Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, October 28, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Letter Heads, per 1,000, $4.00
Envelopes, per 1000, $3.50.
Business Cards, per 1000, $4.00
Statements, per 1000, $4.00.
Posters, per 1000. $3.00 and up.
Everything else in proportion.
Oall and see us.
Read the Continued
Story on Page 4.
Wheat, No. 1, per bushel
Barley "
Corn, '
Potatoes, "
Mill Feed. Bran and Shorts, per ton
Bay, baled, tll.0O; loose,
Wood pereord
Flour, wholesale, per barrel
Flour, retail, per sack
Butter, per roll
Eggs, per dozen
Onions, per pound
Apples, per box
Bacon and Ham per lb.
Shoulder "
13. 16
All persons indebted to the Estate of
Henry Smith, are requested to pay up
within the next thirty days.
All accounts will be closed, as the
Estate MUST be settled.
By order of Administratrix,
F. L. Craxfill, Manager.
A Great Discovery.
S. P. Conder. Leon Smith and Jessie
Adams, all of Medford, who have just
returned from a prospecting- trip in
Josephine county, report a find of vast
and valuable proportions of tin and
nickel. Mr. Conder informs us that
the tin in quantity overreaches any in
the known world. Four hundred and
sixty acres have been located by these
gentlemen and evidently they have a
fortune in this discovery.
"I would rather trust that medicine
than any doctor I know of," says Mrs.
Hattie Mason, of Clinton, Carter Co.,
Mo., in speaking' of Chamberlain's Col
ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
This medicine can always be depended
udon, even in the most severe and dan
gerous cases, both for children and
adults. 23 and 50 cent bottles for sale
by Geo. E. Raskins.
" Columbus Day.
The Columbus Day exfcrcises at the
public school in this city last Friday
were' very successfully carried out.
The pupils of the public schools in
'procession, headed by the G. A. R,
with the school drum corps bringing
up the rear, was a grand sight in every
The committees on arrangement de
serve much credit, as well as others
who worked with them.
The official program at the school
was carried out in full and was very
much enjoyed by all who attended.
The reading of "Columbia's Ode" by
Miss Grace Foster was beautifully
rendered as was also the address by
A. C. Faris, and "Old Glory" by Miss
Bessie Wait. Every number on the
program was well done and well re
ceived. Farmers, Attention.
The tariff having been taken off of
flour we are selling full roller process
flour for 90 cts. per sack.' Angle & Ply
raale School Hews.
Monthly examinations, Thursday and
Friday. .
Hon. W. H. Parker is a resident of
Medford and his children will be added
to the public school.
Our school population is growing so
fast that we need another teacher.
MUs Jessie Spencer is a member of
the high school and is fitting for the
teacher's work.
Hattie Bliss has closed her school
and will be one of the graduating class.
The short-hand class number about
forty. They are progressing rapidly
and the Pernin system is so simple
that a child can understand and write
it. The time is- coming when short
band will be a part of the course of
every -school and by teaching the child
the characters when we are teaching
the sounds of letters, all would be able
to write any conversation. The lessons
are given after school work is done.
The high School Lyceum meets every
Monday night and is now a permanent
part of the schools. ,
We have moved into our new shop
on C street, and are now prepared to
serve the "public with everything in
our line. Thanking you for your past
patronage, we hope, by fair dealing, to
merit a continuance of toe same.
We are yours anxious to please,
Bitopnr & Matbks.
Protection Hose Co.No.l.
The following members of Protection
Hose Company No. 1, were on duty at
the fire of Thursday, Nov. 20, in Med
G. L. D..vU, foreman; H. G. Nichol
son, first asst.; Robt. Ga.loway, second
assi.;iiaDe riymaie, treas.; u. M. ua
mon, Sec'y: A. C. Nicholson, Eutrene
A man, B. Brandenburg, W. R. Fredea
. burg, J. J. Brophy, John Angle, E. A.
Langly, D. T. Lawton and W. T. John
son. Fourteen in all.
Buekleu'g arnica Salve.
The oest salve in the world for cuts.
bruises, sores, Hlcers, salt rheum, fever
so res, tetter, cnapped bands, cnUblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 2ijc
per box. For sale by G. H. Uaskins.
Don't miss the Concert.
Subscribe for the Mail.
County clerk Max Muller was in
town Monday.
Dry popcorn at Elder's.
I. Wetzell was up from Grants
Pass a few days ago.
Fine job work at this office.
E.'W. Starr and family are back
in Medford from Gold Hill.
Pure maple syrup at Davis & Pot-
L. L. Jacobs and wife rode over
from the county seat Sunday.
Smoke Pride of Medford cigar,
for sale by Davis & Pottenger.
Rev. C, H. Iloxie is located at
Klamath Falls, Ore.
Complete list of Oregon school
bool:t at Slover's.
Postmaster Howard has been at
Gold Hill this week surveying.
Glassware at cost. Davis & Pot
tinger. Surveyor C. J. Howard spent
Sunday in Medford with his family
Go to the Premium Market for
Bologna and all kinds of sausuiro.
I'rof. Jonas of lLagle romt, was
upon our streets last Saturday.
Mason fruit jars at C. W. Wolters;
largest stock and variety.
. J. W. Masterson and J. W. Marks-
berry were doing business in town
For teas and coffee try Davis &
The city council has condemned
one of the partly burned buildings
of the last week s fire.
Hurrah for straw hats. All sizes
and styles below cost at Angle & Ply-
moles s.
C. H. Ercanbrack, one of the
merchants of Central Point, drdve
down in his buggy Monday.
If you are unwell or experience that
tired feeling, take the Mail; it will
rest you.
J. Houston, of Sams Valley, has
been selling sorghum on our streets
this week.
Fruit jars at Davis & Pottenger's.
Thanksgiving Day (the last
Thursday ia November) will soon
be with us.
Ladies1 visiting cards printed at
this office.
Hollow'een (the evening proceed
ine All saints Day) occurs next
Monday evening.
Quaker Rolled Oats at Davis &
The two-year-old on of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Fredenburg of Big Butte,
died on Oct. IB.
D. S. has just received a large in
voice of tinware. Call and see prices.
W. r lower has sold lot IU in
block 52 in Medford to Bessie
Thompson for $70.
Smoke the Detroit Free Press
cigar at C. W. Wolters'.
E. K. Anderson ot Talent, made
a business trip to Redding, Calif.,
last week.
Pure Cider Vinegar at Davis &
Mrs. Austin S. Hammond, of
Ashland, was visiting with her bus
band in this city last week.
Use flour from Eagle Roller Mills
and you will find it better than toe
best. For sale bv Anele & Plymale. tf
Lot 5 in block 15 of Medford has
been purchased by W. F. Shawver
of P. B. O'Neil for $500.
Fine spices and extracts at Davis
& Pottenger's.
H. (J. Doliarhide, ot Ashland is
running a tunnel into his coal mine
in the Siskiyous.
The Premium Market for good
C. S. Phelps, of Phoenix, traded
horses the other dav for the ranch
of Jay Bennett of Wagner creek.
Buy your school tablets at Slover's
and get a good lead pencil iree.
The address of Peter Oawek who
is in Oregon, is desired by his fath
er, C. Oawek, of Crescent City, lewa,
Han finer lamps at cost. Davis &
V. F. Shawver lately sold eight
acres in township 47 south, range
one west to W. B. Roberts for $ 1,250.
Lamp chimneys at Wolter's gro-
Mrs. M. J. Carr, ot this city, is
canvassing for the Daggett patent
Russian iron self-basting roaster
and taker.
Go to Elder's for the best tea in
Chester A. Arthur Post G. A. R
participated in the parade on Col
umbus Dav in Medford and Jack
Trunks! Trunks! Valises! Valises
Largest stock; lowest prices at Angle
& Plymale's.
Married at the residence of the
bride's parents, on Rogue River,
Oct. 9th 1892, by M. Riley, County
Judge William McCormick and
Miss Lucinda Clarno, both of Cur
ry county.
The demand for Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is
steadilv growing, from the fact thatall
who give it a trial are pleased with the
results and reccommend it to their
neighbors. We feel sure that the rem
edv cannot be recommended too high
ly. WAGLEY & Smead, Druggists,
Newton. Iowa. For sale by Ueo. U.
Rev. Ira Wakefield occupied the
pulpit at the M. E. church last
evening and preached a most ex
cellent sermon. Roseburg Review.
The Grants Pass Courier is adl
vocating government ownership of
railroads, this paper is more than
half People's party.
Partly cooked, silver-fluked hom
iny at the Wolter's grocery.
A. J. Daley of Eagle Point, has
purchased 440 acrs in township 33 s,
range one east, of W. M. Holmes of
Jacksonville for $5,000.
Largest stock of men's youths', and
childrens' clothing in town at Angle &
Messrs Taylor & Ezell are putting
in a Thorn quartz crusher ou Will
iams creek which will crush low
grade ore as low as $2 at a profit.
There has been a continued tendency
to bowel disease here this season, says
i. W. Shivell, druggist, Wickllffe, Ky.,
and an unusual demand fur Chamber
lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. I have sold four bottles of it
this morning. Some remarkable cures
have been effected by it and in all cases
it has nroved successful." For siiIb bv
Geo. if. Haskins.
Mrs. G. E. Engledow, who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Kuith at Grants Pass, has returned
to her home in Sams Valley.
Celluloid in sheets' for fancy work
at Slover's.
Mrs. Chas. Fronk, of Albany, has
been visiting friends in Medford for
the past ten days. She is accom
panied by her children.
H. Nicholson's implement house
has lust been opened to the public. Call
and inspect his plows, wagons, etc.
Two doors from Mail, ollice, Medford,
Geo. A. Jackson, the progressive
rancher of Beagle was in town Sat
urday last. He says that up his
wav everybody are preparing lor
the People's Party rallies next week
Such dreams of babv's shoes at Tatt
ler's: also a full line of school shoes.
Opposite Post office. A. C. T.
Rev. Eneas McLean, one time
pastor of the Presbyterian church
in this city, was visiting old friends
here this week. The Reverend is
located at Coos Bay.
D. Holtan. the Merchant Tailor,
has just received the largest and finest
stock of cloth ever sean in Medford.
Messrs Ennis it Cameron have
some very ncn piaccr mines on
Gahce creek. Iwo monitors are
being run night and dav. These
valuable diggings are about fifteen
miles west of Merlin. Ore.
We claim to turn out the best and
neatest job work in the valley at rea
sonable prices.
Presiding Elder Jones, of Grants
Pass, arrived Tuesday accompained
by Rev. Hoxie and wife, of Med
ford. At the Presbyterian church
next Sunday Rev. Hoxie will hold
services. Rev. Jones will preach
in the evening. Klamath Star.
When weak, weary and worn out.
read the Mail and it will restore your
strength. .
Rev. E. Russ will depart for
Amity, Ore., to take charge of the
Baptist church at that place. He
was at one time pastor of that same
church for fifteen years. Evidently
he satisfaction.
G. L. Webb has temporarily
located the Racket store in H. G.
Nicholson's implement house, two
doors from Mail office. Soon as
the place is ready the Racket
store will be moved into the back
of the building occupied by Slover's
drug store.
FA IX, an J countless otter attract rve pre
miums, from a aW to a :c .'., oicrce, oran
or rijie, art eJfcrtJ for j I: fit flea 'jut zrori
near Acme, or tie pubHthrrs tf ll'DE
A WAKE. F.'r full particulars, free, ad
dress IK F. Kdtogg, Box iSS, Hasten, Host.
There will be a series of special
sermons beginning next Sunday
evening, at the .Methodist Church,
on the "Signs of the Times and the
Second Coming of Christ.
AH are welcome at these servi
ces. .. rhinps, rastor.
D. S. wants to buy ".00 worth of
second-hand furniture ul his second
hand store. 41-U.
P. J. Connoly (Peter the Poet)
editor of the Klamath Falls Star,
was married Oct. 10th, at Klamath
Falls to Mrs. Elvira Mayfield, wid
ow of Ashland's former city marsh
al, Wm. Mayfield. The Mail ex
tends congratulations.
The concert to be given in Medford
in the onera house on Mondav. Oct.
31st, by the Grants Pass Concert bund,
promises to bo a treat in every respect.
and our citizens are looking forward to
an evening ol enjoyment. Tickets for
sale at C. W. Wolter's. See ixsters.
The ladies of the Benevolent
society will give an old fashioned
supper to-night (Unday) Oct. 28th
in the opera house. This supper
was to be given this coming Mon
day (Hollow'een), but as the con
cert occurs on that nihgt this Fri
day was decided on. Admission
A full line of the Oliver chilled
plows on hand at Nicholson's imple
ment house in Medford. Two doors
from Mail oltiico.
John R. Miller, mother and sister,
of Roeue River, will this week de
part for Myrtle Point, where they
will spend the winter. Johnnie will
engage in the butcher business and
Miss Elvie will attend school
Alfred Miller, of Hunters Cave, will
move up to their place. Says the
Port Orford tribune.
In the replevin case of Uuver vs
Cox before Judge Walton Monday,
a chancre of venue was moved for
by the plantifTs attorneys, Fitch
and Cardwell. The case was taken
before the Justice at Jacksonville,
and the defendents won the case,
being represented by attorneys
Vawter and Pcutz.
W. T. Anderson, of Phoenix, was
in town this week. .
Tickets for sale at C. W. Wolter's
grocery store for the Concert Monday
evoning, Oct. 31. Secure your scats
J. W. Lawton was down from
Griilin creek Tuesday.
Horace Nicholson carries a full
line of farm machinery, wagons, etc.
Call on him. Two doors from MAIL
The youngest
child of Chas.
Strang is very ill.
The best five cent cigar In town is
the Pride of Medford for sale bv Davis
Sc Pottenger.
Col. Robert A. Miller returned
from the Willamette Wednesday.
Go to Penwell's bakery for bread.
pies, cukes, etc.
Tho oyster house of Maxcy's is
becoming quite popular.
R. T. Armstrong, of Jacksonville,
is in Portland.
Slover has
the only fountain in
town and gives a
of soda for Sc.
large, loaming glass
Tom Center has been over from
Central Point this week.
, The best bread in town at Penwell's
- 1 he Misses llanley came over
from Jacksonville Wednesday.
Ine Racket will occupy its new
Quarters next .week, buck of Slover's
rug store. In the meantime you can
buy goods just as cheap in the tempor
ary quarters with H. Nicholson, the
implement man.
There are now more than 400-
ikju Knights ol rvthias. it is one
of the most flourishing of the fra
ternal orders.
The Wolters grocery has been
enlarged, repainted and the ceilings
kalsommed, which gives this estal
lishment quite a metropolitan ap
Prof. Puul Sehwcrt, late of the Ma
rine Band of Portland, will add to the
enjoyment of the concert in this city
Oct. Slst. He is a piccolo soloist of the
first water. IXmt miss it.
Some new floors have been put
down this week in the Grand Cen
tral. S. W. Specs has been doing
the work.
1 he glaring carelessness of hun
ters in the mountains on Butte
Creek is getting to be monotonous.
So many cattle are being shot down,
by would-be deer hunters that a
vigilantes is talked of among cat
A consignment of grapes reached
us this week from the vineyard of
Col. J. X. T.Miller, of Jacksonville.
The surprise was very agreeable.
The grapes were large, luscious
beauties and are proof that the pro
ducts of Col. Miller 'sjvineyard rank
with the best. Thanks.
Doctor George McMurry, the Vet
erinary Surgeon, has returned to
Medford again after an absence of
several weeks. He is now treating
Mr. Harbaugh's Philogene. one of
the finest animals in this section,
and will in a week or so have the
noble horse as good as of old. The
doctor has several other complicated
cases in hand and reports all
progressing nicely.
Rubber tin lead nenclls 10 cents
per dozen and up at Slover's.
The "jackson County Sunday
School Convention held a success
ful session at Central Point this
week. The following new officers
were elected ; Rev. G. J. Webster,
president; W. T. Lcever, vie presi
dent: Mrs. D. E. Hvde, secretary:
G. H. Uaskins, treasurer; Rev. C.
M. Bryan and G. F. Billings, exe
cutive committee. The lectures by
Prof. Stout were very interesting.
We give a cash discount of 5 per
cent en all purchases, Angle &. Ply-
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, fam
ous for its cures of bad colds and as a
preventive and cure for Croup, 50 cants
per bottle.
unanincriain a 1'ain oaim. a general
family liniment aud especially valuablo
for rheumatism, sprains, bruises, burne
and frost bites, 60 cents per bottle.
Chamberlain s Eve and Skin Oint,
ment for tetter, salt-rheum, scaldhead.
eczema, piles and chronic sore eyes,
25 cents per box. For sale by Goo. H.
In last week's Mail there ap
peared an article clipped from the
Klamath Star and credited to that
paper. This article dealt very
plainly, but not very complimentary
of a horseman named McDonald.
We know nothing of the truth of
this article, but in justice to Mr.
McDonald, who it seems, has since
located in Medford as a horseman
and Veterinary Surgeon, wo will
state that the Mail does not wish
to convey tho impression that it
sanctions what the Star said. No
doubt Mr. McDonald can explain
the matter satisfactory to all.
Deinorost Bros., dentists. Nitrous
oxide gas administered for painless
extraction of teeth.
The indications and prophecies
all point to a severe winter, but
ranchers and stockmen, as a gener
al thing are well prepared to meet
it. The past season has been a good
one for hay and gram, grass grow
ing nicely and stock of all kinds
will go into the winter in fine condi
tion. Hence there is little danger
of any serious Joss.
Placer and quartz claim notices
for sale at this office.
Dr. James Lindsley, of Beagle,
Jackson county, a retired physician
was in Port Orford last week. The
old gentleman has a fine little farm
of 160 acres which he desires to sell
or trade, as it is his desire to live
on the coast. If he disposes ot bis
place he expects to locate in Port
The Racket badly singed but still in
the ring. Will soon have a new stock.
Miss Klipple is visiting her par
ents at Jacksonville.
Ed. Anderson and wife were in
town yesterday.
S. M. Nealon has been down from
Table Rock this week.
Judge L. R. Webster returned
from east of the mountains, Wed
nesday. Hon. W. H. Parker and family,
have again become residents of
G. W. Priddy and S. H. Lyon
are doing the work of preparing a
place tor the Racket store.
Rev. F. J Edmunds, pastor of
the 1'resbytenan church in this city,
has been given a five-week's vaca
tion by his church. He will spend
the vacation in Klamath Falls, Ore.
Dr. R. Pryce, who has been at
Forest Grove taking the Keely
Cure, has been discharged and pro
nounced cured of the whisky habit.
He is at present in Portland at St.
Mary's hospital, resting up.
Hallow'een Entertainment.
The Ladies Benevolent association of
Medford, will give a supper and Hal
low'een entertainment to-night, (Fri
day.) Oct. 28, in the opera house. Twen
ty-five cents will be the price of ad
mission at the door, children ten'cents,
and the proceeds will be donated to the
Protection Hose Co. No. 1, of Medford,
in appreciation for services rendered
at the late fire. A good old fashioned
supper and entertainment will bo pro
vided and everyone will be made to
fee! that they have received the worth
of their money. '
Citizens and friends should turn out
in force, for the cause is a rood one and
the ladies and fire boys will appreciate
it. Remember the date and the place.
Following is Mayor Whiteside's spec
ial plea for the occasion:
The Ladies' Benevolent society is
very worthy of praise and assistance at
the bands of the citizens of Medford in
their kind and generous work of giving
a supper on Friday eve. Oct. 2S. for the
benefit of Protection Hose Co. No. 1, of
These ladies are donating their time.
energy and money to tne necessary
work of arrangements for thit- enter
tainment. It is given for the sole bene
fit of our Hose Co. Stop! Think! Have
we been benefited by them? Surely
we have. Only a few short days have
passed since the cry of fire was heard
on our streets, and promptly the fire
bovs responded to the call.
Citizens of Medford let us respond as
prom pur to tne call o! these ladies and
assist as willingly in the Benefit to the
Hose .
A rare treat awaits you. Come one
and all and on the ere of this grand old
holiday, we will make the hall resound
with mirth and merrymaking.
Don't forget the day this (Friday)
evening, Oct. , at tne opera house.
Come, you are especially invited.
J. A. Whiteside,
Mayor of Medford
. All those knowing themselves to be
indebted to the undersigned will please
call and settle at an early date.
Call early. W. P. Wood.
Medford. Ore., Oct. 25. iS9i
Card of Thanks.
It is with pleasure I am permitted to
express my thanks to the friends who
so bravely and faithfully assisted in
curing mr goods from the flames and
onlr Lope that I may never be called
upon to return the compliment.
I also thank my many customers for
their valued patronage" during the past
year and will eiadly welcome you back
to the new Racket, in rear of Slover's
drue store, on C St., where you will
find epually as good values as in the
,1 . - x ,
Ulu. i ours. it. J-k v uu.
The World EarlchnL,
The facilities of the p resect day for the
production of ererything that will con
duce to the material welfare and comfort
of mankind are almost unlimited and
when Syrup of Figs was first produced
the world was enriched with the only
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
remedy which is truly pleasing and re
freshing to the taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
the Spring time or, in fact, at any time
and the better it is known the more pop
ular it b"omes.
Phoenix Pointers.
The breath of jack frost is here
Mr. Ira Wakefield has gone to
the Willamette to stump that por
tion of country. May he win many
to the P. P.
Mr. Frank Robbins has returned
to Portland where he is employed
in a lumber factory.
The son of Mr.Towne, and daugh
ter of Mrs. Lamb, both of whom had
limbs broken not long ago, are im
proving nicely.
Miss Nellie Rose, whs-is teaching
a successful term of school at ster
ling, spent Saturday week at home,
The public schools at this place
celebrated Columbus day in grand
style. An interesting program was
The Hag of our country was un
furled by the G. A. R. Men.
State or Ohio, City of Toledo, t
Lucas County. 1
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is the senior partner of the firm ot
F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business in
the city of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the
tor each and every case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 0th day ot December,
A. U. ISSo.
Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials, free.
F. 3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
tySold by Druggists, 75c.
The only way to do when you have a GOOD
stock and want to sell is to advertise and
that is why C. W. WOLTERS advertise
his large stock of GROCERIES.
When ycu want Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars, .
Candies, Fruit, ete, etc, call on C. W.
Wolters for large or small orders. Friends :
m from the country are invited.
FarmerS' StorE,
Cigars and Tobacco, Canned Fruits,
Vegetables and Meats, Extracts,
Spices. Flour, Feed, Etc Free
Delivery. C&Troduce taken in Exchange.
ngle & Plymale, . Props.
Carpets, Paper, Curtains, Shades, Pictures, EU.
L A. WEBB, Medford.
jCsSfPicture framing a Specialty. Artists' Supptistv
D. H.
Hardware, Stoves;
t and Fine
Warranted CaUsry, Carpenters sad Balldsrs
Red jacket Fores Pumps, for deep
Jackson County Bank.
CAPITAL, - $50,000
Loan money on approved security, receive deposits subject to check,
and transact a general banking business oa the most favorable tswma,
jtsr-Your Business Solicited. ...
Corbin Banking Co., N. Y.
Commercial National. Portland. .
And don'
That it's the best and Cheapest
paper in Southern Oregon.
Read Our Continued Story.
Building Material.
Tools, risalac Taskta, aniwnHI. BMa, Kte
or shollow walls. Tin Shsp Attaches!
Medford. Oregon.
Pacific Bank, San Francises).
Ladd & Bush, Salem.
--- ' V" ?--;,i'."