THE MAIL IS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE FARMKRS' AI.LIANCK AXIt PEOPLE'S TARTY OF SOUTHERN" OREGON'. ADVERTISERS Do yon ntudy. your best 1olS est sad patronize this paper. It Hi be appreslswd by all the best farmers, Utm wkctp yvu, get txiulo. ' -: .'- I." i C ' '. A. Paper Of, By and For the Tcoplel- . . ' . ' ' -. ." ' . VOL. IV. - - ? ii- H MEDFORD: OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST !8!)2. : V " -'.v rV:;. ": : -NO,3i. SOCIETIES OF MEDFOHD. r K. of P. T.Uisimn tnCIja No. 31. meets M in day evening a 3 p. m. Visitirg bn.tbrrs al ways welcome. .' . M. IV.TSkekl, U. C. J. A. WKtTSAS. K. Of 1J. S. A. O. U. W. Lod.RO No. 9. meets every "sec ond and fourth Tuesday in the mouth at S p. m. in rjie'r hail In tbo opera block. Visiting orotaers invited to attend. J. A. AVbiteside, YV. M. . G. F. MKatiiMAX, Kecorder. I. O. O. F. t-ixlce No. S3, meets In I. O. O. F. hall every Suurd.y at at rr3thrs ulirar4 W.livlm. & p. m. Visiting j IX S. Youngs, N. G. A C NiCHOi-Sox. Kec. Sec. . . . I. O. O. F. Rogue River Encaimimcnt. Lode No. 30. ne:ls ia 1. O. O. F. hull the second and ourth Wednesdays of each month at S p. la. W. 1. Vayiek, C. P. B. S. Webb, Scribe. Olive RehoJsaU Lod.w No. 2S. meets in I. ft, O. F. hall tim and third Tuesdays of each month. Visiting listers invited to attend. Mks. D. S. Yocsgs, N.G. A. CX Nicholson. Sec. A. F. & A. M. Meets tlr -t Friday on or be fore fall uioon at S p. m . in A. O. U. W. hall. N. L. Nakkeuan, W. m. J. S. HaffASo. Sec '.-.-! G. A. II! Chester A. Arthur Post No. T mits in tj. A. R. hall every second and fourth Thursdays iu each month at T:Min. M. C". C. XuBLE, Com. J. K. Fakis, Adjt.- - j ; . F. A. I. T7. I. L. Polk lodge No. KB. mcctf evory T jesJay at S p. m. G. R. Buiscs. Pres. Enworth Le?.?aa moots each Sunday ever-t-i?"at S:"Wl D. T. Lanog. prrsidect. Juliu Falde, secretary Younir Peoplo" Lit-rary meets- Friday vea insr; of eaca weeJt. uader the auspices cf tin HpTorlh League. AV. C. T. U. Meets at Christian church cverj Monday evening at 7 p. xa. . Mxs A. A. Kellogg, Pres. MBS. E. P. Hiimosn, Scc'y. Y-M.C. A. Meets ererv Sunday at 3 p m at M. K. caarch. W. S. Hau.v, Pres. M. E. RlGsv, Sec. - Secretaries of above lodges will please nttem to corrections. Any st-ciety wishing to have : place in this directory will please hand in nec essary data. CHURCHES OF ftlEOFOBD. Methodist KpLoeopal Church E. E. Thomp son. u-i-t -r. s.-rriccs the second and fuunl Sabbat:; sorains. II a. m.. evening. do p.m Prayer mating at 5 p. m. Tharsday. !undaj school ea:i Saaday as 111 a. d. A. K. Johnson, superintendent. - - ' . v ... Christina Church P. R. Burnett, pastor. Preaching nrst and third Sundays in montt. momia : and evening. Worship every Sunda;. marniuir. Sanany school at 10 a. in. Prayc: meeting every Thursday evening. . ' Presbyterian Churciv F. J. Edmunds, pas' tor. ireaching at II a. ra. and 7:A) p. m. 5aa day school at 10 a. m. Y. P.S. C. K.,6:!5 p.m Baptist Clinrch is at present without a i as tor. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evea iu?. SanUay school at Ka.m Farther aotio given as saoa as pa.'wr is secured. The pr.stors cf the dI3cr?nt churches are re quested to attend to corrections. T1 B. PICKEL, Pkysiciax and Scrgeox - - Medtbrd. Oregon." OSce : Rooms 2S3. I O.O F. BIdj j B. WAIT, Physician ami Surgeon. Mcdford. Oregon. OSSce: In Childera' Block. EPGEARY, : . Physician and Surgeon. " -. ; Medford, Oregon. . ' ; . Office: Cor. C and 7th sts, " f. S. JONE3, Physician and Surgson. - Meditird. Oregon. : OlSce: Hamlin block, up stairs. B R. O. F. DEMOREST, Resident Dentist. Makes a specialty of first-class ; "" work at reasonable rates. Office in opera house, Medford, Or ROBT. A. MILLER- , . . Att'y and Jacksonville, Oregon. Will practice in all courts of the : - : ' State. WHITMAN, Abstractor and Attokney- At-Law. . Medford, Oregon. Office in bauk buildintr. Have, the. most complete and reliable ab' str acts of title in Jackson county TTTILLARD CRAWFORD. Attorney and Cowsellor- ; -At Law. . Medford, Oregon. OfiSce: In Opera block. AUSTIN S. HAMMOND, Attorney-At-Law. Medford,1 Oregon. O0oe: I.O.O.F. Building. f& NEED OF THE HOUR. I THERE' K "" IN T; "M'jiH WORK TO CE DONE 1 E NEXT FEW MONTHS. Tbr.t I V.luit Noah Allcu, President ,ot tho National Citizen' Industrial Alli ance.' Declares! I the Itnpurtnut Tact for ThlnUcra to Realize. Now that the conventions are over pnJ tj10 t;,.ttet3 aM j:1 tho held marshal- 'in" the forces must begin. Tho hues I , , - i are drawn, aud the most :nomentovs po- litical contest for a quarter of a century is njxu ns. - Tho lovers of Khl au' t-!? enennes of liberty, the monopoly fed and trnst fattened cormorants, the par tisan bigot and jiolidcal leeches are united against the people. Success at ail hazards is thoir tletermiuation.- Tliere is no life too dear, no character too sacred, uo iKillot too pure to esca-0 their seiiish, avaricious assaults. Vili fication, slander, libel and personal, vio lence if need bo will be resorted to. Orsauisatioa, colonization, "blocks of fcve, tens ai:u twenties, fraud, petjnry and bribery will be their weapons ia tho present campaign. . Homo workmen are to be crowded out and back to make W.-V for imported voters. Exorbitant i freight rates are to be estorted from tho j farmers, merchants and consumers to swell tho campaign fund and despoil and corrupt tho ballot bos. Complete organisa ion. liberal donations and con- I tribntious. and rcrfoct obedience lo tlioiv nlntoreitic rcstlera their bono 1 ofsncces? j We to tho necessity of t V. t l,tIA 11 X Bl V tt.l UiA j and work to cieet an unscrupulous and I insiaiocs foe is defeat to onr principles and danger to onr liberties. The need fox close, conservative organisation was never greater. Op;a political clubs arc, i-csuQcicnt. " We cannot afford to drift in fancied security whea the political worms are destroyiitg the bulwarks of American liberty. If we would throw off tho corporation mcabu3 we must thick, act and vote, and set) that our votes are couuted. If wc havo a free ballot and fairconut. we must organize and stand together liko men and patriots. Ko organ iialioi for the education of the masses in tho interests of justice and equality should bo allowed to dissolve or lose its power. Lach reform organization Las a legiti mate mission and held cf labor. - j Tu9 Farmers' Alliance, Knights cf. Labor and kindred organisations :irej nonpartisan and edr.catioar.1 in tte'i j character, and aro composed of a mem j birship limited to certain classes, and are thcrclorc restricted ia their work, i ork to 1 Br.t each has a noblo and useful wo: perform. Tho l.'adoaal Citizens' Indrtrial Al liance L, composed cf a membership from all stations and callings in lifo wa stand squarely uison the St. Locis plat form, aud white not a partisan organi .;r;oa iu li ixditical and will wcrl; fur . tho party adopting its principles, and ! tho Peoples party having dono this we ' lake onr 'stand and pledgo onr s-.f prer; ' to Weaver and Field and tho Peot,l party tickets in every state iu the Union : Our membership is .composed of! chantc farmers, laborers and busincia or professional men of 11 callings, irre- spective of whether they ere membrn of other reform' organizations or not, and va meet upon, a common level to devise the safest aud best method to1 meet aad resist onr common ee:ny. While working in perfect harmony wo occupy a field unoccupied by any other reform organization. The Nalieual Citi zens Industrial ATiianco is a national organization: its.. mission is a good one. its cistenco a necessity. - . Tho work of reform education in busi ness circles, guarding aud protecting the ballot against illegal voters, fraud and bribery, is essential, cud must bo dono by reliable, conservative, organized effort. : Tho pluns for succesBf nl work cancot bo laid in open view of tho enemy. There is much to be done in an important contest lilie this that must bo well and carefully planned." Our organization is well adapted for that work it is for that purpose.- Po litical clubs aud committees need all of the assistance they ,can get, aud on purpose is to assist them with well ma tured and organized plans. Snrly wo ninst fight if we would win in this etrnggle, and to fight well the National Citizens' Industrial Alliance- should bo thoroughly organized in every city, town and hamlet iu tho land. . .Let every paino-.ic reiormer join us, put ma shoulder to tho wheel and help cs on to Washington. W ith united efforts, patri otism aud the people will bo victorious. Noah Alien in Topeka Advocate. Mean 1us1mch la Georgia. .. Tho plutocratic press cf Atlanta fondly imagines that it is fooling some body with its misrepresentations of the relative strength of the two parties in Georgia. If it had a greater love for tho truth it would bo more respected aud more infincntiaL Its bold misrep resentations havo ceased to hurt tho Pcoplo's party or to do its own nny service. Everywhere that meetings aro held those of tho People's party are from fonr to twenty times larger than those' of tho Democrats, aud the enthusiasm, if not as noiily expressed, 13 deeper and more earnest. The people are in dead earnest and they can neither bo deceived, fright ened uor coaled into again supporting the old parties. Soolheru Alliance Farmer. Tiie Silver I'robteni In u Nutsholl." Free coinage of silver means $1.29 per ptincc. This will inako Colorado mines pay big wages and employ thousands of idle men. These men will spend the money; it goes into tho channels of trade, and by stimulating trado employs millions more idle men and f nroishes tho medium for their payment. The rich . ...... ....... t... i,n nam ! dollars made, for then the peoplo would not havo to go-to those Tieli bandits and pay them., for tho use of their supply. is tho silver proUoni in a liutahell. Pneblo Colo.) pritsis. ' TO THE DOUBTFUL VOTER. A Vote for Principle Is Not a Vote .-.Thrown Away This Year. Ve seo in tiie oast that, tho old party organs are advising voters to uvoi.l throwing away their votes on any new party.. This hoary headed weapon of monopolistic partisanship was uever so stuffed with sophistry a3 this year. - This is a great year to vote for princi ple. Wo will not here discuss the soundness and breadth of tho People's party platform, but if any voter is con vinced that the new party has trained its gnus four square. to the solution of the question of private monopolies and still wittlioids hi:: vote, let him make a careful snrvery of the situation. The currency and corporation monopolies of thss country have a grip upon both the liepublican and Democratic parties. President Harrison had to uitike a tour of railroad a:td trnst attorney tor a man to run his campaig i. In half a dozen northwestern states the result will bo determined by the purchasable vote. It is a cold question of money. Talto Indiana as an example. Four years agoa private canvass a'iuwed that there were S1.UU0 purchasable vote, and tho Ilepnblicans required -3,0'-0 v! them to carry the election. As thecvm:: showed, it too ySotl.UOO to swing l.iefo 29'CCJ 1I,to ,he Kcpuuliean column. If tbo Democrats had been able to raire $SC0. the Republicans would have lost ,,lC Blat0- " lt au cc!r believes that bis country saor.w nc run by the people rather ttia.! hy t ue corporations, the tuost metnotl ot llirowmg awav ina vote is to : Uoor j - ti:cre c:'a 1)0 signiGcaace ia the suc cess cr t nuor cr iae oia itrtics. i.ivy both str.nd for special privileges of a few and against the interests of tUo many. They work together whenever there is any cangvr that a new party will unhoric them both. -- In RogcrQ. iVJls" district afew woejiia ago it became evident that t!o Peaybtr's party was about to carry the cljcUou. and in onlcr to prevent lliis Repahiiciu baniers contributed mouey lo eK'ct n Democratic candidate to congress. Judge Anthony, Democrat, was ia con- sctia,nce olccteJ l.y a s-.rH ttjority , tac purcnaye ci tae negro vote wua i;e-, , f. . V. .I.- publican inouev in two Republican conn-; tici Doniocratic bankers and railroad attorneys ia Kansas L-ave been piviri-4 ; aid and comfort to the Kansas Uepuh- j lirscs. j And so it gees, especially through the ' wet and south. As tho combat deep- : ens, it will appcarthat there aro but two parties in this great repnblic fbc party f monotwly and tho party of the pe.p!e. ' Tho November election is cot a hcrro race uor a gamo of chance. It is tho duty cf every citizen to vote his convic tions. Wc s.r? npin tho eva of a revival of principle, honor cn-t cqial justic?. j And Bgaiu. looking at Uie contest ' from a tactical point of vijw, no man ' throws away his voto this year if he supports U19 People s party. A very , conservative estimate of tho outcome in Xovcmt-er is t hat ri con them and four . western state;. six Deui'cra.ic a:id fonr Republican will enter tho electarrd col lege of the People's party. There will in consequence be co elcc'.iotr and the choice of president wiil Jj thrown into the hon$e and tho choice of vice rrcsi- .1..... i-tn r Ut lib i.U t.It. O.Ubkb .,, .labiotimo. It must lo setlie-j now. in If you wi.l taso tao eomhem r.u-.tes 1 . ... . . .. . . , ,., , . 1 next vote we cast will determine if we which will iiot vote for Cleveland, tae 1 . , . . ... . . . . ... ., ; aro true, state loving Coloradoitiis. or Farmer s Aluanca states aud the n:ve." . .... .,. . . p , ... states, tac rule prevailing accord-1 inft to taa terms ff will be readilr s take very much of a tidal wave to 1 isid General James B. Weaver iu tho presi dential chair. Tha house cannot voto for any name that did uot Ttire ia the electoral college. Thcs it wiil lie a choice between " liarru-on, Cle veland and Wciiver. It. is needless undir the circnmstancca to remind any reformer that his duty is to vote for lho parry cf reform this year unless he retilly wishe to throw bis vote awav. Xew Nation. A Spcntmen from Cnlorutlo. Tlio following rpccial dispatch from Ouray, Colo., to The Cocky Monntain News, of Denver, explains itself, and is fairly representative cf the sentiments of three-fourths of former Republicans and Democrats ia tho state: Lyman I. Iler.ry. chairman of the Re publican county central committee, of fered Ins resignation today as follows: Ccntu.mes I hereby irndir my reniftna linn cs a mcmiicr nntl of yucr rum rnlllM, nn.l rfYtif(..t flint fliis nHtii-nri! inn tnki. ; effeel I mined lately. . I Urvb nlnrays Ijrn-lnfnr. acted witli and buppost-d that I wasamuslst- cat member of tho Itcimblican j arty. I can not finl any rcavu trnt iinrtory to mrc!f n-by I shodM uni.v act nhb tbe pnrly upon the lines laid down in tbo national platform. I ran not f prove, of tbe plunk coureruluit tbocoinaKvof bilvcr. , I eatioot find any rcn&onablo interpretation of that plank cornny acts or czprersion front tbe candidate on that plat form 10 justify mo ns an unqualified sappnrtvr of tbo free and un limited coinagoof stiver untMo ratio or iu to 1. Ccuticmcn, my peinonnl relalious with you have keen at all liutex pleuMint; my only r orct Is liittt Ibis action on my part nmy possi bly ewer Ibu Intimate- relations and friendly conditions tl:nt bovo brretofore c-.l-.tcd . b- ! mccn tu In Ibe work of politics. My only de- biro in poiitieal action is tunt Ilie couimou eood of onr country may be BUbserved. gntlslled irltli Tliclr Own Way. With duo respect to the opinions of those who have iu other states chosen n method different from ours, we innst say that the South Carolina plan of get ting reform in.sido tho white man's purty commends itself to our jiulgmont as well as oar taste. Tho reformers here havo all. they could get bj-any possi bility by independent nc'tiou, nntl besides this there is comparative peac.o botwoou us. Cotton Plant. A ricasnnt Surprise. ' It will Y'e quite a pleasant surprise to many farmers to learn that thoy are prospering us .never before; somehow there has been a lurking suspicion that the GO per cent, depreciation in farm and ; produce values was not indicative of r prosperity., 'lheirdonuta will liecnareiy diupeUed by the soft, cooing of the tariff ruspouscrs'in yoar mind. ChDSj.ning (Midi.) Argos. LET US K.NOV WHOM YCU ARE. It Is Important for Every Thinking Man to Coino Out Ittittlly. Fntile, vain and foolish would be file position of reformers of today if they were uot honest in their convictions mid determined to carry them- out. The masses of this country cannot afford to longer trust tUose who have been instrti-. cieutal in blinding tho public with false promises. Let him who declares ha has violated nouo of the promises ho has madu come out from among those who have. No man can bo a true soldier of a cause and wear t'.io uniform and serve in the ranks of his enemies; a good Christian and wear tho livery of the devil: nor can he be true to reform mid continue to wear tho collar and brand i of plutocracy, placed upoii him by ! inexorable decrees of his parry caren L'.y the brand you wear will yoa be ct;t mid driven by tho herders of lefoim. lie who persists in wearing tho braed j of Mr. ('levelatid'a Wall street platform must l:enl Willi plutocracy t-tlu'ii and American and chould t!ie grazing (vote) become short at:d dry ia their pastures, our advice to those who bo- come restive and uneasy is to first slip the plnitK:ra!io brand pat oa you at Chi- cago, and then if you becomu btvachy t i... t aim .r-nK t no rt-L,.,:, -.ares j.ra Ijt.,:ul0ri Oregon, will be accorded a place among tuo re- I form herd according to yot'.r merit. - I A. C, Taylor county, W. Va.: Il Do uot bo deceivetl: the m.-ues nro! would seem at last that the coi:j fully posted as to the political character I ,., people of the wst and south li ' . . L." li'.V 111.' 'i UO 1 . L l4 Ug V . J I cago ticket. i hey witl uot forget tao i , " 1 , , , . J --M mIu:: ! cannot! nro 0..KI and mammon, nutter can of Tennessee has indorsed Governor he servo tae p,?ple ..d p.totcy. i--t,jiltl p. Buchannn ns an indcKn tis wear our coiors hue bo.'.est men and . , ... be readv to say boh'.ly o:. which sidj wo . 'ent canilwlte. and p'.cdj:ed him j aro iu tl3 Cght. Soathern Mercury. Colorado' Intarr!. Texas produces cattle, horses, wool. cotton and wheat. The livo prmlncts no more itr.portanttohcr.asa whole. than is onr silver to ns. tiappose a u.t- i tional policy were pending which wotthl ' isnncly cperate to render all r.f thee products cf uo worth, ur to nearly i aj;tol, g-iU. xvh;lt vvot",a iw worthless as that khc would liave to ... . , Kud of her were sho to give any sort of . , r.sseut to it: throw up her cap for it: cpend her timo and CVrts in electing the men pledged to carry it oat? mis u not an ovcrsiateinent 01 tao .. . -,- ,. 1 1.1 , con(u:ioit3 prevailing ia Colorado today. : We are not I'.ka Texas iu thus Laving a! 1 . . ? 1 . 1 r -1 ,,' QumixT tu i:ic suintc urvtis w iue worm on onr list cf productions: we have bat one, silver. If. under oil the circum stances, we should vote for the candi date cf cither of the great national ja.r lies we would commit a graver fault than would Texas if she went for the policy wa have spoken of above. inero is no getting away from the ccnclaraoa it is Csed and inevitable. Let ns not dcrvivoTcrsc!ves a moment longer. The M'.uaiioa with all its dire- fal and dreadful cousequetsoos is CjKn us. Will wo then in biiud devotion t the two old patties, or either one .f them, vote to destroy this one tangio interest upon which depends every cr.- : 1 1 . . t . - .... lUI'ltMJ ililU ito.w ui tut- ..t.e. v.. r 1 1.- r- cannot, if 'we would, push' the matter : dm v Cedar Rapids (Neb.) Re-ssi-.Io for solution at soma fntaro favor- j publican. , . . a . . , LUU t.UJill. tJllI.ll .1 L.. t .- I .t'..L nf ,,lnt,u-r.M- -7.f privi. .tiir riS t. .1 . tl ' 1 i' ' live and to work, to vote, from that ' standard hearer in this congrcs 'en i.i.vt l. woui.i liO. ; ,. . , ... ,,. ,' . , ciiqv.o vi otiu&ers in mail street vrno are bent upon the tlesirucUcn of oar only cha.:co .f present sulistence and future hoi-e.-OwndJu.icf.ou (Colo.) tjttu Frre Silver aad Korelrn Trade. England ar.d all EuroTMt know that if wa wero to oik'u our mines to tho free:cr.ilic papers in Colorado have re and unlimited coinage of silver that notmced their aileeiance to and sup Mexico and South Anu-rica and nil tho port cf the G. O. P.'s and have silver producing countries would bring their rilvcr to this country and have it coined into full legal tender money, and as it would not bo money in their coun tries they would not take it back, but would exchange it for such things as they need and that we have to sell, and if they bought goods of ns England and Europe would lose tho trado of those countries: nnd to retain tho trndo of those countries they would have to pay $l.?t). tho price it would bo worth ut onr mint, nnd tho5e nations would no longer tnako a profit of from forty-four to forty eight cents on each ounco of our .silver that we produce with so much hard work. And us all those nations must havo silver to keep up tho volume of money, they would havo to pay our price for it and pay for it in gold if they could not pay for it in nny other way. (Jt. W. King in Denver Coad. The Need .of m New Tarty. This country is ripe for a third party. The occasion demands it. Never in the history of politics was there such a cry ing demand for political reformation and revolution. It must como through a now party. The lenders of tho old parlies are corrupt ubovo all things and pnsilluniinously wicked. They, are owned and controlled, soul and body, by tho money power. " Tho peoplo uinst take their cause into their own hands, organize aud fight for liberty. This is the opportunity of their lives. It should not be frittered away. It appeals to tho noblest impulses of the human heart, and must not bo cast aside. Wiuue inncca (Nev.) Silver State. The Purty Organs tu Colorado. Tho few remaining old party journals of tho state are putting iu their "strong licks" now, and tho crack of tho party lash is heard daily. An amusing featnru is tho anxiety which Republican papers betray to havo Democrats stick to thuir ticket. Weaver, they declare, hxsn't a ghost of a chance of carrying the stuto. but nevertheless they hopo the Demo crats will stick to Clovelan.L Never wore tho Republican organs so solicitous of the Democratic welfare. Thwy an 'playing mi for fouls," an a correspond eut rejiiarks. -Fiurpltiy (Colo.) Flume, HOT CHOT Culled from Our ' Exchange! for" the Eeaders of tha Kail. The Plumed . Knight will enter the tourey on the side of Protection and Reciprocity. , Queen Victoria has no love Ire land mid will not . assist Gladstone in expcditiiif; home rule. A. F. T., Vance county, N.C.: It begins to look from the indicatona that the People's ticket will carry tliis Btate in Noveinher next. - J. C Garrison, Hill county, Tex.: Wc are booming In this county. We put out a full county ticket yesterday. Our state ticket can't be beat. - - K.' C. Gott,1 Butlor county, Ky.: The old party leaders are c-tting scared "here when they see their men filing in rank with the Peo- ,..,.(,. " Of course everybody will vole for People's Party electors in Oregon this fall. Wc need those men in Ur business, -which is to elect the Advance. nrxt' President. Wccklv will make common cause for tin common iorIe. nnol 1 think we pbould be encouraged. Th Ptrtl.' n-trttr r -invontinn ! support. The Omaha platform and ! nominations were indosed. I Hon. James Gaven Field, the nouiintc t the 1 t-opie s partv lor the high office of vice president was born in Culpepper count v, ir- pnda. February 24. JS'itf, and con stHjtur.tly is in his 67th year.. Atlanta. G.i. Au;. 19. At the state alliance convention today C. , 11. . , Ellington wns'clet t d prcs"nlcnl. Atlanta will prol ablv Le the place fur the nest alliance national con venton. San Francisco is" also . - 1 pronnnetitlv ., . - -. HotSE, Idaho, Atlff. 16. The p?o- . ... . tt. $ partv met t!i:s morniniT and proceeded to tb.c nomination of :vi-rnor. A.J. Croik, of Custer ( county, was nominated on the first bcilh'U J. B. Wright, of Ada coun ' ty, was selected for lieutenant-gov-jernor. and B. F. Chaney, of Latah, ; fur secretary of state. llcrer.ftiT we will leave the work of supporlir.t: the republican pirty t:i others.- We arc no longer able to tUfend it. We resign the task to those inclined," and certainlv in) coming to this "conclusion we" have Itfii led bv no other motive than ... . , - . . - . ; to b'tlow mr convictions of The People's party nominated J. T. Jackson, a prominent farmer of Livingston countv, at their conven " 1 11111 IICTe ItlSt rDllnr. es their i siotutl Clflrlct. ile - wears SOCKS, j ,,,! .c.;tan ones Bt that, and the ,e of ,j dijstrjtt wjH not Ced a8,wmwl -of ,lhu if he should b.ip;cn to be elected. Forty six Republican and Dcmo- come out sraight for the People's Party. In Texas more than half of the voters of the State arc said to be enrolled in- People's Party clubs, ami from every quarter, east, west, north, and south, tbe cry ia still they coin's. . ' - . t T. M. L., Adair county. Mo.: This county is solid for justice in tbe coming struggle, and we arc going to fan them out ns we did two years ago. The age has been reached; after so long a time, that the people's voice mutt be heeded. Rings, combinations, trusts, mo nopolies, trnitois nnd plutocracy must bt! exterminated. Let jus tice reign supreme. . " . , A Disptch from Omaha pays that about fifty union printers yesterday organized a Printer's People's Club-. The primary object of tho club is to secure the nomination ana election of nien known to bo in hearty sym pathy with trade unions. " Two thirds of the members are Repub licans who hnve bolted the nomina tion .if Whitelnw Reid. It is claim ed that two-thirds of the union prin ters of Omaha will become mem bers of the club. . New York. Auz. 19 One of the most movements in the history of politics in this coun try was brought to the surface today in tho appearance in this city of A". S. Houghton, of North Caro lina, a national committeemen of the neoti'e's partv. Houghton stnt cd that he had come hero as the result of a conference amoung the leaders of the people's party, nnd that the headquarters for that move ment would bo opened in this city. and further, that tho meeting of national committeemen of tne party would be held, in this city- next Thursday. Davis & Pottenger, Dealers In o- GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLAS Cmraware fooSsii GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES. GIVE US A. TRIiLL. : Free Delivery to Any Part of the City. FIRST DOOR WEST OF POSTOFFICE. BROPHY & MATHE8; 0 DEALERS IN 0 FRESH AND' CURED MEATS. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AND VEAL Constantly on hand. MEDFORD, : JAMES-A. PURE DRUGS AT CiOMS-t AND 'VIU.K!t3. OT.VMPS AND. CTATiONKltV. I JKN AND MEDFORD, ORE." II ROOMS AXD HUSUES. ChainDis, Sponges a Fsl! uiiU PRESCKIITIOXS CAr.EFCLLY COMPOUNDED. PAY - AND NIGHT . All orders answered with cars and dispatch. Our stock of MjuiciaiM U completn, warranted and of the b"?t quality. Dealers in SHELF AND HEAVY HARWARE. Stoves, Tin and Willow Ware. Cycone and Hoosier giflyEvcry article bears a guarantee," THE c LARENDOj IHOTEL.1 tfl. G. iCQOPEl, Prop,, -Medf qrdj - Or egon. First class Board Centrally Located. West ... wmm THE G. W. PRIDDY, riiOlV' 140,000 Brick oa Hani First Class Quality- Urb and Small Orders Promptly Filled. Brick Work ) o5 fill inds Executed Wh Satitsfaction. Glvs ?i!si a Call. sware; TTT 1 1 wiiioware. Sausage a.Specislty. . : : OREGON, POPULAR PRIGESf ..TIXI." I ; OAxvsa. (W1.EIS 1XD KJIKL J&ES. . ling cMcllet Prepsratisns. WE 5. slover mm BB. 9 Pumps the Day, Weelc or Moii Side of the S. P. R. R. Depot. ... mm ... Y4BT15 r I in I I v.---