BIG FOUR GROUP OF MIS SOLD Portland Mlnlnu Man Purchases Placer Mines on Puckott Creek Near Grants Pnss. (Mull Tlllilllin HihiIiiI Hivlc.) (1RANT8 RASH, Or., Nov. A mining dniil of ((iiiHiiliniililii Itnpor- llllll'll llUH jllHl lll'llll l-OIIHtlllllltfll vvliereliy Int .1. Morrill, a I'nrtliiiid milling 1111111, llUH jllHl Miri'llMHI!(l till) Hig Four group of placer milieu on Pickett creel;. There mm- 2110 ncrc in till gl'Olip mill it Hitvcii-niile dilcli. 'I'llelO llllH llCCII CIIIIHilll'llllllll lilign- tinu ovur tlin iroiiir(y ami it Iiiih nev er lieen wnrlii'il In hIiow il trim vnl iii. Tlio new owner promiHUH to com iiiuneo aotlvu oporntioiiH at oneo ami ('linden I). Franc of lltm city will lie wnpi'iintciideiit. 'I'lii former iiuik'im were (lenrge W. Trd'crn of AmIiImihI ami It. V. Flitrl;c nt' Huh fit v. MAN GETS GAY WITH A CELESTIAL; STOPPED BY GUN (l'llll)Ml I'riuM l.iitnmt Wire.) 111:11 u,vvv, c.ii., Nov. in. i:.i- wiinl Lynch, a liilwrcr, i pmluilily fatally wounded ami l.ce lino, a Chi iii'hc I'liHtnuniiil J;tn'nT, 1m in jail to day following a rowjiclwecn 1 1 1 ('hi iii.'rin ami tliu while mini over the pay- uii'iit of a uii'iil. According to l.ce, Lynch rcl'iincd to pay for hi Mippet In Ht evening ami when prcHHcd for tin1 iiionny mmlo an iinhiiuH on the Chi iii'rtn. Ho knocked tlio oriental down twice, hrnising lit h fnco limlly. Tim third attack l.ce Htnppcd with It llllllct. Till' pl'llel Cllteled till- whilo iiiiiii'm loft Hide ami ranged tin ward. I.viit'h Iiiih mailt' no Ntntcnicnt tcgurd tlm affair. GAVE LIFE IN ATTEMPT TO SAVE GIRL FROM WHEELS, HAN FRANCISCO, Oil., Nov. 1.'.. -ItoHooo CoiiiIih, ti ititiHii'iau in tin; Thirty-Kighth company, Count Artil lery, in dead today ami Mihh Margate! llriggn in believed to ln fatiilly in jilted an the rexiilt of lieing htriH'k down InM iiiuht I iv 11 Twenty -Ninth ami Mimnon h trout car. Comlm gave up hiri life in an effort to drat; Mi Mrigg front in front of tlm ear, hot li hcing crushed heiieulh (he guard. The eouple were on their way to it 1 1 en tertaitiiiieut lit the home of 11 Mi Steele in (he Itielunoml district. They Hlepped front the Tnrk-F.ddy Htreet ear at F.ighlh itveuue and dtreelly in tlm path of the MiMninn ear. CoiiiIih iinuiediately saw the dauber ami piling to MiH Rnggs' rescue, hut ho was too late. HURLED IN FRONT OF SPEEDING STREET CAR (I'tiltiM 1'ri'Mn Utamut Wlro.) SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Nov. -15. Mrw. Mary Callahan and her 7-year-old ttieee, Katharine llrown, are dead today tlm viotintrt of I he henry vheeln of an Ocean View car, and .'nine Callahan, her htishaml, w mil' tering front two broken leg as a to Kill 1 of the overturning of their bug gy directly in the path of Hie speedy Htrcot car. Shortly hefore Ihe tragic event oc curred the horno driven hy Callahan hecauic I'riKlilcned ami hcj;aii to run. ll was directly in front of the car Mpccdiiij; down hill, when the madden ed animal wheeled anil tlm occupaitH of llm vehicle were thrown out. Calliiha 1 was h.irlcd to Ihe pave ment ami the woman and little prl thrown directly iu front of the car. A moment later they were ground to death under the car wheel, tl.viiif; al most instantly. The molonuan, .1. ,1. Moohan, in ohai'Ked with iiuiuHlati(;h tor. Sullivan Matched. (ITmIIimI 1'ri'MH I.eiiooil Wlro,) PORTLAND, Or., Nov. If.. (Icno Sullivan, who ncvcrnl yearn ago, inailu i good iiup'essinn in I'orlland while an amateur ami who has since hecu fighting in tlm lightweight class in Han FrnuuiHco and I .oh Angclcx, and Kildin Corf, a clevcf California young Hlcr, hao hecu sillied for a ten round hout lmfont tlm Roue City Ath Ictio oluh in tlio near future. Mauv California experlH have pick oil Sullivan iih 11 poHHihln champion within llm next two yearn. Oil 011 Streets Very Unsatisfactory Rain Falllnn on the Oil Mixes It With Mud and Causes It to Stick to Wanon Wheels. VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. 15. Tlm attention of tlm city council will prohahly ho called to tlm condition of Wost Eighth Htrcot that Homo no tion may ho taken to remedy it, Tlm Htrool wiih oilod 1 it Ht Hiinimor, and tho oil pormittcd to remain until tlm fall raitiH commenced, It thou ho oaino mixed with mud, rendering (ho Htrcot iiIiiiohI inipuHHiihlo for teaniK or pmle.MlriniiK. The oil cihikoh tlm mud to Hliok to wagon wlieeln and tho mixture in carried to croHHingH and carry tho huIihIiuicoh upon tho Hido walkH ami into their Iioiuoh. Soiuo dovico will doulitloHH ho plan nod to remedy tho cnudiliniiH or at leant an of for I will ho inado lit that dlroollou. $2000 AN ACRE FROM NEW W W. H. Grown Shows What Water Will D When Placed on Ronuo River Valley. Lands. Homo of tlm old tlnioiM lauhoil In llmlr nliiitvi'H when V. 'II. Brown lioughl I1I11 orcharil faiin soutliuiiHt or tho city a llltlo over two yearn m:o, ami freely urcdlcteil Dial "lliur'ii iiiiolhor Hiickur, what will lovo hln money, 'caiimt land Ih too (turned high In thin 'oro country for 11 fuller to niuko il 1 1 v 1 11 011." Mr. Ilrowu didn't mty nuylhliig, imlllior did lio hiiw wood hot had iiomothlni( hottor tluin that. Ho sim ply v.-vtit to work on (ho proioHltloit of Irrluitliui: IiIh orchard. Not liuv lug a gravity hhI(jiii ut lrnid, ho In Htallml piimiiii ami t li Ik year ho will tutvo a groMM Incotmt from four acrw of Nowiowim of $-000 1 11 act'u at leant. Thin Ih :nt ho OHtlmatoM It now, ami there Ih a utrotig llkullhwd tlm flgurcH will i;nw hoiiio by tlio lime (ho crop Ih nutrkotcil, iih fancy ap plet! are Hcarco thin ho-'iik 11. and ho hint a lot of tho kind Hint hrlng tho price. Another your mid Mr. Hrown can IrrlKitl.i IiIh lrac( ly grtvlty am! 'will do mime more Htuntji u (ho way of Hhowlng tlm people what water will do wliutt iihciI for othor H.liign than for hunting ami tlrltiklng. THREE PERSONS DROWNED IN HARBOR AT COOS BAY. MARSIIFIFI.I), Ore.. Nov. 11 Soarelt iH hcing made for the hodiet of Oust Itlooui, Otto Axelson ami Carl Carlson, who were dnwned yes terday morning. While erosning (ho hay in a niwlioat at titiduighi the h ml overturned, throwing the np'inH into the water. Herman Hack, a fourth meinour of tlm party, clung to llm overturned hunt for half .11 I nr. filially Hiiccecding in awake. it'v the crow of tho Hchooner l'sther !hi!inc, who onum to his rescue. Thiri morning the temperature at the lowent jMiint wan 'J.r degrees, and Homo caHlerii viriiiors tieciareii tiiat the weather was colder at that Hum in the Dakotas or Minesulu at 10 he low. Once in a while a fellow forget. though, and fails to reiiieiuher the fror.en too ami fingers that occasion. ally accompany that temperature. Twenty-five degrees' is chill and eve-i cold for Southern Oregon, hut one would have coiiKiderahle difficulty in freezing. Last winter the lowest point registered was 18, and that was the lowest for Ihrco years. THANKSGIVING Sale ATTRACTING LARGE CROWDS EVERY DAY Did you read (In big advertisement on the back page ow yesterday's splendid paper? We again refer to that advertisement and kindly ask that you verify it at tho store. Your wants can he supplied here -for we enrry the goods that are satisfactory. You will he pleased with the prices, for we have certainly succeed ed iu naming exceptionally low prices on most everything in tho tnru. J11M come and look and you'll find what you want for we are here to help yon iu every way. The Hutchason C Successors I NOVEMBER 25 IS THANKSGIVING DAV. WAHIIINOTON, I). C Nov IT. J'roHidont T'iff, today tm- ii'nltittiil Miivrtiitwii iri i I nr I'd. giving Day. T T BALL MAGNAIES ARE IN8ESSI0N Carl Ewlnn Steps Down and Out Robertson Slated to Suc ceed Him In tho Position. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. If.. The magnates of the I'acific Count League are holding their annual meeting Huh morning at the St. Francis Hotel. The I'orlhiml Cluh is he'mg repre sented hy .Fudge McCredie; Sun Fran einco hy .1. Cal F.wing and Fred M. Ish; l.os Angeles hy Henry Merry, Vernon hy Fred F.eland; Oakland hy IM M. Walter ami Saeraiuciito hy William Ctirlin. After reading his annual leport (his morning President .1. Cal Fwing ten- lured his resignation and will leave in a few dayn for a vacation to Hon olulu. Several prominent haschall men have heun named as prohahle successor to F.wing. Among these are Fielder .Foiich, former manager of the Chicago White Sox and Hill I.angc. II i shclieved that Judge McCredie will propoHo'tho nnmo of fieorge V. Roherlsou, a former San Francisco man lor the place. Jawing mm iic clared that any capahhi hnsehall man will suit him. Indications are that there will he a spirited discussion over the ipie-tion of giving the Nrfrthwest League the right to remain in Port- laud for another year. (I is generally 1...1; I ll.,.t It... .-.!. .u ..r v.... I.'...... 1 IM 11 .11. Ill, I, llll- 11.11-.-- 1., I Mill I IfVII- ciseo and Oakland are spit on this Miiut. M. Vs. Moouey ami Oeorge Daniels of Prospect were in Medford .Monday on land business. Hy n deal cloned Saturday A. H. Sitlltig Iiiih hecomo tho owner of the IntereHt of (J. T. TluiHher la tho AJax copper and gold initios, located In (he HIiioIh dlHtrlct. JoHephlno coun ty, together with water rlht In tho east fork of the cnHt fork of (ho Illi nois river. Tho trntiHfernlHO IttcludcH 40 ncrcH.'i'lio federal suprcine court todav de of mining ground. The AJax Ii:ih been developed to!,.f iniwt constitutional in the terri- I"''"1 horv It kIiowh a large deposit J of copper carrying cotiHldorahlo vnl ticH In gold. Tho litHt anay hIiowh 14 per cut copper and' JT-70 In gold. The mine Ih Hltttated on whnt in known as the Waldo contact, and Ih only five iui'.ch from C o Taklltnn Htuelter. One Piece Dresses Suits, Coate, Waists, Etc ONE-PIECE DRESSES THE RAGE. Wo can't talk onoiigit about our ono-picce dresses, They are tho nnrval of tho age. Just think what it menus to he able to go into a store and select a wool or silk dress and put it right on and wear it without (ho fuss and trouble which comes from selecting nm terials, trimmings, etc and hav ing 0110 made up. Of course you may have to have an alteration lady fit you, hut that only means a few moments, then the dross is perfect. Think of not only tho time nud worry saved, hut wo enn actunlly navo you the price of mtikiug. A .fliruiO dress for $22.29 And nil through tho lino to $75.1)0 A $in.00 dress for $11.29 A if'JO.OO dross for $13.29 A .$20.00 dross for $IG.69 dresses for $49.00 to Baker-Hutchason Co. ATTEMPT MADE ON MINTO'S LIFE Lady Mlnto Very Nervous Viceroy of India May Rcsitjn His Post and Return to Eii(jland, (Mull 'Minnie NmtImI Hrvlco.) CALCUTTA, Nov. U. -Lady Mlnto Ih proHtratud today following hor ox lierlcneo of ycHlordny when a man threw two hoinliH at Hie currlago In which Mho whh rlillng with her Iiiih- Imnil, Lord Mlnto, viceroy of India. A nemo of riutuutlvoM went to Ahuvidii hiid today to;islt In thu hunt for tho culprit. At tho requuit of liln wlft. who Ih aiixluiiH to return to Knglund and who kIko fuurH for tho life of her hiiNhaud If ho contlnuoH In IiIh posi tion, he Ih today HerlotiHly thinking of resigning hU pout. Although neither bomli oxjiloded, falling on ttoft Hand, which acted (ih a buffer, Lady Mlnto fainted from nervoiiHUftHH. ami hIiico Iiiih been un der tho care of phyHlclattH. An examination hIiowh Hint tlio liomhM contained picric acid. When tho flrnt hotnh wbh thrown at (he carriage, a dragoon riding alongHldo Hpurred forward and, with-oul-Htretrhed tmher. Intercepted It, hurling tho iiiIhhIIc Homo dint, -nice Into a Hitnd-lioap The second struck tho ground, lint failed o explode. KING LEOPOLD MUST STEP OUT LONDON. Nov. l.Y The abdication of King Leopold of Belgium is momen tarily expected, according to a corrcs- jiondciit of Reynolds' Newspaper at Brussels. Ilisdispat dies declare that the king has been wanied that serious consequences will follow if he re fuses to renounce the throne. It is understood tlm Hij auti LeoH)Id party is octroi inline with Prince Albert, heir to the throne to persuade him to succeed In- f.tther. EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY ACT CONSTITUTIONAL. WASHINGTON. I). C. Nov. !.". i,.:,),.,! t,t the emnlover's liahilitv act (ories and the District of Columbia. II s constitutionality in the stiucs was not passed upon. L. L. Jacobs has been assisting I). M. ('.dims at (he Jacksonville bank during (he absence of George L. Di ms m San Francisco. SUITS, COATS AND WAISTS FOR LESS. Wo uro hendipiarters for Suits, Coats, nud Waists and you know that our assortments aro tho larg est in tho entire section of south ern Oregon. Wo bought too heav iiy not too heavy to givoi you a good assortment, hut too heavy for the amount wo should carry, so wo have to reduce the prices 111 order to move them. . l'J "0 sellers for $8.98 trift.OO sollcis for $11.29 $20.00 sellers for $14.89 28.00 sellers for $17.89 Wfr.OO- sellers for $22.29 $10.00 sellers for $27.89 iitfO.OO sellers for $33.75 WEDDING BELLS T ' Popular Younn Couple of the City Will Be United in Marriage This Evening at 8 O'clock. ThlH ovenlng liriient A. Ifefler, a populHr young IjiihIiichh tnun of thin city, and Mlwi Katherlno E. Taft uro to !)H inltd in marriage. They will ho at home to their m.Miy frlendH on and after November 20 at their now home, 4 09 North ItlverBldo ave rt 110. Mr. Ilolfer haw btmu a rwldont of Medford for Home time :nd known iih one of ihe moat pjpuliir young btiHliK.-Hrf men of tho city. MIm Toft Iiiih been very popular among tho younger net. Hoth havo a largo cir cle of frlendn, who wlHh them a Hiuootli voyage In tho matrimonial hcu. MINER ON WAY TO FEET BRIDE. VICTIM OF PICKPOCKET M'nlti-i I'rttM I-anfil Wire.) PORTLAND, Or.. Nov. 1ft.-While eu route to San Francisco to claim his bride, .1. Copland, an Alaska miner, is today stranded in Portland. Yes terday In- reported to the police that he had been robbed of $U20, nil of his funds, with the exception of a few small pieces of wilver. While he is stranded now, lie still has valuable property in Alaska, which will make his wedding possible at a later date. Co pel and thinks bis pocket was picked, as he missed his wallet shortly after leuviii' a burlier shop Saturday. F.lmcr A. Hicks spent Sunday on the west side of (he valley with i'riemU. DUDLEY DOINGS. (By ".Mix." K. K. Spencer was driven to Med ford on Wednesday where he will probably be operated on for appendi citits. Will Cook of Raneeree has been hauling the past week from Butte Falls for the new post office build ing. Gary Snyder, who has been visiting in this place for some time, returned to his home in Corvallis on Wednes day. Mr. Snyder has a list of friends here who regret his departure. The Dudley basket ball team will play the Hutte Falls athletic club in their gymnasium at that place on Thanksgiving ovening. Roth teams are practicing daily and are confi' dent of winning the local champion- hip. D. A. Owens hns secured the con tract of carrying the mail between Hutte Falls and this place. He makes three trips jht week, Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays, being mail days. Charles M. Austin is making exten sive improvements on his homestead. Mr. Austin has had a crew of men employed during the past few days mid the results of his enterprise is a very attractive little ranch. John Higgenbothorni made the rounds of his usual customers on last Tuesday. Ho finds it an easy matter to disKse of a beef in this neighborhood when it is of tho high -km dard he always handles. At a recent social function it was decided to organize a banjo and inun doin club. As we have a number of amateurs who are considered crack pi riormers on these instruments there is no renson why wo can not have a lifst-cluss musical organization of this nature in this place. THANKSGIVING NOTICE. From tho Rogue River Fish Co. he sure and engage your turkeys, ducks and geese- early to soeure something nice. Olympia oysters for dressing. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In tho county court of tho state of Oregon for tho county of Jackson. In tho matter of tho estate of ls:ne V. Stlmson, deceased. Notlco Is horoby glvon that Wil liam R. Stlmson, oxocutor of tho es tate of Isaac P. Stlmson, deceased, has presented and filed for settle ment In tlio above ontltled court and matter his first and final recount and report of tlio administration of said estivto: and that Saturday, tho 18th day of Decombor, 1009, at tho hour of U o'clock p. nt. of said day Is tho time and tho chambors of satd court at tho courthouso In Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon, Is tho plnco appointed and fixed by ordor of tho jttdgo of tlin abovo otttltlod court for hearing of objections to said nccount nud roport and for tho settlement thereof. All porsons' lntorostod In snld es tato aro horoby notified that all ob jections to snld final account or any Item thoroof must bo filed on or bo bora tho dato nnd tlmo liorolu ap pointed for hearing and sotUoniont, ns aforesaid. Dato of thj first publication horoof Is tho 15th day of November, 1909. WILMAM R. STIMSON, Executor of tho Estnto of Isnno P. Stlmson, Doceasod, W. E. PHIPPS, Attorney. 10 RING TONIGH I SOUTH PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE NORTHERN DEAD. RATON ROt'OK, La., Nov. l,". May-aehtisett and Louisiaua .joined hamU today iu paying trihttte to hands today iu paying honor to tho memory of the Holdiern from tho northern ntrite.i who lost their lives during the civil war. Governor Snndera of Louisiana and Governor Draper of MnsHaohtiHott.s participated in the ceremonies inci dental to the "Kay Slate" unveiling a monument to hor dead. Four hundred confederate vetcrnna Kave the "Rebel yell" at the unveiling. Nona:. Tho LadloH Aid of tho Presbyterian church will meet on Tuoaduy after noon at 2:30 o'clock at th rnanfw. All members aro urged to bo prefiont. 205 FOR SALE We offer until Novem ber 17, 1009( a half interest on the whole of the only unplatted ncrcage tract in the very hoart of the fast est growing district of Medford; contains 5'2 acres; will plat 32 val uable lots; is only l1.' blocks from pavement on Oakdale avenue, North; is actually worth over $13,000; we will sell a half interest for $3230, on BREAKFAST SPECIALS Post Toasties, per package 10c Dr. Price's Food, per package 10c Korn Kinks, per package , 5c Violet Oats, per package i.5o Columbia Oats, per package c?o Wheat Hearts (sterilized) , per package 25c Olympia Pancake Flour, per package 25c Violet self-raising Buckwheat Flour, per pkg..l5c These and others may be had at the REX GROCERY CO. M M. HFRMAN. HERMAN BROTHERS Dealers in HARNESS, SADDLES, ROBES, WHIPS, TENTS, WAGON COV ERS. HORSE BLANKETS, ETC. All. ds of c tstom work and repairing done on short notice. 317 East Seventh Street MEDFORD, OREGON The Best Thing in Oregon that First National Bank of Medford and that bank fully indorses the following, which is copied fro m the Pacific Banker: "Whsi bankers fully appreciate their responsibilities to the community in whieh they live, and keep steadily 1 trustees of the depositors' nmnev, they will not be en gaged in financing speculative ven tures, whether they bo oil or gas schemes, mining ventures, cement un derwritings, trolley roads, office build- in irs or land booms." GROWELL, Pres. DEUEL, Vice Pres. Savoy Theatre Tonight THE WIDOW A Merry One. THE TRAPPERS-lntcnsely Thrilling, A WOMAN'S WIT Comedy Drama. TONIGHT IS DISH NIGHT. the whole for .f 0500 i this U certain ly lite greatest quick money maker iu Medford today, all u.ihIi; romoiu her this is only a very fow rodn from tlio aristocratic bungalow ad dition. Telephone Main Jlr;. Call at residence, 81f .Mala , (root. Hum. phrey. 20,' LOST A bunch of keys. Leave at this office and roceivo rowurtl. 1!0T FOR rtENT Two nlro front roonni, 107 Second, B cor. Front. 30 FOR SAU4 Good 80 noroi for sale iu a fine fruit district 13 miles bo low GrnntH Fuss, six miles front Merlin. This SO acres is on a conn ly road, on a F. R. I), route and on a telephone line, ono mile from school house, good deep soil, good neighhrohood, 1200 apple nud peach trees set out Inst spring, water for irrigation near orchard. I'nce $5000. My home is on North 10th street. W. J. St urges, L. I). (113, Grants Pass, Oregon. 203 FOR SALK Fine, nearly new 7-room bungalow, 4 oloaots, hath and pan try, lot 30x132; sightly gilt edge lo cality; with or without furniture. The best bargain in residence pro perty in Medford. Terms. 10 Ross Court. Owner. 200 FOt'JJD -A child's white coat. In (ptire nt this office. 20 i i C. II. HERMAN. is the ALFORD, Cashier CRAWFORD Asst. Cash. ONE DIME i