' Ta-1 11 OimiiiiiiiKH. the civil on j out", iittmieil Sumlity from San VmiH'i rn vluto ho had been on husl ncwrt v-itnii itoil with a hitf eiitfineor iiilf den! liiiK put through by Osgood & Cniiimnt,;, Miss Mo.'iie Tow no of .1n(konv!lh wis a Meilforrt visitor Siinihiy. 0. Lewis ami M. A. Ku-ry of Jnek Ronvillo Hitiit Sunday niylit in Mi"l-i'onl. i ii. i, union wim in mis m,v im-.i AhIiIiukI Monday. ninint! Ivlttni Hcnl Sunday w;(h lip tho Valley friends. Arthur Jneksoii of Grnnt l'ns spent Sunday in Medford visiting rel atives ami friends. John Wiliiains of Phoenix was ii Medfonl on husiness Tuesday. Henry A. Snvnge of William Creek was a visitor in Medford .Sunday. Herman Waller, off Applegntc upending a few di' ,s in Medford J. A. Westcrlu d, C. E. Whi-der nnd should read luto our text so very J If. 13. H. Walcrmr . deleirates from the ferent a view of election! Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL Pastor Brooklyn Tabernacle, .MH-M MO0 O Suiulny, Nov. I I. Pastor Itussell. of Drooklyn Tntieriuiele, preached today from the above text to a large ami at tentive audience as usual, lie said: Throughout the length and breadth of this In ml of liberty, young and old understand fufl well the significance of clectlou. Councllnien, aldermen, may ors of cities, county otllelals. State otll clals, United States Congressmen. Sou ntors, the President and Vice-President are chosen or elected from amongst the people to their various otllelal sta tlons. They are chosen with a view to the blessing that will accrue to the electors by the exercise of their otllelal positions. How strange, then, that we who are so familiar with these things PULPIT... ELECTING KINGS. "Brethren, Give Diligence to Make Your Calling nnd Elec tion Sure" (11 Peter i, 10). ooc "r "( Uivor ' irtieultural Society tv i .; . convention at Spo- kaiie on Xovember ltith, left Sunday morning for (hat city. The thought should naturally suggest Itself to us that If God Is electing or selecting a Church in the present time, it must be with a view to the use of that Church subsequently to serve in A. J. Diinhip of Central Point, left S0IU0 manner tho interests of the re- Sunday morning for Spokane nnd maluder of the world, from amougst H)ints east. Mr. Dunlap carries with whom they were elected. And this Is him nil kinds of literature roncerning Jt what the Scriptures teach: name- the !? "ver valley, and beside has 'i! i.nn tho sroods to show in the shuK of a: pies, pears and crapes, s. M. Ha.-,;, neruy was m .Meu ford Monday d .uk buslnesa with local merchants. George II. "'. t, forest - ranger, came In fron : itioa in the Pros pect district ? ' y after supplies. Coi.--i.-! . . I". .Vnndy has returned f 'm rtn .ter.d ' usinoss trip north. Howard S. ivi!y has returned from a IiusIupfs t'". to Portland. Robert G. Smi ' of Grants Pass spent Monday in M. Herd on profes slonnl business. A. L. Duhcmo ol P- meet is In HedfoVd today on land .-.siness. ' Charles Ciri'i;) Mn w In Medford fr .ii the - ' n '.In d ' :c in Foots -"c-k district ic-0-.i.My. V. i.,m Wf.lto is a' f-; .d lis: over roping i!" nrryP t some of the granito rock. Dennis Am o - Ashland was c recent visitor In Medford. .T. II. Ackerraan, stato school !uper Intcndent, has arrived in Medford for a brief visit. Ho will address the public at tLe high school this cv nlng. George I". Durham of Grants Pass was recently in Medford on profes. slonal business. A. 1j. Dubonu of Prospect vras a recent Medford v n. C. F. Astbury of .J Hill spent of ther ,ack. ielr niperfecton Sunday la Medford. this be gladly does by applyln ly, that Christ Jesus himself Is the Head, the Captain, the Chief Kuler, and that this "elect" company are. fig uratively speaking, his "members." his associates, his uuder-priesthood. The Scriptures tell us that this selection is accoi-diii to Divine forekuowledge aud foreordlnatiou. They tell us that God foroLncw our Lord Jesus as the one who o;:ld occupy the glorious posi tion of l'r hot. Priest, Mediator and King of ihu world during the Millen nium. They tell us also that the same God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ forekuew us also and "predes tinated" that there should be n Church class selected from amongst the world, to bo their Itrdeumcr's associate, his under-prlesthocd, his subordinate kings during the Millennium. The Elect Now nnd Hereafter. The Church Is spofeyn of as God's "elect" now. before the election has been finished; before the testing 1 completed: before the called have been proven faithful and worthy. Tlue are "elect" In the sense of having been nominated "moved aud seconded." God moved that they Miould be elect ed, and "called them w.tn u heaven ly calling." It remained for the called ones themselves to "second the mo tion" by presenting themselves In full consecration of heart to the Lord. Hut this was not sulllclcut; for the Invited ones were recognized as imperfect and unable to come up to the requirements of the call. Hence It wns necessary that the Lord Jesus Christ should be- coino their surety and agree out of his own fulness of merit to supply all And for reign over the earth (Uevelatlon xx, -I; I Peter II, P). They will not "reign on the earth" In the sense of being earthly beings, hav ing earthly couris and thrones; their resurrection "change" will constitute them heavenly or spirit beings; they will bo invisible to mankind, as now the "Prince of this world" is invisible and as the holy angels are Invisible. Hut they will possess heavenly power and authority and wisdom aud grace. Hy these glorious attributes they will be able to serve God and humanity by a reign of righteousness, whose up- edge, sclenUllc "knowledge, etc., when these do not cross or Interfere with the Divine ltevelatlou, but wo nro con fident that the Apostle did not intend to refer to worldly knowledge, but to the greatest of all tjclcntltlc knowledge the knowledge of God. How shall wo know God! Hy study of his character. Our Lord Jesus It was who declared, "This Is life eternal, that they might frnoio thee, tho only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou bust sent (John xvll, Hi. This knowl edge at the present time Is- a secret knowledge uud, as tho Apostle says, a "hidden mystery," which can be known only by those who put themselves Into a certain attitude of heart aud mind nnd conduct toward the Lord and his revelation, We are to study God's character to learn respecting his Jus tice, Ids Wisdom, his Love aud his Power, by studying his revelntlou-tho Ulble. hi it we see his dealings past, and his promises respecting his deal ings future. Aud a correct apprecia tion of these gives us a knowledge of God's character as cxetnpllllcd therein. Put since this knowledge Is not stated in terms for tho world to understand, it follows that only those In proper condition of heart and enlightened by the holy Spirit can receive this knowl edge. It Is taught only to the pupils in the School of Christ. "The secret of Finds It Hard Work to Bring Muse to tho Front. i lifting or restitution influences (Acts III. 2lj will begin with the living gen-) the 1onl ls wltll then tlmt fenP hlui. orations, but eventually extend to "all i nml ue wlil show (ht;m covenant." mo lamiiies or tne eartn." wuo uavo been going down for the past six thou sand years Into the great prison-house of death "prisoners of hope." how. ever, because of the promise of God's Wonl and tho redemption sacrltke of Jesus. My beloved hearers. If your hearts i are not moved by this message of God's grace aud this Information re- Other Graces to Be Added. The Aiostle continues his advice as to things necessary to be added by those who would make their calling and election sure. They must keep adding, and the adding must be little by little and day by day. The knowl edge wo gain of God through his Wonl should lead us to greater moderation (translated, temperance. In our common version). "Let your moderation bo BLAMES IT ON HOT WEATHER Wrltot a Poem For n Determined Youno Man While Dqlna Fanned With n Durdock Lonf Alio Help Fnrmor Uell Out of Hit Misery, Dy M. QUAD. ICopyrlelit. mo. hy ArsocIiUiM l.llornry I'h'ks STAUTHl) out on my route the other morning with (he weather boiling hoi. nml 1 liadu't driven half a mile when 1 ivallxcd that It was going lo be the hardest Mini of work to bring the muse to th? front should any of my patrons want any thing In the poetic line I found It a gigantic ellort to even recall the rhymes In "Mary's Little Lamb." lo say nothing of working up something original. I don't wish to discourage other poets, hut I believe that no one, unless driven to It. should attempt a poem with the thermometer marking above "II d glees Poetry should be able to stand the sun and not melt aud run Into Itself like hinter 1 had got down as far as Pnele Steve '1'hoinpou's place when became spectlng his Kingdom and of your pros h.. Vi v. i i . ' , V known unto all meu" (Phlllpplans ir. hat Kingdom, it ls because you do not p mournton or baIai co 'tll0UBht believe the .nessage-becauso your t , rf , , r , faith does uot properly grasp the "ex-1 ,m BT - la(u ,' ' ,m nrn ceodlng great aud precious promises" , not begotten of the holy Spirit uud who ....... v.. . ., ,,. . L-nntv iint- "Mm ln-.i-- " Tlllf ovoli aware that this whole message tlmy should bo able to charge fcamod Jesus and his apostles has beeu so K. ,,, ,.r.,r i,. ... I V V1IIJ V U ft l - V W VUB long covereu uy me ruomsn or "tne I , r iM.ri. dark ages" that It was lost to our sight for a long while, nnd sadly wo missed Its encouragement to faithful ness. I am glad, however, that uow the eyes of understanding are opening to see the length and breadth and height and depth lu the great Dlvlno Plan of the Ages. The Value of Earthly Crowns. Consider for a moment what fabu lous prices have been paid for earthly crowusl Thousauds of lives have beeu sacrificed aud millions of money, to galu an earthly crown. And thousauds who paid this price kuew well that uueasy rests the head which wears the crown." They knew well, too, that moderation, our faithfulness to tho Wonl of the Lonl aud to our Covenant ! of self sacrifice as followers lu tho ' footsteps of Jesus. Our lives should be so moderate as respects business and pleasure and food and nitmeut, i etc.. that we should be examples of wisdom aud moderation to all extrem ists only along the same Hues that Jesus and thu Apostles were counted extremists by those who knew not, nei ther did understand "the mystery" of their endeavor to be of "the very elect." Patience must not be forgotten. In addition to moderation, "Let patlenco havo her perrect work, that ye may be perfect aud entire, wanting noth ing." Next add godllkeuess-general Is 1 m Its tenure would bo precarious nnd J goodness, benevolence, benignity to- mat me attainment or it wouia uring wani an. auu next uroineriy kiuu them lasting hatred from others who ' ness in the natural family relation- Herman Walter of Applogate wns such the merit of his sln-ntouement- eacriflce finished nt Calvary, Making the Election Sure. Keeping before our minds that the heavenly Father made the motion or tho call, that we seconded It by ac cepting the call upon Its terms of ffllth nml rnncwrnHnri lmtn ttnfirli penter and contractor, ls building a nnd tbat . , , surotv six-room residence for Mr. Coleman wn0 wjjj ,uake g0CMl our unintentional a recent Medford visitor. Florence Walter and Mr. Sheldon of Mountain district passed Friday night In the city laying in winter supplies. Mr. Dish, tho city's vetorrn car- on North Itlvorsldo avenue, a portion of tho Edw ' ds estate. Mr. Eastcrnian has disposed of a portion of his realty holdings in Bunker Hill addition nnd Is laying n cement foundation for n slx-roota bungalow ou North nivonsldo nvenuo. I. J. Stacy, tho G. A. It. hustler,, blemishes, what shall we say of the prospects of our being elected und at whose door shall we lay the responsi bility If wo are not elected? Surely tho unchangeable God who nominated us Las made every provision for our election and will co-operate. Surely our Itedecmer, our Surety, our Advo cate, will give us every assistance in id building u woodshed n.id otherwise the way aud, according to his prom- Improving hib two attractive lots he ls. use all things to work together recently purchased on West Jackson. 0 ou.r So6d- Ju" "Y"1' ,"ur,e , . , , , I,,. "re, the potlre respons b ly for fail Guy Moore, who is associated with uro ,,,., . nf . " his father in farming noar Woodvillo, wbttt Sti ,,0,er , our ,ejt jj.,,, ;isplred to the same position and who considered that their right to It was us ; in ' r !ettcr. Jill comparison should we lnstltuto as I t -u the value of such a crown anu . 'crown of glory." honor and immortality which God has promised to his elect to such of them us make their calling and their election sure! Hns God placed too high u valuation upon the heavenly crown, In demand ing that those who would share it with the Redeemer must prove their loyalty to him and to the principles of righteousness, and to the spirit of love, to the extent of laying down their lives in his service nud In "doing good unto all men us they have op portunity, especially to the household of faith?" Our Lonl asked wherein would bo the profit to any mau If he were to gain the whole world aud lose his own soul-lose his future lire. For the purpose of our present topic wo might ask a modified question, name ly If one should gain the empire or the whole earth and all of Its riches, aud If another should gain this heav enly election to the heavenly King dom of one thousaud years nud to nubsequent eternal blesslugs with the Lord, which of these would choose tho better part which would show (he real wisdom, nnd which would be the foolish one? Hut the contrast In creases when wo note that the domin ion of earth cannot be secured by our ship, nnd also in the spiritual family, the Church. "Love us brethreu" (ought to love). "We ought also to lay down our lives for the brethren." Still further tho Aiwatle urges that while nil of the forcgolug are elements of love we superadd (ore itself in the fullest sense toward the Lent, toward the brethren, toward humanity, to ward the brute creation aud toward our enemies. While all of these cau not be loved In the same degree, all should profit by the spirit of lovo lu our hearts for all. "Ye Shall Never Fail." Now comes tho climax of the advice to those seeking to make their calling and election sure (verse Si. "If theso things be lu you nud abound, they make you that ye shall neither bo bar ren nor unfruitful In the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." And theu as our text declares, if these things abound nud If we give diligence to the making sure or our calling and elec tion and do these things, we shall never fall-we shall lu no wine rail of securing our clectlou. God ucckcth such tor joluMielrshlp with their Ite decmer lu the Kingdom. God "scck eth such to worship him as worship him In spirit and lu truth.' roiNTLD ro tiii: nooskp uori: iianjImi ntou A 1. ni n wnlHng down to the gnto to halt me 1 kuew from the looks of him what he wniiti-d. and 1 called out: "No use. I.'nrle Slee. I'm golnj: to drop It until we get it inittliMeM ulntt again." "Abe. I lie old woman fell downstairs last night and broke her uoc, uud she's calling for one of iiui ptiemi on to it." he said "She's gut to wall. Anything I'd write tudu.v would uial.e her nine worse, it might even ihruw her Inioa fever Tell hei that mi. hetiri N light but piT.-plliitloli mill poeli) uuli't mix." And at the very next farm Mrs Johnston waved me in slop to sa "Abe. you ouee iinniiUcil Unit If any tiling eer happened lu lis nu il urile a puein on It, mul now hiiuiellilug h.is happened " "Don't tell me that your husband has had a suiiKtrnke"' "No. uol ipinc Hint." "Or that uiir buy Jim hint cut his feet off while Imelug com " "Well. no. " 'Tlien-ilien"-- "Yuti know I tint inulley row of ourO She it li"li n( Hiiineililiik' yeilen!tiv tli.tr pi l-.ui 4-1I her. mn!" "And died, and he hanged to her! Not a pouui, .Mrs. Johnston; uot a verse or a line, tlreat Scoff, but mn I to be . uine u grease spot lo help future geueiatlons leinember that your inulley Tho grand consummation of our , cou 0,lt,-' llu1? Kllllt! J'"r Brief uiiill olectlon-our Kingdom honors nud I 11,0 1Bt 01 JNovoiuuor.' camo up Saturday on n brief visit to "Mnko your calling uud election sure." ,,!ll""f through bloody seas, and that bis wlfo nnd sou. From this standpoint we havo a spe- Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Lester, who liavo cM interest in our own electiou, such occupled-tho G. A. Owings residence as wu U(!Vr had before when wo mis- on North Centtal nvenuo for tho past "1e"r VUV, , .V . , c , . . . ,,., our ignorance wo thought that St. Pe- iwo Hiuuiuu, im.ii .u,t- ...; ...on ter j. wrlUe foollsJjy about our now noino in aowitwem. .iuioru. making the election sure; for accord Mr. nnd Mr3. Nelson of North Rlv- lug to the erroucoua theory which wo orsido nvenuo camo down from Ash- had "swallowed" without proper mas lnnd Saturday. They report our sis. ticatlou, God was doing all tho elect- ter city unusur.lly quiet end orderly. Elbert Gonsc of Peaglo accompani ed tho two Misses Gordon of Beaglo to tho city Saturday on a dollcato shopping tour. Glass Bros., well known farmers of Antioch. hnvo divided their renl cs- tato. T. A. Glass nnd family havo moved to their new nnivd pleasant farm ono mllo west on n portion of lug himself, and had unalterably fixed our destiny as eternal glory or eternal suffering, long centuries before wo were born. This erroneous view blinded our mental sight from all tho various In centives which now uro so precious aud so helpful. What had God elected us to bo and to do? To sit upon a cloud uud to play upon u harp and to sing to all eternity, cheerfully looking over the battlements of beaveii to seo tho J. C. Coleman farm, while his our dear friends writhing in torment, bncholor brothor, Klhnrt, gets tho old homo place. R. M. ITnwk, n prominent rancher of Derby, wnn n Medford visitor Mon- dnv. Married In Medford, November 15, hy Hov. 0. IT. Hoxle. Nnthr.n .T. Garrett nnd Eva McCabo. James Kershaw, tho nnirora goat king of Antolopo, spent Monday In Medford on business. Jack Miller of Ttuch brought n load of poultry Into MoHI'd mer chants on Monday. SUSPECTED ANARCHIST IS FREED FROM TOILS WASHINGTON, Nov. in. Sooro- tnry Nngcl announced today that tho pvldonco ngMnst DoLnra wns Insuffi cient to hold him on tho clmrRo of anarchy, nnd Nngol wired Los An geles authorities ordering his release. nmnn Wrnnt hmlrofljll or ?on- nnd striving hard to praise God for it all and to think of his course lu our electiou and their damnation ns tho ex emplification of Justice und of Lovo? Wo read indeed in tho Scriptures re specting a Kingdom, for which our Iord taught us to pray, "Thy King dom come; thy will bo done in earth as it is done in heaven," yet tho thral dom of error upon us was so tense that wo recognized not the Inconsistency between theso promises and our falso hopes. Now, thank God, "the mys tery" is revealed to us in God's Word aud by ills Spirit, and we perceive that tho Millennial Kingdom ls to bo u real ity uud tlmt Its blesslug to mankind in general, "to all the families of tho earth," Is lo be most thorough, most systematic, most complete, aud in tho cud entirely satisfactory. Kings to Be Elected. What an Interest wo properly tako In this matter of our election, after learn ing that the ofllco for which we are running Is u combination of priesthood nud kingship! The elect are to be priestly kings, or otherwise styled, "u Jtoyal Priesthood" their glorious service Is to be for u period of one thousand yeurs, during which Uioy will a mere competency of earthly wealth is attained by only oue of a thousand who strive for It day aud night. Sure ly from the standpoint of the Father's Word all earthly honors nro vanities, In comparison with tho heavenly glo ries nud blesslugs which may be sure ly attained by the "culled" of this Gospel Age If they will but follow (ho Divine directions. Terms and Conditions of Election. In our context St. Peter tells us upon what terms tho called nnd accepted muy make their election sure. After calling our utteiitlou to God's exceed ing great und precious promises he tells us that they were given us to the Intent that they should operate in our minds so as to Influence our lives, In harmony with the Dlvlno will; nud that thus we may "become partakers of the Divine nature, after having es caped the corruption that is in the world through desire." selfishness, lust (verse 4). lie proceeds to ampli fy, and urges that such as havo this I hope shall glvo all diligence to tho mat ter of adding to their faith virtue or fortitude. That Js to say, faith of It self ls very good as a start, but God -requires raoro than this. As a condi tion of our acceptance for election lie requires that our faith shull be of a strong kind, giving us fortitude for all of life's uffalrs; for all of our Cove nants with the Lord; for a faithful en durance of opposition, contradiction, etc., that thus we might be copies of our Lord Jesus Christ, as God bus or dained all of "tho elect"must bo (Ro mans v 1 1 1 , 20), Not only must wo htivo a strong faith combined with fortitude, but wo must also udd "knowledge." Wo ro quired some knowledge of God and of our Lord Jesus und of tho Gospel mes sage before we could como unto tho Lord at all, but tho Apo:itlo ls uot re ferring to this, our earliest knowledge. He is addressing Christians who havo already taken tho first steps. Ho as sures us that they need knowledge to enable thorn to go onward lu Christian dovolopment-knowJedgo in addition to their fnlth and fortitude Wo have glories Is specifically referred lo by St. Peter lu the next verse, saying, "For so an entrance sli.ill be minis tered unto you abundantly into tho evcrlustiug Kingdom or our Lord uud Savior Jesus Christ." ir, dear Breth ren, wo believe these things, let us A Pcet's First Duty, I know Hint her feelings were hurl. nud It may be weeks before she fur gives me, but a poet owes something to himself as well as to oilier. IIIm llrst duly Is to live through the hot summer and come uui right end up in permit them to control our lives our 1 tie fall. At Farmer Hope's It was dlf words, our deeds and our thoughts, ferent. The fanner and his ulfe h.iil Surely we can well afford to bo con- goyn lo town, leaving I lie son Hill al siuercu rooiixn along Hues of the sac- home alone, iiihiomii or being on the rlflco or earthly Interests, If thereby hustle lu Ihe coruileld he was idillug i on the fence waiting fur me. lie had his head In his hands uud looked In be a nli'1; young man. When I lielbM-d lil'ti we can develop Hie character which our Lord desires aud prove ourselves worthy of a share In his Kingdom. THE FARMER. TUB farmer Is a man or wit. There's simply no ilnylnK it Hu leads a llfu or pampered case And Is as happy ns you please. At nine o'clock ho- ready for Ills mornlnK rolls nnd enru nolr, And wlit'ii the h'ounnet thus Is fed Ills valet helps lilm out of bed. From ten to ono ho reads tho news, Tho market tips und trade reviews. To corn and wheat his heed ho kIvbs, For 'tis by theso tho fanner lives. So, havlnc neural for tho day Which way the nmrkct ho will play, Ills batch ot dully bread Is made Uy deallnt's on tho hoard or trado. Ills dally labors bt-lni; through, The ranncr takes his lunch ui two; Then, domiliiK ildlriK Kurb, he'll call His tavorlto motor rrom tho stall. Ho rides aboufto view his farm And reel tho restful country's charm. His wire, with paints and sketclilm; pad And nil tho trinkets or her fud, Her easel gets beneath u tree And paints tho view from two to three. At six o'clock they illno In stato. The rarmlnt' llro Is simply Breatl Tho products or tho earth nnd air Aro on tho labia Kroanhu; there. Hweet milk Is alwuys at their hand, Bought by tho cuse, all neatly canned. Tho trolloy line that rattles down, it brlnjjs thorn butter fresh from town And ct'b'a and luscious chicken tries, The best tho city's mart supplies; Green truck and fruit all crisp and nice, Just taken rrom cold storago Ico, And Juicy, luscious ham, oh, my, The best thu packers can supply. No wonder lire upon tho farm Has always held so rare a charml Tho cry of "Itubel" which town folks "iiout ho beckoned me lo follow lilm in tin orehard. I did so. uud he pointed lo a nnoed rope hanging from u limb ami saiJ; "Abo. I must have some poetry or my neck t;wn Into I hat noose." "Gee. Hill, but I I'm roasting hot!" "Makes no difference. I've been Ir lovo with Sarah Jane Gregg for two years, and she's I timed mo down. If you won't wilie something In niell her heart, I lion It's gm dby lo Hie world for me." I knew Mill for a determined young man, and I know his father uud moth er for good people, ami ho I doused my head In water from the kitchen pump und hud the young man fan mo with a burdock leaf while I wrolo as follows: in 1 tic n I on in Ink 1 nit. And Iho HhiulowH they (lit, And my thoimhts nro of Hnrah Juno dregs'. There's u tear In my eye, And my soul gives u sigh, And tho rheuinatlis comes to my leir, Whori tho moonlight Is hero, With tho whlppoiirwlll's cheer, And tho skcotcr Is liuniinliitt so guy, ' Then I try fur lo sing ' Or most any old thing, ' ,L Uut tho slnglui; II gives mo away. j WANTIOD Fiirnlshod or unfuriilHli- od houso or liousokcoplng rooms, Address Box 107, Medford. 200 FOR HALIO Four-room houso; prlco 11000; ?2G0 cash, luilanco in six Huml-nnnuul payments of ?12D ouch, W. T. York & Co. 204 THE BRIGHTEST LIGHT OF THE AGE, JUST OUT. EVERYBODY AMAZED. THE INDEX INCANDESCENT Kerosene Burner THE BRIGHTEST LIGHT THE WHITEST LIGHT THE STRONGEST LIGHT THE CHEAPEST LIGHT THE CLEANEST LIGHT. Six limes hi'ighloi than pled 1'ii'it jni.s or ordinary lamp. Hums common kerosene; .simple, .safe; no wic'lc lo liitrii and cannot exnlodc: nil hnis.s hnrner will fil, an lamp; for homes, stores, schools, hulls anil churches. Tills litfhtiiitf hill in hall', wilh five times (he litfhl (100 candlepower light, five hours Tor one cent). Try one ami you will use no other light hut Ihe Index. August D. Singler 108 WEST MAIN STREET. Agents Wantod. Stnto Agont for Oregon. BUOU THEATRE Billy Empey Van Manager TONIGHT Richard Darling Stock Com'y in "TRJSS" Pour-act western comedy drama. He sure and see the runny courtroom scene. Mric Kleppins, hest part as judge. Specialties hy .lack Melt-man and Louie Klariu. Tomorrow Evening I A Soldier's Sweetheart" Pour-act society comedv drama. .James Davton as Your American Cousin. Admission 10c and 20c. 100 Dozen oilet Soap 3 Cakes for 10c We have just received a new line of a good milled Toilet Soup that wo arts untieing a special price on of :J for 10c. j Grandma's Tar Soap, a 1 full si.e cake, good qual ity, toilet soan. 5c per cake PUMICE A toilet soap for tho me chanic, one that cuts tho grease and dirt and still leaves the hands soft. A large si.e cake, 10c or 3 for 25c HOSIERY When in need of Hosiery, don't, forgot wo carry a complete lino of men's, ladies', boys' anad misses' wool flcooo lined and cotton Hose. Wo give you I!:.' iiod wearing qualities and at a big saving in price. Ladies HO dozen men's canton flannel Gloves, with tight fitting knit wrist; salo price 10c Pr., 3 pr. 25c f Men's Gloves IHno cashmere, silk and jersey knit Gloves, plain and silk or fleece lined; an extra good quality at a reasonable price. HUSSEY'S The Busy Store