2 TJUJj 1YUI1.UI! KJliD AUVLU TltU U JN J'j, aUIiiUeUlYU, U.Lvl!iUUx, .1 U.LVkjTTTv i. , ju rjjllll'm' '111, HHHU' TELLS OF STATE 8 URANCE Insurance Commissioner Kazcr Has Issued Bulletin No. I Having to Do With His Department. (Mull Tribune Special Hcrvlc.) SALEM,, Ore, Nov. 1C Follow ing tlio nrnctlco In many of the In surance donnrlmenta In tlio different Btatco, Inannx .co ConunUeloncr Sara Kosior lias Just Issued his first bulle tin relating to departmental matters concerning the Insurance situation In Oregon. This bulletin Is Issued with the avowed purpose of slng to the citizens of the state much that Is Important that they should know af fecting Insuranco maUera with which thoy ar0 dally brought In touch nnd which nre of vital importance to the successful conduct of their respective businesses and In providing ways nnd means In the future for those who nre directly dependent upon them. Investments In proposed Insurance compnnles are forcibly referred to, nnd out citizens are urged to give the same careful attention to an In vestment In such enterprises that they would In any other business In vestment. The success of an Insur ance company depends vrholly upon the ability, technical knowledge and Integrity of the management, and no greater return can ordlncrll. bo ex pected from nn Investment In Insur ance stocks than from a similar In vestment In any c!her legitimate bus iness. Rebating both by life and fire In surance companies nnd tholr agents Is strictly prohibited by statute, and ho peoplo are urged not to accept rebates and thereby Imperil the va lidity of their contracts. The courts hav0 hold that a policy on which a re bate has been made Is Invalid. Under a recent law a rating bu reau has been established In the state by tho general agents of authorized companies for tho purpose of estab lishing fair and equltablo rates on tho Insurance property In Oregon. This bureau Is now engaged In re-rat-Ing tho different cities nnd towns and endeavoring to fix equltablo rates thareon In proportion to the liability of risk assumtd. Very often the ba sis upon which rates are established are not fully understood by the as sured, which often leadeds to dissat isfaction and nn unjust criticism of the Insuring companies. A means Is now provided whereby our citizens should have immediate" relief whore excessive rates havo been hereto fore charged for Insuranco. SPLENDID DOG n rnnurnrn KCUIWKtU HER E Gcorgo Booth of Eugene Loses Full Blooded Bull Dog Found Hero By the Police. TONG WAR COWES TO END George Kelly, of the llooth-Kelly Lumber company, of Eugene, lost n full blooded Diltlsh bull last Friday, and tho dog was recovered In Mon day morning. Tho dog had been traced as far as Oakland In com pany with a band of hoboes and wires wero sent ahead. This morning Hoy Allen, living south of Modford, met n couple of men walking couth accompanied by the dcg. The men asked him If he , didn't want a good 1I03 o.nil nt the 3ame tlmo told him ho could have , tho one they had with them for nothing. Tho animal hasn't n pre j possessing countenance and young Allen was afraid of her, but on being nssured that sl.o wns harmless agreed to take her as a gift. On his arrival In Medford he turned his prize over to Chlsf Shearer, who had Jii3t re ceived tho dispatch from Eugene de scribing the dog. With Four of Their Family Dead Yee Family Makes Overtures for Peace in San Francisco Chinatown. CABINET TALKS OF SUGAR SCANDAL Matter Thoroughly Thrashed Out at Meeting of Cabinet With the President. ALLEGED NIGHT RIDERS ARE PLACED ON TRIAL UNION CITY, Tenn., Nov. 10. -For tho second time, the alleged night riders w'ho were indicted for the mur der of Captain Rankin in October a year ago were placed on trial here today. There is very little interest being manifested in the trial as it is be lieved the prosecution is practically ended because it is said it is almost impossible to secure competent jur ors under the legislative laws. Eight of tho men were tried for murder a year ago. Six of this num ber wero sentenced to hnng and two wero given long prison sentences. The supreme court, however, reversed tho sentences nnd the men were re manded for n new trial. FRESNO BANK SOON TO BE LIQUIDATED SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1C. The Japanese Industrial Bank of Fresno Is to bo llquldr-tnd soon according to an announcement by Stato Superin tendent of Banks Andensoi', who has Jiist returned from Fres jo where he made an Invc&. 'gatlon Into tho con dition of the institution. (United Press Tensed Wire.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 1C Consid erable sugar fraud data was present ed at a cabinet moetlng today by Attorney General Wickorsham and Secretary of the Treasury McVeagh. It Is known that President Taft or dered both of theso officials to sift the sugar scandals to the bottom and bring those criminally concerned to Justice. Representative Parsons of New York today denied tho report that ho dominates tho customs bureau and declared Jhat bo had not se cured ms snare or me appointments, He also declared that tho rumor that a number of Now York politicians would be touched by tho sugar scan dal was "a malicious falsification." RANCHER NEAR SPOKANE HAS PRIVATE TUTOR (Mall Tribune Speolal Service.) SPOKANE. Wash., Nov. 1C. It Is not every rancher In tho northwest who- can havo t, prlvato tutor for his chlldrn, but E. Hosettters of district No. 90, three miles north of Elbcrt on, Wash., has one In his family. He Is tho father of the only children of school ago In his district, of which he Is alco clerk and director, and rather than throw the teacher out of work by closing tho school, ho has decided to havo tho tutor go tq his house, whoro tho youngesters arc taught tho thrco Rs. HUGE TURNIP CAUSES TROUBLE IN SAN FRANCISCO (United Prena Leased Wire.) SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1G. A record-breaking specimen of a tur nip, weighing 22 pounds, Is causing Secrotnry McDonald of tho stato board of trado much trouble today. SInco tho arrival of tho mammoth vegetable yesterday tho secretary has been trying to secure o glass Jar of dimension sufficient to con'nln the specimen, but ho has not thus far succeeded. It Is 30 Inches In diam eter. EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS (United Tress I.eanoJ Wire.) SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. lfi. With four of their family dead and three of tho On Ylck men murdered as n result of the tong war between the Yee family and the On Ylcks, over tures for per.co are being made today by the Yees. Yee Sing, head of the laundry clan, said: "Wo must acknowledge our de font. It is iniposslblo for a peace ful body of men like us to tight the highbinders of tho On Ylck tong. Further refusal to comply with their demands would result In more deaths In our family, and wo feel that we woul 1 rather lose nny amount of money than havo more of our family killed. "Wo will meet tho On Ylcks In all their demnuds so far as In our power and we antlcli uto no troublo In set tling the financial part of tho depute. Tho one point upon which wo arc likely to split again Is our answer to the demand of tho On Ylcks that wo drop the charges against the men wo' nccuse of murder. That wo cannot j do." I Tho war, which now showc signs of i ending, was started early In Novem ber over tho i.lleged nb Miction of a Chinese slave girl by a Yee for which the Y?es refused to pay an indem nity to tho Ou Ylcks. POM Mil NIP ATI ON. To tlio Kriitor: Replying on your willingness to ileal fairly with your followniiMi, I wish to mil attention to an editorial in your paper of yos terdny which purports to ho a crit icism of my "Open Letter to Senator La Follotto," but which in reality smacks very much of personal re flection. Your insinuation t the effeet that a crime was committed in tho eon vention of county courts when they unanimously voted to pay them selves for tho valuable work thev were doing for tho people, was en tirely uncalled for. I did introduce the resolution referred to, and am ready to do so again at our next meeting. Wo were there in the in terest of our respective counties, and for the purpose of devising ways and means by which we might give tho people maximum service at minimum expense. Hut this had nothing to do with my letter to Senator La Fol lotto. As to tho letter in uuestiou, the ojily criticism iulini-ibU is to in tpiire as to whether or not Senator La Polled? told "the truth when lie told about the tyranny and oppros siou of the 'republican bosses and did I tell the truth when 1 claimed to have been telling tho same thing. It matters not whether 1 am bigger or smaller than La Follettto, Cumins and Dolliver. The public care but little about any man's bigness or lit tleness, but most men in this enlight ened age do enre much about fair ness even in newspaper correspond ence. Anything that 1 write for tho public is public property, but my personal charactor must be let alone. Very respectfully, STEPHEN' JEWELL. i IaJW4 AAnr Ataf VJP A m Jm n mtr I I Farm Land Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims L Medford Realty Co Room 10, JaGkson County Bank Building NEW DEPARTMENT CHIEF TAKES HOLD SATURDAY (United Prens I.ensed Wire.) SAN FRANCISCO. Now 1C It Is thought that General Thomas narry,' the now commander of tho depart-j ment of California, will take com mand of the new post next Saturday. Until his retirement last Saturday General Westcn was In command. Colonel Edward I). Pratt is command ing temporarily. Fruit Growers. Take Notice. Tho fruit growers of Jackson coun ty and the Rogue River valley are respectfully urged to call on L. D, Wrrr r rt hlu office, 307 and 30'J East Seventh, and consult him about frc ! . asportation to tho city of Chi cago via Portland. Seattle, Tacoma nd Spokane, with stopovor privi leges. Good for transport:.tlon only. Does not lncludo Pullman enr accom nodatlons. Tho party buying tho largest amount of nursery stock this year from L. B. Warner gets free trans-1 portatlon to the above named cities ' and return upon cortaln conditions. 1 L. B. WARNER, 200 Tho Pioneer Nurseryman Ml to start using J I OLYMPIC YUM m w 11 is now toiluy." M Mother. Vw mmr- Olympic Flour nl l OLYMPIC FLOUR is now today." Mother. fOlymnic Flour nl vrnys iimkt-rt cooii tliinga-ciioil bread nnd biscuit.i, good pantry a nil c.iuim. Msdu hvisi chsici -t North won tor ii , whoat,piirn,wlioli! somo, clean and nu tritious "iherc , lin'i any Jt as good. T1 lisp AT YOUR GROCER'S roiti-iMDFLOtsifia iIILLCo.,roiHM,()ioo.' CRESTBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS 5-10-2O Acres Adjoining Hillcrest orchard and con tain unexcelcd deep, rich soil. Rea sonable prices and generous terms. OREGON ORCHAEDS SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Your Opp To save money on your fuel hills .and at the same lime enjoy the luxury of steaming hot water for tho kitchen or the bath at all hours of the day or night. J. W. WHITNEY Office in Aikin Plumbing Co.'s Store, Medford. BREAKFAST Iplumbing STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN (Sl PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phono 3031 (Special Correspondence.) Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamlin wero over to Phoenix last Sunday. Mrs. A. n. Ferrer of Fern Valley wbb doing trading In Phoenix Satur day. Lowis Tlis wont to Aslilnnd on Saturday attornoon's train, whore Mrs. Tils has beou spending a fow days. Milt Andoroon of Phooalx was a Medford business visitor last Satur day. F. K. Furry, tho Pboonlx livery stablo man, was In Modford Satur day, W. R, Colomau, county clork, camo out from tho county seat last Thurs day. Mrs. Matt Potter of Ashland was visiting old friends In Phoenix last wcok, returning homo Saturday on the afternoon train. Jnmcs Allen last wojk purchased an alfalfa cultivator with which ho Intends to go over his fields so as to destroy tho woods, thus Insuring a much cleaner first crop noxt spring. tables of John Roberts of North Tal ent last Friday evening. Miss Annlo Towno of Phoenix has gone to Oregon City to visit with her sister, Mrs. Nelllo Ocsclgh. Mr, and Mre. Arthur Roso will tako caro of hor homo In Phoonlx during her absonco. William Cox was a North Talent business vls'tor last Ftidry at the homo of J. S. Stagg, tho tanner. Mr. and Mrs. B. Qlbbs wero at tending church at Phoenix last Sun day morning. J, D. Evans of West Phoonlx was down to consult Dr. Malmgrcn of Phoonlx Jaat Saturday. Mr. Evans has been suffering with throat trou blo. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Hartley cel ebrated tholr first wedding anniver sary last Friday. At tholr pleasant homo In North Talent wero qulto n numbor of Invited guests, besides tholr near rolatlvcs. All had an on- Joyablo tlmo, Charley Wllgomot camo ovor from the Budgo orchard last "Wednesday to buy vegetables from the North r In Case of iSic&ness PHONE 3 0 4 1 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Office All Night Service Free Delivery THE BUNGALOW RINK Open every afternoon from 2 p. m. until 5 p. m.; evenings, 7:30 p. m. till 10 p. m. DE NOVA Has Charge of Floor Every Afternoon and Evening. W. A. ROBBINS, Prop. Admission Saturday Evening, 10c. Skates 25c Post Toastie3, per package 10c Dr. Price's Food, per package 10c Korn Kinks, per package : Cc VioM Oats, per package "15c Columbia Oats, per package 30.: Wheat Hearts (sterilized), per package 25c Olyrapia Pancako Flour, per package 25c Violet self-raising Buckwheat Flour, per pkg,.15c These and others may be had at the REX GROCERY CO. Now that cold weather is Yqvq, you will require more meats of various kinds than during tho summer months, and it is to your interest to come vhere you can get the best. Such being tho case, you will of course come to the Rex Market Huth 6c Pech Props. Phone32 71 BENSON'S BARGAINS We liuve Hovurnl building loin injur ,lmilHon hIiuoI wo will null at $250 OIU'll. (Vnlnil Aveiiiiu-Oiio-liuir lilnuk I'liiin Mnin Htrool, two nlory Itrlok ImililliiK, Dl.xlllil left, Hi rooiim nliovu willi lined Iiuko hIoiu rooiiiH on kioiiikI floor, eiuupleluly furiilHh eil, not iiioomo per your, $10,000; llio vorv best locution In tlio oily $55,000 Timber html -1(10 iiortm only '27 uiilt'H from Moilfonl in t ho Kviinn ('rook iliHtrioli liiml liiytt o Unit uv cry log i'ouM lio jiitoliod Into Kvuiih Crook mill floiiloil to Wuoilvillu. Will eruixo five million lout $4000 ortunity Kntnt Ntnvt, i'inti (tloHo in enrum l.tl 7Av11Il. .r.t.t.l l.ntMin. Willi rt it r . . ........ rooinw; u i inn iiicoinu uyiu( rowr ly, only $12000 Fir Hlroot lot, 100x100, (wo lory I I -room frniiio liuilillni; In K""1' ro pair; only two lilnuki from Mnin utrool; ono of tint vory bo.-tl ImrmiiiiH wo know of in olono'iu proporty. A Hiinp nt $6500 South (Vntral nvoiiuo, Nix-ruoui iiioilorn hoiiNi', Hourly now, lot 70x 1 08, u Konultio linrctilu nt....$5000 Ton noroi now latul, vory honl or oliitnl latul in tho valley, nhutit oi'lit ncroM ronilv (o oultivutu; k'ootl numll hiiru $3000 Four-room Iioiimo it si tl lot oOxlUO; n pioil huy at $1000 TO HOUSEWIVES Oakilalo nvoiiuo, tl roouiK ami Imth, root'ptioit hall, pantry, nuw, utr'etly luotloru, lot fiOxH" 1-U; oeiiiuut walkri ami paved htrooln. Thin in a lieatiliful now ooiiplnto uioilorn liotoni ami a miap at $5000 nort'H l'Jj iniloi from Talniit, improvoil; 1'ino orohanl html am) n haruaiu at $2400 Small ranch ohwo in, fully improv ed, pioil Iioiiho ami liarn, on mnin traveled road. Wo will oxnunii;u for oily iroKrty. 'JO norort I mih'H from .Modfotd, l'a niiloH from Central Point, tlio vory best foothill orohanl land; Kood small Iioiiho and liiirn, 'J horsoi, i-iiw, r, i.iih hay and all (oIh.$4500 II'J aoro l'2 mile.s from Medford, 'J7 aeros in ,", tl, 7 yoar-old poar tree", I aoroH in Iwo-your-old trotw, iiielmliiiK hop.oK, oowk ami nil farm iiiK tooi, hay, wood, oto. A Imrain at $24,000 'JO aenw, 'J'i. miiim fnun Central Point, Hinall Iioiiho and paid well, now land, I I aoros ready to cullivale, free noil, fine fruit laud. $125 par aero. Kany teruiH. Ill) aoro fruit rnniili, (i milos from Modford, J0 aoroH in full lioarin; or ohanl, finely improved; n raro Imr Kiiin, iih thin ranch i big inooma Pyor $20,000 5 ncrcH on Soutli Nowtown Mtroot, Bootl ri-room hoimo, 2 nnron not to fruit. Thin traot lion jimt norosw tho road from Iho Tutllo orohnrd. H oan bo Hiib-divldml into 'J8 lnrn hiiildim,' IoIk. A Hiiup at ... .$4000 Hui'Kiilow addition, ii-room Ktrint l.v modorn Iioiiho, lot fiOxlAt). Tho vory ohoiooHt romdonoo dinlrint in tho oily, a i'ino liotiiu $4000 A finu lol in (ho Hay Viow (rnut in Santa Cruz, Calif. Wo will trndti for aiiylhiiur. What hnvo von to offorT $400. JaolcHoii Htront, a fino oornor lot fiOxlOO, with hoariiiK fruit troos; n roal ImrKain at $325 luckmm Htrool, at fool of (Irnpn fitroot, fino building lot fiOxlOO, fino looalion and a bargain at ,..,$37& Ornpo Htrool, a blook from Main Ktreoi, lot fiOxlOO, u fino himinoHH ocatmn $8000 A fino building lol oIohii in, n Hiiau at $400 T Wo havo Hovornl Imruuiii in rdoso- ii hiiKiiioHH properly, Sou im hoforo niyiiiK. Wo roproHont hovoii tUrnni:,' rolia- ilo f'iio iiiHiiranoo (loiiipnnius. Huroly UoiiiIh Wo ronroHont tho Tnion (liiaranloo AHHooinlion if 'orlland, Ivy Hlroot - Murium (l-room Iioiiho, omplotoly fiimiHhori, 1'. hloakK from Main Htrool, lot 50x100. ThiH iK II blll'iraill llllri will Hell onirtlr nf $3500. BENSON INVESTMENT CO Opposlto Moore Hotel wns buying vego Talont gardenors, nn m mi rin n nn 112 W. Main St. Phone 3073 Main.