THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1909, 5 ISOCIAL AND PERSONAL THE WEATHER. Fair tonight and tomorrow. Alqx Thompson, Frank Kussnfor nnd Owen Kccgnn of Jacksonville were in tlio city. Tuesday afternoon, having coino to attend a special meet ing of Chester A. Arthur post, G. A. R. C. W. Thomas of Eaglo Pointy a prominent farmer of that section, wns n visitor to Medford Tuesday. J. L. Dcmmcr was at Jacksonville on business Tuesdny. James Campbell of the West Side bank is now the owner of a V.'hilo Streak Buick automobile, which ho purchased from the C. II. Snyder Motor Car Co. .1 H. Ilndlcy of Galice, Or., was a Medford visitor Tuesday. J. C. Aitken of Woodville, deputy county fruit inspector, was in Med ford Tuesday on business. A. W. Silsby of Ashland was among those in attendance on the Federal court Tuesday. A portion of .the Fourteenth United States Cavalry, comprising 500 men, passed through Medford Wednesday morning from Boise bar racks nnd Walla AVnlla, en route for Snn Francisco, nnd from thdnce to the Philippines. C. I'. Dnnielson, a former Modford boy, returned from San 1 Francisco Wednesday morning on a visit to his old friends in this city. . Ed Wilkinson returned Wednesday morning from a visit to California points. F. B. ITnnloy was in from his ranoh west of Medford Tuesday. W. L. Ilnlley returned Tuesday from GrnntsiPnss, whore ho had been in his capacity as adjuster for the Oregon Firo Relief of McMinnville. Al Peterson and Charles Chnmplin of Gold Hill were in Medford Tues day for a short time. County Clerk Coleman nnd'R. B. Pow Woro down from Jacksonville Tuesdny evening. Riley Ilnmmorsly of Gold Hill, who has been in Alnska for the pnst year or more, has returned to Southern Oregon, fully satisfied that this is the best place on earth after all. Tuesday afternoon a team engaged in hauling pipo for the city wntor system wns frightened by an incom ing Jacksonville train nnd ran nwny, crashing into a buggy contain ing Mrs. F.. R. Land and hoi son of Griffin creek. Tlio vehiclo was demolished nnd both ladies woro thrown out. Fortunntely neither of thorn woro injured, nlthough badly Minko up nnd the lady thoi jtit'hly frightened. Mrs. M. M. Taylor of Jacksonville wns a Medford visitor on Tuesday. John Whito made Jacksonville a business visit Tuesday. S. C. McClcudon of Gold Hill has been in Medford sovornl days lately attending to business mnttors. ASHLAND ACCEPTS TI PAVING JOB Warren Construction Company Com' pletes Contract anil Have Their Work Accepted. ASHLAND, .Or., Nov. 8. (Spe to1 Af Ita mmilnr mnntinir ln'l viiii. n ..... - n nicht the city council ncceptcd the work of the Warren Construction company on their big street paving contract and instructed the recorder to issue a warrant for tho fmay pay trinn f. Tim warrant amounts to $20, 000, making a total of $03,000 ijnid tho company lor tno improvement. Tim council nlso authorized th final payment to R. F.'' Stewart for t m construction ot tho power House for tho city's new electric light plant. Tho machinery hns neon installed una tho citv will bo supplying pntrons with light and power soon. t Clarence Snyder unloaded- a new Cndillac Wednesday morning. Arthur Brown hns returned from a trip to Ashland on business. County Clerk Coleman nnd Depu ty Sheriff Dow ware Medford visitor." Tuesdny evening. Jack Pendleton of Table Rock spent Tuesdny in Medford. Tj. K. Hnak of Englc Point wns a recent visitor in Medford. t Norman Whiting is spending a few days in Medford from Rivorvicw ranch on tho Roguo river. Willjnm B. Tellor of Big Butte was a recent visitor in Medford. Henry Savage of Applegate was a recent Medford visitor. Sheriff Jones wns in Medford on Thursday evening on a short business trip. B. II. Harris has returned from a brief business trip south. William II. Wilson of Grants Pass was a recent visitor in Medford. Henry Williamson ot Sacramento is spending a few days with relatives in tlio neigh'...irhood .of Central Point. C. D. Vincent, of tho Fish Lake company left Wodncfcdny for Snn Francisco. .W. H. Stewart left Wednesday to visit in Ashland. Mrs. Edgar Ilnfor loft Wednesday for Atchison, Knn.', to visit relatives. Robert G. Smith returned to Grants Pass Tuesday evening nfter spend ing some time in Medford on prrfes sionnl business J. R. llndloy of Galico, Or., is in Medford spending a fow days looking vor the valley. If ho finds something to his liking he may decido to locate TI. P. Gilchrist of 7aglo Point is spending a few days in Medford. lie is registered nt tho Nash. FW. C. Lyons of Now Vk city is in Medford looking for a- business location. W. Lnno of Grnnts Pass is spend ing a few dnys with frionds in the vnlloy. N. Willinnis, tho popular morchniitj from Hilt, Cal., is in Medtord on n short business trip. A. E. Sepps of Eugoiio is rcnowing old ncqiiaintnnce in Hertford. Why WALK-OVERS Lead I "Walk-Over" shoes are leaders wherever shoes are worn because they possess all the qualities which appeal to particular dressers .1. Appearance. They look well .when they are new, they look well every day they are worn. 2. Comfort. The first step in "Walk Over" shoes is easy and comfortable, sp is each one 'to the very last. 3. Durability. All tho 'wear that anybody could expect or hope for is found in "Walk v Over" shoes and people hope for and expect a great deal nowadays.- $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. NUMBERS OF CITY TELEPHONES Extensive Repairs and Cutover f Cause Change in Numbers. . The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company is making somo 'extensive changes nnd improvements in the lo cal system, which involves among other things, changes in over two thirds of tho numbers in tho exchange and 'if there is somo confusion nnd delay in tho service during tho next fow dnys it will bo duo to these changes, and tho faults will bo rem edied as fast as possible. A now directory has been issued and subscribers will nssist tho oper ators and help to secure quick serv ice by calling by number only. The service ,will bo materially improved when the cut-over is completed. J. W. Holmes, E. E. Metcnlf, C. Kerr, C. W. M,cKean, all of Portland, nre in Medford on business. P. M. Kershaw, general sales man ager of the Oregon Granite company, hns left for a short business trip south. ' W. E. Tribblo of Palisade, Or.', is visiting. friends in Medford. G. A. R. NOTICE. A. L. L. members of Chester A. Arthur post, No. 49, arc earnestly re quested to bo present nt the next reg ular meeting, Tuesdny, November 2, at 2 o'clock p. m. sharp, as there is important business to transact. All members of G. A. R. in good standing nro cordinlly invited to meet with us whether members of this post or not. Bo sure and nil, come. O. II. EIGIIMY, " Commander. D. R. ANDRUS, Adjutnnt. MAY MOVE THE WEST SIDE School Board Decides to Fix Up An nex in Order to Relieve Con gestion There. At tho meeting of tho school board Tuesdny afternoon, for tho purposo of arranging for more room for the pupils, of the Washington schol, it was flccided to fix up tho annex to tho building, thus securing another room and relioving tho congestion temporarily nt least. Work will bo commenced at once. For some time there hns been somo agitation for tho removal of tho school to fjomo other Iocntin and re tain the site for a federal building, if it bo 'scoured. Nothing dofinito has been done in this regard, however. The greatest objection to tho present location is tho vast amount of noise nt that point. To Whom It May Concern: There will bp given nwny absolute ly freo with tho next fifteen pianos sold at tho Wiley B. Allen Co. store nt 112 Main street, a beautiful $5.00 music roll of tho latest style and design. Tho following fifteen pianos to bo sold wo will guarantee that same cannot be duplicated unless you pay from $75.00 to $100,000 more for tho same quality. Wo aro showing n beautiful piano made in mnhognny or oak to suit purchaser at $105.00, ab solutely guaranteed for ten years, or money back. Just think, $G per month will put this fino piano in your home, nnd $G n month will keep it there.. Who can afford to bo without a piano for 20 cents a day. William Knnbe '& Co. and Mason & Hamlin piano dcalors. 105 THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. Savoy Theatre TONIGHT HUDSON-FULTON PAGEANT Showing naval parade Launching tho Claremont. T A GAME OF CHESS lffiAN EVENTFUL TRIP ONE DIME fa A "A hoalthv yountrstor does lileo irood thintrs to cut. . . . Tho easi est? way to hake irood thin as to balce succosst'ullv is hv iihitio- It is .in aul to rather ' than a test of your ability." Mother. Infinite care is einnlovcd in the production of evcrv snik. flhnspn from selected Northwestern wlionf; CVCrV ffrain is tlinrnlv nldimrwl nnl scoured by tho best modern metfiods that's why Olympic reaches yon bo clean, so pure, bo healthful, bo nutri tious that's Avhy it makes such good tilings to eat. Insist upon Olympic mere ish-i any Jim as good: 5- " AT YOUR GROCER'S PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO., PORTLAND, OIUH30N . : BUSINESS LOCALS 1 T Ilnvo you n team? If so sco Big Pines Lumber company's ad. Ella Gaunyaw, public stenographer, room 4, Palm building, , Why rush hornet Try tho Spol Cafe's 25o dinner. '; Southern Oregon Tea nnd Coffee Co., 30 So. G streot. Spices nnd extracts at 36 bo. G streot. , Phono 3303 for tea or coffee. Orders for sweot crenuv or butter milk promptly filled.' Phone th( oroamorv. Best meal for tho least monny at tho Spot cafe. One-fourth off on all lints nt Bnr nnrd & Connoyor's millinery par lors. ' 19G A HARD 3TBTTCKJLE Many a Medford Cltizon Finds tho Strugglo Hard 30 -Acre Orchard Two miles from Medford; .ill good soil, planted to Newtown nnd Spitzenbcrg npplcs, Cornice, Bosc ?iiid Howell pears. Trees aro 5 yonrs of ago and nre in fino con dition: t Price $500 per Acre Taking everything into consid eration, tho fine character of tho soil, tho ago and condition of tho trees, and its nenrness to Med ford, there is nothing in tho valley equal to this as a bargain. Let us show yon this tract. W. T. York West Main St., opp. Hotel Moore With a back constantly aching, With distressing urinary disordors. i Daily exiitenco is but a struggle. j Ne need to koop it up. Doan's Kidnoy Pills will euro you. Medford pcoplo ondorse this claim: A. Botz, Corner D. and Sixth St., Modford, Oregon says. I suffered from kidnoy troublo for four or fvo years, i Tho dlsc&so did not bother mo much at first, and I thought it would go : away. I stoadly grew worso however nnd suffered from sorero pains through my back. I could not stoop and was j mlserablo when a f rioDd told mo to try j Doan's Kidnoy Pills and I procured a box at Haskin's drug store. Thoy at onco checked tho iroublo and soon re- moved overy symptom of it. It gives mo plcasuro to recommend Doan's Kid i.ey Pills" For salo by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agontB for tho United States, take qo other 52 The BIJOU THEATRE BILLY EMPEY ' VAN, Mqr. TONIGHT Richard Darling Stock Company Presents Man & Master 4 Act Comedy Drama Specialties Between Acts Adroissio- Coziest Homes $ (grjfoffj Easiest Homes on Earth to Build A BUNGALOW CITY? Southern California is as liotod tho orld over for its hunirnlowR ns it is for its climnto. 'hy not mako it sotfwith Modford? I am hero from tho "homo of tho bungalow," with tho latest plans nnd ideas from ono of our most famous hungnlow architects. Drop mo n lino and lot mo call nnd talk it ovor with you boforo building. Address R. W. HARRIS, The Palms, opposite the Moore Hotel, Med- (.. 3-iw."st'" ford, Oregon. OREGON CALLS "MORE PEOPLE" Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. Low Colonist Rates To Oregon from the East VIA THE EGON 11.11. 4 NAVIGATION CO. AND SOUTHERN PACIFIC (LINES IN OREGON) From Chicago : $33.00 From St. Louis 32.00 From Omaha 25.00 From St. Paul .-. , 25.00 From Kansas City , 25.00 FARES CAN BE PREPAID. Deposit tho amount ot the faro with tlio nearest O. U. K; N. or S. S, P. Agont and ticket will bo dollvored In tho Bant without . extra coat. Send us tbo name and address of any one interested la tho State for Oregon literature. A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agent, MEDFORD, OREGON WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, ORE.