Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, August 19, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Dry popcorn at JElder's.
Subscribe for the Mail.
Fine job work at this office.
Fruit jars at Davis & Pottenger's.
Col. J. T. Bowditch was in town
Fountain soda water at Slover's, 5c.
Judge Webstar was at the metropolis
last week. - - v
Goto Elder's
for tho best tea in
Miss Allie Hanley is visiting in Doug
las county.
Glass wars at cost. Davis & Pot
?tenger. M. Purkeypile was up from Central
Point Monday.
Quaker Boiled Oats at Davis &
W. H. Newton and wife were in Med
iord last Friday.-
Lamp chimneys at Wolter's gro-
, serv.
1F. E. Sollner, the Sisson tailor, was
over again this week.
Soda water, pure and sparkling,
6c, at falpver a.
On Big- Sticky, August 13, born to
Mr. and Mrs. Laud, a son.
' Pure Cider .Vinegar at Davis &
Miss Mollis Bacneburg- went up to
Ashland Tuesday morning.
; Soda water 5 cents a jjlass at C. "W.
A. H. Boothby was down from
Flounce Rock during the week.
For teas and coffee try Davis &
Mrs. S. E. Ish and Mrs. W. H. Gore
are visiting friends at Ashland.
. Ladies' visiting cards printed at
this office.
Henry Mensor passed through on
" Tuesday's train for San Francisco.
Fine spices end extracts at Davis
& Pottenger's.
. G. T. Hershberger and wife drove up
Jrom Central Point on Friday last.
Cool yourself off with a 5c glass of
plover's fountain scda.
Miss Helen Strang is visiting with
.Miss Mary Jacobs on Butte creek this
Call on L. E. Hoover if you want
to ouy or sell a cow.
Mrs. E. B. Watson, Miss Lou Kubli
and Miss Donaldson were at Coles tain
Pure maple syrup at Davis & Pot
Miss JJee Ankenev, 01 glerling, is
back from her trip to the Wiiiamstte
Go to Davis & Pottenrer's foi nil
kinds of soda drinks 5 cents a glass.
Don't forget the Bazaar at the Opera
housj next Thursday aX teraoon and
We giva a cash discount of 5 per
- cent en all purchases, Angle & Ply
tnaie. Fred Stimson is .building for him
self a new residence on his farm east of
Medford. . .
Persons owing for the Singer
sewing machine should call oa L. E.
Hoover. " -
Mrs. Geo. L. Webb went to Coles-
- tein Tuesday for a few days of rest and
pleasure. -
-If you want the Singer sewing
machine, call oa L. E. Hoover, of
George Ltnn eamj up from Eugene
Friday on a visit to the folks at Jack
sonville. Hurrah for straw hats. All sizes
and styles below cost at Angle & Ply
jmales's. .Miss Mamie Day, of Jacksonville,
left on Saturday's train for Ducsmuir
for a visit. -
Wanted Farmers and laborers to
look at the fine line cf durable shirts at
the racket.
Jobs Calvin, of Grants Pass, was in
Medford during the week on business
for the S. P. ,
Largest stock of men's youths', and
childrens' clothing in town at Angle &
fly male a.
W. L. TowDsend is back from the
mountains and can be found at the old
stand as usual.
Trunks! Trunks! Valises! Valises!
Largest stock; lowest prices at Angle
tz fiymaae a.
W. W. Cardwell has gone back to
Portland after- spending several days
Here witn nis wue.
Go to O. Holtan, tailor, and in
spect his goods and prices before buy
ing elsewhere.
Rev, E. K. Taylor, of Grants Pass,
occupied the pulpit of the Christian
.church last Sunday.
We claim to turn oat ths bsst and
neatest job work in the valley at rea
sonable prices.
.The Butte creek saw mill man, A. S.
Jacobs,' was down Saturday to get a
new saw for hi mill,
. Slover has the only fountain in
town and gives a large, foaming glass
of soda for $c.
Maxc'y has moved bis establishment
sto the Powell building, just vacated
by the City restaurant.
IJuuiorest Bros., dentists. Nitrous
' oxide' gas administered for painless
extraction of teeth.
Jackson county gets 80,278.50 as her
hare of the annual apportionment of
the state school fund.
' Use flour from Eigle Boiler Mills
and you will find it better than the
bast. For sale by Angle & Plymale. tf
The wife of County Commissioner S.
Furry left Monday morning for a visit
with soma of her folks at Marysville,
The celebrated Manhattan Food for
horses, 'cattla and poultry. Guaran
teed to cure chicken cholera. For sale
at the Str.ang drug store, Medford, Or.
Mrs. L. E. Langley, Miss Bertha
Langley and Mrs. Susan Vannest are
at home again, having spent saveral
weeks at Tolman's soda springs lately.
The Jacksonville marble man, J. C.
Whipp, put up a neat tombstone Sat
urday in the. I. O. Q. F. cemetery over
the grave of tho departed wife of J. H.
Mrs. B. F. Yount left last Friday
evening for Divenport, Wash., where
sha goes to join Mr. Yount, who is in
tin employ of .the A. A. Davis milling
company, at that place.
See. Wolters' adv. It is a dandy.
Fine line of toilet soap at the Backet
A.--Z. Sears and warty' left for the
coast Tuesday. i
Go to Brophy & Matbes for good
Ex-Governor Chadwick was doing
the valley this week.
Ladies' baits, 5 cents and up, at the
Polk Hull .was down from the Mead
ows one day this week.
Hanging lamps at cost. Davis &
E. Bay, of Gold Hill, was one of Med-
ford's visitors Wednesday.
Placer and quartz claim notices
for sale at this office.
Melvin Culp tarried in town a few
hours Tuesday from Applegate.
Maxcy handles all kinds of soda
water at 5 cents a glass.
Nelson Grimsley was up from his
farm near Central Point Tuesday.
Mason fruit jars at C. W. Wolters;
largest stock and variety.
Dr. J. S. Parson and F. M. Drake
drove down from Ashland Wednesday.
A f iw bargains in boys' and men's
hats at the Backet.
S. M. Nealon, the Table Bock far
mer, paid us a pleasaut visit Wednes
Ten cent Cuban Blossom cigar for
five cents at Davis & Pottenger's.
The framework for the roller mills
at Central Point is up, A. M. Ford
mlorms us.
Smoke the Detroit Freo Pros:
cigar at C. W. Wolters'.
The tonsorial artist, J. E. Shearer,
took a trip to Steamboat last week to
see his relatives there.
Call and see the new 5 end 10 cent
counters at the Backet.
Tabie Bock school district is going
to have a new school bouso this year,
so J. S. March tells us.
We hare" com 3 to stay. Call and
see us. Bkophy &. Mathes.
Hamlin & Grifnu's new separator
arrived on Tuesday's freight and will
be put to work this week.
It is reported that a large number of
deer are being slaughtered in Jose
phine county for their hides.
Bev. F. J. Edmunds, of this city, and
Bev. F. G. Strange, of Ashland, ex
changed pulpits last Sabbath.
Bsv. T. H. Stephens, the new Bap
tist minjsi-jr. aas arnvea wii.ii nis
family from Wheatland, Cal.
Wei. TerrUl, the Brownsboro farmer,
brought over a lot of fino beef cattle
this week for Ed. Wilkinson.
Mrs. A. H. Msagly came up from
Portland Tuesday morning for a - visit
with her folks in Jacksonville.
A. J. McKissick and family will
leave soon for Texas, where they ex
pect to make their future home.
L. Shideler, Frank Shideler, tho
Misses Shideler and Miss Giary are
camping out up Wagaor creak.
Mrs. Fay and daughtsr, who have
b3en visiting relatives at Jacksonville,
have returned home to California.
Mrs. J3. K- Dunn left for home last
Saturday evening after a several weeks'
visit with the folks at Jacksonville.
School Books and Stationery
it Strang's Drug Store.
Miss Lila Sackett has been selected
as teacher in the Medford public
schools, vice Miss Elva (jailowav re
N. H. Clayton has bseri selected
principal of thy Central Point puolic
school, with Misses Cardwell and Ben
son as assistants.
John B. Griffin ia back from the
Walla Walla country aud may con
clude to locttte up there as he is well
pleased with the outlook.
Robinson's circus had to pay Lane
county $150 license for exhibiting near
Eugene, the county and city very prop
erly standing in together.
Mrs.. A.J. Ltslie and children left
for Fossil, Gilliam county, Tuesday
evening after a visit of several weeks
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Mrs. N. F. Stead man and children
left for their horns in Anaheim, Cat.,
Wednesday morning, after a pleasant
three month's visit with her parents
in Jacksonville.
G. A. Hover started Monday' for
Nebraska, bis old home, to attend to
some'business matters which demanded
his- personal presence. He will be gone
about two months.
Several good young horses for sale,
on time if desired. Also a thorough
bred Poland-Cbina sow and pigs. In
quire of D. T. Lawton. Mitchell-Lewis
& Staver's agent, Medford, Ore.
Jacob Bowman, who was struck with
paralysis a few days ago, died
at his residence in Sam's Val
ley, August 14, and was in
terred in th: cemetery at Anllocb
Tuesday last.
The state insane asylum superintend
ent's report for July shows twenty-
eight patients to have been received
durinc the raonth. Tho numbsr now
under treatment is 788, of which only
z41 are females. -
Misses Helen Strang, Lizzie Rossi
ter, Lara Col ton and Miles Can
trail were the only applicants out of
nine that applied that were successful
in procuring certificates at the last
teachers' examination.
Prof. M. E. Rigby left Monday for
Crescent City, Cal., on a trip of busi
ness and pleasure. He will whoop up
the Medford business college and tell
the people all about the advantages
offered by that institution ol learning.
The Medford Distilling and Refin
ing Co., challenges the world for
purity of goods. Their goods are
made from tbe b-st ol corn ana rye
and are absolutely poke. Whole
sale hous3 at Medford Ore.. Your val
ued orders solicited.
E. P. Hammond and W. M. Marsters
were up on Butte cre-tk Sunday and at
tended an open alliance meeting at the
south Butte creeK scnool nous-'. Mr,
Hammond addressed the meeting in
his usual forcible and clear manner pn
tho proposed groat reforms of that otv
Jesse - Gage, father of Mrs. J. W.
Ply mire, who bas been visiting his
daughter for several weeks, left for his
homn in Oaklnnd, Ore., last Friday.
Mr.uage is an old sattieroi tn is county
and was prominently identified with
the early development and history of
this part of Oregon.
School commences September 5th.
The A. A. Davis roller mill is run
ning again.
Col. W. S. Crowell is at his Jenny
creek claim. .
J. B. Casov was down from Ashland
Wednesday on business. .
Mrs. Will Jackson has returned home
from her visit to Jacksonville.
W. W. Brotherton, of the S. P. at
Portland, was out Wednesday.
Geo. B. Hargadino and wife are vis
iting relatives at Grants Pass this
weelc. j
District Attorney Benson is up at
tending to legal business .in Justice
Walton's court.
W. 3t. Colvig has bocn hero several
days this week as au attorney in the
Sunday law case.
E. J. Pool, wife and family and John
Edwards started yesterday for. a trip
out in Klamath county.
Mrs. L. L. Jacobs, of Jacksonville,
was interviewing some of our uress-
makers during tho week.
C. P. Buck and family left yesterday
morning for Illinois for a year's visit.
Dr. Buck, his father, also went along.
Horace Nicholson and Johnny Curry
are rolling things pretty high this
week, their wives being at Dead Indian
soda spnugs.
S. Bandies brought down his .wif.
and children Tuesday from Lake creek,
and they left on Wednesday's train for
Hornbrook for a visit with a daughter
Geo. H. Andrews, land agent of the
O. & C. B. K. Co., fcnd W. A. Bucb
anau, of the B. B V. R. B, are out
from Portland and will spend soveral
days at McAllister soda springs.
F. B. Cathcart, wife and family and
Mrs. W. H. Simmons, arrived Wednes
day evening from Sacramento to make
this city their futuro home. Messrs.
Simmons - & Cathcart are tho gentle
men that bought out Adkins & Webb.
John Hockenjos, who has been a
pretty sick man lor saveral weeks, has
returned from Portland where he went
to consult the doctors there about his
case, but tht-y were not ablo to do him
any good. lie was in 'own Monday to
see Dr. W. S. Jones.
Prof. C. S. Price went up to Ash
land yesterday and informed a reporter
of this paper "that tho August appor
tionment of school money had been de
fcrred.owing lo tho fact that the money
had not yet been received irom the
stat j treasurer. m
In this issua ws call attention to the
advertisement of the Jackson County
Fair Association, who will hold the
fair at Central Point, beginning Sep
tember 28. Good programs and liberal
premiums having been provided for,
the fair will of course have a large at
tendance and prove a grand success ail
The contractors row say Oregon's
capitol will get a dome yet this fall.
The steel is now on the way, the Carne
gie strike not having delated it so
much as exected. Tbo steel comes
ready to go iu placj, and ths dome can
be completed iu forty days after the
material arrives. It is expected any
day now.
Jesse Richardson got a good shaking
up last week. H-j was engaged iu haul
ing wheat to town, and when coming
down the bill near Tbos. McAndrew's
residence the neck yoke broke and Mr.
Richardson was thrown out of the
wagon, striking on his head and shoul
ders. Although pretty badly bruised,
Jesse will sooa be himself agaiu.
Rufus Cox, the veteran thresher, is
in a quandary over tbo question of
whether the eight-hour law mcsus
eight hours of labor out of tho twentv
four hours or eight hours a. in., and
eight hours p. m. He favors and
practices the latter, but is willing to
be convinced if he is ia error. Will
somebodv rise aad explain for his
benefit? "
W. Gre;n, tho new merchant tailor
of Medford, has just received the larg
est stock of goods ever brought to lhe
Koguo Kiver valley, ana as no is aero
to stay and build up a trads, ho will
make suits to order for 824 and up, and
pants for six dollars and up. Step in
and see his display. Fit guarau'.eed.
All kinds of cleaning and repairing
dono. Old Paris hotel building.
The firi company was called out Sat
urday and the boys bad a lively run.
Tbo Mtssrs. uoldbtone s women ioiks
were burning up some trash at their
residence near the school house, when
the dry grass in tho yard somehow got
bred, and it was inougnt tne nouse
would be set on fire so rapidly did it
spread. The fire was put out. however.
before the boys reached tho scene.
The ladies of the Episcopal Guild
will give" a bazaar and ice cream social
on Thursday, August 25, at the opera
nouse, tne proceeds to De used in unit
ing the interior of their church. The
patronage of the public solicited. Re
freshments, 15 c.mts; children 10 csnts.
The bazaar will bo open in tho after
noon from 2 o clock, und ice cream will
be served, .commencing at G o clock.
Tho Johnson, McCarthy & John
son ice plant turned out lis urst ice
Tuesday, it being four inches thick.
The output will bo immense as soon
as everything get3 ia good work
ing order. The proprietors have had
much bad luck to contjnu with but
they think all difficulties are" now sur
mounted as tbe machinery is working
nicely. Large cakes ot ice weighing
240 pounds were taken out Wednesday.
We desire to call our readers' atten
tion to tho recommendation giveu the
State Insurance Co., of Salem, as pub
lished elsewhere. No other company
can bo found who are so prompt in the
payment of loses and so liberal in their
policies. Their new policies jtist out
contain several new and very favorable
features and we advice nil who need
Insurance to call on J. E. Enyart in
this city and investigate for thom
selves. . How is This!
We offer Oae Hundred,. Dollars re
ward for any cas! of Catarrh that can
not be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Curo.
P. J. CnENEY& Co. Props., Toledo.O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 yearn, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry but any obligations made
by their firm.
West &Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo. O., Welding, Kinnan & Mar
vin, Wholesala Druggists, Toledo, O.
-. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takpn inter
nally, acting directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of tne system. Price
75o. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Testimonials free.
farmers, Attention,
The tariff having been takon, off of
flour wo aro selling full roller process
flour for 90 cts. per sack. Angle & Ply-
male, .
Used in Millions of Homes
California is now shipping fruit di
rect to England.
Jacksonville school district is going
to have some new desks.
Tho Southern Oregon District Fair
meets at Roscburg September 20.
Supt. Miles, of tho Oregon reform
school, bas resigned and will go cast.
Four prisoners escaped from the
ktato penitentiary lust Friday evening.
The Oregon State Baptist convention
will bo hold in Independence-. October
20, 1S-J2.
Tho East Portland postoffico has
been discontinued and all mail goes to
Thos. McAndrew is at the vapor
springs up the valley for recreation
and health.
Many useful things will be offered
for sale at tho Bazaar next Thursday
afternoon and evening.
Attention is called to the advertise
ment of St- Mary's Academy, which re
sumes studies September 5.
Wm. and Isaac Mensor passed through
on yesterday's train for San Francisco
Irom Port lownsend. Wash.
Jno. H. Hasoltiy.o is working Med
ford in the interests of the Homo life
insurance company, of New York.
John J. Valentine, of San Francisco,
has bson elected president of the Wells,
Fargo Company, vice Lloyd Tevis, re
Frank Cluggagc, tho well known
mail contractor and s'.ago man, who
has resided in Southera Oregon for
many years, died t A'xhisou, Kansas,
last week.
XlUa Myrtla Woodford returned home
yesterday morning after a pleasant
Visit with relatives and friends at
Grants Pass.
Tho blackberry crop is about ex
hausted, and many of our people are
going to be disappointed this year, as
the crop is short.
Hert-after the county clerk and
sheriff, of Marion county, will buy
their own stamps and stamped enve
lopes, or do without.
A Cincinnati mother, ia jerking licr
son into the street car by the hand,
pulled the arm out of socket at the
shoulder, and the lad bad to be lake a
to the hospital.
This oflic J bas just received a premi
um list of the Jackson County Agricul
tural association, which holds its first
annual fair a. Central Point, consmono
icg September 2, and continuing four
The A. O. U. W
vcrv substantial
of Oregon shows a
growth during tho
past I: sea I year. During tb-j year
thoro wcr seventeen now lodges es
tablished aud a gain of uear'.y 1000
Rer-orts have been coming from & if- j The bot salve in the world for cuts,
forcnt parts of Oregon nbom 82 bills i bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
boing raised to 510 bills with tho aid of j sorcs,tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
revenue stamps, and successfully passed, j corns, and ail skin eruptions, and posi
Such a case occurred in Albany re-j lively cures piles, or no par required,
cently, says tbe Democrat, a bill pass-1 U is guaranteed to givo perfect satis-
lng among
soveral bsfore b.'icg dis-
The first car load of watermelons
shipped from tni p'.ncp this seavtn,
were shipped by Mr. T. P. Lee Wed
nesday. Mr. Lee's watermelon crop is
not as good this year as it has baen
heretofore, but the musk melons are nnoiy ana win iurn out a large
average. lie has twelve acres ot
musk melons and thirty-eight acres
of watermelons. We had the pleasufo
of inpecling and sampling his melons
uibt Sunday. Observer.
N. Ahlstrom reports that the circus
that exhibited back of tho new derot
in Ashland thrc-o years ago, introduced
the Canada thistle into that neighbor
hood, and notwithstanding that he has
cut it down several times it kreps on
increasing every yenr and will soon
threaten to over run the whole country
if som effort is not made to wipo it
out. The authorities should see that
this dangerous pest is nipped in its
incipiency. Ashland Record. -
David Dunlap, his wife and their sm
James, all residents or Big Butte pre
cinct, were arraigned in justice John
son's court at Eagle Point lust Satur
day, charged with assault and battery
committed on A. J. Meek?r. All were
fined, the first-named being convicted
by a jury and tho others pleading
guilty. They were eneh fined $20 and
costs, in dcfuult of the payment of
which they were sent to tho county
jail. District Attorney Benson con
ducted the prosecution. On thi fol
lowing Tuesday tho defendants,
through their attorney, W. II. Parker,
applied for a writ of habeas corpus,
and tho matter coming for hearing
b-fore Judge Ilnnna, they were or
dered discharged by his honor.
Medford Lodge No. 103 A. V.& A. M.,
which had bonn in oxor:isj under a
special dispensation during tho past
yoar, was regularly instituted under a
charter from tho Grand Lodge of Ore
gon last Friday -evening. The cere
mony was enacted with tho following
.epresonlatlvcs oi tno grand lodge pro
sent: T. G. Reaines, Grand Mastor;
C. C. Beekman, Grand Senior Warden;
C. H. Vuupel, Gr. Junior Warden;
Max Mullor, Gr. Sec'v; W. M. Holmes.
Gr. Mnrshnl: S. S. Pcntz, Gr. Chap
lain: Wm. Nelson, Gr. J. D. Tho offi
cers of thn new lodge elected and in
stalled wero, N. L. Narregan. W. M.;
E. P. Geary, S. W.; W. I. Vawtar, J.
W.; J. P. True, Treas.; W. V. Lippin-
cott, secy.; or. E. u. Piokl,
S. D.; J. F. Kelley, J. D.:
A. n. Huston, Tyler. Tho lodge
starts out witn somo tnirty members.
Real Estate Transfers.
Elizabeth Williams to A C Stanley, Us 10. II,
blk 14. Cold Hill. S00.
Gertba 8 Bnrnum to C W Skeel, property In
Mmlford. tiOOO.
Frank Green to Reorge H hasklns. It S, blk
a, lieniiy s nua to Mcmnni, 77ft.
jonn urown to Juiuin K Minor, H of ne'i
and nw ot no" and noU ot nwU, seo 17, tp S3
, r 3 e. IrtO acrt. (601.
Gcarco E Morgan to A F Suultt, It I, blk E,
It R mid to Ashland, I0T.
Mndlnon Uodsers to O W Skeel, It 10. blk SI,
Medford. SI.
GHBnkerto Frank Grcon, It 8, blk 6, Bcatty'B
add to Medford, tlv
Clinton Carney to David Bower, S Bi-100 acres
vp 8,ri w, muu.
James Helms and wife and Henry Amor'
man to Clinton Carney, 3 M-xQu acres, tp 33 s, r
Oscar Gnnlard to S F Chadwick, 95 4.V100
acrai. hmc it, tp s, r s w, y c u, li.
V 3 patent lij Inncs Elliott, 160 acres, seo SO,
tr) AS s r 3 e.
Silas j Day to Nanoy M. Walker, all of Its 5.
asd o, and 90 feet off of north end ot its I sad
, D)K 10, JtCkKraTUM, KDA
40 Years the Standard.
Guaranteed Cure.
Wo authorizo our advertised drug
gist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery
lor consumption, coughs ana colds, up
on this condition. If you are afflicted
with a cough, cold or any lung, throat
or chest trouble, and will use this rem
edy as directed, giving it a fair trial,
and experience no relief, you may re
turn the bottle and have your money
refunded. Wo could not make this of
fer did wo not know that Dr. King's
New Discovery could be relied on. It
never disappoints. Trial bottles freo
at G. H. Haskins' drug store. Largo
slsc 50c and SI. 00.
September Torm Jury List.
The following 1 the list of the Jurors drmwn
to acryu at tbo September term of lbs circuit
court: G. W. liurron. Conrad Minguft, Jobn
McOaltiater, James Norrts, O. Uanlaril. J. K.
Tozicr. Jobo Dosler. KrcU Warner. Asbland;
Jobn Roll. J. T. L.ayion. Peter Durkbaltcr.
Applrgale; S. B. Edftull. H C. Wllktnsoo. J. A.
Obeorbain. Big Untie: W. T. Moore. G. F.
Henibbcrvrr. Central Point: R. T. Illxckwood,
Eden; J. W. Masterscn. CoiJ 11111; Jatne
Drum. II ;v. Helm. P. II. Owing!, David
Croncmlller. JackMnTiilr: C. W. Klce. U. S.
Wood. LUtlc Uutie: I. M. Harvey. Medford;
John I) Cbappel, Rock Point: T. H. UUson.
Sierllnirrlll: W. P. Hillls. Pleasanl Creek:
A. L. Gall. Table Keek : A. W. Kunsan, Trail
Creek: Scott GriOin. Willow Sprinra,
At Smith's Soda Spring.
The following Medford pcoplo ware
at the above springs August 'A: T. F.
West, Mrs. E. M. DenisonuMiss May
Craiu, T. McAndrew, Geo. L. Davis,
wife and Hazel: C. J. Hutchison, wife
and Fern; W. L. Grinnell, Ida Gallo
way. The springs aro pleasantly situ
ated near the summit of the Siskiyou
mountains, iue bencucial enects ol
the spring water and vapor baths are
effecting wonderful curvs. as scores can
losu ry. lb: grounus nave bun greatly
improved, two new bath houses and
several cottages having ba erected
Good Stable.
First class rigs of all di-s.-riptious
can b? procured at all times of the day
or uight at the Clarendon hotel liverv
stables. Drummers and citizens usein'
Warns should give this stable- a trial.
Satisfaction guaranteed; charges rea
sonable. It Worrltd Kim.
Two weeks ago C. P. Buck, living
east of Medford, placed an advertise
ment in the Mail, offering his place for
rent. On Tuesday of this week he
rushed into the office and wanted that
"ad" taken out. "Why." ho said,
"they are botherirg mo nearly lo death
I rented the place the first week after
tho notice came out in the uaper, and I
have been besieged by persons wautin'
to rent ever sinca. 1 hey come and
I lIu t 11 niffiit KitS r nn.t if T r-n 1
ui ,i " .nh... i ..,m i,.,.
!U,ca everyone of them ." The Mail's
largo and increasing circulation o2ors
big inducements to advertisers.
Buck leu's Arnica Salve.
faction or money refunded.
Price iac
per box. For salo by G. H.
Sua day and tu Saioona.
Tbe case of the Statj against T. M.
Howard after a couple davs trial in
tha justice court of this precinct was
' di.-missed on a technicality Wcdnes-
day evening, me orror occurred iu
; the complaint which was dated wrong.
;ew papors were immediately made
j out and the case is again being tried
! belore Justice Walton. The action is
brought by tbo state on tbe complaint
of sevui-al anti-saloon citizens who are
endeavoring to close the saloons of
Ucdford on Suudar, with the intention
that if they win the test case, to force
all saloons and billiard hails to close
on the Sabbath.
The State Pays Promptly.
MEDKORD Ore., August 8, 1S92.
Received from tbe State Insurauea
company, of Salem, Ore., through
their agent Mr. J. E. Enyart. the sum
of S017.-I0 in full settlement of my
dwelling which burned recently, and I
fully recommend this company to my
neighbors and friends who need in
surance. Signed. W. P. FakiOW.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at tho office of the
Town Recorder up to noon, August 20,
1392. by the Town Board of Trustees,
for the furnishing and placing in posi
tion, digging trenches and covering
pipo, l hydrant, S31 feet of 4-inch pipe,
with fixtures, ns per plans and specifi
cations now on lilo in tbo Recorder's
office. Said work to be dono under the
supervision of tho Town Board. The
Town Board reserves tho right to re
ject anv or all bids.
Dated at Medford, Ore., Aug. lo, teyz.
J. A. Whiteside, Mayor.
J. H. Faris, Recorder.
' Tha WorM Cnrlched.
-The facilities of the present day for th
production cf everything that will con
duce to the material welfare and comfort
of mankind arc almost unlimited aud
when Syrup of rijs was first produced
the world w.-.s enriched with the only
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
remedy which is truly pleasing and re
freshing to the taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
the Spring time or, in fact, at any time
and the better it ia known the more pop
ular it bome.
Studies will be resumed at St.
Mary's Academy, Jacksonville Ore.,
on September 5, 1892. Facilities are
oflVrod for securing a thorough educa
tion in the brauches pursued in the
best institutions. Although pupils aro
received at any time, parenUand guar
dians wishing to place tholr children
under tho earn of the Sisters of tho
Holy Names will sook tholr own inter
est by sendiug them at the opening of
the term.
Entranoo foe, paid but once. . . , , . to 00
Board and tuition per torm. 40 00
Bed and bedding per term. ...... 3 00
Music with use of instrument. ... 15 00
Drawing per term , 8 00
Painting, water colors, $$: oil
colors 10 00
Typewriting -per terur.., 6 00
For further particular, apply at tho
academy. .
" "A 1 1 P I O j i 1"N T'l'E -R
We buy for Cash, and we buy to sell.
We buy direct, and we buy ia quantities.
You will always find our stock, complete.
We sell at one price, aud that the lowest.
We treat you courteously.
A satisfied customer is our 1jest advertisement.
Our constant aim is to give you the best goods at bottom prices.
We make your interests ours.
Your child will be served as cheaply and politely as yourself!
A comparison of our styles and prices will coayj.nce -ou jbat you
should trade with us.
The Popular Gioeet,
c. w. WOLTERS,
Staple Hit Ms, Groceries, Provisions
We Pay the Cash or Exchange Our Merchandise
for AU Farm Products
June li, 1S92. Yours Respectfully, J. NUNAN.
ANCLE & PLYRS ALE, Pxeprtetorp.
General Merchandise Groceries,
Fresh Bacon and Lanl, Choice Strained Honey, Pure Cider, Yinejar
Cigars and Tobacco, Canned Fruits, Vegetables and Heats,
' Extracts, Spice, Flour, Matches, Etc., Et.
vV. B Produce Taken in jExchaTige.
pupnitufe -
Carpets, and Paper
o Curtains
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware
t and Fine Building Material
ffamatod CoUerj, Caxpoaters sad Builders Tools. Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, Kto St
Red jacket Force Pumps, for deep
Vloo Pres.
Jpiekson County Bank,
CAPITAL, - $50,000 Medford. Oregon.
Loan money on approved security, receive dcoosits subject to check,
and transact a general bauking business on tht most favorabla terms,
StaYour Business Solicited,
Corbin Banking Co., N. Y,
Commercial National, Portland.
Jfft Stationery,
Bp MS, -Wv-
WJ Bacon,
W Etc.,1.
or shollow wells. Tin Shop Attached
Pacific Bank, Sail Francisco.
Ladd & Bush. Salem.