Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, August 26, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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V; ft.-' sr..-.. t
Published Kvery Friday Morning.
Subscription i.m per year in advance.
Entered In the PostotOoe at Medford, Oregon,
. m Second-Class Matt Matter.
VfXDFoRD, FRIDAY. AtGUST 26, 1892.
Peggies'- Parly TMet.
Nathan Fierce, of Umatilla Co.
W. H. Galvani, of Washington.
Saml H. Holt, of Jackson Co.
W. Gk Burleigh, of Wallowa Co.
Tue drunkenness and scandals
of the late congress show littlo dis
: position, to legislate for' the people
or relieve them of the burden of
taxes. "' "-- - . ;
The Oregoniaa editor has no
- doubt in his own mind that he is in
favor of protecting the. .negro in his
right to vote provided he votes
. the republican ticket. . , .
The Portland Telegram calls on
the democrats to organize. : "After
the People's party gets through
there will be nothing ltft for jou to
organize, Mr. Telegram.
What will Cleveland do for votes
in Alabama when the colored re-
nnrtlirnna vnt' TTarrienn? " Tt
-r- ' took their votes - to " Dull : the state
i -'- U -v daiOnrTlin tirlret - thmnph - last
--.-. - - . iAferno458'called, ye workers iu-1
; -A " . " . - T I . - ;
head and" j6 to Hwk, for there is
'R'LKVEbAfrhas written an
other Ietter,5n. which he expresses
the the modest opinion- that .those
democrats who do not support him
in the coming campaign "are recre
ant to their country."
A vote for Wea-ver and Field is
a vote for something besides who
will be your next , postmaster, but
this ib not saying that a new post
master will not be installed shortly
after the "two Jims" are inaugur
atd. ...
'it. &Z-?r-t SbcBSTabiss .-of the different
;-.i.Lvycotjrdtt ahould n: t fail to send
jtv-'VinHhei.awBa addresses to the
' - secretary oflBeiconnt v executive
committee that-lie mav be mtelli-
. s - .. .' .
geatly.- informed - of the present
eUengkh and '; where the weak per
uns are.
1 -
- "'-i - -Yorr voud' ottrself into the
present financial condition to please
your party leaders, and there is no
law- against your continuing it.- If
2.v - W-'-"'iv'-' jou Hke to sweat . fourteen hours a
njrs,ar'ti iae your pay in rags,
: patches and debt, just keep it up.
r You. are th boss.
i- .-. . Unb-half the world knows not
how tlie other half live," and it is
.- "v "fortunate en the whole that it does
.'--glials- To take in all the suffering
i r ' andmisery there is around us, a
ryast"portion of which even wealth
Could not alleviate, would drive
''-.c.-Vi sensitive and sympathetic people
info the mad house., .. . '
-: C-Tbat the People's party will
iCT r4 ::' -'" can7L fin, county and Southern
Jt- X. '"J..-f Oregon in November is becoming
".- -i- ' inoe apparent as the campaign
Vopens, and the different county
- 3"? rcluba respond to the call to organ
" " ize.' The state nf Oregon also, as a
whole, can 'even" now be counted on
as People's party, and with the sys
tematic work only begun, it is safe
to conclude the victory in Novem
ber will be complete.
John Shermah is whistling and
chattering and, as he thinks, jok
ing in his evil old age, to keep up
his courage. Here he is on the
World's Fair souvenirs: "Give the
.Fair 15,000,000 and do not make
... believe that you" are deceiving
. "' : .'A yourselves in giving it a 70-cent
r- fvl-- silver ' dollar or two 35-cent half
dollars." Ifchlldren cry for it, as
i'Y1 5-'-'!Me aenator bos said they will, why
"- not. give them 'castpria'?" said Sher
-i-- m'S -V- 'Ji man. ' ' "I have read that is a. noo-
nan. "i nave read that is a pop
ular thing with tho little ones, more
Zi. popular even than the . souvenir
iL'Ji. i half dollars woald be except for
"The democratic party of Oregon
hns begun its preparations for an ac
tive campaign. But the republican
party makes no sign. It is tired. It
lias been ridden so hard by the boss
es that it wants to rest awhile, and
it is doubtful whether the interval
between now and November will
give it a sufficiently long vacation.
But perhaps the senators and repre
sentatives in congress, with the col
lector of customs at Portland, can
carry the Btate." Oregonian.
And perhaps not . v
A smart Aleck sneeringly asked
an old farmer 'what he had learned
in the farmers' alliance. The old
gcntlem.iu replied : "I have
learned to be a friend to myself, I
have also learned to love my wife
and childreu better than the party
boss; besides I have learned that I
have long been systematically rob
bed by law,' and that it's my
bounden duty to stop it, and that
to do so I muFt vote the independ
ent ticket."
The hope of the laboring men in
Pennsylvania no less than in the
North and South,lies in the People's
parly, which is the sworn enemy of
the economic pilicy which is mak
ing an aristocarcy of plutocrats on
the one hand and millions of indus
trial slaves on the other. ,Tho Peo
pie's party g the only party which
plutocracy is unitedly fighting.
As long as monopoly in money,
land and transportation exists,
plutocracy will fatten ou the life
blood of the farmer, the miner, and
the machanic, and millions of toil
ing people will year by year find
themselves sinking deeper and deep
er in the mesne of hopeless serf
The vote of Oregon in November
will be about S0.0O0. The Weaver
party will have about. 20,000.
Probably 2500 votes will be cast for
the prohibition ticket. There will
remain 57,500 . to be divided be
i tween Harrison and Cleveland,
tween Harrison and Cleveland, and
down over oo.ww. Uregonw
Great "Scott!" He has actually
conceded tho "Weaver" party
20,000 votes in November! ."That
means 25,000 in " sight ; e ure.
Now let us do a little figuring on
the basis of what the Oregorim
has said above: .'
The vote of Oregon in November
will be about 70,000. The "Wea
ver" party will have about 25,000.
Probably 3,000 votes will be ,c.i6t
for the prohibition ticket. There
will remain 42,000 to be divided be
tween Harrison and Cleveland, and
the vote-for Harrison may b$ set
down at not over 22,000.
But a few months ago the pluto
cratic press of this country, speak
ing in sneering tones of the Peo
ple's party, called them a lot "of
cranks, calamity howlers, witless
fools, etc., but the following from
the San Francisco Daily Examiner
shows very conclusively that the
third party movement is now being
recognized and treated with that
respectful consideration due a great
and formidable organization:
The People's party have entered on
the campaign with spirit and energy.
The tour of General Weaver, its can
didate for the Presidency, shows that
it is well organized and has roused a
widespread interest. .- The attention
the candidate has received from the
people on the trip to the Coast and the
general curiosity shown are some
what remarkable when they are at
tracted by the representative of a
third party. Colorado and Nevada
have even been aroused to enthusiasm
through the free coinage vl-ws of the
People's candidate and have given
him a hearty welcome.
The reception of last night in this
city shows that San Francisco is ready
to five the new candidate a fair field.
The concourse that greeted tho Peo
ple's party leader is an evidence that
there is at least interest in the cause
be represents and a readiness to listen
to anything that may be said in its
favor. This may not mean a large
number of votes, but it is certainly a
compliment to the party and its can
didate.' San Francisco is not intoler
ent of third parties, or of fourth or
fifth parties either, but she has a habit
of leaving them alone. When she
shows a decided interest in. any out
side the regular organizations it' may
be taken as evidence that there is
good reason for it. -
The People's party is an important
sign of the times. It has crystallized
the discontent of the last jears of the
century. It represents a good deal of
sincere objection to things as they are
and a belief that some large social and
political probloms can be solved by a
short cut through legislation and gov
ernment. This is a free country, where every
man is allowed to carry out his ideas
if he can get enough others to agree
with him.- It is proper' that those who
believe in certain ideas and principles
should band themselves together to
carry them out if they think them
imDortant enouch. The consideration
of whether the Ideas are good or not
aoes not enect their right to try to
carry tnem out.
Whother the People's party proves
to be one of the empuomeral organiza
tions that last for a campaign and are
heard of no more,' or bei:omes' a per
manent force iu tho politics of tho
country, what is good in its ideas will
survive and find practical realization
in our Government, and what iu bad or
Impracticable will disappear. But just
now It has the enthusiuatic support of
many thousands of sincere believers, )
and unbounded claims in regard to ttu
strength. As an organization that will
cut considerable of a figure in the cam- j
paign it is worth watching with re
spectful attention.
' The Riugis not Doad Yet.
lid; tor Southern Oregon Mall:
A few words in regard to our
present county board. It is still
plain to be seen that the Jackson
ville ring is not dead yet. Mr. P.
M. Parker some time ago came in
contact with a sump in the county
road. 14 threw him from the running-gear
of his wagon, dislocated
his ankle and cracked one bone.
He called in the Gold Hill doctor,
who "mnde three trips and charged
him the kuiu of $60. It is well
known here that the supervisor was
requested last spring to cut the
stumps out of the road and he re
fused to do it. So ono of his men
left him and went back and cut
stumps until he had worked his
time out and the rest of the stumps
were Itftin the middlo" of the road;
and these were the slumps that crip
pled Mr. Parker. He was. confined
to his house for over a month and
beiuS a man with a large family,
his neighbors advised him to get up
a petition and present it to the coun
ty board and sec what they would
do for him. The leading tax-payers
of this prec:nct Figned tho pe
tition. Some of which arc : J. H.
Breeding. Wm. Harper, G. F. Sch
midtlein, W.V. Jones, John Woods,
A.. C. Spear, J. . V. Robinson,
Isaac SimpkiitS and a great many
more names. This petition was pre
sented to the county .board, at the
last board meeting and not a cent
would thev allow him, so it is plain
to be seen while a man lives in
Jacksonville and belongs to the ring,
they will raise his salary 1100, but
let a poor man come in from the
country, they will say, "we do not
know you for you do not belong to
the ring. But it is a long lane that
has no turn and justice will yet pre
vail. ,
Later As Mr.Pnrkcr was going to
Woodville with a load of wood his
wagon wheel broke and threw him
from the wagon and hurt his ankle
ngain and he Pufferd considerable
pain Saturday and Sunday.
A Kicker from Woodville.
Woodville, Aug. 15, 1S32.
General Weaver's Movement
Des Moixes, la., Aug. 22. General j They were first so called from . be
Weaver, after visiting at home a few; jng cultiva'.ed at Canteluppi. a
nours, smrieu oouin ujnigni, ue win
ftrw.ftL- thivwmh 'MKcsmpi A rl-.nna
Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, the Caro-1
linos and Virginia. Ho ui return to
Iowa early in Ootobir, and d-ivouj the
rcmttinderof hU lira) to the Northwest
ern states. He is in goad health, and
very sanguine.
To the Public
We. tho undersigned, having dis
posed of our hardware business in this
city, wish to thank cur patron3 for
favors received in the past and will al
ways remember our business relations
will, the public in this valley with
pleasure. We alsabespeak a continu
ance of liberal patronago for our suc
cessors, Messrs, Simmons & Cathcart,
knowing them to be worthy of such in
every respect.
All accounts due us we wish settled
at an early date.- Kosptfully.
Adkins fc Webs.
Medford, Aug. 23, 1692.
What Do Toa Think of This?
Sochern Oregon Fruit. Mr. T.
Shattuck, the leading mclon-growor of
Rogue river valley, arrived hero yes
terday with the first car load of melons
from that section. As ustial, the melons
are much better than those from Cal
ifornia. Mr. Shattuck has this season
the control of tbesbipping of CO acres
of melons in the vicinity of Grants
Pass. Ho says this ground will yield
a good average crop. In olhor parts of
the Rogue river valley, around Med
ford and Central Point, the acreage is
short and melons poor, having sulleroj
from drouth and ripening before ma
ture. He has not seen Mr.Jackson's
"patch" away up the river, but has
heard that he will have a fair crop.
Mr. Shattuck savs ho will be able to
ship a carload per day. and sometimos
two from now till the frost comes.
There will not be more than half a crop
of peaches in this country around Ash
land, Mr. Shattuck says, and in the
vicinity of Grant's Pass thero will be
even less. Oregonian. .
Education alone can conduct us to that enjoy
mom which Is, at once, best In quality and lu
finite In quantity. Mak.x.
The Medford public schools will open
Monday, Sept. o. Our course of study
and thoroughness of work have been
examined bv the agents of the Stato
University and Agricultural College
and approved by .thorn and our school
placed to as high a standard of scholar
ship as any in the stats. Its graduates
or those holding tho principal's certifi
cate of qualification will bs admitted to
both the3o7risJ.itutions without exam
B Class Englivh Literature, (Alge
bra review), Geometry, Philosophy.
A uioss Language, U. S. liii
Arithmetic; Algebra.
Business Course Penmanshro.
Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Artn
metic, Business-Forms.
If you wish a practical education,
preparo for college, or fit yourself for
teaching, attend the Medford schools.
. If you have not decided whore to go
come and examine the work done- by
our pupils last year, this will talk more
forcibly than the pen.
Our building is new and seated,
lighted, heated and ventilated for com
fort, health and convenience.
The principal and bis assistant, bs
sides being teachers, are competent
biBinoss men of pratioal experience,
plain, rapid penmen and expert book
keepers, and they tench these practi
cal tbingB to their pupils.
Penmanship is tunght in tho latsst
approved methods used in our leading
commercial schools.
Our school makes a spicialty of holp
ing the farmer's boys and girls to the
education they will need in their prac
tical lifj.
The principal will bs at tho school
building on Saturday. September 8,
from 0 to 4 o'olock, to examine all who
' may wish to enter and- give informa-
tion in regard to course of study, text
books, etc.
ut parents we osic. ino same neany
co-operation that you gave us last year
hi our work, ana we will ail luoor to
the end that our schools shall be tho
pride of our city.
Business College Opening.
Thoopov'.ingexercisesof tho Mediord.
Business College will take place at tho
Baptist church of Medford, Ore., on
Monday, Sept. 5, beginning at 7:30 p.m.
A program has been carefully arranged
for tho occasion consisting of short ud
(1 i-osses by ome of the leudin men of
Jackson county, and music by a drilled
chorus of thirty voices with orchestral
accompaniment, conducted by Prof.
John Weeks of Phoenix.
The entertainment is free and we
take this method of inviting the public
tojittend. Come one and all.
1. Orecini; rfran Ail Hall the Power.
2. Opening Prayer. .By Rev. F, J. Edmunds of
S. Anthem I'll Wash My Hands.
4. Opening Address. .By Prof. C. S. Price, Co.
Schoo Supi.
5. Address.. 13y KeT. T. H. Stephens of Med
8. Anthem Seel See Tucy Comet
?. Address.. Dy W. I. Vnwtcr, Prcs't Jackson
Co. Hank.
8. Address.. Uy Hon. W. B. Parker of Jackson
9. Address.. By Prof. Cua Newbury of Jack
10. Addreso . .By Rev. G. W. Black of Ashland.
11. Anthem
li Address.. Bon. J. A. Whltesido, Mayor of
13. Address.. Hon. J. 1J. Whitman of Medford
11. Closing Address. .By Rev. Ira Wakefield of
1 Closing Hymn ...Old Ilundred. by consrc
18. Benediction.. By KeT. E. Russ of Medford.
R. Right. Collego Principal.
The state fair 1S92 commences
on the 13th day of September, and
lasts one week.
The wild blackberry of Oregon
is undoubtedly superior to any
such fruit that grows. It should
be in our markets more.
A sister of murderer Wilson !
started from the East with $1000 to
defend him with. She arrived in
Portland the day he commitcd sui
cide. The Northwest Progress, publish
ed at Mominoth in the interest ot
the Prohibition party, has suspen
ed publication on account of lack
of patronage.
Grand Chancellor Hayne, K. of
P., is out on a visit to a number of
lodges outside of Portland. His
state deputy, George A. Bcavi, has
made official visit to a majority of
the lodges in the jurisdiction.
A correspondent asks why muk-
melons are called cantelcupes.
i a ,.:B.A ,. Rnn,
....... ' ' t-" "
small village near
e? "ad oe" introduced Ifom A r
tnenia by travelers.
Jacob Bowman, of Ashland, was
partly paralyzed la week, and
there is no hope of his recovery.
He has since professed religion and
was baptized in a tank last Sun
day bv Rev. J. A. Slovor and the
help of men, who carried hiai out
of the house on a sheet.
Articles of incorporation have
been filed in the ollice of the secre
tary of state by the Farmers' Jour
nal Publishing company, of Port
land, with a capital stock of $10
000. Tho incorporators are H. B.
Luck, W. II. Spaugh. Charles Mil
ler, A. Luelling, W. G. Burleigh, S.
H. Holt and W. A. Sa-j.ple.
A large party of mountain climl
ers left Grant's Pass for Crater
lake recently,; of N. P.
Dodge and wife, Rosco Person and
wife, H. C. Kinney and wife, Mrs.
McLean, Mrs. Pigncy, Mrs. Grant,
Mrs. Van Dyke. Fred Minch and
C. P. Cramer. The party will be
absent several weeks.
The annual fair of the Southern
Oregon State Board of Agriculture
will be held ut Rosebnrg, commenc
ing on Tuesday, September 20, and
continuing five days. It promises
to be the best fair ever held in
Southern Oregon, as several of the
farmers and business men of the
valley are olready making arrange
ments to display their products and
M. Kellogg has purchased the
applo crop of Mr. Netherlands, on
the Houck place near Ashland, for
a Portland dealer, and expects to
ship a car load from Clawson this
week. He has been negotiating
for the crop of apples and pears of
E. K. Anderson and others down
the valley, also, snys the Ashland
Tidings, and is said to have offered
as much as 70 rents a box in some
Deer may bo killed in Oregon
between July 1 and November 1;
does between August 1 and JaiiU
ary I ; however, deer must not be
killed at any time unless tho car
cass is used or sold for food. Swan
and ducks may be killed between
September 1 and March 15. All
tropping, netting, snnrring or
destruction of eggs is prohibited.
It is unlawful for a period of fivo
years to catch or kill Mongolian
The state treasurer is notifying
county treasurers to pay up tho
balance of taxes due on the levy
made by the state board on the
figures of the state board of equali
zation. Many counties paid on the
levy made by county boards, which
are lower. The stato treasurer
states that unless the count treas
urers pay up at onco the warrants
will soon have to be endorsed.
This circular is based on the late
decisions of the supreme court.
At Washington Park, Chicago,
in the presence of J0,000 people
August 17, Budd Doble drove the
beautiful maro Nancy Hanks
against time, beating her own . pre
vious record 1 seconds, and lower
ing the world 'b trotting record of
2:0S a full second, which rstab
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
lishes a new record of '2:07j. This
was done on the regulation trot
ting track, of which Maud S. held
tho record of 2:08. while Sunol's
rt-cord, which was made on a kite
shaped track, was 2:0S. Nancy
Hanks covered the mile at an aver
age of 41 2 5 feet to the second.
St Peter (o:i a summer vacation,
lut. looking af'.er business on the
side) See here! why haven't you
been up my way?
Surprised Denizen of Earth
Why, I'm not dead yet.
St Peter You deceive yourself ;
you've been dead some time, and
you fire very much in the way hero.
Surprised Denizen I'll call in
the neighlwrs to prove I'm alive
and in business.
St Peli-r That's too much trou
ble. Here's your best local pa
per; show me your advertisemeat.
Bueklrn's Arnica Salve.
The bist salve in the world for cutr,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sorcs,tetler, chapcd hands, cLilblainr,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect Satis
faction or raonev refund.-d. Price 25c
per box. For sale bv C. H. Uaskins.
Ii now id lae hands of the printer. Ccatalna
3U pagea.
Not a Revolt; It is a Revolution.
D!c of all political platforms for 100 yean.
Hitnry of par: in America.
Hilorr of important lecislauoa.
Votes on Important question.
P'.messsica ul Hrople piny principles.
Itscus-ioa of the i'tnkcrion nsiliua.
Anaiy!? of eattocal back law.
History ot the -rrrrnbarU.
SpTbe of ttc -Nine" In eoesie-a oa Free
Trade. Frt- Surer a-1 other tonics.
Speeccr-a of Senators ICy 3ff and PeCer.
u&sloo of Uie aun-lreajary plaa.
Ditcct-'lon of ral1road naUoaai-zauoa.
Tliese and many ether pjict of le?ere-t
raake the book lavtlsablc to ail mho w!:a to be
.10 etpecla feature of the boclt U that It r-ho-v-rapl.i
tb'5 eooj-rea. It re-rartl.Uatneasr-rv-i:
U:,l tt pbolocra'iti '. old r-r'ic as thoy are
Uxlay &d riddles their siiarr.s ad subterfuges.
PCcc II. Address
IS C S:rc-ri. N E.. Washisgu n. l. C -
Rrfor-a pn-M please ry. The boek nel
rroceda l.l be appropriated to C2-ps!ga
wotk la tie soaUi.
:artificial ice:-
Brewing, Ice and Cold Storage Company,
Ice delivered in small and large quantities for ONE CENT A
POUND. Wagons will deliver ice daily in Medford. Tuesdays, Thurs
days and Salurdavs in Jacksonville and Central Point. Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays in Ashland.
Eagle Roller Mills.
Tie Best of Flour, Grata, Cora Meal,
and Chopped Feed of All Kinds.
Wheat Exchanged at all time? on best terins possible
C. FR1STHA.M. .Ashland. Ore.
IWachinery and Vehicles,
piitleil Farm & Soiing wagons, Buggies, Carnages,
Carts and Harness, Champion Mowers and Binders, Bonanza
and Starr Rakes; Canton Black Land . and Hillside Plows, Gale &
Bisssll Chilled Plows. Bale Ties and Binding Twine a Specialty.
D. T, LAW TON, tVTr Medford Branch.
9 Powder
Baal Estate Transfers. VI
Or & Trans Co to JO Marshall, lots 31. SI, 3J.
bile A. Ashland, reserving water right and
privileges. t'M.
J O Marsnall to Lucy Marshall, tame prop
U&MCoto Lucy M Marshall, lot 30 blk A,
Same to same, lot S4. hlk A. ISO.
Cnas Main to Chas F Nicholson, lots 4, 5, t,
blk 10. Medford. ICS 61.
O Galnard to Asneth C Bentz and John B
Bcntz. land In tp 39 a, r I e, 3 ICO.
Spencer Cbllacrs to Franklin GaUowsy, 150
acres tp 3ft s, r I w, 12.000.
Grace J Skeeters to W E S Eddy lots 1 and i,
blk S8. Medfonl. fc2i.
O & T Co to Harvey G Vf ortoan, lot 12, block
78, Medford. $ij.
C larlcs Miller to C K Klum and M n Drake,
I O lot containing l.i!l acres; albo lot 3, blk,
A- hlnnd. SI
t K Acdcrscn to Elizabeth A Smith, land in
tp s. r I 1 iu artr-s. II too.
U S to Ktttie M Ellis, ICO acre3 sec 5. tp S3 s,
U S to John Dodsoa, ISO acres tee 20, Tp 33 s.
r 2 w.
The Royal Baking Powder main
tains its vigorous hold on the pub
lic, ana is acute and aggressive
against the impure and injurious
taking powder palmed oft on the
people. In this task it is perforin-
i-.g a good work for honest and una'
dullerated food products.
Specimen Cases.
S. H. Clifford, New Cosssl. Wis..
cos troubled with neuralgia and rheu
matism, bis stomach was disordered,
bis liver was affected to an alarming
degree, app?tila fell away and he was
temoly reuueed in nesh and strength
Three bottles of Electric Bitters
cured him.
Edwtrd Shepherd. Harrisburg, 111.,
bod a running sore on bis leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and seven boxes of
of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and bis 1 g
is sound and well John Speaker, Cat
awba, O., bod five large fever sores on
his leg. doctors said ha was incurable.
Oca bottle Electric Bitters and one
b)x of Buck'en's Arnica Salve cured
him entirely. Sold at G. H. Hoskins'
drug store.
CsiTto States Lasd Orncs. i
Roseburg. Ore.. Aug. IS. ISM. f
Kotlca Is hereb given that tbe approved map
of the surreys ot the following loosc!ps hare
tcr. received ax this to wit:
AIU -f township No. IS south, of targe No S
c-l, V. id : air the heretofore ccsurreyed
ycrfon ct tow-aship No. 14 oc:h. of range No. S
wtst. W. M..lo-wit: SeetWES No. . to. 19.90,
SI. . S. vr. SS. a. :o. M. Ss. S3. 31- 35 aad as.
The flat of ta:d surrers thereof w-J I be tied
in this rC.ce ca the Irftb tfay cf Oc.ober. I?9t
acdun acd after the sa'.d I9U day ot October.
lr93, we will be prepared to receive applicauocs
for the ectry of the land in said town:hip.
Jou.x H. SncPE. Itcsuur.
A. M. CBAwrooo. Receiver.
For Jackson and Josephine Counties,
.1 " ffoonni
Will be Held at the fair gronndt near Central
I'oim, commencing on
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 28, 1892,
and continuing four days.
OVER $5,060
Offered In Premiums and Purses. '
And each specially requested to briDg
along whatever in in bis line he
may adjudge worthy and'place
it upon exhibition.
tarNo rains will be spared by the
management to make tbe fairasucctss.
i.T. W. Merritt,
P. T. Downing,
I. B. Williams.
Mrs. W. J. Pltmale, S?c.
Jacksonvit!;, Oi-e.
Of Eastern Shoes.
Suits to Order, $24 and Up.
Pants to Order, $8 and Up.
Satisfaction uimm.
Comer of 7th and C Sta.
Has just received a large stock of
also a finestock of
Which he will sell as low as can
be sold. Small profits and quick
ales will he his motto.
Cail anil
?ee for vourself.
Havinff bought out Frank Galloway
is now prepared to CU all ' orders
The Cheapest and Best Picket Fence
made. Correspondence Solicited. Ad
dress all orders to
Medford, - - Oregon.
UsrriD States Land Ornrt. j
Kosrburc. Ore . Aug. IS. 1JSS. (
Notice is hereby riven mat tho fallowinr
named settler has filed nolle ot his in lent ion
to mak. final proof in support ot his claim, and
that said proof will bo mado before the judge,
or clerk of the county court, ot Jackson county
OreKon. at Jacksonville. Or., on Thursday,
September s, imc, vu: Oliver W. Slv. home
stead enirt No. &.ST1. for the southeast "ouarmr
ot section 3, township 3T south, range 1 vest.
lie names the following wiunesses to prove
bis continuous residence 'upon and cultivation
Vt. HUM i.uu, via.
Carl Swansen. Fred I-arsen, Fred Stttnscn
and John W. Smith, all of Medford. Jackson
county. Oregon.
JOBS B. Sacra. Register.
A new and Complete Treatment consisting ot
Suppositories, Ointment in Capsule:, also in
Box and Pills: a Positive Cure for External,
Internal, Blind or Bleeding. Itching. Chronic
Kecent or Hereditary Piles, and many other
diseases and female weakness; tt ia always a
ureal benefit to the health. The flxat discovery
of a medical cure rendering an operation with
tbe Knife unnecessary horealicr. This Kerned.
has never been known to fail. II per box. 6 for
6; sent by mail. Why sudor irom this terrible
disease when a written guarantee is given with
S boxes to refund the money if sot cured. Send
stamp tor free Sample. Guarantee Issued by
Woodward. Clasu 4 CO.. Wholesale R.
tail Druggist, Sole Agent. Port land. Ore.
Q. H. UaaVlns, sol ipu lor Kaafert.
teething purpofl.w.. . . '
t-i - '