1 V : v7 SOUTHERN OREGON MAIL, FRIDAY, NOV. 4, 1892. r try: V' V L.... -- v j . . J... it K , y -iS - - ? ; . . . . '4 .Ml? r, ' ;' - V, ? -." ' r 7 ; , . 'f :. : p, x . 1-.-. r. ' - 'A-. . V ... f-i ... .... ; . V-f,. ' -i m ',. vt ' Felix G. Kertson, Editor. Published Every Friday Horning. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Entered in the PostoSlcc at Medford, Oreffon, 1 as Second-Class Mail Mutter. Medford, Friday - Nov 4y 1S92. Tii FOR PRESIDENT, GENERAL JAMES B. WEAVER, A)V IOWA.; VICE-PRESIDENT, GENERAL mi$ G. FIELD, OK VIRGINIA. . . ; ELECTORS. Nathan Fierce, of Umatilla Co. W.$H. Qalvani, of Washington. Saml H. Holt, ; - of Jackson Co. W, G-. Burleigh, of Wallowa Co. . .J. O. FIELDS. v.; f PTE FOR GENERAL WEAVER. ' The Democratic Electoral Ticket Will be Withdrawn. . Now-xjomesUhe news that the full democratic electoral ticket of Oregon : will be- withdrawn and the demo ft crats throughout the state are in rtructed to vote for Weaver. This 13 no we ot the- reopJo s party ;...bu.ns sir i singly an - act of the demo- id aa such we disclaim and -decry the move, but as the People's prt5.teas not consulted it must be J. B. 'WT.AVKn. . '! '" '': fTi ?. endured with the be8t of grace, but .'.'' itcannot be paid that there has . , been fusion. Nothing rf the kind would b listened to by the People's ' ' party, who would have preferred to " stand alone in this campaign. However, this final action of the .-. , democrats is the straw which breaks .the republican's back in Oregon - and that the state will be counted ' for Weaver is conceded by the mopt -conservative. c The republican boast that every "-: . Weaver-republican . will leave the ' ; . ; People's party. is all boh. All un derstand the matter as the Mail has ( here set it forth and no "whipping" method by republican papers and - . . .politicians will avail. TURN ABOUT. Republicans ir the , South and -. :v Democrats in the North. ;, "That the . Republicans in' - the South are keeping abreast of the .Pemocrata iin the n6rthirithe-'fu8-1 ion, Dusinees is an opon secret as the following will amply prove and in the face of this it ill becomes the republicans in the north and espec ially in Oregon, to cry; out against : . the order of thi ngs. The fol lowing are only two instances out of a doz en; ' . : ,-.;,. "'- ' IN ARKANSAS. Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 1. A fusion between the people's party and republicans of this state for ' presidential electors and congress men has been completed. - ' . IN ALABAMA, ,. Birmingham, Oct. . 31. Chris 7 "Magee, the Pennsylvanian, is here and will remain until, after the election. .His mission is to ' en deavor to get the straight , republi can ticket withdrawn, no as to unite " all anti-democratic forces in sup port of the fusion ticket put out by tJie people's party.-. . "J, Remember , the Peoples' party rallies at Central Point 4 Monday, Ashland Satur day and in Med ford to-day, Fri day.. The Great Waldrop is doing the orating and big orowds are in attendance. A Nation in Trouble. Written for the Mail, Oct. STitb, 1KB, A nation in trouble, in anguish and pain. Fair Liberty's rocking her cradle uguin, . Above it the starry old banner is spread. The- nntls ot freedom ure faiardiUK its bed; With violence keen their powers employ. For a Herod is seeking its life to destroy. It came in the stillness presaging a storm, - In terrible uiifruish and labor 'twas born, Tho anguish of poverty's hunjrrv moans. That works for their bread and only Rets stones. 'Back through the years to the sunny south- fg lana. We look through our tears for that brave. irallant band. Who laid down their lives that the slave might be free. To pluck the sweot fruit from Liberty's tree. Brave boys of our country they sleep where ' they fell. White stones, almost, countless, the sad ; - story tell. From the north to the south, from the east to the west Fair Liberty's guardlns the ptuco of their .. rest. Our fla,T at half mast hanfrs limp in the land. And thus she makes moan to her lost fal lal I band. My boys. Oh : my brave boys, have ye ml died iu rain? ' Kor the shackles ye loosed are all fastened .... again Oppression Is making the poor man moan. Jtor mammon is king seated on his gold in roue. Dear Father in heaven is this thy will; Oh! hands on the dial of time stand still. Forbid that this story should ever be told. That freemen are selling their votes for gold ; Ye men of this nation arouse ye today. And with your tree ballot this golden king slay. Infinite God. thine assistance we crave. To again loose the bands and our d?ar coun try save. Till then let our 9a? be at half mast hum? And the bells in slow solemn tocos be rung: Till then let all labor and happy song cease. Until we have Justice and plenty and peace. Galls Creek Items. S. C LaurcDeo paid Medford a flyiug visit auring- ine woeK. Mrs. Prnnk Yocura has returned from her visit to tho Willavnetlo. Mr Williamson is new busily engaged in the construetion.of his dwelling, A. Colwell actio as head workman. The construction of the ditch for the Gold Hift flourtnjr mill is well under war. ' Foreman Miles is the right man in tae rignt place. School is progressing nicely on the ereelc with 2S names eurolled, 24 in daily attendance. Father Starues will speak to the peo ple at toe school bouse uext bundny at 3 o'clock prompt. Mrs E. Soemache has returned to the haunts of her youthful davs. Her many friends extend to her a cordial welcome. There has been and is now being a very decided improvement made in these parts during the Into suramer and tail, Mr. Kussell and J. id. Storey having built tbem each, a fine cottao while quite a lot af fencing is being done, which denotes thrift and enter prise, ' We understood the new ledges found during the season, still . yisld an abundance of the precious metal. Ben Havmond, our merchant at Rock Point, was united in wedlock to MLss Rosa Morris of Foots creek, last Wed nesday. at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Haymoud have our best wish for a long and nappy life. All persons wishing to obtain the best variety of blackberries, black or red raspberries, strawberries and goose berries, will do well to call on or order from J. rl. btorey of Kock foint. J. Li. State or Ohio, City ok Toledo, ) Lucas County. ( ' Fkask J. CHENEY makes oath that be is the senior partner of tho firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said nrm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my nresence, this Oth day of December, A.D. 1836. . . .. A. W. GLEASOy, Notary Public. SEAL Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and rau cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free.' F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. E"Sold by Druggists, 75c. Galloway Hides.' The following . letter explains itself and perhaps wiil be of interest to some of our readers: . - , Independence, Mo., Oct. 20th, 1892. ) Office of the Galloway Braeders' As'sn. f To Mr. G. W. Galloway, Medford, Or. Dear Sir: It is the expression of a number of stock-holders and breeders that this Association should collect Galloway hides, and have same made into Robes, Coats. Gloves,' &c, for ex hibition at the World's Fair during 1893. This question will be up before the meeting November 22nd, and we would be pleased to hear from each and every stockholder on this subject. Your presence will add greatly to this as well as other matters that may come up. Should you fail to be present, your written instructions will be carefnllv carried out, if given to soma one who will be present. Yours Truly. . . , L; P. Muir, Sec'y. P. S. If you have hides that are No. 1 advise the. Secretary, or those to whom you entrust your proxy, A Million friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed. and not less .than' one million people nave lound just sucn a mena - in nr. King's New Discovery for consumption. coughs and colds. If you have never used this great cough medicine, one trial will, convince you that it has won derful curative Dowers in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs.' Each bot tle is guaranteed to do all that is claim ed or money will be refunded. Trial ootties tree at u. H. l Haskins' drug I ctore. larfii holt.lpa'MVi anA ai nn i r PREjniDJH i LIST of the : Jackson county Agri'i. Assn." Fair. DIVISION A, CLASS 1. HOR SES OF ALL WORK. A E Crance, Central Point, mare colt. I yr and over. 2d nrom . over, 2d prom J H Downing, Central Point, mare, 2 yrs and over. 1st urem Nolson- Grtrasley, Central Point, mar with suoKing colt, 4 yrs and over, 1st prom A J Daily, Eagle Point, mare Willi colt, 7 yrs and over. 2nd prem Wm T Constant, CvnlrU Point, mare, 3 yr and over, 1st prem Samuel Furry, Phoenix, stallion, 4 yrs and over lit prem David Penulncer, Tolo, mare, 4 yrs and over, 1st prem C C McClendon. Sams Valley, I stallion, and 3 coiis. iwi prem R K Sut .on, Ashland, stallion, 2 yrs and over, 1st prem Mary E Curry. Table Rock, mure, 4 yrs and utvr, unm prvai . George A Jackson, Beagle, stallion, 4 yrs and over. 2nd prem George A Jackson, Beagle, maro. 4 yrs and over jsipreni CLASS 2. DRAFT HORSES. J W Merrltt. Con'l Pt, stallion, 4 yrs and over. 1st prom W E Nickolson, -Med'td, mare, 3 yrs and over, 1st prem A J Daley, Eagle Pt, stallion, 3 yrs and over, 1st prem il iiaitlry. Jacksonville, brown mare with colt, 4 yrs and over. 2nd nrem W K Price, Tolo, brood maro with colt, 4 yrs and over. 1st prem , David Penninger, Tolo, mare, 2 yrs and over - ist prem CLASS S. ROADSTERS J S Griffsby, Cen'l Pu boy stallion, 3 ym and over 1st prem O M Gruinger, Ashlarwl, fair roa (Inters, 1st prem joun ueuiuger, .mou iu, Rviumg, ayr&tuia over, Wi prem K C iiovnton. Grants Pass, stallion, 3 yrs and over' 11 u prrm DIVISION A. CLASS 4. STAN DARD BRED. . : C W Kahler. Jacksonville, alaUion, 4 yrs and over. 1st Drem F W Van Dyke. Grants Pass, stallion, 3 yrs and over. 2nd urvtn James McDonnouRh. Tolo, more. 4 yrs and over. 3dq Dram F W VanDyke. Grants Pass, gelding, 3 yrs and over. 1st pre tii A J Stroucker Grant Pass, mare, 3 yrs and over. 1st prem James McDoniyL Tnj, horse colt, 9 yr and under. 11 ptvuiV' James XlcDouough, Tolo, horse colt, I yr and uuuer, pxeu CLASS 5. FARM HORSES. J M Samuels. Central Pt, farm team, mare and norse, xna prem 'W U Kfncaid. central Pt, farm team, horses. 1st prem MULES. Tyson Beall, Central Pt, mare male. I! prem J F Gregory, " roan mule, 2nd prem JACKS AND JENNIES. R WesiroD. Tolo, inaltoe lacK. It nrem M Hon Icy. Jackson vUJe, malioar jack,3ud prem CLASS 6. THOROUGHBREDS. C C McClendon. Sams Valley, stallion, 4 yrs and over, isi prem N K Berry, Central Pt, stallkm. 4 yrs and over, Sad prem DIVISION B. CLASS l.-SHORT HORNS M II an ley, Jacksonville, heifer, under 3 yrs old U K Aketiy, Jacksonville, bull, 3 yrs and over. l-t prem Wm Hanlcy. Jmcisonvillo. bull, 3 yrs old and over, sou prem DIVISION B.-CLASS 2. HERE FORDS. M Hanlcy, JackunviUc. one cow In milk. 1st prem M Hanlcy, Jacksonville, one hc'.fer under 3 yrs ota. iMi prem CLASS 6. POLLEN ANGUS, J A Cochran. Central Pt, one cow in milk. 2nd prem CLASS 7. GRADES Tyson Beall, Central Pt, bull calf, under I yr. sou presn TyMia Beall, Central Pt, cow, 8 yrs and over, 2nd prem W B Klncaiu, Central Pt, cow, 9 yrs and over. 1st prem J A Cochran, Central Pt, calf under I yr, 1st prem V m Manley, Jacksonville, steer. 3 yrs and over eniereu lur noooa, blue notion airaraed DIVISION B. CLASS 9. GAL LOWAYS. E P Pickens, Table Rock, bull, S yrs old and over. 1st prem J A Cochran, Central It, heifer calf, under 1 yr, lot prem DIVISION C.-CLASS l.-SIIEEP . & GOATS. Georfre A Jackson. Beagle, 3 vpanUh merino bucko. 1st Drein George A Jackwm, Beagle, 3 Spanish merino cS tat, prem CLASS 2. m Hanlcy. Jacksonville, I mutton ram, 1 yr and over. 2nd prem Wm Penninger, Tolo, 1 muttoa ram. I yr and over, 1st prem Wm Penninger. Tolo, 1 mutton ewe, I yr and over. 1st prem D Penninger, Tolo, 1 mutton ewe, 1 yr and over, 2nd prem B Obenchaln. Central Pt. mutton and wool sheep, 1 yr and over, 2nd prem DIVISION D.-CLASS l.-SWINE BERKSHIRE.-?. Georpe A Jackson, Beagle, litter of ? pigs 1st prexn CLASS 2. POLAND CHINA. Tyson Beall, Central Pt, sow, 9 yrs and over, 1st prem R V BeaU.Central Pt. boar under I yr. 2nd prem W E Nickolson, Medford. boar, 1 yr and over, 1st prrm Tyson Beall, Central Pt, boar. I yr and over, - 2nd prem Geo. A Jackson, Beagle, boar, 1 yr and under, 1st prem CLASS 4. POULTRY. CHICK . ENS. J H Downing. Central Pt, 2 white leghorns, and prom P W Olwell, Central Pt, 3 brown leghorns, 1st prem Mrs. R M McDonough, Tolo, 2 Plymouth rocks, 2nd prem Uelvn M Howe, Tolo, 2 Plymouth rocks, 1st prem Frank Olwell, Central Pt, 9 lack punish, 1st prem Leon Haskins. Medford, trio rose combed ban tams, 2nd prom CLASS 5. TURKEYS. M A Grigsby, Central Pt, 1 pr bronze turkey's, 1st prem P W Olwell, Cenfl Pt, 1 pr bl'k turkeys 2d prem " " . i pr state " 2d ' CLASS 6. DUCKS. W T Leever, Central Pt. 3 best ducks, 1st prom G W Crystal, Medlord, 2 best ducks, 2nd prem DIVISION E. CLASS 1. FARM PRODUCTS. E F Nichols, Tble R'ck, com'on stock, 2d prem B F Miller, Gold Hill, display corn, 1st prem F J Downing, Cent'l Pt, 1 bu sido outs. 2d prem P W Olwell, Cent'l Pt, 2 bu sbl'd corn, 1st prom Mrs. C H Ereanbrack, central Pt, 1 peck pop corn, 2nd prem Mrs. c a arcanbrack, central Ft, variety garden seeds, 1st prem E B Hunaackor, Tablo Rock, 1 pk pop corn, 1st prem w K Price, Tolo, spring wheat, 1st prem A E crance. Central pt, winter barley, 2d yrem Mrs a Bostwick, Ashland, display hops, lit prem W T Leever, central pt, winter barley, ist prem C P Pickens, Tablo Rook, " side oats, " o w crystal, Medford, sweet corn, 1st prom R V Beall, Central Pt, Australian wheat, 2d prem A Simons, central point, display corn, 2d prem -....., CLASS 2. SEEDS. G W Crystal, Medford, white beans, 2nd prem Mrs. C H Ereanbrack, Ccntrnl Pt, sample peas, 2nd prem Mrs J H Russell. Ashl'nd. white beans, 1st prem G W Crystal, Medf d, pcua, 1st prem DIVISION F. CLASS 1. ORE GON MANUFACTURE. Mrs P J Downing, Central Pt, home made soap ist Drem i Mrs DeGroot. Medfd, home made oundy, 1st pr'm Bonn. 2na nrm Mrs L R Downing, cent'l Pt. 10 lbs lurd, 2d pr'm Mrs V Benll, Ccntrnl Point lard 10 lbs-ist prem. MrG H Haskins, Medford, honey exhibit iid orem. ! Hugh Elliott, Jacksonville; blacksmlUi oxhlblt DIV. , G, CLASS 1 DAIRY , BUTTER. :. MrsR J Cameron, J-vlllo-tliilry butter-rod prom .Mrs tf Hull, Spiknurd duiry butler-lst prem DIV. : H, WOLLEN ; MAX F. Mrs R T ljnvton, Jlcdfunl iO yds rag capct 2nd prem ' MrsK Fish, Central Ft 10 yds rag carpet-ist prem MrsAbeCmbtrce.Clold Hill rng rug-ist prem Mrs s Furry, Pheonix rag rug-2u prunt DIV. , CLASS 1 DOMESTIC PROCESS. MrtG H Haskins. Med fori!-brut assortment Ciltwupind prem, jellies znu prem. pruservvs Mt prem, fruit butlers 1st pruiu, and piccollilli 2nd prem L O Dououglmc, Ashlund best display wine 2nd prem Mrs DeGroot, Medford best assortment catsup st prem Mrs U K Downing, Central Tolnt best assort ment preserves, 2d prem Mrs H Kcnney, Jacksonville best coda biscuit, 2d prem Mrs( 11 Ercanbroak. Centrnl liot liest as sortracnl pickles, 1st prem; best Oksortuiunt cake, 1st prem Emli Bute, Jacksonville, best display wines ist prem Mrs j II Russell, Ashland, yeast bread ist prem; domestic canned fruit, 3d prem Mrs WJ Plymaic, Jacksonville, best soda bis cuit Ist prem Mrs K j Cameron, Jacksonville, suit rising bread ist prem Idu lltlr, Enelc Point, fruit butters 2d prem Mrs Geo A Jackson, Ueagle, canned berries Ist prem Mr U W Crystal, Medford, best Kssortincnt jelly ist prvm ilrs RT Lawion, Medford, salt rising bread 'il prem Mrs W H Gilbert, Ashland, yeast bread jd prem DIV. J, CLASS 1 MILLINERY. Mrs T A Vfillsni. Ashland, bust assortntcut millinery ttl prem CLASS 2 HANDSEWING. Mrs J Ganiard.' Ashland, white quilt ist prem; silk niilt patchwork 2d prem Mrs O Donuuhue, Ashland, button pa-.ebwork Ist qrem Mrs McKlssick, Medford, licmstitchin: 2d prem Mrs K:u Sims, Central IViint, bed spread out line ist prem Mrs c V HolTlnan, Jacksonville, chemise liand made 2d prem Mrs H Kcailey, Jacksonville, drawers Til prem Mrs C LHuusakcr, Tnble Rock, pillow sliams, outline i prem Mrs K M Deniilseu. Medford, nightdress id prem: chemise ist prem mrs 11 myers. Sams Valley, patch work quilt. 2nd prem mrs S r Jones. J'ksn'ville, liaen chomise, hand sewing, 1st prem mrs II c myer. Ashland. hemstitehing.JI.it prem mrs V K utckenson. Sum Valley, patchwork quilt, 1st prem mrs B lleacn, Ashland, night dress. Ist prem ; la dies skirt, 1st prem miss celia Brown. Eagle Pt. craiy silk patchw'rk quill, 1st pram DIVISION J, CLASS 4 EM BROIDERY. Mrs James Guy, Central Paint, toilet net, applique 3d prem; chair bolster,wontted cm. aa prem Jit-uJoMe Orth, Jnrkonvlllc, utblc cover silk em. sd nrvin Ur K K lrum, Jacksonville, tray cloth out line ist prem; tidy uutltne ist prem MiiM Mary Piynudc, JackaoaTtlle, luble cover silk tml prem Kaunic liakius, uedtord, splaslier appli que ist prem Mrs E m lenntscvn, Medford. table cover out line tst ocd rd prem Hrs J Lcarh. Atilund. best exhibit Uce ad prem; sham towel it prem li C atcyi-rv Ashland, bureau acarf 14 prem; iui- skirt 1st prciu wpron drum wrk ist prem Mrs Ki H husk ins. Medford. toilet cushion xt prem : foot rea. em. tma prem: canvas Udy. table cover, outline, ud prem; 9 bum WoU outline, tad prem MUs K K Geary, mcUford: apron drum em-2nd prem Mrs Kuth PUh. cent! Pt. best ex lace, 1st prem urn L, A MUUap, AhlM, foot real, worsted em. 1st prem Mr T L. Kult, Ashl'd, splasher, outline. 2nd prem misW H Gilbert, Ashl'd. pillow shams, em. Ist prrm Mrs w II Gilbert, Ash. cm. lambreqcs, 3d prem Mrs W S Baruum, Mcif d, sofa cush'o. Im. prem U!lol " 9d prem Mrs J c Barrett. Ahl'd. crochet tidy, 1st prem " drum work. I hi prem Mrs J Ganiard, Ashl'd. Infants robe, 9nd prvm: Infant Tkirt, IM prem; chatr bolster. It prm Mrs J L Napler.Grn:s Pas&,ptanoeovr Jt prm mrs H cmcyer. Ashl'd, best bacdk'ch'f i.-ipnru mrs mamie Wu.ters; medfd. best tidy, fed prem: sofa euhl jo. drtd prem'. mrs U B wb. lemon, medi'd. raised worsted w'rk tfU pi em miss Ktla xusani Jacksonville, tray cloth, em. 2nd prem mm F in .'Irtnale: medfd. turkUh rcj . Is: prm mrs H m Uala, Grants I'as. turklsh rug. po Class 5. crochet TattiDg- and KniUht. mrs E m Tycnnlson tccdrd. crochet tidy, 3d prm mrs Kuth Kish. central rt. knit tidy, lt pi.-u: pillow slips, tuitedce. Is, prvm; (iiiy. worri ed kalt, leu pn m ; aoTs piiiov sho, kuil jed prem mrs T H Gilbert, Ashl'nd. silk mltte&s, knit. 1st prem; pillow slip, knit edpe. c0 prem Division J. Ca3 5. -crochet, Taltin add Knitting, mrs J c Barrett, Ashl'd. crochet lace. Im prem mrs L. lownio(. central Pt. cb'idr'n st'ek'ns lstprem mrs James Gay. central Pt, tidy, worsted cro chet, 1st prvm mrs J Leach. AhV. f its scarf; crochet, ttd prem: childs apioa, tuit, ist prem mrs J c mccullc y, j Ks'nvllle, kutt lace, &1 prem Division K. class 1 .Apples, m r curry. Table I lock, blue peorm&in. ski prem yellow bell flower, Sud prem Thos, Gtlson. Sterling, roxbury rusct. 1st prm ; bi.idwtn.Isi pn-m; ben davto, 1st prm; g.urm muodt. tnd prem John Gilson. central Pt. best exhibit sprles.Snd prem ; best four named varieties, aut o prm TH GUftoo.HierMGK. wine saps. Ist prem Olire crump. Jucks urilie, ftravenstttins. 9d prm mrs K J cameron. Unioniown, collect ten crab apples. I1 prem c clinehammer. medrd. smith cider. Snd prctn 1U cameron L'ulontown. best exhibit apples, 1st prem: be?t (our.unme! variellps. autumn, Ist prem: best four named varieties, winter, 1st prem; best blue pcaruinin. 1st prem; best king of t oa:pklns co. 1st prr m R m mcDonouch, Jacktonvillc. bell flower. 1st prem : full pippin. Snd prem R J cameron, Unioniown .roxbury russet Sd prm Clues 2. Pens. W T Leever. central Pt, stchel pears, and prem G a Jackson, Beagle, Ren'l exb'bil dr'd fruit, 1st prem T A Gilson. Sterling, siehel pears Ist prem W RDiokcnson Table Kock. winter ucllis, 9nd prem T A Gilson. Sterling, clapp favorite. Snd prem: OWICES ftoafllBaking ySPowdeK The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. U SE JUDGMENT When you buy goods and don't forget to buy your Groceries, crockery, Glassware and canned goods ut Ui o grocery of , ' : ; . Davis Pottenger winter nellts, Int prem A H curson, Grunts pass, ex'bit prunes, 1st prm mm K J Cameron .Unlontown.buerreeoster Ist prom ; vicar of wnkefleld. 1st prem in HelllDfrer, Juvksonvillo, collection of tour- enes. 1st prem Weeks & Orrtmedrd,Kenl ex. d. fruit ad prem E K W'hlteuiuu, Woouvtlle:cleC,fav'ilef Ist prem Class 3. Orapes. P Sutton , modf'd, best ex. (rraiics 2nd prem W TUrirna. mcdl'd sweelwulera 1st prem im proved, mission, and prem G Nuytor.medf'd, improveiOniwHlon Ist prem Weeks Si Orr flame tokay, 2nd prem : violet rose Ist prem PMrlit. Jacksonville, rose of pcru, 2nd prem; royal muscadine, 1st prem W T Leever Central Pi. iksnbella, 2nd prem c D Ucedf Jacksonville, bestgu'lex'bt 1st prem .Hume lokuy, Iwtprcm Clusa 4. Prunes and Plums. m Be) linger, JuckHouvillc best prunes, Ist prem :t& Orr. medfd, ilall'n prunes. 1st prem: Woek p.'iiui ue anwen, xuu rrem j W T Leever, central pt, purplo (rauge plum, 1st prrm: prtitotleapgtn, 1st prem weeks &Orr( medfd. silver prunes Ist prem Class 5. Peaches. O A Jackson Be.iffle; single variety peai hcs 2nd prr:in ; white cI'k Im prem ; Indian cl'g IM prm ; cox cllnt; li prem I N Hht.k Ashl d : best slnule variety Ist prem E E V ha eman Woodville; old ruixon cling 2nd prom Division L. Class 1. Vegetables. F Sutter medfd . sugar beets 1st prem : parsnips 2nd prem : rutabagas 1st prem Acpurkurcentrul Pt; 3 tfpecimens beets 1st Irem;manKUl wurxul 2nd prem; white sugar becloud prem mrs PGutfuoldAhhrd:ezhlbit carrot Ist irrem; pnrsnips Ist prem: tomatoes Ist prem G W crystal mi Oford: cabbage 2tid prem: table beets 2d prem ; best s weel potatoes 1st prem ; tomatoes 2nd prem cuarlua A'lUlam Aslilaud; yellow damns onions 1st prem mrs A lean central Pt. sweet potatoes -nil prem J Da.wen,Tftletn,cubbagc exhibit Ist prem t Nsvlor. medfoid, Urel stmuyh 2d prem m E Vurry, Table Rock, sweet pumpkin Ist prem J Gnniard. A'hlnnd. late potatxes 1st prc-m K U liuusaker, Table Keck, mangle wurztil It prem; exhibit potatoes 2d prem; pumpkin. two ec lut preia Frank Olwell, Central Point, two specimens 3d jrcm W It Ulckensoo, Table Rock, exh Iblt squashes lt prem mrs k J Cameron, Vniontowu, exhibit cabboices 1st prem C W Rubier. jaekonvtIle. carrots ad prem 8 K iiatliuway, llrydcu, red wlherfield on inns sd prem -F Sutler, medford, largest exhibct vtctnble It prem mrs A lean. Tola, best doxcu quinces 1st prem uv.tcxle miller. Gold Mill, dozen quince prem Go A Jackm, Bcsgle. bet dozen Water melon 11 prem: cas.Mils Ist prem W R Urekers;n,' Central Pant, dozen water l ue k -u ad prem Division M, Class 1 Flowers, L A Sntter. mcdftird. best ex cut flowers 3d prem; ex rors 14 prciu Sarah ianisrd, Ashland, exhibit dahlias -d prem Jobn mlUcr, jucsmville, chrysanthemums ad prem Nora sydon. Central pidnt. wrbenas ad prera; pelunLa In prem; ux drum men di 2rl prem mrs It T IjaUion. medford, bet duphty cut liters 11 prem mrs it C niver, Asliland. pnlc2d prcnt nir R T La warn, medford, exhibit dahlias Ist pre in mrs G 11 napkins, medford, roses 2d rem; raroniitiims 2d prem Division M, Class 2 cut Flowers. L Anna Shipley, ftams Valley, dish cut flowers 14 prem mrs J Uay, Central Point, dried grosses ad prem mrs II C meyer, Ashland, dated rrrnse 1st prem; Horal dcsu;n ad prem; pair hand bo- quct-- ad prem mrsj Learh. Ashland, everlasting Cowers ad prem: floral detigu 1st prem Olive Crump, Jacksonville, cut Aowers 2d prem mrs I T Lawlon, me-lJord, hand boaaeU 1st prem tuvrlle Law ton, medford, arlor boquets 1st jirem mrs John Ivlwards, medford, pair parlor bo quets 2d prem class 3, Pot plants Mrs K J Wright, Ceutrt Pt, hanging basket with pant. 1st prem: nury I owning, Ceutral Taint rose geranium 1 prem Anna aliiploe. sams Valley, double geranium, it prem; f"lme beranio: 2d prem: single geranium ad prem: roe geranium ad prem; climbing plant sd prem Pcra Gall, smius Volley, stiver leaf geraaiiun. 1st prem L E Uownin;, Centrrt Point, cUmbmg plant; 1st prem John nailer, mekvonvllle, brt exhibit p-t plants K prem.gTMniums2d prem c!ens2d prem: dMe ;rraniutn 2-1 prem; ftowerinc be- coaia JJ4 prem; ucm single ocs a imm; best single fusbias 2d prem; single pot piaul Ist prem Roe Itippcv. Central Point, best fushia Ist prm K Hrttt. jackoiivillc. best ferns. 3d prciu W T I-cever, Ceutral Point, best cactus, 2d rrcm I H ttarrcy. Central Point, single geranium tt prem: nrrer:ng bcrums 1st prem Kttle Six. CealnU Pouit, cactus 1st prem; Milage begonta 2d prem m s Welsh. t.Vntrol Point, single pot plant 24 nmn mrs H h trakms. metlford. nbutiloa 2t prem: sMeer kuf geranium 2d jceni; hehtrope d prem Division X. C.ass 1 Works of Art, mrs w s Baron in. medford, crnim portrait 1st and 2d prrm: portrait in oil 2d prem; nat ural history in oil 11 prem Johu K uunvjr, central Point, natural his tory in otl d prrm noll e millten, Ashland, natural history - Ist prem mra J H Russell, Ash!and. lnndscajie in oil 11 prem mrs Charles wolters, medford, landscape in od 9d in em mrs K Stanley cenaral Point; penmanship am pretn maad rcftnbrack."cjentral Point, pastel 2d prem; pastel drawing Ist prem m K Kigby, medford. penmanship Ist prem: penmanship drawing d prem; pencil sketch frrm nature 1st and 3d prem Division O. claxs 1- Oregon Woods. John Ramuin, mctlford, Oregru wood 2d prem iu(ic uenu. ceiunu romi, miners li m prem; limestone 1st prem mrs j II Russell. Ashland, building; stone Ist prem mrs fallie Ashwotth, centra Point Oregon wood Ist prem; mineral ctdleetion 2d prem Division O. class 2. Nuts. mrs K Fish central Pt : best display almonds 2d prem J W Ingram central Pt; best display almonds 1st prem mrs R m me Donough Central Pt; best display walnuts Jnt prem mrs R J Cameron Cnlontown; best collection nuts Ist prem . . A GRAND PRIZE . . BIBLE COMPETITION ! Two Thousand Dollars in Prizes will be Equitably Distributed. J READ OT7R PLAIT. ' For several years past competitions of an Instructive order have been offered ky reputable business houses and manufacturers In England with the object of Increasing their sales and interesting their customers In their respective goods. These contests, on account of the nn questioned fulrncss displayed in conducting tnem. have, interested the best people of Graat Urltuin. Believing that competitions offered by a manufacturing concern such as oars, and conducted in the same honorable manner, would excite universal interest nmpg the intelligent people of the United States and Canada, our Company have decided teoffer a Prize Competition, n which our first effort will be to make it STaicn.v rxm aid impartial. The Intention is to satisfy everyone entering this competition that they have been duly credited with the position which their efforts have earned for them. We are sure that this clwu of prize contest will re ceive the approval of parents and all those having the instruction of young at heart. Tbe prizes) to be awarded in this competition will consist entirely of articles or Eurncrxsrr yaI-CC to ba appreciated by every person receiving one as a fair reward for the efforts pnt forth by tham. Our intention is to divide the amount to be given away in prizes, varying in value from eight dollars to one hundred dollars each, and we enter into an tio.NOABt.E agrecvest with thoaw entering this competition to disburse fairly TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS In prizes. AWARD OF PHIZES. Ten of the leading ministers of our city will be in vited to attend and assist in the award of prizes. PRIZE BIBLE COMPETITION. We will pay One Huxdhed Doll a it in cash to the first person who cor rectly answers the following- questions: Where in the Bible do tbe toUowinc three words first appear: 1, H.UN": 2, Bread: 2. MiLK. The second person answeriug correctly will receive Seventy-five Dollars in cah. The third person sending' correct answer will receive Fifty Dollars iivc&sh. The next ton will each receive an elegant Coin Silver (hunting cas:) Watch. The next ten will each receive an elegant Silk Duess pattern (sixteen yards in any color). The next U-n will EACH receive a first-class pairof Opera GLASSES. LAST PRIZES. The thirty-three persons sending the thirty-three cor rect auswers which are received LAST will receive duplicates of the prizes that are awvrdcd for the first thirty-three correct answers, the last correct answer receiving the OneHundrod Dollars, the next to the last the Seventy-five Dol lars, and so on until the thirty-three prizes for the last thirty-three correct answers have been awarded. SPECIAL PRIZES. A prize consisting of an elegant Lady's or Gentle men's Watch will be given to tbe person sending tbe first correct answer which is tho first received from their State or Province. CONDITIONS. Answers must be accompanied with fifteen United States two-cent postage stamps for oue acknge of Peaulifoam, which is the latest scientific discovery for cleansing and preserving the teeth. Our object is to introduce and attract attention to Peaklifoam, which is the only preparation whose manufacturer are willing to offer a reward of Five Hundred Dollars to any dentist who can show that it contains anything injurious to tbe teeth. A mouthful of pearly white teeth is the sure result of its constant use. It is recommended by tho leaders of the dental profession everywhere: ask your dentist what he thinks of iU Pearlifoam is sent by mail, postpaid, and free from customs duty. Be sure and sexd your answers to-day. Yoc may receive a valu able prize roR yocr trouble. Address: EXQUISITE TOILET MFG- CO. 170 Y0SGK STREET, TOR0XTO, CANADA. PURE- -: ARTIFICIAL ice:- XAirrjFACTTJBSLD BT THE SOUTHERN OREGON Braving,- Ice and Cold -Storage Company,- OF MEDFORD, ORE. Toe delivered in small and large quantities for ONE CENT A POUND. Wagons will deliver ice daily in Medford. Taisdays, Thurs day and Saturdavs in Jacksonville and Central . Point. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in Ashland. Eagle Roller Miils - FULL, ROLLER PROCESS. Is Best of Flour, Errabam, to Meal, and Chopped Feed of All Kinds. AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. rWheat Exchanged at all times on best terms possible. C. FARXHAM, Ashland, Ore. MTFGHELL-LEWIS & STAYER CO., ffiachinery and Vehieles, mitGixBH Farm & Ssring Waps, sages, Carnages Carts, Harness, &c. Canton. Gang, Blazk Land, Clipper and Hi side Plows. J. I. Case Gang and Clipper Plows. Gale and Bis sell Chilled Plows. Canton & Case Leaver Harrows. A full line of Machinery of the latest improvements constantly kept on hand. CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION. MITCHELL LEWIS & STAYER CO.. D. T. LAWTON. M'r Medford Branch. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Olf.ee at RoMburgr, Or, .... .., Sept. jS.lS.ij. Notice I hereby gixm that tho iollowine naiucdacttler has filed notice of his Inleutkui to make tliial proof iu support of his claim, and that said nroof will be nincte before the judge or county ch-rk of of Jackson county, Oregou. at Jacksonville, OroKou.on Saturday November i2th, i92, vtz: Homestead fcntry no. 4799, 01 William J. Rodfera, lor the KH of N Wand N WViofN WW sec. rj, aud S K.1 J of S V Ji sec. tft. Tp as S, R a W. He names ire following wltuejtsci to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot, said land, vie Israel Harris of Sam's Val- liii.lc.n munlv Otfifnn ' VilH.m P. T.tn. vlllo.of Sam's Valley, Jackson county, Oregon, i lico. k. aiyers, ox xtcugie , jucksoti ccuint ty, Oregon. Geo. W. Smith, of ; lieae'e. 1 Jack?oncouutyOrcgco. " i i Jolts Jl. Suvrn, Rcl!itet.. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Ornca. - Koseburx. Ore., Sept. 30. IMS. f Notice Is hereby iciren that the following named srtUer has Died nothie of his intention to make tlual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the judge, or clerk o! the county court, ot Jackson couuty Orecon. at Jacksonville. Or., on Saturday, November 19. 1&&.tIz: Wm. Churchman, home stead entry No. 5TV3. for the southeast quarter tVNK4, Ni, of SE'-i aud NEM of SWJi of seaiion IV. township $7 south, ranee I east. He names the following- wittnessea to pror bis coaiiuuous residence upon and culti ration of. said land, vis r Uoore Churchiaan and Justin Morton oT Phoeuix, Kdwurd Coorchman of Ashland and. Jsntos Jones of MMIord, alt ot Jackson counts Oregon..- t. 'JOHS H. Sbtjpk, RsUtc.r. 1 "-ij?-ZVSi,'- 4 . r av ' i,