i - 8 THE MflDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, tEDPORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1909. CALLED FEAR KINGSTON MENTAL MURDER WOMAN H NT THE HUTCHASON COMPANY THANKSGIVING LINEN SALE X5e Quotations Below Clearly Indicate the Many Unusual Values Offered in Our Linen Department. f6e Sale of Table Linens, NapKins and Sets at Unheard of Prices. OFF IS DESTROYED LATEST CRIME! OF TRUMP CARO TONIGHT 1 is ! r i TroiipB Unable to Reach Mcdford, Cable Communication Broken Be pwlnfl to Blockade, on South- Hevctl That Earthquake Has !ern Pacific Lines South Visited the Island of of Shasta. ' Jamaica. Thoro Will 1)0 no production of (United Press Sensed Wire.) iiAiu-AX, N. S.,Nov. 10. Con Bouse this owning owing to tlio fact fllderablt nnxoty Is being folt hero Hint t ie trouno w ho mm b n n ,,,u ' ' mu isiann 01 jamm- reach Mcdford, ns tho lino , of tho Southern Pacific south of S msta i ;uiiiiuunicauon nag ueon re- still blocked by the envo-in in tho colve(1 fro"i Kingcton, since Saturday, innnel. whon a fierce hurricane was raging. Thoro Is it nossibilitv that llio nlnv u ,s Probable that land communlca- will be scon tomorrow evening, us tho t,on was Interrupted by the Btorm, show may bo transferred. but Jt Is. not bolioved that It could Tho company bits sovornl hundred wrclc tho cable lino which connects men nt work building n temporary Kingston with this city. It is foared track nround tho mountain and it is ,loro tnnt nnothor earthquake rfias bolicvcd that traffic will bo resumed visited tho Island and wrockod tho in the near future, nlthotiEh it mnv cab'0. Lo weeks beforo tlio tunnel is" cleared. Tno steamer Amanda f.-om Hall- fax went aground off tho Wost End BALL1NGER TO SUE FOR LIBEL. of .Tatnolca last Friday. Tho vessel was floated that night and must have oncountorod tho hurrlcano. Nothing has been hoard from It Elnco. (Continued from pngo 1.) la working on his roport, thp United PrcBs Is today ablo to outllno somo ot the more Important features deal Ing with tho disposition of wator pow er Bites and coal lands. Proaerjt Indications nro that tho conservation policy will bo ono of tho big problems to como up boforo con- gross, in ins roport uainngcr will cm- plmslze tho fact thnt his withdraw- Tho officials of tho cablo cohipany ls of wator power 'sites wore only do not know whother tho Interrup- lcmporary. tlon wns duo to a hurricane or an Ho will call attontlon to tho do- earthquake. Tho cables havo boon alrablllty of proventlng a monopoly working poorly slnco Saturday, whon Charge Brought Against Christian Madame Stelnhell Heads Off Judge Science Practitioner Newest Wrinkle in the Dictionary of Crimes. (United Press Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Nov. 10. "Mental assassination" something now In tho dictionary of crimes, Is charged to day against Mrs. Augusta Stetson, deposed Christian Sclonco practition er, in a report mndo to the mother church at IJoston by Mrs. Maud Kls- sam Dabcock. Mrs, Bnbcock formerly was a stu dent under tlio direction of Mrs, Stet son, but thoy quarreled a year oko. Now Mrs. Babcock makes tho start ling allegation that Mrs. Stetson trlod to "mentally murder" her by system similar to somo extent to tho so-called "absont treatment." She Who Is Evidently Afraid of Some Exposure to Bo Made by the Woman. New York Worries. NEW YORK, Nov. 10. -It was an nounced horo that tho West Indian cables aro working only as far as Santiago do Cuba and that commu nication south of that point ceased Inst night. (United Press Leased Wire.) PARIS, Nov. 10. "I am becoming nngry. Do not exasperate mo any longer. I have been dofendiug my self cautiously because unfortuiinto ly I wns obliged to, but if you drive mo to it I will cense to bo discreet. Do you understand?" Mine. Stoinlieil, "tho red widow," who is on trial here, charged with i the murder of her artist husband and stepmother, Mine. Jnpy, hissed these I words in tin undertone nt Presiding Judgo De Vnlles today, giving u glimpse of her trump card. Do Vnlles evidently understood what tlio woman meant for he immo dintcls' chnnged his line of question ing. Ti. ! II.. .1 JT...1 if describes tho mental attack, saying I " ,H Kwiunmy uenovuu uuu more that slm wns nt her linmo In "fWnr- "IU pusMunmu ui u scummi burst," asleep In a perfectly normal of theso situs, but will pass up to congress all furthor responsibility, It is rilso understood thnt ho will recommend a national policy regard Ing- tho western coal lands, allowing tho lnirrlcnno wns reported No connection with Jamaica Is pos- slhlo nt this time. This fact, tnken In connection with tho roports from Ilnllfax that tho tlio consolidation of Bovernl claims to nrltlsh cablo Is out of commission, poririlt tholr dovolopmont by corpo rations which aro excluded undor tho present Bystom of laws. Conservation by law and not by ex- ccutlvo notion is to bo tho koynoto of lils roport. It 'can bo stated on good authority thnt President Tnft will BUpport Sec retary Balllngor'H attitude Thoro nro bills alroady on tho con- TIMBER CRUISER SAYS HE Kreaslonrn cclondnr calling for n com- WILL ASCEND MT. M'KINLEY plolo revocation of nil withdrawals of nubile lands. Notnblo nmonc thnno . (United Press Leased Wire.) Is ono Introduced by Concrossman CHNTRALIA, Wash., Nov. TO. leads to considerable nnentdncsa horo. Tho roport from Clovolnnd thnt tho seismograph thero registered a tor- rifle onrthnunko shock last night Is tho cnuso of npprohonalon, though tho figures at Clovoland lndlcato that tho ouako was much furthor than Jamaica. Sylvostor Smith of Callfomln pro Paul do Chnmplnin, bend timber Whiting withdrawals by an oxecutivo niisor for the'Milwnukco Lund com without loglolntlvo sanction. Another by Sonntr Guggenheim of Colorado provides for granting outright tho right of way for powor linos, dams' and canals through till public domains. MEN'S CLUB HOLDS AN INTERESTING MEETING Tho Mon'a club mot last night In tlio club rooms In tho church. Al though tho night wns stormy, n good Sy number wore proBont. Special mu sic was a featuro of tho program. Clnronco Kollogg, Harry GunRon nnd J, P. Lnwronco furnished tho music. Addresses wore mndo by tho follow- pnny, today stated tunc lor a gunr nntoo of $10,000 he would nscond Mt. McKinloy. Ho spent much time in Alaska and last Hummer camped n the vicinity of Ml, McKinloy. Do Chnmplnin says Ihnl nny one who climbed tho mountain could lenvo n flng on tho summit thnt could bo soon from tho lowlands below, thus proving that' tho nseont really hud been made. NINE BODIES ARE TAKEN FROM BURNING COAL MINE (t'nltod PrcHH T.onscd WIro.) WILKKSUAlUtE, Pn., Nov. 10; Nino bodies already have boon rceov- stato, whon suddenly'she began to freeze. "My heart fluttered," sho declares, "luminous waves rolled toward mo, covered with tho faco of doid people Mrs, Stetson's bluo eyes wcro all around tho room and It seemed that my soul wont out of my body." Mrs. Bnbcock says that sho stag gored to the bathtub and took a hot plunge, but could not fool tho wator. "I realized then," sho says, "that I was struggling against tho rulers of darkness and oplrltunl wicked ness In high places. "Only tho Imporsonnl ovor-on-hand and omnipotent lovo boro mo up beyond tho reach of this wotild bo mental assassination." brenking out nt the trial, which will bring disgraco to high French offi cials, if Mme. Stcinheil reveals tho "back-door history" of her attempt to rule Franco through hor lovers. The SDCctntors also bcliovo tlwt tho "red widow" iolds tho upper hand, nnd that this fact is responsible for tlio remnrkabfe conduct of tho trial. Tlio prosecution seems bent on making ns much show ns possible without bringing out many facts. NOVEMBER 24 IS TREE-PLANTING (Continued from paRO 1.) i DAY children, nnd ndulls ns well, is plain ly scon; nnd tlio dosiro to go to the pnrks, whero tho beauties and com forts of trees mny bo enjoyed is abundant cvidonco thnt adults nnd ohildron find in the nssocinlion with trees n satisfaction nnd pleasure that can not bo found elsowhoro. The ono fenturo of nny city or town first no ticed by ono visiting the plnco for the first timo is tho presence or absence of parks and trees nlong its streets. In Mcdford there is no ono spot that ndds so much to its beauty nnd that is so thoroughly enjoyed by so many pooplo, visitors ns well ns res idonts, ns thu park which has been provided nnd cured for by tho ladies of tho Greater Mcdford club.. RAN MAN DOWN IN CROWD; IS ARRESTED (United Press- Leased Wlir.)' SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. Hi. Clnronco Brndloj', u teamster who drove through the lines of tho Odd Fellows parado on Vnn Ness avenue on October 17, running down A. G'. Clnrlc nnd inflicting injurio-) !iy which Clnrlc died a few liom's nl'tor woi'd, wns made defendant to the charge of murder today. Tho warrant" charging-Bradley with! tho murder of Chirk, ras served' by Chnrles Benedict, an official of the Odd Fellows lodge. At tho timo of tho nccidcut fTrnd loy wns nrrested nnd booked for mnnslnnghter. '-After fuller Investi gation of tho enso the clinrgo was raised to mnrdiir. TABLE DAMASK. Lay iu j'our supply of damask now, while .Vou can take advantage of the extreme low prices. 22c a yard 58-inch Table Damask, worth 35c. 29c ti yard 58-inch bleached Damask, worth 50c. 43c a .yard' 70-inch bleached Damask, worth 75c. 59c a yard 72-inch bleached Damask, worth 85c. Other prices up to $1.39 for $2.00 Linen Damask. We have many other prices and qual ities to select from. napkins; at a saving from one-quarter to one half former price. 50c for one dozen finished Napkins. 93c for $1.25 mercerized Napkins. $1.19 for Napkins worth $1.50. $1.89 for Napkins worth $2.50. $2.39 for Napkins worth $3.00. and up to $6.00 Napkins for $4.89. We early full lines of Table Sets and Napkins to match cloths, reduced prices GREAT SALE WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS AND SUITS. The season's best Suits and Coats at deepest reductions yet quoted. Women and misses who have delayed purchasing their suits and coats may count them selves luck'. This Thanksgiving Sale offers remarkable savings. Millinery Millinery at almost half Gage Hats, known all over this country. Note prices be low and see the extensive line at the store. Trimmed Hats from $3.29 and up. Ladies' Shoes Shoes for ladies, misses and' children. No shoe over $2.50 for values up to $350. A saving from 50e to $1.00 on every pair. ITALIAN CRUISER SAILS AWAY FROM SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO; Citi:, Nor- 10. The Italian oruisor Chlnbrin,. tho last of tho foreign fleet- thnt vrsited Snn Francisco' bay during tho Por toln festival in October; sailed this aftornoon for tlio Orient. Shortly bdfbro tlio vessol hoisted .,..,.!... c,,. i.., ....:., ....... ,, , ., . ntk lt ! r I iiiiuuui i.lfi liui mili; 1:4 lll.-ti:, ruu twin Through then- efforts tho Tadics huv' b jmj persona: w. II. Ooro on tlio pur- 0,.ou- rrom the Aehingless oolliury .of nwso nnd onportunltloH of tho clnb;j10 i)0iluVnro & l.ackawaunn and. 'W.'lPVBhloldfl, on the pleasures and iWostorn Coal company's plant n dirriQUltloa of n minister or uio gos- Niuitieoko, whore n number of min- pol; D. W. )jtikci. on how to win uuc- xosa: J. T. HnrrlHon, on how tho club 'could bo f fffccilvo In tho doing of tlilngBi nnd Rutherford Korr, on ors wore shut In last night, following ycstoidny's explosion. Belwpon fivo nnd ton iiorsons still nro missing nnd it is feared that thoy spotting your man. Ilofroshmonta invo ,iomi. Although the firo still is wore served by tho comniltteo. The iloors of tlio club roon nro open evory Tuesdny ovenlnK for thoVmom- -Ijcre of tho club to moot for roadlng, amuKoment'or Hoclnbllltv. Tho pur pose In to mako this ono of tho boat c1iii Xor men In tho city. burning fiorcoly, it is believed to bo- uudor coiil rol. G0TCH IS SUED FOR BREACH OF PROMISE OVER IO00 POUNDS OF TURKEYS ARE SOLD AV. Af. Howard brought in 00 turk eys WednoRduy morning, consigned to Uio. Gold liny Konlty Co. Tho load iiellod 102.1 pound, a lilllo over 10 pounds to Uio bird. Tho majority wero liens nnd of UiIh year's growth, '-Which out down tho nverngo weight eonsidornhTy. Thoro wore young -ItoliblorR in the hunoh thnt would pull flown tho beam close to tlio A0 lio nnd mark. ' H I'll HMMH Art Btudlo Snlo n Gmit Success. Tho big Bnlo that wn8 given ftt tho Art Studio last Saturday wao ft rpnr HUCCCBS nnV, Mr. Hull baa dooldcd ontlmio It nil thla wcoU, ao If wish to got pomo local aconory luko Ohrlatmna proaonta for your ids. call and look thorn over, ja rango follows: 5c, 10c. ICo, JlfJc, 30c, 40q nnd .BOc Those aro MMrly nil Iwgo photos and somo of 0tw gfo mounted." Don't forgot tU mMtAl sdlo Saturday I Tho Art, Stu dio, aai H. Mala stroot. Frank II. Hll, proprietor. J0t CHirAaO, 111., Nov. 10. Frank A. Gotoh, champion wrestler of tlto world, today is defendnnt in n broach of promise suit brougbt by Miss Sndio Currio, 21 years of ngo, who formerly lived in St. Pnut. Tho young lndy nsks $25,000 damngos be cause of nn nllogod unfulfillod pledge of mntrimony 011 tho part of tho Town glnnt. Qotch was served with the summons Inst night. Presbyterian Church. "Tho Cross na a Fact and a "Neces sity." Thla la tho aubject on Sunday morning at 11 a. m. Como for thla sermon and let ug consider thla ques tion together. If .tho cross la n fncl In human ilfo nnd lt cannot bo avoid ed, "why shut our oyoa to tlio fnct? Facta don't change. Doea tho dl vino llfo abaro with the human In tho fact of tho cross? Poea tho In nocent auffor for tho sin of others In human llfo? Is dlvlno and hu man llfo similar? Lot us spend ono luiif hour looking .this question BQUarely la tho fnco. Services nt 7;30 in, Sunday school nt 10 0. m. Qliriatlnn En deavor society at G:30 p, m. provided a pormnnont nnd poronninl spurco of honuty nncT enjoyment for Mcdford. This snmo- club of eivic spiritod ludios now desires to extend tho beautifying and comforting in fluence of trees to nil streets nntf 101110 surroundings by stimulnting nn qetivily in planting nn nbuudnnco of trues nnd shrubbory iu all parts at Mi ;ity, Certainly ovoi-y citizen in- lorosled in tlio growth nnd welfare -f the city will join heartily in respond ing to this request comniittco nnd' Mayor- Edwnnfl Rob son Taylor, who bndo farewell to the officers and meii. Tonsts woro drunk, to tho pros'ufent and to-King Emman uel of Italy, ni)d tokens of appreci ation iu the form of fruits nud flow ers were presented lo tho men. MANY SOCIETY WOMEN ATTEND THE" REED TRIAL A Conversation of Interest to House wives. "Isn't it queer how easily pomo peo ple ure deceived wlwsn it comes to purohnsutg snob importniit itoms of overy-dny eoiisumptron as ton nud coffee," romnrked tn lndy to hor friend, who Jroppeil in for a shorl call. Now, somo people prefer , to buy their tens nnd coffees in bulk from tho traveling tea nud coffoo salesman or a smnll concern whoso moans proont them bundling any thing but n smnll stock of tons, cof fees and extracts, nnd whoso clerk hire, rents, team hire, etc., all come out of tho profits of this snmll stock, besides paying high prices for goods that have usually lost their strength through exposure. Now, I nlwnys nuike It n prnctioo lo purch ase mv tea nnd coffee from my gro cor, thorcby getting it in sealed pnekngos, nro put up by n reputable firm nnd instead of paying nn exor bitant price 1 got such well-known brands us tho M. J. B.' coffeo for 10 cents por pound, or threepound tins for $0 conts, or tho "White Uouso" brand nt two pounds for 7." cents, or the Hoynl Club brand. In tons I usually get tho famous T.ip ton's teas at H5 cents u pound, Re sides oilier good brands nt the same low proportionate prieo. Whuro do I trndo? Why, tho Hos flrtieery, of oonrso. Thoir storo Is so nioo and clean and I always go(. such courte ous treatmont that I find it n pleas ure, to Undo thoro. flo-nl-bye." 201 (Unltt-il Irs8 t.rtiacil Arjrf.) DENVER, Colo., Nov. 10. To day's soscion 111 the trial of Mrs. El Fen F. lfeed, licensed of attempting to extort .$20,000 from .Mrs. Ucne viovo Pliipp- by threatening to blow up tho hitter's daughtor, is being oc cupied in securing a jurv. It probably AviFl bo liilo tomorrow before Min. Phipps goes on tho stand. Thoro wns nnothor scramble of w meiv tudny for seats in tho courtroom. HOTEL ARRIVALS. 28 stylish Suits, $12.00 values jv this sale, $8.98. 29 smart Tailor ed Suits, $20.00 sellers; this sale $14.89. 25 fine Tailored "Winter Coats, $15.00 sellers, for $11.29; Hundreds of other great coat and suit values at $tZ75, $15,' $17.50, $18.50 and up to $50.00. THanKsgivirag,.&ale of Dress Goods All at Reduced' Prices The HUTCHASON COMFY Successor to Baller-Hutchason Company STOCK CONCERNS SPREAD 'the- identity of Uio individual respon RtJMOR OF TEDDY'S DEATH sible, but believe that the rumor wns Istarted by stock-jobbing concorns WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 10. jfer ulterior purposes. stock jobbing concorns nrro believed; O'GARA SPEAKS TO ASHLAND PEOPLE NEXE SATURDAY tto bo wsponsiblo for the rumor cur rent rccontly that Colonel Theodore Roosovelt had been killed! While buul- ine: iu Africa- Professor O'Gnra will address tho AlllKiugh a minibor of government I people of Ashland Saturday on tho sources investigated tho rumor they planting of orchards and tho mnn woro unnble) to detcraiino positively nor in which to tnko care of theni. Tho meeting .is being well advertised, among the- fruitgrowers of the upper valloy, and a record attendance is expected at tho mooting. A number of tho heavily interested orchard men of this city and vicinity will nccom pany Professor O'Gnra. FOR SALE 7G-acro ranch, with good wator right; finest fruit lnnd; cheap; also property In Portland; will trado for Medforu property. Seo Coleman at cigar factory. 201 lEe South Bend Malleable Ran ge The NnshJ, A. Wnldhciiuor. Now Tbrk; J. Forsytho, II. E. Pnrkhurst, Portland; J. II. Gerard, W. M. Grant, B. W. Dennis, I J. Zekind, San Frnneisco ; F. C. Austin, W. II. Jon kins, W. A. Nownuui, L. F. Tidbnll, C. A. Green, F. E. Whitney, Port land; L. K. Hawk, Central Point; 1). M. O'Connoll, Seattle; J. It. Cum mings, Chicago. The Palace 0. W. Wilcox,' Wood ville; J. G. Mt'Allislor' nnd family, Coldrndo; T. J. Nicks and family, I.ongsworth; F! Miller, Oakland, Cal. Tire Mooro-G. II. Graves, Port land; F. II. Prico, San Francisco; Marion V. nnd Francos A. Morrill, Evniiston, 111. ; Myrtlo E. Pease, Port land; A. Parllott, Now York; A. E. Purr, Portland; M. Poorco, Jackson ville; A. F. Hawkins, Pino Earth, Minn.; C. W, Alger, Chicago; C. A. Mnttiou, Portland; Mnj. Jennie Hig gins, Engenel G. C. MoCab, St. Joe; Mr. nnd Mrs. A.. W Wobor, Portland; W. A, IJitmsfty, Los Angolos; W. H. Clark, O. Warner, Itngeburg; J. T. Uiirns, Grants Pass; J. A. MuIIvuul, Portlnnd. And there i Oiitwe ighs Them All a reason for eveiy oxtfa pound of tough steel and enduring malleable iron in it. Tho.3-ply con struction makes it wear well and there is an .extra heavy bracing on the oven, for you must know the oven is air-tight. The heat can't got out and t'.ie dust or ashes can't get in. There are so many distinctive features peculiar to tho South Bend Malleable tvangc that we have no room to speak of them all. It's THE PEER AMONG RANGES DROP INTO THE STORE OP NICHOLSON HARDWARE CO. ANY TIME FROM NOVEMBER 22 TO 27. You will be served with three minute biscuits and delicious hot coffeo and present Ql with a beautiful Cook Book and a uso'ul Souvenir.