Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 03, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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' ) , IXXi.i.i..i.i. 4- X .4. -4. 4. 4- 4- 4- 4-
A consolidation of the Mcdford Mui 1, established 188D; the Southern Ore
gonian, established 1002; the Dcraoci otic Times, established 1872; the Ash
land Tribune, established 1800, and Mcdford Tribune, established 1000.
1000. ;
Official Paper of the City of Medford.
George Putnam, Editor and Manager.
One year, by mail $5.00Ono month by mail or carrier. .$0.60
The Portland Oregonian has announced its interpreta
tion and construction of the constitution of the state m
reference to the increase of the members of the supreme
court. According to the legal opinion of that journal
there can be no controversy when once interpreted by the
court. ,, i . i ii
But who is to judge1? Shall it be the journalist or the
iudge? Constitutional interpretation is a science (legal)
Iby itself concerning which the "literati;' or the philoso'
pher may bo ignorant. This must be left to the legal fra
ternity on the bench or off, mostly on.
The literal interpretation of the constitution of this
state means that the supreme court shall consist of three
judges, except to those minds distorted by legal haggling
or legal construction. There is also no question but that
this state needs five judges in the appellate court.
Tlie state would have had a constitutional amendment
permitting five judges at the last election had it not been
for the Oregonian and a "political nincompoop" with am
bition to sit on that bench, who but a feu-days before elec
tion wrote a letter published in the Oregonian that decried
the constitutional amendment for the reason that it did not
limit the number of supreme judges.
A shallower, cheaper or more unreasonable argument
could not have been made. But all things have their effect
as did this. The legislature passed a law increasing the
bench, though the amendment failed. The result is a mud
dle, unfortunate and inconsistent.
What is the remedy'? Shall it be a literal constitu
tional interpretation against the language of the instru
ment, or shall common sense outweigh technicality'?
The defeat of reform forces in New York and San
Francisco is another victory for organized graft and
greed, not unexpected, but not less humiliating to de:
In New York the tremendous patronage insured by
the expenditure of hundreds of millions, police protec
tion of criminals in return for political support, and the
scientific corruption of voters have again triumphed over
the folly of a divided opposition.
In San Francisco the old Reuf gang, m alliance with
the United Railroads and the Southern Pacific machine,
aro again restored to power, and the prosecution ot the
"rafters is at an end. Calhoun is saved from the disgrace
of conviction, though he never was in danger of the pen
itentiary because the upper courts, appointed by Kuo
and Herrin, would have treed him as they freed luiet and
Schmit'. , . . ni
But because organized corruption has been able by
the lavish use of money to win an election is no cause for
discouragement or for abandonment of the cause of re
form. "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty," and
popular government means a never-ending battle with
graft. Elections never yet made dishonesty honest, wrong
right,' though thov may make it respectable.
Contest For
Attracts a Deal of Attention. From
Old as Well as
On nojcount of the press of busi
ness tho tjoupous could not bo count
ed until Tuesday afternoon. Wo
regret to state that u groat many oC
the hoys and girls who aro collecting
coupons havo not turned in their
names. This will lose thorn somo
votos, for people will not drop tho
coupons in if they do not know that
curtain children have entered.
Thoro ia a lot of holding hack of
coupons, too which in nil right, if
you wish to do that, hut when wo of
fur extra inducements liko Inst week
you should work for those oxtra in
ducements. Ono uico thing nbout this
coupon snving is tho fnot that ovor.v
coupon that comoa i'i is paid for. Tho
bpy or girl rocoi'vhig tho largest num
ber of coupons on and by January 1
will rgecivo n Brownioknr.or real au
tomobile tor children. All other boys
or, girls, wiio turn in coupons will bo
paid real money for collecting, so
that all aro being paid for tho work
they aro doing for thin More Th)
contest is just beginning--oyory bo:
or girl who will work stnr.ds a good
show to sonuro tho nutomohilo, and
it' you don't got the nuto .you do get
paid for your work,
llolow is printed tho list of contest
ant. to date and how thoy stand.
Krnnoij! Kurtli stands nt tho head and
will roooivo an oxtra 1000 on her to
tal at tho finish, but this is no rea
son to say that sho will bo first, for
wo havo given out about 'J0,000 cou
pons Mnco tho start, nnd only about
10 per cent havo como in. What tho
boys and girls want to do is to col
loot thoso ooupons thoy aro to be
had for tho asking BOO oxtra to the
ono standing highest noxt Tuesdny's
ITero is tho way it stands to date:
Frauois Kurth 320
Noil Harris ' !U7
Myrlo Davis 232
Hoy Reynolds ; 201
Paul Russell 7
Harry Wortmun SO
Myrl Gnrnott 74
Elsn Snydor ?0
I.cora Davis , .
Drowning Purdin 25
Mablo Edmneda , . ; 25
Mr. niul Mrij. , Miles .Cnntrall of
Applcgalo werbMio.pping in MedQnl
Judge Septimus J. Hanna Addresses
Treats of Christian Science
A large mid appreciative audience
gathered in the Medfprdopern house
Tncddny evening to hear the lecture
on Christian. Science by Judge Sep
timus J. Hanna of Colorado Springs,
who is a member of tho Christian
Science board of lectureship of the
First Church of Christ, Scientist, of
Boston, Mass.
Judge Hanna proved a very nble
and capable speaker, holding his
hearers throughout. lie was intro
duced by Porter J. Nef f with a few
well chosen words. Ho said in port :
Tho subject of my lecture indicates
fairly well its .scope and purpose,
"Christian Science, tho Religion of
the Bible." We do not moor, by this
that Christian Science is tho only
religion which claims biblicnl author
ity, but aro awaro that it is ono thing
to chum scriptural authority in a
general way and another thing to
provo such authority from tho scrip
tures. What It Is.
Before proceeding to this branch
of my remarks, howovcr, and acting
upon an assumption which 1 am in
tho habit of acting, namely, that
thoro are more or less present who
aro not of our fnith somo, maybe,
who aro investigating, but not thor
oughly convinced, some who arc skep
tical as to whether Christian Science
is what it purports to bo, yet others
who have como for the first time lo
hear tho subject publicly presented,
T will sny that Christian hns
a text book. It is a trcntiso on hcnl
iug through the power of God or the
divine mind. Or, as wo claim, it is a
thorough exegesis of the scriptural
method of healing nil manner of dis
eases, ' nnd of curing all manner of
sin through tho understandin;' of Got'
is all -present all-poworful, all-wise
Tn short, it is a spiritual interpreta
tion of tho Bible
Tho author of a book of noto and
o'f valuo is a porson of whom people
desire to know, therefore T shnll ro
for briefly to the life and character
of Mrs. Eddy. It may not ho amiss
for mo to say that for nearly ten
years, as former first reader in the
nothor church in Bos.ton nnd editor
of tho official periodicals, T havo had
opportunities which enable mo to
spook intelligently of hor life nnd
character as well as of her. labors
nnd literary attainments.
Mrs. Eddy.
Sponking from this vnntngo ground j
I fan truthfully sny that, intellect
ually, sho is ono of tho most nlort
persons I havo over known; that she
labors incossantly and unselfishly for
tho cause to which sho has devoted
her life, and that, notwithstanding
hor yo'nrs, sho perform on amount
of labor ench day which, if known,
would suom incredible, even if douo
by ono yet in tho ndoloscence of life.
An to hor roligious characlor, T spak
my profoundest conviction ,whon I say
I beliovo it to bo in accord with the
highost standard of Christian living.
Yet, notwithstanding hor highly spir
itual nature, sho is withal an intense
ly practical porson. She keeps close
watch of current affairs nnd ac
quaints, horf-olf with tho world's do
ings. Sho is, moreover, a patriotic
citizen. Mrs. Eddy, liko all groat
roligious and moral rcformorp, has
been the target for misrepresenta
tions and sometimes malicious at
tack. The animus of thoso nttaqks is
so apparent that they havo fallen
We beliovo in a God who possesses
the power to forgivo and who doos
forgive all tho iniquities of his. chil
dren, n God who possesses tho power
to hoal and who docs deal all tho dis
eases of his children, who redcemoth
their lifo , from destruction, who
orownoth them eternally with loving
kindness and tender mercies. Have
wo been gonornlly taught of such a
God? On tho contrary, have wo not
boen too genorally tnught of a God
who so far from forgiving all tho
iniquities of his children, hns'pravid
cd a means and place of oternnl pun
ishment for such of thorn ns fail to
live up to a proscribed courso of con
duct f A God who sa far from heal
ing all tho diseases of his children,
sonds disease upon them in order to
chasten ijnd make them hottorUvThis
manifestly wns not David's concep
tion of God.
f'now call your attention to a:part
of JJia Now Testament record which
Larflo Audience and Splendidly
the Doctrine of the Bible.
wo consider as fundamental Christian
doctrine teaching. I refer to the great
commandment given, by Jesus to his
disciples, called by some Bible com
mentators his great commission to
the twelve If it Is true that this part
of the Bible is fundamental Christian
doctrino or teaching then surely those
who desire to live Christian lives can
not too much study nor too well un
derstand it. For present purposes I
quote the account contained in Mat
thew 10th:
"Go not into tho way of tho Gen
tiles, and into any city of the Snmar
itnns enter ye not; but go rather to
tho lost sheep of the house of Israel.
"And as ye go preach, saying tho
kingdom of henven is at hand.
"Ileal the sick, cleiinso tho lepers,
raise tho dead, cast out devils; freely
yo have receivd, frely give
"Provido neither gold nor silver,
nor brass m your purses. XM or scrip -f efforfc nnd , expense this is
for your journey, neither two coa s,'tho outcom(J q t to mnintnin
neither shoes, nor yet s aves; for the fl in a town
workman is worthy of his meat." Or
of his hire, or witges, as it is else
whoro rendered.
One Commandment.
This commandment is a unit. It is
not two commandments. There is in,
this language no authority to scparato
or sitbdivido it. No more authority to
do this than there is to reject it as a
whole Tho words relating to heal
ing sickness and doing the o
works there mentioned nro not
part of the genoral commandment it
of part the very sentence in a h
occur the words relating to pri i.
ing. Yot we have been faug'jt ' c-lio-e
that while a part of ,lliis om
mnndmcnt wns intended for nil times
and nil neonlos, another part was
intended only for a particular time
and a particular people Jn other
words," that tho part relating to
preaching tho gospel wns to bo hand
ed down to all tho nations of thu
world, until tho henthen nations
should bo converted to tho Christian
religion. But that tho part relating
to henling tho sick and doing tho
other works mentioned wns intended
only for tho rimo of Jesus and his
disciples. Or, in yot other words, the
thcorotical part was to bo perpetuat
ed, but the practical part, tho doing
of tho work, was to bo relegated to
tbo dead ages of tho past, left away
back besido tho sea of Galilee Chris
tian Scientists ennnot ngrco to this
attempt to cut out or mako obsolete
this part oftho great commandment.
Hal thoy no other authority than this
which I havo quoted, they would feel
ompolled to mnintnin that this com
mnndmont has not been fully complied
with, nnd shall not bo fully complied
with until tho sick aro honied and
tho other works mentioned therein ac
complished", in accordance with tho
teachings and methods of tho founder
of tho Christian religion.
In thus 'endoavoring to oboy tho
teachings of Christ Jesus in all thoir
fullness and to 'establish upon earth
his completo gospel, nro Mrs. Eddy
and hor ndhereuts doing rightly or
wrongly? Aro they or nro thoy not
ontitled to tho good will nnd tho good
fellowship of all who desire a full
roign of Christ's gospel in tho earth
a completo redemption of humnnity
from nil its sins, its sorrows, its
In Tea or Coffee comes, not from
the making, but from the quality
Teas and Coffees
Aro good because, they aro pure.
Profit sharing with beautiful prem
iums. Agent for celebrated Ridge
ways Famous Teas.
132 W. Main St. Phone 2691
llTTTTTT'T 1 ' I i 1 I I
(Salem Journnl.)
George Putnam, president of the
State Press association, hns consoli
dated the Mcdford Mail, tho, South
ern Oregonian, the Jacksonville
Times and the Medford Tribune all
under ono name the Mail Tribune,
and will publish the same as a large
evening newspaper for that section
of tho state Mr. Putnam is a born
newspaper mnn, a, booster and pro
moter to beat tho band, -nnd his suc
cess means great things for Southern
Oregon in general aiid Medford in
(Eugene Gunrd.)
The morning and evening pnpers
of Medford havo consolidated and
only the evening Tribuno will bo is
sued in tho future Newspaper men
in most places lack the business judg
ment to do a sensible thing liko that.
(Roseburg Review.)
Formal announcement has been re
ceived of tho consolidation of tho
Doily Mcdford Mail and tho Daily
Tribuno. After a year nnd n half
of that size. Tho Dalles had a sun
ilnr experioneo somo years ago, and
La Grande likewise A liko experi
ment is being tried in Mnrshfield, but
tho final result is inevitable While
tho conditions at Medford may have
been different, there is rarely any
cxctisQ for more -than ono daily being
published in a town of less, than 10,
000 inhabitants, nnd whoro a second
ono is stnrted it is usually an attempt
to gratify somo personal or politicnl
ambition (or personal spite) nnd not
because there is any public demand
for it. Representing no public inter
est, tho moro or less brief career of
such oj-gans nro limited to tho time
when the specinl interest backing
them gets tired of .paying the bills.
its woes, its sicknesses nnd
its deaths'?
Mny wo not fnirly ak our friends
of all Christian churches: If it is
right to do or undertake to do a part
of tho works .which Jesus said must
be done by thoso who beliovo on him,
is it not right in a greater measure
to do, or undertake to do all of such
works? If, on tho other hand, it is
wrong to do or t undertake to do all
of tjioso works, it is wrong in reln
tivo degrco to do or undertnko to do
a part of those works. Hw, then, can
nnyono claiming to bo a follower of
tho Christ consistently disavow or
denounce tho teachings of Christian
Science and tho'glorions results here
of? . C
Christian Scientists do not clnim
to bo able at this period to do all the
works that Jesus and somo of his
disciples did, but thoy do sincorely
clnim to be mnking an honest nnd
united effort m that direction.
Aim oven urns inr ineir inoors jiavo
bcon crowned with suph wondrous and
gratifying success that they mny well
ho encouraged to go on and on in the
Christ wny, with tho full hopo and ex
pectation nnd knowledgo thnt if they
are true to their sacred trust, soonor
or Inter thero shnll ho accomplished
horo upon this earth all of tho great
works that Jesus did nnd taught his
disciples to do, and which ho com
manded them to hand down to nil the
natiaus of tho world, os we have
clearly shown. Not onlv so, but tho
greater works of which ho prophesied
shall also bo accomplished.
l 1 il D II..!.. 1..,. t
Four-room shack, lot 50x150; a
good cheap homo and a bargain
at $450
Good 4room house and laro lotf
a small payment down; bnlance nt 0
per cent $10000
5 acres of land insido of city limits,
good 5-room House nnd outbuildings;
this is a genuine bargain nnd is
worth twice tho price asked.. $4000
Good two-room house, fino largo
lot, best location, near Oakdald, ave
nue; a snap if sold at anco ..'.$550
We have a number of suburban lots
which we will close out in a buitch nt
a bargain counter price, or will trade
for ranch.
Small house and largo lot on Holly
street, $550. Is this a snap?
Wo havo several incomq-paying
business properties for sale, If. you
nro interested in this class of invest
ment, it will pay you to see us.
We aro hoadquarters for business
properties 'of every description.
Ten acres four miles from Medford
and l1 miles from Central Point,
new land, 8V& ncrcs ready t culti
vate, now 3-room house, gocd new
small bnm, situated on mnin traveled
rond; tho very best soil in the val
loy', fine fino shado trees and i beau
tiful sito for n home
Largo lot with 12 full Rearing ap
ple trees on South Central uvcnuo;
fino location and n beautiful si'c for
a home; a snap if taken nt ohec.
Forty acres, 10 miles from Mcd
ford, half mile from Beagle; 8 acres
cultivated; 4 acres in fruit tree 2 to
10 years old, on two good roads;
small house, bam, woodshed, etc;
25 acres inclosed in woven wiro
fenco .$2000
Nc.w 5-room house, hnrdwoftd fin
ish, new woodshed, well on bnck
porch, lot 50x100, corner Jnckson
nnd Fir $1450
Ono acre, 9-room house, barn,
chicken house, city water, only 000
feet from Rivorsido avenuo . . .$3400
5-room bungnlow on South
Central avenuo ;n snap if taken at
once $2050
Nine-room modern house, Bunga
low addition, lot 50x100, corner $th
and Orongo, near Oakdalo ave.$3(150
28 acres, ono milo from P. & E.
depot; a bargain at the price. .$6000
Rooming honso Best location in
tho city; clears $150 per month; long
lease, $2200
27 acres, threo miles from Mcd
ford ; $1500 honso, good bnrn( all in
alfalfa; tho best land to bo found in
tho Roguo River vnlloy; tcrms.S 12,000
18 acros, closo in proporty, fin
est free soil, 14 acres planted to com
mercial apples and-pears 4 years old,
4VL acres alfalfa; good terms $1 1,500
For snlo or rent l)-room modern
bungalow on Orange street, nonr Oak
dale; rent $30; prico $3850
Business location lot 50x100, right
in the heart of tho city. Call at our
office for particulars $8500
5 acres insido-city limits, high ele
vation ; this tract can bo .subdivided
into building lots or would mnko nu
ideal orchard tract. It is a bargniu
at $3000
5 acres adjoining city limits, good
orchard land nnd n beautiful site for
a home; in ono year will bo worih
double tho prico asked $2000
10 acres;, one milo from Medford on
mnin traveled rond to Ashland; Bear
creek bottom land, set to apples oral
pears 2 years old; trees aro strong
nnd vigorous. Hero is a beautiful
sito for n homo. Easy 'torm.
Prico $2900
C-room box house nnd largo lot
on South Ccntrnl avenue, completely
furnished; good well and chicken
house; a genuine bargain; easy terms.
Prico ,.$750
Somo splendid business properties
for bale, closo in, good income pay
ers. Call nt our office for details.
Our chnrgo is $1 per month for
renting and collecting.
Opposite Moore Hotel 11
112 W. Main St. Phone 3073 Main.