Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, November 04, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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L- VVji! ,v-w.r iV1 :rsa
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nv . "v ,
Hot and cold baths, pompadour hair
cutting and clean towels a specialty.
Pair treatment foe everybody. Give
us a trial.
Main Street, Opposite Postoffice.
Horse and Oxen Shoeing-
The leading Drag Store of Medford It.
(Successor to Haskins St Lawton.)
Ha has anything in the line of
Pure Drugs,
Patent Medicines,
Books, Stationery,
Paints and Oils,
Tobacco, Cigars, Perfumery,
Toilet Articles,
And everything that is carried in a
Prescriptions Carefully Com
Main Street, Medford, Oregon.
Jobbing of all Kinds.
Medford, - - Oregon,
General BlacksmitbiD
Appal Parisian Cnamali
Crestioa of perfect Complcaiaa, The
ivi Testes ViiaUaLsaagtmtott Skte the
Freckle. Srtav and
Jfnara ftontal PoMtor - Ja ;
7 trhlte. rtafcesnl Crease stisers. tves to ta
atcea siistifid char aad itnaspaoat ear
i - trae to ulBt. wlm applied to the atecoe
Spa, cannot be detected, pa pt two aba
UErht for Blondes. Duk for Braacttea. -
- - . Ailml Casnatiaea. fcinillllt BsLv
, ampbuton bow 1
CMds qr Sale
Sole Agents, Medford, Ore.
Contractor and Builder
Jobbing of all kinds. Plans and
estimates furnished on application.
Jackscrewg to let
Write for our mammoth
Catalogue, a 000 page
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giving manufacturers'
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facturers' discounts on
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Saved bv burin? of n..
Send -A cents to pay ex
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a buyers' guide. We are
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ent by. express or freight, with privilege of ex
mlnsUoB before paying,
- - X LABPEX ft CO.,
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' Bsw and Complete Treatment consisting of
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fox and PlUs: a Positive Cure for External,
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the Knife unneeesaary hereafter. This Remedy
has never beaa known ta fail si ru k. .
S; sentbyraatt. Why soflnr from this terrible
- disease when a written guarantee la given with
boxea to refund the money if not cured. Send
stamp for free Sample. Guarantee issued by
Woodwasd, CXarse ft Co., Wholesale tt R
U Druariate, Sole Agents, Portland, 9rm,
Q, 9, Hasktss, sole aeot for U edferd,
. ..".:,-. -.- '
Back Numbers May Be Had At This Office
v By JOHN HABBERTON, Author of "Helen's Bablos" Etc. Copyrighted by J. B. Lip
plneott oompany, publishers, Philadelphia, and published by us through permission of the
American Press Association J far Lots of fun, don't fall to read It.
Lucut looked grateful and penitent: then
she took Phil's arm, and whispered rapidly.
"Well take a sde; all you need do will be to
watch the head couples carefully, and do ex
actly as they do, when our turn comes."
"But it I blunder"
"Then Til forgive you. What mora can
"nothing," said Phil, bis heart warming,
and bis face reflecting the smile that accom
panied Lucia's promise. The quadrille was
really as easy as had been promised; indeed.
Phil found it almost ideuticaL except in lacx
of grave, with an allegod calistiienic exercise
which a pious teacher had once introduced
in Hayntou's school.
The motion of swinging a partner back to
position by an encircling arm puzzled him
somewhat as he contemplated it, but Lucia
kindly came t his assistance, and twos done
almost before he knew it done altogether
too quickly, in fact. And although be hon
estly endeavored to analyse the wickedness
of it, and to feel horrified and remorseful.
bis mind utterly refused to oboy bun.
Therer exclaimed Lucia, as the quadrille
ended, and, leaning on Phil's arm, she moved
toward a seat. ou didu t seem to und that
Anything would be easy, with you for a
taaoher," Phil replied.
Thanks," soul Lucia, with a pretty nod of
ber bead.
"And Tm ever so much obliged to Mia
Dinoa tor nrgtng me to try," continued Phil.
"Actios Dium is a dear old thing, said
Lucia, fanning herself vigorously.
"Oldr echoed Phil. "A woman lice atlas
Oinon can never be old."
Lucia's fan stopped suddenly; again the
strange jealous look cams into ber face, and
she mid:
1 should imagine you had been smitten by
Miss Dinoa."
-"Sousemior Phil erolninwl. with a laugh.
"Cant a man state a simple fact in natural
history without being misunderstood f"
Fonnve me, said Lucia, prettily. "1
foreot that you were always interested in the
deepest and most far away side of every
thinz. Here comes that stupid little Lay
broach, who has my next waits. I'm going
to depend upon you to take me down to sup
per By by."
A minute later, ana mil sooerea again.
for again Lnoia was Boating about the room
with a man e arm around her wast, roll
took refuge in philosophy, and wondered
whether force of habit was sufficient to ex
plain why a lot of modest girls, as all in Miss
Dinous parlors undoubtedly were, count ap
pear entirely at ease during so immodest a
diversion, During the waits be leaned
agnint a door casing; evidently some ooa
was occupying a "T'1" position on the otber
side in the bail, for Phil distinctly beard a
low voice saying:
"Wouldn't it be great If our charming
hostess were to set, bar cap for that young
tallow from the country!"
"SooaaaseT woe the reply; "she's too
much the older to think of such a thing.
"Not a bit of it. She'll outlive any young
girl in Uw room. Besides, where money
calls, youth is never slow in responding.
"They say he's as good as engaged to Miss
Tramlay," said the first speaker.
"Indeed! U in phi Not a bad match. Has
be got any money f I don't believe Tranday
is mere than holding his own.
Phil felt his face Bush as be moved away.
H wanted to resent the remarks about bis
liinses. an implication that his friend Tram
lay was otber than rich, and, still more,
that any yeeng man could be led to the
otarriage altar merely by money. If people
ware talking about aim la such fashion be
wished be might be out of sight. Be would
return at once to his hotel, bad be not prom
bed to take Lucia down to supper. He could
at least hide himself, tor a little while, in
the gentlemen's room np stairs. . Thither be
went, boning to be alone, but be found
Marge, who had Just come in, and who lost
bis self possession for an instant when be
leougnixsd the well dressed young man be
fore him.
, , ."Anybody bereP drawled Marge.
"Lucia is 1 mean Miss TranUay, said
M, in absent minded fashion "and lota of
other people, of course.
" ' Marge looked curiously at Phil's averted
- face and went down stairs. Phil remained
long enough to find that bis mind was in an
otter muddle, and that apparently nothing
would compose it but another glimpse of La
da, Aa supper was served soon after be
west down, his wish was- speedily gratified.
From that time forward bis eye sought ber
continually, although be tried to speak again
to every ooe to whom be bad been intro
duced. How be envied Lucia's father, who
was to escort the bttle witch borne I How be
wished that in the city, as at Haynton, peo
ple walked borne from parties, and stood a
long time at the gate, when maid and man
ware pleasantly acquainted!
Ha saw Lncia go up stairs when the com
pany began leave talking; be stood at the
foot of the stair tint be might have one more
glance at ber As she came down she was an
entirely new picture, though none the less
charming, in bar wraps. And oh, bus!
she saw him and aaidt
"See me to the carriage, Pml. and than
find papa for me."
How tenderly be banded ber down the car
peted stone steps! He had seen pictures of
such scenes, and tried to conform bis poses
with those be recalled. He opened the car
riage door. Lucia stepped in, but ber train
could not follow of its own volition, so Phil
bad the joy of lifting the rustling mass that
bad the honor of following the feet of divin
ity. Then be closed the carriage door re
gretfully, but a little band kindly stole
through the window as Lucia said:
"Good night Don't forget to send papa
"I won't," said Phil. Then he looked back
quickly: the door of the bouse waa dosed, so
be raised the little band to bis lips and kissed
it several times In rapid succession. True,
the hand waa gloved; but Phil's imagination
was not,
' emu-mo mox uoo&rxos.
ASTER Philip
Hayn retired from
his second evening
in New York socie
ty with feelings
very different from
those which his
rather heavy heart
and head had car
ried down to Sol
Mantring's (loop
only a abort week
before. No one
called him "coun
try" or looked cu
riously at bis attire; on the contrary, at
west one lady, in a late party that boarded
the elevated train oa which ha was returning
tDhlsboteL regarded him with evident ad
imxatiom. Not many days before, even this
sort of attention would have made him un
comfortable, but the experiences of his even
ing at Miss Dinon's had impressed him with
the probability that ha would be to a certain
degree an object of admiration, and he waa
already prepared to accent it aa a matter of
course vsry much, In fact, as ha had bean
taught to accept whatever else which Ufa)
seemed sure to bring.
Of one thine he felt sure: Lucia did not re-
sard him unfavorably. Perhaps she did not
Jove him he was modest enough to admit
that there was no possible reasou why she
should yet she had not attempted to with
draw that little hand bless it I when he was
covering it with kisses. She had appropriated
him, in the loveliest way imaginable, not only
once but several times during the evening,
showing marked preference for him. Per
haps this was not so great a compliment as at
first sight It seemed, for, bold his own face
and figure in as low esteem as he might, be
nevertheless felt sure that the best looking
young man in tllss Dinon's parlors was
plainer and loss mauly than himself. But if
bcracocptanaeof bis homage and her selection
of him aa her cavalier were not enough, there
was that jealous look, twice repeated. Hs
informed himself that the look did not be
come her; it destroyed the charm of her ex
pression; it made her appear hard and un
natural; yet be would not lose the memory
of it for worlds.
Could it be true, as he hod heard while un
intentionally a listener, that ber father was
not rich! Well, he was sorry for him; yet
this, too, was a ground tor hope. After what
he had heard, it was not impossible to be
lieve that perhaps the father of the country
youth, with his thirty or forty thousand dol
lars' worth of good land, which had been
prospected as a (Kaaible site for a village of
seaside cottages for rich people, might he no
poorer than the father of the dty girL It
seemed Unpossible, as he mentally compared
the residences of the two families, yet he had
beard more than once that city people aa a
class seemed always striving to live not only
np to their incomes, but as far beyond them
as tradesmen and money lenders would al
low. Aa to the talk he had heard about Miss
Dinoa, he resented it, and would not think of
it as in the least degree probable. To be sure,
be would not believe ber SA, though if she
were be heartily honored her that she had
lived so well as to look for younger than ber
years. Still be was not to be bought, even
by a handsome and Intelligent woman. It
was not uncomplimentary, though, that any
one should have thought him so attractive to
Miss Dinoa a woman whom be was sure
must have bad plenty of offers in her day.
But should he ever chance to marry rich,
what a sweet and perpetual revenge it would
be upon people who had looked and probably
talked as if be were aa awkward country
Then came book to him suddenly in aD
their blackness his moody thoughts over the
obdurate facts in the case. Prolong bis but
terfly day as long as his money would allow.
he must soon return to his normal condition
of a country grub; be must return to the
form, to bis well worn clothes of antique cut
and neighborly patches, to the care of horses.
cows, pigs and chickens, take "pot luck fat
the family kitcben, instead of carefully
lecting his meals from long mua of fare. In
stead of attending receptions in handsome
bouses, be must seek eodery in church socia
bles and the hilarious yet very homely par
ties giveq by neighboring farmers, and aa
occasional affair, not much more formal, hi
the village.
It was awful, but it seemed inevitable, no
matter bow he tortured his brain in trying
to devise aa alternative. If he had a little
monev he might speculate in stocks; there,
at least, he might benefit by hi acquaintance
with Marge; but all the money be had would
not more than maintain him in New York a
fortnight longer, and be had not the heart to
ask his father for mora. His father! what
could that good.m'ich abased man bo already
thinking of biro, that no word from the trav
eler had yet reached Hayn Form! He would
write that very ight or morning, lata
though it was; and be felt very virtuous as
he resolved that none of the discontent that
filled him should get into his letter.
It was nearly sunrise when he went to bed,
From his window, eight Boors from the
ground, be could see acroat the ugly boose
tops a rosy flush in the east, and some little
clouds were glowing with golst under the blue
canemy. Rose, blue, gold Lucia's cheeks.
bear eyes, ber hair; be would think only of
mem, tor uey were) ma aeugni; ms misery
could wait; it wouM have iu control of him
toon enough.
"Margie, Margie, wake opt" whispered
Luna to her slumbering sister, on returning
from the Dinon party.
"Oh, dear!" drawled the sleeper; "is it
breakfast time so suonr
"No, you little goose; but you want to bear
all about the party, dont you r
"To be sure 1 do," said the sister, with a
long yawn and an attempt to sit np. Miss
Margie had heard that she waa prettier than
ber elder sister; she knew she was admired.
and she waa prudently acquiring all possible
knowledge of society against bar approaching
"coming out." "Tell me all about it. Who
was there I" continued the drowsy girl, rub
bing ber eyes, pushing some crinkly hair be
hind her ears, and adjusting some pillows so
that she might sit at ease. Then she put her
bands behind her bead, and exclaimed, "Why
dont you go onf I m all eara."
Lucia laughed derisively aa the pulled an
ear small enough, almost, to be a deformity.
then tossed wraps and otber orfioles of attire
carelessly about, dropped into a low rocker.
and said:
"Only the nsnal set were there. 1 danced
every dance, of course, and there was plenty
of cream and coffee. Agnes and her mother
know how to entertain; it's a real pleasure to
go to supper there. But I've kept the best to
the last. There was one add ition to the usual
display of young men a tall, straight, hand
some, manly, awfully stylish fallow, that set
all the girls' tongues running. You've seen
him, but ril bet you a pound of oandy you
cant gness his name."
"Oh, dont make me guess when I'm not
wide awake yet Who was itr
"It was Philip Hayn I" said Lucia, so
earnestly that she seoinod almost tragical.
" Lucia Tramlay I" exclaimed Margie, drop
ping ber chin and staring blankly. "Not
that oountry fellow who used to drive us
down to the beach at Haynton!"
"The very same; but he's not a country
fdlow new. Upon my word I shouldn't
have known him if I hadut known he had
been invited aud would probably come.
was in terror lest be would oome dressed as
be did to our reception last week, and the
girls would get over their admiration of bis
talk and tease me about him. But yon never
in your life saw so splendid looking a fellow
you really didnX And be was very atten
tive to me; be had to be; I took possession of
him from the first Ha doesn't dance, so 1
couldnt keep him dangling, but I had him to
myself wherever men could be most useful.
Margie, what are you looking so wooden
"The Ideal" said Margie, in a far away
voice, as if ber thoughts were just starting
back from some distant point. "That heavy.
sober fellow becoming a dty beau I It's like
Cinderella and the prinaeas. Do pinch me, so
I may be sure Pra not dreaming."
"Margie." whispered Lucia, suddenly
Ing beradlf on the bedside, and, instead of toe
desired pinch, burying bar cheek on a pillow
dose against her sister's shoulder, "after ha
had put me Into the carriage be kissed my
band oh. aver so many times."
"Why, Loda Tramlay I Where was papap
"He badnt oome down yet."
"Goodness! What did you say or dor
"What could I! Before I could think at
all twos all over and be was hi the house."
"Tuut country boy a flirt I" exclaimed Mar
gie, going off inta blanknesa again.
- "He isn't a flirt at aH," replied Lucia,
sharply. "You ought to liave learned, even
In the country, that Philip Hayu is iu earnest
in whatever he says or dues."
"Oh. dear!" moaned Margie; "I dont want
countrymen nuking loro to my sister."
"1 tell you again, M&rgie, that he's simply
a splendid gentleman the battdsouiat and
most stylish of all whom Agues Dinon in
vitedand I wont haro him abused when
he's boon so kind to mo."
"Lu," said Murgie, turning so as to give
one of Lucia's shouldersa vigorous shake, "1
believe you think Phil Hayu is In love with
you I"
What else can I think r said Lucia, with
out moving ber bead. Her sister looked at
her in silence a moment, and replied:
A good deal more, you dear little wretch:
you can think you're in love witit him, and.
wat is more, you are thinkiut; so this very
minute. Coufess, nowl"
Lucia was silent; she did not move ber
bond, except to press it deeper into the pil
low, nor did she change her gaze from the
wall on the opposite side of the room; never
theless, she manifested undoubted signs of
guilt. Her Ulster Iwnt over her, embraced
bur, covered her cheeks with kisses and called
her tender uamea, some of which bad been al
most uphcard since nursery days. When
at last Lucia allowed ber eyes to be looked
into, ber uxtor took both ber hands, looked
roguish, nnd said:
"Say, l.u, hnw does It feel to he In love! Is
It anything like wbnt novels tell ahnutf"
Don't ask mo. exclaimed Lucia, "or I
shall have a fit of crying right away."
"Well, I'll let you off for a little while, if
vou'U tell me bow it foels to have your hand
It feels." said Lacia, meditatively, "as if
something rather heavy was pressing upon
your glove."
Ah I you to real mean!" protested the
younger girl "But what will papa and
mamma sayf And how are you going to get
rid of Mr. Margef I give you warning that
you neednt turn him over tome when I come
out. I detest him,"
I don't want to get rid of him," said Lucia,
brooming suddenly verv sober. "Of course
1 couldnt marry rbtl if he Were to ask me
not if he's going to stay poor and live out of
the worliL
But you to not going to be perfectly aw
ful, and marry one man while you love an
other f
"I'm not going to marry anybody until
rm asked," exclaimed Lucia, springing from
the bed. wringing ber hands and pacing the
Boor; "and nobtily has asked me yet; I don't
know that anybodv ever will. And I m per
fectly miserable, if you say another word to
me about it I shall go Into hysterica. No
body ever beard auything but good of Phil
Hayn, either bor or anywhere elm, and if
be loves me I'm proud of it, and I'm cuing to
love him back all I like, even if I have to
break my heart afterword. He shont know
bow I feel, you may rest assured of that.
But oh. Margie, it's just too drcauf uL Ham-
ma has picked out Ur. Marge tor me bo
could love such a stick I and she ll be per
fectly crazy if I marry any one else, unless
perhaps it's some one with a great deal mora
money. I wonder if ever a pour girl was In
such a penectlv horrible ptaatiuo
Margie did not know, so both girls sought
consolation in the ever healing fount of mair
den hood -a good loug cry.
HE truth of the old
saying regarding
the reluctance of
watched pots to
boil fat proved as
well In business at
elsewhere, as E4
gar Tramlay and a
number of other
men in the Iron
trmie bod for some
time been learning.
to their sorrow
Few of tbnu were
making any rona
ey; most of tbwn
were losing on interest account, dosed mill
or stock oa hand that could not find purr ha.
era. To know this was uncunifortable; to
know that the remainder of the bmanew
world knew it also waa worse; there fa. a arose
of humiliation in merely holding uet own
for a loug period which b infinitely more
provoking and drnroMng to a baslneas man
than aa absolute failure or augnrant
How doaetv everv one in Tramlay' basi-
ness circle watobed the iron market I There
was not an induserv in the world in the
least degree dependent npoo iron which
tbev did not a bo watch closely and
deduce apparent probabilities which they
exchanged with one another. The pro
ceedings of congreKS. the results of elec
tions, the political movementa abroad that
tended to either prare or war, became Inter
eating solely through their pusjuble ufluenca
upon the iron trade Again and again they
were sure that tbe active and upward move
ment was begin atones: tbe opening of a long
dosed mill to execute a small order, even a
longer interval than usual between tbe do
bigs of mills, was enough to lift up their col
tcctlve hearts for a while. Then all would
become faint hearted again when they real'
bed that they, like Husea Biglow's cbanti
deer, bad bm
Mbaakio mooarbe. for the break o day
But sodden) v, through oaiasss that no one
bod foreseen, or wbirh all bad discounted so
often that tbev bad feared to consider them
again. Iron began to look up, some small or
ders, of a loug absent kind, began to creep
into the market, prices Unproved a little as
stork depleted, several mill made baste to
open, and prudent dealers, who had been
keeping down expenses for months and years.
now began to talk hopefully of what they
expected to do in tbe line of private expendi
Good news flies fast; the upward tendency
of iron was soon talked of in' New York's
thousands of down town office, where, to an
outside observer, talk seems the principal in
dustry. Men in other businesses that were
depressed began to consult iron men who had
weathered the storms and endured the still
more destructive calms of tbe long period of
depression. Bankers began to greet iron
men with more cordiality than of lata, An
nouncements of large orders for iron given
by certain railroads and accent id by certain
mills began to appear on I ha tapes of tbe
thousands of stock Indicntoifajhroughout the
It naturally followed that Mr. Marge, to
whom tho aforesaid "tape" seemed the breath
of life, began to wonder whether, in the lan
ensure of Wall street, be bad not a "privi
lege'' upon which be might "realize." If the
upward movement of iron was to continue
and become general, Tramlay would un
doubtedly be anioug those who would benefit
by it. Would the result be immediate, or
would Tramlay first have to go Into liquida
tion, after the manner of many merchants
who through a long depression keep up an
appearance of business which is destroyed by
the flrst opportunity for actual transactional
Marge had long before, for busaness purposes.
made soma acquaintances In the bank with
which Tramlay did business, but be did not
dare to inquire too pointedly about his
mend's balance and dlscounta Besides,
Marge had learned, through the published
sohedulesof liabilities of numerous insolvents.
that soma business mua have a way of bor
rowing privately and largely from relative
and friends.
The MAIL, Per Year, Only $1.50
A Terse and Comprehensive Declaration
of Vital Principles.
The People's party assembled in na
tional convention at Omaha on July 4,
1U2, nominated James Baird Weaver.
of Iowa, and James Gaven Fields, of
Virginia, lor president and vice presi
dent of the United States respectively,
and adopted as its preamble and plat
form the following:
Assembled upon the IlSth anniversary of
the Declaration of Independence the People's
party 01 America, In their first national con
vention, invoking upon their action the bless
ing of Almighty God. pats forth, in tbe name
and oa behalf of the people of this country, th
following preamble and declaration of princi
ples: Tbe conditions surrounding as best jastlf v our
ee-operatlon; we meet la the midst of a nation
brought to the verge of moral, political and
material ruin. Corruption dominates the bal
lot box, tbe legislatures, the congress, and
touches even the ermine of the bench. The
people are demoralized; most of the states
have been compoiled to isolate the voters at
the polling places to prevent universal intimi
dation or bribery. The newspapers are large
ly subsidized or mauled; publlo opinion si
lenced; business prostrated; our homes eov
ered with mortgages: labor Impoverished and
the land concentrating in tbe hands of the
capitalists. The urban workmen are denied
the right of organization for self protection:
imported pauperized labor beau down tbelr
wages; a hireling standing army, unrecog
nized by our laws. Is established to shoot them
down, and tbey are rapidly degenerating into
caropean conditions. The fruits of the toll of
millions are boldly stolen to build np colossal
fortunes for a fow. unprecedented In the his
tory of mankind; and the possessors of these,
in turn, dosplse the republic and endanger
liberty. Prom the same prolific womb of the
governmental injustice we breed the two great
classes tramps and millionaires.
The national power to create money is an.
propriated to enrich bondholders; a vast public.
debt, payable In legal tender currency,
been funded into gold bearing bonds, thereby
adding millions to the burdens of tbe neonle.
silver, which has been accented as coin since
the dawn of history, has been demonetized to
add to the purchasing power of gold by de
creasing the value of all forms of property aa
wellaa human labor, and the supply of cur
rency Is purposely abridged to fatten usurpers.
bankrupt enterprises and enslave industry.
A vsat conspiracy against mankind has been
organized on tbe two continents, and it is
rapidly taking possession of the world. If not
met and overthrown at once It forebodes ter
rible social oonvulatona, the destruction of
dvtllzalion or the establishment of an absolute
n e have witnessed for more than a quarter
of a century the straggles of two great politi
cal parties for power and plunder, while griev
ous wrongs have been Inflicted on the soffer-
tng poor, ne charge that the controlling
Influences dominating both these parties have
permitted tbe existing dreadful conditions to
develop without serious effort to prevent or
restrain them. Neither do they now promise
as any substantial reform. They have agreed
together to ignore in the coming campaign
every issue but one. They propose to drown
the outcries of a plundered people with the
ttproar of a sham battle over the tariff, so that
capitalists, corporations, not tonal banks, rings.
trusts, watered stock, tbe demonetization of
silver and the oppressions of the usurers may
aD be loaf sight of. They propose to sacrifice
our homes, lives and children on the altar of
Mammon; to destroy tbe multitude In order
to eeoore corruption funds from the mlllfcsa-
Assainlili A on the anniversary of the birth
day of the nation, and fUlcd with the spirit of
the grand generauea who established our Inde
pendence, we seek to restore the government
of the rrpublle to the hands of "the plain peo
ple," with which class it originated.
We assert oar purposes to be Identical wit
the parposes of the national constitution to
form a mora perfect Union, establish justice.
Insure domestic tranquillity, provide tor the
common defense, promote the general welfare
and secure the Messing of liberty for ourselves
and oar posterity.
e declare that this republic can only en-
dare as a free government while built upon the
love of ibewhole people for each other and for
um nation: n cannot oe pinsea logetner ny
bayonet: that tbe civil war is over, aad that
every passion and resentment which grew oat
of It mast die with It. and that we most be In
fact, aa we are in name, the united brother
hood of free men.
Oar country ends itself confronted by condi
tions for which there Is no precedent In the
history of the world: our annual agricultural
predortiona amount to billions of dollar la
value. Which most within a few weeks or
months be exchaaged for bQilona of dollars of
commodities consnmsd la their production;
tbe existing currency supply is wholly inade
quate to make this exchange: the results are
falling prices, the formation of combines and ;
rings, aad the impoverishment of the pro-
dosing class. We pledge ourselves that if
given pow.r sr will labor to correct these evils
by wise and reasonable legislation. In accord
ance with the terms of our platform.
w e believe that the powers of government
in other words, of the people should be ex
pended (as la the case of the postal service) as
rapidly and as far as the good sense of an in
telligent people and the teachings of expe
rience shall justify, to the end that oppreseioo,
injustice aad poverty ahall eventually cease In
the land.
While oar sympathies as a party of reform
are naturally upon tbe side of every proposi
tion which will tend to make men Intelligent,
virtoons aad temperate, we nevertheless re
gard these question Important as they are
ea Secondary to the great banes now pressing
for solution, aad upon which not only our in
dividual property but the very existence of
free Institutions depend; anfl are ask all men
to first help as to determine whether we are to
save a republic to administer before we differ
as to the conditions upon which it Is t. be ad
ministered, believing that the forces of reform
this day organized will never cease to move
forward until every wrong is remedied and
equal rights aad equal privileges aecarely es
tablished for all the men and women of this
We declare, therefore
That the union of the labor forces of the
Cnlted States this day consummated ahall
be permanent aad perpetual- mar its spirit
eater into all hearts, salvation of the republic
aad the uplifting of mankind.
Wealth belongs tn him who creates it, and
every dolls." taken from Industry without aa
equivalent la robbery. "It any man will not
work neither shall he eat." The Interests of
rural and el vie labor are the same: their ene
mies are identical.
We believe shot the time has oome wbea
the railroad corporation will either own the
people or the people must own the railroads,
and should the government enter upon the
work of owning and managing any and all
railroads we should favor aa amendment to
the constitution by which all persons en
gaged In the government service shall be
placed under a dvll service regulation of the
most rigid character, so at to prevent the in
crease of the power of the national adminis
tration by the use of such additional govern
ment employees.
We demand a natloual currency, safe, sound
and flexible. Issued by the general government
only, a full legal tender for all dehta. publlo
and private, and that without the use of bank
ing corporations, a just, equitable aad efficient
means of distribution, direct to the people, at
a tax not to exceed S per cent, per annum, to
be provided, aa set fort'a tn the subtreasory
plan of tbe Farmers' Alliance, or some better
system: also by payment In discharge of its
obligations for publlo Improvements.
We demand the free and unlimited oolnage
of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of
We demand that the amount of the drculat
tng medium betpeetlily Increased to not less
than fifty dollars per capita.
We demand a graduated Income tax.
We believe that the mousy of the oountry
should be kept as much as possible in the
hands of the people, and hence we demand
that all national and state revenues shall be
limited to the necessary expenses, economically
aad honestly administered.
We demand that postal savings hanks be es
tablished by the government for the safe de
posit of tbe earnlnga of tbe people ana to facili
tate exchange.
Transportation being a means of exchange
aad a nubllo necessity, tbe government should
own aad operate the railroads tn the Interest
of the people.
The telegram and telephone. Ilka the post
office system, being a necessity for the trans
mission of news, should be owned and operated
y tbe government in tho interest of the people,
Th land. Including a4 tan narCtrmi sources
ef wealth. Is the heritage of all the people, and
should not be monopolised for speculative pur
poses, and alien ownership of land should be
prohibited. All lands now held by railroads
and other corporations In excess of their actual
needs, and all lands owned by aliens should be
reclaimed bv the government and held for as
tual settlement only.
Important Resolutions Wot Included la
the Platform.
When the platform had been adopted
at Omaha the committee on resolution
met and unanimously agreed upon the
following resolutions, which were adopt
ed by the convention:
Whereas, Other questions have been present
ed for our consideration, we hereby submit the
following, not as a part of the platform ef the
People's party, but as resolutions expressive of
the sentiment of this convention:
Resolved, That we demand a free ballot and
a fair count in all elections, and pledge our
selves to secure it to every legal voter without
federal intervention through tbe adoption of
the states of the unperrerted Australian or
secret ballot system.
Resolved. That the revenue derived from a
graduated Income tax should be applied to the
reduction of tbe burden of taxation now rest
ing upon the domestic industries of this coun-
Resolved. That we pledge our support to fair
and liberal pensions to ex-Union soldiers and
Resolved, That we condemn the fallacy of
protecting American labor nnder tbe present
system, which opens our ports to the pauper
and criminal classes of tbe world and crowds
out our wage earners; and we denounce the
present ineffective laws against contract labor,
and demand tbe further restriction of nade
sirable emigration.
Resolved, That we cordially sympathize with
the efforts of organized worklngmen to shorten
the hours of labor, and demand a rigid en
forcement of the existing dght hoar law on
government work and ask that a penalty
danse be added to the said law.
Resolved. That we regard the maintenance
of a large standing army of mercenaries,
known aa the Pinkerton system, as a menace
to oar liberties, and we demand it abolition,
and we condemn the recent Invasion of the
territory of Wyoming by the hired aasaasros
of plutocracy, assisted by federal official.
Resolved. That we commend to the favora
ble consideration of the people and to tbe re
form press the legislative system know as the
initiative and referendum.
Resolved, That we favor a coastitutisBal
provision limiting the offices of president aad
vice president to one term and providing for
the election of senators of tbe United State
by a direct vote of tbe people.
Resolved, That we oppose any subsidy or na
tional aid to any private corporation for any
Fn ii u liiiitin
The staff of Physicians of the
of San Francisco,
Will examine all cases free of charee.
The doctors describe the different dis
eases better than the sick can them
It is a wonderful gift for anyone to
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try. The doctors are well known as
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home treatment, entirely harmless and
easily applied. Consultation free act)
'Strictly Confidential. Correspond-
enc will be promptly answered.
Married persons or young
Uarriage. men contemplating matri-
monv, aware ol their phys
ical weakness, loss of procreative pow
ers, Im potency or other disqualincav-
tion, speedily restored.
Blood Poison, Yenerial
Private Taint, Gleet. Stricture.
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The doctors, after years of experience
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nose and skin, affections of the liver,
lungs, stomach and bowels those ter
rible disorders arising from the soli
tary vice of youth, and secret practices
blaalin their most radiant hopes and
anticipations, rendering marriage im
possible take ooe candid thought be
fore it is too late. A week or month
may place our case beyond the reach
of hope. Oir mothod of treatment will
speedily aal permanently cure tne
most obstinate case, and restore perfect
There are many from the ago of 30 to
60, who are troubled with frequent
evacuations of the bladder, often
acceompanied with a slight burning or
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tem in a mannur tbe patient cannot ac
count for. There are many men who
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of the case, which is the second stage
of seminal weakness. We will guaran
tee a perfect cure in all such cases, and
a healthy -restoration of tho genito
urinary organs.
Persons applying for medical treat
ment shoulil send or bring from two to
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copical examination. Persons ruined
in health by unlearned pretenders, who
keep trifllug with them month after
month, giving poisonous and injurious
compounds, should apply immediately.
Delays are dangerous. .
Perfected in old oases which have
been neglected or unsklllfully treated.
No experiments or failures.
Parties treated by mail or express,
but where passible porsonal consultation
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confidentially. Treatment sent C. O.
D. to any Dart of the United States.
Question blanks free. Address with
postage. CAL. MED. & SURG. IN
FIRMARY, 102SH Market St.
San Francisco, CaL
Mention this paper.
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Speaking of Patent Medicines, that
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mended to do, I am not ashamed to say
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years old, and baw used many puis
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Yakima, Wash.
At SO cents a bottle. It is the poor
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Salary $25 to $5Q a Week.
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Would be cheay at aV
One good reliable Agent wanted for
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Empire Watch Co., New York
Mm Pacific Route.
Sooth I North
00 p, tn I Lv. Portland - Ar. I 7:S a. m
fcssp-m Lv. Medford Lv I SOS p. aa
1:15 a. m Ar. San Francisco Lv. j 700 p. m
Above trains stop only at the following sta
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gon City. "Woodoara. Salem, Albany, Tiuigeat.
Shedds, Halsey, Harriaburg, Junction City, Irv
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S6 a. m I Lv Portland Ar I -fcfto p. m
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Tourist Sleeping Cars for the accommodation
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Mall trains daily, except Sunday:
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l:10p.mAr Oorvallls LvlfcaSp.m
At Albany and Oorvallls connect with trains
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?25p. m 1 Ar McMinnville Lv 1 5.-45 a. m
-Throsrh tickets to aH points cast and
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garding rates, maps, etc., call oa tbe coaapsay'a
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Manager. Asst. fl-f if Agt
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WBIssr. Wwaeet BVttu. s Snl.i. tm stual a
sssflslsllsssf atala.Mr. UevmjiWmMmiwtlaaitim,
s mzmml lasliss. Sflas. I.aii .. in . HitT. sis,. in. sitMr. rw nil . . Nni ul - - - r
seKalan. Sum hrL IsmSsc-, static, PSM m Sistl. .... w
tt -h i't ir in ii 11 i ri -r. ! i
- f--