Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 06, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Tho thrco highly instructivo and
popular lectures which Medford poo-
plo wero given an opportunity to hoar
this w'c'ek, taken together, afford un
interesting study in' tho general lines,
.of thought which are engaging atlcn- taken suddenly ill while shopping in
tion, since each was in a wide sense the Hutchnson company's store Wcd-
rcprescntativo of a live topic, discuss- ,iCSdny and wus removed to the home
ed throughout the length und breadth 0 D. T. Lawton, and Dr. CInncy
of tho land. . 'summoned. After several hours she
Professor Adrian, in presenting in recovered sufficiently to return to
popular form tho achievements of Lil- 101. homo.
lian Burbnnk, showed clearly how
modern scientific rosenrch and ox- The October reception, evening of
poriment betters the condition of the Bonmos Clmptcr 0. K s) took tl0
people at largo when applied to tho . - TT ... . . .
' ' , ",, V ,. ,,, fonn of a Hnllowo'cn social. The
so-called necessaries ot cvory-uay ,
living ftv unt. Konkinc mi.narilv to', elaborate decorations of the hall jis
enrich himself personally, but by dis
posing; of tho results of his labors to
thoso who have means to dovelop and
o'xtend them, Mr. Burbnlik has proved .
to' his day and age. It is said that tho
Burbank potato was sold to a Massa
chusetts promoter for $150, and thnt
a fortune of more than a million
dollars was the result of its .growth
and introduction. Tho gift pf .$1.0,
000 per year which Mr. Burbank ro
1 If. i .1 ... 1 C i '
ccives from Androw Carnegie is ex
ponded. in furthering the work of:nid musical prgorom in which Mr,
scientific experiment and investiga
"VYhilo tho religious instinct. is. uni-
jbrsal in man, his ebnecption of God'jsolo, and tho Gore brothors' quartet
is to somo extent 'entirely personal. m several impromptu selections. Tho
, Tho spirit of w mora, liberal philos-; following officers wero elected: Pres
ophy of religion is .stirring 'tho minds ident, W. II. Goro; vice-president, W.
of thoughtful and intelligent people II. Watt; secretary and treasurer, G.
from oast to west and tho tendency 'A. Weaver; chairman of tho program
to rcplaco wrong thought with right, committee, It. A. Johnson,
tho effort to cast out evil, not so j
much by a hand-to-hand fight as by j Tho regular meetings of tho Motho
substituting good for ovil, is shown dist Brothorhood nro held tho second
no less in tho "Now Keligion" of Dr. nnd fourth Wednesdays of each
Elliot and in tho books of such in- month and nro deservedly popular. At
spiring writers as Onon Swett Mar-
den, than in tho Christian Scienco
movement, so clovorly represented by,
Judgo Septimus 'Ilnnna on Tuesday
evening. '
Tho issues of tho recent olections Fred Friedegnr; third vice-president,
in Now York City nnd in Snn Frnn- Georgo Lindloy; fourth vico-prosi-cisco,
which hnvc moro than a purely dent, C. W. Conklin ; secretary, Roy
local .interest, aro decidedly in lino, Martin; treasurer, O. C. Boggs.
with tho presentation of tho influonco ,
of corpornto power on principles of i Mrs. F. Otto Krausc, who has gono
Democracy, as set forth by Sonntor to Los Angeles to spend tho wintor
La Folletto Thursday evening. Free in vocnl study with a singing tcachor
discussion of theso nnd kindred sub- of Berlin, who, through tho co-oper-jeets
are distinctly educational and do ation of a club of musicians, has been
much to ovorcomo n tendoncy to re
strict one's outlook upon life to thoso
matters that nro strictly personal.
Tho lecture on tho work of tho emi
nent scientist, Luther Burbnnk, givon
by Professor Adrian of Santa J3ar
bnra.' at tho high school assembly
hall Monday evening was largely at
tended and full of interest. Probably
tho achievements of tho California
naturalist affords moro practical in
terest to both tho mnturo and tho
immature mind thnn does that of nny j
other living scientist, A plnin nnd Mr. Fred Day, claim agent for tho
unpretentious man devoting himself Southern Pacific, who, nccompanied
to improving tho conditions of plant by his wifo, has been in Medford dur
lifo nnd proving tho soundness of hisfing tho recent session of tho federal
mothods by actual rosnlts, Luther
Burbnnk has mndo tho amassing of
wenlth of socondnry import. Tho lec
ture wns pleasing by illustrated with
views and proved most instructive.
Tho offort of tho public school teach
ers to chnporono tho young pupils of
tho various rooms in order that thoy
might attend, wns a praiseworthy nnd
unselfish one.
Thoso who enjoy active sport havo
been rejoicing this week m tho rcop
ening of tho Bungalow sknting rink,
V. A. Dunlnp nnd wifo wero Med
ford business visitors Monday
J. S. Stngg of North Talent took a (
load of vegetables to Ashland Mon- i
' S. S. Stephens was up , to Ashland
last Mondny with a load of fino veg
etables. George Roborts of North Talent was
a Medford visitor Inst Mondny.
E. O. Cartor and wifo of North
Phoenix wero in Medford. Inst Wed
nesday. Edgar Adams of Talent went down
to Medford Wednesday after apple
boxes for tho Estep orchard.
Mrs. A. Alford is having a nent lit
tle cottage erected on her lot in Tal
ent, which sho will rent.
Joshua Patterson is having tho
steel towor for his windmill erected.
A tank will also bo put in place which
where sknting hns boon indulged" ml
every afternoon and evening, to the;
tlu"K,u 01 luu.
Miss Esther Silsby, . tho popular
vocal teacher from Ashland, wrts
well ns the amusements and menu,
cai'ried out tho idea of that festivity.
Cards and dancing wero indulged in
to a Into hour.
Tho committee : Mos-
dames Ilaskins, Stoddard, Butlor,
Collins, Miles, Enyart; Messrs'. Stod
dard, Dicks, Butler and Strang.
Tho .men's club of tho Presbyterian
churchv- which recently held, it's an
nual business meeting and election of;
officers, entertained with a bniiquqt
Clarcjico Kellogg was hoard in, two
artistically rendered pinno solos, J.
P. Hutchoson ii 'u pleasing vocal
tho recent Glcction of officers an ap
notizing suppor was served and tho
following oiticors elected: President,
Clnrcnco M.-?!:er; first vice-president,
Rev. Belknap; second vico-presidont.
engaged to givo a season of instruc
tion in that city, will bo grently
missed by her largo circlo of friends
and pupils.
Mrs. W. W. Glasgow entertained
tho Ladies' Missionary society of tho
Prosbytorian church at her pleasant
Immo. on Onkdnlo avenue south, on
Tuesday afternoon. Tho topic wns
"Porsin," and much interesting infor
mation was brought out by tho pnpers
court, loft for Rosebnrg Sunday ovo-
ning. After a stay of somo days
there thoy return to their homo in
Portland. Mr. Day is a former clnss
mato of W. J. Warner nt Pacific uni
versity. '
Wednesday evening, November 10,
is a rcgulnr social night of Rcnmes
Chapter, O. E. S. Mrs. F. E. Merrick
is chairman of tho committeo on ar
rangements. Members of Nevata
Chapter, No. 03, of Central Point
will bo guests of Renmos Chapter.
will hold a supply of pure water for
all household purposes.
Mrs. Ed Crane, nioco of S. F. Mc
Donnld, of North Talent, nnd hor
husband nnd two children, enmo
down from Elrasburg, Wash., on Oc
tober 20, and remained until Mon
day, when tl'ey wont to Medford on
route to Englo Point.
Mr. and Mrs. Crane have been nt
Seattle and Tncoma for n couple of
months. They nro in lovo with this
valley nnd maj' locato hero Inter.
Phoenix hns anothor partner in
tho Bnson shop, Georgo McClain
having bought in. Phoenix now hns
two ment markets.
Mark Fern nnd bride woro over
from Fern Valley Thursdny visiting
nnd trading with our merchants.
L. A. Hoso, our efficient rond su
pervisor, was running tl grnd' ! e
tween Phoenh .ml To . it Thiui-Juv
morning. Ho has also been doing
Mrs. William Aldonhngen, who vc
turned Sunday from Oakland, Col.,
whore sho has been visiting .her
mother, Mrs. P. Ilartzoll, for spvcral
weeks, saw Blanch Bates in "The
Flighting Hope," and enjoyed tho
season's musio and druinn to the full.
Attorney and Mrs. A. E. Rcamos
of Jacksonville were among thoso at
tending tho lecturing this week by
Judge Septimus J. Ilunna and . Sena
tor Kobert M. La Pollette.
Mrs. P, II. Farrar of Gold Hny was
transacting business in tho city on
Thursday,-remaining over "for the La
Pollotto lecture nt night. ,
In a recent account of tho meeting
of tho Tuesday club in Portland, at
.which Alfred Tennyson was tho topic
for discussion, The Oregoninn states
that Mrs. IT. J3. Chipmaii, who proved
such an addition to Medford social
and club life last '"winter, was tho
critic of the poet's work. Mrs. M. E.
Worrell, anothor prominent club wo
man of Medford, wns a popular guest
of tho Tuesday club.
Mrs. J. II. Wood, a recent president
of- the Federated Woman's clubs of
San' Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley,
Onl., nnd who Jius been spending n
month in Seattle, vas tho guest of
Mrs. L. B. Warner last week, while
en route to her homo in Borkoloy.
' Mrs. Edgar ITafor has loft to spend
tho wintor in cristorn cities. Sho will
Rio missed by n huge circlo of friendg.
That tho work of .tho Christian"
Scienco church is attracting tnuch. in
terest in our city wtfs evinced by the
large and intelligent nudionco which
greeted Judge Septimus J. Ilnnnn, of
tho Christian Scienco board of lee-
turcship, nt th6 opera house Tuesday
evening. Judge llanna is a logical,
convincing and satisfying speaker
nnd doubtless mndo ninny friends for
his church through his discourse.
Avoiding points of possible contro
versy, ho nddresscd himself to the
task of showing tho unity of thought
botween tho followers of Mrs. Eddy
and thoso of orthodox faith, all of
whom havo n common purpose tho
uplifting of humanity through relig
ious effort.
4 ;f
Memorial Hall was tho sccno of
ouo of tho prettiest dancing parties
f tho senson Wednesday ovening, tho
ovent boing in tho nature of a fare
well to Miss Edna Murphy, who has
boon visiting her mint, Mrs. George
A. Knoblauch. The hnll wns taste
fully decorated and n toothsome
luncheon in keeping with tho other
nrrnngements wns sorved. Miss Mur
phy leaves for her homo in Cnjifornin
ns soon as tho tunnel near Redding
is again cleared for travel.
Tho Wednesday Afternoon club
wns entertained nt tho home of Mrs.
E. E. Baigloy Wednesday afternoon.
Musical selections by Mrs. Saunders
and Mrs. A. J. Faucott were features
of tho entertainment. Mrs. E. E.
Bagloy, hostess, was assisted by Mrs.
L. L. Mulit-nnd Mrs. Georgo Gillette,
Thursday evening pupils pf tho
eighth grndo enjoyed ,n session of
gnmes nnd dancing nt Memorial hall.
o. ;u. iiamsay, tneir instructor in
school work, wns n guest of honor.
Society Nole Continued on Page 8
somo much-needed grading along
that part of tho rond. When tho
new work becomes packed tho rond
from Talent to Mcdfofol will, bo as
good, if not tho best, in tho valley.
Prepaid Raliroan Orders.
"Something which is nf consider
i known is tho system of prepaid or-
able intorest to tho publio genorally
nnd which is perhaps not generally
! ders now in effect botween stations
of tho Southern Pacific company
and nil points in tho United States.
By moans of this system tickets may
bo. purchased nt Medford from any
place in the United States nnd mail
ed or telogi plied direct to the party
wishing to come here, Sleeper ac
commrd.. ! ij r 1 email amounts of
cash in ae u.i with these tickets
may also ba fn Girded r.t tho uatim
Superintendent of Capitol Building;
Rushing Work In Getting Ready
for the Opening of
WASHINGTON, Nov. 0. In nn
ticipation of tho early nssembling
of congress, now only five weoks
away, Elliott Woods, superintendent
of tho Capitol building, is redoubling
his efforts to got thnt big struc
ture in .readiness for tho roturning
lawmakers. Gangs of pinntcrs nnd
decorators' arc working overtime,
touching up tho faded spots in tho
corridors nnd committeo rooms. In
somo cases, cspeqially nt tho senntc
dnd of tho cnpitol, the cntiro inter
ior decorations of tho committee
rooms hnvo been worked over in now
designs nnd colors.-, 'A now carpet
in two shades of green will bo spread
over the- floor of t,ho senate chambor
nnd the two clnok rooms haVo been
supplied with marble floors and now,
mahogany furniture.
Tho greatest change being effect
ed in tho intorior of tho .cnpitol, out
side tho installation of a new ele
vator at tho southeast entrance, is
in tho sennto restaurant. Tho old
floor hns been removed and n new
one of blnck nnd white marble
blocks is being laid. Tho two 'pri
vate dining rooms for sonntors hnvo
boon thrown into ono lnrgo room with
tho result that it is bettor lighted' and
bettor vcntilntcd. Crystal chnudo
licrs will hnng from the cqiling and
the walls and ceiling will bo decorat
ed in a comfprtablo warm tint.
But tho most importnnt chango for
tho comfort of tho sonntors nnd rep
resentatives is tho construction of a
now hent and olectric power plant.
This plant will bo ready to furnish
hent and olectric light not only to the
cnpitol, tho scnato and house Office
buildings, but tho congrossionnl li
brary by December 1. It is nlso of
such enpocity that if in tho future
congress should docido to carry out
tho proposed plan of oreoting on tho
capitol plnzn n special building for
tho uso of tho supremo court nnd the
department of justice, a connection
enn easily bo mado and plenty of
powor supplied.
There will bo a special mooting of
tho stockholders of tho Siskiyou
Copper & Gold Development company
Friday, November 12, at 7i30 p. in.
nt their offico in tho Medford hotel,
to considor tho purchase of addition
al claims. 204
M. J. LOVE, President.
Richard Darling Stock Company
Sunday NigHt
The Great
Dimond Robbery
5 Acts Melodrama 5 Acts
Admission, as usual, 10c and 20c
The Great De Nova
The Roller, Skater will appear again
at the Ring, Monday evening, Intro
ducing Entirely New Specialties in
Fancy Skating, Featuring his New Act
with Electrical Effects.
lO cts
Men Whose Brains Create Great Un-
hcard-of Things Never
Seem to Profit ,
by Them,, .
WASHINGTON, Nov. G. Pity tho
poor inventor. Tf there is anything
to bo 'snid of him, according to Gen
eral Allen, chiof signal officer of tho
army, it is that ho works hard for
nothing. In most enscs ho pays
more to sccuro his patents than ho
gots out of them. If ho consoles
j himself with tho dolusipn that ho has
ovolvcd something now for tho serv
ice of humnnity, he is again wronir.
This, obscrvntion of General .Al
len's was called. forth by tho fate
of patents on tho two most extraor
dinary' inventions of recent yenr-s
both of which enmo within the prov
ince of tho signal corps. Thoy aro
tho flying mnchino nnd wireless
telegraphy. Wireless tefegrnphy pat
ents hnvo led to somo glory, much
I litigation und moro or less chaos.
I The men who proposed to make for
tunes hnvo been grievously disap
pointed. Any amntour can sot up his
instruments nowndays and 'opo'rato
to his own sweet will. Patent laws
will not affect him, nnd there aro no
other laws vto regulate his actions.
Ho can do ns woll as tho discoverer
who spent a fortimo nnd years of
labor to mnko his pnstimo possible.
In viow of all this, it is n question
whether Wilbur and Orvijlo Wright's
achievements will bo ono of moro
than passing glory. If tho courts
docido that their patents nro mere
ly tho fruit of others' thinking,
thcro is no renson why tho amateur
should not run tho risk of breaking
his neck on a mnchino of his own
construction nftor tho pattern of tho
Wright aeroplane, just ns ho has,
been freo to dnbblo in wireless tel
egraphy. P. O. Hansen.
We make any kind and stylo of windows. Wq carry
pflaps of any si?.p on hand.
Medford Sash & Door Co.
Of Course
you want one of our nice
for dinner tomorrow. If you'll
to Main 3271 any time today
you will receive prompt attention
Don't wait until they arc all gone. Order Wow
Rex Market
Huth & Pech Props. Phone 3271
Politicians Speculating on Several
Appointments Soon to Be Made
by tho President Many
. -i, ,Finc Jobs..:.
aro several large, juicy plums , now
hanging on tho administration's trao,
ready for President Tnft;s picking
and sub'sequent distribution to indi
viduals who havo an nppclito for
government dolicacios. ' ' '
Tho jobs that arc awaiting' occu
pants nro numerous. It is unusunl
to find so many good berths vacant
around tho capital, and pnrtiqulurly
so in view of tho Hoosovolt method
of putting in now men in vncaiit
places before tho chair of tho .fo.r- '
mer incumbent had grown cold, But
Prcsidont Tuft's temperament makes
him move slowly.
Foremost of tho vnenncios is tho
nssocinto justiceship on tho bench.-ot;
tho supremo court of tho United
States. Obviously, tho president will
oxorciso great enro in sclcqting n man
to succeed tho lato Justico 'Pcck
ham. Thon thoro is Jho ticklish miit
tor of .scouring tho right man for tho
ministership . to China, vacated
through tho dismissal of Charles R,
Crano of Chiongo. Also thorp is tho
qimstion of who shall succeed Whito
law Iicid its ambassador to Gront
j Britain probably tho most impor
I taut post abroad, and tho bifc'gcst gift
i within tho powor of tho president. It
takes moro than' a big man to fill
tins plnco it takos a rich man.
Third Assistant Postmnstcr-Gon-oral
Lawshe somo 'imo ngo sont in
his resignation. As&istnnt Secretary
of Commerco and Labor McNarg'
has. been trying for somo weeks to
got his resignation ncccptod, and
now intends to leave, willy-nilly, this
week. So fur nobody has ovon been
mentioned to succeed him.
Tom M.nffnt