5 THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1909. MedfordMailTribune A consolidntion of tho Medford Mail, established 1889; tho Southern Oro gonian, established 1902; tho Dcinoemtic Times, established 1872; tho Ash land Tribune, established 1890, and Medford Tribune, established 1900. 1900. . . Official Paper of the Pity of Medford. l George Putnam, Editor and Manager. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Ono year, by mail $5.00Onc month by mail or carrier. .$0.50 DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS. Application will soon be made to the several towns in the valley from Ashland to Grants -Pass for franchises for electric railways. If granted upon the terms asked, the road will he constructed, together with car lines on the streets of the various towns to be as the population would warrant the same. The privileges to be asked for in the various towns are such as will add to the value of property. The line conunecting the towns will increase the value of property along the line and rapidly increase the population sur rounding the towns. Tho country to be traversed by the line has at this time not sufficient population to make the investment one that will bring any returns to the invest ors, but it must be built with an eye to the future. To be profitable an electric line should have a popula tion of ono thousand per mile: -Those building a line with less must undertake it with a view of developing the coun try. The granting of franchises in towns is of ten opposed by citizens who do so conscientiously from an exaggerat ed idea of the value of the same. The facts are that elec trie lines in cities of less than fifty thousand do not pav The street car lines of Portland, when its population was much more, passed through several successive receivers at great financial loss to the successive owners before they began to pay operating expenses ana maintenance, .wven with a population of 400,000 the car lines of Portland will return no profits to stockholders for years, because of the expenditures tor improvements ana extensions. For many years Salem has had a street railway sys tern wlich passed through the bankruptcy of several com panies. Today in a city of twenty thousand people, this system does not pay. There are many Jnmdrods ol! fields more inviting for the electric railway builders than this valley, because ot greater population. Investors are seldom controlled by sentiment. They look for dividends and profits. In cities that have large population a car line as soon as put m op oration becomes profitable. Such franchises have great . . ii 1 11. . 1 .1! 1 value, but tnose wno compare tnc vaiue or a irniicmsu in a town of ten thousand or twenty thousand with one in Seattle, Portland or San Francisco do so without' a proper understanding. Until a town reaches a population of ono hundred thousand its inhabitants do not pass the walking distance. The franchises in small towns possess no value except as part of an interurban system. They i t ! 1 fV j ii i i. t are necessary to ma kg it a possiuiy prontame unaerra ic ing. Operated without being a part of such system, they liavo not been and never will be profitable in a city of less population than fifty thousand. No ono will pay for a franchise or submit to unrea sonable restrictions lor a franchise m cities ot less popu lation, for the simple reason that it is not a high-class in vestment, and would be poor business sense. Tlioro are too many communities inviting such investments along liberal lines, and ollenng encouragement and assistance Too of ton have honest investors been driven away i'a'om communities that imagined they wero destined to bocome great cities, and nover returned. Tho towns lan guished when the proper terms to an investor, who was looking to tho possibilities of the future, would have re sulted in an activity that would havo bounded into an inureaaiug and permanent prosperity. THE ROUT AND DEFEAT. Tho dofeat of Honey and election of McCarthy in San Francisco cannot be Avelcomo news to tho upright citizen. 'it is not so much the defeat of lleuey as tho character of thoso who provailed that must make decency and patriot ism pauso and reflect. Civic honesty has beon run over by tho offal cart. Tho result speaks in disparagement of the standards and ideals of our voters, and proves that in somo parts of tho country our politics is still of tho jungle It is not only from San Francisco, but Cloveland, whoro Tom Johnson, aftor years of solf-sacrifico that took him from affluenco to povorty while he was making tho best governed city in Anioriea out of Cleveland, and Now York and other cities comes the news that tho barba rians are still strong and powerful. Tho result takes ono back to the conquests of tho Huus and Vandals. "Was it not Macaulay who said that tho Huns and Vandals that would destroy us would come from our groat cities'? Are thoy to start from the Golden "Gato, under tho leadership of Ruef and Schmitz? Wo may look for raucuous timos in that country. Po litical debauchory triumphing under tho conditions then existing, may bo expected to turn upon thoso it calls its SENATOR ROBERT MARION U FOLLETTE CLARENCE EDDY BENSON'S BARGAINS SENATOR LA FOLLETTE WILL LECTURE AT THE MEDFORD OP ERA HOUSE UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE LADIES OF ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAL GUILD. prosecutors with the ferocity of the cave men. Revenge will be theirs, and the 3rears ot famine must be retrieved in great loot, tor the famine may came again. THE WATER MUDDLE. If it is a business proposition, the city council should make a compromise with Mr. Hanley, if the right terms can be secured, and so settle lor all time the water ques tion. Mr. Hanley has offered to settle with the city for $20,- 000, deeding 250 indies of water from "Wasson canyon and Little Butte, thus doubling the city's available water supply. The city council ottered $12,000,- and the offer was rofused. Probably a compromise somewhere between these figures could fe effected. , The diiticulty is that the city has no funds. The $12,- 000 offered was money -that would be saved in cost of pipe by diverting from Wasson canyon instead of con tinuing to the original diversion point on Little Butte. But the city faces a serious loss if Mr. Hanley continues successful in his blocking tactics through the aid of the court, and the completion of tho pipeline is indefinitely delayed, the unfilled wood main permitted to deteriotate and the use of Bear creek water forced. It is a shame that Mr. Hanley's case against the city for alleged broken contract caunot be settled on its merits' in tho courts and the right of way suit also disposed of in similar fashion, and it is up to the city .Authorities to dc- ido whether the city loses most by delay or by comprom ise, and whether the extra water secured is .worth tho ex- ra money. If our supreme court had the control of tho publication of lengthy notices of tax sale, perhaps the Oregonian night relent. Is Known In Medford find Over Northwest as the Poet-Prospector. the BOISE. Idaho, Nov. 4. it is re ported from Chnllis, in Central Halm that Clarence E. Eddy has mado very promising strike of three t four feet of ore of Lost Packer character high in gold and copper, Eddy's now find is by tho roadside. about two miles from Loon .Center or Coleman's place, and pans gold even better than the Lost Packer did when he first struck it: The poet prospector has been over there good portion ot tho summer pros pecting. After doing Nevada, Utah California and Oregon, lie lias come back to his first love the Loon creek district and believes ho lias found the mate to the Lost Packer, Clarence Eddy, tho poet-pros pecfor, is known in Medford, having nt ono time been connected with local paper. NOTICE. You must know by this time that the Rosuc River Fish Co. lias all kinds of lunch goods, smoked fish salt fish, crabs, oysters, clams. slmmp, dressed chicken always m stock; also fivo different kinds im ported cheese; also fresh mushrooms shipped in three times a week. Tele phono your orders for city delivery, Wo want tho ladies to call and see tho nice fish and other inviting lines ol goods. ROGUE RIVER FISH CO, Telephono 3003. T mn I ATF m m flRSIFV. FOR SALE Hack and buggy; good condition; cheap if taken at once, 103 Roosovolt nve. WANTED To buy a gcntlo driving horse. Call Saturday, Singer Ma chine store, corner Main and Riv orside. 107 WANTED Room and board in pri vnto lnmily. Ucorgo bims, care Medford Hardware Co. 108 FOR SALE About 300 acres of choice fruit land, deep red soil, small stream, no rock, quito free of log and frost; enough wood to pay for sumo; about 40 acres cleared or partially so; houso, barn and other outbuildings; on main county road, io inilo to Woolf Creek station, 4 miles to Glendalo; prico $12.50 per ncro as a wholo; subdivide on bnsis of $10 to $25. Address Martin An go, Merlin. Or. 211 WANTED-rAt Summorvillo's barbor shop at once, first-class barber; also porter. IPS WANTED Tho use of borso and buggy for about 30 days; no long drives nnd best of caro given. If you havo ono you can sparo, see tho ad man of this office. ' WANTED Tho uso of horso and buggy for nbout 30 days; no long drives and best of caro. If you havo ono you can spare, see tho ad man of this office. SPLENDID VIEWS OF Lawrence Gregory Prepares Set of Orchard Views That Are Mar vels of Beauty. Lnwrent'o Gregory hns prt'pnrcd a sot of ten color photos nearly 24 inches square of orchnrd soenos in tho Roguo River valloy, which will bo watered at tho Spoknno national pplo show to bo held this month in contest for, a $100 pnzo. Ho also ms prepared n largo viow of an ap ple treo in boaring which will bo en tered in n contest for a $50 prizo. Tho photos are marvels of beauty. Tho first work of producing tho pic-1 tnres was onrefully handled and then onch photo was colored with tho most painstaking caro. Tho ef- foot is truly splendid nnd tuo views 1.1 1 - 1. .1 HIIUUIU UU IUUVII XUUll WIIIIU UU gg hibitibn in Spokano. MEDFORD THEATRE DireGt from a Seven Months' Rim at Hudson Theatre New York The Third Degree By Chas. Klien, Author ! lie Lion and the Mouse." Wednesday, Nov. 10th. Four-room shack, lot 50xlCP; a good cheap homo and n bargain at .$450 Good 4-room houso nnd largo lot; a small payment down; balance at 6 por cent $10000 5 acres of land inside of city limits, good 5-room house and outbuildings; this is a genuine bargain and is worth twice the prico asked.. $4000 Good two-room house, fine largo lot, best location, near Oakdalo ave nue; a snnp if sold at anco . . .$550 Wo have a number of suburban lots which we will closo out in a bunch nt n bargain counter price, or will trado for ranch. Small houso and largo lot on nolly street, $550. Is this a snap? Wo havo several incomo-nnviner business properties for sale. If you are interested in this clnss of invest ment, it will pay you to sco us. Wo are headquarters for business properties of every description. Ten ncrcs four miles from Medford and iy2 miles from Central Point, now land, 8 acres ready to culti vate, now 3-room house, good new small barn, situated on main traveled road; tho very best soil in tho val loy; fine fine shado trees nnd a beau tiful site for a home. Largo lot with 12 full boaring ap ple trees on South Ccntrnl avenuo: fino location and a beautiful si'o for ha home; a snap if taken nt once. Forty ncros, 1C miles from Med ford, half milo from Bonglo; 8 acres cultivated; 4 acres in fruit treo 2 to 10 years old, on two eood xonds: small house, barn, ivoodshed, etc; 25 acres inclosed in woven wire fence $2000 New 5-room house, hardwood fin ish, new woodshed, well on bnck porch, lot 50x100, corner Jackson and Fir ; $1450 Ono acre, 9-room. houso, barn, cbickon house, city wntor, only GOO feet from Riverside nvcnuo .. .$3400 5-room moJovn bungalow on South Central avenue ;n snnp if taken at onco . SrfiUoU Nine-room modern house, Bungn- low addition, lot 50x100, corner 4th and Oronge, near Oakdalo avc..$3850 28 acres, one milo from P. & E. depot; a bargain nt the prico. .$6000 Rooming houso Best locntion in tho city; clears $150 por month; long lease $2200 27 acres, thrco miles from Mcd- foro; $1500 house, good barn, all in nlfalfa; tho best land to be found in tho Roguo River vnlloy; tcrms.$l2,000 18Ji acres, closo in proporty, fin est freo soil, 14 acres planted to com mercial apples nnd pears 4 years old, 4Yz acres alfalfa; good torms $1 1,500 For solo or rent D-room modern bungalow on Orange street, near Oak dalo; rout $30; price $3850 Business location lot 50x100, right in the henrt of tho city. Call at our office for particulars $8500 5 acros insido city limits, high ele- vntion; this tract can be subdivided into building lots or would mnlco an ideal orchard tract. It is- a bargain $3000 5 acres adjoining city limits, good orchnrd land and a beautiful sito for a homo; in ono year will 'bo worth doublo tho pripA asked $2000 10 acres, one milo from Medford on mnin traveled road to Ashland; Bear creek bottom land, sot to apples nnd penrs 2 years old; trees aro strong nnd vigorous. Hero is a beautiful sito for a homo. Ensy torms. Price $2900 3-room box houso and large lot on South Ccntrnl avenue, completely furnished: good well and chicken houso; n genuine bargain; easy terras. Prico $750 Some splendid business properties for sale, close in, good inconio pay ors. Call at our office for details. Our charge is $1 por month for renting and collecting. nt BENSON INVESTMENT GO Opposite Moore Hotel 1 12 W. Main St. Plisne 3073 Main.