Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, August 12, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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.Cvrus W. field's life was insured for
j6250,W0." "
S. Shormap and syife are.cut in Klam
ath county.
Sheriff Pelton has moved his family
.to Jacksonville.
Ex-governor Chadwick was in Jack
sonville a few days since.
When a train is telescoped the pas
sengers are apt to see stars.
What a fortunate thing it is to man
iind that tho"f:i; mer n ver strikes.
George M. Lovo has sold his livery
stable to George Eincs, of AppU'gute.
" : Preliminary steps arc being made to
organize a camp ol Sons of Veterans in
Col. Mason, of Indiana, is paying his
sister. Mrs. Jitna MoOv.Uy, a Visit at.
' the couuty seat.
"Tf Mr. Blair succeeds n his e ffoi t to
break into congress in 111 servo con
gress about rig at.
: Ex-Sheriff Birdsry aud family are
now looat:d in their new hoino in Wi'.
.low Springs precinct.
Hugh Elliot has- purchased James
' Croiemillers int-?rfst iu tho black
" smith shop at. Jacksonville.
It is said that Gcorgj M. Lovo has
the insiuo track for too appointment of
jjostipaster at Jacksonville.
James Wills, of Mount Sterling-. Ky.,
has been struck by iightrjin: for lue
fourth time, and still lives.
Joe Olwell, of Central Point, hus
gone to Snn Francisco to take a cours--fa
Eeald's business college.
Dr. Everett Mingus has rr-ceatly
been appointed to the chair of histol
ogy in the Multnomah medical college
rat Portland. ' -
Extremes meet. The saloon keepers
cf'Csiicago, to a man. are in favor of
corking up the World's Fair tight as
a bottle cu Sunday.
.Tie president has signed the bill
limitinfr the hours of laborers and me
chanics employed upon public-buildings
to eight hdure per day. -
A. Alford. of Talent, will go to
KLimath count v this season with
his thresher, after doing the threshing
he has oh hand la this valiey.
-The household of Secretary Rusk, of
the national department o: agriculture.
is managed bv his daughter. The
isarketing is done by herself.
The wool clip of Eastern Oregon is
about all marketed, most of it iroin
directly East. The vield was the
'heaviest ever known in that section.
The president has vetoed the sen&V
bill am;nuin? the act of March 3. 1S37,
pouf erring on the court of claims juris
diction in contested land
patent cases,
" J. F. Johnson, formally bar-tender
. for 3. A. Hanley, married in Dor.g
- las countv Julv ild. at the residence of
Ben Wis-.-maa, to Mrs. Mary C. Ken
nedy. -
" A baboon is the latest article of lra
nort ssizsd bv the Xew York custom
. hou authorities for non-payment of
duties. Our infant baboon industry
. . m'ust be protected.
: Earl & Vincent, of Gold Hill, dis
posed of dOO pounds of salmon from
Bogue river in Ashland and have
tkeu out a month's license ta sjll
salmon in the city limits.
" Messrs. ' McKinney & Slovir have
completed their- wing dam in Rogue
river below the mouth of Sams creek
and arc doing quite well; in fact they
got an extraordinary prospect.
"- James W. Davis was nominated by
the republican slate convention for
governor of West Virginia. Secretary
Elkins could have had the nomination
y ajclamation, but d-.cliaed it.
' - ExvChisf Justice R. S. Slraha has
formed a partnership ia the law busi
ness with Judga Whalley. of Portland,
and taey will open an office for busi
ness in that city about September 1st.
Ward McAllister has come out fcr
Harrison and Riid. Close onto tnat
comes the anouncement that Mr. Mc-.-
Allister has softening of tha brain. Is
: " thare any connection bjtween the two
' Since the present tariff law went
into effect 503 strikes in protected in
dustries have occiirred. The state
ment of that significant fact is answer
ted by tho high-tariff press by calling
it a calamity howl.
From all over tho country come
jringiug denunciations of tho Ijaj-barous
treatment cf Private - lams at Home
tieSd. Officers of the regular army
declare no such procedure would be
permitted among them. -'
iftx eminent surgeoa says that with
four cuts and a few stitches he can
alter a man's face so .that his own
inother would not know him. That's
nothing. Any news paper can do that
much with only one cut.
Everywhere throughout the country
th'j republican press has been forced
into showing its colors mora or less
clearlv, aud wherever it has done so
Jt is for plutocracy and capital, and
against laoor and equal righto,
" . Thre9 vounsr Ashland hoodlums were
7 ' arrested last Friday for rocking one of
the Chineso houses near the railroad
crossing of Oak street. They were
iBned $10 bv Recorder Berry and al
lowed to pay it in work on the streets.
The state convention of sheriffs met
--at Eugene -last week. The following
"fcffloers were elected for the ensuing
year:' President, Penumbra Kelly, of
Multnomah; vice-president, S. C. Mil
ler, of Douglas; secretary, J. "P. No-
land, of Lane.
Hon. J. R. Neil will go out for his
. summer outing to recuperate from his
arduous labors in repealing the coyote
bounty law in a few days, and will re
main for soma weeks. Owen Keegan
will accompany him to the Dead Indian
section. Times.
- Gen. E. U Applegate will take the
' - etump for Weaver and Held this lall
' while Lash has been an-olu line re
publican ho broke the party lines and
went oil with the Greenback party in
their time. His ideas on the finance
Question arc sound
' Alexander Bergman, anarchist, who
attempted to assassinate Frick, was
given a hearing last week and held for
-trial at the September session in S24.
030 bail. Bergman said it was not true
that he tried to shoot Leisnman
did not want to touch acyouo but Frick.
i meant to km nun."
- informer who recognized one of
the tamers WOO comnuiuju muruer.
etc. at ;Vardn-jr. and who, whe
' asked to nick him out of a crowd
Selected a soldier confined in a guard
house for drunkeness.- is but a mild
sample of the liars and perjurers who
will swear to anything against the
union men at lioisa City.
The Huntington mill on Wagner
creek has been running etoadily 00
quartz from the Hope ledge for som
time noW. J- B'. Carlisle having th
night run -and Israel Putton the day
Tun. The lessees do not say much
about the results of tho milling, but it
is reliably reported that they are well
eaiiaScd with the returns. -Tidings.
Chicago is to have a monster labor
day demonstration with 90,000 mon in
Wm. Chnstain and son aro engaged
in hauling lumbsr from Norah mill to
Gin. Van Wvck was nominated by
the Peorle's party for governor of
Raum not gone yet. He is de
termined to tnke Harrison with him
next spring.
n. C. Frick hes so far recovered
from his wounds as to be ablo to re
sume his duties.
The New York Tribune is a Union
office pro tern. Tho "rats" will ba' in
it after the election.
A worm will squirm when trod on.
Labor i nwing the point when it will
squirm but fight, too.
Wichita has a man who tol? n suit
of clothas from a printer. Tho priuter
must have oeen taking a oain.
Thn "Generals' si-em to l3 in it this
vp.Tj-. mil none aro wieiuwsr niui-
nntAnt influence than General Discon
An elector-at-lare:-! of Mississippi,
on tho democratic ticket, Frank Bur-
kett. lias resigned to join the People s
r. H. Phelps, on Albany printer.
will ii a couple of wn-ks start a new
weekly paper in Albany, called tho
Thn farmers in Texas nr-i goii?g into
tho F?oo'es party in o-roves. 100
stronsr-hoidsof the old parties are in
the towns.
Of the four territories remaining in
the United States three of thorn ex
tended from Missouri to the Gulf of
After Strtembr 1 nr-'xt. persons over
i-5 voars of will not admitted as
member of tho A. O. Tj. v.. m tnis
Forty years asro furroers ownil fivp-
eis'hths of thnnatiou's-wealth. Thanks
o"the "nrotee'ivo" tariff they now
own less than onvf.fth.
A few davs since the daily papers
reported Jay Go-.ild- a the lift
Sprinirs in Arkansas. ITe appears to
te graauaiiy ceanng ni? acsnnanon.
Tho nurs'i wheels tho Kibv cart each
day to tbe potoffice at Bn7..--ird Rhv.
to'eivn Baby Ruth- an outing, and to
ask if there is anv letter from senator
Itissiil tn. tb romnait of that
barrel of Scoch whiskev is going fast.
a! Bennv's nerves nofd a rat dfnl
of steaJving over that Homcs'.ead
Sing tho song of froodom, boys, and let
the echoes ring.
Coming with our, banners like eagles
on the winsr.
"Get all your ballots ready, boys, which
victory will bring'.
Voting for Weaver and Field.
Chorus: -
Hurrah! hurrah! the boys that wore
the blue; .
.Como on,'como on,. tho boys that wore
- the gray;
Thus wo stand united, boys, together
here to-day.
Voting for Weaver and Field.
When tho votes aro c"ounted, boys,
vou"ll hear a iovful sound.
That the people voted from workshops
nil arouna;
Republicans have lost the day and
freedom hns beau found.
Voting for Weavorand Field.
Let the ' freemen's voices, boys, rever
berate tho news.
And give to Ben and Grover tho cver-
lastiuir blues;
Then tho money rule is ended and la
bor has its duos.
Voting for Weaver and Field.
Henc: the rule shall always be for lib
erty and right.
We'll then forever pass beyond the
plutocratic sight.
And our ballots vid decide for honor
and for right.
Voting for Weaver and Field
, In due time congress will sit to say
that wo have won.
-xnd they'll then declare it as our bal
lots, loo, have done,
That republicans shall rule no more.
and d-jinocrats aro done.
Voting for Weaver and Field.
Then the fourth of March will come
inauguration day.
And Weaver in as president, while
Harrison goes a,vay.
Sailing up Salt river, as the people's
ballots say,
Voticgfor Wcaverand Field
J. F. Wisner.
board and asked that tho board take
stops toward tho closing of stores and
saloons on Sunday. The board, after
duo consideration of tho matter, de
clined to take action in tho matter, as
they considered tho now existing state
law sufficient authority in tho matter.
On motion J. D. Whitman was
granted ono Inch of water running
along tho Medford water ditch above
the Vandyke property horn the surplus
wator running in said water ditch.
In the matter of placing .a hydrant
near tho Medford water works and tho
Medford school "building, tho matter
was referred to the town board as a
committee of the whole to act with the
school board of district No. 4'J, of said
town of Medford.
On motion tho salary of E. G. Hurt,
citj engineer, was raised to $5a per
mouth for tho months of August, Sep
tember and October, 1S92, on account
of extra work during said month
After said three months to revert to
$50 per month as heretofore.
On motion tho matter of purchasing
a lubricator lor me lire engine wus
referred to the fire committee, with
power to act and purchase tho tame if
they see best.
The following bills presented, rec
ommended by tho finance committee,
passed upon by tho board, and the re
corder was ordered to draw warrants in
p.ym-nt of the same:
Su-:r Pine Door and LuralicrCo.,
Wood SSS C2
Adkius 4r Webb, rent for fcoso
State Central Committee.
Ten delegates gathered in Portland
August 6, pursuant to the call issued
by the three national committeemen
for Oregon.
Tho meeting was called to order at
10 a. m. by Chairman Galvani, and on
opening tho meeting ho stated that the
call of the national commilteiineii was
irregular and null and void, and such
ing tho case, he proposed, as chair-
CoBtractor ana Bnilfler
R. R. Dam, formerly manager of
St.avpr & Walkers businrcs in this
citv. is no"v acting as sn-C'al traveMng
agist for the Singer sowing ir.achin?
Golden F.nla lodg- No. 7S. I. O. O. F-.
of Grant's Pass, last wok purchased
from J. T. Tuffs the building on lots 5
and fi. block SO. formerly occupied by
the lodie. and wilt have no rents to pay
in the future.
Heavy forest fire: ar ring in
hiifs wet of Jacksonville. A larg
amount of cordwo-Til and wrnl miles
of fencing bMoncring to John Biovemio.
a vinevardiiit there, burned lest Fri
day night.
The fellow wso shoots a man Instes
of a deer ha3 not gom hunting !t r'l
vet this irimms". but bi cousin in
idiocv nimed r.t a biH and sbo a onm
ninion hunter im in Spokane tho other
day. As usual, he was sorry. .
The s.eal!ol "Sr.lHvanV of Port
land, are o bs invesiisrtetl bv th"
senate.' "T'n nTTmit'c3 which will
investigate thi PinkertnnQ will invesli-
?ra the ThMI r.Tney af- Portland, and
other orsrantzntlons on tho coast.
Tt is rnorted that wHlo showing a
visitor through the only private art
g-illerv in Omaha the mtollipent ownir
pointed out a bust of he Venus de
Mediri. savinsr: "T pnid S)0 for hr,
and there's nothin' on her. neither:"
Judge Shiras. the newly nprf.intd
l'uFticeof the United State" 'nreme
oift. is th firft native or t-vnnsyi-
snia to occupy that position. There
have been fivp residents of Pennsyl
vania appointed to the sam position.
but non of them were natives of the
state. '
Carnegie's iron work are a s-tn"i'e
"infant industry." When an infant
becomes larg.; enough to dietato to n
or.verr.ment It becomes dangerous.
Yet they must be protected, sny th"
republican party. How long, O Lord,
how long.
A vounsr Italian and hi wif ;. H re
turning from the Wfstnort celebra
tion. w"r stranded at th Tloqiiiam
flats in Washington, remaining there
till morninr, whn it was dieovverl
that a third member of the r.-rty had
arrived during the night
Secretary Nobl bn appointed Ru-
ben P. Boise and Willim TT.. Oell, of
Salem. Or., and H. H. Harding, of
Carthage. Mo., n commission to nego-
inte with the Indians of the biletz
Indian reservation in Oregon for cess
ion to th United States of lands not-
needed for allotments.
The two-thirds DamocraMc House
ha3 at last done something. They
have authorized the publication of
10.000 copies of the "forco bill'' for
tho use of the Democratic C'lmmitteo
in the south at an expense to the tnx
pavers ff S-94 when no such a bill is.
or has ben, pending in the present
General J. B. Weaver did more for
the benefit of the American people
while in Congress thnn both Harrison
and Clcvelaud has dono during their
administrations. Weaver saved from
being oremated $:10,001.000 of cur
rency and Harrison aim uicvciana
hnve mumed away their time for the
salary which they received.
In Elmira, Chamung county, Now
York, are seven widows of the same
name and as those who write to them
do not know enough to give tho street
address, they have more fun reading
each others letters than a little dog
has chasing its tail. -But lordy, lordy,
how hot its makes them to have their
letters read.
There are $5000 offered by the Jack-
ton county agricultural association in
nurses and premiums at tho first annual
fair, which will bs held at the fair
grounds near Central Point, beginning
Wednesday. Septembar 23. Jacksovi
and Josephine counties are Included in
tho fair, and general interest promises
to make it a success.
There is no future welcome or re
spect for anv man or corporation in
this country that ' will squeeze-its
lalxjring men down to a dollar or so a
day, and then pay':flve dollars per day
to each of an armed body of three
hundred hired assassins to put on uni
forms and kill those who daro to kick
against the inhumanity of money to
mac, . ' -
Prof. Farley came over from tho Illi
nois valley Monday.
Editor Kertsou and wife passed br to
Portland Tuesday evening.
C. T. navens has been appointed
city surveyor; wages, So a day.
J. E. Tipton has fitted up a new
butcher shop in the Commercial hotel.
George Wiiuer will move from Coos
county to the Wimer mine in Septem
ber. Ths People's parly hold a meeting
opposite Howard's ou Wednesday oven-
lug of this week.
Misses Jessia Jackson aud Eva Dean
returned from their visit to Jackson
couutv Thursday last. !
Six Uivorc-' cas.'S at oua term of court
is a large number for a county I he size
and population of Josephine.
Messrs. Newell and CunJv hav? been
engaged iu building au addition to
Y. t. ujan s dwelling nouso on n
Sheriff Shattuck had the courthouse.
jail and grounds cleaned up for inspec
tion by liie granu jury, nu niauo
things pretty neat around there.
Judge Hanr.a thinks tho counter set
up in the circuit court room is a nui
sar.cj. H-J cannot see a wilr.ess unless
he gets up and sits on the counter, and
he can't hear him because tho great,
bulky piecj of furniture absorbs all the
R R. Moore has discovered a mam
moth quaitz lodge near tho line of Jo
sephine und Jackson counties, which is
proving to be a regular bonanza. Top
rock assayed Si 4-', and the ore gets
richer as the vein is followed up. Each
pan prospects a yellow ring around thi
Judgo Hale was written to come to
Grants Pass and try several cases here
which Judge Uanna was disqualified in
bearing on account of being counsel in
the suits in former courts, but the
Klamath county judge did not show up.
He op?ns court in L.akeview on tncMU.
Several cases have been postponed
hero to the 10th of September in conse
quence of Judge Halo's non-arrival.
Grants Pass Courier.
cu t 1 ou
E. E. Gore, gravel. 2(0
F. G. Iwrtson. priming 2 00
J. II. Faris, recorders fees '10 90
John Moivy. labor 5 T2
A. Z. S- are, labor 4 10
E. G. Hurt, engineer 5) W
J. Darn-11. labor 2 00
Vawtcr & Howard, insuranca. ... i.o to
D. S. Youngs, marshal fors 12 tit;
Adkinsi" Webb, rent of hall.:.. 16 .
J. Brandenburg, labor 10 0
T. W. Johnson, night watch 10 40
J. It. Wilson, labor ti 2."
Nothing further appearing, cn mo
ion the board ndjourmd.
J. II. FARIS, Recorder.
To th Public.
As our school closes for this, the
first term, I wish to say to the public
that I appreciate to the fullest extent
the cvidoncts of the public esteem
and confidence. It cuid indeed be
selfish and unjust for ine to state other
wise than tho suoccis and prosperity
of the school is duo not only to the
strong faithful efforts of myself, and
those connected with ihe school, but
to our patient students who have
worked so faithfully and persistently.
And to the business men of our town
and county, and to ihe public in gen
eral who have with their coI wilt,
trust, confidence and. approval encour
aged us on. .We tako this means to
thank you for your support. It has
been our aim to give satisfaction in
every lino, and as I move among our
students and patrons and hear words
of prais from ail, I rcalixa that our
efforts have not been In vain. And wo
are encouraged to continue in Medford
and make our school all that a Busi
ness college can be, (a thorough busi
ness training institute.) In the past
tea months we have enroled
seven students with seven
man of the state executive committee,
to call tho meeting to order for the
purpose of electing two additional
members to the already existing state
executive committee, and not for the
purpose of electing an entire new exec
utive committee of five as propos-'d by
the call issued by the three national
Chairman Galvani stated that tho
existing state executive committee
were willing to" step down and out, but
they would not do so at the instigation
of one or two enemies cf a personal na
It was plaiu that Chairman Galvar.i's
stand was sanctioned by a good ma
jority of the delegates; in fuct the only
two who made any pretense to opposo
him were McGill, of the Journal, end
Xr-lional Committeeman Joe Waldr.ip,
who it seems hav personal grievances
against Chairman Galvani.
It bc-ing settled that the state cen
tral committee was in session for Use
election of only two no members of
tho slate executive cemmittee, who
would be added to tho executive com
mittee, nominations were next in order.
J. C. Luce was elected on the first bal
lot, but it took three more ballots lo
dicidc b.-tween Ira Wakefield, of Jack
son county, and W. H. Spaugh. -of
Lanp county, W. U. Spaugh bna
finally elected by two majority.
It was d-.'cidod that the state central
committee should disposj of any other
busings brought Kforo it.
The next thing that cams up was
the matter of forming a btcck coropany
and purchasing the Itetorm Journal or
starling a state official crfan. Every
proposition was kuccked in the head,
and from the start it was plain that
the Reform Jcurral was not in it. The
Journal has rasdo many enemies by the
queer stand it has taken to dispose of j
the plant to the People's party. After
the matter had been sifted to the bot
tom the whole business about starling
or buying a state j aper was rcK-pav d
tQ the rear and placed in th ? came po
sition as at the start, when a tt-ite
paper was not tLought of.
A resolution was adopted which did
away with fusion with the old par;ics
under any circumstances.
Tho report of tha state executive
committer as to finnr.cs, expenditure,
etc., was read and adopted.
Other rci-oluiions were read and
adopted, pertaining to burying old
strifes of a personal nature and other
wise, and 1m in i fcrccco to the com
ing of Gen. Weaver and Mrs. Lrase.
It was requested that a largo attend
ance was necessary.
No other business coming up the
committee adjourned sine die.
Jobbing of all kinds. Plans and
estimates furnithed on application.
Jackscrews to let.
C. Elder
Repairs Buggies and Wagons
At very reasonable rates. Next door
to Merriman's blachsmith shop,
Dealer in
Horse and Oxen Shoeing-
ca .w t. a-.fr7. a.
Cur uMiAnnn
Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Corqpi
Th Cilifsrci Ft;ii sad Wefxtin
Sold by n Dnt4i. Fach SSe.SOe tt
Oralacr A Cw.. Prep's. Las jSelS.Cai
If jroo :ake fiUs U is tusc jta ts-c ccrcr JLfljV JL1 J
S. B. Headache End liver. Cure.!
I ; srerks so nicfir. 'he Lirrr snJ
Ku'.r.cys; acts a u ir.i:i jl :c r.hcu- cs
ir(j pain or bicknrN. au cixs nvl fcic-p ycu
(red culcs ul working.
For sal by Go. H HS::. MccJcrJ. Or
Conncil Procccdinea.
The town board of trustees met In
tho town hall in regular session on Au
gust 1. with the following members
present: J. A: Whiteside, mayor; Dr.
E. D. Pickel and Wm. P. Wood, trus
tees; D. S. Youngs, marshal. Absent,
W. B. Rjbjrta and E. J. Montague,
Minutes of July 4, 5 and 27 read and
E. J. Montrguo presented his resig
nation as a member of tho board of
trustees of the town council, and asked
that it bo accepted at once.
On motion said resignation of E. J.
Mohtnguo was accepted and a vacancy
declared by the mayor.
A petition was presented to tho board
from the taxpayor3, asking that
John W. Short bs apiiointjd to fill the
vacancy caused by tho resignativof
E. J. Montague, and on motion John
W. Short was duly appointed as trustee
to fill tho vacancy.
John W, Short then appeared before
the board and took the oath of office aud
entered upon his duties.
A petition from Win. Anglo and oth
ers, ajking that ordinance No. 89 bo so
changed or amonded as to excludo from
said fire limits lots 1, 2, S, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
and 0, in block No. 3, and loU 1, 2, 3
and 4, in block No. 13, of tho town of
Medford. Jackson county, Oregon.
Tho petition was granted, and the
recorder was ordered to draw an ordl
nance to amend section 1, of ordinances
No. 89, so as to excludo tho lots above
Thomas Morine appeared before the
board, and asked that tho licenso issued
to Minnie Merino June 7, and running
threo months, be transferred to T. M
Howard aud W, H. Hosier. Petition
Said T. M. Howurfl and W: H. Hos
lcr thon presented their' bond, signed
by said Howard and Hoster, with S
Higgius and Wm. TJlrich as sureties
which was approved, and tho recordor
was ordered to Issue liquor licenso to
Howard & Hosier for the term of one
month and six days, thut being the un
expired time on said license of said
Minnie Morine, ' ' ' '
' The Revs. Thompson and Edmunds,
wjth E. J. Cardor appeared before the
five of these having s.'cut cd paying
positions. In the coming year wo will
try to euroll 10J students. There will
ha a special teacher for each depart
ment. The rooms will bo newly fur
nished and ever' effort will bo put
forth to make our school pleasant,
homeliko and give salisfactian in every
Tho fall term of our college opens
Monday, September 5. Let us all
work for tho success of pur home
school. Very Respectfully,
M. E. Rig by.
A Voice.
I wonder how Ions it will bo ere
monopoly must be crucitktl. with
?r:ed f-f''- ij,e two old partjes on either side.
graduates. , The gun of monopoly is in its
L. E. Hoover, Agent,
ZMedford Ore-
Salary $25 to $50 a Week.
We win pay abore salary to any pwo &Cct
selling uur iirr o( pwVs, eilfcrr to ea:er or
customers. io tir:la2 HKiSoniy.
and veil a', lie lonvil ir:a'jfaclurer!."s pric.-s.
ApplT to A. KAKI'KN Jl CO..
13 Quinrv S! . CbicapJ. IX
cnlytetOpcr Ku y'-ire feet. Makes afood
r far yr-rs ard atjycjre ccn pel itoc teztl
sialyl ri.rnc-pte iti mil piT-.u.ciars.
:ci Klajtic KCM.risc "o..
39 & -41 WriT Bl.i.AI;WAT. N"t YCSC
One Dollar Weekly
Buys a good Gold Watch by our Club
System. Our H-ka rat gold-tilled cases
ar3 warranted for iOysars. Fine Elgin
or Waltham movement. Stem ind
end set. Lxidy's or G-nt's Eize. Equal
to snvSOo" watch. To secure agents
where we have neoe, we sell ona cf th--Huntirg
Case Watches for the Club
pric-5 and send C. O. D. by express
with privilege of examination before
frying for same.
Our agent at Durham. X. C. writes:
"Ocr jewe;.rs baire eoclesed ihry coat Iebow
now yoc Ci2 fumiii sacb vork for ifce Mulct."
Our arrent at Heath Springs. S: C says:
Your va:ebes take at sfht ' Tte jmtiexuaa
bo gvl the l&M tsicii :Q thai be exacioe
ar. d priced a yrfr '-r s matches in Lancaster
that vere co better thaa jours, bat the pre
Our cgent at Pentirgtcn-Tcx.. writes:
'Am ia receipt of the wajeh. asd am pleaaed
wiibout rc-asure- AH 'to bave sn it 5a J is
would be eheay at HJ."
One good reliable Agent winted for
each place. Write for particulars.
EytriKE Watcb Co., New York
Wimcr Jottings.
Weather warm.
Georco Sc.itt is engaged iu work at
tho springs foe Mr. Byboe.
Most of tho people in this vicinity
are through harvesting their grain.
Charles Williams is erecting a new
hay barn ou his place oa rloasant
Chostor, tho little son of A. J. Shcr-
rill. is very sick with spinal meuin-gclis.
Louis, tho little son of L. Urowns-
worth, who has ecn very sick, is convalescing.
Prof. Uigbr. of tho Medford business
college, was up on tho creek in tho in
terest of the college last wcok.
Thero has been a Croat many camp
ers a the Byboe springs lately. Ihi8
placo is becoming quite a neaun resort.
Miss Mairirlo Witt '(ICuealnnd) de
parted lust week for hor homo at Duns
muir, Cal. May hnppiuess, pence and
prosjHjrity bo tho new couple a lot in
James McDougull, the bridgo carpen
ter of repute, is building a Drmge
across Evuns crock just aoovo uio
Wimer store. Thuta right, commis
sioners; bridges and good roads will
not come amiss iu any country.
v AUS.
An Acrostic.
Rnwnra. sons of toll, of VOlir hands
Enslaved you are. you havo forgod tho
Now like Galley slaves of toil,
Joined together, give up tho spoil.
As time rolls on, you'll ruo tho day;
Moet the demands you have to pay.
Into tho Coffers, Money kings
Kow toss tho gold; hear how it rings.
Heaven will surolv bo on hand,
Aud cleave entwine thoso mighty
Reach down thine arm, Almighty
Revenge and break this mighty ring.
In wisdoms ways lot rulers go,
See that thou oppress not tho poor;
Oh, tako the warning that is given,
Neglect it not; there's law iu heaven.
' " ' m i
California fruit infested with San
Jose scale Is being shipped to tho mar
kets in Oregon. It is unlawfull to sell
such fruit here. Infested fruit can be
known by the red spots over it or the
little scales attnebed. Several lots of
infested fruit havo been sent oack.
ts evtiiv
inc's orhit, and ine thinks I hear
thousands of voices borne on the
breeze of its eve saying, not long!
not-long! Soon it will have set to
shine no more. Many such event?
of injustice as that at Homestead
will awaken sleeping and uncon
scious humanity lo n sense of duty.
will decide the indifferent and un
decided, break the chains of neu
trality and warm up the blood of
thoso who demand equal rights to
all, but special f.ivors to none, until
it reaches the boiling point, 212
degrees. Veritasfbevai.ebit.
Secretary Rusk is in" Ch'cago in con
nection with an experiment which he is
preparing to make on a large scale in
the treatment of tho disease known as
" lumpy jaw. " It has recently been
treated successfully by tho administra
tion internally of iodine of potassium
O-ie of the inspectors of the bureau of
animal industry recently made a suc
cessful experiment and the secretary ex
pects to have the treatment tested on
200 head of cattle nffected with "lumpy
jaw" to settle the question as to tho
value of the remedy. It is given in doses
from one to three drams, dissolved in a
pint of water. It is best administered
before feeding and the dose should vary
according to the size and weight of the
cattle. The treatment can be applied
Without danger by any farmer.
Are You Sufieririir.
From back ache, 'inllamation of the
bladder, brick dust deposit or stone in
tho bladder, or in fact any dcrangc-m.-n:s
of the kiduevs or urinary or
gan If thus afliicted do not loossc time
and waste mouy on worthless lini
ments and worse plast?rs. but strike at
the sea: cf the disease at once by using
tho greatest of all known remedies,
tho celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea
Pleasant to take, purely vegetable
ausfacuon every tunc.
win erst- Tnifijal Kc-1kte nt rcat!t; tYca
riaiJilc cf t-rsla.c'' fir.-rt.ciKi or UJLc-r.
M rxl ftUca. dria. Icwj' v kcnoit d .,:HT fr
kaiirx. Uecar. ric- ms'.Un. l.iact-. Uxtt vaJ t:dr
taritC.lor back. ItiwMrc1. Ktalln. r3rtl HKhMl:h.
cte.Talt entrte cocuia, n.rr;ai imrwrit orrr
U ethers. m& pi m enrrret thi is tu: f!l fc tbfl
rrxr r w forfm 5,m.o ac r a:l if th tber
cIkiki r 4vf. TtcwMcil' hv crl r, Ui 1 ur
t?:om l&rnika ftltrr mil MF-c-r rroil fa.IcO. mz.A v
j;T bCBttnsla cf iMt.atuMiHU in t Vt ritl -y-T elbfr Ut.
Ttiboco mroJirrd wcfn.HtKS ITUtl AU-KKLTS
,-ltk and vijrvrow trmtt(Ut K-HTfclrtin C't0 Prv
No, 172 First St., ORTLAKD, ORE.
Is dead.
of Penurvvlvouia
Palo Alto Stock Farm
llojno r Snitul. S.ii:S'-- llo Aim,
Arloii. a:lo;is Boll lSJr1.2:aO.
"Chan. Marvia writes under dnte
of J.Hiiiary cjth, 1S91, he found by feed
ing the Red Ball Brand Manhattan Food
to the horses under his ehnrge, that it
proved to he as represented. Also Mr.
Wm. Cor'oi'.t of Uie San Mateo Stdck
Turin, Sam. Gamble, J. A. lloldsmith,
It. C. Holly and others speak in the
highest terms of it. This food is just
the thing to prepare colts for circuit;
tlioy muturc more rapidly and it keeps
them in splendid spirits. For a horse
oft" his Iced, or one run down, it is high
ly hcncflciul. This is the only t.tock
food which ever received rr.ednls nt
Sacramento Suite Fair 1891, Stocktou
Fair 1S91, Snn Francisco 1S90. The
foremost veterinary surgeons of Cali
fornia feed and recommend it. vit:
C. Miisoero, 15. J. Cicely. P. Burns, V,
V. Fgan. This food contains no anti
mony or any other mineral or poison
ous herbs. The Red Ball Brand K.iu
hntlan Poultry Food is likewise reliable;
the largest poultry raisers on the coaat
prefer it to ull others.
Charles Strang, Drggglst, Agor.t,
- Medford, Ore
A r
Tig Rgad to Wealth
Csssot be sticcessfci! lu!ii wtU
est c:ol teillfc- Ta rccch arti'ti or aay
coratel posi'.ica la lit requires tht Ml
poarcssico scd Cfxratico cl ell tilt fa
ol'.ies Lied rscr bxs te&mti cs rta.
The: ccofUioKS cacoot exlct selcn th
Scicrl being is la perfect orilaf
orier, and this is icpossibte hea th
Bxsr tid xplcca at torpid. Cms abstract
Is U sscTC'Jpcs, casting lodieectiea
and 0P?5:i, aith ail et their arc
aajtag borrers.
English Dandelion Tonic
xtrts a specific inSueac orcr the lhar.
txcKcs it to kcailfc action, resoh Us
cbracic enprgcfflea's. ac4 preaMtcs flat
secretion;; cres intfigestioa a:d ceasti
patioa, sfearTces the arpetite, taeas ap
the entire crrte.Ti, airf uckea lift aerth
Coesfts. Cclds. Intlaenra. Brenchnit,
Kcafseuess, fcHoopino Cough. Croap.
Sore Threat, tithsia. aad cvrry afsectuo et Ki
Threat, Ln-.os2 CSst.!2.-!'JimECetie!iBtlB.
Employment : Bra.
South I I North
TOO p. m I Lv. TVirttancl Ar. I T:ss a. m
:Xi.p. m l.v. Mclfur,t Lv I i. m
SUoa.ra Ar. san l-nxncisco l.v. 1.
Above (rniiisstonontv nt the foUowinc sia-
tiona nttrtli f Kvivrhun. last Portland. Ore-
eon CUy. W'oo.inuru. Salem. Albany. Tangent, j ISH N.Srvl. St.
ShediH. Halwy. Uarrlaburg, Junction City, lrv-j
lug aua busetic.
ROKBURG MAIL DAILY. I Lv Portland Ar 1 p. n
5:10 p. in I Lv Roscburg Lv6)a-
5:00 p m I Lv rortlanil Ar S.-."! p m
8,-00pmAr Albtiuy Lv 6.-00 am
Pullman Buffet . Sleepers.
Skilled holp furnishes! hotels ana Kestatrantv
' Private boarding hoases and tamilica.
Labor hired for railroads and contractors.
TV roster strictly flrst class cooks, nr altera
Tourist SUoplns Cr for the accommodation
of second class passenccrs. aiuu.'hed 10 esprosa
Betweon Portland and Corvaljis.
Mall trains itntly, except Snnilat
T:S0a. in Lv lVrtlnml Ar I 5--sOp.n1
13:10 p. m I Ar Currallia Lv liia i. m
At Albany nnl Corvnllls conmvt wtth trains
of orvjjou raclfic rntlroail.
Express Trains dally, except Sunday:
4:10 p. m I Lv Portland Ar I S:20 a. m
7 S3 p. in I Ar McMlnnvltlo Lv5:a.iu
S-Through tickets to all points east and
south. Vot tickets and full information re
frardinc rateis maps, etc., call ou thecoinpany's
agent nf Medford.
Manager. Aast. O. F. P Ajt.
Writi for our mammoth
Catalogue, a tM page
book, plainly illustrated.
Ctving manufacturers
lovresl price aith maun
faclurers' discounts on
all goods manufactured
and imported into the
United States.
S3 to 10 cents oa every
dollar you spend. We
sellonly nrst cmss-eoous,
groceries. furciture.eleth
IU);.Uj niius. 1
boots and shoes, notions,
crockery, jewelry, bug
gies and harness, agri
cultural implements: in
fact anvthing you want.
Saved by buying of us.
Sand accents to pay ex
eirpressage ca catalogue,
a buyers' guide. We ara
the only concern that
awls at manufacturers'
prices, allowing the buyer the wane discount
that the manufacturer gives to the $'bolesa
trade. We guarantee all goods to be eroal to
representations or money refunded. - Goods
sent bv express or freight, with privilege of ex
amiuauoa before paying. LARpis
IS! Quinsy Street. Chisago, III.