Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 14, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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    'W IMP1"
Coiimrf from Pfti 3
I rules unit regulations plnoed in the
front of ench volume nnd govcrhing
the drawing out of books, nud urg-
"Uoorentions for Girls," Linn nud winter's Iiovtlo of unt, attest the do-
to Understand
ftKht with which they toko up their'
work, while tlio squirrels cut from
The Qtoo club of tho University of tliom, thus nvoiding surprise umi
Oregon Is booked for ono of their dissatisfaction when fines are ehurg-
. . 'i...o'cd for tho non-return of hooks with-
poDtilar cohcortB nt tho opera houo ..... .. .. r , . .,
1 u in the tunc limit for keepimr them
during tho annual holiday tour lu AjS lho ,lnys Rt)W si,ortcr nml
Dccomber. tlio evenings about the home fireside
linrinr Ihiuror. nmni limn im tin
The Indies of tho Christian church voted to rending nnd it is hoped that
mot in allday sosslon Wcduesdny, the library will prove of great use
November 10, at tbo homo of Mra ' the community. Tho division of
, . .. ... n, , recent fiction has been enriched by
Benjamin Gatnett. 211 Olson street. of mMxy
to poriect arrangements for their Among tu0 most Cauerly sought vol
church fair So bo held at tbo Tabcr-mnes nre. nTj,e Spo'ilers," "The
naclo November 18, 19 and 20. At BnrrjCPw nml inrt,lcr,' )V Hoy
noon of the last day. Saturdry. allench; A Ijiuly of Qnaijtv' uw
tturkey dinner will be served to(Tho Shuttle," by Frances Hodgson
which tbo ladles arc Inviting thojRuruetl. 1Iolv Orders," "The Firing
frlonds of their church. Light re- Lino nil(1 :Tno Kcckoiiiiip," bv
frcshments will bo served tho two Chnmbcrs: "ifr. Carewe's Career." bv
preceding days of tho fair. The la- Winston Churchill. Tho tales of Rosa
dies present at Mrs. Gamott s wore: M c.,r0 Hn,llh Conner and George
Adelia Heard.
"Harpers' How
i.M :..!..) n,.i
ontty request that patrons read the. ' . -V MeHianirs for Amateurs," w,,Uo ml,ur UV mounted on fresh
same oarefully and comply with n . ... r llonkins.
-TV Soil," li. 11. Bailey.
"Uncle Sam's Soldiers." Austin.
"Practical Physiography," Pair
"Tho American (Jills'
Hook." Heard.
"Tho American Hoys'
Hook." Heard.
"Career of Danger and Daring," i jms(,f
.m0'1.' t ...... i I,..,. t r .....,! Miss llurmdu seemed fully us
sheets of contrasting oolor, shows
the observer another form of kin
dergarten activity. Avunity of pur
pose nnd-desien runs through ovury
lluudv l,m,Ml uo 'oss,m ,u,d tlio variety
of treatment prevents fatigue, while
Handy cultivating habits of neatness, order
and encourages the child to express
Robert Louis '
. .... i ,
Stevenson. ;iPl.v s JH young cnurgos ami
' i brings to her work, not only knowl-
Any one who is interested in, edge of tho great principles on which
studving the development of the mind wrk is founded, but a certain
of the healthy, normal, growing child 1 ,l"'LY Swo of manner that bespeaks
may spend a pleasant morning in
the private kindergarten, 1001) West
Main street, with Miss Arra Har
mon, the teacher, and a group of
l!(lli mux vol inn Viiimi- In inlir llli
public school, but who-p activity and,"'1 'bcrof his young friends Fri
a love for little ohildreu, and is sure
passpovt to their coutideiuo r...d af
fection. Master Carter Hrandon enterlain-
Mosdamcs Coffeno, Irwin, Morrill, llarr McCutchoon also go out as mental ouetionings are demanding i ,a-v voninp at the spacious home of
riei, 4-vieisner, a. uooinson, .wmaru, soon ,,s tloy ro brought in
Soely. Hd Itoblnson, Mlzner
Misses Turnoy and Bcntley
more satisfaction than that which . his "V0 "ml m,,,t' . Dr "!M! Mw- H-
Wliil mnnv nt n.o. nr., mi iii m. i.mcv ..mii,..r nm. in n. hnnm l'lcuei. at .(in west .Main Hi reel.
most recent publications, they are The kindergarten idea is that of th
each and all distinctly worth while ' .Wolnmnnnt nt fh of -IrSJ Lnura Dodge ot Norlh Da-
Dr. R. K. Galo Is nbsanl on a two'.-f ,, i.n ni nlmtniv l,n.l i..ici,m 1 !,. ,.i,;i.i i..,.,..i. .,...w .....if ,'.i..vwikota, accompanied by her sou, Paill
weeks' business trip to Po-tland and nm opportunity to peruse them. The that relate him to' the marvelous , n" her mother. Mi-s. Paul, nre g
North B:nd. juvenile section has many new stor- world of nature and teach him t
ios of adventure and tales of college work hnrmonioudy with his fellow-;.
Tho friends or u. u. reaenck ,if0 llmt arc both fonuative in their. Specific instruction is not aimed at
ai uie .icrncK nomc. .urs. iougo is
siter-iu-law of Mrs. Merrick.
gathered nt tlo nome or J. w. bio-j influence and entertaining at the
dor of Vft Med ford Thursday eve- sme ,;mc while philosophienl and
nlng and gayo him a very pleasant sociological subjects are rostricJed
surprise. The evening was spout la lo ver. few volumes, the work
gom end I. "Wolf rendered fine ( f0ml the shelves aroj to Some de
muslc on tbo graphophono. At 10 groc j0 bo regarded ns representa
cVtoek o-t'rs were served, and all tiv. Many works on elementary
ndjourned to their homos having j science, written in a style that up
sp-rt a very qajoyable evening. Those penis to lay readers, avoid the ue
pr-son wre: Mr. and Mrs. I. Wolf, ' f unnecossnry and cumborsome
r-. and Mrs. Dan Duff, Mr. and Mrs. technicnl phrases and provide whole
Gus Lawrontr, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. some food for thought. On tho
and the acquiring of information in
mnnv snbieets is the reflex influ
A surprise birthday supper for
Miss Inn Cochran was given by Mrs.
once of the groat educational prin-.J. H. Cochran nt the pleasant Coch
eiple of Frofbel. the exponent of kin-. ran home. '2W South Riverside nvc
donrirton methods. ,nue, on Thursday evening, Xovmnbor
The spbject of the lessons this 11. The guests were a few of Miss
week was "The Squirrel mid the, Inn's intimnte schoolgirl friends. th(
Trees." and after the morning greet- Misses Ray Curry, Ivy Hoeok, Ruby
intrs the children )layel gnnios in Hnrkc, Kthel llncliiirg and Hrnn
which they were squirrels, hopping Roberts,
from trees and were fed nuts from
the hands of other children, who! fhe junior omas of the high school
Tonight's hill nt the Stvoy onuntots
of three of the latest and best fen
Hire filuif) produced tht week, n pro
grammo (lint ouuuot be beat for the
"The Widow" is a clever, consist
ent comedy full of laughs front Mutt
to finish, one of tho host mirthmuU
ers of the year. "Hy n Woman'
Wit" is u comedy-drama full of in
tense moments and sparkling with
humor. This picture nlono is worth
the price of admission. Pntho's lat
est film d'nrte, "Tho Trappers," a
most powerful drama, is port rayed by
some of thu greatest actors of
Franco in u most excellent manner.
The scenic arrangements nnd color
ing of this story nre beyond the
power of description. You have to
see to appreciate. Ore dime.
(United I'h'hm I.civhoiI Wlie I
To he ceitnlli that the gruvo of the
Into I'Mward II. Hariiniaii in visited
nightly by night wntehnicn at spe
cific times, the widow of the "Wix
urd" has caused lo be placed at the
tomb n lime clock which records the
time of the watchmen's nightly vis
lis. ! The clock is inspected by a mem
ber of the llariimaii family each day
to ascertain that hone of the watch
men were derelict in their duly.
! The body of llarnmiin is inclosed
by walls of granite, nnd the opening
is sealed with 18 inches of the saui"
material. It is not believed that
ghouls will try to steal the body,
lint prepariitions ore being made to
J'orestnll any such attempt. The
(United Ph-NH I.ohmoiI wire)
SACUAMKN'TO, Oil.', Nov. ill, ...
The climiitCH of (lie slate hoard of
health and lho stale superintendent
of public ii t is ( nt ft i mi nearly ngiee on
lho population of Calll'oruiii. 'flic
estimates were prepared separately.
Prom data taken from lho stthool
census, the population of California
is estimated lo he L'.OIH.'iil.'l person
by Superintendent llyntl. The con
clusions of the slate board of health
are that it is 'J,0;I7,H2II persons.
hike pineapples? The finest ones
you over saw nt the Rex Grocery
Co. for only fill cents each. They
weigh five nlid mx pounds apiece.
tomb is visited twice each night by
the watchmen.
A woman is never well dressed until
her feet are well dressed
Tho Rod Croca
Tanning i'rocon;.
Tke MllMlr talc ll
Unard In in cl';
t.-IJi uwd is hum '
lUHiInf I-uci l J .tin
IS lmf . T h 1 1 ll
rb MJmim tku lKt
kal Mid tiT. 'f
l'.f 4i4
fht RtJ ClKH "!t ii
Warner, Mrs. Will Knlpps, William whole, Ihe library is well adapted tojwercnot squirrels: they sang motion sought expression for ehtss spirit
Howard and daughter, Ethel, the (be iccds of the general render, nud 'songs, embodying the idou of souir- and roorontion from the arduous du
M!sses W?bb, Dora Laurtz, Sarah fts the demand for more books in-jrelC hanjiit'es in the freedom of hU ties of school studie by giving a
Jovnson, John and Richard Webb, crcnses it is being liberally met. To wild life nud his desire to osenjm party Friday evening at tho Comjiior
WIHIe Pdolo, D. O. Fredorick. he of use to a community nnd serve captivity. Tho dramatic, which cial club rooms. Refreshments 'of
jits-best ends a public library must i strongly unpen Is to a young child's chocolate cake, pickles and snnd-
Jfrs. T E. Merrick of the Greater, be a growing element in the town nntl vivid imagination, is emphasized in wiches were served. The follnwinir
iroH "''' nnd Mrs. Fred Colvig,
oily librarian, were kept very busy
'in tho citv hall Fridny afternoon at-
, tdie to the wants of. patrons of
, the librnr' nud nrranging. classify-
IMuIIm -tif . . . ..d
l im iwitwi Tun Mum
Such h the decree of Fnahion nnd
much foot sufTcrini', hns been the reuu'e.
You may believe aa njnny other women
have that you have to sacril'.cc connort
to est ntyle. You don't. You c:j get
both in ths cane ahce.
Conic in i. nvatul let via show you the
Rd Cro& whvxi.
The Rc:5 Or jr. ntylcs 'for Fall will
pleaSa the r.-rrr.t critic! tunte. Tl:e ex
tremely -t r.ppent nrco they p.iva your
foot ronlta hem strikingly u tracUvc.
You will beftson'a nowc t mx'.elB;
the still ulutcr dfecitt; the newtep;
the hifther Itecitt dflintily nhuixxl ; the
rich tones in dull leather.
nd yon w"l f U h ltd Cier Shot '.)
lou'. cwtUciaUa tb mcuroot jptm pot it .
It in not Okj Hap cf the KnJ Ctww luc
that makca it ao eaajr to waik Uu T.-id ty
th ri..ul Ij-J CrOM PMCf, -Uk solo t llc
bt. it Uent! vv. our foot. Yotl omi eltct ny
uU yio pni. i n...J wmf It rtgtu out of lb ctoie
Cunvo l.i u' .tad Ut vo ftt yon
. Oi'widt mid $4.00.
IU Miudi iul W.
the addition of books must be the'irinnyw nj"s. The happy, benming were presont: Ixde Kubank, (lene
resalt of selection based on the do-!fjicc of the little people as thov are vieve Wortinan, Alum Ooiild. Slarv
velonmeut of public taste. Lseated around the hwv kindergarten Qoro, Dora Smoek, Mabel Thomas.,
The books added thi$ week arc: table, in smnll chairs, a stick of Memie Swnn, Lillian Pierce, .Mildred
"The Millors nnd Their Now .chocolate wrapped in paper to pro- Genring, Opal Daley, Miss MoDi-r-
irnr nnd eninloiruinir n shinment. of .Home." Clara D. Pierson. tect chubby fimiers. drawing the tree mott, Vernon Ourrctt, Carl Hum-o .,
4 new books just received. The Indies I "Roberta and Her Brothers," Alice with its branches and tho knot hole Charles Cooler, Albert Rowell, Hen
2V bends vith your foot
is ish to call especial nttention to the j Ward Bailey.
j into which Mr. Squirrel drops his Forbes, Mr. Hull.
"The Fo6t Fitter"
.-. i HHHHIbS UHLh IbL bLLIbIb vRV wbbIbt bLVLIbbbbb
1 I"
r'F11111'1 11" .1 ' "
fit in' am lin MibIbWUbi i i ..."
and they will lead you to where you can get "the best ROUGH 2nd
FINISHED LUMBER, the Finest Shingles, or ii you pref er "MIKADO"
Rubber Roofing, the Most D .rable "Hairtibre" Piaster or Portland
Cement, in fact they lead you to where you can get Everything
Necessary to build a house, with the exception of the hardware,
from the basement lo the roof, in other words they lead you to the
"4. Jit
bV LV b r ILbIb BBPBL '