Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 15, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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    WKHKEEKKKEKt November 15, 1000. i
; Classified
Advertisements, Business Directory And Market Reports
Railroad Coiiii;iny Practically Con
trols Destinies of lllch Imper
ial Valley In Southern
(UlllU.I N I.-un1 Vlr.)
lob an'(ii:i.i:h, mi., Nov. ir.
Uy u dceiniou given hy .Indue lloimwr
of tliu I .it Angcltm Miipoi mi com i,
grunting tho Southern Pacific, com
puuy judgment in tliti it in iif $1
105,1)27.1:1, that corporation i Unlay
La praulical cnuliol id' Urn doMinie
uf tho Hell Imperial alloy in South
writ California.
Suit wan brought hy tlit Southern
l'uiiit'iii ugaiiiNt lliu California Do-
uluptuutit company fur payment on
u number of prniuiHaory iioIuh, given
to tliu mail Ity officer of I ho devel
upuiunt iHiiiipany, with tin coiiNcnt ol
it director. The money nilvnucml
.U till' lllllOM, it UIIN Ktllted, 111 Hlll
(0 lllllll till) lliHIIHtlOllH lloilll (if till!
Colorado river in UK) I, when the
Button lnk wan filled and inucli of
tin duvelopmiint compiiny'in ground
At tliu time tho ntonev wax bor
rowed the Southern Pacific company
enteiud into a contract with the de
vvloptaunt compuny, which prouilct!
thul the railroad coioriUhii woiil.l
appoint three member o the direet
oratu of tint development coiiip.iuv
with the addition of inimiiikr the pre
ident. The president mhh cinMiwer
ui to appoint tin oxeeinivc. oliicr
ami chief engineer employed liy tie
oompany. In the unit which wn de
elded late yimterdny the develojMneiil
company alleged that tho Soiithen
l'acitlc entered into tho ngrwinpiit
in order to control riidi water rixlit
, which givo it practical control of th
valley. John I. Work, coiiuurl for the de
velopment coiapany, refused to i;it.
whether further action in heliilf ol
his (dii'itt would ho taken.
4- f . 4 . t.tJt
rloiw, Wool mill llliles.
llopn ll'OS crop, clinic, 17c;
prlnig to ubolco. Hie; pi laic, lTic;
umlluui, (Go; li0!i oliolru. x3e;
prime, 22c; mcdliini, 20c.
Wool 1901), Wlllmni(t vlly.
Mit'Hai oautern Oregon, ao 2Jto.
Hhoapukltni SucmuIiik. Ifl2 26rj
ah; hurt wool. 28dr60e; medium
wool, 6Oc0$l ouch; long wool, 7Gcff
$1.JG eah.
Tnllow- Prime, per ll.. 3i it". No.
2 uml greaie. 2fi 2 c.
Chlttlm lmrk- 4T t V4c.
Mohair- 100D. TAQ'Hc III
lllilpn Dry hide, 17lM4c lb;
sreejii, 41 10 p lb: bull, green
Mlt, 7olb; klpH, 10 1014c lb; calves
BTAU, i018o lb.
Iluttcr, Kggs anil 1'oultry.
ERRS Local, candled. elcpt.
4Ho; ordinary run 40 H 12c; hop
tin, S2c; local HtornK. 3att3Se;
astern storage, .12 ty4l 30ce.
Huttor Fat Dollvory f o. b. Port
land Swpol ercmin, 3 1 14c; sour.
SI Wo.
nuttor Extra oronniery. 3(ie; fan
jr, 330e; stole. 22 & p.
CIiooho Fancy full proem fiats.
18c; trlplotH and daltilw, ISc; You nr.
American, 19c.
Poultry Mixed chicken, 13
II Vic; fancy hens, Ho; roosters, old,
lljllc; springs, Ml4r; i;och, 10c;
ilncki, 22U22Wc; plKooiiH, BipmbH,
l dor; droHnoil cIiIcIumib. 17 xk W 1 So;
wild KOosr. r. iloz.
Grain, I 'lour ami May.
llarloy ProduceiH' price 1000
Kuril, 3f' 7': I d'jd, $30; brow
Ihk, 120.50.
Whont Truck Club, 1) Hi OIlc;
blucMom, $1. OUr 1.03; rod, U0o; for.
tyfold, 95 411)111!; Turkoy rod. 01
98o; Wlllainotto valley, Olo.
MlllBtuffH HollhiK l'i-lco limn.
I25.R0; tnlildllni;, $32; short,
$27.00; chop, $22 2K; alfalfa meal,
$19 por ton.
riour Now crop, patontH, $0.00;
Btrnlglit, $2.30; bakoi'H, $1.850.00;
Wlllainotto vnlloy, $1.00 bbl; oxport
unuloH, $-1; Kiabuiu. VH $5.0;
wholo wlumt, $5. SO; ryo, 50, $11.00:
bnlnn, $3,
jlny proilucors' prlctm ow
timothy, Wlllainotto vulloy rauoy,
$18; ordlnnry. $17; omitorn Oiokoii,
$20; inlxod, $MfiMr.; idovor No. 1.
$H(rl0; whoat, $HflJ10; ohoat, $10
J)10; Hlfaira. $15.
OntH Spot dollvory, now, produc
orn' prlco Trade No. 1 whllo, $20 ?
20.00; m-ay, $28 28.00.
Corn Wl olo, $3(!j oraeltod, $37
Vriills ami V'Kctablos.
Froiih Krultfl- OroimoH, ViiIoucIuh,
13.20 ffP 3.50 a law; lmnanan, Oo lb;
lomon, $0o box; grapofrult, $1;
jionrs, 50$1.15; Tokay grapes, 90o
01. 3G; Concords, 12Mi10o; hticle
lUberrloi, 8a.
Potatoes lSolll'ig, now, $1; buy
lug, oastern Multnomah f.nd Claclca
Mark Cross, Wcll-Known Tltnhcr
Cruiser, Lies Unconscious In
Rill Wlillo Team Plunijcs
Down Grade.
I.Mltll Trtliiine Mifctnl Mrvlu.)
CKN'CKAIi POINT, Or., Nov. I.r.
Mark ('ro, a liiuhor cruinor of I 'oi l
linn), who for tho pant, two woolen Iiiih
been employed with a number of
other crultoiN In owtlm.illiiK timber
al tho bond or Trail crot-lt. wan tho
lrtlin of a pucullar accldont Wed
mimlp.y of thl wook. Am the party of
crulHoi'M wero lenvlnt; tlio inmintnliiH
propuratory to rutnrnlni; to Conlral
Point, uml rindluK that tho tiovoro
cold iiimiIo wnlkliiK proforablo to rid-
hiK. all motnborn or tho party except
tho driver, wont ahead of tho team
for Homo illxtntiro down tho moun
tain. Aftgr cii'i o a walk, CronH Htop
ped ami waited tor tho team, ami
uftvr K"ttltiK Into tho rlf,'. a laru
fir triu' foil nloiiKHldo tho road, many
'if tjio brmielum MtrlkliiB Cront about
tho bend nml faro. Tho falll'iK Iruo
rauMd the Iohiii to tnko frlKht. and
they worn noon plunKlng madly down
tb mountain, from wan thrown Into
tin. hot torn of tho rl In an uttcon
hcIoiih condition and waH bumped
Oiotit by .th loam. romlvliiK many
ibor Injurlon that ln oc:ipoil from
tho fallliiK tro. After tho t urn wan
finally cannot Cro wan brouKht on
Into Cunt nil Point, whoro bo wan
given inedlcnl treatment, lib Inju
ries aro painful, but not noron-iarKy
mrloun. Frank llamiuond of Trail,
tho driver of tho rlK. eneapod Injury
by JumpltiK n ho mw tho tr,oo fall
In b.
wt; ttnrllo. t()f 12c lb.
ApploM Jl i.r.o.
Voftotnhlc New turnlpH, Oreno".
sofoUOr neck; Iteota. $1.20; carrotM,
HOliHOc iwck; (mbbnRo. local, 70C1
90r; toumto, loonl. fancy, 00i;cralo;
boaim. 10c lb; raiillflowiir, TOCit'Oc
ilos; pom. tOo lb; bonwirftdUli. 10c;
ireoii onlon, 10c do; peppor. boll,
10c lb; hftfcd letturo. 20c dor; hot-
hous, $1.20 box; rndlHliw, 10c dor.
bunches; dory, lOfcSBe; cg lant.
$13 LIB crato; porn, $1.20 sack;
WtNJt MlUtOO. $1.70(1 l.Sii.
(JlllCOI'ICN, NlltM, Ktc.
8iiBr Col, $0.25; powdorod,
$0.h5; fruit or Worry. $,; ary
urnnulHted, $0.70; roonf. A. $0.00;
extra II, $0.15. noldon C, $6.20. I) yol-
low $0.10. boet $0.05, bnrrolH 10c.
hKlf Imrrola 30c. boxes 06c advanco
a aark bn't.
(Abovo ijuo' Hons aro 30 day net
aab iiuotatloiiH.)
llonoy Now, 13 c lb.
Meat, KM i ami Provision.
Drossod Mort Front street Iiorb,
f.nncy. 9 Vic: ordinary. 0c; vtnls, cx-
tift, 1041 lOVfcr; ordinary. 10c; heavy
Ml dp; mutton, 7c; lambs, r.
Hums, Unrnn, etc. Portlaaml
pack (local) ham. 17V4c; breakiatU
baron. ismf27r; bollt'd ham, 2f.r
2 tic; plrnlc. Hp; cottitso roll, 10c;
ronular ubort ploaro, HinokM, IO'jp:
back. Himdeed, lOVjc; pickled
toiiKiio, OOn oacb.
Local Laid K'oltlo loaf, 10.
I7V4c lb; Oh, 17 5-Sc lb; 00-lb. tlnn,
17o lb: stonni rondorod, lOw, K.VjC
lb; Oh. 10 0-Sc lb; compound 10h,
ll'.c lb.
OlaniH-- llardii! oil. per box. $2.-t0;
rnxor elm m, $2 box.
Fish Pock pod, 10c; lb; floun
('.oru, C.c lb; halibut, 8c lb; atrlpod
bnB. 10c lb; pntffnh, 10c lb; wilinon,
stpothoad, 7c lb; allvors, f.c lb; Boles,
0c lb; shrltnprt, t2,o lb; porch, 0o
U; toi i roil, So lb; lobBtorH, 35c lb;
crawfl'.'i, 23 a per do.; nturi;pon,
12'jp llr, black ImsH, 20o lb; Hllvor
HinoltH 0o lb; black cod, 7'jO lb;
crabu, $11.50 do.
OyHtors Shoalwator bay, por gal
lon. $2 00: por 100 lb. uncle, $5;
Olynuda. p-r kuUou, $2.-IO; por 100
lb. sack, $7 7.00; panned, 00c can,
37o dozen; oaotorn In oholl, $1.70
nor 100.
Coal oil Poarl, Astral nml Star,
l!)o Ballon; eoconc, 22c riallon; olalno
2Sc irallon; headlight, 200 kiiHou;
oxtra Htar, 22n gnllon; vator whlto,
1 1 A 1 0 ( o gallon ; appclal water
whlto, 15o gallon.
OtiHolIno Hod crown and motor,
1(1 23o Million; 80 gaBollio, 30
37 'Ao gallon; V. M. & P. naphtha,
13V6W20V6C gallon; onglno dlHtll
Into, 010o gallon.
Cattle UohI Ktoora, wolghlng 1200
pounds, $1.50; medium otco's, $4.20;
boat cows. $3.25; boat holfora, $3.00;
hulls, $1.702.25; ataga, $2.503.
Hogs Host oast of tho nimintaliiH,
$8; Wlllnniotto vulloy, boHt, $7.75
7.80; Htockora, $-lfi; plgfl. $07.
Shopp -llont wethorn, 4.2f 0" "t.fiO;
ordinary. $1 4.50; sprlrg lmua,
$0.20; Hlri'lght. ewes, $3.r.0(UM.uu;
mixed lots, $1.00.
CulvoH - Best, $0; or Unary i $3.50
Proscctttlnii Man Who Sold Liquor
to Minors Case Goes Over
to Await Grand
I), Martin of Woodvlllo wns bound
over Friday to appear hoforo tho
grand jury at tho December term of
circuit, court, charged with furnlMh
Ing lutoxlcantii to inliiorH. Tho com
plaint wnH mado by M. W. Whipple,
who comluctH a iialooa at Woodvlllo.
Mr. Whlpplu'H action In cnuulug
the urroist of a violator of the lav
might bo copied by other liquor deal
era and would no doubt result In tho
curtailing of one of tho grcnteHt
nbiiHOH connected with tho Halo of In
toxlcntlug HquorH, that Ih, the fur
nlslilng of tho utuff to young boys,
Now Train Service on the CorvallU Al
On November lnt a Htralght pas-
Koiiger train wuh oHtatniHitcu on mo
Corvcllls & Kastera railroad between
Albany and Yaqulnn, leaving Albany
at 12; 30 p. m. and arriving In Ynqul-
un al 0:10 p. in. Iteturulng leavo
Ynqulna at 7:10 n. in., arriving In
Albany at 11:10 a. in., making direct
conuortlons nt Corvnllls .nd Albany
with Boutbern Pacific to and
from Portland and other Southern
Pacific polnlH north and south.
Newport Ih nn Ideal winter resort,
and the low rates now In effect from
nil 8. P. and C. & K. points, with
tho Improved trnln service now es
tablished. plncoH It within n fow
hourH' rldo from tho valley, arriving
thorn nt 0 p. in. In tlmo for dinner.
Kxcellent licit I accommodations at
reasonable rates.
For further particulars call on nny
(!. & K. or S. P. agent, or write to
Oenornl Passenger Agent,
Portland, Or.
I'Ytilt Orowrrs. Take Notice.
Tho fruit growers of Jackson coun
ty nml tho Itoguo ltlvcr valley aro
respectfully urged to call on L. 11.
Warner at hlo offlco. 307 and 309
Kast Seventh, and consult hltn about
free transportation to tho city of Chi
cago via Portland, Seattle, Tacoms
nd Spoknno. with stopover privi
leges, flood for transportation oniy.
i)ooa not include. Pullman car nccom-
Tho parly buying tho larrost
amount of nursery stock this year
from I,. H. Warner gets froo trans
portation to tho abovo named cities
and return upon certain conditions.
L. 11. WAItNBR.
200 Tho Plonoer Mirsoryman.
Owing to tho fact that our Christ
mas postalfj aro coming in and wo
aro crowded for room to display thorn
wo will offer all iwstals nt a 20 per
cent discount for ono day only, Sat
iinlny, November 13. This will af
ford a pood opiKirtutnty for you to
av in supply for future corre
sponding at a prico that will pay you.
Look over our Christmas jjoods that
nro coming in. It is a pleasuro to
show tlicm.
Hemcmbor, $1 worth of jHistals
will only cost you 80 cents noxt Sat
urday. Tho lllue Jay Postal Shop, 331 E.
.Vain st., up stairs. Frank a. Hull,
Fruit and V-qetahlcs.
(Prices paid hy Moil rd merchants )
Apples l(o2o lb.; p nchoa 2V2(S'4o
Ih: lioars. I'jODSo; awootwator
grapes, 2V-i(o)!lo; plunis, l'VSso; To
kay grapes, 4c.
Potntoes, lo lb: onions, $l.fiO
cwtj; groon onions, 3.1o dor. bunohos;
parrots, lffOlVi'O'i boots, IW-Vau;
etring hoaus, 3o; cabbage, lVao; green
poppers, us; uoumbors, tOo doren;
tomatoes, lo; squash, 30e$l dor.;
punipkiufl, 10luc.
Butter, Egos and PouHry.
(Prices paid by Modford morchantiJ.
Ranch huttor, !10o; fancy crenm
pry, a7jo.
Fresh ranch eggs, 35o.
Mixed poultry, 10o; spring chick
ons, 15o; ducks, lOo; turkeys, Iflo.
Feed and Mlllstuffs.
(Prices paid produoora.)
Hay-Timothy, $10 alfalfa. $15;
grass, $14 ton.
Wheat Old, $1.20 hushol: now, $1
bushel; oats, $39 ton; barley, old.
$30; now, $2f.
(Soiling prices.)
Rolled hnrloy, $2.00 owtj $30 ton
bran, $1.75; middlings, $1.85(n)1.00
shorts. $1.80(0)1.95.
Roof, 2Ms(5P3o; pork, (lo; mutton
a'jo: lamb, 4Mio; voal (drossod), 0c
Turnips, IVjo por lb; oarrots, le
Tjo por lb; parouips, 3iyao por
-f 4 'f- tf f t
fH 4- -flit f
FOR HAIiK- Oak, fir ai,d pine TonN
wood, 12 uml IfJ-iio h; nUo dry rail
wood; dry pilch for kindling. Phone
order to Main -1201.
McdforU lotH, 10 iicmm, .JtA miluH
from Nowman, Cal., in Han Joao,tiin
valley. For iartioilar call at Star
roHtiiunmt or nddicMM Uox 818,
Mcdford. 210
FOR BALK 300 her, f first-olass
pi no wood, thoronglilv seasoned;
will deliver l'''" l ny one nt
$2..ri0 per tier. W. 1,. Howard,
Phoenix, Or. tf
FOR BALK Land in acre tracts un
der Fish Luke ditch; $300 per acre;
splendidly located, Vz miles out;
Htiituhlo for Hinall fruit and garden;
nlso five-acre tract 20 S. Peach
st. P. O. Box 812 205
FOR SALH 1200 acres unimproved
laud, also impro'.ed land, suitable
for fruit, for sale cheap. Bee II. M.
Cosh, olo agent, 001 W. Tenth St,
FOR BALK Twenty acres, near
Merlin; good fruit land; .fl00; terms.
Address S, Tribune.
FOR .SALKChoice business proper
ty nt n bargain, nn long time; easy
terniH. Address P. O Box 418.
FOR SALH 1200 acres improved
laud, suitnblc for fruit, for sale
cheap. See II. M. Coss, sole agent,
001 W. Tenth St.. Medford. tf
nndlso Btock and
general mcrch
buslne8 In live
$10,000 to
address Uox
valley town; about
swing. Particulars
008, Cottago Grove,
121 cod lmo
FOR SALE 3 ncres good garden
land, under ditch; good house;
Phoenix. Mntt Cnlhoun.
FOR SALE 5 and 10-ucro tracts
just within nnd ndjoining city lim
its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay
merts. Address P. O. Box 418.
FOR SALE Good driving horse,
cheap. 17 Riverside nvc. 20 1
FOR SALE One-horse spring wag
on, used only two pensous, $33;
good cart, $10; 130-sir.o incubator,
fine repair, $8; huff Icghon . plow,
eultivntor, etc.; 1 miles out Cen
tral Point road. II. C. Glascock.
FOR SALE Two years' Icaso ;uid
furniture of Vendome hotel, good
locution, in Ashland; 20 furnished
rooms, besides parlor, office, dining
room, etc. Price $1000. John F
Patty, proprietor J21J3
FOR SALK 2-10 acrOB. about 35
acres cleared, balanco !n timber,
about 2,500.000 feet yellow pine on
place; plenty of otitsldo range: 5
room box houso nnd othor build
ings: two big springs, family or
chard; mile nnd a quarter of school;
mnchlnery goes with Price
$2500; $1S00 will handle. W. T.
York & Co. 207
FOR SALE Or exchange for Hogiu
Rlvor property, town or country,
11 85-100 ncres, tho very best In
tho Sacramonto valley, suitable to
growing all kinds of fruit, grain and
hay, located ut Enclnal, on Northern
Elcctrlo railroad, 8 miles north of
Yuba City, Sutter county, Cal.. and
00 miles north of Sacramonto, Cal.
Land level, no wasto or overflow
land. Irrigation ditch through cen
ter with boxes and checked complete
for quick Irrigation with drainage
ditch on ono side, county road on
two aides. About 10 acres sot to
alfalfa and will yield from 4 to S
tons por acre. Tho balanco In fruit,
truck gnrdon nnd poultry lots, tho
latter fenced with S00 foet 6-foot
poultry wire. A good varloty of early
to lato cpple. pear, peach, apricot,
plum, cherry, grnpo, blackborrles,
raspberries and strawborrles; n now
four-room houso, with comont foun
dation and collar; houso plasterod,
paporod and painted and has cloc
trlc lights; poultry and outhouses
painted. This Is a cholco location
nnd nn Ideal homo, nnd a bnrgaln nt
$3000 $700 nt 0 por cont, to run
4 years. Also, now houso In Mod
ford, 0 rooms nnd bath, ono block
from bnsob.ill ground, $1000; $800
hnndlos this. Addro3S N. L. Town
send, 12C 13. 6th, Medford. 200
FOR SALK 10-horso nnlomolnlo for
salo or trade for roal estate; in
first-class condition. Inquiro nt
Modford Auto Co.
FOR SA1 1 S00 pounds socond
hand tolephoi o wire for sale, rolled
in rolls in good shape; n bnrgain for
somoono. Call on Chris Ulrich or
nddros Lock Box 21, Jacksonville
FOR SALE Finoly split stovowood
in oak, fir and pine, nml cordwood
sawed into Ill-inert length blocks
Cnll on F. Osonlmigge, Studobnkor
lli-.irt. Wnrohoneo.
van SALK-7r.-nero ranch, with
good water right; finest fruit land;
choap:; also property la Portland;
will trado for Modford property. Soo
Colomnn nt cigar faptory.
FOR SALE-Maro, wolght about
1000 pounds, $50; not thoroughly
broken. O. M, Allen, Burroll orcii
md. 205
FOR SA Li: Must ho sold. 20 aoros
choice! land close to Hams Vulloy
poHloffieo; U'2 uctoh of Yellow Now
towtiH, 1 year old, 2Vfc acres timber,
balance under cultivation; $90 per
acre; also 1.10 aerea 4 miles from
pohtoffice; 30 cleared, 100 acres un
der fence; fine cold spring water;
good timber and outside range; a
real snap. Encjuirc of L. F. Gard
ner, Bams Valley P. O. 200
FOR HALE Improved f ucrH on
Newtown st. and furnished house on
Ivy st. nt n hurfnin. Address Box
02, Mcdford, or cnll at residence,
132 North Ivy. 20.1
FOR SALE $120 piano certificate
Halo's Piano House for best effer.
Address M. D. Signs, Canton, Or.
FOR BALE About 300 ncres of
choice fruit land, deep red soil,
small stream, no rock, quite free of
fog and frost; enough wood to pay
for same; nbout 40 acres cleared or'
partially so; house, bam and other
outbuildings; on main county road,
V mile to Woolf Croek station, 4 Vsr
miles to Olendule; price $12.50 per
acre ns u whole; subdivido on basis
of .$10 to $25. Address 3Iartin Au
gel. Merlin, Or. 211
acre improved farm, located 02
miles of Grants Pass; good irriga
tion. Write for particulars. Cle-ments-Bnsler
Realty Co., owneni,
Grouts Pass, Or. 201
FOR SALE Span of horses, weight
1200; will work single or double.
Cull at 414 North Front st. 20G
FOR SALE White Leghorn hens.
Inquiro ut 718 Jackson st. West, or
108 Main st. 205
FOR SALK $10 down, $5 por
month, lot at P. & E. Junction,
$250. Seo Eastman. 205
FOR SALE Completely equipped
shingle nnd sawmill, machinery,
power, etc. Address Box 180, Cen
tral Point, Or. 214
FOR SALE Fine Jersey cow; good
reasons for selling. Inquire corner
of Second and Fir sts. 202
FOR SALE A house and lot for
salo cheap In East Mcdford. Call
at 112 Cottago st. 207
WANTED A small cottage, furn
ished or unfurnished, or part of a
house with a kitchen. Address 16
South Orange st 204
WANTED Married man wants po
sition as foreman on fruit ranch;
experienced. Address W. Call Box
41, Jacksonville. 215
WANTED I wish to employ ono
competent, reliable man or woman
to tnkc charge of my business in
Medford and the valley; references
required; high salary to right per
son. Cnll at Oxford rooms or ad
dress me Medford, general dolivery.
W. E. Wihner. 209
WANTED A woman
Diamond at oneo.
cook at the
WANTED Agents to introduce tha
"Aladdin" lamps, incandosceut ker
oseno uinntle lamp; brighter than
gas or electricity; cost 1 cont in
four hours; seo lamp, securo terras
at Cusick & Myors' real estate of
f ice. W. J. Anderson, pen, agt. 20S
WANTED Land eUared by con
trnot; call at onoe at th Table Rock
ranch, Table Rook, Or., or write
Jorry Fickos, are K. A. Wyekoff,
Contra! Point, Or. Splendid chance
for right parties. 206
WANTED To buy team, wagon
and hnrness on monthly terms. Ad
dross R, euro Tribuno Mail.
WANTED Exporieucod quarry man
Addross P. O. Bos 418, Modford,
Or. '
VANTED 12 wood choppers to chop
cordwood nnd tiorwood. Address L,
W. Lilicgran, Tolo, Or. 1
LOST Ordor book containing wood
orders and notes. Roturn to Mail
Tribuno office. 205
LOST Paper subscription book.
Findor plonso return to II. W. Koth
ermol, Mail Tribuno office, and re-
coivo roward.
4-"4- T
micturc niPFtrrnnv t
Painting and Decorating.
cessors to Shearor & Phillips,
painters nnd decorators in nil
branches; weathered oak on inside
finish a specialty. Our green roof
stains cunrnnteod not to spot. 50-1
N. Beatty st. P. O. Box 14, Medford
CLASS WORK nnd individual los
sous. Mrs. Rosooo A. Johnson, 008
Catherine st., Tuttlo's Addition. P
O. Box 272.
beds. 15o. Give ms a trial. 29
Central uvauue, upstairs.
t -f t ft f-f f ft 1 H
44- t 4- tf f i f f -f
Physicians and Surgeons. Building and Loan Association H
ident phone Main 2301. Btroot-
S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D.-Physicinn PJLEnoJneerj
and surgeon. Office, 133 W. Main
st. Phono Main 577, Medford.
DR. R. J. CONROYSuccessor to
Dr. Jones. Offico in Stewart build
ing. 8, R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and
Surgeon. Modern equipped operat
ing rooms. X-Rny. Office hours:
10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson
Co. Bank Building.
MAINS CARLOW Osteop at h i c
Physicians. Mission Block, Phone
201, Medford.
Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles
Building, Main street, Medford, Ore
gon. Kindergarten.
street. Hours: From 9 a. m. to 11:30
a. m. For particulars apply to Miss
Arro Harmon, direotor, at tha sohool
J. K. A. BILES, Architect and Build
ing Superintendent, P. O. Box 486,
Medford, Or. Your building re
spectfully solicited.
BIJOU THEATER West Seventh st.
Darling Stock Co. in repertoire of
high-grade aomedy-drama produc
tions. Changes Sunday and Thurs
days. Admission 10a and 20c.
Bill Posters
VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and
Distributor. All orders promptly
filled. Room 7, Jackson County
Bank Building, Medford, Or.
Billiard Parlors
S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci
gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs,
Yonng and Hall building. A nice
cool place to spend the hot after
noons. Furniture
H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new
and second hand furniture and hard
ware. Agents for Mound City kit
chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st.
Corner 8th and Holly Sts., Med
ford. Mission Furniture made to
order. Cabinet work of all kinds.
A trial order solicited.
and Ranges. New and Second Hand
Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18-20
F St .South. Phone 91. Medford, Or.
oases a specialty; thorough equip
ment. Mrs. L. G. Gardner, Prop.,
440 E. Evergreen St., Medford.
Drayage and Transfer.
Drnying and Transfer, will call
anywhere in city. Phone Main 503
Stand at S. P. Depot
all kinds of nursery xtock without
irrigation or fertilizer, but on deep,
rich soil, produoing a normal growth
and a vigorous, healthy troe, with
a strongo root growth. Those treos
aro espooially adapted to Rogue
River valloy soil and conditions. J
P. Adams, Agent, P. 0. Box 143,
Offico in Central Poiut Hotol, Cen
tral Point, Or.
are budded, not grafted. Uur stocic
is not irrigated. We guarantee ev
erything put out. We are not in the
trust. H. B. Pattorson, office, in
notol Nash.
Growers of high-grade nurserj
stock. C. E. Cook. Prop. R. R. V
depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 583
Medford. .
Transfer and Drayage.
II. S. BRUMBLE Drayage and
transfer. Bnircairo stored. Otfioo
C nnd Seventh.
Cement Workers.
B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran
teed strictly first-class. Residence
No. 400 Bonttv streot. A oard will
bring me to you.
L. Huiliior. 707 Maiu street West
Private lessons in singing (mothod
Rossini) aud languages French
Italian, German, Spanish.
MRS. E. E. GORE Piano instruction
Metropolitan College of Musio. Miss
Flora Gray. Phone 493. 144 South
Central avauu.
able terms, nil kinds of work, als
irrigating, planting nnd aultivatiag,
etc. Landscape gardening. First
clnss references. William Petars,
Civil Engineer, Phono 1801, 322 East
Main street, Medford, Oregon.
Newman & Catkin, Court Lawyers.
Corporation and criminal prao
tice in state and federal courts. Of
fices over Jaokson County ban
C. L. Rcnmcs. Law jro.
Medford Bank Builcg.
Palm building.
PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-Law
No. 9 D street, ground floor.
Moore Hotel.
;. C. LOWREY, Stenographer and a
tary. 29 Jackson County Bank bid.
ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block.
Stenographic work dona quiokly xai
Real Estate.
estate, loans and fire insurance.
Office 112 W. Main St., Medford
Ore. Phone 3073.
Printers and Publishers.
the best equipped job office is
Southern Oregon; Portia ad prieoa.
37 Sonth Central ave.
DR. GOBLE Tho only exclusive op
tician between Portland and Sao
ramento. Office on West Main atrtet
and railroad.
specialist, when others fail. OfCo
in Eagle' Pharmacy. Main 233. East
Main near D'Anjon.
elers, carry a complete stook nui
make a specialty of high grade re
pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho
tel. GEO. A. BUTT Watchmaker jew
eler and engraver. My jewelry stock
is up-to-date. My facilities, boh
ing eperience and material for i
pair work, are the best in the ci
Corner G and Seventh sts.
Brick Companies.
G. W. Priddy. A. T. OTJrit
O. D. Nagfe.
Brick manufacturer and oonfarel
tors; also lime, cemoofc and plasfi
in any quantity. Office, Medfacfr
Nntioun! bank bldg. Phouee Mam
dertakers. Day Phone 353. Right
Phones C. W. Conklin 36; J. DL
Butler 148.
Piano Instruction.
HARMONY, sight reading, miuioat
form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan
Coll ego of Musio. Miss Flora tfray,
Studios, 144 South Central avoaa.
Phone 493.
JACK MOORE Contractor for
plumbing, heating and sawerLag,
Eleventh nnd Front, Modford, r.
Phono 123.
Paint Stores.
M. J. METCALF Paints, Brnshei,
Wall Papor, Glass, Varnishea StaU
and Wall Tints. 318 E. Main St.,
Medford, Oregon.
Tea Companies.
thorne, agt. Stor opened froa
to 6. Phono 3871. 237 RivrMf
Carpenters and Builders.
F. E. HILL Will fumUh plana aa
list of all timbor to he pat ki buMA"
jug. Medford, Oregon
Tin Shops.
J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tia Mi
sheet iron ware on hand and mad ta
order 128 North G strt.
Photograph Studios.
Maokey and die with joy." Ovar Ai
leu & Reagan's store; eutr&nfla
Savonth street.
Carriage and Auto Parting.
WORKS High-class work guaran
teed. Signs, Riverside avmk.
Phono 801.