TJbLlii AUiiDJftJKU MAIL TRIBUNE, aiEDFOBD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1909. NORTHWEST IS BUSY PICKING .Shortage of Crop in Wcnatchce and Other Valleys Offset by the Splendid Prices This Year. KLAMATH (Mall Tribune Special Service.) SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 11. Ap ple picking nnd packing is in full swing in tho various valleys .in Enst crn Washington, including tho Wen ntchee, Ynkimu and Spokane, and, while the crop is short, probably not more thnn 50 per cent, the losses are more llian mndo up by advances in prices. These prices for extra fancy apples in standard boxes are an nounced nt Wenatchee, whore tho .growers in the valley of tho same namo will ship between 500 and COO cars this season, as against 1200 cars m 1908: Delicious, $3; Spitzcn- 'Ourg, $2.50; Wincsnn, $2.25; Joim than, $2.20; Stnymnn Winesap, Ar kansas Black nnd Winter Banana, $2; Rome Beauty, if 1.85; Pippin, Unities' Golden nnd Gano, $1.75; Greening, Bellf lower, Commerce, Jilaclc Twig, Bauvcr, Hoover, Sen ivtor, Wagner, Genitan, Baldwin, Pennnin nnd York Imperial, $li50; lien Davis. $1.40. Growers in tho Snake river dis trict, south of Spokane, shipped 200 cars of fruit this season. White Bros. & Cruni, who bought most of the iruit, shipped 150 cars. Added to this are shipments by others and the hundreds of wngon loads of fruit hauled out by teams and sold In tho towns of Whitman, Garfield, t-olnmnm and Asotin counties and in Lntah county, Idaho. Much of the fruit went into British Columbin, Al berta and Ontario, and while- ship ments went as far cast as Now York nnd St. Paul, Chicago and middle western points look a Inrgo qnnn "tity. Seattle nnd other const points took fiome of it, while tho mining dis tricts wore nlso heavy buyers. ' EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS. FALLS STEADYJGROWTH Healthy Movement In Land Values Since Railroad Came More Settlers Arriving Dally. (Special Correspondence.) Miss Gortio Weo1cH of Mod ford was a Pliooulx visitor last Monoay. Mrs. W. R. Coleman of Jackson ville was visiting, in Phoenix Inst "Wednesday. Mrs. J. B. Roberts and h,or daugh ter, Miss Lulu, wore visiting Mrs. Roberts' mother, Mrs. A. H. Houston, Sunday. Billy Doosor. of a'alent was down to Phoenix last Tuesday. William Cox was up In North Tal ent Tuesday purchasing hay of C. Carey. Mrs. Nancy Holms was visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. Glbbs, last Tues-dr-.y. William Cox of Phoenix l?.a Just roturnol from a trip to tho Wlllam otto valley, whoro lie v;ct to visit bis stater, vhom ho had not soon for, several yearn. Mr. Cox cays ho saw somo flno potato crops while thoro; also flno hay and oats. v. 8. Stnncliffo finished digging Ills potatoes last Thursday, as did also sovoral others. - Mrs. C. Carey received a lottor Inst Monday from Lovl Sutton, an old and well known resident of this vnl loy. and tho upper Rogue rlvor, but now of Santa Cruz, Cal. Ho was making Inquiries nbout the valley nnd frlonds here. John Holmlc was hauling materlnl for tho plastering of J. D. Henry's now dwelling last Tueadpy. Mr. and Mr. t John Graffes of North Phoonlx wore visiting old frlnde In Tnlont last Sunday. Mrs. B. GRhs was a Modford bus iness culler last Saturday, accom panied by hoi Httlo grandson. Albert Smith and wlfo' of Or chard, near tho Palmer orchard, camo to Phoenix last Sunday to visit with Mr. Smlth'o mother, Mrs. Jnno Smith. Pat also wont to tho Carey garden ranoh to purchaso his winter's sup ply of potatoes, Tho flno now residence of Mrs. A. "S. Furry In Phoonlx Is noarlng com pletion and Is ono of as woll fin ished dwellings as thoro Is In this pnrt of tho valley, and has all mod orh conveniences. It has 12 rooms. (Mall Tribune Special Service.) KLAMATH FALLS, Or.; Nov. 11. Tho arrival of tho railroad In this city last spring brought no boom, but still thoro has boon a steady move ment In farm lands. Tho month of uctoucr witnessed tno arrival ol a number of farmers, who, seeing tho future of tho Klamath country, In vested In land and aro making prep arations to take up tholr residence o.i the holdings acquired. Besides the steady Influx of Bohemians, which is gottlng larger overy day. During the last season between 30, 000 and 40,000 acres of land wero Irrigated. The terming population of tho Irrigated area wa nearly doub led. Whllo this change hns been taking place thoro has bcoii com plaint of tho dull times. Lands have advanced from $5 to $20 an acre In tho last 12 months, but It Is almost certain that tho values will go much higher with tho approach of tho Ore gon Trunk lino, which, In Its articles of Incorporation, makes Klamath Falls Its terminal point. Last spring the Klamath Ad. com pany compiled a directory of tho city of Klamath Falls and Its additions The statistics gathered sr wed that the town had approximately 3000 people. SInco -lion nearly 100 houses have been built and tho domnnd for dwellings continues strong. During the past year tho Klamath country has without any bluster bad nn un precedented growth. The railroad atmosphoro Indicates that tho growth wIJA be decidedly stronger during 1910. BIRD DOGS AID E m WARDEN Points Suit Case on Steamer Which, When Opened, Is Found to Contain Five Hundred t . Ptarmigan. (United Press Leased Wire.) - SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 11. Game Warden Riots' hunting dogs pointed a packing caso on the steamer Sena- BIG PRICE PAID MOTHER STATES LAKEVIEVV tliL FARM SON Values Constantly Increasing in Cen. Suit Filed in San Francisco Alleg- tral and Southeastern Oregon $20,000 Tor One Hundred and Sixty Acres. (Moll Tribune Special Service.) LAKEVIEW, Nov. 10. The top price, to date, over paid for farm or orchard land in this section was (United Press Leased Wire.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 11. Edgar Painter, -a wcll-knowir club man, is tho defendant in a suit filed tor yesterday and tho result was the when J. D. Ilorvford last FridaV,lby ,usf "'other, Carolina A. Painter, discovery of r,00 Alaska ptarmigans bought the II. C. Fleming ranch at 111 wlch complains that ho so ... . . i Now Tine Creek for $"0 000 snnl'l cured her signature to a lease by un- whlchc wero lator selzod by tho war- , , , , 0 , , fcl ;fnh ,nnnq ki, lu,e r(ll. on nnn . .cash. Tho tract contains 1C0 acres, !mu Inenn9 &ll3 sues lot o,uuu den after a cbaso lasting nearly alll. wn nlfi f jMo.v.m nM Ar,. Idnmngos and n cancellation of tho irtg That Young Man Bun coed His Mother on Deal. day. For tho exporting of Alaska ptarmigan a fine of from $10 to $100 per bird can bo imposed by tho fed eral court and RIof figures that some- steamer to examhio freight from Nome. He saw his dogs "pointing" a plain packing caso addressed Lind berg, San Francisco. He hurried away to examine tio ryford is a stockman, one of thoiIonsc' covering property at rliest settlors here, who never lwest co"lor of Washington He oar awnkencd to tit mi; ouuiir on nnd San tho agricultural andlsomo strcols 1,1 o art ol tho horticultural resources of tho couu-! wlloIosnl "istnct. trv until n runmif .Inlo. Tliu im,n,n. According to tho complaint, her body will be out a largo sum of mon- Wt n. neryf0i.d, with whom he had Ron nnonlocl her to sign n lonso oy on tho scheme h)eon associated in the big trnct sold 011 r)oficml)0r 27, 1900. At tho time Tho game warden ylslted tho recontlv to O. V. L Cn . TTnr-fnr,l 110 wns managing her estato and sho . . . . . ' " .....1. 11. ..1 11.. i! had purchased tho 1200-acro Reed "" J"""'g """i supu-. ranch nt Now Pino Creek, nhd J. D.l!nte(1 1'cn,,,1 oC 100 n ,nonth wns got busy and secured tho Fleming !in"dc!J"nl- plnco. Under the lonso it is snid that tho It is said to bo one' of tho best i ,1ofc(lnilt has colleotod not loss than shin's manifest and whilo ho was'fnrms in this snntinn. It lmc mi in. i i-UU. gone a drayman carted tho shipment. I dividual water ritrht. On the nlnee' In 1,10 document tho mother nllogps RIof started In pursuit and wn3 all thoro arc about 500 full-bearing :tlmt 'sll wro, ,0 nnothcr son in i- WAITER LEAVES A F0RIUNEJ$500,000 James Thielman, for Over Thirty Years a Walter In Dclmonico's, Leaves Tremendous Estate (United Press Loused Wire.) NEW YORK, Nov. 11. When James Thielman, for ovor 30 years waiter In Dolmonlco's restaurant, died he loft his widow a fortune of $500,000. This fact only became known vhon his widow, Mrs. Ellon J. Thielman, was granted - lottors , testamentary upon his estate. Tho "tips" which wealthy patron3 of Dolmonlco's gavo Thlolmnn aro said to have been responrdbl toy a largo part of his wealtli. UNCLE SAM GOING INTO RESTAURANT BUSINESS (Unltejl Press Leased AVlro.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. Th senate restaurant, offioinllv rei"nded as tho "rofeotory," will, bo nniicr nc v mnnngomoiit wlien congress eon whom. Dick Slinw, u negro, who luib bueii employed nbout tho cstnblishmenl for a, third of a century, will have chavgo of the- (safe, subject to Mio senate committee on nilos. WiHunn F. Adams, who has had oharj;o of tho restaurant for several years, hue. given it up. Senntor Murray Crane of Massa chusetts is lead of the rules com mitteo. IIo is n good business man nnd presumably will seo that. the "ro fectory" is a success. Tho proletariat used to go up to a counter nnd stand thoro and eat pie, sandwiches and "sinkers," but this couiltor has been abolished. , day tracing tho birds, finally finding them nt a transfer barn, em .grouse. Ptarmigan aro a species of north- SUCCESS OF WIRELESS LEADS TO INSTALLATION ALL SHIPS (United Press Leased Wlro.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 11. Following the recent success of the wireless plant installed on the Pa cific Mail liner Korea in breaking the world's record for sending a long distnnco wireless message, the offi cials of tho steamship aro seriously which can bo seen in the, office of .1. W. Maxwell and son that measures 14 inches in circumference and aro perfect beauties in the apple lino. BOXING AND WRESTLING TO GET MEN TO CHURCH (United Press Leased Wlro.) SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 11. Box ing bouts and wrestling matches witli tho members of tho organization considerintr a nroiiosition to Oduin.on tho mat, will bo among the winter each of their steamers with wireless amusements to bo given by the-Men's nppnrnlus. club of Trinity Parish church, no li. PA Scliworin, vice-president and ( cording to tho announcement of Cyril general manager of the company. Arthur Player, recently from Oxford, p,,;,. j England, the now assistant rector "In my judgment it is -ndvisnblo i nnd secretary, who cnnVo to Seattlo thnt the fleet bo equipped. As soon two weeks ago. "Wo aro going to trees. Amolig them arc several of nru 10 11,0 vnlU0 01 lenB0 "llt what is known ns "Reed's Red." This ,hnt Aftnv fmle(l to ,M)st 1,10 lolt31' variety is very large, specimens of,wlnch "ho lind intrusted to his enro. Notice. Tho W. C. T. U. will hold their regular weekly meeting nt tho Bap tist church on Thursday afternoon nt 3 o'clock. Until further notitco the itimo will be 3 o'clock instead of 2:30 ns formerly. equipped ns the Siberia returns from i,ts voy age, a wireless appartaus will bo in stalled. I desiro to givo it a thor ough test, not only from a commcr cinl stnnpoint, but in 'order to nsrpr mnke this club tho liveliest organiza tion of its Wnd in Seattle," ho said today. "Rcnlizing that it is diffi cult to get mon to come out to prayer meetings, wo aro going to furnish tnin its value as n utilitv. I think it i tlom with entertainments that will probnblo thnt tho whole of tho fleet holp to keep their interest in church v. ill bo equipped." work." BIJOU THEATRE BILLY EMPEY VAN. Manager. Richard Darling Stock Company TONIGHT "HIS MOTHER" 5 Acts iM&lodrama 5 Acts Admission, as usual, 10c and 20c Every Day Something New for the next two months I will show the f iuosfc stock o Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Sterling Silver Toilet Sets, Sterling Silver Novelties, Out Glass, Sil verware ond Clocks I have over sh'avn. P. S. Remember, I carry tho three. bes, articles made Qorham Sterling Silver, Hawkes & Libby's Rich Cut Glass. Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER Near P. O. Just Arrived From Holland Full and Complete line of bulbs. Best Line of Lawn Grass in the city Ornamentals and small fruits IF BEER GOES OUT. MILK WILL GO UP COLFAX, Wash.. Nov. U.Jf lo- ty Novomner 30, It la claimed by Colfax dalrymon that tho prlco of milk will bo 10 oenta n quart or higher. The prlco was ralsod to 10 cont8 yesterday at Cojfnx by several dairies. Otbor dalrymon claim thny got malt refuw from lUo Colfax Brewery rompanv, and 'bat It tho "brewery la put out or business It will conniel them to buy other milk feed, which Is Increasing In pHc This Is tho second Increaso In the nrlce of Cojfax milk within the past month. SHERIFF F0R0ED TO SPIRIT NEGRO AWAY FROM MOB (United PrPHB Leased Wlro.) CAIRO, 111., Nov. 11. Tho whe-c-nbouts of Sheriff Davis, who Inst night spirited Will James, the negro neoused of murdering Ann Pelloy, away from tho local jnil. is unknown today. Sovoral hundred mon gath ered hore Inst night' with tho avowed intention of lynching tho nogro. Tlis sheriff spirited him uway from tho jail nnd took him aboard a train before iIim tuub was aware of what wns going on. Sheriff Davis alighted with hi prisoner nt Dongoln, and ! belie-wd to be dm.iL' nr-ro s th country t MurpliNfeboro jnil, where it is thought that tho negro will bo safe j I 50,000 No. I Grape Roots whilo they last at $25 per thousand. Peaches and Apricots 1 Ncwtowns,' Spltzcnhcrn. Jonathans, Winesap Apples, Bartlctts, Winter Nells and Comlce Pears, You will do well do get our prices, before buying ROGUE ,RVER NURSERY O. F. robK, 'Fropriefcr MEDFORD, OR. PHONE 583. OFFICE IN :"J: RIVER VALLEY DEPOT REAL ESTATE Farm Land Timber L Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, JaGkson County Bank Building CRESTBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS 6-10-2O Acres Adjrflninrj Hlllcrcst orchard and con tain uncxcelcd deep, rich soli. Rea sonable prices and generous terms. OREGON OR0HARD3 SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY mmmmammmKsmmmmmmimummammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ( J. E. ENYAR'r, President J. A. PERRY, Vico-Prcsidoat. JOHN S, ORTU. L-iihi. B; JACKSON, Ass't Carthie- THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK " UAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. Wo solicit your patronage. I Medford Iron Works I E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. t Foundry and Machinist 1 t All nr.- of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ha-t frhlnrVi AnnntR In finitfhnrii flrnnnn fnr I FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. j-i.1." PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Pricos Reasonable COFFEEN (Si PRICE 11 North D St., Medford, Ore. Phono 3031 an W. M. UKRMAN. 0. n. HERMAN. HERMAN BROTHERS Dealers in HARNESS, SADDLES, ROBES, WHIPS, TENTS, WAGON COV ERS, HORSE BLANKETS, ETC. All Ifind-. )' fu.-ium work nntl repairing dono on ehort notieo. 317 East Seventh Street MEDFORD, OREGON