1 -v-- -f r-VwtMH; iota- ; 4 - frt -4 V V 4r A ii , XT'. . fthAvi. THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1909. Is si- I It innnin . .... T V 1 A AU II IIIIHWIUM li u 10 HUR iy op BANK FIXTURES Officials of New Bankinjj Institution Off for San Francisco to Ar range for Speedy Ship-.. ment. The Crater Magazine', edited by I). H. Hawkins, is the latest candidate , for public favor. In his foreword, Editor Hawkins announces, that it i, his intention to publish n magazine whoso characteristics will bo local, and invites contributions from local writers. Mrs. J. F. Halo returned Wetluc-- dflV from T?nli; rt ...l has been visiting Mr. Halo! parents. L??T w , T a"d L- VV"' tvi- i nr c rr a, . inn left Wednesdnv moniiiiB for San l.nvi l, ?." V Gc?r?r' Francisco to look after tlio shipment hrne been vis, ,g Mr. ami Mrs F. o tUo fixtures for tI,c Wcst'.Si(e " Ut The shipment of the good has nr.. n , V V , . y ,,ccn delayed! owing to the obstruc- fl nira-Cnnmhnn arc spending- tlon 0f traffic on the Shasta division l o week in Medford before return- 0f the Southern Pacific, and Messrs. ing to tho mmo. Dnvis nml Wakcmnn will endeavor to v. iu. notison returned Wcdncs- arrange for a speedy delivery of the day from a business trip to San Fran- 'goods, so that the bank may open for .business on time, - J. Q. McAllister and family of Lake Creek were in Medford Wednesday. Hr. McAllister is the owner of tlio famous McAllister springs on Little Butte creek, whore many 'Medford people enjoy beneficial outings dur ing the hot months. L. E. Hoover of the Yakima nur sery leaves today for Yakima to su perintend the necking of about throe City Attorney Preparing Papers to ciirioaciH ot stock for delivery to his customers in thio section. He saya that although he has nvor n pgrlnnil at his nursery hero, yet so great is tho demand that it Is necessary to got in an extra car or two at onco ,'n I order to supply tho demand. 1ST PAY UP BACK ASSESSMENTS Institute Proceedings Against Certain Property Owners. Tho, city attorney is preparing to Instituto proceedings against those District Attorney Mulkcy wns in wno are delinquent In assessments Medford Wednesday. levied upon their property for mil- Josse G. Houck returned Wcdnes-1 n,clnal. Purposes. day morning !-om a trip to Horn- Under tho Bancroft act the prop TRADER WANTED BIGGER SLICE Disappointment Shown When Regular Dividends of Southern and Union Pacific Are ' Declared! , - (United Press Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Nov. 11. Somo dis appointment was shown by traders in the declaration of tho regular div- HELD GON IVOILEl Mi WROTE CHECK Then Drove to Bank, Attempting to Cash It, But Telephone Beats Him- Out Flees to - , Woods, PLANS FAIL; KILLS SELF Would-Be Robber Kills Man in Bank, Then Cheats Law by Go ing tho Poison Route. NAPHTHA. - J Odil Follows, ;AttHUoW V j; -Therjg, wlif bo a' -regular meeting, Ob tonight of Canton Daylight ch'apler. A good attendance'. 4s-.de-- J, WANTED Woman for housework, Call at 132 S. Grapo 204 WANTED At once, full outfit of household "goods, not to oxeced one yearns usage. Address Lock Box '345; Medford, 0"w (United Press Leased Tvlro.) NEW ALBANY, Ind., Nov. 11.- (Unlted Press Leased Wire.) KEWANEE, 111., Nov. 11. Coun ty officers, accompanied by a posse 'young unidentified whit 6 man enter of nrmed citizens, today are on the'od the Mm-nlmnta' ttniimmi ti.,,,1.- idendo on Southern Pacific and trail of a bandit who kont Tft.. r,l, ... .. I ... . " ...... ....j, v..,.vw..b v.U.jvnU w uuvunco III mo . 01 .101111 1'OWerS. n farmer, tnrrnrlroil in flin ne ntmn 4n iUmw li...!.. for six Hours, until Powers agreed hands, and then stnrled shooting, to-hjs demand to writo u check fori Cashier J. W. Puwcett was kill.-(' and President J. K. Woodward- wa: rato on tho former had been gen erally expected. "Hill shares were the weakest cf tho $300. list touay, severe declines being Tho man, masked and armelto the severely injured. alinit'n til lentil f1nn 4- T. it, n uu S1 i -k. . nil it. ... u!wi uhuuiu uuu . icetn, eniereu mo rowers tarmnouse i J no uantiit was ioilowcl by i Northern Pacific. The latter lost 1-4 . whllo the family was at broikfast. 'youth to tho river hank, where he and the former 1-2 points of yester- Powers, his wife and two children, day's price. wjtn two hired men, wero soated Union Pacific closed with a loss or t about tho table for six hours whllo he d point and Southern Pacific was, hold the family at tho uolnts of his down a fraction. t Steel shares wore heavy revolvers until tho check was sluggish, so far as price movement written. was concerned and both Common and Backing from tho room, tho follow preferred of tho corporation shares compelled Powers' young son to ac- losu d-8 during tlio day was pointed out to tho police. Seo ing that escnpo was impossible, the man took poison mid is now dying. Tho bandit enmo hero from Louis villa today in an nutomobile. ORCHARD PRODUCES The Deer's Eyes. A Cauadlan hunter tells this Incl- company him. The youth drove him dent of how he once came face to fnce to a, bank in this city, whero ho at-i wl,b blH 1't.v and hadn't ihe'bfari tempted to cash tho check. Powers t0 u.r ".u WUBn'r n .vnw ?f. 'bU('k f TWELVE TONS NUTS . moanwhllo hnd telephoned to the j ? , u . uuim mm uib cawnor reuwea xo non- yen nnd ,wd ul,ed u p00( maay 11. or the demand. The robbor fled to deer. 'This was n partj. ;uarly lino buck that I had followt-d for I liny M'MINNVILLE, Or.. Nov Thomarf PHiice, tho "Walnut king" tho woods near tho city, puraued by ot lnmiull county, has just finished , officers in automobiloo trntlionng 12 tons of English wnlnuts brook, Cal. R. E. PoyloT: of Peyton way in this city Wednesday attending to bual ' ncss mattors. Tho bridge across ,-guo river at Peyton, ho reports, is now in coditlon for travol. Tho roof is being put In position and tho bridge Is open for traf'ic. CInrenco L. Roamos will lnavo on Thursday evening for Klamath Ealls, vhero ho h.is been called on busi ness. . L. L. Dufficld madoa t.ip to Tolo Thursday morning. R. J. Cole cr-d daughter, Mls3 Jen nie, left Thursday morning for Port land to reside permanently. Hon W. M. Colvlg was afWood villo Thursday on busiucss. ' . D. H. Jrickson roturned Wednes day morning from a business visit to Ashland! The best Is tho cheapest with nur sery stock, as with everything olso. If- you want the best In anything In the nursery line, phono 371 or call at 4.ho Yakima Valley Nursery and your order will bo promptly filled. 302 Frank S. Torrey and 'Harry Lind say of Pnsadcnn, Cal., .ro In tho valloylooking for an Investment. Mr, n mm xrom ins orchard near Dundee. Mr. Prince hns about 12o acres of wal nut trees, hut tho trees on 7a acres nro too young for hearing. The trees on the other 50neros nro 12 nnd 13 SHERMAN COUNTY IS TO ADVERTISE RESOURCES WASCO, Or., Nov. 11. Tho Shcr- erty owner has -ten days after re- im" ' "lul -"'-"cros nro nnd V.l man County Development league, in celvlng notice of an assessment for 'enrs oIV' nml nro "ot supposed to n meeting hero yesterday, decided lo improvement in which to appear be- j 1)0 nt "l0ir bcfVr number of years raise $3000 for publicity purposes fore the proper officials and file his""" , moy win continue nnd not in union with the 0. R. & application under the law. Then hoto !' '),ctter to W yenr of ngo. . ,N. The latter ngrcs to spend $5 to ... I AC flirt n-VAf n HAnn!l 1 11 . . . . is anowea ten yeara In which to mako' , hV lVKa,in l" "1C l'ro- .fi by tlio league for advertising, tho payments. Should ho not so ap-i ,C01. nro, 1.css !Imu 20 cents Pr Willinra Biddlo Wells, of tho ITarri- : lT, .C0,,t n n imbHoity.bu,,, explained the . ........ ... uiu imiih, u IS on.S- .work HS-S of t in RVHlnm. TI,o nmnn pear and file his application, the mu nicipality may file a Hen upon tho property and proceed to collect the I J. .Ilf,urort ,ll,U orcInr(' w "otjsition wns recoived enthusiastically, amount duo for the improvements, or p. nvorn?1 100 nn ncra- Mr-,11. J. C. Umbcrgor, Rliporintendent of sell tho property If the amount Is not'!'00 (,;onR,dcr nn nere that yields tho Eastern Oregon dry famine sub- forthcoming. Thoro nro a number of such UonB due to tho city of Medford nnd City Attorney Neff is making out tho nec essary legal papers in these cases. . !:onn .. i on .. " ,"io uuoioiu vsii-Huu ui v xiiriiiiuir suu " B"o. oo iav there has station now being put in in Shominn been a most no loss of tree., nnd the county, made an address on to BRAVE OLD PIG SAVES LITTLE ONES FROM FOX JACKSONVILLE, N. .1., Nov. 11. Martin Specht, a farmer of Weston. though.Hnllowoon pranks wero start-' stnte(1 'n aeronautic circles tire compnred with almost anything else. AER0PLANISTS SEEK CASH FOR FLIGHTS IN NEW YORK The simultaneous prcccnco of Wil bur Wright and Glenn H. Curtiss In Now York tho lost few days, It was poses of the stntion. last ing rather early last evening when n,Sht, was duo to a"dc3iro to collect ho henrd a loud commotion in his i u, monoy each says Is his duo from pig sty. . Ho hurried out, but on tho Hudson-Fultort commission, reaching th0 pen Snecht found tho ' 11 ,3 reported that neither Curtiss excitement' wns duo to tho presenco nor Wrlghthas boon fully paid. .Barnes, now convict No. 5525, is to of some strango animal. Wright camo to Now York on Thurs-M"5 Friday morning. Officers sny ho Tho young pigs wero squealing and morning from College, Park, Md., ,1S inknig matters vory coolly and BARNES. SOON TO HANG, WRITES A JOLLY LETTER WALLA WALLA, Wash., Nov. 11 "Well, V mon'tho homo run now, only tour more days,, nnd then she is all of for good, I guess. Don't nnswor, ns I don't know whore Pll bo wiicn yon write," snys II. W. Bud Barnes, murderer of Mrs. Anna Aid rich, in a letter to a friend, a for mer prisoner in tho county jnil at recular Intervals thoro camo a I nml spont much tlmo with Willlnm J, i i 1 m ... . . I Unmmp wh. ..... . . Torrey Is connected with the West- iUUU b""lL ,rm" l" ,u BOW' ,ouow 1 . " .' " ""a ouw i mo em Union Telegraph company nt Pas- ed by n stranK0 bnrk,nB w,lIch S"ecUt c m n ,aornfuUc committee .i t . , thought mlKht bo that of a dopr. Ua James M. Bock, chairman of tho com- that. oltv. lint n imnmHan,i xv.ti, . cmhod un on a barrel alongside tho mlttee, was absent from tho city. Ac- Modford and Ps vicinity J. E. Wntt and rC. M. Kidd were at Contral Point on business Wednesday. fonco nnd with n lantern sew thai , crdlng to roporls tho commission tho (Intruder wns a largo rod fox. offered to compromise, but this, It Is Revnnrd had tried to ceal one ot ( sn'd. Is not eatlcfr.elory to Wright tno sieenincr iittio nifis. out its squeals - .i ii. it i . it.. MATlwr ntruaiotsi wx B. P. TholBS left Wednesday mom- mumur, who nuachea ino limine rtiioil,VHHIHS 'ing for Grants Pass 'on a business ' x ,nva(lor trIe1 to ot 0,,t WILL MEET SATURDAY iiKHin. "nt i"o jump was 100 iiirii M rn. . . , . negotiate from such a narrow space' 11,0 TQ"U. "vor Society of Native .Pennsylvniiians will moot SaturHav ar li visit. ?Ir?. Dor'j Harbaiigb of Jackson ville was In Medford Wednesdny. vCounty Clerk Coleman w.a In Mod ford from Jncksonvillo Wednesday on his way to Phcenlx on business. J. F. Hale, the piano man, is fit HITCHCOCK 0NCF FH.Fn 1 nm nRROf.' HOMESTEAD a. in. in tho Presbvteiinn church. Basket dinner at 12 o'clock linnil. A nnnA ncnninm All l...r. DEE Or., Nov .11 -It .s not gen- ba - erally known that tho present post- ,., . . . I "5, , ting up an office and music room; In mnster soneral of tho United Slates )m(ivo pomisv,VIUlim,s ,,! henh . tho rear of Ms piano store, which wt once t Imo f led on a homestead vi,e(1 t() eom(J wH0 fin A V vrMn complotod will bo one of the ln 4,10 Ho0(1 nlver valle'. b"1 sucb time is oxpected. nloes't in the town. iIs tho cas0, About nine years ago W. S. BennotL tho nuiwymcn, ro-lwllll on a v,s,t to Oregon ho was ports having ordered over 100,000 locntod on n homestead near hero cuttings from France which will be . uy w winans, wo wr.s tnon in tno timuer cruising and land locat ing buslneso. Mr. Hltchcoclj, wont oast, onterod politics and abandoned tho Idea of growing apples for a live lihood. Tho claim that ho chose Is now being put Into n first-class .or chard y the present owner. refuses to confess that ho oomnilited tho deed. Bnrnes closes his letter, "Hello tir nil, good-byo to nil." Kissing tho Book, .In England iitnl nil tho English speaking ( ouiitiii'H th klsKluu or th book before the oath cotnifi from tho practice of touching a 'hnlldame," or sacred object. -as the old Itortmn touchpil tho altar or Harold flu casket of relics. The form "So help mo -God" Is In herited from an-lent Teutonic-Scandinavian law. tinder which the old northracn. touching tho bhuwl daubvd ring, on the Hnr.' swore. -So help mo I-rcy and Month and tho Almighty God'-thnt Is. Thor. The first nnd last of these are the two old English gods, whose unities wo keep up in Friday nnd Thursday. New York Anvricnn. days. A strong man can run any deer to earth in time, and at Inst I had my prey tired out From the top of a hill 1 sighted him a few miles away.' He had given Up the tight and had strctclii-d lilnisclf out on Hie snow. Ax I stalked him lie i haiigi-d his position and took bheiu-r bi-'dnd a Imwldcr. nnd. using 1 lu saine UowUlcr jrJf. shelter, i came suddenly "facl'lo TiToT wltb hlni. lie didn't yMc:!iit to nil away buT stood" tlit'Te 'nnkfhg nt tne with the most piteous pair of eyes I ever saw. ".ShooTf I could have no more Shot hlin than I could have shot u child Had the rinni-o coma from n distance of a hundni yards 1 would have shot hlin down and carried bis antler! home In triumph, hut once I in vim: looked Into those eyes tt would linvt been nothing less than murder. 1 have bullied (leer Mure then, but I Hud Ihr 8portnlTords m little pleasure. When over I draw n bead the picture ot those mute, appealing eyes conic he fore me. nnd. though It bus not pre vented me from pulling the trigger. I have nhvnys felt chid somehow when my bullet failed jo (tint Its mark." The Natural Products and Those 1 i . . . iuimsu rrom reiruieum, j jsJq jg, Nnphthn Is an Ititlumiunble liquid -j',' onrts of 'IpfmIii. Siiiisomimitir thn ,,en B order of tho N. G. of the term spread to include some volatile oils found In Europe nnd even America. Tho product of the oil fields or southern Hussla Is usually called naphtha, although It differs In no way from the ordinary grades ot petroleum. Naphtha properly Includes the" light er oils which pans off Urst In the dis tillation of petroleum, the gravities ranging from 00 to ISU degrees Benume. Pennsylvania crude oil contains from f3 to 20 per cent of naphtha. In the refining of such naphtha several prod ucts are oiiut'ncd by fractional distilla tion. : ': - u i.-U pass otT first nniiieh. i-iiig, V'sx' aiid cytnogene nro gases at ordinary temperatures and are seldom saved. The next product Is known as gasoline, n material large ly it-til in nm-liliii-s and for Illuminat ing purposes. After this conic stove naphtha and gas naphtha, the latter being the base of much of the illumi nating gas now made. Petroleum naphtha is often trented with chemicals to deodorize It. Naph tha muy also be made In the distilla tion of wood nud coal tar. New York American. 202- .1 .V. 4 ' r Very Red Tape. A burglnr entering n house oy n ladder In n small Prussian town foil and tiroke his leg when making off with bis Imoty. An inquiry into the accident revealed that, contrary to the bylaws of the town, t hothouse own er's ladder wns not provided with strong iron spikes nt Its base, 'i'be houso owner was therefore ordered to pay all the hospital costs and further to give tUe burglar n substantial sum. London Standard. Living Over Catacombs. Paris. In many of Its .districts, I built over iheW-ntiiroiuliH, says Mar pcr'H Weekly. These vast subter ranean rlmiiiU'i-s and galleries produ--that peculiar riiveriioti. sound whirl Is heard in the Luxembourg. .Moutpur ausse, Vanglrnid, Motitrougc and .Montsourls ipiartcrs when heavy rartu pass rnpMly along the ,,iarei metaled muds. The streets are tlirn like mons-trouH drums beating funeral inarches to the grave over jt hat vts, common grave of ten centuries ot l-arlslaus with its millions or sncieioti dead. That ipinlnt little Gothic house at the comer of the Boulevard lias pall, which niauy an American artist must-remember from his student days, actually has a prlvato staircase lead ing to 'the catacombs from beneath n hermetically closed stono slab just In front -of tho doorstep. Brosa Minded. "So your husband Is In the pageant. Mrs. Jones, I didn't know be belonged to the Church of linginnd." 'No, mum, he don't. Hut there, he's very broad minded, and he don't mind being an iincluni bishop in the cause pf cbnrlty."-l'uncu. M Mr- An Opportunity For Him. "Mose Forence (ardently) Tell hip. Miss Angle, mny I contribute To yo r future happiness? Miss Angle Well. Mr. Forenee. as I accepted Abe Gin gerbread Hist ebenln' dere la weddln' presents to be thought ob, to be shuab. Judge. Tho only conclusive evidence of a man's sincerity Is that he give hlin telf for a principle Lowill. Spoil of Victory, Mndge You must have had a lovely time last summer. Did you bring home any souvenirs? Marjorle (pointing with prldcl-Five engagement rings,, twp broken down hammocks and a stnck'of candy boxes -Puck. His Experience, SIngleton-Don't you think It is eas ier to coux a woman than It Is to drive her? Weddcriy-Cnn't say, but I know It's a groat deal safer. Boston Traveler. B & C Cash Store The store that serves you best by telephone 2351. Coffee, our special blend, 310, per pound 25a Bananas, per dozen ..,.25c Baldwin Apples, extra choice, for, per box $1.50 Baldwin Apple, second grade, per box $1.00 Spitzenberg Apples, first choice, per box $L75; Spitzenberg Apples, .sec ond choice, per box, $1.00 Walnuts, npw crop, pound Saved. Tall One-I noticed there was a rent tn your trousers this morning. Short One-Thnnk heaven! Give It to the landlord when ho comes, Ally Sloper's Half Holiday. Encouragement; Artist-Yes. I keep pegging away. Sometimes I get discouraged and sny to myself. "What s the use? Friend Don't give up. old man. You can't .do worso thnn you've done, you know. Mxohnnge. Education" Is a capital to n poor man and nn Interest to n rich man. Hornge Mann. per 20c s Almonds, new crop, per pound v .'.-20c Honey, new white clover honey, No, 1 frame, ea 15c Salmon, choice red smoked per pound ..20c Pears, Winter Nelis, per box $1.00 Irishes, the best stock in Medford 50-piece- Dinner Set, best white' English ware $5.50 100-pjcce Dinner 'Set, best white English ware, per sot .....$10.25 50-niecc Dinner Set. best per set : $7.15' 100-pieco Dinner Set, best' decorated Unglisti ware, per set ..$14.75 Come and see our big line of Dishes. ' 4 B & C Cash Store TELEPHONE 2351. 223 W. MAIN. Dry Goods Novelties VAN DYKE'S Furnishings Shoes ho expects shortly to arrive. Ho also reports tho silo of over 100,000 trees this season, without leaving his homo territory Which lo tf.o best, purchasing cheap rtrees from nn unrollablo nur 'sory and saving a few ponr.lcs'on tho ..pnrehnsp price and loso t! ousands of dollars tlnter, or buy tho' boat nt a fn(r prico from tho Ynkima Nursery and save thousands whon your or chard comes Into bearing? Thijik of yiio baforo you buy, L. E. lloovor, agent. . ..202 p. C. Korr of Sllvorton, Or., Is reg istered nt tho Mooro, D. A. Richie .-nd Joe. MsUsler of Olondale, Or., are InModfotd on n short business trip, Jotjn F. Stevens of Salem Is in MPord on business. - JI. W. Rnndnll of Portland Is again !n"Mndtord to look after affairs In connection with tho Pacific & East ern .construction. h. C. F. Actbury of Gold Hill Is spopdlng a few days In Modford. W. L. Rowli.nds of Grants Pjiss Is 'Spending n few dnys In Medford. ! Orders for sweet cream or buttor- V?Tnlllr Tl-rtnr.f Itf f 1 11 nl T)TinnA INVENTOR OF MONITOR'S REVOLVING TURRET DIES NEW YORK, Nov. 1 i. --Theodore R. Tlmby, who fo- -tf- yea., hnd. fought for recognition ns the Invent or of tho revolving turret of the fa niouu monitor. Is dead In his Brook lyn home. Ho was 91 years old. Tlm by nlwiy-' claimed that' he submitted hie -plans for a revolving turret on a wtr,vespol to ho government in 1841 and that later Erlckson paid him $10,000 for the use of tho Invention on tho Monitor. They Keeo Their Shape Extra long "scasoning"alono does not account for tno wonder! ill shape re t a i n i n g qualities o I WALK -OVER Shoos. That feature would not count for much were not 'the boxes and counters of solid leather, tho thread well waxed and strong, the skin perfectly tanned rind tho labor tho best ob tainable. You buy satis faction when you buy WALK-OVER Shoes. PRICE, $4,00, $5,00. I Choice East Front Building Lots. Five choice east front residence lots on South Ivy street: nil tko ad vantages of Oakdnle avenue "without tbo expense." Investigate tlicso lots; they are close in and can be had on reasonable terras. Inquire at 244 S. I MK Buy your dry goods now. Our lines are complete. We carry good dress goods. The prices are reasonable. J2-inch Serges and Mcssaline Finished,. Vools, in blues, greens, reds, grays and blacks, at por yard $1.25 uO-inch all wool Serges at, the yard , $1,00 36-inch Serges and Alpacas, in all colors, at, yard 50c Cotton Wash Goods and Outing Flannels at per yard, 9c, 10c, 121-2o." 15c and up to ,..!..., 50c Ladies' Knit Sweaters, in Avhite and' red at each, $3.00, -$3.50, $100 and $500 Men's Knit Jackets, in all good colors, at each, $1.50,, $2.50, $3.00 and v m $3 50 Boys' Knit Jackets at, each iv qqg Children's Jackols at, each ; 3gd 'NEW TKIS WEEK-Ladies Handbags, Hair Orna ments, Gloves, Furs, Belts, B'elt Buckles, oio. , Complete lines of-Wet Weather Shops and Rubbers, Um brellas, etc, N r 3 i creamery. I Grape Btreet. 205 -ui Vnm " ' nrta,