Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, August 26, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Dry popcorn at Elder's.
Subscribe for the Mail.
iPina job ork at this office.
I. B. Raymond has been in the city.
Fruit jars at Davis & Pottenger's.
M. D. Bowles cams down from Laka
Creek Monday.
. Go to Elder's for the best tea in
, C H. Ercanbrack and family we re in
town Saturday.
Glassware at cost. Davis & Pot
tenger. " C. A. Dickison drovi down from Ta
ble Rock Saturday. .-.'.."-
Quakar Rolled Oats at Davis &
A. A. Dayis made a speedy trip to
Vrranis 'ass saturaay.
Lamp chimneys at Wolter's gro
county seat this week.
Pure Cidsr Vinegar at Davis &
-District Judgs J. K. Hanna went
north on Monday's train.
Pure maplesyrup at Davis Jt Pot-
Joa Pierca will leave for the east
soon to locate permanently.
Soda water 5 cents a glass at C. W.
- The county clerk is advertising fcr
bids to keep the county poor.
For teas and coffee try Davis &
Joe; Hammersly. of Gold Hill, will
leave soon for a trip to Montana. .
Ladies' visiting cards printed at
wis omca. .
W. T.' Anderson has bsen in town
from Phoenix several times lately. '
Fine spices and extracts -at Davis
& fottenger's.
Judge Neil and son George have re
turned Irom tneir trip to Dead Indian.
. Call ooLE. Hoover if you want
10 ouy or seu a cow,
Mrs. R. R. Dunn, of Jacksonville, is
visiting Mrs. H. T. McCallum in Rose-
Go to Davis & Pottenger's fot all
Kinds 01 soda drin ks 5 cents a glass.
J. B. Williams and family, of Ash-
iana. nave ooen visiting at (Antral
w egiveacasn aiscount 01 5 per
cent on all purchases, Angle & Ply-
T. F. West and ladies have returned
from Stemman after a few week's ab
uurran lor straw bats. All sizes
and styles below cost at Angle & Ply
males s.
The Hammersly Bros, have secured
some good placer claims on Evans
Persons owing for the Singer
sewing machine should call on L E.
Bob .Anderson, of Tule Lake, has
two horses at the Central Point fair
If -you want tho Singer sewing
machine, call on L. E. Hoover, cf
Medford. -
The regular term of circuit court for
Jackson county convenes September
5th, 1892. .
Wanted Farmers and laborers to
look at the fine line of durable shirts at
the .racket.
C. H. Ercanbrack of Central Point.
made a
nd n. flrino- trisit t,n Palifni-nin nnt .
long since.
Largest stock of men's youths', and
childrens' clothing in town at Angle &
PlymaJ.e'8-. . , '
Mrs. Dr. O. F. Demorest is expected
back from her Willamette visit the last
of this week. .
Trunks! Trunks! Valises! Valises!
Largest stock; lowest prices at Angle
& Plymale's.
Rev. T. H. Stevens has moved into
the residence on C street lately vacated
by J. L. Napier. -
Go to O. Hoi tan, tailor, and .in
spect his goods and prices before buy
ing elsiwhere.
L. G. Porter expects to move into
his new residence east of the creek in
about two weeks.
We claim to turn out the best and
neatest job work in the valley at rea
sonable prices.
Mrs. M. H. Russell and family left
for Nebraska Monday morning "to re
side p3rmanently. -
Slover has the only' fountain in
town and gives a large, loaming glas3
of soda for 5c.
The elegant Nunan residencs in
Jacksonville will soon be completed, so
says J. A. Whiteside.
Demorest Bros., dentists. Nitrous
oxide gas administered for painless
extraction of teeth -
R. T. Armstrong, late deputy sheriff
of this city, is still in Portland, but
will visit California soon.
Use flour from Eagle Roller Mills
and you will find it better than the
best. For sale by Angle & Plymale. tf
The Demorest Bros, have returned
from their coast trip, having driven
over. 200 miles in their cart. ,
Maxcy handles all kinds of soda
water at 5 cents a glass. '
Mr. Grosman took the train for Cali
fornia Monday . to be treated in San
Francisco for a serious malady.
Mason fruit iars at C. W. Wolters;
largest stock and variety. -
E. A. Welds, of the Medford Wire
Brace Fence company, returned to this
city from the Willamette last week.
A fw bargains in boys' and men's
hats at the Racket.
J. L. Napier, lately of this city, has
moved his family from Anderson, Ore.,
" to Grants Pass, where he will locate.
Ten cent Cuban Blossom cigar for
five cents at Davis & Pottenger's.
The first reunion of the old soldiers
and sailors reunion association will be
held at Ashland September 13, 14, 15.
. We have come to stay. Call and
see us. , Brophy & Mathes.
The Grants Pass band .will attend
the- old soldier's reunion at Ashland
. and assist in the big time- anticipated.
Assessor Hamilton '' informs us that
his labor is about completed, having
only a tow strangling assessmenta to
make. .
H. Kllppel rode north Tuesday,
See Wolters' adv. Is Is a dandy.
Mrs. Geo. Webb returned home Tues-
day evening. ;
Fine line of toilet soap at the Racket
Miss Hanlev returned from Rose-
burg Thursday.
Ladies' belts. 6 cents and ud. at the
County Clerk Max
Mullcr visited
among us this week.,
Go to Brooby & Mathes for good
A. L. Alford is in Klamath land with
his threshing outfit.
Hanging lamps at cost. Davis &
John E. Miller was down from
Brownsboro this week.
Placer and quartz claim notices
for sale at this ofhee.
Judge J. R. Webster , was over from
the county seat thU week.
Complete list
books at stover's.
of Oregon school
Geo. Pi iddy has been repairing An
gle & Plymald brick sidewalk.
Large and small melons at all
prices ai C. W. Wolters.
J. E. Shearer will leave for Clurinda,
Iowa, next Monday to visit his paivnts
The finest sweet water grapes on
the market at Woltars's.
W. W. Cardwell and wifo have re
turned to Medford from Portland to
live here in the future.
Rubber lip lead pancils 10 cents
per dozjn and up at Siover's.
Erehthelaiies pitched in and worked
and carried waier at tho latj nrj.
That was a wonderful bucket brigade.
Buy your school tablets at Siover's
and get a good lead pencil free.
Tho best placj in Jacksonville to
trade is at Jonnsoa's. He has just re
ceived a large consignment of new
I. W. Thomas returned Monday from
his trip to Williams creek. Ha re
ports toe mining prospects in that sec
tion very good.
Call and see tba now 5 and 10 cent
counters at the Racket.
The melon market is a good one this
year. Although not too nutujrous the
fruit is of an extra quality and com
mands good prices.
Smoke the Detroit Free Press
cigar at C. W. Wolters'. -
Coroner Bo wen Porter of Jackson
county, resident at Gold Hill, died Tus
day night of what is supposed to have
been heart disease.
Prof. Rigby is back from the Califor
nia trip and reports the prospecte for a
large attendance at the business col
lege very flattering.
The new hardware firm of Simmons
& Cathcart have been awarded the con
tract by the city to lay water pipes,
etc, as advertised.
C. Farnham"s Eagle Roller mills, of
Ashland are running double shifts and
still cannot supply Orders. Tho flour
is full roller process.
Adkins & Webb havo stepped down
and out of business and the new firm
01 bimmons & jatncart is la lull pos
session. ee ineir aav.
School Books and Stationery
at Strang's Drag Store.
The prevailing low price otTered for
wheat at present keeps tho farmers
from sslling. The farmer who can
hold his wheat for batter prions will
S. H. Holt has leas?d land naar E. P.
vvaiKer's piace, ana win move nis lam'
ily to Medford this winter, that his
children may take advantage of our
school facilities.
The hot coffee distributed among the
workers at the Sre last Tuesday morn
ing by Mrs. I. A. Webb was a very
thoughtful and kindly act and fully ap
preciated by all.
The celebrated Manhattan Food for
horses, cattle and poultry. Guaran
teed to cure chicken cholera. For sale
at the Strang drug store,-Medford, Or.
W. H. Parker was elected a delegate
from this couty by ths democrats to
attend the state central committee
meeting, which took place in Portland
on the 19th inst.
Tho Wolters-S?ars outing pary from
the coast arrived home last Sunday
eveniog, all as brown and happy as
could be. They report a pleasant and
invigorating trip. (
Mr. and Mrs. Sears, Miss Grac-! Fos
ter and the Demorest brothers, of Med
ford. Ore., were ainonjr tho visitors to
the soa shore during the past week.
Crescent City Record.
Widow Kimo's barn on tho old Shide
ler place, near Bssh ford's, southwest
of town, burned to th- ground Monday
of this week. Considerable hay was
lost. Cause unknown.
A Red Men's lodge has been organ
ized in Jacksonville, or rather reorgan
ized, for in olden times a lodge flour
ished there. This lodge starts out
with flattering prospacts.
John W. Curry was at Talent the
first of the week loading a car of wheat
for Angle & Plymale. to be shipped
to Port Costa. The price paid for this
wheat was 52 cents per bushel.
Several good young horses for sale
on time if desired. Also a thorough
bred Poland-China sow and pigs. In
auire of D. T. Lawton. Mitchell-Lewis
& Stavcr's agent, Medford, Ore.
George Hamlin bai purchased fifty
acres of the J. S. Herrin ranch lo
cated south of town. This is a
fine piece of land and the purchase
price S30 per acre was none too much.
Our peoplo here feel under lasting
onngationx to iacicsonvuie lor tne loan
of its hand engine in the time of need.
and to its citizens also, who turned out
so generously, a debt of gratitudo is
owning. ,
Jean Orr this eek brought in a
quantity of the largest and bast grapes
ever seen in this section. They are of
the sweet water variety and Citne from
the ranch of Weeks & Orr, a few miles
south of town. " "
The following Ashland citizens vis
ited this city '.his week: C. Farnharo.
N. Depew, J. J. McMenhan, Col. J. T.
Bowditch, G. M. Graingor, R. K. Sut
ton, T. Ropr and wife. J. W. Hocker
smitb and W. C. Montgomary.'
A partv consisting ; of W. K. 'Davis
and Samuel McGe-e and families visited
Crater lake anout two weoks asro, ro-
turning Monday. Mr. Davis reports
iiicuiy ui euuw m tno vioinuy 01 me
laka aad game of all bIzos and kinds.
Charlie Howard, of Medford, struck
in on Spencer creek Friday with nor jw
of surveyors 01 raiiroau. isiaa. xuoy
nro wnrfiinir utj toward Pelican hrr.
Klaiuath S-ar.
The Alford sto?m Vur-sh?r crow will
arrive tomorrow from Jaoksnn county
without any of tho bother of last year.
ther traction engine and thresher
having remained herd binco last fall.
Klamath Star.
Tho Creed Bros, havo bt?on boring
wells for W. S. Crowell, and last w.elc
in five and one-half hours, thirty-five
feet was sunk. Pretty pood record
this, and proves that the Creed Bros,
havo an excellent apparatus.
Judge W. Crawford daily receives.
specimens of quartz from different
prospectors in tha county, ana has a
beautiful display in h:s ofilca. Ho as
says all specimens free cf charge, and
many miner 3 are taking advantago of
Wilson & Dowell havo moved their
wagon shop out of tho Damon building
which stood on the Amann property on
C street. Mr. Damon has taken the
build inp down, and tho wagon shop is
now located back of the blacksmith
Rev. E. E. Thompson and wiTo left
Monday evoninsr for Portland. Mr.
Thompson goes " to attend tho confer
ence at tho metrooolis. He expects to
be returned here for the coming year
to resumo his duties at the Methodist
church. .
The following teachers will preside
over the Jacksonville school tho com
ing term: Prof. Price, principal; Gus.
Newbury, nssistnnt principal: Miss
Agnes Devlin, intermediate depart
ment, and Miss Doa Ankeny, primary
Peter Arplegata and son Mark and
a party of throe or four others, passed
through hern one day last week on
their way to Ynquina bay. Mr. Apple
gate was a form-ir residant of Drain
and met many old friends wbilo hero.
Drain Item.
Tho Medford Distilling nfld Refin
ing Co.. challenges the world for
purity of goods. Their goods are
made from the best of corn and rve
and are absolutely PURE. Whole
sale house at Medford Ore. Your val
ued orders solicited.
J. A. Martin drove in from Bolt
Monday to get flour, claiming that in
his vicinity it was silling at about $25
per thousand pounds, while hero ho
paid $17.50. Quite a difference. He
was accompanied bv Mr. King, brother
of W. S. King, of Bolt
The plaintiffs in tho caso of the state
vs. T. M. Howard have been estopped
by an injunction. The case will come
up at the coming term of the ciTuit
court for the purpose of deciding
whether or not Judge Walton had ju
risdiction in the premises.
It is expeet;J that tho Tabl Rck
raintinffto b exhibited at the World's
Fair and tho Portland Exposition will
be completed about the middle of Sep
tember. Tho picture will bo the
means of perpetuatinc tho fame cf the
artist, Mrs. Rowcna Nichols.
The O. K. Barbsr shop of which
J. E. Shearer is chief tonsorial artist,
is furnished with elegant and easy
chairs and tin rarors are always in
good order. Go thou there and have
thy face shorn of :t nricklv point.
Next to Grand Central Hotel Front St.
Grand Chancellor Joo Havre. K. or
P.. has been visiting tho different
lodges of tho valley and instructing in
the secret work. B met the members
of Medford lodgo Saturdnv evenine.
and Sunday took a trip to Jacksonville
with the "intention of working up a
lodge at that place.
Work in tho prospect tunnel of the
00a! mine near the Meadows, opened by
Asniand parties, nas o?en continued
during the dry season while tho watr
tiow ts lignt. and tne onalitr of tho
coal vin is reported as improving
somewhat as it i reached further from
the surface. Tidings.
C. B. Watson, formerly a resident of
this county and for years receiver of
tho port, has lately ben appoin'd by
the state board of school lands the
agent for the state school board in Coos
county. Mr. Watson at present is re
siding at Ashland, but will raovo to
this county soon. MarshCeld Sun.
Mr. Bashford informs us that the
crops down tho valley ara turning out
bettsr than had been expected. For-dyc-j
only expected 1.300 bushels and
got 1.803 from his plac. Mr. Gordon
reaped over 3,9W bushels from 100
acres, and twenty ncros on last ycars
corn ground yielded S3 bushols per
acre. Record.
The new flour mill near Kirby is an
assured fact. Mr. Orm will proceed
tosstupa 51-barrel plant forthwith.
He has found govornmo' t land just
north of town, and thn citizns have
agred to build the ditch, which will
tsp th Illinois river for water power.
Tho mill will b- in oparation to grind
next season. Courier.
That Mrs. M. L. Alford. of Tulent, is
an artist, at least in window decorat
ing, is arnply proven by tho nppear
ance of the display in tho windows or
the Wolters grocery. The lady's han
diwork is nmired by all who havo seen
it.. M. L. Alford. "who has been as
sisting Hnm during Charley's absence,
returned to Talent with his wifo this
Oregon big rod applos are bMng ap
preciated evpn at homo this year.
Thy are usually left on the tres un
picked, and in tho carlv fall thn or
chards aro covered with decaying
fruit but not so this yoar. Apples
are scares and are retailing in many
places at $1 pr bushel. They "are
usually worth about 10 cents at this
season of tho yoar.
W. Green, the new mnrchant tailor
or Medrord. has fust received the larg
pst stook of goods over brought to the
Rogue River vallny. and as ho is hero
to stay and -build up a tradn, ho will
make suits to order for $24 and up, and
pants for six dollars and up. Step in
ana s nis display, fit guaranteed.
All kinds of cleaning and repairing
uono. via f ans notei ouuding.
Mr. C. W. Wolters and family, of
Medford. Ore., have been spending sev
eral weeks along onr sea shoro. Mr.
Wolters is a nalivo of this city and
left hero when an infant, this being
his first visit since. He is proud of his
birth plnco, and met many frionds of
his father, and himself and his family
havo mnde many mora duriner their
stay. .-His father is now a resident of
Jackso" villi. Ore., and is remmbprifl
fby all the all the old timers, being in
Dusiness nere tnirty-two yenrs asro.
Mr. Wolters Is one of tho prominent
merODUU oi Aiedtora. (jreecent uttv
''Record. -
Used in Millions of Homes
firi Firel
Our city was saved, and that by a
miracle and hours of hard and hot
work, but A. A. Davis, of tho flour
mills, is tho loser by ubout 2i0 cords
of cord and slab fir wood. The fire oc
curred last Tuesday morning at about
1 o'clock, tho oi-iyiu cf which is un
known, but as usual thero aro no ond
of theories advanced.
This immsnjo pile of wood stood
about 60 feet west of the flour mill, and
only because the wind was favorable
can it be said that all that portion of
the city in the vicinity of tho fire es
caped devastation by tho terriblo
flames. Of coursa wo do not forget
that even though tho elements were
kind, tho mill and all property adja
cent would have burned ten times over
had it not besu that our citizens turned
out by tho scoro with buckets and
drained every well in tho neighbor
hood. How they did work with buck
ets rmd carpets and small hose until
broad dayligktl A harvest of blistered
bands and faces and stiff joints tell the
talc. Finally the Jacksonville section
well fire apparatus was sent for and
speedily subdued what was left of the
terrible tire fiend's handiwork.
What of Meaford's water supply?
There was none? No water in the
ditch for two days previous, and what
little thcro was" in tho tank tho fir?
boys made good uso of. Tho lesson
was a costly one to'Davis, the sufferer,
but perhars cheaper in the end.
Phoenix citizeus had ben given pcr
miasion to use for irrigating what lit
tlo water there was in tho ditch at this
season of tho year, providing they
would clean out tho ditch, and thus
Modford found itself almost in the
"soup," as the saying is. But there let
us be thankful all is as well as it is.
Wo will only add that there Is a cer
tain clique who on the:o occasions al
ways bold aloof from any good work
that might be rendorvd. They sit or
lounge around, making sido remarks,
and even hindering the public spirited
workers wno Know no taiigue.
Tha 7orH HnricapJ.
' The facilities of the present day for the
production of e .-crj'lliing that will con
duce to the material welfare and comfort
of naniisd arc almcst ualinitcd and
when Svrv.i cf I-"irs was firit r: reduced
the worM ws enriched wi-Ji thS ouly'l?sian . it-out further
. . , was certainly almost tho
remedy which is tru!y pleasing and re
fresHng to lie taste end and
effectcal to cleanse the c vstem gently in
the Spring lias "r, in fact, at any time
and the better it is known the core pop
ul2r it b'"oae?.
Sand Baeccd.
A. P. Dunn, of Gold Hill. s'.orreJ
over at Ashland Saturday niahlon his
way to California. He saw the sights
dui icg the eight and painted the town
red. About nine o'clock Sunday tuorc
ing he was found m-aronsof the hous.-s
of the demi in a dazed coali
tion, having b?en asaulted and robbed,
according V hi own otory, by three
highwaymen and struck over lac lu-ad
with a "blunt instrument. Ui claims
the robbers took S1G from him, but in
their hurry saissod tho bulk of his
money, which was hiJJcn in an Inside
rocket. Ho left the case in the hands
of the Aslntid marshal and took the
Sunday morning train for Yrcka. The
officers from Ashland come on to Med
ford immediately and with tho aid of
our lecal marshal and night watch.
collared three suspicious looking char-
actors wit n their Blankets, who were
waiting for tho ovening passenger,
with the intention of riding thj trucks
or blind bapgaga toward tho north.
Tho olUcers thoroughly searched and
questioned these tourUt. but as noth
ing could b.' found or proven on them,
they wcro rekasad, and tho affair is
still a mystery.
Studies wiil be resumed at St.
Mary's Academy, Jacksonville. Ore.,
on September .5, 1S92. Facilities are
off :rcd for securing a thorough educa
tion in the branches pursued in the
best institutions. Although pupils arc
received at any time, parents and guar
dians wishing "to place their children
under tho caro of tho Sisters of tho
Holy Names will sosk their own inter
est by sending them at tho opening of
the wrm. - -
Entrance fee, paid but onco So CO
Board and tuition per term 40 CO
Bed and bedding per term S 00
Music with U89 of instrument. ... 15 00
Drawing per term G CO
Painting, water colors, $3; oil
colors 10 CO
Typewriting per term 5 CO
For further particulars, apply at tho
Flro Bugs.
"Gentlemen, evidently there an fire
bugs among us." Tho abovo remark,
and there suroly is reason for it, can
be heard on all sides in Medford those
days. Tho burning of Davis' wood,
which camo so near proving fatal to
our beautiful little city, aroused well
grounded suspicion that it whs the
work of malicious hands, but the straw
which broke the camsi's back was laid
on about midnight on Wednesday,
when flames were discovered on tho
cornor' of tho warehouse belonging
to the R -R. V. R. R. nnd
standing closa to their depot. Tho
lire was almort immediately extin
guished, consequently no damago re
sulted. That oil was used this timo
there is ample proof. An old' can
partly filled with whito lead was also
found on the spot, and this led to a sug
gestion that p jrhaps spontaneous com
bustion might explain away tho mys
tery, but this Is hardly satisfactory.
If human hands are doing this devilish
work, and should the perpetrators b
apprehended, woe botidn their fato.
Hanging is too good for such as they.
Now Try This. .
It will cost you nothing and will
do you good, if you bavo a couch, cold.
or any trouble with the throat, chest
.or .lungs. Dr. King's Now Discovery
for consumption, coughs and colds is
gunrautsod to givo relief, or monoy
will ba .paid back. Suflerr3 from la
grippe found it iust tho thinor nnd
under its uso had a speedy and perfoot
recovery. Try a samplo bottla at our
expense and learn for yourself just how
good a thing it is. Trial bottlos free
at G. H. .Haskins' drug storo. Large
size Me, and $1.00. .
40 Years the Standard
Farmers,- Attention.
Thetavlff having been takon off of
flour wo aro silling full roller process
flour for 90 cts. per ack. Anglo & Ply
malo. Resigned.
Tithe Jackroa County Agrinlturil Associa
tion. Gentlemen Owing to tho peculiar
position socially in which I am placed
as one of tho three members of the
managing committee for tbo coming
fair, to be held on tbo Jackson Countv
Association grounds next month, 1
must in honor to mvsclf and tho prin
ciples I maintain in reference to pjr
mitting the salo of intoxicating liquors
on the fair grounds, resign my position.
Believing as I do that tho sale of the
same is dotiimental to the bost inter
ests of any community, and especially
at a fair, which is supposed to stimu
late tho best industries and Interests of
the general public.
Fooling that I cannot conscier.tioualy
labor with said committee, thtrtfors 1
hereby resign ray position on said
managing committee.
F. T. Downing.
Central Point, Aug. 24, 1802.
Good Stables.
First c!ass rig9 of all dc3cript!ouii
can ba procured at all times of tbo day
or night at the Clarendon hotel livery
stables. Drummers and citizens usein";
teams should give this stable a trial.
Satisfaction guaranteed; charges rea
sonable. .
Special Meeting.
A Fpccial meeting of the town board
was called Tuosday afternoon to con
sider the water question. All citizens
were invited to attend the meeting
with tba board. Provision was made
for tho immediate construction of two
large her.d gates to store water for
;mergenci?a such as areso Monday
uit-ht. Also tho water committee was
authorized to appoint a night engineer
forthi;h for the lima of or.o month,
pending the settlement cf the well
question. A mass meeting was called
for this (Friday) evening at 8 p. m., Ic
the opera house, to which all citizens
interested aro urgently requested to
attend. At this moetinc step will hi
taken to procure the sinking of an ar-
dolav. It
sens of tho mooting that a de-!p well.
artesian or otherwise was injispeaia-
and tho sooner dug tho better.
The State Pays Promptly.
MEDFORD Ore., August S, 1SS2.
Received from tho Stati Insurance
company, of S.i!ra. Ore., through
their agent Mr. J. E. Enyart, the sua
of JG17.40 in full settlement of my
dwelling which burned rccn'Jy, and -I
fully recommend this eoracany to my
neighbors and friend who noed in
surance. Signed, W. P. Faiilow.
Resolution cf Thacks.
Resolved. That wo, tho Board of
Trustees of the toarn of Medford, ex
i-7u to ai memoers ci rrotecuon
IIos-? Compnny ot our city our thanks
for their efficient work done at tho fire
of this morning. Also to the citizens
of Medford. Jacksonville and the sur
rounding country for help in fighting
th 3 contending elements to a success
ful victory. Wo feel that had r.otth .re
been such, united effort as was put
forth at that time, our beautiful town
would bar been in fchos today.
Bv ordor cf tho town board this 23rd
day of August. l?1i
J. A. v iiiteside, Mavor.
J. H. F.VKJS, Racordor.
Hurrah for as Artesian Well.
The experience of last Monday night
has aroused not only the city council
hut every property owner In Medford.
This citv must havo a sufficient wator
supply to rauot all exigencies, either
present or future, and no delay will be
tolerated. All seem to bj unanimous
that a deep well, and an artesian one if
possible, is tho only sure solution o(
this momentous question. In our judg
ment an artesian well is just tho thing.
L?t us have a woll. Don't miss the
meeting this (Friday) evening.
At tho Prcsbytorian manse on West
Eleventh street, on Monday, August 22,
at 4 p. m.. by tha Rov. F. J. Edmunds.
Mr. W. n. Mowat to Miss A. J. Fobes.
The bride and groom aro citizens of
Ashland, where thcypurposo to reside.
Tho newly wedded couple took tho 5
o'clock train for Portland and other
points of interest north on their wed
ding tour. They were accompanied
from Ashland by tho Misjes Frink and
Reynolds, who witnesson tha marriage
In Jacksonville, August 23, 18D2, bv
S. J. Day,ox-recordor, Josoph Rolf and
Miss Irma Wiloy.
How is This 1
Wo offer Ooo Hundred Dollars re
ward for any cas of Catarrh that can
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., To!odo,0.
We, tho undersigned, havo known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and b
lievo him perfectly honorablo in all
business transactions nnd financially
ablo to carry out any obligations mado
by their firm.
West & Trunx, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo. O., Walding, Kinnan & Mar
vin. Wholesala Druggists, Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly on tho blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Prico
75o. per bottlo. Sold by all Druggists.
Testimonials froo.
Attention, Citizens.
You are one and all horoby urgently
requested to meet in mass convention
Friday evening, August 20 at 8 p. m.,
in t he opera hous-, for the purpose of
talcing definite aud immediate steps to
procuro a porpetual supply of water for
tho city of Medford.
J. A. Whiteside, Mayor.
A Card o Thanks.
Tbo thanks nnd gratitudo I feel to
tho kind f rlonds who worked so nobly to
save my property Monday night would
take a whole pago of thia" pap&r to ex
press. Thanking you each and all,
-1 am Yours RospU.
'V " l.vAW
We buy for Cash, and we buy to sell.
We buy direct, and we buy in quantities.
You will always find our stock complete.
We sell at one price, acd that the lowest.
We treat you courteously.
A satisfied customer is our best advertisement.
Our constant aim is to gire you the best goods at bottom prices.
We make your interests ours. -Your
child will be served as cheaply and politely as yourself.
A comparison cf our styles and prices will convince you that tou
should trade w:th t3.
The Popular Grocer,
c. w. WOLTERS,
Staple Diy Ms, Groceries, Proriiis,::
We Pay the Cash or Exchange Our Merchandise
for All Farm Products-
June 11, 1S92. Yours Respectfully, J. NUNAN.
ANCLE & PLYMALE. Proprietors.
General Merchandise Groceries,
Fresh Bacon nnd Lard, Choice Strained Honey. Pure Cider, Vinegar
Cigars nnd Tobacco, Canned Fruits, Vegetables and Meats,
Extracts, Spices. Flour. Matches, Etc.. Etc.
Y". B.ProdiccA Taten in Ex-change.
L A.
Carpets, and Paper
o Curtains
MertaMi CareMv Attenfled to.
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware
t and Fine Building Material.
(Fkrrantcd Cotlory, Cvponterc and Builders Tools. Fishing Tickle, Ammunition. EUu Eta
Redjacket Force Pump?, for doep or shollow wells. Tin Shop Attached
Pr- ' ... . vlM . Cashier. , AssL. Cashier
Jackson County Bank.
CAPITAL, - $50,000 Medford. Oregon.
Loan money on approved security, receive deoosits subject to check,
aod transact a geueral banking business on ths most favoraMe terms.
JSYour Business Solicited.
Corbiu Banking Co., 2."Y;
Commercial National, Portland. - '
MIS, ;
Bacon, ;
Els., Etc. ;
Pacific Bank, San Francisco.
Ladd & Bush, Salem. ' . ' '