Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, September 09, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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"5 fi v;
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Published Ever? Friday Horning.
Catered in tie Postoftlce st Mettford. Oregon,
as Secoad-Clnss Mali Matter.
..Mjedpukd, Friday, Sept. 9 1S02.
PSBpiesVParfg Mel.
STatlun Pierce, . of Umatilla Co.
W. H. Galvani, - of Washington.
aml H. Holt; of Jackson Co.
W. G. Burleigjl, of Wallowa Co.
X a. mum.
Ixterest 13 an imiginary
growth of money, or of the power of
IDonev to increase 'la-self.
Democrats, and; ;Repoblkan
made Carnegie a millionaire lbr
retting the price of labor and its
product. .. ''..'.
Ths government that sella it
Jar.ds to the poor, and gfvea , them
to the rich, will perish in its in
fancy. The Peopled Party is in favor
of the people paying a 2 per cent
tax to the people for the ue of the
people's niouej ,
After the aliens -hare; bought
trp all the silver mines of this
country, the world's conference
will determine the price of 6ilver
nd pay our pets to pass an . un
Jiroited coinage bill.
Is it not better tof pay a 2 per
cent -tax, to a debt-ridden nation
-Ji?- Jw J' ftilll legal, currency : 1
than , to
5 a . j -w .pet. certifier ne;zoia-nug
bankers for a currency that : m'. not
r.'liie ffiren no siirn aa tn the result
3 W vl'jitfPthe election in -Alabama, there
for we take it that the state has
gone People's Party and we ha ye
beeo so informed oegood authority.
KsoxviLLEjTenn;, has held a
meeting of the Ubor. ftrganizations
at which a majority of those pres
ent were in favor of putting " a
People's Party ticket in the field
. and support it, instead of the pro
fa.m ot reconimendipg, candidates
tf one of tbe old parties, asin for
pier years.
Men who are worth" froiii one
dollar lip to one hundred thousand
dollars, have for thirty years voted
to exempt the I millionaire from
taxation ; simply . was
patriotic enough te take $2.40 for
, a $1-00. The Billionaire is the
calamity howler wheq the jfl is
fly worth 100, cent&v
Tt"8 greatest .sensation of . the
present campaign jra - BUine's
resignation: - The St. Louis Monitor
ays? "The next great sensation
will be the day after the election in
"November, when . the news comes
over the -wires, as it certainly will,
that the People's .Party has elected
''ftoTiedj$Z;ii jL ') i ;t.
The Ocala Demands gives the
following i "Pa, what is anarchy?"
"Why, my son, when those People's
Party fellows threaten to have fair
play at the polls if they have to get
it wifh shotguns, that's anarchy."
"But, pa, sometimes the Democrats
use shotguns to prevent fair play ;
what do you call that?" "That,
my son, is perpetuating Dcmoc
Tus. most , promiueut . men men
tined in connection with Gen.
Weaver's cabinet, says the' Silver
State, 'arc: Walter Q.'Gresharr of
Indiana, Secretary of State; Hon.
Wm. M. Stewart of Nevada, Secre
tary of the Treasury; lion. Thos.
it. Patterson of Colorado, Secretary
of War; Gen. Paul Vandwoort of
Nebraska,' -Postmaster-General; T.
V. Powderly- of Pennsylvania, Sec
retary of the Navy ; Gen. A. J.
Warner of Ohio, Secretary of the
Interior; .Hon. Jerry Simpson of
Kansas, Secretary of Agriculture.
The Colorado Road has drawn
up a pretty strong indictment, in
form and effect as follows, nauiely:
I-i no civilized country on the face
of God's earth was there ever or
ganized among men a combination
so destructive to legitimate journal
ism, so prejudicial to a transmis
sion of legitimate information, so
eapable- c-T moulding public senti
ment in . the wrong direction and
imposing .incalculable- misfortune
upon the masses, as that-rombina-tion
known on this continent as the
Associated Press. . ,
The Merchants of Medford whose
generosity and enterprise has made
it 1 possible for every family to pro
cure a complete . library fre of
cist, are: Angle it Plymale, Chas.
Strang, D. II. Miller, W:-Green,
Mrs. L. J. Sear?, J. A.Goff, E.
Wilkinson and ' Edwin Worman.
Too much cannot be sard in com
mendation "of business m;n' who
strive to enlarge their business by
methods which are so generous,
and so beneficial to the communi
ties in which they live. This offer
if good only till Sept. 21", and it
will pay those who live ou'side the
city of Med ford to make a special
trip to the city before that date, as
such an offer is an opportunity of
a lifetime. Those from out of
town may make inquiry at Angle
& Plnnale'a.
Elect Yonr Delegates.
Elect your delegates without de
lay to the Peoples', party connty
central committee meeting which
takes place in Medford Sept. 17.
Each voting precinct is entitled to
one delegate and a full representa
tion is necessary as important busi
ness is be transacted. Br order of
. " W. W. Scott, Pres'L
3. V. Marksberhy, Sec'y.
. People' Party Kally. -
On Saturday," September 17th,
the Jackson County People's Party
central-and executive committees
will meet in Medford and a grand
rally has been decided upon for
the evening of that day. The
opera house has been secured and
number of good speakers will be
in attendance. -Other features will
be added and a grand time is ex
pected. Let everybody come.
- Good Reports. '
CT 5f. Pence, one of the Industrious
rancher in the vicinity of Etna, called
Tuesday before starting for home and
entertained as with some surprising,
and encouraging reports of the way
the People's Party is going to scoop
everything up that way in November.
These reports are almost of daily occurrence..-Our
good friends drop in
and one and all are enthusiastic over
the number of converts made since the
spring campaign. "Thus from the
reports on every hand it is plain to be
seen that the victory 'for the People's
Party .will be complete..
A FrettyjSurprise.
.- A beautifully illustrated and charm
ingly bound edition of Longfellow's
"Evangeline," the most popular song
poem ever published by an American
author, and one of the' most famous po
ems in the language, just" published, is
a pretty surprise for booklorers. It is
in large typer numerous and excellent
illustrations, very fine and heavy pa
per, gilt edges," rcmarkablv handsome
cloth binding, with gilt title and or
naments. No illustrated edition has
ever before haon published at less cost
than $1.50, and that is about what you
might "guess" the price of this to ba,
but it Isn't it sells for only nineteen
CENTS I plus 6 cents for postage, if by
mail. This covers only about the ac
tual cost of manufacture by the one
hundred thousand, the . publisher's obr
jiict being, not profit,: but to show the
book-doying millions what he can do.
His publications are sold by dealers,
but only direct; catalogue, over 100
pages, a literary curiosity in its way, is
sent for a 2-cent 'stamp. Every home
in the land ought to have a copy of this
Evangeline, so charmingly beautiful,
as a poem, as a collection of artistic
illustrations, and; a a product of the
book-making art. Address John B.
Aldkn, Publisher, 571ioseStroet,New'
York, -'
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
. . TablRockets.
Dry, tlusly and sinofey. .
Threstiinj; all don? und ffruiti boiiifT
b.iulcd to mtwMtet. , . .
Forty-oight cent wheat does not
p:isi our farmers even if it dots make
votes for the People's Party.
O. A. Diekinwn nnd family are vis
iting on Trail creek for the b.melit of
Mrs. Dickenson's health, which is not
Little Homer Drtim who was so Very
badly hurt in the runaway of his fa
ther's team recently, is dfAng finely
tnitbr the treatment of Ifr. Cvary. He
bas no1 idea of dyinr but hopes to live
lonr afid vote tho People's Party ticket
like his pap.
Mr. J. L Swarnor. nft.'r a brief but
satisfy injf sojourn in Californhi, has ro-tu-ne'd
afif! accepted a job with W. A.
The fall trra of our school will cora-ni'-nhe
Mouday. S?plemb.r l'-th, with
Mb Durch as teiu'her.
Leo; Burch has lens;d the Hansen
ranch for three years and will bring
his family here soon.
What has bjeomj of Syikonrd and
Snydorville that wo hear nit more from
their champions? Have they jrono up
in smoke likj Sodom and Gomarrah of
old? L-.-t us hear from you boys.
The coyot.-s who have bn hiding
out while the bounty was in force, held
an enthusiastic meeting on Table Uock
JNiturdny night, a vote of thanks to the
county board was unanimously passed
amid much yelping. It was deter
mined to encoumtr-j an iucreas: in their
rnimbfr bv efferfnira premium for the
largest family. It was also reolvcd to
resume the war aguins. sheep, shoates
and shanghais.
Our worthy mail carrier H. S. Smith
has boon granted a pension ot $!2a
month, dating hack to Xovotnber, 1 f.0.
He deserves it and should have been on
the rolls years ago.
All our old soldier resident expect
to attend the r-union at Ashland next
week. Hope the Hardtack will not h;
too much for their sueranuatd teeth.
Spikenard Items.
"The threshing is not done yet. A
machine is expect :d soon. Nemesis.
Sup.irintjndi'nt Pricj has b.-en too
lny tnvSsit schools up this Ben
son. People up hero are ticking about
the increase of his salary.
We Crater has removed to Ontral
Point, where he- J emragetf in the
butchr busines. His removal eroales
a vacancy on the school board.
Mr. Nat .Tonos will build a barn this
fall. Mr. Griner haa already built one
and Mr. Reynolds has materially im
proved his. Scott Morris is thinking
some of building a hfmse this fall.
Forest fires hav raged Iat!; from
Uuion to White Hoie creek, ami for
that niat'er from Trail creek to Whit
Horse. Tho road is clear now. as the
timber is all burned tfiat will burn.
Who will build a hotel end food siable
at Crater L-ike?
Morris Gault et a!, returned from
Crater Lake on the 31sl ult- Thy
found the fake verv boisterous. It was
so rough that Mr. Parutie would not go
out in his fin? now boat, "The Koland
D. Grant." Thtu boat was launched
August 27th and will hernftfr bo at
the service of visitors. It is a fine
boat, capable of carrying from 12 to It!
passengers. Tho boat is nam-.-d after
Koland D. Grant, pastor of First Bap
tist church. Portland. Or. Mr. Grant
made the first trip- as a passenger to
Wizard Inland.
Kt na Items.
Fire and smoks is still in full blast.
Crater lake tourists arc numerous to
take a breath of pure air above the
endless cloud of tmoke.
Fishing rods are a common thing to
be seen extending over the hind end of
tho tourists wagon!.
Horace Pulton. . datives and friends.
w.:re among those bound for Crat.T
lake laat week.
Several parties passed h :ri to sam
ple G. A. Jackson s watermelons and
peaches. .
Rabbits have taken tho lend on mel
ons hereabouts and rather greedy, they
won't even wait for thorn to g-t rip;
but eat them at the size of a thimble
and upwards. ,
The personal belongings of David
Milicr, dec jasod. w-jre taken in charge
by Kufus Akers. a son-in-law of the de
ceased, who paid all charges and re
moved the same to 'Douglas county,
where he resides. .. "..
Rain is neodod to extinguish the
mountain fires. . . .. ' .
Ira Wadefieid and S H Holt visited
this locality and gave a lecture in the
line of reform, tho subject being "Our
National Banking - System.''- They
kept the audience spoil-bound while
they plainly .explained the workings
of our national hanks which was a njw
revelation to many who wore there and
listened to catch eve.-y word and was
tho cause of converting many from
thoir own belief. Tho lecture closed
with an enlightened cheerfulness,
. L J M
-Concert. '
The Ladies Benevolent Society con
cert this (Friday) evening, given in tho
opera house for the benefit of the fire
bovs promises to bo one of the best o ver
offered the public in this city. ' Tha
best musical talent of tho neighbor
,bood has been secured for tho occasion
and the attendance should be large for
two reasons, vis: You will; surely get
the worth of your money, and. second
the Inudablo' puhposo to which this
money will ba appropriated, should on
courage an effort on the part of the
citizens. Help the Hose Co. out. It la
for your own good. Admission 25 oonts
for adults and children under.14 years,
10 cents,-, , i
The Jackson County Agricultur
al Asfociation offer a special purse
of $25 for trotting tea m in harness
to wagon, against the time of 3:15.
to go to the team making the test
record. However 'no purse will be
giv'tn unless the time of 3:15 or
better i.i made. Both hor;cs of
each team must be trained by and
be' under the management of one
person. No team made up at the
time of the race will be allowed to
compete for the purse. Two trials
will bo allowed each team. The
race will occur on Saturday after
noon, the last day of the fair.
State Printer Frank C. Baker, of
Salem; J. W. Ingram, of Willow
Springs, and Mayor Grainger, of
Ashland, will act as judges of the
racing at the Jackson County Agri
cultural Association Fair. With
these gentlemen in the Ju.?g s'
sandr perfect fairness is guaran
teed for thespved program.
There will be a meeting of the
Culinary and Art committees ap
pointed "by the J. C. A. A., at the
ollice of the secretary, Mrs. W. J.
Plymale, in Jacksonville, Sept. 10, j
2 o'clock p. m. , 1
Circuit Court Proceedings.
Tho regular t?rra of the circuit court
for Jackson county convened Monday
with the following officers present":
H. K. HatimL, judge ; 1L L. B.-nson,
Dis't. At:;.: Max Mullcr, elork ; John
K. Polton. sheriff.
Grand jurors G. W. Barron, J. R.
Tozi-?r, G. T. Hershberger. John A.
Ob-iichain. J. W. MasUroou. W. P.
Hillis. John McCallister.
Ali i. Thompson was npointcd bui!
t:T for the grand jury and Chas. Sehulz
txiili.T for the trial jury.
A. S. Johusou vs. John W. Smith :
action to recover money. Defendant
allowed to withdraw deinurrjr and filj
Martha M. Cookey vs. Okas. Rii
pcy, vt :d; foreclosure. Dismissed at
plaintiff" cost.
Suite vs. Henry Robinson: indictment
.'or bolygamv. lUiil fixed at
Ordered that C. Minfus. G. W. Rice,
James Drum. A. L. Gail, John Boll bo.
excused from jury service for this Urni
of court.
Henry Ammermaa vs. Theo. H. F., et al.: foreclosure of mortgage.
The name of S. J.Day, ndmiui.-lmior
of Johannu ICiigL-, bub::lsud for Jo
hanna Enjilo, deceased. Coper vs. Chester Phipps.
rt'm. Phipi and I. J. Phipp: ac'.i-.-a.
Taken undr ndvi-wxtn'ot.
Miunio Phipps vs. 1. J. Phipps and
Celeste Pbipp- lH-murrer withdrawn
and answer filed.
M. D. Wells A Co. vs. Fountain &
Holiuos: action to recover n:on-y. D.:
fendnti' allowed to w'.lhd;-aw demurrer
and file answer.
In thi.maticr of the last will and
toManvot of Jacob Bowman : order ad
mitting will to prolans and Mary Bow
mnn and Iatmel Harris executors, and
.1. B. Rodger. G orge Joius and J. B.
Welch appraisers.
Real Estate Transfers.
J;ihn J. Ritt-r la UoNrt Harrimnn. one un
dlvitlct one half intcrr;l in mininif gnuntt
Mluan-d on Sarvlino crvoS. wlib waicr rtghi
llier.-nto bfionKip. f.
s. S. MarMn lo V. T. Otte ad M. J. Cre,
lot.' I. S. li'.k. I.V MnttiKl, N Jnu.
S imtu-i foivor asil Ilul.lnh Colvor a
J. ilrxy. lot. 1.3. blk. rhoo.nx. tl.'O.,-rt Uf K. K. ;.rc n:tI Marr K.
Gorr. all K:ht, tulv M iulercsl in lots I. i bit
!.". I'horniJt. uo.
Anna Crr lo Knos Iltair. lols S, T, MU. a).
rilul(tc ! a.ttlillon. A)il:iul. SU.
Grrn lUni) lo Kli itx-iii M. Caunt, Und in
lp. Si. S. K. I K . S-rii aerrrt. HO.
Jar..t iVnsc lo William Itvlw. NK'j et XEs'
inl . nf XD'i aiei N V of S-K- of Sec. 21,
Tp ::. s. K. 1 w .. w acr-s. ri.ntn.
I.tlt-y M. Marsbai lo Isaac Itarpcnlttr. Int ru.
rtl. 3TS 31, blk. A. It. K. :ilt on. Ashland,
Krast WelN and K'.icn I. tV!ls lo If. T.
Inlnn. SWVi nl SW; S.C- SO, Tp. 37. K. S. 3 K,
r. C. Hiiltnian to the OovtrKnmt of the
Unltd Slnles. X'i of SK t liu.l SWi of SK i
3. Tp. 50. S. IL 4. K-. M
John I. 1'lorn nnd Kinlin Clom to Sarch
Olrtnkors. K.',of SK 1-4. SiV I of SK I-I :ui
SE HofNE 1-4 of Tp. at, S, K. -I R, lAt
aerej. i,ino.
Mary Milenrll to Nicholas Mitchell nnd
A'i-ilil fiteh5l!. laud In See. .11. Tp.37. S. H.
3 V.. '.C-7.VKO acre, considerntlon, ii-ve and
are Hon.
Lew s Powe'l lo Daniel I. Waldrop, land in
A"iil:i:iil. t-o.
F. K. Drew to Albert A. Hall, lots I, 8. Uk. I.
Medfor.1. tl.svi.
Marv A. Anderson to CI. II. Hasklno. kit I.
biv. S. H :ait,v' addition lo Medfork. :!
U. S. to narvov l'eudvcrlsi, IfiJ acre. Pec.
II. Tp. S. S. K. IE.
V. R. lo Olan.i Holtln, SO acres. See. 1. Tp.
31. S. If. S K.
V S. l ftxas. F. Wall. ll acres. Sec. 31, Tp
.-a. s. a. a e. -
U. H to iei::tmin 1 . 1. HI, IJU acres, nec.
Tp-. as.
Electric Hitters. .
This remedy is becoming,' so well
known and so popular ns to need no
special mention.- All who have usd
Electric Bitters sing the same song of
praise. A purer medicine does not
exist nnd it is guaranteed to do nil that
Is claimed. Klectrie Bitters will cure
all dise:tses of the liver and kidneys,
will roraove pimples, boils, salt rheum
and other affections caused by impure
blood. Will drive malaria from the
system nnd prevent as well as euro all
malarial fevers. For cure of hend
aeho, constipation and indigestion try
Electric Bit-tors. Entire satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded.
c o fio cts. and $1.00 pVrbottle' at G
H.rHaskin'a drug store.
Uniteo Btatks Land Ornca, I
Konebnrg, Ore., Aur. IS, ISIia. t
Notlco is hereby given that the approved map
of the surveys ol tliu following townMh!is have,
been received at thls-oftlce, to-wll:
A 111 nf township No. la south, of range No. R
west, W. M.: also tbo heretofore unsurveyod
porilon of township No. it Mouth, of range No. S
west, W. M to-wit: Sections No. 7, IS, IB, 31),
tn. :ir. so, a?, ii8, si, so, si, an, as, m, :v ana a.
Tbe plat of bold eurvevft thereof will be filed
in this mc on -the Huh any of October. f-W,
ftnd on and it tor the sulci liy.b day of October,
18W, we 11 be prepared lo receive npnlieutlons
for IhQcntvy of the litiMl in sold township.
John II. fiuiPB. Hcgtst,cr.
A. M,-Cic a wfoi:i. Kccutver.
Jilnrriuil a J up. , .'
' A New York dispatch says: The mar
riage of Masuda Vuuliimalu. a Japnnrre,
to Miss Sarah Bnrtley, a Huston girl,
which occurred some ti:n ago. has just
leaked out. 'J he inai iin;:u wan a pri
vate one, only the panii-4 concerned,
the priest and tho wit n esses liomg pres
ent. The bridegroom is" years old and
well educated. The bride h a blonde of
19, the daughter of a Uustcii business
msn.As she is a Itoman Catholic and ho
a heathen the con pic had d.;iIiinlliB in
their way. It was only after the Jap
had vowed to live up to the tci.etsof the
Roman Catholic church that Chancellor
Mitchell granted the couple a dispen
sation. '
Th6 Cunnplrury of Silence,
Notwithstanding the iiiiuiense number
of accidents to railway employees, maim
ing them for life, and with results
to many, it is noticeable that mention of
these accidents seldom np;iear in t!:e
daily press. It is only by special inves
tigation that tho real facts in regard to
their frequency are gleaned. This doubt
less conies from tho desire on the part of
managers of railway corporations to
conceal defects in management to which
most of these accidents are attributable.
In deference to their wishes the great
dailies systematically upjTs buuI
news. So does the associated press.
As evideuce of this statement we have
before ns a circular letter of "instruc
tions" issued by a certain newspaper.
Correspondents nre therein given to un
derstand that news of "fatal or other
accidents to conductors, brakeun-n,
switchmen or persous in obscure posi
tions in life" is not wanted, except in
case where "great loss of projiertr is
involved." Humanitarians, how does
that sound? Junction City (Kan.) Trib-one.
llrlllou. SurLcr Held la the ITi-rtot
A Homestead dispatch says: The
novel spectacle of religious services in
an iron mill was w tut-soed here Sunday.
In CarnegieV liomittc-id Steel works,
with the great cogpng and beam unll
for a chapel, the non-union workers at
tended divine worship. Services were
conducted by Rev. Clarence Adams of
the First Baptist church of Franklin,
Pa., who is chaplain of the Sixteenth
regiment. The choir, composed of clerks
from the company's offices, occupied the
top of the large plauiug urtchiue. The
congri'ution sat oa rough benchts on
top of the furnaces, otnere balanced
thetuselvi-s on cranes aad cisbrauis,
w-hile some tweuty or inure lototed laz
ily on a long steel girder high above the
Daring the sermon Chrplain Adams
made no reference to the Homestead
trouble. His novel congregation listened
attentively and at the dose of the service
joined in singing - America." The or
chestra then gave a sacred concert.
Brewing- Ice ami Cold Storage Company.
Teo iltklier,! in ci,nll iA
POl'XD. Wacns will tle'.iver ice
days and t-:ituruavs m Jacksonville aiul Central Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridavs in Ashlar.d.
Eagle Roller MiUs.
Tie Best of Flour, Grata, Cora Meal,
and Chopped Feed of All Kinds.
f fifWheat Exchanged at all times on best terms possible.
C. FVRTSTIIVL Ashland, Ore.
ffiaehiriepy and Vehicles,
piitciiell Fan & Soring vayons. Buggies, Garriagss
Carts and Harness, Champion Mowers and Binders, Bonanza
and Starr Rakes; Canton Black Land and Hillside Plows, Gale &
Bissell Chilled Plows. Bale Ties and Binding Twine a Specialty.
0- T. LAWTON, M'e;r Wledford Branch,
TIio f ui pending I: volul Ion.
There is now pendili the greatest pr
litical revchiioii eVei known to the peo
ple of thij continent, iu the struggle
for PHyrT niscy between the contending
forces principles are involved on the
rnrcess or failure of which depends the
future weal or v.-oe of the great common
I cople of ot:r country. U it a crisis in
t!ie history of one of the greatest nations
of the world. uatioiis have gone
down to destnicii'eti under conditions
tho very counterpart of ours today. That
If, the rapid aggregation of great Wealth
upon one side and extreme iwverty in
creasing upon the other. Sach condi
tions cannot long exist without that nat
ural resistance to oppression which al
ways comes from a civilized, enlightened
people imbued with a spirit of freedom
and justice. This resistance forces an
issue between tho monopolistic forces on
one side and the honest masses on the
other. As the battle rages the contest
becomes hotter, which eventually result
in internal strife, weakens the nation,
and destruction follows. Sneh has usu
ally been the experience cf nation., pre
ceding ours. Ilihtory teaches that there
is but one remedy tor tho impending
evil, and that is to educate and arouse
tho conservat ive masses of all avocations
to a realization of the dangers that sur
round thein. Hon. J. H. McDowell.
Women SerantlIe for Corela.
A Zanesville, O., dispatch says: An
unprecedented SectHcle was witnessed
on the main street here. Rival dry
goods concerns had been cutting prices.
One merchant reduced the prices. The
other made a greater reduction. They
finally advertised corsets, for 1 cent
upeice. About a thousand women made
a rush for the two stores. The crush
was so gr.-at that show cases were
broken and ninch damage doue to gtxsds.
The proprietors had to stop selling and
drive the crowd out. One of the deal
ers then had bis clerks throw corsets
from the second story window for the
women to scramble for. Thescrambhug
that followed would put the small boy
to shame. Several women fainted.
Gladstone Cabinet.
The London correspondent of the 2ew
Tori Times cabU-s as follows: A former
Li Ural whip gives the following as a
safe list of the comins cabinet appoint
ments: Premier and first lord of the i
treasury. Gladstone: lord chancellor, j
Herschell: lord president of eonncil. ;
Sjiencer; chancellor of the exebeqaer,
Harconrt; home office. H. H. Fowler;
foreign office. Iioseberry; colonies, Kim
berly; war-office, CampbeH-Bannerman;
admiralty, Trevelyan: Ia.'.ia office. Hi-
pon; Secretary fr Scotland, Bryce;
chief secretary for Ireland, Morley;
president of the board of trade, Mnn-j''
della; local government board S:ans-1
field; chancellor of the duchy, Lefevre;
postmaster general. Labcachere.
!AL ice:
l. r,T. n,i,l ;;.,c f., HYP firVT A
tiaiiy in Met! ford. Tuesdays. Thurs-I
For Jackson and Josephine Counties
Will be Held at the fair ronndB near Central
Point, commencing on
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 28, 1892,
and continuing four da-s-
Offered in Premiums and Pursesu.
And each specially requested- to bring
alone whatever in in his line he
may adjudge worthy and place
it upon exhibitiom-
E3?"Xo pains will be spared' bv the
management to make the fair a success
( .1. W. MERnrm.,
Managing Com. - F. T. Dowxixoi.
1 1. B. Williams.
Mrs. W. J. Plymale. Sec.,
Jacksonville, Ore.
Of Eastern Shoes.
; Ciiite
to Order, $24 and Up.
lo Order, $5 and lip.
-ifoffiMn Boarantogil.
Corner of 7th and C Stsv
Has just received a large stock oC
also a (lnestock of
Which he will sell as low as can .
be sold. Small profits and quick
sales wi; be his motto. Call and
see fUr vourself.
Having bought out Frank GaliowaT
is row prepared to fill all order
The Cheapest and Best Picket Fence
made. Correspondence SoliriUd. Ad
dress all orders to
Vsitku States Land OrrtcK. . -Kosebure.
Ore . Aug. ia lsJ- (
Notiee is hereby piwc that th following
named settler has tiled notu- of his intention
lo innke anal proof in support of his elaim, and
tliut said prixif will be wade tnfore the judge,
or elerk of ihe county court, of Jackson county
Oregon, at Jacksonville. Or., on Thursday.
September S", I MS, via: Oliver W. Sly. home
stead entry No. 5.71, for the southeast quarter
of section a, township ST sooth, range I west.
He names the following wiiiuessea to prove
his continuous residence upou aud. cultivation
ot. saW land, viz :
Carl Swansen. Fred Larsrn, Fred Siimson
and John W. Smith, all ol Medford. Jackson .
county, Oregon.
Johx H. Shvpe. Register.
1-2 MUe East ofMedferd.
Fruit Trees, Grape Vines and
Small Fruit.
Choice Stock. Reasonable Rates,