. Uirnrtonl SOcIcWj: urcnuu City Hall Subscribers Not Receiving Tlieir Papers Promptly Will Please Notify the Office At Once. FOURTH YEAJR. MEDFORD, .OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1909. No. 194 MEDFORD JM.AIL tribune OVER 100 NEW MEMBERS JOIN ASHLAND CLUB Secretary Trobach Sprang a Sur riso at Annual Meeting Held Last Eve-nlng. ASHLAND WILL EXHIBIT CARLOT APPLES IN SPOKANE C. B. Watson Is Elected President for Ensuing Year Club in Flourishing Condition. ASHLAND, Or., Nov. 2. (Special.) Since the election of II, 0. Trobach as secretary of the Commorcinl club less thnn two months ago tho or ganization has taken on new life. As nn ovidunco of this tho attendance at its, regular incoling last night was larger and moro enthusiastic than any held m many months past. Secretary Frobach sprung a sur prise when ho read a 15t of 104 now applications for membership. Ever since his election the new secretary has been rattling tho dry bones in Ashland, and his success in reviving interest in tho work of tho club has boen remarkable It transpired at last night's meet ing that tho Ashland district would havo a carload exhibit of apples at tho big Spokane applo show to bo-held November 15 tp 20, and ,tho club will send a corps of applo experts to hnn die tho exhibit. Officers for tho ensuing term were elected as follows: C. B. Watson, prosident; F. W- Mooro, vico-prosi dent; II. O. Frobach, secretary; J. W. McCoy, treasurer; E. C. Qard, Ho mor Bilmgs nnibvLouis Dodgo, trus tees. ,Tho club is in a flourishing condi tion financially and with tho now blood recently injeoted into tho in stitution will undoubtedly accomplish much in exploiting tho advantages of Ashland. HITS COMPANION IN FACE WITH GLASS; COSTS $20 Cheered by frequent libations of tho boverago that foams within tho glass, Walter Foloy gave vent to tho ex hilaration of his spirits yostorday afternoon by striking a companion in tho faco with tho glass from which ho had received his latest inspiration. For such an untoward action ho was promptly ejected from tho saloon to literally fall into tho arms of Chief Shearer, who gathered him in and presented him to Recorder Telfer, who assessed him $20 for tho bend fit of tho city. FEDERAL COURT DELAYS SESSION IN JOSEPHINE GRANTS PASS, Or., Nov. 2. Tho adjourned term of tho circuit court opened yosterdny morning, Judgo Ilnnna presiding. Tho only business transacted was tho arraigning of J. E. Vordin, ono of tho parties indicted by tho Inst grand jury for violating tho local option law. Ho will probably plead not guilty nnd make a fight. Tho absence of several of tho locnl attorneys at Medford before the Unit ed States district court has had a tendency to delay- tho circuit court, TO FIND WAY TO PROTECT LAND FROM AEROPLANES WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. Experi ments are to be carried on at tho Isandy nook proving grounds by tho bureau of ordinance to devise means of defense against aerial invasion. DR. REDDY SELLS PROPERTY AT C AND 8TH.S87Q0 Pickcl, Klum and Murphy, New Own ersWill Probably Improve Property In Near Future Plans Not Matured. , JOHN R. ALLEN BUYS HAMILTON'S INTEREST Not Believed That Change Will Inter fere With Erection of Five Story Hotel as Planned. Dr. E. B. Pickcl, B. Klum and W. C. Murphy lmvo purchased from Dr. J. F. Reddy the half block on the corner of Central avenue and Eighth street, where tho bakery and black smith shop are located at present The price paid was $8700. It is tho intention of the now own ers to improve tho property in the near future, but their plans aro not fully prepared as yet. Allen Buys Interest. John R. Allen, president of tho Pa cific & Eastern railroad, has purch ased William Hart Hamilton's half in terest in tho block upon which tho opera houso stands, t0 other half: of which is owned by Dr. J. F. Redd, Tho consideration is withhold for tho present. Whether this purchase will causo any change in tho plan to erect a five-story building on the block for hotel purposes or not is not known, but it is behoved that tho woik will bo continued. PREPARING LARGE MAPJF FOREST Division of Timber and Grazing Lands Clearly Shown on Map. Tho office force of the forestry service in Medford is busily engaged in making a dotailed map of the Cra ter national forest. The work of survoying tho boundary of tho for est nnd marking tho same has been completed and this map will bo sub mitted, with the report thereon. The map is to bo six by seven feot in size and will show in colors tho different clnssos of lands timbored, grass or otherwiso embraced in the forest in detail, and will also show in a general way four different classi fications of tho timber stands. The classifications being, ono for lands having less than 5,000 feet of tim ber to tho acre, tho second for lands having from 5000 to 10,000 feet, a third for those having- from 10,000 to 25,000 feet and tho last for over 25,000 feet. W. T. Andrews, lumberman for the forest servico, has just returned from a sojourn of two months in the Four. Bit creek section near tho base of Mt. McLaughlinfi where ho has been engaged in estimating nnd examining timber, having examined between 10 00Qand 12,000 aores. His report will include a dotailed map of tho terri tory he has covered. Balloons of smnll sizo will bo used in experiments. Tho experiments will also bo conducted in muzzling the mo tors of the Wright aeroplane, and an attempt to communicato from tho aeroplane with wireless will be made. ' LABOR LEADERS LOSE ON WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. The court of appeals of the District of Co lumbia today affirmed tho sentences of President Gompers, Secretary 'Morrison and former President John for contempt of court for violating nn injunction forbidding them publish ing tho name of tho Buck StoVo Rango company as unfair. Sentence was first imposed by Justice Wright of the Supremo court of tho District of Columbia, from which an appeal was taken. The sentences were that Gompers should servo ono year, .Mitchell nino months, Morri son six months. The case will now be appealed to tho Supremo court. PEARY ENDORSED AS DISCOVERER National Geological Society Practi cally Names Peary as North Pole Discoverer. WASHINGTpN, Nov. 2. Commaiu dor Peary was practically endorsed as tho discoverer of .the north polo by tho National Geological society today. Everything -indicates that Peary's personal statement before tho members that ho had sot foot on tho top of tho world convinced them. The explorer had been invited to deliver the first of his public lec tures before tho society frdfo No vember 12, and it is pointed out hero tonight that had his proofs been open to tho slightest question ho would never have been asked to ap. pear. A public statement by tho sec rotary is expected Wednesday. Pea ry positively refused to discuss his testimony before tho committee WILL ENTERTAIN ' BOBJLA FOLLETTE Will Take Him for Trip Around the Valley and Show Him the Town. Preparations aro being mndo to em buo Senntor La Follotto of Wiscon sin with n vivid impression of tho benuties and resources of the Rogue River valley on tho occasion of lus visit to Medford Thursday. Tho sen ator will arrivo on train 14 in the morning nnd will bo mot by a delega tion of prominent citizens, who will take him on nn nutoinobilo trip over as much of tho valley as can ho cov ered in tho time nvailable. Tho prin cipal orchards and points of interest will bo visited nnd there will bo some one at hand all tho timo to explain t Mr. I,n Follotto why tho Rogue Rivor valloy is ahead of any other spot on earth. In tho evoniug Senntor La Follotto will, deliver a lecture at tho Medford opora house uudor tho auspices of tho Women's Guild o ftho Episcopal church. MEDFORD PRINTING COMPANY INCORPORATED Tho Medford Printing compnny has been incorporated for $20,000 with A. S. Bliton, Georgo Putnam and n. Withington as trustees. The enp ital stock is divided into 200 shares nt $100 each. The company will, pub lish the Medford Mail Tribuno and conduct a general printing business, APPEAL Mitchell of tho United, Minoworkors CRATER CASE UP i ncncuDCD 10 10 Will Be Argued and Submitted to the Court Early Decision Is I Expected. Tho Crater Lako road case, now pending in tho supremo court, will bo nrguod on December 13, if , nothing arises in tho moairtimo to prevent. On that date tho attornoys in tho case can bo present and tho court has expressed n willingness to sot it for argument nt that timo. A decision will bo received in time for tho work to start oarly in tho spring?; if tho decision bo favorable, and tjio end of the summer should see tho work far advanced. TO ENLARGE THE WESTS! SCHOOL School Board Meets This Afternoon to Consider Obtaining More Space. Tho school board of Medford dis trict is in consultation this afternoon in an endeavor to doviso ways and means to roliovo tho congestion at tho Washington school. There are moro pupils in thnt school now than can bo' accommodated in tho school-rooms proper nnd it hns been found necos snry to uso tho third story or rath er garret to tako care, of the over flow. For various reasons this has not been found satisfactory,' i"d to board are trying to find a way out. Tho plan which scorns to find tho most favor is tho erection of nn au nox to tho present building of suffi cient sizo to answer tho purposo for a timo nt least. DAWNELL FOUND GUILTY OF TIMBER LAND FRAUD SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2. Dr. O. W. Dnwncll, a prominont business mnn of northorn California and re publican presidential elector at the last eloction, was today found guilty of making fraudulent cntrios of tim bor lnnds by a jury in tho fedornl court. John Gilpin, another defend ant, wns nlso convicted. Scntcnco will ho passed Wednesday, when, it is stnted, nn nppoal will be asked. SYSTEMATIC WAR ON DEATH AMONG INFANTS NEW YORK, Nov. 2 A nntion-wido propaganda for lessening infantile mortality will begin with a two -days' conference at Yalo university Novem ber 11 and 12. r ULbtmocn FEDERAL COURT WILL PROBABLY CLOSE T T Attorneys Arguing Damage Case This Afternoon Early Verdict , in the Case Is (a Expected. TERM SOON TO OPEN FOR COURT IN PORTLAND Great Interest Has Been Shown In Session in This City Is Great Convenience. The action of tho LnMoino Lum ber compnny vs. Kestorson & Silsby, the last case on tho doekot of tho fed eral court, will go to tho jury this afternoon, following tho conclusion of tho arguments of tho attornoys, which are boing mndo. In nil probability tho court will ad journ its Session in Medford tonight or Wednesday morning, so that tho court can proceod to Portland to l tako up the work there. Tuesday is tho firet day of tho fall term in Port land for tho federal district court, I and tho opening will tako place now as soon as possiblo. Tim grand jury 'has bebn subponaod to appear in court l Thursday, and witnosses for casos I pending havo been subenned tp .com iraonco appearing by Friday. A.s I many casos will be disposod of by both tho jury and court as possiblo, as tho calendar is heavy. Tho sossion of tho court now nbout to u'oso has been a souif.-o of much : interest to tho people ,of southern Oregon, and tho daily sessions have been largely attended. That tho at tornoys and litigants of southern Oregon appreciate tho convonienco at tendant upon tho holding of a term "of court in this section goes without saying as it eliminates n long nnd oxpensivo trip on tho part of all par tics concorncd. Jurors, witnesses, lit igants, attornoys nnd all, save hofh timo and monoy, for nil of which thoy aro duly appreciative As a recognition of tho growing im portance of this section of the stnto in gonornl and of Medford in par ticular, tho appointment of this city as the placo of holding tho court U significant and will load in tho future to othor things tho erection of a gov eminent building to nccomomdnto tho court, logothor with tho forest serv ico, tho postoffico nnd tho weathor bureau station, which will undoubt edly bo established hero soon, nnd furthermore it will mnko tho. spot on tho map occupied by Medford still moro prominent. EDUCATIONAL FEATURES AT THE SAVOY THEATER N Tho program nt the Snvoy for to night has many features of instruc tive nnturo, giving ono nn insight to tho customs of a slrnngo peoplo and displaying tho wondors of nature, Don't fail to see "Sports in Java," and "Hunting Sen Lions in tho Arc tic." Tho other piotures, "How to Tamo a Mothor-in-Law" and "Tho Scabs of Justico" ;iro all tho goods as boing laugh-extractors, Tomorrow nnd Thursday nights will bo shown "The Launching pf tho Clarcmont," n reproduction from tho Hudson-Fulton celebration of Now York, tho greatest pageant in tho his tory of modorn civilization. Don't friilto witness this headlincr. The Savoy, ono dime. I LECTIONS ARE HOTLY FOUGHT OVER COUNTRY In San Francisco Day Began With Rush to Polls and Heavy Voting Continued All - jr., " the Day. . j MANAGERS OF HENEY AND FICKERT ARE. CONFIDENT .argest Vote In History Is Being Poll ed in New York All Claim Victory. SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 2. -A largo voto is boing polled today and tho mnnngors of both Ilcnyy and Fickort nro claiming thnt early vot ing is in their favor. Reports from tho polls show that not only Hid tho voting start early, but that it is con tinuing heavy. Tho union voto i3 out in full force. Tho mnnngors of II. IL MeCarty, union lnbor enndidnto for major, claim a heavy load ovor W'lliam Crocker, republican, whoso mntugor is claiming an oasy victory. Demo crats aro onthiiBiastically predicting a landslido for T. B. W. Lolaud. Tho decision in tho Gompons- caso is boing mado uso of by tho cam!i dates. Hot Time In Gotham. NEW YORK, Nov. 2, With all tho candidates claiming victory, tho elec tion iii this city is progressing rapid ly. Indications nro that an unprece dented voto will bo cast. It is impos sible to forecast tho results. Tho so-callod aristocratic voto was out early nnd votod rapidly. Robort Taft, son of tho president, wns scratched, and on that account CO mombors of tho Ynlo city govern ment club nro acting as Avatchors. SKATING RINK PROVES A DECIDED ATTRACTION Tho formal opening of tho Bunga low skating rink to judgo from tho largo .number of pooplo who throng ed tho building last ovoning can ho taken ns a critouon, was a dooidod success, and Mr. Robbius, tho propri etor, is so enthusiastic over the re ception accorded him thnt ho has de cided to introduce a numbor, of in novations during tho wirier and with Do Nova, tho chnmpion skntor of tho Pacific coast, whoso performance last evening kept tho audience keyed up to tho highost pitch of excitement nnd who will havo ohnrgo of tho floor at all times, will nssuro tho sport lov ing pubho of Medford ns fine pleat ing rink as can bo found on the const, WORLD'S CHAMPION PEDESTRIAN IN EUROPE GENEVA, Nov. 2. Horr Hnnslian has reached Zurich aftor a journey of 40,000 miles on foot around tho world. ITo loft Vienna seven years ngo with lus wife, who has since died, nnd his littlo daughter, and ho is now on his way to Vienna to 6laim a wngor which, ho Bays, ho has won by hwr walk. NEW JEWELRY STORE IS TO OPEN IN MEDFORD B. F. Van Do Car of Portland hns lonsod qiiartors in tho Phipps blook on Main street, and ns soon ua the building is completed, will instal a full lino of watches, jowolry, and ovt orytliing that goos to make up a first- class joworly store. Tho repairing dopartmont will bo in clifcrgo'tof-nu oxport. . ' w.