TOE H3F0RD MAfL 'lMttttWOT, MflOTOKK). OREGON. SUNDAY, NOVWMHKK H, 1001). M edfordMailTribune A coiiHOliilntion of tlio Mcdfard Mall. estnblishud ISS!); the Southern Oro- gnntnn, established 1002; tliu Detnocmtic Times', established 1872;Jtho Ash-4 Im.d Tribune. cstnblllied 1S00. nn.i '"OCT poqsnquiw 'otmnUj. nffii'inl Pnpor f tlx Citv of Mpdi'onl. Oeouge Pt'Tjam. Editor nnd Innnvor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One yenr, liy mail . S"i.00 Ono monlb .by ninil or onrrier "HINC ILLAE LACHRYMAU." ,o.r.o tesmanship. Mr. Stephen Jewell, county . toxxtlxvvn Oregon demands more than mviilar leUors, jture is printed in the Grants Pass pamph- ,t,0 htu toothpicks garden seeds and photographs, e attractions of the locality to induce im- i Tt1 w f & " wlw W1 jmo"t men 8 into print with a letter, that he sent to wl" T""80 thfc 8! ol Oregon as well as Portbnc Down in Josephine county a wonderful discovery has "been made. It is not m mining or fruit growing, but. in the realm of statesmanship. Mr. Stephen Jewell, county judge, whose pictur 1 Jets as one of th migration, rushes into pr loth the Oregouian and Journal. The reason for the Avriting of the letter is Senator La toilette's speech at Grants Pass. The retiring modesty of this distinguished county judge grasps the occasion to inform the people of Oregon that he has been telling the people of Oregon for twenty years the same things that La Follcttc told them. Think of it, ye voters of Oregon, and the horror of it all! A gentleman has been dinning into the ears of the citizcrs of Josephine county for twenty years a statement of facts that, made by La Follette on the floor of the sen ate, aroused the nation and divided his party L But after twenty years of reiteration in Josephine county we hear of not a single "arouse" or "divide." This might be taken as showing a great disparity be tween this genius of. Josephine and the statesman trom Wisconsin. But it is not. It simply illustrates the per versity and selfishness and lack of patriotism of the peo nln nf flint, nmmf.v. For twcutv vcars thev hare been receiving a message containing information that La Fol lette, Cummins and Dolliver have just recently discov ered, and have refused to even whisper to their nearest neighbors the name of their great teacher and reformer who was wearing out his life in reiterating to an unappre ciative people the great thoughts that a nation only needed to hear to understand and applaud. It is not to be doubted that when this noble and self sacrificing soul heard the applause that greeted the Wis consin senator, when he spoke in his own town, coming from people that paid half a dollar to hear what had been poured out to them for twenty years for nothing, he must Jiave wept copiously with bitter tears at the ingratitude of his own people. There can be but one explanation of the attitude of tho people of Josephine county. By keeping secret the teach ings of this great man they hoped to keep him to them selves for his life, when, if they made his presence known, lie would be taken away from them to serve the state, to be made governor, congressman and senator. Now the gentleman himself lias divulged to the world the well-kept secret, Josephine county cannot hope to keep him long. The state or nation will be calling to him (If not, why the publishing of the same letter in both of Oregon's great daily newspapers?) La Follette will be Veleerated to the rear as a nlaeiarist and mutator of Stephen Jewell, who is proclaimed by Stephen Jewell him self as his superior m statetsmansnip, patriotism and ability. d Some might wonder but it cannot be--if this is the same Stephen Jewell who attended a convention of county judges, called by themselves, 'and offered a resolution de clarinir that the county courts of the various counties should pay their expenses that is, that when the gentle men returned home they should vote themselves money from the county treasury to pay the expenses of their Mt tie excursion. talk, pitied, our conditions and left for Portland. This is the extent of the delegation's Jnbors in behalf the dear people of southern Oregon. This superb ag gregation has had its time taken up learning what Porl ' uul wants. Is it any wonder the people want a new state ? Northern California is precisely in the same predicament, and also clamoring for the new state. At no distant day the people will demand a new condi tion of affairs. Such a rich empire as southern Oregon and northern California will not tolerate to he unrepre sented at Washington many years longer1. The people are already awakened to the fact that the present delegation is cither useless or indifferent at Washington. Southern Oregon demands more than circular letters, 1 AT THE CHURCHES i Strangers' Sunday Homo. J Haptist ohuroh, llov. Dr. pyor will preneh at 11 oVIoi'k nnil llov. .1. I., lUii'klor of C'ontnil Point will pruitcli in i ho evomni. All mo invito! to nttonil. Christian Science. Christian Soionoo sorvioos nvo hold every Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock in tlio Commercial club mom. Subject of tlio lostioii-fionnon for No vember I I, "Immortal and Mor tals." All are welcome. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. DO gets its due share of public appropriations, men who will not sit supinely by and see Coos Bay and Crater Lake pass ed up without a protest, but men who can and will deliver the goods. A SEAT OF LEARNING. Medford could be the home of a great university. The conditions are ideal. Not a school for the scions of the' rich and the profligate, but for those who earnestly seek for higher education as a means of moral and intellectual culture. The attractive part ot the proposal is that students would find work in the orchards during three months of the year that would enable them to pay the greater part of their expenses. This wouKl supply the orchardists with a high class of labor, and help solve what will be when we have fifty thousand acres of orchard in bearing, diffi cult to obtain. i - The local labor supply will be alwavs insufficient to fill the bill and the necessary supply must be found in an 'in- ettu-ient class that must be imported for that purpose. me scliool year could be made to begin at the close of the harvest of the apple crop, and end when it bctrins. Several veal's ago two young men started in a small war a private school at Valparaiso, Ind., which, without am, nas grown to a university with an enrollment of five thousand students. 3 is a school without holidays or secret societies, where education and maintenance could be obtained cheaper than 'any part of the country. The opportunity is here for a like undertaking. Christian Church. I Sunday there will bo the followit'jr services: Uiblo school at 10 a. in.;' ; morning worship' at It; subject, "The 'Now Testament Church at Work"; C. ' K. nt G:30 and evening service at' 7:30; evening subject, "The Great est Hook in the World nnd How to! Study It." Everybody welcome. W. t Theo. Matlock, pastor. ! YOU KNOW Mcdford, Oreoo: ThN certifies 'hat we hnve. sold Mall's Teicns Won. dor for the euro f all kidney, bind le and rheinnntic troubles for ton yenns, nnd Iimyc nexer had n com. )nint. It gives qiiiuK and permanent reh'of. 00 days' trentm'ent in ench bot tle. Mcdford Pharmncv. That Christmas will soon be here and as usual some little member of your family will want Prepaid Raliroao Orders, "oniothing which fs of consider- viiown is the systom of prcpnid or ' interest to the public gonerully tod which i nrhnp not penornllj Irrs now in effect between ttntioiiF f tlio Southern Pacific eompunj ind nil pointrt in the United States By moans of tins Hystom tickets mnv e purchased nt Mcdford from an nice in me united btatcs nuu mini d or telegraphed direct to the part vising to oomo here. Sleeper no MmrtnoduthniB and small amounts of )itrh in connection with theso ticketi- iia) nifco b- farwnrWed At th tun And you will want to get it for them. Well we want to sell that doll to you. The Swellest line of Dolls Notice. THE SHADE TREE CAMPAIGN. EITHER IMPOTENT OR INDIFFERENT. Southern Oregon's delegation seems to the people of southern Oregon to have gone to seed, to be worn but or needing spraying badly. It seems very evident it is inspir ed with the belief that Portland is Oregon. The recommendations of the chief engineer of the army for appropriations is an eye-opener to all of southern Ore gon. It simply tells its own story either our delegation is ignored at Washington or the delegation ignores he people. Neither senator has demed this vast empire worthy of their presence since eoufrross adjourned. Senator Bourne, who owes Ihb election to southern Oregon, has been busv "getting evs" with his enemies in, Portland, with no time or inclination to Yisit his section. A'll the people know f him is learned through flie press and his n8 ambition scorns to be putting up his fences f ! re-elec- ' Our Goorgfi, who also owes his election to southern Ore jjoit has found time to exhibit his'' popularity by presiding "jfl: & few eastern Oregon baby shows, but not a minute cM bo spared to visit or inquire into the wants of south ern Qrogpn. ' Mr. H&wley, our congressman,-discovered us long UQUf-l1 to make a ""What I have done" and "vote-for-me" All honor to theladies of Medford. In making a success, of their tree planting campaign. i.1 ! . . I . ' - uiey are aomg more to make Medford the city beautiful tnan was ever done by anyone before. ine nearty co-operation of every property owner should be forthcoming, and for those so lacking in public spirit that they refuse co-operation, the city'council should pass a law making it compulsory, and providing a lien ugaiuai, uie yiuyuviy io cover expenses, so tnat non-resi dents' premises will be beautified as well as residents'. After the trees are planted, supervision must be exer cised to see that they are cared for, and uniformly trim med. This also may require an ordinance. vuijv dm, uiuu umuiu unu norse (Uiesinut are tlie va rieties the forestry bureau recommends as shade trees f or Medford, and in order to secure the best effect, each street should be uniformly planted with one variety. No one property owner should attempt to mar the general effect by insisting on some special variety in front of his own bungalow, but all should unite and work together for a city beautitui. The W. C. T. U. will hold theii resular weekly meeting at the Hnp tint church on Thurpdny afternoon at 3 o'olock. Until further notitce the time will be 3 o'clook inutend of 2:20 as formerly. TAXllEBWST AMI FURRIER Sead ynr trtphiti to wo for wiount in;. Big gasaa heads, fish, birds and majruuftla taoauted trse to nature by improYed Methods. I do tanning, make fur ntfl, make, remodel and clenn fur garMoats. Express and mail or 1 A 1 1 tiers uroBiptiT attencea to. C. M. HARRIS, 40S Waahineto Btrt, Portland, Or. Telephone Hain 3(100. GROUPING PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Mcdford' expects in the near future a federal building, a county courthouse and a public library. It would add much to the appearance if these buildings could bo grouped at the same 'street intersection. The time to prepare for this is now. It would be profitable in the end if some arranagement could be made by the Commercial club to secure such sites while the same could be had. An appeal to Mie public spirit f the owners of such j. i.i i. i i i ii i i ... sues rouiu De sunicient uououess -to nave such sites, re tained for a reasonable time far silch purposes. Or, if necessary, an orffannsatien could be effectctd to raise funds to secure and hold the same for such purposes. WE DONT BELIEVE YOU CAN BEAT f HIS: Thirty-two acreH in this trnct, fine fruit land, about two miloK from n shipping point. The buildingH eonmst of n five-room box house, L'ood-yizcd bntw, etc. There are 12 ncres qf h nnd fl-yenr-old ap ples, mostly Newtowns, with com mercial peachen plnnttd between ar fillers. 'AIfo three acres of young pear trees and some family orchard. Four acres in alfnlfn. Rix or eit'ht nores of timber, most ly oak nnd laurel. There is u pumping plnnt on the place which Riipplies wnter far the garden and nlfnlfa, equipped with gasoline engine. Abeut 40 rids Jrem a (rood school, fins rural atail de livery and jelehoiie. Price $10,589. Terns. W. T. YRRK & CI. ever shown in Medford will be on sale here to morrow And every person who buyji a doll here tomorrow and will mention this ad we will girt a discount of . 10 pfer ceiit. Tkis means a sating of from 10c to $1.00 on our regular prifce which are now about one third lest thm any other store in the city. Come in tomorrow and I! see the doll , display at OUR NEW DEPOT. The announcement of the Southern Pacific that it will erect a new depot is gratifying. .But along with the new depot snouiu go a cliange m the railroad yard. .Nothing mars the beauty of the city more than the dingy warehouses and long lines of freight ears that are strung along through the middle of the city. lurking the railroad depot grounds will adU much toJ appoawtnees, but this will be marred with long lines of red, yellow'and black cars in the backgrounds, if the side tracks and warehouses are to remain whqrc they now are. First-lass Ladies' aad ants' Bootblack ' PaHdrs NOW READY FOR BUSINESS. WATCH FOR' THE RED LIGHT V. W. Hiward, ' Const Champion Bootblaok, Prop. 0 S. CENTRAL AVBNUEt HUS SEY'S The Busy Store Notice ! . Don't fail to see the Sterling Mounted Shell Jewelry I .have just received Martin J. Miy THE JEWELER Ifcar P. O. M. If. 11 Kit MAN, C. II. HERMAN. HERMAN BROTHERS Dealew: in HARNESS, SAIDLES, ROBES, WHIPS, TENTS, WAGON COV ERS, HORSE BLANKETS, ETC. AD kinds f uasrotn work and repairing do)io on shout notice. 317 East Sovmth Street MEDFORD, OREGON MR