Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 12, 1909, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical society
City Hall
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Receiving -flieir Papers Promptly Will Confer "at .Great- Favor by Notifying :' the Office ''M0nc&'
Tonight nnd Saturday
Clear, cooler; frost.
Thursday -High 48, low
30, range, -10.
.Full Leased Wire Report.
United Press Association.
The only pnpor lit. the.,
rorld published in h city
tho size of Medford hav
.ng a leased wire. ri ,
No. 203.
Superintendent Kelly of Trail Hatch
ery 'Prepares Large Shipment
r of Eggs to Be Planted In
Mouth of Rogue.
Miners Declared Spokane Unfair to Labor Because D,sPatch From Hood mver Sflys
nf Un vtu a nriinn i, iwi, That Secl,on Cannt Compete
2,000,0000 EGGS WILL BE
Chamber of Commerce. BaGks up
City Authorities.
for Carload Sweepstakes, as
Rules Are Changed.
Last Year Approximately 1 ,000,000
Fish Eggs Were Planted The
'Number Is Doubled.
SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 12.-- of n citizens' alliance to quell tho In-
Spokane has been boycotted by tho dustrinlists. They also voted nearly
local union of the Western Fedora- n.1 "S"1 dollars to assist tho Na
i:, , ... e -n , T1 , tional Guard intense it is sent to
tion of Minors of Burke, Idaho, as aid tho poHce .
unfair to labor, because of its fight j The ietltiors ea;m that thero arc
against tho Industrial Workers of 20,000 men ready to help tho Work
tho World. . ers in their fight, nnd that they arc
US U Kelly, Jr., superintendent ot yiu vu uuopieu u reso-, prepared to ngnt tor a wnolo year
the United States hatchery on iution s"i"g oil trade to tho en-'ii necessary to win out. Five hun
1?oguo river near Trail, has prepared tiro Co0lir d'Alcno mining district drcd men arc reported to have loft
a shipment of 000,000 snlmon eggs, AloI. opuivune, wmcn norcioioro nas umcngo lor Spokane
which will go forward Friday night botm tllu distributing point for tho
and will be planted in the mouth of "e"til' region.
ttogue river. During the wintor this Reports reached here today that
iiuuny iuuu miners in iNortiiorn
Local Fruit Men JDo Not See How
Rules Could Have Been Changed
This Late in the Day. -
number will be increased to 2,000,
000, which will ho double tho num
ber planted last year.
The eggs aro in a splendid condi
tion this year, according to Mr.
Kelly. They will go forward Fri
, day night by way of Portland, catch
ing the steamor thero Saturday. They
nrc to be planted in the very mouth
of tho Iioguo. .
miners m
Washington nnd British Columbia
aro also ready to assist the Indus
trial Workers. -Information
disclosed last night
wns that tho Spokane chambor of
commorco and tho booster club had
both voted favorably to tho forming
HOOD iayER, Of, Nov. 12.
Hood River cannot compoto'at tho
Spoknno applo show this year for
tho grand prlzo offered for tho car-
Illlbons ' nnvniis nrnpnor1iiina urn
being instituted today in more than Iond npi),eB of n BlnfJl0 vrloty and
u score of cases whoro Industrialists grown from a slnglo orchard. C
aro charged with disorderly conduct II. Sprout, ono of the largest applo
for speaking, growers in Hood Alver valley, had
iuio rnoy itogers- nnu juoore, boen p,aanns to ontcr a
wuuiiBci nn inu iiujmisuiiuii men, are
a car of Spit-
taking their cases direct to tho sit'
perior court, declaring thoy nro un
able to got justice before Municipal
Judge Mann.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
OMAHA,, Nob., Nov. 12. A mo
tion for a now trial is being argued
today by the attorneys of fivo men
who were convicted last night of
holding up the Cleveland limited last
May. '
Tim rnnv5ntflfl mon nri Willi. im
Matthews, Fred Torgenson, Daniel Ladles -of Greater Medford Club In
Downer, Frank Qrigswaro nnd Law
rence Golden. The men hail from
Colorado, Washington nnd Idaho.
If the motion is ovorrulcd, tho man
probnbly will bo sentenced late today.
Each man is liable to a sentence of
lifo imprisonment.
(United Press Leased 'Wire.)
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 12.--Famous
physicians from points
throughout the country are in at
tendance today at the final sessions viewed many
terview Business' Men and.Re
ceive Words of Encouragement.
of the American Academy of Modi
cino. One of tho main events of tho
day was a conforonco on tho subject
of prevention of infant mortnlityi
In order to learn what the various
citizens of Medford think of thoir
plans Jor beautifying tho streets of
the cit by planting shadp treos on
tho various streets tho ladies of tho
Greater Medford cljub have iater-
promlnont business
Aiken Ctmes Down for Visit and Re
ports Schoolhouso Ready for
S, S. Aiken of- Prospect, who was
in, Medford Friday, roporlu that tho
now schoolhouso at that place Is now
finished, and to the entire- (satisfac
tion of the directors and p:.lrons of
tho district.
Tho contractors, Lyon & Lyon of
Medford, Mr. Aiken states, hnvo dono
an exceptionally good pleco ot work,
, The etructuro is 40x40 feet In size
and is divided into two rooms. Ac
present only ono room will T) used,
men with tho following results:
Tnl.i T . U . mi. 1
- uuilll , lilt, lUUVUinUIH IB
a most worthy one. Prominent ex
amples in other cities are Sherbrooko
avenuo In Montreal and Euclid ave
nue in Cleveland. Nothing adds more
to tho attraotlvoness of a city. By
all means continue the work,
J. A. Tornoy: Tho plantirg of
trees is secondary only la Importance
to street paving. A thousand dollars
spent in properly planting shade
trees will Increase tho population of
tho city 1000 a year.
J, E. Enyart: Ono of tho finest
propositions over brought boforo tho
residents of Medford. It should have
started years ago under proper su
pervision. J, D. Olwoll: The best advertise
ment Medford can have as bolng an
ideal residence town.
A. A. Davis: An excellent idea,
provided you guaranteo proper care
and supervision. Those trees will
need lots of water, Neglect them for
a short tlmoand they will die. By
all means beautify tho city in this
A. S, Rosenbaum: I am heartily
in favor, of tree planting. Passengers
zonborgs of 000 boxes' for tho Elliott
prize nnd sweepstakes.
Mr. Sprout had packed, his fruit
according to tho printed rules gov
erning tho pack and ma..nor of ?x
hlibtlon, which call for adhoronco to
the .follpwlng: ?AU ;jpnlos must bo
vrrnppcd whon received. Top layor
of apples in each box shall havo tho
wrappers removed after bolng placed
upon exhibition."
Mr. Sproat prepared to placo his
car pf commercially packed apples,,
with wrappers on, at tho pavilion of
tho Spokane ipplo show, tho wrap
pers then to bo romovod according to
tho printed rules.
Now tho Spokano management an
nounces that It has changed the rules
requiring applos to bo placed on ex
hibition wrapped, nnd that tho ex-
I ll 1 1 1 1 - n mn, itn.V Mini. - 1 . 1 . 1.
Tlio Southern Pacific has succeed- . . .
iv faw "HWFliViai l MUOU Til U WIIVU
Tunnel Cleared This Morning and
Train Schedule Will
Be Resumed
Trap is Sprung Promptly at' 12:30 Pitiful SGene
in Penitentiaty This Morning as Murderer's
Wife and Aged Mother Bid Him Good
Bye History or the Crime -
(Unltod Press Leased Wire.)
SALEM, Or., Nov. 12. -At 12:30
today James Anderson Finch, un at
torney at law, newspaper man and
politician of prominonco in Oregon,
Wns hanged by tho neck until dead'
at tho Oregon penitentiary for
shootinc to death ltnlpa Fisher In
his law offico at Portland on No
vember 28, 1908. Tho trajt was
sprung on time and Finch went to
moot his Mnkor.
Finch loft tho coll at 12:24W,
loft chapel at 12:25. At 12:28
was dropped and at 12:32 pronounc
ed dead just 3 minutes from tho
time tho trap dropped. This boatw
all Oregon -ronords by.oight tninutcH.
lusher had been nppointed bv the
Oregon Bar association to nrosoouto
disbannont procoodincrs ncainst
Finch for drunkenness nnd oondnnti
unbecoming to tho profession', nnd it
did not appear on tho trial that th'jrc
was any othor cnuso for fooling' u.o
tweon tho two men. Fisher1 was a
mnn of high character, a brother-in-law
of Senator T. B. Kay of Salem.
Tho dofonso made a stubborn Piiriit
to savo Finch to tho last hour, bring
ing his aged mother and wife to Sa
lem and besieging Governor Bonson
with petitions from .prominent mem-.
hers of the bar. Governor Benson
did nlmost nothing tho past wcok,
day and night, but consider docu1
nients bearing on tho enso and re
viewing the- cvidonco.
Ho wns sustninod in his final do
oiMirtn to not interfere with tho exe
cution of Fipeh by pistriot Attorney
Cnmoron, tho trial judgo, and tlio su
promo court of Oregon, that unant-
(Contlnued on pace 8.)
Chief of Engineering Department
. Makes Recommendations for
Various Amounts to Be
.. . Expended on Rivers.
Yellowstone Gets $150,000; Mt. Ra!-
nicr $125,000, But Southern Or
egon Park Is Neglected.
ml In riA(itlv flirt .ln1.HH At. l
" : . . advantngo ef tho later ruling will
by tho cave-In at Coram. Tho track
was opened Friday morning. -
Tho train sorvjeo from tho south
will again bo placed on schodulo aft
er tonight, when it Is believed that
14 and 1C will he soveral hours lato.
I Matters should bo normal Saturday.
havo apple- of a much moro hand
somo appearanco and also a closer
pack, and will mako much hlghor
Is It Cold Feet?
Tho nbovo dispatch Indicates that
oithor the Spoknno management Is
trying to "slip on on growors
from a distance, or that Hood IMvor
growers aro gottlng cold foot. Tho
Hoed River crop hns been short this
year, and it Is among tho possibili
ties that when tho time enmo to make
up tho car of applos for showV that
States That He Does Not Know
When He Will Go to Peni
tentiary With Other
Say That Attempt Is Being Made to
Discredit His Reign Death
Rumor to Test the
".'J;.. Public.
(United Frew Loaned Wire.)
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 12. -
Colonel W. L. Marshall, chiof of tho
Unit'ed States engineering depart
ment, in his annual report made pub-
lio today, rocommonds that 1,G(J0,
000 bo appropriated for tho improve-
tnont of tho mouth of the Columbia
rivor that $1,000,000 bo appropri
ated for work on tho Columbia river
botweon tho foot of. the Dalles rap
ids and tho hoad of tho Colilo Falls,
and that $315,000 bo appropriated
for tho improvement of Oakland hnr-
hnv. '
Among other important recom
mendations for appropriations af
fecting tho Pacific coast states -tre
tho following:
For San Luia Obispo harbor,
$100,000; for tho Columbia and
Lower Willamotto below Portland,
$175,000; for Pugot Sound nnd trib
utaries, $120,000; for tho Sau Joa
quin rivor, $35,'000 ; for the Sacra- 1
mento and Foather rivers, 30 000;
for tho Columbia rivor and n 'tr-.
jos abovo Colilo Falls to tlu ....itiftt
of Snake river, $00,000; for l!
nor portion of Gray's Harbor, .j
000; for tho Willamette river nU
but it la expected that both rooms
will bo necessity In a short time to on tll0 Southorn Pacific ought to see
accommodoto tho rapidly lncreaning rowa of treea on elther Bjde ot thom
number of pupua in tne district, rue i th(J tra,n come8 mto tho cUyt per.
building cost 2500 and is ono ot themanent resldont3 would bo attracted
most modem country echoolLouses jn jnjB wnji
In tho county. Jt F xiy: The town ought to
George A. Crain of Douglas coun- haVo shado tro08t No town necdB
ty has been cngsged to teact tho , troeB worBO than Medfo'rd lu summer
winter lorm, ana openea scnooi a law time. The city could not better spend 1
days ago. (Continued on pace f.)
Mrs. Urlnh Gordon, n woll known
pioneer lady of Flounce Rock, North
Roguo River, has rented ono of Mr.
Hafor's pretty --osidoncos on North
Jackson street and will movo at once
from her old homo of 50 years con- thoro wafm.t a flll, car of fr8t.claBS
unuous roaiuonco, wnoro sno can en- fruj jn tn0 vf.lley
jujr uu upprccmco vne many oicssings RoBe Rlver comuotltora have ro
ot cnurcii ana social wo our city at- Celved no notice ot a change In tho
scoring rules and have shipped thoir
exhibits in accordance with the rules
first published.
Kxcct to Hear,
"I am expecting a telegram either
this evening or tomorrow morning
from William Hookor, who wont to
Spokane with the Tronson & Guthrie
car," said J. A, Perry of tho Rogue
River Valley Fruit' Growers' union,
"nand if there Is anything in that
story ho will advise mo. I gave hlra
Instructions to wire me fully as to tbo
situation and the rules of competi
tion. Mr. Tronson la also with tho
such n radical change. If . this story
fords in her declining yeare.
Similar to Greater Medford Club and
Will Devote Its Ends to Im
provement of City.
(Mnll Tribune Special Service.)
CENTRAL POINT, Or., Nor. 12.
A number of ladles met Thursday car, and would naturally
afternoon in tho Commercial club
rooms for the purpose of organizing I la true It will, of course, affect tho
a ladles club. Aftor discussing tho 8Coro of our apples, but whother Jt
object aimoJ at It was decided to would affect it sufficiently to keep
name tho now organization the La- them out of tho competition or not I
dies Improvement club, the object of am uncertain."
which shall "ho to promoto the social "I am unable to see how tho rules
welfar of tho town and to encourago could bo changed at this lato dato,"
needed civic improvements. said J. E. Watt. "The entries closed
Mrs. Stella Fox was elected presl- a wtok ago Wednesday and woro
dent of tho now club, Mrs. Hattle based on tho published rulos. Changes
Hatfield chosen as vice-president, in the rules after entries had boen
Mrs. Josephine Kahler secretary and made in good faith would he Illegal,
Mrs. MlnnioPlnlqger treasurer. i should Judgo."
Portland and tho Yamhill rivor, $u0,-"
000; for tho canal at tho Columbia
rover betwodti VflliCdlivor mid thV
X,. . mouth of tho Willamotto, .WO.OOOs
(United Press Lead Wlr.l i NRW vnntf id tnl.i For Xollowstono Park. SlfiO.nfin- (
nar nc to flirht whnt M.nv mil n ,u. -i umiur muse, i-or
bollcal plot to discredit tho former f?"lru"LB?in,0P 0,1"
proslddnt'a reign by nn 'attompt to a.-Z tXJ. 7 - T":TL"1"'
ti ii ...... juuiuiuiv iiuKuibon cm .uuu.-
" ivuuDuyvu pruiucieu sugar, nnn n. . i '
tobacco nn,! nw.i, ,.., m. ".i 0o" Uw onguml rocommondntipns
Ohnrl.- J n nn . bY M,lh f" fortification
Tl,n -romnf nr,1 f t ,,, "uiuoi- HuiirovoraeniB.
wwwjv i 'Inn linti ttmat n it
rlonfh W lc ,lnnlnn,l !... """woo "1'1'iujujunuiia lor
" . , ; 7' a", " waterway improvement on tho Pa
foolor to boo how strong public son- Liri,. ooi - i 1, .
V ' "m ' IColumbitt rivor and tho lower Wli.
Inmntln. wlitnli
A NOW York nowsimnnr. ..innn.d bb-H "CMi:,y
" i n.i.ii iiii.iii ii i.
i i. - -1 11.. 1L. . .-,--,---.
io uo uiubo mo ino money power, nns
printed a pago nnd a half artlclo to I
show that Roooovelt protected the
sugar trust annd proyentcd Its pros
Tho "Interests" havo not much use
for tho sugar trusts. It la a closol
corporation and will ho sacrificed.
Everything 'known about It will bo
placed, at tho disposal of Attorney A. H. Miller Brings In Four Crates
Goneral Wlckorsham, so that It will
convention of labor today Samuol
Gompors, prosldont of tho labod body
saiu: .
"As to when wo aro going to tho
ponitcntlary I cannot say. Many noo-
plo havo said to us that wo won't go
to Jail. A number of these pooplo
said that Justice Wright would not
find us guilty, but ho did. Howovor,
I hnvo an abiding faith in our courts.
"I hopo tho courts will immortal
Izo thomsolvos by rehabilitating tho
principles of Magna Charta. I know
no case bo Important as thla oinco
tho civil wnr. I did not dofond tho
caso becatiBo I wanted to test tho
free speoch and freo press."
Gompors declares that tho court
made a cowardly evasion of the Is
sue, ''''WXU
Large Delegation of Shrlners Sig
nify Their Intention of Attend
ing Ceremonial.
fevory noble of the Mystic Shrhio
who can break away from othor en-
gaguiuonls will don his fez this af
ternoon and join tho caravan of his
borthors on tho pilgriraago to Albany
Saturday tho nobles will gather at
Albany and proceed to apply tho tor
tures which mako good and truo no
bles of tho neophytes who hnvo been
gathered, and who aro cagor to try
the trail across the burning snrwle.
' Thero will ho n largo delegation
boar! No. 10 at Ashland tonight and
have tho crodlt of dissolving accord'
Ing to Roosovoltlans. If that Is in
sufficient, thoy say, tho tobacco and
powder trusts must go. Thoy also nro
cJoso corporations.
From His RanchProbably
Last of Season.
It. W. Harris, agcu uuuiu HQ years,
dlod at tho Medford hospital of ly
phold fover Thursday aftor an Ill
ness or several weeks, mo was a
recent arrival from California and
his remains aro being hold pondlns
advices from his rolatlvs lu that
In spite of tho fact that U Is
mid-November and that tho sur
rounding meun'talns are donning
their winter mantles of whlto, A,
H. Mlllor Friday morning brought
Into tho city cour cratoa ot as tine
strnwborrloa as havo boon shown this
season. Thesa aro probably tbo last
to be harrcstod this year.
Professor O'Gara, county ento
aggregation horo,
Among thoso who have signified
their intention of attending if pos
sible nro: Lonia Warner, C. I. Hutch- mologist G. W. Taylor and others iT
ison, A. S. Iiosonhauin, Loon Has- terested in fruit growing will attend
kins, Dr. PJqKcI, W. T, Vawter, Po- tho horticultural mooting at Ashland
tor lioronzotii W. M. Colvig, Dr. Saturday from Medford.
Pago, J. E. .Enyart, D. T. Lawtou, J. Professor O'Gara will address the
J. Buchtor, There ato a number of meeting on tho same sjubjoct as ha
otnors wno aro contemplating tho did at the mooting of tho Uoguo IUvr
tnn. nnu the list will ilnnhHnaa lin Horticultural unit n v in loot
.1 Ill 1... jr!...T I... H..l....l . . " . "
hhjj nui uo jojinju u- mo iieuioni nioreaseu. Haturday. j,