chnrtor of Hnld city; and whorens, certain owners of sundry pieces ot property, ench nBsosaod for such Im prdvemont In n sum oxcoodlng $25, liavo duly mado and filed applica tion to pay snld eovoral nssosHmonts in Installments In nccordnnco with Section 2727 of snald Bollinger & Cotton's Annotated Codes and Stat utes, and whoroas, as assessment nnd bond Hon dockot hns boon duly mado tin In nccordnnco with tho pro visions nt said soctlon nnd with Soc- tlon 2728 of said Codes nnd Statutes, and tho total amount ot unpaid as sessments for Biich stroot ,lmprovc- monifl nna tor wnicu application to pay under tlio provisions of Bald soc tlon above cltod has boon mado and filed an aforesaid, Is tho sum ot $15, 000,00, no shown by said bond lion doekot; Now thorofore, Bald City of Med ford doth vrdaln a aforesaid, that vt H Mf CITY NOTICES. thoro in hereby niithorlxwl in bo Is mud thn bonds of NiihlM'lty lu the total iiinotnit of $15,1)00.00, In d uoiiiltuitloiiN ot $250,00 mid $500.00 eiicli, mi miiy ho convenient. Suction 2. Said lioiulH shall bu In the. following form: $ No City of Mud ford. Jackson Comity, Statu ot Oregon. Improvement lioml, Know All Men by Thmi Presents. That tho City of Medford. lu the County of Jackson, Htnto of Oregon, for valiin received, hereby agrees and proiulsmi to pay tho hearer tho mini of dollars, In gold coin ot tho United States of America, on tho presentation mid Hiirreniler i f this obligation on tho first day of December, lu the your of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and nine teen, without grace, with Interest thereon from tho (Into hereof until redeemed, or until the tlmo of th seint-iiniiiial Interest payment next ensuing tho publication of notttco by tho City or Medford. that this bond will bo taken up mid cancelled ami that Intercut thereon will cense at tho Interest payment period next fol lowing Kiich publication, at tho rule of 6 pur cent pur annum, payable Hoint-itnutinlly, In like coin, on tho first day of June and December of each year on tho presentation and surrender of tho proper coupons hereto nuuoxed. principal and Inter est payable nt tho off Ire of the Treasurer of tho City of Modford. This bond Is one of a Herlcs au thorised by an net of thn legislative asueiubly of tho Htnto of Oregon, on titled, "An Act to provide for the iMsuniicn of bonds for tho Improve ment of streets and tho laying of MAwnr In Incorporated cities nnd for the payment of tho cost of such lin prnveuients and laying of sewers by Installments," filed In tho nfflco nf tho secretary of state. February 22. 1893, as amended by an act entitled. "An Act to amend SectloiiH 1, 2, 3. 4. 6. 6 and 7 of an act entitled, 'An Art to provide for tho Usuntico of bonds for the Improvement of streets and lnylng of snwerH In Incorporated cit ies and for tho payment nf tho cost of such Improvements and laying ot sewers by InstnllnuMitH'; riled 111 too office of tho secretary of state. Feb ruary 22, 1893." approved February 28. 1901. and Is nil obligation of the City of Medford, aforesaid, nnd Is not to be deemed or inKoti to no within or anv nart of tho limitation by law as tn tho Indebtedness of said city, and It l further certified that all requirements of law hivvo been fnllv. compiled with by tho proper officers In thn Issuing of this bond. nnd thnt the total amount of this Is sue does not exceed tho limit pro- scribed by snld act. This bond Is rcdeomnnio at mo oi- flm of snld treasurer at tho option of tho Cltv of Modford, tinon tho pay ment of the fnco value thereof, witn accrued Interest to tho of pny- incut nt any semi-annual coupon pe riod at or after oim year from tho dntn hereof, as provided In snld act. For tho fulfillment nf tho condi tions of this obligation, tho fnlth and credit of tho City of Medford nro hereby- pledgod. In witness whereof, this bond has been signed by tho mayor and at tested by tho recorder of Hitld City of Modford and tho corporate sent of tho City of Medford horetof af fixed this day of December, A. D, 1909. Attest: Recorder of th0 City of Medford. Mayor. Section 3. Each of nald bonds shall have attached thereto twenty coupons, each of which shall bu In tho following form: City of Medford. , 8tnto of Oregon, Will pny tho bearer dollars, In gold coin of thn United Stntes of America, nt the office of tho treasurer of uald city on tho first day of ......... being nix month Interest on Improvement Ilond No. ..... unlenH nntd bond Is sooner re deemed ns heroin provided, which redemption will render this coupon void. Attest: Recordor of tho City of Medford. Mnyor. Said coupons shnll be numbered froin ono to twenty, respectively. Soctlon 4. Tho mayor of snld city Is hereby authorized and direct ed to Hlgn snld bonds, nnd tho city recordor to countersign tho Hnmo by attaching thereto tho wrnl of nnld city, all on bohnlf of Hnld city, Section 6. Tho recordor of Hnld city Ih horoby directed to roglstor said bonds nnd number tho Hnmo on tho blnnk provided therefor In tho foregoing form, In nccordanco with Section 2730 of said Codes nnd Hint utoH of tho Stato of Oregon. Soctlon 6. Tho recordor of tho City of Modford Is horoby directed to ndvortlso said bonds for snlo, nnd thnt tho Bnmo will bo Hold for tho highest prlco nhtnlnnblo, not less than par and nccruod Interest, nnd In said ndvortlsnmnnt ho shall announce that ho will receive sealed proposals for tho purchasn of mild bonds or nny proportion thereof at his offlco nt any tlmo hoforo 4:30 p. m Do combor 7, 1909. Ho shnll publish mild advertise ment throo times In n dnlly nowspa por published nnd printed In said city nnd Hhnll submit tho Honlod pro posals rocolvod In accordanco with snld advortlsomont to thn council nt Its noxt mooting thoroaftor. Tho foregoing ordlnnnco waH pnss od by tho City Council of tho City of Modford, Oregon, on tho 10th day ot Novombor, 1009, by tho following voto, to-wlt: Morrlck nyo, Wolcli nbsont, Emer lck ayo, Wortmnn nbsont, Dommor nyo, Elfort nyo. Attost: ROI1T, W. TELFER, Olty Rocorder. Approved Novombor 17, 1009, itf . W. H, OANON, Mayor,