Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, September 16, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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"Isend'yonherean artlcla that' bound to
make a hit.
Inclosed please find a joke or two to spice
your page with wit."
"I send a little poem which will please be
yond a doubt."
"Please mail me twenty copies of the paper
when its oat.'
I liked your editorial on Tunes Are Grow
tag Better.'
And so I have Indorsed It In a fifteen-column
rtiono And subcription in two
(Confederate) bills.'
"What made you print my poem under John
son's liver nillsr
My wife's been dead a month, and though
mv nnner'8 coinff on.
You ve never said a word, and folks can't tell
which way she's gone."
Tve been in business half a year (your due
bills I returned y on) ; ,
And yet you've never wrote me up so stop
my paper, durn you !"
Just BO. '.
Business men always bear in mind
that the majority of our subscribers
have especially agreed to patronize all
advertisers in the Mail. And conse
Quently the larger and more continuous
an advertisement is the more trade it
draws. We are thus able to tell which
of the business houses do the largest
business. Watch our columns.
Win. Abbott registered in town this
week. "' '.
Com Die te list of Oresron school
books at Slover's.
A Weaver club las been organized
at Talent.
We claim to turn out the best and
neatest job work in the valley at rea
sonable prices.
G. B. Addinsrton is back from the
north. .
Wanted At Medford nursery, one
chilled clow and two iron corn cultiva
tor wheels small size. 35-4 r.
C. Vroman has been down from Gold
Hill this week'.
Glassware at cost. Davis & Pot
I. J. March was down from Etna the
first of the week.
Oeinorest Bros., dentists. Nitrous
'oxide gas administered for painless
extraction of teeth.
A. H. Walker of Table Rock has
been in town.
Pure Cider Vinegar at Davis &
Miss Hattie Cole men will teach at
Myrtle Creek.
Hanging lamps at cost. Davis &
John Potter was down from Sam's
valley last week.
Slover has the only fountain in
town and gives a large, foaming glass
of soda for Sc.
J. C. Smith of Sam's Valley, came to
town a few days ago.
Go to O. Holtan, tailor, and in
spect his goods and prices before buy
ing elsewhere.
Miss Etta Skeel left for Salem Sat
urday to attend school.
LamD chimnevs at Wolter's ero-
serv. . j
W. G. Cooper of the Clarendon will '
visit California soon.
Trunksl Trunks! Valises! Valines!
Largest stock; lowest prices at Angle
& Plymale's. -
Perry Foster was among our callers
from Etna this week.
Largest stock of men's youths', and
childrens' clothing in town at Angle &
W. J. Plymale is at Roseburg until
after the fair at that place.
Go to Elder s for the best tea in
Bouce Riddle, the veteran hotel man
has been in the city.
Hurrah for straw hats. All sizes
and styles below cost at Angle & Ply
males's. The Sons of Veterans were instituted
at Ashland last week.
We give a cash discount of 5 per
cent en all purchases, Angle & Ply
male.. v
Bert Whitman has been shipping a
large quantity of fruit lately.
Ten cent Cuban Blossom cigar for
five cents at Davis & Pottenger's.
Dist. Att'y Benson visited the busi
ness college one day this week.
Go to Davis & Pottenger's for all
kinds of soda drinks 0 cents a glass.
Mrs. Buena Webb was at the Clar
endon from Soda Springs this week.
Buy your school tablets at Slover's
and get a good lead pencil free.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Garret near Eagle Point not long since.
Fine spices and extracts at Davis
& Pottenger's.
Fred. Hansen has rented his Table
Rock ranch to Lee Burch for 3 years.
Placer and quartz claim notices
for sale at this office.
Dr. E. B. Pickel has been appointed
coroner to succeed tho late Dr. Porter.
Mason fruit jars at C. W. Wolters;
largest stock and variety.
J. W. Battin, the fruit dealer of
Portland, has been in the valley lately.
Maxcy handles all kinds of soda
water at & cents a glass.
John Savage has returned to Jack-
son county and will remain here this
time. -
The finest sweet water
the market at Wolters's.
grapes on
Mrs; Dr. Pickel went to Salem Mon
day aDd the .doctor followed a day or
two later. ' .
Rubber tip lead pencils 10 cents
per dozen and up at Slover's. :
W. H. Barr, of Quincy. 111.;- is visits
ting his brothers and other relat ives
in this vicinity. .
Very near all the members of Ches
ter A. Arthur Post, G. A. R., of this
city, and the public school drum corps,
went to Ashland Tuesday to attend the
soldiers' reunion. . '
Banker G. W. Howard has arived
from the Sound where he is interested
in the milling business. He will re
main Here until he has disposed of his
horses apd cattle.
Robt. Kincaid and Tom Leever were
in the city from Central Point Tues
Fine job work at this office.
W. P. Jacoby and J. W. Marksberry
merchants of Gold Hill, did business
in town this week.
Fruit jars at Davis & Pottenger's.
A new 100-foot sidewalk is being put
down on C street alongside of Simmons
& Cathcart's hardware store.
Quaker Rolled Oats at Davis &
Pottenger s.
Subscribe for the Mail.
J. W. Wiley, a progressive rancher
and staunch reformer, from Phoenix,
visited the city Saturday.
Dry popcorn at Elder's.
Theo. Cooper, son of W. G. Cooper,
of the Clarendon, arrived from Baker
county Saturday on a visit.
See Wolters' adv. It is a dandy.
Frank Bellinger and Gcor Parker of
Jacksonville are in. attendance at the
business college in this city.
Use flour from Eagle Roller Mills
and you will find it better than the
best, r or sale oy Angle oc r-iynuue. 11
O. Holtan's daughters are attending
school in this city. Mrs. Holton is vis
iting friends in Portland.
4i1 .25 Will buv a Ladies' Solid
Leather Shoe at Taylor's
shoe store. oDDosite postoflice. 4t
S. M. Xealon and W. H. Bradshaw
passed through town Tuesday on their
way to Ashland to meet old comrades,
Celluloid in sheets for fancy work
at Slover s.
J. H. Wilson, who has been laid up
with a sore foot for some weeks.
about again, and as enthusiastic as ever.
E. Stevens bought a half-acre lot
from B. F.Carter last week and intends
to build a house on it in the near future
A complete stock of the latest style
of millinery has just been received by
Mrs. L. J. bsars.
The young son of R. E. Drum, whose
skull was so badly injured at Table
Rock not long since is slowly recover
The millinery store xf Mrs. L. J
Sears is just now replete with the latest
Tho Ashland public schools arc un
der the management of Prof. T. A.
Hays, who lately arrived from the
The latest style hats, gloves, trim
mings, etc., just received at Mrs. L. J.
Sears' millinary store.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hanlev are ex
pected to return from their Eastern
Oregon trip about the ,5lb of Septem
ber. Partly cooked, sil ver-flaked hom
iny at the Wolter's grocery.
Welborn Beeson, secretary of the
Jackson county stock protective asso-1
ciatiansavs memb rshin now numbjrs I
146. I
Smoke the Detroit Free Press ,
cigar at C. W. Yolters
Alex. Gallov
war and friend Browne.
nave returnau to : 'oraana alter a plea-
t . . j
!),,, ofti,i n I
sant yUit with the formers parents of
this city.
L::dics? visiting cards printed at
this ofiice.
, . . ,
The contract fur keeping the countv
poor has been awarded to EmilDeuo -
I . , -
boam. the present contractor, at s-l.oO
, r
1 "
For teas and coffee try Davis &
Mr. Durkce, of Tolo, wa3 among our
visitors this week, inquiring after that
ranch we advertised for rent last week.
It pays to advertise in the Mail.
Pure maple syrup at Davis & Pot
tenger's. Mrs. Samuel Furry, of Eden precinct,
returned home several days ago from
Sutter county, Cal., where she had
been visiting her daughter.
Soda water 5 cents a glass at C. W.
S. H. Holt was in the city this week.
Part of his family are living here and
going to school and he will move down
to reside as soon as harvest is over.
Rev. E. E. Phipps baptized seven
persons during his stay at Woodville
lately and admitted one or two more to
the church who had been baptized be
fore. Contractor Lyons has just finished a
large and elegant green house for S. A.
Sutter of this place. This winter
Bower house is the finest in its line in
this section.
A pleasant social was given in the
opera house Saturday night to which
some- of our elite were invited. A
good crowd was present and a happy
time had.
We will not attempt to mention the
names of all those who visited the Sol
diers reunion at Ashland this week
from Medford, suffice, it to say that
crowds went up each day.
J. F. Wisner, Basyo brothers and
T. J. Nickerson, all of Applegate, were
in this section of the valley lately.
They are all in the front ranks of the
People's Party movement.
D. S. Youngs has resigned the mar
shalship and Tom Morine has been ap
pointed in his stead. Mr. Youngs will
put in a new and large tock in his
store and will devote his whole time to
the business.
A. M. Wilson has returned from a
trip up Rogue River. He says he was
on a lectioneering tour and out of about
fifty voters only found three . who
wouldn't vote the Weaver ticket.
The streets were filled with people
last Saturday, and large number of
farmer's teams were hitched about
town. Trade will liven up again now.
sinee the crops ai-e harvested.
John Ev Miller was down from
Browsboro this week and we are sorry
to learn that on Saturday night he lost
all bis worldly possessions by firo. He
has nothing left practically speaking.
The cause of the flra is a mystery.
The Premium Market for gixiJ I
H. F. Wood, the contractor, husbcu:.
in towa.
Go to tho Premium Market for
Bologna and all kinds of sausage.
Tho little daughter of A. Lamb, of
Phoenix, had an arm broken Monday.
A. J. Brophy, of California, a former
resident of this valley, is visiting rel
atives here.
E. P. Hammond had the misfortune
to lose Co tinely bred chickens tills
week. Canned corn did the work.
W. H. Parker, of Jacksonville, hts
rented the G. W. Howard property in
this city and will move his family her
Tho circuit court has decided that
Judge Walton had no jurisdiction in
tho Sunday closing case, lately 011 trial
in this citv. This winds up the matter.
Tlios. Curry, of Tublo Rock, called
Monday and among other pleasant
things handed us the price of sub
scription to tho Mail.
Mrs. Dello C. H. Cox. national or
ganizer of the W. C. T. U., will lecture
at the M. E. Church in this city, Mon
day evening, September 10th.
Miss Emma Smith, neico of S. L.
Bennett, who has been visiting here
for sonid time and attending school, re
turned last week to her homo in Mo
desto, Calif.
Tho special car chartered by mem
bers of tho I. O. O. F. of this city nnd
and other places, numbering 60. left
vesterdnv, (Thursday), to attend the
grand lodge meeting at Portland.
C. L. Svdenstrieker and others have
petitioned tho county court for a road
running from Antioch school-house
west to intersect that, running from
Sam's valley to the Meadows.
Messrs. Alford and Edward's thresh
ing crew of Talent are at Russell Al-
ford's farm near Keno, preparing to be
gin work upon tho grain crop of that
country, whioh is just beginning to
Rev. E. K. Taylor, who hr.s been
holding -meetings for tho past week at
tha Christian church, baptised two con
verts last Sunday in the creek near the
bridge. Thoy were Mrs. Burch and
Miss Hill.
Harvey lucbardson. the mail con
tractor of Etna precinct, lias sub-k-t
his contract on the mail
route to Mr
Wallace. The contract runs for 22
months yet. Mr. Richardson will lake
a well earned reiL
Thursday, Sept. 30th. At 10 o'clock,
a. m., Prof. J. M. B'.oss of the State Ag
ricultural College will deliver an ad
dress at the Fair Grounds. Subj.'cl:
'"Relation of Education to Agi cul
ture." Mrs. M. Rarsdale
whrs- hus -
oanu vas uihen 10 ids insane
asylum about a mouth ago, has moved
to Medford from Bitr ditto and is
building a reidenc.
on tne properly
purchased from GwHt. W. Isaac.
T .- p v Tw, ,,,. ...i
P;vwl from th north th fi rt of tb
. ,.,. n,,rIin, r ,,,o.rin.T
- - -
t . . i ...
j effects here and moving them to
j to their new home at Grant's Pass.
... . ., , . , r-
During the last 10 days Tom Guyer
! has sold fitin his lum?cr vara at the
i ,,, ... , . , .
Abbott n; cr Talent alxiu fort v
:., , , . r, , , .,, . ,
i thousand fe-t cf lumbi-r, and Cil'.v Ab-
. , ... ,, ,L ' .
i bolt has sold several bills of heavy lira-
' ber ia connection with tho same.
Tue-dav, Sept. 27, Vol. will be Fruit
r, ' ', . ., , . ,
rowers day at the fair Grounds. Ev -
ery fruit grower in the valley s-houid
be there with the best exhibit possible
to bring. There will be no gat-; chtirge
on th&t day as the Fair (iocs not com
mence until Sept. 2Slh.
Among the ladies and gentlcmc-n vis
iting the coast from Central Point, Or..
this week, were J. II. Downing nnd
daughter. D. L. Xewton and family.
Wm. nnd Lizzie Nicholson, E. W.
Smith and Miss Ercanbrack. Crescent
City Record.
The vocal music furnished for the
Pioneer reunion by a choir composed
of Misses Lizzie Graves, Mollie Miller,
Carrie Croncmiller, Mamie Linn and
John Miller, Jr. and Geo. Linn, was of
a most cxcelleut character and gave
general satisfaction, says the Times.
Lake of the Woods seems the favorite
rendezvous of Sothern Oregon pleasure
seekers just now. Ashland, Medford.
Grants Pass, Keno and Linkvillo all
had delegates there last week, while
Buck Lake was represented by the
famous bear, slayer, John Griflln, who
enlivened tho evening hours of the
The city water tank is kept running
day and night now by engineers E. G.
Hurt nnd H. E. Baker. A dam has
Been placed in Bear creek making a
head-works to keep a good flow of wa
ter in the ditch supplying the water
tank and thus insuring a fair pressure
in the water works in case of a fire
these dry times.
The concert at the opera house last
Friday given by the ladles of tho Ben
evolent society for the benefit of the
hose company, was amusing and enter
taining. A packed house was present.
The, entertainment netted about $57.
including the donation of $3 each by
Judge Crawford and Mrs. Denuison.
Roseburg Plalndealor: -"Jackson's
melons" is a sign that decorates tho
sides of freight cars passing through
here occasionally. A man travels with
them and retails thorn at surprisingly
low prices at all stations during the
short time the train stops.
A pleasant surprise ptirtv was given
to Mr. and Mrs. Bonar on 8th inst. in
this city. The occasion being to pre
sent Mrs. Bonar with a nice rocking
chair and a purse of- money to assist
her in having her now loungo built by
W. H. Scott m-onni-lv imholuf ai-f
Roy. Mr. Edmunds made the pi-est-nta-
tlon Nuoecuus in hannv nnd w .11 ntwrami
words. Mr.J. H. Faris thoughtfully
brought a freezer of delicious ica
cream which was hughly enjoyed with
tho othor delicacies provided by the
f?eaW Baking
Used in Millions of Homes
The forest fire is crawling northward
toward tho head waters of Anderson
creek and if not checked by rain may
reach Jacksonville by Christmas. It is
likely to make a largo and better graz
ing ground for detr and other stock.
So there is not so much loss as gaiu
Surveyor C. J. Howard, who has
bacn with his party of railroad land
examiners on a three weelc s cruise in
the wilds of Buck lako nnd Lake of the
Woods country, got back to this city
lust Saturday and left for tho next scone
of operations which will be along tho
State line west of Keno.
Governor Pennoycr last Monday ap
ixiinted the following members of tho
Southern Oregon board of agriculture :
James McDonousrh. Jackson; Charles
Hughes, Josephine: Joseph Harris,
Curry: John K. Miller, Klamath: S.
Moss. Lake: G. W. Kiddle. Douglas;
Daniel Giles, Coos. Mr. McDonough
is a resident of Prospect and is well
known and respected by everyone. Tho
appointment is a good one.
Tho stock barn of Lovi Morris at
Phoenix,' containing 100 tons of hay, a
Huuser combined harvester, etc., was
destroyed by fire last Saturday week:
loss ?3o00, insurance M0. Tho fire
was discovered in the middle of the
day while everybody was in the field
at work. It's origin is supposed to be
from some one dropping matches in
some scattered hay and stock tramping
on them.
The subject is beiug disciiAfod by the
farmers, to a great extent, as to wheth
er thov ran raise wheat at 43 cnt.
oats at 30 cents per bushel and barley
at HO cents per hundred nnd live, and
exchange C' pounds of good clean wheat
for IS pounds unsacked or 34 pounds of
tacked flour. Th-i farmers look very
blue. Since my last most of the form- (
ers have inn-shed in the Butte crock
'.country nut me crops nave mn vwiuea
as weu as r-tie x ui n . v-or.
On account of tho possible contagion
of the dread d ie;is. Cholera, vou are
! requested to use extra care ia all mat
j U-rs of a fjtnitary unture: sre thai nil
j carbnge in Kick varus or vacant build-
! insrs or lots is jraihviv-d and burned:
- ''l:4t a'' Wliter cioets or cesspool of i
anv kiud are prop-rly nnd s.p rediiy
cl i d rfUinfecteJ: that wells or
' cisterns arc kept clean and wholesome:
. ii short that ail ditfe-ase eertns caused
i . i . . : i. - v t
i , 71 T...L ' .2. .JV.i .7"
all ettorts to put the town in n eood
'sanitary condition and a.-k r.!l ci::r.i'.ns
! i.. ... . i .. i ... t : -V. . 1
i miLLcc 10 i..Msi in t:i: manor.
' .....
I. .'V. II 111 I tIUIn
MDFOKD. 0JE., S-.-pt. 12, !'.:
To the C.'ommitt von H-T.lih. the Town
Marshal, the Street Ck)m'.uis.-ie:ier
and. bo Special Pi-lic-:
Gkn"TLK:kN": Vou jire hcrvbv in-
ytruct'-d to TlluItOl"iHLY insp -ct all '
water c!os.-ts. barn.-", barn hU, and in
thJ r o! aU Pr-'.mis -s, nn-1 see taat
the same are put in neleanlrcondition;
! ,nat prop(.r dHinf.Jel.,iiri ucd when
j in your opinion they should b--: and if
': all places so insectod shall not ho put
in cleanly aid proi-er condition bv the
owner, the sniini shall be declared a
nuisance and it shall b -come the duty
of ihe Marshal to abate the same al
the exjK'iisj of thu property owner.
J. A. Whitesidk.
Medford, Oiie., S;'pt. 12, 1S92.
Terrible Accidrnt.
T. A. Harris, of tho Grand Central
hotel of Medford, was shut-and horribly
wounded by the accidental dis-chargaof
a gun early Monday morning while h
nnd three friends were on a lishingand
hunting trip.
The party consisted of Tom Harris,
Geo.Addington. Chas. Pierce nnd G.
E. Keuber. They were headed for
Four Bit lake and expected to put iu
several, days in the mountains.
Tho accident occurred near the ranch
of J. O. Obcnchain on Big Butte. Mr.
Neubcr, who had been out of tbe wagon
looking for rabbits, decided to ride
awhile and in climbing in tha vehiclo,
his gun wns discharged, thu vntire.
charge of birdshot with tho wading
and pieces of clothing and blankets,
being driven into tho body of Mr. Har
ris who was on tho front "seat driving.
The load struck just left of tho lower
part of tne back bone, ranging slightly
upward nnd to tho right, lodging just
inside of the right hip bone.
As soon as possible tho wounded man
was carried to the house of J. O. Obon
ehiiin where he is still.' Medical at
tendance was procured from this city
and Jacksonvile and everything is be
ing done to case tho sufferings of the
pationt. Mrs. Harris is at hor hus
band's dedside. At last reports he was
resting easy. Wo only voice the senti
ment of tho entire community wheu we
express heartfelt symapthy for tho un
lucky man nnd those near and dear to
him and every hope is held forth that
he will speedily recover.
Grand Harvest Farewell Ball.
A harvest farewell party will be giv
en in Frndonburgh's hall at Central
Point on this (Friday) night, Sept. 10,
1892. The best of music and supper
will bo provided. Tickets including
supper, $2.00. A fine timo is anticipa
Come everybody.
L. W. Robbixs.
Coming to Jackson County.
Oni or moro xurgvonn of National Sumtcnl
Institute, Nt.SiO Bush street, S. F., will b- Bt
Ike Hotel Oregon, AsMund. 8pt. jfl. Crnnd
Central Hotel, Medfonl, Sept. auth end at the
lltiu-l Dlaekburn, Grant's 1'wm, Uept. ith.
Tills inst Hue Is specially devoted to the trent
rxfint of curviituro of the spine, discuses of tho
lili and knee Joint, crooked litubs, clubfeet and
all boully deformities. Their success in .reat
IrifC liieso troublos us well as nasal duturrli and
all cursnle dlsiiiises had tiiuuo for the institute
a national rudutaliou.
All persons who are Buffering from any of
fhese complaints .hould not fall to take advan
tage of this opportunity for relief. Ask your
! 'EE." l""-.
v be had to thi. fnllnwf,, nrr.
A'u.iunun, caiuui, ur.; oupreruo
Judee J. P.
jip i vv usninfrion ; uev, jc.
H. ('oudlt. Al.
nauy, or. : . Young & Co,
Meory Cono ,Hoo'ourg, Or.
Oakland, Or, and
40 Years the Standard.
Farmers, Attention.
Tho tariff having been taken off of
flour wo are selling full roller process
flour for 1)0 cts. per sack. Angle & Ply
mule. If you are unwell or experience tha.
tin.d feeling, take the Mail; it will
rest you.
To Postmasters.
Postmasters throughout tho county
J arc requested to return the coyote and
school superintendent petitions to the
postmaster at Etna on or before the
'Silh. of this month.
The State Pays Promptly.
Medford Ore.. August S. 18U2.
Received from tho State Insurance
coinany, 01 aalem. Ore., tnrougn
their agent Mr. J. fc.. tnvart, tno sum
of g17.40 in full settlement of mv
dwelling which burned recently, and
fully recommend this comtwiny to my
neighbors and friends who need in
surance. Signed. W. P. FaulOW
Advertised Loiter List. .
The followtaj la the lUt of letters rem!nir.f
uncalled for in Ibe McUlurd. Or.. poslvtHc. u
Sept. W. ItW :
KN'lchrr, Mr Henderson. L 3
KoUicrra. II B Slanlon. Al I
i'vrM'D calling for the above please say "a4
ttnUed." J. S. llowBU. P. JJ.
Kucklou's Arnica salve.
The best sidve in the world foV cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sotvs.tcttcr. chnped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is cuarantced to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price i'jc
per box. For sale bv G. H. Haskins.
When weak. vnry and worn out,
road the Mail and it will restore your
We have moved into our now shop
on C street, and are now prepared to
servo the public with everything in
our line. 1 hanking you for your juist
patronage, we hope, by fair dealing, to
merit a continuance of ihe same.
We are yours anxious to please,
Jouofhy & Matiies.
Gcod Stables.
First class rit'S of all descriptions
can be procured al ail limes of the day
or niirhl bl the Ciarvndon hotel livery
stables. Drummers and citizens useiug
teams hou!d give this stable a trial.
Satisfaction iruarant.ed; charges r.a-
A Sew Store.
C. H. Kresnbnick, a prominent Cen
tral Point ci:izen. has opened up a
cash grocery sloro at lhat place ar.d as
he is a true friend of ihe alliance we
recommend him to the farmers, whom
he will s.tvc with Ihi best if goods at
reduced ra:es.
Stock Association.
Thi So-jthcrn Or.-gon Stock Asso
ciation will convene at Medford on Sat
urday at U ii o'clock, a. m., October 1st,
1 JiJ, to elect officers and transact oth-
j er important business. All are expect
ed to be present that are inte'-est-'d.
W. Bkrsot. Jos. Ckaix.
Secrxlai-y. Pres.
Strength aud Health.
If vou aro not feeling strong and
heaitliy. try Electric Bitters. If "la
grippe" has left you weak and wearv.
use. Electric Bitters. This remedy
acts directly on the liver, stomach and
kidneys, gently aiding those organs
to perform thoir functions. If you are
affected with sick headache, you will
lir.d sp-edy and permanent relief by
taking Electric Bitters. One trial will
convince you that this is the remedy
you need. Inrgo bottles only 50c. at
G. H. Iiaskius' drug store.
Fair Notice.
Tuesdnv. September 27lh, will be
Frit Grower's Day at tho Central
Point Fair Grounds. There will bo no
gate charges on that day. There will
bean interesting address on agricul
ture. The horticulturists of Jackson
and Josephine counties should make as
lino an exhibit as possible. They can
not afford to do otherwise. The repu
tation of this part of tho state for tho
abundance and excellence of its or
chard and vineyard products must bo
Mineral Exhibit.
Judge W. Crawford is prejinring an
exhibit of Southern Oregon minerals
which ho will send to tho Portland ex
position and to tho World's Fair and as
he has a fino collection tho exhibit will
be an honor to Southern Oregon and a
great advertising card. The collection
will Ihj shipped to Portland this (Fri
day) evening and anyone having in
their possession minerals or rare spec
imous which they are desirous of show
ing may leave the same with Judge
Crawford who will seo that they aro
properly labeled and exhibited.
Galls Creek Mines.
Alex. Orme, one of tho most scien
tific miners of this section, was a pi si s
ant caller Tuesday. His mission was
to'procuro some quartz claim noticos.
His family is here in Medford and
his uhildron aro scholars iu our schools.
Ho puts in his timo on Galls creek,
working his mines and visiting his
family onoa in two weeks. Ho has men
at work taking out ore from his Burky
mine and has several other good claims
We are Informed that tho oouutry
around Galls creok is being rapidly de
veloped and with o very stroke of the
pick new and wonderful discoveries
are being made. " Prof. Booth of Port
land, U. S. Geologist, is present in that
section on joying a few weeks' vacation
and doing some prospecting on his own
account and has just discovered a fiuo
ledge on the divide between Gulls and
Foots crooks and is very enthusiastic
over the outlook. Several experts havo
also visited this section.
We buy for Cash, and we buy to sell.
We buy direct, and we buy in quantities.
You will always find our stock complete.
We sell at one price, and that the lowest.
We treat you courteously.
A satisfied customer is our best advertisement.
Our constant aim is to give you the best goods at bottom priet.
We make your interests ours.
Your child will be served as cheaply and politely as yourselfl
A comparison of our styles and prices will convince .you that yott
should trade with us.
The Popular Groeetv
c. w. WOLTERS,
:::: Staple Dry Ms, GrossriBS, Ptomoi,
We Pay the Cash or Exchange Our Merchandise
for All Farm Products.
June n, 1S02. Yours Respectfully, J. HUNAN;
ANCLE & PLYMALE, Proprietors.
General Merchandise Groceries,
Fresh Bacon and Lard, Choice PtraineJ Honey. Pure Cidr, Vinegar
Cigars and To!acco, Canned Fruits, Yegvtables and MojiU,
Extracts, Spice, Flonr. Matche?, Etc., Etc.
A". B.rrcxlua' Talccn in Exchange.
I. A.
Unflertaldng Careftllv AtteMefl to.
nam ware, oioves,
i and Fine
CVarrnutad Cutlory. Carpenter and Kutlders
Rcdjackct Force Pumps, for deep
w. I.
Jaekson County Bank.
CAPITAL, - S50,C00 Medford. Oregon.
ioau money on approve security, receive deoosits subject to check;
and transact a general banking business ou tht most favorable terms.
te-Your Business Solicited.
Corbiu Banking Co., N. Y. , Pacific Bank, San Francisco.:
Commercial National, Portland.
Etc, Etc.
and Paper
Building Material.
T-mls. Fishing Tickle, Amnnnitioo. Etc. El
or shollow wells. Tin Shop Attached:
i. E. EXTAKT, .
Ajot. Cashier
Ladd & Bush, Salem.