Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 01, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford MailTribune
Official Paper of
George Putnam,
One year, by mail $5.00
The Medford Printing company announces the pur
fihnHft mid consolidation of the Medford Mail, the South
nrn Oreironian and Jacksonville Times and the Medford
Tribune. The merged plants
torial and business management of George Putnam, tne
Mndford Mail Tribune, an
ning newspaper, with a Sunday morning edition, and a
wgoMv from eielit to sixteen
' est printing and publishing
The Medford Mail Tribune
of the Table Rock Sentinel,
nmvRDfinm' in Southern Oreeron, and is the lieir or. an tne
pioneer -journals. The Oregon 'Sentinel, the successor of
the Table Rock Sentinel, was absorbed later oy me w
cratic Times, founded in 1872 as a successor to the Demo
cratic News. The Southern Oregonian, established in
Medford in 1902, absorbed the Times in 1907.
The Medford Mail, founded as the Southern Oregon
Mail in 1889, succeeded the Medford Advertiser, -the pio
neer paper of Medford, established in 1887, and after
wards absorbed its rival, the Medford Monitor. In 1893
the property was purchased by the retiring publisher,
(A. S. Bliton, who retains a financial interest in the new
company. The Medford Morning Mail was established in
The Medford Tribune was established as Town Talk in
Ashland in 1894, and some years later changed its name to
Ashland Tribune. In 1906 the plant was moved to Med
ford and the Medford Tribune, the pioneer daily of South
ern Oregon, established.
The old order chaugeth, and the newspapers must
change also, in fact lead the van of progress. Village jour
nalism long since became a thing of the past in Medford.
and the Mail 'Lribune will bo as metropolitan in cnaractor
as arv pap? prinifsfl in Oregon.
The merger has been brought about by the recognition
of the publishers of the necessity of a first-class daily
newspaper to "mark time." Par better ono good paper
than two poor ones.
The consolidation is a good thing for Medford, as it
ends the factional fights that have divided the community,
and helps make a united people that will work 'harmoni
ously in the upbuilding of city and country. It is a good
thing for subscribers, as it will give then twico as much
news for half tho money.
The Mail Tribune will be independent in politics and
neutral in local factional fights. It will in a few days have
leased wire telegraph service, and maintain correspond
ents in Ashland, Grants Pass and other valley towns. It
will completely cover tho news field, and aims to bd the
best and most up-to-date nowspapcr published in a city of
tho size of Medford in the world.
Advertising contracts and subscription, accounts with
the Mail, Tribune and Southern Oregonian will bo com
pleted by the Medford Mail Tribune.
It iswith regret that the people of Medford learn oE
-the retirement of Mr. A. S. Bliton from active newspaper
work. For nearly seventeen years Mr. Bliton has been an
important faclor'in the upbuilding of city and valley. No
ono in any community devotes so much energy, timo and
money to tho public welfare as tho averago newspaper
publishov, and Mr. Bliton has dono more than his share in
creating tho Medford of today.
As tho Mail Tribune office is badly lorn up, owing to
tho moving of tho Tribune offico into the Mail office, and
tho roarrangoinont of tho latter, it will bo soveral issues
-boforo tho improvements contemplated in enlarging the
nmiov can bo carried into effect.
5 - 10 - SO Acres
Atijolnlnu Hlllcrost orchard and con
tain tinoxcelctl (loop, rich soli. Rea
sonable prlcos and generous terms.
the City of Medford-
Editor and Manager.
Ono month by mnil or carrier. .$0.."0
will publish under the edi
eight - page seven-column eve
pages, and operate tne larg
establishment in Southern Or-
is the legitimate descendant
established in 1859, the first
Willing to Entertain Her.
My entrance upon my career as a
jnarity visitor was as a volunteer.
arrayed myself for my first attempt
with In .my heart I was
jo afraid of my reception. I found my
first address on the third floor of a
rear tenement, stumbled up the dark
stairs and timidly knocked at the door.
It was opened luotautly by a small boy
who peered at me curiously.
"Is Is your mother In?" I inquired.
"No'tn." was tho prompt reply,
'She's gone to soo tho doctor. But
rou can como in."
Ho held the door hospitably open, and
I stepped across tho threshold and cn
tcrcd. 1 selected a chair and sat down.
Tho small boy wriggled into a chair
"1 have fits," ho announced, with
"Wha-at?" I stammered.
"I have 'era often," ho went on eager
ly, "fits real fits. 1 may have ono any
time. I might have one right now."
But I was already in tho hall.
"You won't stay?" ho shouted after
mo aggrievedly. "She'll bo right
But a very much upset volunteer vis
itor was already out of hearing. New
York Herald.
A Long Divo.
"A circus camo to a little town in
Tennessee," said Colonel Robert M,
Gates in the Saturday Evening Tost,
"and ono of the attractions was a high
diver, a chap' who dove from tho top
of the tent into a shallow tank, which
is a feat common enough, but which
created n deal of talk in that locality.
"Tho wiseacres wcro talking about
it at the store. Many of them thought
it could not bo done without killing
the dlvor, but ono old man insisted
that it was perfectly feasible.
" 'What do you know about diving?"
ho was asked.
"'Waal,' ho replied, 'nothln in pcr-
ticklcr about that kind of dlvin', but
I used to have a cousin who was the
longest diver yo over see.
"'Longest diver?' scoffed the other
sitters. 'Whcro'd ho dive?'
VOnct,' irepllcd tho old man, 'ho bet
a thousand dollars he could dive from
Liverpool to Now York.'
" 'Did ho do it?' f
" 'Nop, not that time. Yo see. he
kinder miscalculated an' como up in
Denver.' "
The Captain's Regret.
"Some years ugo," said a military
man, "thcro wus a certain German
private soldier named Andreo. This
was a short time after Aeronaut An-
drco's sensational departure for tho
north pole in his airship. Well, tho
kaiser, reviewing some troops ono day,
asked n number of men their names,
and Andreo was among this number.
Tho kaiser smiled at him good humor-
" 'So your namo is Andreo, ch?' tho
kaiser said. 'Do you know you've got
a very famous namesake?'
" Ycs, your majesty,' tho soldier an
" 'And who told you that?' said tho
" 'My captain, your majesty,' said
tho soldier.
"Aha, your captain, ch? And what
did your captain tell you about An-
"'Ho said, your majesty, that ho
only wished Androe had taken mo
witn nunr "
The Broom at the Masthead.
There still ovists a very old custom
among seamen of displaying a broom
at tho masthead of ships intended to
be sold to indlcato that they are to bo
"swept away." The custom originat
ed with tho famous Dutch admiral
Tromp, who when ho appeared off tho
English coost hoisted n broom to show
his Intention of sweeping tho Eng
lish licet from tho sen. Tho Eng
lish admiral, replying to this Imper
tinent signal. Immediately hoisted a
horsewhip to tho masthead of his
ship to show the arrogant Dutchman
that he mount to give him n drubbing.
For this reason a pennant ts oftentimes
dubbed "tho horsewhip" by seafaring
men. Sen lore, of course, is full of
3ymbolIsm. and tho broom is only ono
of many signs used that havo a mcta.
phorlcal meaning. London Globo.
"Ono peculiarity of melancholia,"
said a specialist, "is that tho victim of
It actually eujoys tho despondency and
often doesn't want to bo cured. I onco
told n young woman who had this dis
ease that she must be careful of her
digestion and eat noth'ng fried. After
that 8ho tried to cat only fried food.
Not only did sho insist on havlug her
pontoes and meat fried, but didn't
want to cat bread unless It had becu
fried in n lot of grease." Now York
Not Qualified.
Two men were getting warm over n
simple difference of opinion.
They turned to tho third man.
"Isu't ii homemade strawberry Bbo'rt
cako better than n cherry plo?" de
manded oun of them.
"Isn't n homomado cherry plo bet
ter than nuy shortcake?" inquired tho
The third man shook his head.
"I dou't know." he said. "I board."
Clevelaud I'lnlu Dealer.
A Great Walker.
On July 12. 1809. the Newmarket
bells rang a peal in honor of Captain
Barclay's completed walk of a mile In
each of 1,000 successive hours. In bis
first week of it ho had averaged less
than fifteen minutes for each mllo
and in tho last week more than twenty-one,
and his weight had gone down
from thirteen stone four pounds to
eleven stone. But on July 17 ho Join,
cd the Walcheren expedition in perfect
health as ald-de-camp to the Marquis
of Huntly. Captain Barclay, who was
n Barclay of Ury and unsuccessfully
claimed three Scottish earldoms, had
performed wonderful feats before tho
Newmarket walk. In 1801 ho walked
110 miles in nineteen hours in a mud
dy park. In 1808 ho rose ono morn
Jng nt C. walked thirty miles grouse
shooting, dined at 5 p. m., walked
sixty miles to his house nt Ury in
eleven hours, did some business and
walked sixteen miles to danco nt a
ball, walked homo by 7 a. m. and spent
the day partridge shooting in all 130
miles without sleep for two nights
and three days. At twenty ho could
lift half a ton. St. James' Gazette.
Not Afraid.
Personal courage Invests its owner
with a protection beyond that afforded
by outside forces. An illustration of
this is recorded by General William F.
Draper in his "Ilecollectlons of a Va
ried Career," whero ho gives this in
cident: In 1804 Colonel Daniels of tho Sev
enth Khode Island became unpopular
with some of bis command, and a
rumor spread that ho would be shot
at tho next engagement He heard of
it It was customary when guns had
been 'loaded for some tlmo to havo
them discharged into some convenient
bank, nnd Colonel Daniels took advan
tage of this. Marching his regiment
out with loaded rifles, ho faced them
toward a suitable elevation, and. tak
ing position on tho top of it and! In
front of them ns at dress parade, ho
gave tho commands, "Heady"" "Aim!"
"Fire!" nnd the pieces were discharg
ed. Needless to say, any man could havo
shot him with Httlo danger of discov
ery, and, needless to say, also, none of
them did. Thero were no more threats
of thut kind in his regiment
Convincing the Waiter.
"I have learned how to make tho
foreign waiters in tho restaurants
whero I cat think I havo lived in Eu
rope half a lifetime," said a womon
who never dines at home. "I dawdle
over my dinner twice as long as any
body clso In the plnce. It requires no
effort for me to do that By naturo
I cat in tho same leisurely manner
that I do everything else. Most of
my compatriots bolt their food. As a
consequence the foreign waiters who
are used to leisurely dining regard
them with amazed horror.
'"Ah. those Americans!' they ex
claim. 'Some day they ehoke. But as
for madamo' meaning me "well, ma
dame is different Madame nibbles,
she sips, she lingers; therefore sho is
not as those of common American
clay. It takes madame never less than
two hours to eat her dinner. That
marks her as ono of the European
elect' "New York Globe.
Some Odd Spelling.
, Americans, says tho London News,
employ the word. "Britisher," which
they Invented, in a contemptuous sense,
it wns n certain Philadelphia wit who
is said to have asked his friends what
a "Britisher" would mean to convey
by tho written word "ghoughphthelght
tceau." He had to explain to them
that, according to tho genius of tho
English language, it meant "potato."
Thus: Gh p. as in "hiccough;" ough
o, ns In "dough:" phth t. ns in "phthi
sis;" eigh-u. as in "neighbor;" tto t.
as in "gazette," and enu o, as in
"beau." This was nt leost as puzzling
ns tho livery stable keeper's bill which
contained the two lines
Nobody who docs not "know tho an
swer" has ever yet arrived at tho solu
tion, which is. In the vernacular of
tho creditor himself. "A 'oss 'nlf a day"
and "A-takln' on Mm 'ome ngln."
Unappreciated Efforts.
Unselfish goodness is seldom appre
ciated in this world of ours. There
was that man in tho electric car, for
instance. Having rung up three fares
In his efforts to stop tho car for the
lady that sat on tho opposite side, be
tossed after her the umbrella that bo
longed to tho little gray whiskered man
on his right. Neither the gray whis
kered man nor the conductor liked
the thoughtful Samaritan for his al
truistic ettorts. Boston .Transcript.
There Are Better Seats,
"lie Is now. they say, on the very
plnuacli' of fame, aud yet he Isu't ex
actly in comfortnblo ctrcumstauces."
i "That's not surprising. Did you ever
sit on a plunacle of any sort?" Brook
lyn Citizen.
The Better Way.
"Awfully rudo othlm to throw a kiss
at me."
"Yes, my dear; thoso aro things
which always ought to bo delivered in
uerson." illustrated Bits.
Hypnotio Power In Animals.
An interesting instance of tho hyp
notic power possessed by n good many
animals is given by a correspondent of
tho Glasgow Herald. Ono morning
outsido Elgin a blackbird was ob
served to bo standing by the road
side, paying no heed to tho footsteps
of tho passerby. It was gazing fixed
ly at four young weasels under tho
hodcre. which were unnronchlng in a
semicircle, apparently to surround it
Just then a wnrnlng cry was heard
from behind, uttered presumably b'y
tho parent weasel, and the young ones
disappeared in tho hedge. The bird
still remained powerless nnd Immova
ble, and only after repeated urging did
It fly to a tree near by. when it gavo
forth a weak, frightened sound, as
though still under tho iuftuuni-u of the
terror which had nrrestcd its faculties.
A Mild Hint.
Two guests came to spend the even
ing and didn't know when to depart
Tho host and hostess were patient
with them, very patient, but when
11, 12 and finally 1 o'clock struck
the husband realized that something
must be done. He was an original
chap, and In his droll way ho looked
over at his wife and said mildly:
"My dear, hadn't we better get up
to bed? Our friends may want to
be going."
The Separation.
"I understand that she is separated
from her husband."
"Oh. tell mo all about It What did
she do?" -"Nothing.
He died."
It Was Hard.
Hamfatter Hamlet (tho actor) That
hard boiled egg gave me a headache.
His Friend You shouldn't eat hard
boiled eggs. Hamfatter 1 didn't eat
it A fellow hit me with it behind tho
Mrs. Brown I'm afraid to let you
have a bicycle. Little Johnny Don't
feel that way. ma. Even if it did kill
me. remember thnt it would bo the last
thing I ever asked you for.
He Was Out.
Short-lf Long calls with that little
bill tell him I'm out. Mrs. Short But
that would be telling a falsehood!
Short Nothing of tho-kind. I'm out
of cash.
Great men are they who seo that
spiritual Is stronger than nny material
force. Emerson.
A Convert.
An old Cambridge friend of mine
who had a good deal of the wisdom of
the serpent in him had a farmer in his
parish lu Norfolk whom ho could not
get to church. Whenever he pressed
upon him his neglect or his bad exam
plo ho was always mot with tho same
excuse, "You bo too young nnd do not
know enough to teach such as 1." At
last ho gavo up tho farmer in despair.
But one day he happened to pass by
tho farm while his parishioner was
engaged in killing a flno pig. My
friend said: "What a pig! Why, ho
weighs thirty-four stone!" "What dost
thou know of pigs?" replied tho
farmer. "I only whh ho weighed ns
much." Wheu they next met tho farm
er, to his surprise, told my friend that
tho pig had been found to weigh Just
thirty-four stone. Ho added, much to
my friend"" gratification, "And thou
wilt see me nt church next Sunday,
parson." London Globe.
A Problem In Mathematics.
Tho town of Sturgls, in Mississippi,
is tho only round square town in ex
istence. By legal enactment tho circlo
has been squared, and tho mathemati
cian may now proceed to calculate tho
area of a square circle. In tho laws of
Mississippi for tho year 1880, on page
CS2, is found the following:
"An act to Incorporate tho town of
Sturgls, in Oktibbeha county, Missis
sippi. "Section 1. Bo It enacted by the
legislature. of the state of Mississippi
thot tho town of Sturgls, in tho county
of Oktibbeha, is hereby incorporated
and that the corporate limits of said
town shall be as follows: Beginning
at the quarter stako In front of Caleb
nannah's residence nnd running COO
yards in every direction, making said
corporate limits 1,200 yards square."
Thus tho circle is squared by the sol
emn declaration of tho law. Youth's
Turks and Animals. -In
the matter of kindness to animals
it is isald that tho Turk cannot bo sur
passed, Thiw at Stamboul tho wan
dering dogs aro treated with great
gentleness, nnd when puppies come into'
the world they are lodged with their
mother at tho side of the street in im
provised kennels made out of old
boxes lined with straw and bits of
carpet. And frequently when a young
Turk happens to be flush of money he
goes to the nearest baker's shop aud
buys n quautity of bread, which he
distributes among tho dogs of the
quarter, who testify their gratitude by
Jumplug up nt him with muddy paws
and snllling muzzles.
Four-room shuck, lot, (50x150; a
good cheap homo" nnd u bargain
at $450
Good 4-rooin Jiouso nnd large lot;
n small payment clown; balance nt 0
per cent $10000
5 acres of land inside of city limits,
pood 5-room house nnd outbuildings;
this is n genuine bargain nnd is
worth twice the price nsked..$4000
Good two-room house, fine largo
lot, best locntion, near Oaktlnlo ave
nue; it sunp if sold nt nnno . . .$550
We have n number of suburban lots
which wo will close out in n bunch nt
a bargain counter prico, or will trndo
for ranch.
Small houso nnd lnrgo lot on Holly
street, $550. Is this n snnp?
Wo have soveral income-paying
business properties for sale. If you
aro interested in this class of invest
ment, it will pay you to seo us.
Wo aro headquarters for business
properties of every description.
Ten acres four miles from Medford
and l1-; miles from Central Point,
now land, 81' ncres ready to culti
vnte, new 3-room houso, good now
small barn, situated on main traveled
rond; tho very best soil in tho val
ley; fine fine shade trees and u beau
tiful sito for a homo.
Largo lot with 12 full bearing tip
ple trees on South Central avenuo;
fine locntion and a beautiful si'o for
a home; a snap if taken at once.
Forty acres, 1C miles from Med
ford, half mile from Beagle; 8 acres
cultivated; 4 acres in fruit tree 2 to
10 ycnrs old, on two good roads;
small house, barn, woodshed, etc;
25 acres inclosed in wovon . wiro
fonco $2000
Now 5-room house, hardwood fin
ish, now woodshed, well on back
porch, lot 50x100, corner Jackson
nnd Fir , $1450
Ono ncre, 0-room house, barn,
chicken house, city water, only 000
feet from Rivcrsido avenue . . .$3400
5-room bungalow on South
Central avenuo ;i snap if taken nt
onco $2050
Nino-room modern houso, Bunga
low addition, lot 50x100, corner 4th
nnd Oronge, nonr Oakdalo nvo..$3850
28 acres, ono milo from P. & E.
depot; n bai-gaiu nt the price. .$6000
Rooming house Best locntion in
the city; clears $150 per month; long
lenso $2200
27 acres, three miles from Med
forn; $1500 house, good barn, all in
alfalfa; tho best land to bo found in
tho Roguo River valley; tcrms.$l2,000
18 ncres, closo in property, fin
est freesoil, 14 ncres planted to com
mercial apples nnd pears 4 years old,
4 acres alfalfa; good terms $1 1,500
For salo or rent l)-room modern
bungalow on Orange street, near Oak
dalo j rent $30; prico $3850
Business location lot 50x100, right
in the heart of tho city. Call nt our
offico for particulars $8500
5 acres inside city limits, high ele
vation; this tract can bo subdivided
into building lots or would mnko nn
ideal orchard tract. It is n bargain
at ,..$3000
5 ncres adjoining city limits, good
orchnrd land and n beautiful sito for
n homo; in ono year will be worth
doublo tho prico asked $2000
10 acres, one mile from Medford on
mnin traveled road to Ashland; Bear
creek bottom land, sot to npples and
penrs 2 yoars old; trees aro strong
nnd vigorous. Horo is a benutiful
sito for n homo. Easy torms,
Prico $2900
3-room box houso nnd largo lot
on South Central avenuo, completely
furnished; good well anO chicken
houso; a genuino bargain; easy tonus
Price $750 1
Somo splendid business proportion j
for sale, closo in, good income pay
ors. Call at our office for details, j
Onr chargo is $1 per month fori
renting and collecting.
Opposite Moore Hotel
112 W. Mnin St. Phono 3073 Mnin-