THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDEORDj OREGON, TUESDAY, NOvMBER 2, 1909:. 6 pThe of the Mask By ii (Continued.) " CHAPTER XIV. O'UAI.LY BUaOESTS. IN a, bedroom In one of the cheap llttlo potiBlones which shoulder ono another along tho Illva dcgli Bchlabonl eat three men. All threo were smoking cxecrablo tobacco. JThe castaways of tho American Comic Opera troupe wcro on tho anxious scat. "O'Mally, what's your opinion of La Blgnorlnn?" said Worth. "What about her?" "What do you think ,of her? Sho's not one of us; sho belongs to another class, nnd the stage Is only an inci dent." "Well, I don't know what to think. 1'vo pumped Kllllgrow, but she seems to bo In tho dark with tho rest of us. That ring and tho careless, way she offered it as security canvlnco me that sho doesn't belong, nut what a volccl" "Sho Is without exception ono of tho most beautiful women I over saw cr care to see," rejoined Worth. Smith and O'Mally exchanged n swift, comprehensive look. Worth roso to go to Cook's offleo for posslhlo letters, but abruptly returned to announce that tho two ladles had returned from Monto Carlo. Tho actors proceeded to thu parlor and greeted tho prima donna and Kitty. "Wo lost," explained tho latter. -'"I was very foollnh," said the erst while prima donna. "I might have known that when ono Ih unlucky oiio may becomo still moro unlucky. Hut I did so wish to win. I wanted to bring back enough gold to send you nil to America." "But what was to becomo of youT" naked Worth. Tho question was not expected. "Oh, Italy is my home.. I Bhtill And n way somehow, Put mo out of your thoughts entirely. Hut I am sorry to bring you this bitter disappointment, for It must bo bitter." "There Is ono thing I wish to under stand thoroughly," put In Worth slow ly. "You lmvo guaranteed our credit nt this hotol. lly what means?" AVorth held her eyo with courage. "With my word," sho answered. "I know something of these foreign hotel managers. Words must be back, cd by values." Worth's eyo was still steady nnd unwavering. "If, ns I be lieve, you guaranteed our credit with Jewels wo must know." "Is It from a senso-n misguided Henso of ehlvnlry?" sho asked, her lips suggesting u smile. "You aro evading us," went on Worth. "You Insist, then?" coldly. "Positively Insist. If you do not tell us wo shall bo forced to take our chancos elsewhere." Worth pressed n button. A scrvnut appeared. "Tho manager nt once." I.n SIgnorlna dropped her veil nnd Bat stltlly In hor chair. Kitty moved uneasily. Tho mnnnger appeared, no bowed. ".Madame here," began Worth, Indi cating. I.a Slgnorlua, "has guaranteed our credit at your hotol." "Yob, Ib not qvorythlng satlsfac toryT" nskud tha manager eagerly". "What security did mndamo ad vance?" "Seourlty?" Tho manager looked at La SIgnorlna, b,ut k)io rendered him not tho least assistance. "I lmvo given iny word to mndamo not to toll." "Thou three gentlemen shall loavo. Make out our bill at once!" Tlu manager appealed to tho lady. "You aro foolish mon," spoko I.a S'ffiiorlnn. "If tho manager wishes to toll you ho may do bo." Tho manager brought forth a fat Wljlot and opened It. Out of this ho look n Hat object wrapped in tlssuo pjipor, Vory tondorly ho unfolded It. Tho treasure wan u diamond pondunt, worth ut least $1,000. "I was to keep this simply till mndamo to reclaim It. Nothing has boon advanced against It." A now thought onmo Into tho manager's mind, and ho turned slightly pale. "If It Is ihit lUB'lJm'iia" MAC GRATIS Copyright, 1908, by the Bobbs- nerrui 10. "It Is mine," said La SIgnorlna. She was very angry, but her sense of Jus tko ndmlttcd that Worth was perfect ly right. "Once more I ask you not to make mo miserable by forcing this trinket buck upon me. Will you do mo the honor to wait till tomorrow morning?" Tho three men exchanged looks. "Till tomorrow morning, then," said Worth. Tho manager was glad to es cape. Lu SIgnorlna raised her veil. From hor girdle bag she took a letter. "This letter Is from a friend I hnvo always unown. iins nny ono of you over heard of tho Prlnclpcssa dl Monte Bhinca?" Her audience lenned forward ntten tlvely as sho rend tho letter: My Dear I wob very glad Indeed to hear from you, and I shall bo only too nappy 10 oner you tlio tomporary nsslat onco you dcslro. Vou will recollect that I possess a villa just outsldo of Florence, a mtlo or so north of Flesolc. The villa Is furnished and kept In repair by an undent gardener and his wife. You and your friends aro welcomo to occupy tho Villa Arladno as Ions as you plcaso. Of courso you will nnd all tho chests, bu roaus, nldeboards nnd closets under seal, for I havo not been thero since tho death of my fatlior. Nono of tho seals may b removed tin i occupy tho villa legally. However, tho gardener and his wife have sllvor and llnon and china, nnd with thess you win uo auio to get along nicely. tiA FRINCn'ESS A DI MONTE BIANCA. "Tlio question Is, Shall wo accept this offer?" Sho refolded tho letter, "This was tho plan I hod In miud when we went to Monto Carlo, and a much better plan too." "Of course wo shall accept It," Bald ,Worth. "Hut what's tho matter with your playing tho princess to tho neighbors?" suggested O'Mnlly, his eyes laughing. "I'll bo tho eoliclerge, Smith tho stew ard nnd Kilty your maid." "And I?" asked Worth. "Oh, you can bo hor highness' prl vnte secretary and attend to tho cpr respondence." The laughter which followed this was light hearted and careless. Only Ln SIgnorlna did not Join tho merrl mont. Sho roso with n determined nlr, "Mr. O'Mnlly makes a vory good sug gcstlon. It will be tin adventure worth prison." "i am suMcicntly armed for any event. It all depends upon your cour age." . "Oh, If you take that tone," sold O'Mally, coloring, "why, the thing Is i one. Iso one can call ir.o a cownrd." "I shan't desert you In a strait like this," remarked Worth quietly. "Only I think La SIgnorlna rather cruel to force such a situation upon us when i: was enthely unnecessary." "It Is n-reed, then," continued La dgnorlnn, "that tomorrow wo depart for I'lorcnce as the Prlnclpcssa dl Monto Blauca and suit?" It Is in early morning that one should discover the Piazza Sun Marco. Few travelers, nlwnys excepting tho Teu tonic pilgrims, nro up and nbout. Tho doves aro hungry then, nnd they alight ou your hands, your nrms, your shoul nnd even your hat. In a moment they are fluttering nbout you like an autumn storm of leaves, subsiding quickly. It was such n picture Merrlhcw and Illllnrd, his guide, came upon the morning following their arrival. They had not visited It during tho night. They had, with tho usual Impatience cr men, gone directly to tho CJampo Santa Maria Formosa for the great re ward. They had wutched and waited till near midnight, but In vain. Suddenly Ilillnrd stopped. Ho gave a sharp exclamntion nnd darted to one sldo to grasp the nrm of n neat little woman who was buying corn. It ytas Bettinn. But the maid refused abso lutely to reveal the hiding place of her mistress, La SIgnorlna, and Kitty. Ilillnrd offered her a hundred lira note ($20). Bettinn. strongly tempted, Anally re fused the bribe. She tlirentened to call tho carablnlcrl, moreover,- If Ilillnrd followed her. IHHard rejoined Merrlhcw, dlscour nged. As they passed out of the quadrangle a man accosted them. It was Giovan ni, with a week's growth of beard on his face, his shoes out at tho toes. "Follow me," he said softly. Ho led them through tortuous streets, over canal after canal, toward the Campo San Angolo. He came to a utop before u dilapidated tenement. The three mounted tho dusty, went '-fairs of stone to the third landing, rirvanrl opened a door n::d bade them enter. Seated by tho window which over looked the llttlo canal was n young woman. Her hands lay passively in her lap, and her head was lowered. You havo found her!" whispered Ilillnrd, n great pity swelling his heart. At the souud she turned her head. Her face, thin and wnxen, wns "still beautiful, ethereally beautiful, but without color. Sho wns perhaps threo and twenty. "I havo brought an old friend to see you," said Giovanni. She stood up. "Wo nro going back to the Sabine hills, Enrlchettn nnd I." Tho old'mnn rubbed his hnnds Joyously. "Eh, rnrlsslmo?" "Yes, father," with n faint smile. Giovanni pushed his friend 3 Into an other room, closing the door. "I found her," he said In English, the chords lu his throat .stnudlu;: out. nd, mother of Christ, how I have tmfferod! She was dancing. Sao had to sit at tables and drink with the men that or tho Seine. When she saw mo she gave a great cry and fell. She has not been llko herself, but that will pass away In time. Now sho sits hi silence nnd broods. I went to the Italian ambassador. Ho heard my story In full. He wrote personally to tho king. Today I am free. I havo had to walk from Milan almost. I had llttlo money. That letter of eredlt so you call It Is with my cousin In Sorrento." nd the man?" Ilillnrd could not refrain from putting this question. Giovanni looked down. "Tho slgnor told me never to speak of that again." "So I did," replied Hlllard. "But all Is changed now. "Go back to your hills with your daughter nnd leave vengeance In tho hands of God. Forget this man who has wronged you. Forget." "If ho docs not cross, my path nnd if she lives. I have suffered too great ly to forgive and forget. I promise not to seek him." Tho old man went down to tho street with them. Thoy woro so kind. He hnted tho thought of losing them. Thoy waved their hands cheerily and vanished from sight. Thoy never saw Glavnnnl again, yet his hand was to work out tho great epoch In Hlllnrd'a doe tiny. (To bo continued.) JACK MOORE, CONTRACTOR FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND SEWERING, Eleventh nnd Front, Mcdford, Or, rnoNE 123. Pnlnts, Brushes. Wnll Paper, Glass Varnishes, Stains nnd Wall Tints Got Our Prices; on Theso Goods M. J. METOALF, 818 IH. Main St., Mcdford, Oregon GRAND UNION TEA CO. S KEMPTHORN, Agent Now Is the time to snvo tickets for n Christmas Present Call and seo our Illustrated catalogue Phono 3101 237 Riverside Ave F. E. HILL . Carpenter and Builder Will furnish plnns nnd list of timber to be put In building Medford, Oregon nil 3EE HIVE RESTAURANT Meals 15c Beds 15c Give us a trial 29 Central avenue, Upstairs B. J. ADYLOTT CEMENT WORKER All work Guaranteed Strictly First Clrfss Res. No. 400 Bentty St. A card will bring me to you Carriage and Auto Painting High Class Work Guaranteed. Signs. Valley Sign and Carriage Works, Riverside Avenue. Phone 001 H. S. Brurable DRAYAGE & TRANSFER BAGGAGE STORED. OFFICE O AND SEVENTH. COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSULATOR AND HOT FIRELESS COOKER a. Containing two indispensable luxuries and two sources of econ omy. Call and let us demonstrate its merits. J. W. WHITNEY Office in Aikin Plumbing Co.'s Store, Medford. PIANO INSTRUCTION. MRS. E. E. GORE Metropolitan Collcgo of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Phono 493. 144 South Central Avenue. W. B. FIELD Music Studio Room 2, Deuol & Kentnor Building. PIANOFORTE AND THEORY. Private Address, 700 South Oakdnle. Prepaid Raliroao Orders. "Something which is of considor- known is tho system of propaid or ublo interest to tho public generally nnd which is nerhnps not generally dors now in offeot between stations of tho Southern Pacific company and nil points in tho United Slates. By monns of this system tickots may bo purchased nt Modford from any plnco in .the United States nnd mail ed or telegraphed direct to tho pnrty wishing to como here. Sleopor ac commodutions nnd small nmounts of cash in connection with these tickets tuny til so be foiwnrded at the same Uhi."1 WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING 'AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FUBNISHED. B. Ho Harris & Co I MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs 4 APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS Off FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North 'west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent M E D E O R D OREGON The iwinuotT brouaht fdrth a xmUct, recounting. I shall go as the piliujos, uor liigiinoss commands: will it lw dolljjhtfuir not ITqxumu Bros., tho snddlo and linr- uoas mnkars, desii-QV to nmiouuoo to tho trade that they nro not only pre pared to fill nil ordur nt Bhort no tioo, hut onrry tho most oomploto lino Worth looked at O'Mnlly, who looked of hnrnoss, snddles, bridles, whin. at Smith, who looked at Kitty; thou nil yobee, blnnkots, wngon cavers, touts, four looked nt Lu Slgnorlun. "Aro you not lightening ur trials .by Joklngr asked Worth dubiously. ''Call It nuYduttt. if you llhu. 1 shall KO us the prluiOHu." "lint the author!' i.-! It will bo tfo., that ami ho found in southorn Oregon nt price. tUnt cannot fnil to plonso vii.'n quality of stoolc nnd unlunviiuip is considered. Don't orgot the i'.iwe Xli E. Sevonth street, Medford. WANTED APPLE PICKERS By Talent Orchard Company Talent - Oregon Emna iwmmw 'him mmmrammmammmmmmmmm RESOLVED Tho best resolution for you to make is to como to us for your noxt suit, if you want something out of tho ordinnry. Wo do tho best work and charge the lowost prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PEOGEUSSIVE TAILOR l TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Sond your trophies to mo for mount ing. Big gnmo heads, fish, birds nud mammals mounted truo to nnturo by improved mothods. 1 do tnnning, mnko fur rugs, make, rotnodel nnd clean fur garments. Express nnd mail or dors promp'ly attended to. C. M. HARRIS, 405 Washington Street, Portland, Or. Telephone Main 3000. When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On- Breakfast Table We do not mean that you should eat off the stove toast With an Electric Toaster and have crisp, brown, delicious toast costs lc per meal to operate. Wo have the best toaster on tho market for sale at $4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.