THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1909. E ES Central Point Will Soon Receive Actual Coin With Which to Build Their Water , , System. . (Mnll Trlbunq Special Service) CENTHAL POINT, Or., Nov. 10,- Tho blank bonds for tho Contral Point water bond Ibsuo arrived Sat urday from the buyers, S. A. Kean & Co. ot Chicago, and wore Immediate ly signed by Jtfayor Lcevcr and Re corder .Tones and placed with tho Central Point Stato bank for col lection. Tho bonds nro of $500 de nominations and the Issue s for $26, 000. Tho engineers employed by tho city aro getting out tho plans nnd specification!) of tho now system as rapidly ns possiblo nnd It Is now ox- pected that the actual construction work will bo started within tho next .two weeks. ; This matter has boon drawn out Tor a long "tlmo' and It Is With much -satisfaction that tho pooplo whb havo stood faithfully behind tho novomont can begin to pe'o. .ahead of them and Tool that tholr work and efforts will not como to naught. YAKIMA FEARS COAL SCARCITY DURING WINTER HORTII YAKIMA. Wash., Nov. 10. 'Conl in Roing to 'bo hiph in fills 8cct!on: this winter, nnd it in not rit all unlikely t)mt it will, ho hard lo gel. Tho destruction of Hie shaft "in ono of tiio Roslyn minon a fow we6kB-npo aulH down tho output 3500 tons ii dny, nnd ovoh wliun nil tho minoHnvoro runniiip nt enpnoity tlioro was no surplus. 1 'rhol'o aro now llirno rnilronds to food from those conl' fields Iho Northern Pacific, tiio Gi'oiit Nortliern and tho Milwau kee. Tho Roslyn Juol company in selling 1)000 tons n day to ibeAje ronds, hud tliat is not sufficient for -their uso. Owners of a mine at Clo Elnm nro rushing construction work on n mio of track, which will Con nect thoir holdings with tho North ern Pnoifio. Ollior indications point toward 'a shortage. Dcnlors lioro linvo recoived word of an advance of 7fi cents n ton in Docpinhor. Tho wary householder is filling his coal bin in advance. CARTER RANCH IN ILLINOIS VALLEY SELLS FOR $19,000 UUill Trllmno Hpcclol Sorvlco.) QUANTS PASS, Or., Nov. 10 A largo real estnto deal Iiuh jiiht Leon pnl through by Captain Yordin, ho having nnld tho Cartor ranoli of 700 acres in tiio Illinois vnjloy to Clinrlos O. Lofforson of North Dn kotft for $10,000. Tho snmo partv also bought tho Congor farm, on tho Applegnto, and the McCaho plnco. STATE DEPUTY SIMMONS DUE HERE ON NOV, 12 ' ' '(Mall Tribune fipcclnl Sorvlco.) 1 'GRANTS PASS, Or., Nov. 10.- "J. W. SiinmonR, state dopnty of tho "M, W. A., spenh (his evening vjeitmg Ihq Joonl enmp of Woodmen nnd do ing general boosting work for. Wood craft. IIo in making n frenornl toar of tho state nnd will ho in Med ford on Novomhor 12 nnd Central Point vttio nth to visit tho local camps. Af ter the uioetimr lliis ovouing n lunch and' 'smoker was hold. GRANTS PASS COMMERCIAL t CLUB TO HOLD HIGH JINKS Otnll Trthune Special Service.) GRANTS PASS, Or., Nov. 10. Tho Grants Pass Conunoroinl club fins Rent out soveral hundrod card finvitations to its moinho'rs and friends for u mnnkor to -bo hold on 'Wednesday cvoning, Novomhor 10, nt its headquarter. The meeting wil ho Htrintly informal, no hp! speeches, and the program includes oystnrs, sdams, wieners, ooffoc, olo. ONUS ARRfV GNED ,Fnilt Oromw, Tiilu Notice. "Tbo fruR growers of Jackson, conn ty nnd tho Roguo Ulvor valloy nre respoctfully urged' to call on h. B. Warner nt hla office, 307 nd 309 East Boventh, nnd consult him about frco transportation to tho city of Ghl wgo via Portland, Seattle, Tacojns nnd Spokanq, with stopovor privi leges. Good tor traosportntlon only. Docs not Include Pullman car accotn topdatlons. ,Tho party buying tho, largest mmfpint (if nursery atock this year from L. B. Warner gets froo trnns ctrtatjon to tho above named cltloa and ?oturn upon cortnln condllonB. , u ', ' l nVVArtNBU, 396 v Tha iMonoV Nurseryman. mukry MINE ER Woll-Known Property in Willow Springs District Is Bonded by Mining Men. (Mall Trbuno Special Service) CENTRAL POINT, Nov. 10. A slight Impetus was given to tho min ing industry In this locality last week, when tho announcement wad made that S. H. Murray of this city had bbnded tho Murray, mlno In tho Wil low Springs district to M O. Wo njnek and associates who will nt onco rcsumo operations upon this pj-6porty. Tho amount of . tho bond w!as not made; public, but it is un derstood to bo a goodly sum. Tho Murray mine Is ono ot tho best kfriown properties In this section and Itj Is believed that with practical min ing men in control 'of It, It will bo mnde a big proposition. Tho ledgo carries an avorago vnjuo of $10, a ton In free milling nro, nnd is of abnormal -slzo. The new; Poonlo iln cpntrol expect to erect h! t'on-siaihp njill on llp property Just, as sqon as tho preliminary work' off opening Is dono. I Mr. Womack Is n practical ihlnl'ng man nnd has been connected with emo of tho best properties In the Novnda mining country, ns won as lii .tho Klondike . i FEET OF SEA BEASTS. Their Appearance When the Skin Ii i Stripped Off. , Of all the feet that I havo looked at j know only one moro utterly ridicu lous than the twisted flipper on which the sea Hon props his great bulk In front, nnd that Is tho forked tly flap ivulcu extends from tho hinder part of the saino. How can It bo worth any beast's whlle to carry such an absurd apparatus with It Just for tho sako of getting out into tho air sometimes and pushing oneself about on the ice and belug onton by polar bears? Tho por poise has discarded one pair, turned tho Other into decent tins and recovered a 'graeo and power of motion in water whlpu Is not equaled by the greyhound on land. Why linvo the seals hung back? 1 bollevo 1 know tho secret. It Is tho. baby! No ode knows Whero the porpolso arid 'tiio whale cradle iholr newborn infants it Is so dllllcult to pry Into the domestic Ways of these sea pcoplo but evidently the seals (Jnnnot manage It. so they are forced to return to the laud when the t ares of maternity nro on them i I have called the feet of thexe Pen beasts ridiculous things, and so they are as we see them. Rut strip off the Skin, nnd, lo, there appears a plain foot, with Its Ave dlclts. each of sev ornl JolntH. tipped with eliiws. nowise essentially different. In short, from that with which the toad or frog first set out In a past too distant for our Infirm Imagination, Admiration Itself Is parnlyred by a contrlvnnco so sim ple, bo trnnsnilitnblc nnd so sutflclent for every need tlint tlmo and change could bring. Strand Magazine. A Willing Scot. Dean Ramsuy has a story of that border hostility between English nud Scots' which used to go to halter lengths, A Scottish drover was re turning from the south in particularly bad humor with the English, haying duno poor business, when ho saw la Carlisle a notice offering n reward of 50 to any one who would volunteer or the unnoHilnr task of hanging n condemned criminal. Seeing his chance to mnlcu up for his bad market and comforting himself with tbo thought that ho was unknown there, he did tho Job and got his fee. As he was leaving lib was taunted ns a beggarly Scot, doing for money whnt no Eng lishman would. Hut he answered, with a cheerful grin, "I'll hang ye a' nt tho price." Ways to an Untimely End. Tho catalogue of the ways nud means employed by otherwise sensible people to Incur the rUk of disease ami an untimely cud Include running to catch trolley cars, breathing rapidly through the mouth Instead of deeply through tho nose, eating too hastily and overcatlug, "slouching" Instead of standing nnd walking In an erect attitude, using un necessary stimulants, falling to exter minate the pestilential housefly, which goes blithely nbqut carrying tho genus of disease! steeping In 111 venllluted rooms ilnd falling to protect food from tiles ami other insects by proper screen ing. Philadelphia ProsB. Throe Tlohtwade. Spenklng of tightwads, u Texas pa per says: It Is reported that three of the atlngh'Ht men In tho stato were in town yesterday Or of them will not drink as much -votr - as he wants un less It is from another man's well. The second forbids any of his family from writing anything but a small hand, as It Is a waste of Ink to make largo let tors. The third stops his clock at ulght In order to save wonr and tear on th mnchlnory. All ot thorn decline to take their couny paper on tho ground that It Is a, terrible strain on .heir spectnoles to read nowspapcrs evomli) the ditytlino. UNO BOND GUARD HOUSE 10 TAKE JIVERFLOW Government Grants Request of Spo kano to House Men Arrested During War Regarding Free Speech. (United Press Leased Wire.) OLYMPIA, Wash., Nov. 10. The commanding officer at Fort Wright, tho army post near Spokane, Is today making arrangements to furnish quarters for members of tho Indus trial Workers of tho World who arc arrested and for whom no room Is available In tho city Jail at Spokane. Acting Governor Howell telegraphed the war depar.tmont yesterday for permission to-convoy prisoners to tho army post, and authority was granted last night. Tho city authorities of Spokano requested Acting Governor Howell to detail national guards to assist in guarding tho prisoners, but Howoll is opposod to this, and tinlcs3 tho pres onco of national guards Is absolute ly inecessarys In handling tho situa tion, ho states that ho will not ordor thorn out. Hothns wired tho mayor ai Spokano fluggestlng that a "bull pon" bo established. Tho fadt tliat tho gpvernmont has offered quartors for tho Incarcera tion of prisoners from Spokano strengthens tho' bollef that tho Immi gration bureau is interesting Itself with a view to deporting (ho for eigners among tho Industrialists who linvo not tnkon outnaturallzatIon pa pors. Malr Sense. A Scottish lnd' bad his 'leg Injured at a factory and was treated for some time by the doctor without favorable resultH. Ills mother had great faith In a local bone setter and wanted her sou to go to him. but thp boy objected, prefer ring, as be said, the "reg'lar faculty." Finally, however, he yielded to his mother's persuasions nnd was tnken to the famous bone setter. Tho leg wus duly examined, nnd It was found necessary to pull It very severely In order "to, get the bone in," ns tho bone setter expressed It. The patient howled In agony, but at Inst the bone was "got In." nnd he was bidden to go home In a few days he would be nil right and could resume work. "Didn't he do It -well?" said the Joy ouh old Indy ns they started homeward, i "Yes, he did, mother." said tho lad. "He imlled It well, but ye len I was nn sic a fool ns to glo ulra tbo bud ,lcg." London Tatler. Food Scarce. "This circular describing tho Mount Ingvue says yoti can sit at the dinner table and Sec tho' beautiful mountain penk3." said the man who ooutemplat- ! "Thht is true," replied tbo one who 1 unu ncen. "ami mat s just nuouc au )ou can see." Yonkera Stntpsmnm Medford, Oregon: This cortifies Hint wo havo sold Hall's Toxas Won der for tho euro of nil kidnoy, blud dor nud rheumatic troublos for ton years, nnd linvo novor had n com pliant . It gives quick nnd permanent reliof. (10 dny8' treatment in each bot tle. Modioli" P' ".niioj. I DO YOU KNOW I thedifferenco botweCn good flour and poor f lourt The difference between a flour ns white- nnd pftro- as tho drifted snow, mnde from hard milling wheat, ground in the center of tha golden" grain fields of Knstern Washington. h flour that bakod into bread is light, flaky and n joy to. tho housewifo the wqrld over, from n flo-nr mado from i soft wheat, improperly; filiod nmJ when maJe into bread is heavy, soggy and a suro fweriumor of dyspopsiiu and kindred complaints. If you do then yoh know why our speoinl brand of YAKIMA PLOrU IS BEST of nil, nnd that the remarkable sales of ie liomo made bread nt our store is due entirely to tho faot Hint it is made from this self-snmo "Yakima Flour," nnd no other. If yon will call wo will bo plonsed to show samples of both flour and broad nnd lot yon judgo for yourself ns to their morits. REX GROCERY CO. Phone 3272 $1,000,000 YEAR IN ABERDEEN IS SPENT ON BUILDINGS ABERDEEN, Wash., NdV. 10. Prnctleally $1,000,000 was expended in Aberdeen during the 10 months from January 1 to October 31 for buildings nnd improvements. This includes the work done by tho mu nicipality, by manufacturing nnd business firms, nnd by private enter prise. In thin total nrc included the cost of porm'n'ncnt improvement of streets nnd -sewers, which represent nn investment of $250,000; $30,000 irt water pipo extensions, water sor vjco nnd oilier expenditures of tho ynter department, tho resf being of a private nature. NOTICE. ' There will bo n special meeting of tho stockholders of the Siskiyou Copper & Gold Development company Friday, November 12, at 7:30 p. in. at thoir offico in tho Medford hotel, to consider the purchngo of addition al claims. 204 M. J. LOVE, President. Prepaid Raiiroao Orders. J "Something, which is of consldor imown is the system of . prepaid or tblo interost to tho public generally i nd which is. nerhaps not generally dors now in offect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and nil points in the United States. By means of this system tickets may 6o purchased nt Medford from any place in tho United States nud mail id or telegraphed direct to the '(party winning to come here Sleeper commodatinns nut! miihII iimmints of cash in connection with these fiekef niny'Hiso be f' hiIhiI nt the sri; Firat-Cln3s Indies' and Gents' BootblacK ' Parlors Will be Opened November 10 at 4 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE, MEDFORD SHOE SHINING PAR LORS, V. W. Howard, Const Champion Bootblack, Prop. APPLE PICKERS By Talent Orchard Company Talent Oregon I W. Main St. WANTED Are You Satisfied with the class of steaks, chops, cutlets, sausage, etc., that you have been get eing? If not, give us a trial. A trial is all we ask, as we are convinced that once you give us a trial you can always be counted as a satisfied customer of the ' ' Rex Market Huth & Pech Props. Phone 3271 1 LrfM i Tho nitwit), hard crains. selected if from tho entire Northwestern wheat crop and thoroly cleaned -lust nil tho bill for a perfect pastry flour besides it is the Hour for good bread and cakes and biscuits. Olympic Flour always tho Bamo, al ways clean, pure, wholesome and nutri tious is an nid to rather than a test of a young housowifea ability. If your grocer can't supply you we'll tell you but insist upon Olympic mand It "there Isn't any Just as good." AT YOUR GROCER'S 1-OKXI.AlfD FLOURISQ MILLS CO., l'OUTLAND, OllEGON Union Livery, Feed and iile Sables Formerly located on the corner of Seventh and B streets, now removed one block south on B street. . BALED HAY AND GRAIN. Home first class Mules and Horses BARGAINS IF TAKEN SOON. ' MEDFORD DireGt from a Seven Months' Run at Hudson Theatre Mur Vnrlr I The I Third I Degree nui i vi a Prices 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. By Chas. KHon, Author "The Lion and the Mouse." Wednesday, Nov. 1 Oth. .' 1 i ' "Olympic Flour makes good pastry, too.". Mother. -.i mwj, and scoured who can ae THEATRE TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies to uie for lnoi'uit ing. Big game heads', fish, birds-and mninmuls mounted true to nature by improved mothods, 1 do tanning, make fur rugs, make, remodel and clean fur garments. Express and mail or ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS. 405 Washington, Street, Portland, Or. I Telephone Maiii 3G00. on F-f CD a toy 3 g' c P' POQ CD O ot P Hj H". O Lj r hj err- S CD ! fo j CD d CD o H X 4 . s Til OHg-P L . h. !! EL S d hCTQ CD CD M. CD pL g O cr cq nt hi m O Tn To 3 bo & o Pj B Q O tit X Pj 2. -b w tr & B P.. 2 & CD P CD O e O t