Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 11, 1909, Image 3

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H 4- t 4- 4-4 4- f -- 4- f t - 4- -f ! 4- l t44- H - ff:f-k
Classified Advertisements, Business Directory And Market Reports
-- -- - - ,- f 4 - 4 . 4
Fill a Long' Felt Want
By Using'
the Classified Ad Cdumns of the
Medford Mail Tribune
Orcflon Growers Have Made 43 En
Mries In the National". Apple
Show, Soon to Open in
(Mall Trlbuno Sppclnl Service.)
SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 11.
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana
and the province of British Columbia
are so far represented by 45 grow
ers In' the contests on 10-box dis
plays at the national applo show In
Spokane, beginning on Novomber 15.
Thgro are 10 competitions In this
class, .the chief prizes being a flve-
ncrp tract or orchard land in tno
Meadow Lako district, wefat of Spo
kane, valued at $1250, and five acres
of land with wafer rights in the Lakc
view district, Oregon, valued at
$1000; also two premiums of $150
each to first and $50 to Gccond and
six of $100 eacli to first and $50 to
In addition to the foregoing the
best ten boxes of any variety grown
along the Northern Pacific Railway
company's malA lino or branches will
receive a solid silver loving cup
whllo. the Bettor Fruit trophy cup
will .bo awarded to tho exhibitor of
the best ten-box pack. Exhibitors
of Rome Beauty apples aro also eli
gible for the Williams' Twice Winner
cup, hold by Georgo Farwoll of We
natchco. Tho Meadow Lake prlzo Is on
Rome Be-.uty apples, tho Lakevlow
premium being on Winter BanaVias,
whllo the Silver Grill purses, each
of $200. of which $150 is to firsts,
nre on Wlnesan and Wagoner. Tho
others are on Spltzcnborg, Mcintosh
Red, ArkanBns Black, Yellow New
town Pippin, Delicious and any other
variety not named.
The management lias also received
43 enlrles from growers In Oregon,
Washington. Idaho, Now York and
the province of British Columbia in
tho five-box competitions. Thoro are
nine contests, with prizes of $50 to
firsts and $15 to second, on Black
Twig. Baldwin. Rhodo Island Green
ing, Northern Spy, Stayman WIncsap.
Bon Davis', Grlmeg Golden. King of
Tompkins County and any variety
not named, and ono competition on
Jonathan nnnlcs. tho winner receiv
ing tho Brother Jonathan trophy and
,$25. also premiums in kind on tliroo
and a half, four, four and a half and
five-tier fruit,
Growers In tho four northwestorn
states nnd province havo sont 58 en
tries In the slnelo box competitions
on theso varieties: Yellow Bollflowor,
Mcintosh Red, Winter Banann, Spit
7onberfl Arkansas Black. Cox Or
ango Pippin, Slorra Beauty, WIncsap,
Delicious, ' Jonathan. Rome Beauty,
Wagenor, Golden Russot, Slayman
Wlnrsan, Grimes GoMon, Black Twig,
Northern Spy, Ben Davis and Bald
win. Tho first prizes aro $10 and
All Salary Loan Agencies in Spokane
Will Be Prosecuted by Mayor
Pratt if They Charge Over
Twelve, Per Cent.
, (Mull Trlbuno Spi-diil Si-rvlco.)
SPOKANE, Wr-sh., Nov. 11. Sal
ary loan agencies, chattel mortgago
houses and ensy-'tpy-.nont concorns
charging moro than 1 2 par cent, in
torost, tho lez'A rate in Washington,
will be prosecuted under tho usury
law by Mayor Nelson S. Pratt of
Spokane, without tho cost of a penny
to the victim?. Ho gave out this
statement in announcing tho fore
"If every person In Spokane who
la In the hands of salary loan Bharks
or the mortgago octopus will call at
my office In the city hall I will af
ford them tho relief granted by tlio
supreme court of tho stato of Wash
This Is believed to bo tho beglnn
lng of a stnte-wldo fight on agencies,
backed largely by eastern capital,
which havo been established In Spo
kane and other cities and towns
throughout tho stato during the last
few years. Many complaints havo
been made in Spokane that tho In
terest charges aro usurious, also that
foreclosures havo followed In numer
ous Instances;
(United Press Leased Wire.)
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Nov. 11.
Lola Fox ia today dying nnd her
mother, Mrs. Mollio Fox, is severely
burned as a result of the daughter's
clothing catching on fire yesterday.
While the mother was out milking,
t i i n j n l
i.oia sat. in iron, oi nn open grnie.
It is believed thnt tho warmth caused
her to fall asleep.
When her mpthcr entered tho room
she found her daughter's clothing
nhlnze. She dashed tho coiilunln of
bucket of milk -she was carrying
over the child, but this iniicd to
quench tho flames. Finally sho
stripped tho burning clothing from
the child's body with her bare hands,
but not until Lola was fatally burned.
No matter what it is you need, a want ad will bring it at a next to noth-,
ing cost.
. Somothipp; to trade? Something to sell ?
A classified ad will do it' in recoid time.
Thoy work while yon sleep. They roach the multitude,'
Do you want to rent a house or a furnished room ? The quickest and Wst
.way is thiough the classified ad. '",''
Have you lost something ? A classified ad will find it.,
Do you want to Know the loading but-iuesti li'rms of Medfor.d the .wide
awake ones . Look ut the diieciory and at the advertising columns, of th6"jMnil ,
Tribune. .
No home in Medford is complete without the Mail Tribune and Medford
is a city of complete homos
Everybody reads the Mail Tribune and everybody reads its wuyt ads.
r -f -.-t- -.-t-t--..--.'.4
FOR SALE A houso and lot for
sale cheap in East Medford, Call
at 112 Cottage St. 207
FOK SALE Oil RENT Five-room
bungalow, modern, in Tuttlo nddi
tion. Apply 900 East Sovonth st
tion. Apply 00C E. 7th st. ' 203
ncro improved farm, located 01"
milos of Grants Pass; good irriga-1
L ' .XT' A . l? ... 1.1 .. '
uuu. vmu iur nuiiumiub. uiu-lnents-Bnslor
Realty Co., owner-?,
Grants Pnss, Or. 201'
FOR SALE 240 acres, about 35
acres cleared, balanco in tlmbor,
about 2,500,000 feet yellow plno on
place; plenty of outsldo range; 5
room box house and other build
ings; two big springs, family or
chard; mllo and a quarter of school;
machinery goes with Prlco
$2500; S1800 will handle. W. T.
York & Co. 207
. f t- f . ttft .
WANTED Farm laborers. Tele
phone Farmers 117. 203'
.WANTED By competent mnn, on
J farm for tho winter. Inquire nt
WANTED Laud cleared by "con
tract; call nt once at tho Table Rook
ranch, Table Rock, Or., .or write
Jerry Fickos, care K. A. Wyckoff,
Central Point, Or. Splendid chanco
for right parties. 205
FOR SALE Span of horses, weight
1200; will work singlo or double.
Cull nt 414 North Front st. 200
FOR SALE A good cow, Jersey,
$35. Address P. O. Hox 371, Med
ford. 203
FOR SALE Land in acre tracts un
der Fish Lake ditch; splendidly lo
cated six miles 'out; ''suitable for
small fruit and gardon; also fivo
acro tract. 20 S. Peach st., P. O.
Box 842 ' 205
FOR SALE Marc, weight -about
1000 pounds, $50; not thoroughly
broken. C. M. Allen,' Burrcll orch
ard. 205
FOR. SALE Good drivincr horsu.
chonp. 17 Riverside nvo. '204
f.- -f -f --.--'
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, $1
nor week. 811 N. Riverside. 202
TO RENT Housekeeping rooms, 45
N. Bnrtlett st. ' 203
FOR RENT Seven-room houso at
334 Sixth st. Inquire4 at 322 South
Central nvo. $20 por month.
premiums In kind in 21 contests, and
$5 and diplomas to seconds. Thoro
aro al30 prizes for pack and pre-
mlumo for tho winner of tho most
That is tho question every hose
keeper must settle for herself when
it comes to purchasing supplies for
her household Sho usually decides
on QUALITY and once having
made her decision she invariably
makes her purchases at tho store
that sots quality above all else.
Tho name of that store is
Allen Reagan
FOR SALE Now Postal typewriter.
Call after 5 p. m., room 7, ovor
Model Clothing store. 204
FOR SALE About 300 acres of
chdico frujt land, deep red soil,
small stream, no rock, quite free of
fog nnd frost; enough wood lo pay
for same; about 40 acres cleared or
partially so; house, barn and othor
outbuildings; on main county road,
milo to Woolf Creek station, A1
miles to Glondnle; price $12.50 por
ncro as a whole; subdivide on basis
of $.10 to $25. Address Martin An-
V ANTED Mnn and wife, woman to
do housework, man to drive toam.
Or widow lady for general house
keeper. Address L. A. Rose, Phoe
nix, Or. 203
FOR SALE Or exchango lor Rogiio
River proporty, town or country,
11 85-100 ncres, tho very best In
tlio Sacramento valleyi suitable to
growing all kinds of Irult, grain Tind
hay, located ut Enclnal, on Nortliprn
Electric railroad, "8 miles north of
Yuba City. Sutter countv. Cal.. and
r.A v. a ..... ni I WANTED Nicely furnished house
. . , ... keeping rooms. Address G. F. E.,
Land level, no waste or overflow Tribi,nc offico , 201
land. Irrlgatittti ditch through cen
ter with boxes -and chcclrcfl complete
WANTED Position ns foreman on n
fruit ranch by a married man. Ad
dress G. Benton. Medford P. O. 202
gel, Merlin, Or.
FOR SALE 40-horso aalomobilo for
snlo or trado for real estate; in
first-class condition. Inquire nt
Medford Auto Co.
FOR SALE 1800 pounds second
hand telephone wire for wale, rolled
in rolls In good shape; n bargain for
someone. Call bit Chris Ulrich or
addres" Look Box 24, Jacksonville.
FOR SALE Finely split fitovewood
in oak, fir nnd pine, nnd eordwood
sawed into Hi-inch limpt.i blocks.
Call on F. Osonbn'jrge. Stu lebukor
Bros. Warehouse.
for quick Irrigation (wltU drainage
ditch on one side, county road on
two Bides. iAbout 10 acres Bet to
alfalfa and will yield 3rom 4 to 8
tons por aero. Tho balanco in Trtfit,
truck gariton and ponltryflota, tho
Inttor foncod with 880 feet 6-foot
poultry wire. A good variety of early
to lato apple, pear, i)cach, apricot,
plum, cherry, grapo, blackberries,,
raspberries and strawberries; -a "new
four-room house,1 'with cement Joun
'flation and collar; "houso plastered,
tpaporcd and p&Ttftctl and lias olec
trlo lights; poultry and outhouses
painted. This Is a cholcb location
innd nn 'ideal homo, and a "bargain at
'$3G00 $700 nt T per cemt, to run
A years. Also new housa in Med
ford, T rooms and bath, ono block
from basobr.ll ground, ?1COO; ?800
"handles this. A'cTllross N. Xi. "Town
send, "U2G E. 'Cth, Medford. 200
WANTED To buy team, wagon
and harness on monthly terms." Ad
dress Rt care Tribune Mail.
WANTED Experienced quarry man.
Address P. O. Box 418, Medford,
VANTED 12 vood choppers to chop
eordwood and tienvood. Address E
W. Lilieuran. Tolo, Or.
FOUND A ennwo bert pin. Owner
call 501 King st. after 5 .''dock. 200
Plxoo Ijotcl. 202
... . . .
IFOR SALE Tmproved 5 acres on
Nowtmvn st. and 'l'urnislved houso on
Ivy st. at a ImTgnin. AtldroeR Hox
02, Medford, or call at residence,
132T7orth Ivy. 205
"FOR SALE ?T2"5 piano certificate
Halo's! Piano nouso for "best effor.
Address M. B. HIgns, Canton, Or.
No. 20
No. 12
No. IB
Rosobitrg Pflss...
Shasta Limited..,
Orogmi Express, ,
Portland Express,
7:41 R.trt.
0 :2r s. ra.
8:24 p.m.
8 :!ID p.m.
No.lllShasIa Limited...
No. 15!California Express
No. 13S. V. Expreria...
5-50 a. ai.
10.5 a. m.
fl:32 p.m.
Medford to Jacksonville.
FOR SALE 3 ncro good garden
land, under dith; good houso;
Phoenix. Mat. Cnlhimn '
l-'OR SALE & nun lii-nun. tracts
just within and ndjoirniit; city lim
its, at a bargain, on . niinmil pay
merts. Address P. O lis 4.8.
FOR SALE 1200 acre iininmrovtid
land, also impro' 9l litml. . uitnb'.e
for fruit, for sale ithsap. Set1 H. M.
Coss. solo agent. fiOl W. Tentii St,
- - --." --
FOR SALE Twenty nerex, near
Merlin; good fruit land; $400; terms.
AddresrS. Tribuno.
FOR SALE--Choico busioosH proper
ty at a bargain, on Jong tune; easy
terms. Address P. O. Rnx 418.
FOR SALE 7-year-old black mare,
ride or drive single or double; ajso
good milk cow. O. L. Pnnkey, lSi
miles northeast of Central Point, or
nddiws oaro Tribune.
FOR SALE 1200 acres improved
land, suitable for fruit, for sale
cheap. See II. M. Coss. sole agent,
(104 W. Tenth St.. Medford. f.
FOR SALE Good genoral merch
andise stock and business In llvo
Willam'otto galley town; about
110,000 to ' swing. Particulars
address JJox SOS, Cottage Grave,
Or. 121 eodlwo
Fruit and v-getahles.
(Prices paid by Med rd nieretontiin
Apples 1 2o lb.; p aclies 2,(.iy4r
lb; pears, l.2o; swoeiwator
grapesi 21;653o; ulunis, lVe; To-
lavy gmpos, 4c.
Potatoes, lc 'lb: onions, i?1.50
cwt;; greon onions, 3fjo doz. bniitihos
carrots. 1(1(". beets. l(?Jji'
ttrhig besins, 3e; callage, I'o: preen
peppers. (Is; cucuinliers, 10c dote:
tomatoes, lc; squndi, 30c$l doz;
pumpkins, 1015c.
Butter, Eqijs and" Poultry.
(Pries jrnid by Medford merchant.
Ranch butter, 30c; fanoy cream
ed 37V&C
Fresh ranch eggs, 35e.
Mixed poultry, 10c; spring chick
ens, 15o; ducks, 10c; turkeys, 15
Feed and Milistuffs.
(Prices paid producers.)
Hay Timothy, $16; alfalfa, $15;
grass, $14 ton.
Wheat Old, $1.20 bushel; now, $1
bushel; oats, $39 ton; barley, old,
$30; now, $2f.
(Selling .prices.)
Rolled hnrloy, $2,00 cwt; $30 ton;
bran, $1.75; middlings, $1.851.00;
shorts. $1.80(5)1.85.
Beef, 2V83o: pork, Co; mutton,
SVfco; lumb, 4V&c; veal (dressed), do
Turnips, l'fco per lb; carrots, Jo
Pfcu per lb; pamnips, 1IV0 Por
Motor car leaves
Train loaves
Train leaves
Train leaves .
Motor enr leaves .
8:00 a. m
10:45 a. ia.j
a mo p. ra
0:00 p. m
0 :30 n, m
Jacksonville to Medfora
Motor icavoH
Train leaven
Train leaves
Train leaves , . . . .
Motor car leaves .......
iNo. 1 Leaves Medford..,
No. 3 Lcavns Melford , . .
NTo. 2 Ariiveb Medford.,
.Vo. 4 A Irives Medford . . -Vn.
1 Arrive Englo Pt....
NTo. SlLeuvcH Eagle Pt...
.Vo. 3lAri.cs Englo Pt...
NTo. 4lLeavee Eni;le PL...
7:00 a. in.
8 :45 a. in
2:30 p. ni
4 :30 p. m
7:30 p.m.
8:00 a. m
2:20 p. in.
10:10 a. m
5:00 p. m.
8:45 . in.
0:05 a.
3 :0ft p. in-
4:15 p. pi.
f-t; -----f-f-r-f- --f-f-r-f-.
Physicians and Surfleons. Bulldlnn and LoarAssoclatlon
n w. bto . d -ort N .Kg
ident phone Main 2301. " 8Ue-
..!,, i-u-.un n rT. Civil Engineers
; s ' !.' " I.U ' or), M. D. Physician
,. i .i ,i, Office, 133 V. Main WILL tnko by contract, on reason-
1 i l'buiie AI .in 577, Medford. aol terms, all kinds of work also
j -it . irrigating, planting and cultivating,
DR. R .1. CONROY Successor to ' etc. Landscape gardening. First
Mi-, J..i,w. Office in Stewart build- class references. William Peters,
i" . Civil Engineer, Phono 1801, 322 Easi
' Mnih street, Medford, Oregon.
S. R. SEELY, M. D.-Physician and - ' fr
Surgeon. Modorn equipped operai- Sii2rnLsi .
5ng rooms. X-Rny. Office hours: F. J. NEWMAN, JOHN CARKEW.
10-12. 2-4 p. m. Office m Jackson Newman & Cavkin, Court Lawyer
Co. Rank Building. ' Corporation apd criminal pra-
DH. F. G. CAR LOW, DR. EVA tico in Btate and fodoral courts OT-
MAINS CARLOW Osteop at h i c ficc" ovor Jnoks(" County ban
Physicians. Mission Block, Phone COI.VIQ & REAMS W. M. Colvi
201. Medford. C. L. Reamos. Law TJ. Offi(
, OcntlstS. Medford Bank Butt- S,
Offieo hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Milos . palm bnildin
Building, Main street, Medford. 0o- ... . ;
B0; , t KQRTEK J. NEFF Attoruey-aHa
- ' 1 NoO D strop., ground floor:
. Kindergarten. Stenographer.
street. Hours: From 0 a. m. to 11:30 Mooro Hotel.
a.m. For particulars opp y to Miss , n Trvx,rrriv , ,
Arm Harmon, director, at die school ' G' L' stenographer and no-
' tary. 20 Jackson County Bank blflg-
Amusemcnts. UjA M qaunyaw Palm block.
BIJOU THEATER West Sovcnth st. Stenographic work done quickly an.
Duriing Stook Co. in roportoiro of . wo"'
high-grado eomody-drnma produc- Real Estate.
tions. Changes Sunday and Thurs- ,..,., ,,
days. Admission 10c and 20o. MrfiJON INVESTMENT CO.-Real
; . ostntu, loutis and firo nisuranott.
Bill Posters Office 112 W. Muin St., Medfun&
VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and ' ?hunc 3073"
Distributor, aii orders promptly Printers and Publishers.
filled. Room 7, Jackson County MEDF0KD pUULISHINQ CO. ha.
Bank Building, Modford, Or. ,, . , . . .
the best oijuipped job .fiico ib
Billiard Parlors Southern Oregon; Portland prices.
, ' . ! TT 37 South Central ave.
S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci- :
gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Opticians.
Young and Hall building. A nice .... ZT ; :
cool place to spend tho hot after- . GOBLE-Tho only exclusive op-
noonB' ncian between Portland and Sac-
' ramento Office on West Main.atieafc
Furniture and m,n.d. ,
II. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in now CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Eji
and second hand furniture nnd hard- spocalist. when others fail. Offie
ware. Agents for Mound City kit in Eaglo Pharmacy. Mam 233. East
chen cabinet. 323 B. Soventh st. Main noar D'Anjou.
Corner 8th and Holly Sts., Mod- ; .:j, , . "
forth Mission Furniture made to ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew-
order. Cabinet work of all kinds. olerfi' cftrr3' n complotq stock an.
A trial order solicited. raaIi ft apoamlty of high grade ra-
pair work. Opposite the NasuuHa-
MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves tol. -
and Ranges. Now and Second Haiid GEO. A. BUTT-Watchmaker jew
lumiture, Euds' old stand, 18-20 eler und ongraVer. My jewelry stock
F St .South. Phone 01, Medford, Or. ;8 My facilities, inclni.
Hospitals. ing eporionco and material for re
MEDFORD HOSPITAL - Surgical f1 wor u" tl hosJ Iu,tho oit
oases a specialty; thorough equip- nml Sovth flt8"
mont. Mrs. L, G. Gardner, Prop., Brick Companies.
440 E. Evergreen St., Mcdfod, G. W. Priddy. 7T."0'nrjT
Drayage and Transfer. o. D. Naj
Droying and Transler, will call BrJcl, nimmftteturoB. ..lid contrtj
any where in city Phone Main 503 forfl' nIso ,,U,B cenieI n"d P1,lHl
Stand .it R. P Donci 111 any quantity. Office, Medfof-
National bank bldg. Phoneo Main
Nurseries 545,
all kinds of nursery stook without
irrigation or fortilizor, but on deep,
ridh soil, producing it nonunl growth
and n vigorous, hoalthy tree, with
ft strongo root growth. Thoso treos
nvo ospcchdly adapted to Rogue
Riyor valley soil and conditions. J.
P. Adams, Agent, P. O. Box 143
Offica in Central Point Ilotol, Cen
trnl Point, Or.
Encle Point
8:55 n. rn.
0:00 p. in.
8:10 .m.
3:00 p. 11:.
2 :00 p. m
miSIMFS?. niRFfiTflRV
aro budded, not grnftod. Our took
is not irrigated. We gunraiiten ov
er'thing put out Wo aro not m tb
twist. H. B. "Patterson, office, :if
TIeI KNfih.
Growers of .ligh-grndo inirsory
stock. C. E. Co.k, Prop. R. R. V.
dopot, P. O. Box 811. Phono 583.
dortakors. Day Phone 353. NfgftiV
Phonos C. W. Coiiklui 30; Jl VU "
Butler 148.
Piano Instruction.
HARMONY, sight rending, musical
form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan
Collogo of Music. Miss iWa Gray,
Studio., 144 South Central avonua.
Phono 403.
JACK MOORE Contractor for
plumbing, boating and sewering,
Eleventh and Front, Medford. Or..
Phono 123.
Paint Stores.
15c ; beds, 15c. Give us a trial. 20
Central avenue, upstairs.
Photograph Studios,
Maokey and dio with joy." Ovor AJ
len & Reagan's storo; entrance 00
Seventh street.
Carrlaue and Auto Painting.
WORKS High-elnsu work guaran
teed. Signs. Riverside avenue,
Phone 801,
Transfer and Drayage.
traiiKfoiv Bnggngo
C and Seventh.
-Drayngo and
stored. Office
M.J. METCALF Paints, Brushes,
iv mi nipqr, Glass, V.arnislios Stains
and Wall Tints. 318 E. Main St,
Medford, Oregon.
T.iL Companies.
MRS. E. E. aORHPmuo instruction
Metropolitan Collogo of Music. Mi..s
Flora Gray. Phono 403. 144 South
Central avenue.
Cement Workers. '
B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran
teed strictly first-class. Residenoo
No. 400 Bcatty street. A card will
bring me to you.
ton, agont. Storo opon aftoroopm.;
will ho on delivery routo nil fore
oon ., Phono 3871, 237 Hirer .id
CartojsjiidBjdjders. '".
list of nil tmibor to bo aut in bail
nig. Medford, Oregon
Tin Shows.
J. A. SMITH Tin .hop. ThVJ,
iron ware on hand and tsad t
order 128 North G utree.,