4 8 THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1909. BACHELORS WRITE TO LEARN OF THE mm GIRLS Ren H. Rice of National ApjjIc Show Feels Like Matrimonial Bill M.I. NEW TARIFF REDUCES PHILIPPINE EXPORTS SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 1. -Since the publication of an item that a numbor of young women of Eagle Point. Or., arc nutting their uddtcsrf cards with requests for correspond ents iiiovory box of red npplm pnek cd thoro for display at the National apple show in Spokane November lo to 20, Ren II. luce, socrotnry-tiinn-Wnr of the organization, hn3 been litorally deluged with lottors. Thoy nro from various pirrts of t ho Put ifir northwest, including tho cities and towns in Washington, lda-io Oregon, Montnnn. Utah. Cn'tEnim, Ulora do, tho IJukotus and the priviucc., of ttriiisli 'nnhiinliiu ii id Alburttt. The writers desire the im.iioo tbo wom en Willi the view of entering into correspondence. One of them, giving his address as rulhnun, Wnsh., is hankering for a wifo who is experienced at packing apples. The nnmo of the writer is withhold bjv Mr. Rico, who has given out Iho following excerpt from :ho letter: ' "If you will take tho timu to road the inclosed clipping frdin a nows-j nniicr headed 'Oregon Girls Seek Mates in Spokane,' and then send some of theso addresses to me, you will' bo doing both parties a favor." Mr. Rico declares that not a name will bo given out to anyone, also that those who desire to learn tho identity of tho young womon will cither havo to como to tho npplo show 6r arrange with nu Ingunt to buy tho boxos of fruit, if -for salo, ontorod in tho competitions: by tho growors nt Eagle Point, ns well as attend lo tho correspondence part themselves. WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. Im ports into tho United States from the Philippine islnnds in September, tho first full month under the now tar iff, amounted to $821,030, against $1,031,07(1 in September, 1008. All, of tho imports of lust Septomber en tered free of duty excepting goods worth $420, which comprised products of other countries imported iuto tho Philippine islands and sent thence to the United States. Of the September, 1008, imports, those free of duty wore valued at $902,407, and tho dutiable imports $670,500. Nu sugar produced in the Philippines was imported during last September, though in September, 1908 the quantity .was 13108,000 pounds. Tho August nnpoits statement showed 0,050,000 pounds of sugar coming in from the Philipino islands free of duty under tho now tariff as against 24,040,000 pounds dutiabl in August of tho preceding year. Im portntions of cigurs, cigarettes and cheroots for September amounted to $12,253, of which all but $0 wortl entered free of duty, while the total imports' of this class in September 1008, amounted to $0 in value. MORE MODESTY URGED IN STYLES OF WOMEN GRAY PREVAILING COLOR FOR MEN THIS SEASON SORE BECAUSE HE HAS TO DISCOUNT WARRANT LONDON, Nov. 1. Grav is to bo tho winter color for men's clothes not a silver gray, such ns was popu lir during tho summer, but a steel gray, bo alarm tho exports, who from London and the provinces nro now mooting nt tho sixteenth an nual exhibition of tailor-nude gar mcnts Tho tendency is for a quiot, distinct ivo form and clear-cut linos. Men resist strenuously nny drastic changes in stylo. Tho exports wore in earnest consultation yesterday ovor Iho rounding of tho lnpol edges of a morning coat. A matter of sorious debate, too, was tho binding of anoth er lnpol with ribbon instead of braid. AUttlo point the well-dressed mnn must look to this winter in a coat which boars tho hall mark of being 'the latest thing" the lapels aro to bo Ismoothly rounded. GRANTS PASS, Or., Nov. 1. Fred Wielimnn, orstwhuo managor and gonoral factotum of tho Grants Pass cannery, lias a griovnnco against tho city of Grants Puss that ho is striving to havo the council remedy. 'Somo time ago ho was arrested un der the nuisunco ordinance and nn attempt was mado to find him guilty of selling hard cider. Wiclunnn re fused to biro a Inwyor and went in and managed his own case. Ho call ed for a jury and put up six good, round, hard dollars. This is whoro the trouble comes in. lie won his ease and wanted his jury money hack, and the city offers him a war rant for $0, which to got tho cast on ho will have to discount 15 cents nud ho does not wish to loso that 15 'cemts hence his holler. MRS. ETHERT0N MULKEY IS BURIED IN ASHLAND ' ASHLAND, Nov. 1. Mrp. K.h erow Mulkoy, who diod at her lioino on Iho Applogato last Friday, wu.s buried hero today. Tho pallbourors were lo'eal Elks, doeoased boun tho sistr of a brothr Elk of Albany lodg. A numbor of Elks attended tho funeral and contributed many of tho floral offerings. Mrs. Mulkoy's maiden iiauto was Pittmuu, and nhe formerly lived in Ashland. G. A. R. NOTICE. A. L. L. members of Choster A. Arthur post, No. 40, are earnostly ro Qiieted to bo present nt tho next reg ular nieoting, Tuesday, November 2. nt 2 o'clock p. m. sharp, as thoro is important ImsinosR to transact. All members of G. A. R. in good standing ui'o cordially invited to moot with us whothor members of this post or not. Ho sure and all come. p. II. E1GIIMY, Cominnndor, !' : D.R. ANDRUS, Adjutant. ! DIED. .Ici5. C. D. Rifner, whu was hM jrcd in a runaway a yook nio yosf torday. died Friday nt Shako. Irw . nornl Borvices wero held nt tho '-homo of J. S. Horrin in this city yoH.torduy afternoon. Deceased was i'd years old." ALL CLAIM VICTORY IN MAYORALTY CONTEST NEW YORK, Nov. 1. Tmo mayor alty olection in New 7,;k is a t'i- nuguln'; battlo botweon Gaywv, .?ciiu- orat; lloarst, independent, and Ban nnrd,'i publi(!an. Tho managers of all three candidates claim victory todi'j, Governors will bo oloecV. toorirrow in ir HJiiolmsetts, Virg"..i.-i City o!o tiors will be held in ow York, San lVineis'to. Philadelphia, C'ovehr.is, I' l"M and Buffalo. Paul de Anna FIRST-CLASS GERMAN WATCHMAKER, JEWEL ER AND ENGRAVER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. IN CONNECTION WITH M ED FORD LOAN OFFICE, COR. CENTRAL AVE. AND SEV ENTH ST., MEDFORD. CHICAGO, Nov. 1. Reform of woman's dress in tlio interest of morals was advocated by Harry A Smoot, general superintendent of the Juvenile Protective association, in his report presented at the annua meeting oi tho association yesterday Declaring that prevailing styles ac centuated sex and wero responsible for the downfall of many young girls and boys, Mr. Smoot Urged that tho assoeitaion use its influence with the sources of fashion, as well as with the trirls themselves, to introduce more modest stylos. "One walking up and down our streets, especially in the downtown district, cannot help but be impress ed wit htbo belief that the extreme styles in dress which tlA young girls aro prone to wear nnist surely be contributing causes lo delinquency," said Mr. Smoot. "Frequently every nrticlc of dress is so designed and so arranged as to accenlunto the wearer's sex." SAM LANGF0RD ISSUES DEFI TO JACK JOHNSON NEW YORK, Nov. 1. Sam Lai.'- ford the Boston pugilist, is hit on the trail of Jack Johnson, and today, be- foro the negro champion could start for Chicago, he issued this sweeplnj defi: "I want Johnson to fight mo before he fights Jeffries. Ho can havo $1000 in cash from mo the moment ho steps into tho ring. I wiU'fight him .six, ten, twenty-five, forty-five or a hundred rounds for $5000 a side winner to tnko tho entire purse, or 75 per cent. "I will nccept any reasonable offer and I will win." CHICAGO IS DESTINED TO BE ADAMLFS3 EDEN CHICAGO, Nov. 1. According to tho Chicngo health bulletin, issued to night, Uhicngo would soon oe nn Adamless Eden wcr it not for the new masculine blood which is coming in. Figures compiled for fivo years shov an astounding oxcess in the male death rate ovor tho fcmalo death rate Tho porcentngo of oxcess of inulo deaths por 10,000 population is as high as 05 por cont in tho enso of al coholism. In provnlont disoosos like pneumonia and tul(oronlosis the male oxcess is about 50 per cont. Store The Peoples' Dependable Goods Sold on Small Margins This is truly the People's Sttre. We are running this store as much in your interest as our own. Not a ulcklcs worth of goods are sold at exorbitant profits. ' We feel that the people of Rogue River Valley have made this store what it is today. Starting only two years ago, a stranger in a strange land, but endeavoring to show eaGlt person who Game, that it was Working for their interest. This store has grown until now we are selling as much goods in three days alone as We sold in the entire month at the beginnig, or two years ago. We .want to thank the people for their liberal pat ronage, and to assure you that we are keeping our stoGk well assorted-our values seGond to none-in the United States and our prices as low as is possible for a store to sell goods and pay expenses with but a very meager net profit. You are welcome here at all times and wo want your business. GET OUR PRICES AND LOOK TSe HUTCHASON COMP'Y Successor to BaKerHutchason Company Harry Willinms of Phoonix was a isitor in Mcdford Monday. Ho brought in some exceptionally fine tomntoes for Iho local market. Samuel C. Richards of Trail was in Mcdford Sunday on his wny to f'orl- an on a short business trip. Henry B. Wilson of Griffin Creek as a busiuoss visitor on Mondav, NOTICE. Wntor bills aro payablo at tho of- fieo of tho city recorder from the first to tho tenth of onch month. No notice other than this will be given. Wntor bills not paid on or hoforo tho tenth will beoomo delinquent nnd wn tor will bo shut off without further notice. ROBT. W. TELFER, 107 City Recorder. A SNAP. If you wish to consider n bargain a real bargain in real estate, ad dress P, care of Tribune. 107 Why Pay More When you can got tho same quan tity and as good if not hotter qual for loss. Our Teas and Coffees aro tho host proournhlo and suro to ploaso. Wo do business on tho proft sharing plan and' savo you monoy. GOODFMENDS 132 WEST MAIN STREET I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY.' WANTED Engineer with experience and recommendations in stationary and traction engineering desires em ployment in this locality. Bex 112. Mcdford, Or. FOR RENT Modern light housekeep ing rooms. 222 S. Holly street. Mr. Joe Thomas " WANTED To buy team, wagon and hnrness on monthly terms. Ad dress R, enro Tribune Mail. John R. Cobb of Los Angeles is spending a foV days with friends in Medford. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Tho Nash G. F. Bnrd, Syracuse, N. Y.; C. L. Mpnson, Portland; L. N. Shclleborger, Easton, Pa.; C. L. Dcnsmore, Portland; R. W. South worth, Tncoma; Jacob Weist, Now York; Donald Carpenter, Colorado Springs; G. M. Coghlnn, Portland; Al Farmer, Mclhtire, la.; M. A. Loach, Hilt, Cal.; F. J. Tetrean, Dunsmuir, Cal.; E. J. Murphy, San Francisco; W. II. Barron, Ashland; E. A. Dunlap, Ashland; J. B. Coe, Portland; E, J. Crane, Waynesville, N. C; T. E. Wallace, Portland. Tho Moore T. J. Sbaoffor, Tal ent; C. E. McArdle, C. Stone, F. O. Hirsching, Portland; C. M. Hino- baugb, Ashland; E. A. Crandall, Chi cago; W. L. Mcrritt, San Francisco; L. D. Lyday, Chicago; II. A. Ad rian, Santa Barbara: II. P. Haman, Peabody, Kan.; A. W. Kuglor, Seat tle; J. E. Perry, Portland; H.' L. Holgato, Klamath Falls; N. B. Fair child, Seattlo; A. E. Flcehart, Se attle. Tho Palace W. M. Hnbbard, El bert Hastings, A. Moore, city; W. A. Gardnor and wifo, Pueblo, Colo.; J. Cndzow, Butto Falls, L. E. Ecolos. Pullman, Wash.; R. B. Picard, Horn brook, W. E. Shannn, A. A. Moore, P. J. Bruseth, city; Alex Rousseau, San Rafael, Cal.; W. II. Ramsey, city; Thomas Perry, Grants Pass; Charlos Olson, II. W. Jones, Fred Niles, Karl Nims, S. R. Keller, S. Scott, J. N. Miller, R. Wallace, city; T. E. Mills, Portland. Do You Want A Home? Are Lots in Medford Too High Priced For You Here are some Real Bargains. Four lots 56x126 feet each One hloek from city water mains. Three hlocks from paved streets. All east front. Beautiful view of the mountains. Price $200 each; one-half 'cash,' balance 1 year at 6 per cent. Also one corner, lot, south and east front, $250.00. ft:'-:"1 W . D : R ESS L E R Real Est$e Agents, West Main Street 71'