Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, August 12, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Dry popcorn at Elder's.
Subscribe for the MAIL.
Fine job work at this office.
Fruit jars at Davis & Potteuger's.
Walter Tic is visiting the folks here.
Fountain soda-water at Slover's, 5c.
Sisson had a $40,000 are on the 2Sth
Judge P. P. Prim is at Salem on bus
iness. Go to Eldor's for tho best tea in
Alex Orme took in the sights here
Glassware at cost. Davis & Pot-tenger.
John Daly' was over from Eagle Point
Quaker Rolled Oats at Davis &
The Klamath Falls council has passed
, a vagrancy act.
Lamp chimneys at Wolter's gro-
Geo. Anderson, of Talent, was
town last week.
Soda water, pure and sparkling,
Sc, at Stovers.
Horace Ish. of Butte Creek, is in
Klamath county.
Pura Cidsr Vinegar at Davis &
'" J. T. Kelly, tha Merlin sawmill man,
was in town last week.
Soda water 5 cents a glass at C. "W.
- Rst. E. L. Thompson held services at
Jacksonville last Sunday. -
For teas and coffee try Davis &
- E. P. Pickens, a solid farmer of Sams
Valley, was over Saturday .
! ' Ladies visiting cards - printed at
this office.
A Mr. Abbott, of Baker county, is
taking a look at our valley.
Fine spices and extracts at Davis
it Pottenger's.
L. L. Ehlhart, a new comer, is look-
taj around for a place to rent.
Cool yourself off with a 5c glass of
Slover s fountain soda;
Miss Nellie Clark, of Sams Valley, is
visiting the lamily oi t . A. iiliai.
Call on L. E. Hoover if you want
to buy or sell a cow.
Francis Fitch is having a room fitted
- up In Hamlin s brick lor an office.
Pure maple syrup at Davis & Pot
tenger a. -
The Foots creek miner, Jos. Golds-
worthy, spent a day in town last week.
Go to Davis &- Pottenger's foi all
kinds of soda drinks 5 cents a glass.
G. B. Van Riper, of Ashland, -was
visiting Wm. Crain and family Satur
day. Trunksr Trunks! Valises! Valises!
Largest stock: lowest prices at Angle
it Plymale's.
Mrs. T. G. Reames and children have
returned home from their visit to New
port. . We give a cash discount of 5 par
cent en all purchases, Angle & Ply
male. J. A. Boyer is back at his accus
tomed place in Beekman St R?ames'
See Wolters' adv. It is a dandy.
Ladies' belts, 5 cents and up, at the
C. O. Damon was up from Douglas
county Saturday.
Go to Brophy & Mathes for good
B. F. McClarv was down from the
Siskiyous Sunday.
Fine line of toilet soap at tho Racket
The family of E. J. Montague left
Monday for Rose burg to join Mr. Montague.
sewing machine should call on L. E. ! 1ulre at lhu offic
Sam Murray has returned homo from
his northern trip.
Hanging lumps at cost. Davis &
Judge Willard Crawford and wife
Sundayed at Jacksonville.
Mason fruit jars nt C. W. Wolters;
largest stock and variety.
H. I. Pelton, the Sams Valley farmer,
spent Sunday at Ashland.
Placer and quartz claim notices
for sale at this office.
F. U. Crannll was down the road as
far as Roscburg last week.
Ma.xcy handles all kinds of soda
water at 5 cents a glass.
J. G. Van Dyke deposited some silver
sati.roay in the MAIL. S exchequer.
Ten cent Cuban Blossom cigar for
five cents at Davis & Potteuger's.
Wm. Terriil, of Eagla Point, paid
tnis omue a pleasant visit iuesday.
A fiw bargains in boys' and men's
nats at the ttucket.
A little 5-month s old child of a Mr.
Morgan died on Dry creek last Friday
Smoke the Detroit Froo Press
cigar at C. W. Wolters'.
John Dngan was over from Sams Val
ley Saturday doing trading " with our
Call and sea the new 5 and 10 cent
counters at the Racket.
The new sidewalks are b3ing put
down at in: school nou6 grounds by
A. M. WOOdlOltt.
We have coma to stay. Call and
see us. Brophy & Mathes.
The Woltsrs-Sears crowd left for
Crescent City, Saturday for a few
weeks of pleasure.
W. H. Leeds, of the Tidings, was
among the visitors at the Masonic do
ings last Friday night.
rrea utten, tne toots Creek mer
chant, went up to Jacksonville on Sat
urday morning s train.
Prof. M. E. Rigbv is back ' from his
trip to Portland, and is assisting with
the teachers' examination.
Tha carpenter and builder. -L. M.
Lyon, is at work on F. W. Knuwles'
new hous2 near Jacksonville.
J. A. Jonas, a successful pedagogue
of Eagle Point, accompanied by bis
family, was in town Saturday.
A fine lot of black oak wood has been
dumped off at the school house for use
next winter, it cost $3.53 a cord.
Mrs. J. C. Sleagleand daughter and
Mrs. J. W. McKay and daughter, of
Willow Springs, were shopping in this
city Saturday.
School Books and Stationery
at Strang's Drug Store.
The Grants Pass band want to toot
against anv other blind of tooters for
$100. The" Portland and Salom bands
are excepted.
Hugh Elliott and wife, of Jackson
ville, were down Friday evening to
see Mrs. Elliott's mother oil to her
home in the east.
For Sale Team and two wagons,
bay and a good cow. Also good farm
for rent two miles from Medford. In-
W. H. Barr is back from his
in town
H. C. Klock tarried
hours Wednesday.
J. M. CMlders was doing business in
this city Saturday.
Mr. Marlow and folks, of Lake Crook,
drove down to town Tuesday.
Mrs. Will Jackson, of Grants Pass,
is visiting at the county seat.
Mrs. A. Gordon has raturned from
her visit to Josephine county.
Tha barn of J. S. Stillwell. near Cen
tral Point, was burned Monday.
Sheriff Thomas Shattuck, of Jose
phine county, was in town Tuesday.
Misses Bcrnice Cameron and Jennie
Roaraes were flitting around hare Tues-uay.
Mrs. Henry Kubli and Jas. Wilson.
Jr., went over to Colestoin Suuday
E. Brown and family and William
Slingev and family are homo again
from Cinnabar.
T. J. Croed and son are boring a well
for Col. W. S. Crowe!! on his liue farm
west of the city.
Mrs. E. Turner and daughter. Miss
Susie, of Jacksonville, went up to Colo-
steiu Tuesday for a two weeks' stay.
Frank Brown and Dan Simons have
purchased the Philips thresher and
areiunningit at full blast on Ante
R, V. Baall and family left Wednes
day lor Judge Tolman s toua springs,
expecting it to benefit Mr. Beull's
G.'orge Linvillc, of Portland, an un
cle of Mrs. A. E. Kellogg, came out
Sunday to see the folks aud returned
Wednesday evening.
Tho flouring mill was shut down this
week on account of the crank pin of
tho engine gutting out of repair, which
necessitated it being sjnt to Portland.
.Work is being pushed on the new
flouring mill at Central Point, the
foundation bMng about finished. Huge
piles of lumber arc already on the
C. B. Watson, appointed agent of the
school land commission, was formerly
collector of customs in Empire and
has since resided at Ashland, Or.
Coast Mail.
The R;v. F. G. Strange, of Ashland,
will preach in the Presbyterian church
next Sabbath. August 14, both morn
ing and evening. All are cordially in
vited to attend.
Prof. F. L. Washburn was in the city
last week in the interest of the statu
agricultural college at Corvallis. We
have not learned whether he secured
any recruits here or not.
H. Somraers. of Butte Citr, Mont.,
and Miss Anna Houser. of Jacksonville,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
J. H. Layman hns gono to Polk
A. D. Scott is visiting friends near
Ed..Warman has returned from the
Tolman springs.
W. Green, tho tailor, paid Grants
Pass a visit Tuesday.
Mrs. C.W. Palm left vestcrday morn
ing for Hornbrook on a visit.
J. M. Whito is back again from Mon
tana, having been away from the folks
almost a year.
F. M. Blevins brought up a lead of
lumber from Galls Creek Tuesday and
took back a lot of mill feed.
The Rogue River hotjl at Woodvillo
belonging to Mr. Pollard wns burned
Wednesday with all its contents.
The Sovereign Grand Lodge, I. O. O.
F., will hold its next session at Port
land. Ore., on September 19, 1S92, and
will remuiu in session during the week.
C. P. Buck has rented his farm to
L. L. Ehlhart, lately cf Fresno county,
California, and will leave about the
first of September for a year's visit to
tha states.
A water wheel, to ba used for irri
gating purposes, is biting constructed
near Pendleton. It is claimed that it
will raise 5CO.10O to 1.000.COJ gallons of
of water every twenty-four hours.
C. J. Howard start-id out this week
with a party to classify and apprsiM!
railroad land in tha vicinity of Buck
lake. The most of tho party cam-i up
from Grants Pass, Elmer Faucutt and
L. A. Simms going from here.
The saloon men and business bouses
were notified last Saturday by a com
mittee t keep their places of business
closed on Sunday or thj Sunday law
would be enforced. No attentiou was
paid to the threat. District Attorney
Benson has been notified but knsn't
showed up yet. so nothing has b.Miu
done. But evidently there will bs
music in the air.
Last night Duncan Clark's Mon
ster Combination and Famalo Minstrels
commenced a week's engagements at
Ssliakopoaro Hall, appearing before a
crowded house. This is undoubtedly
the largest female company before the
public. Everything is new and bril
liant and tho fun wns fast and furious
from first to last. The marches, fancy
dnnc?s and singing were attractive and
the performanca was an original ono in
o.'erv way. Daily Courier, Syracuse,
N. Y February
House, August 13.
seals OU
i t ',fr -i r ' -
brides pareuts, August 9, 1S92, Rev.
Itobcrt h.nnis, officiating.
A moonlight social will b: given br
the Y. W. C. T. U. at the Christian
church to-night (Friday). Ice cream
and cake. 15 cents. Bring somebody's
sister out and have a jolly good time
Ira Wakefield will address the eiti-
zens or Oolrt Hill Saturday evening;
upon tho political issues of the day '
i i i , i . . . . . .
out every body and hear Mr. j Th. . ,:.$-' , "j mtlJ osn,ri.
once In tre law business with aro;her
Tho Medford Distilling and Refin- ono of his partners. M. E. Pogno, et
ing Co., challenges the world for ono time, u we roinemoer correcuy.
made from the b-.'St oi corn antl rvo , y x " ,
n ntnTirrnv rn-or WknU O iwnnay morning lor i.-i
sale house at Medford Ore. Your val
Miss LoraColtoa, of Ashland, was vis
iting with Miss E!va Galloway during
the week.
- If you want the Singer sewing
machine, call on L. E. Hoover, of
Medford. '
The Central Point saddler, W. M.
Carey, paid the Mail office a pleasant
visit last week.
Go to O. Hoi tan, tailor, and in
spect his goods and prices before buy
ing elsewhere.
J. L. Napier has moved down into
Josephine county, being somewhere
near Kirbyvillu.
We claim to turn out the best and
. neatest job work in the valley at rca-
mable. prices.
The Grants Pass hardware merchant,
J, P. Judson, was looking around here
during tha week.
Wanted Farmers and laborers to
look at the fine lino of durable shirts at
the racket.
D. B. Worthington. of the Klamath
Falls Express, paid his respects to this
omce on r rmay last.
The Eagle Point flouring mill man.
A. J. Daley, was looking up business in
his line here Monday.
. uurran lor straw nats. All sizes
and styles below cost at Angle it Ply-
Slover has the only fountain in
town and gives a large, foaming glass
oi soaa ior oc.
Hiss Martha Card well, one of our
good looking school teachers, was vis-
lung in mis city Friday.
Largest stock of men's youths', and
' ehildrens' clothingln town at Angle &
A AJT UidlO B.
The Demorest Bros, are at Crescent
City for a two weeks rest from work,
starting aunaay morning last. '
'Use flour from Eagle Roller Mills
ana. you win nna it bettsr than the
b3St. For sale by Angle Plymale. tf
, - Chaa. Anderson took the train Sat
urday morning for Dunsmuir where
he goes tp work for the S. P. company.
Dxmoreat Bros., dentists. Nitrous
- pxide gas administered for painless
extraction of teeth.
jWelbftrn Beeson is supplying C. W.
Wolters, the popular grocer, with fine
.- apples pf-the Red June and Astrakan
The celebrated Manhattan Food for
horses, cattle and poultry. Guaran-
- teed to cure chicken cholera. For salo
. at the Strang drug store, Medford, Or.
3. W. Howard, wife and C. K. Chans
Ior. of Grants Pass, attended the
Kaigbts Templar Conclave which met
in Denver, Colo., this week. -
The O. K. Barber shop of which
J. E. Shearer is chief tonsorial artist,
is furnished with elegant and easy
chairs and the razors are always in
good' order. Uo thou there and nave
thy face shorn of its prickly points.
Next to Grand Contra! Hotel Front St.
Jake Ellis, of Wagner creek, poppsd
in on us Friday last and planked down
one year s subscription for this great
lamily newspaper.
L. L. Jacobs, the Jacksonville mer
chant, was visiting the family of Robt.
Cameron, of Uniontown, Sunday, in
company with bis wife.
a. u. weuster, tne trusty wno re
cently escaped from the stat3 peniten
tiary, has been captured and is safe
again behind the prison walls."
Demorest Bros, are at Crescent
city, cai., wne.rc itxzv are taking a
couple of weeks recreation. They will
08 back on or bclore the 20th inst.
Tho Grants Pass Water. Lteht and
Power company seemingly have a bard
road to travel, four complaints aggre
gating $62,0 ;0 baiug filed ugainst it
last week.
M. S: Welch returned on Friday
evenings train from St. Louis, Mo.,
where he went to buy machinery for
tho new roller flouring mill at Cen
tral Point.
Perry Farlow brought J. Nunan and
family down to Jacksonville Saturday
irom tne Dead Indian soda springs.
Mr. A. H. Carson and daughter, Miss
AUie, Uft for Portland Wednesday.
Mr. Carson returned Thursday morn
ing, whilo Miss AUie will tako a few
! weeks trip up through Alaska. Misj
In Eagle Point, August 7, 1892, Mrs,
Lois W. Hubbard, wife of B. B. Hub
bard, aged C4 years, C month and 15
The subject of the above notice was
born in Windsor, Ashtabula county,
Ohio, January 22, 1S2S, whre she lived
until 6he arrived at maturity, when
in a short time was called upon to fol
low the remains of her husband to his
last resting place, tho grave. In the
course of time she married a man by
the name of Ranney, after which they
moved to Kansas, having two children
by him, a boy and a girl, but she was
destined to drink the bitter cup of tor
row. When her children wcro about
fifteen and thirteen respsclively, her
son was killed by tbo falling of a tree
on him. and just ono year from that
time, her husband was killed in the
sams manner. On December 31, 1S73,
sho was married to B. B. Hubbard, and
in 1SST, moved with her husband and
daughter to Jackson county, Oregon,
settling in Eagle Point, where she
lived till the day of her death. She
became religious at about thirty years
of age, and spent the remainder of her
days in God's service, being an active
worker In the Sabbath fchool, exem
plifying a true Christian character.
She lavei a long list of friends, who
svciualbizs with ber husband acd
! daughter in their bereavement, but
We buy for Cash, and we buy to sell.
We buy direct, and we buy in quantities.
You will always find our stock complete.
We sell at one price, and that the lowest.
. We treat you courteously.
A satisfied customer is our best advertisement.
Our coustant aim is to give you the best goods at bottom prices.
We make your interests ours.
Your child will be served as cheaply and politely as yourself.
A comparison of our styles and pricas will convince you that yon
should trade with us.
The Popular; Gpocef,
were married at the residence of tho i Carson has had very poor health dur- thev feel that their less is her eternal
mg the past vear. ana it ts hoped bv gain,
her many friends here that she will , Q , Qa carth,
hare a very pleasant journey and come j , j , sorrows and Its toils to
home enjoying bj'.ter health. Ob- share-
h-ss tho pilgrim's daily cross to
Charles Nickoll ha brought suit in I bear:
tha circuit court of Multnomah county jOno more the crown of ransomed souls
against Jamed R. Little for the re- j to wear,
cwverv of STjOAT. It will bo rvmcra- At home in heaven,
bered that the aforesaid gentlemen j Q , heaven!
were partners a tew rears aS'o In Jcc- j tboucht to briehten elondv
Another theme of thankfulness and
Anothrr liuk on high our kuts
! To horn; and heaven. A. C. H.
:::: Staple Biy Mk, Groceries, Proyislons,"
Hoguo river, arriving
first of ivptouibcr.
ued orders solicited
Mrs. C. K. Fronk. of Albany, sist-r-
in-law of Mrs A. J. is here
visiting friends and relatives. Wo
remember Mrs. Fronk especially as
ono of our old Jackson county friends.
It is pl-asant to revive old times and
meet old friends. Indopendeucs West
Wm. C. Boutelle. a United Snt?s
postal inspector, paid Postmaster How
ard an- official visit Saturday. Of
course be found everything in apple
pie order. It was also found on inves
tigation that J S ' Harrison nlntr was
the only genuine bell shaped grandpa j dians within
nut in town
' Calif., where thev cxnect to moot Mr. i
and Mrs. W. ti. Roberts. Dee will
return nftsr he sees his pa and ma.
while Barney will join tho folks, and j
leaving tho railroad this side of Red i
Bluff, they will go up through Big
Valley into Modoc county, thence into
1 Klamath county, via Crater Lako and
g home about the
TOT tVorll nar'.chri.
The faci;iues of the prescrt d-ty for the
production of ercry&ing Uitt will con
duce to the nisterU welfare aad cosfort
of mankind ere cimost unlimited and
when Syrup cf Tigs was first produced
the world ws enriched with tie only
: perfect laxative known, as it is the oaly
remedy -which is truly pleasing and re-
to! We Pay the Cash or Exchange Our Merchandise
tor All Farm Products
June 11, 1S92. TOUTS Respectfully, J. NUNAN
tiir1ijs will h.- rn.nmA.1 si t :
Marv's Academy, Jacksonville. Ore., j freshing to the taste and prompt and
on September 5,1392. Facilities are effectual to cleanse the system gently in
off sred for securing a thorough cduca-1 Spring time or. ia fact, at any time
lion in the branches pursued in tbo ' 3 , . , ,
bst institutions. Although piptia are ! d l.hc icncT 11 U kaowa fflore
Tom Morine unopened to look under
the sidewalk near the R. R V. R, R.
depot one day this week, and found
the tickets stolen from the little depot
astvnn tim. tiM T t fa t.At, 1 1 1-.. 1 , t Vi n
-c M;nn'M. ,t"f,,. t.',rii t ! Bod and bedding per term
party, and ho thought it best to return ' asic. wilh "s. of instrument.
.-.. : Drawing per term
r.-ceived at any time, parents and jruar-
to place their children
und-r tho enro of the Sisters of the
Holy James will tesk their own inter
est by sending them at the opening of Hcodcrsou, ct at. In Wo.
1, . ' , , J In oilier oi coont, road
rjiibroucu lev, paiu uiifc unco. ct iv. waiter a. KucDcn, c( ni(
lioard and tuition per term.
County Commissioner's Court.
In ftinltcr of county road petitioned for br I-
tue preewai
; dls-
iO m e rlncL
o rn I OrdrnM thit M. nellinffiT. A
petitioned tor by
joa,tlle pre-
where they havo been for a few week:
Thos. Fish and wife were in Medford
Saturday. Mr. Fish owns consider
able real estata in this county and
will probably remain in the valley
tnrougnout tne summer.
M. L. Alford, of Ashland, is assist
ing H. H. Wolters in C. W. Wolters'
grocery store during Charley's absence
on his Crescent City trip. Mrs. Alford
is also stopping in town.
Several good young horses for sale,
on time if desired. Also a thorough
bred Poland-China sow and pigs. In
quire of D. T. Lawton,' Mitchell-Lewis
it Stavcr's agent, Medford, Ore.
A. N. Soliss and M. L. Ryan, who
have juBt returned from a trip to Cres
cent City in the interest of the Stock
ton business college, started Monday
for a tour through Klamath and Lake
F. B. Cathcart took Monday morn
ing's train for Sncramnnto, He. will
return in a few days bringing with
him his family and household effects.
w. a. Simmons'. lamily will come
along with them.
The railroad company ran a special
from Ashland to Grants Pass last Sat
urday to accommodate those who de
sired to take in tht circus. It went
through Medford before many . of our
citizens were up however.
- Sixteen of the Portland street-car
conductors arrestsd for embezzling
money irom their employers were held
xo answer ontore tne grand jury witn
bonds fixed at 8150. Five were dis
charged, there being no evidence
ai;iust them.
We ara sorry to chronicle tho death
of Mrs. B. B. Hubbard, of Eagle Point,
who died at the family residence in
that plaos Sunday last A large pro
cession followed the remains to tho
Central Point cemetnrv. whnrn thn
body was starred. - ' '
the property.
Mrs. G. E. Genung, of Oakland. Cnl.,
who has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. W. P. Wood, returned homo
Saturday morning. Mrs. Wood and
nod children accompanied herns far as
Colestoin, where they hnd a big time
drinking soda water, returning homo
in the evening. .
Thn last time O. Hnrbaugh iras heard
from he had disposed of all his horses
but ono span. It stroma that horses
were a slow sale, a largo number hav
ing been been placed on the market
previous to his arrival. It cost him
S220.EO for his car load to San Fran
cisco from this pine 3.
Paddy Kyan, tho 300-pound S. P.
railroad conductor, who has a heart in
him as big as a throshinc machine, and
wbo thinks tb'.ro is a girl in Jackson
ville that is prettier, sweeter and
lovelier than any lassie that ever
smiled on a conductor, mado one of his
pei iidical trips to the county seat last
While plavincr on a horizontal bar at
the residence of J. H. Paris last Tues
day, littlo Jimmy Howard, son of Ex
press Agent U. J. Howard, foil to the
ground, causing a fracture and disloca
tion of tho elbow of the right arm.
Dr. Gaary was called and fixed up tho
little fellow, who is getting along
Judge H. K. Hanna, Miss Kato Ln
barger, court stenographer, and tho
lawyers are back from Josephine, the
court thsre boing cut Bomew hnt short
on account of Judge Hanna having
been interested in so many ot tho cases.
It is expected that Judge Halo will
hold an adjourned term, commencing
aepiemDsr vj.
W. Green, the new merchant tailor
or Meaiord. has just received the larg'
est stock of goods ever brought to tho
Rogue River valley, and ns he is here
to stay and build up a trade, ho will
make suits to order for $24 and up, and
pants for six dollars and up. Slop in
ana see nis display, r it guaranteed.
All kinds of cleaning and repairing
done, uia t ans notci miuamg.
Prof. L. F. Willits and wife, who
have baen in the valley several days
visiting relatives, returned to the
scene of their labors nt Yatnax this
wesk. Lsvi says he gets along very
well with tbo Siwashes, not having to
lick but three Or four. They ara not
as mean as tho .whits trash, although
they curat, chow tobacco and pmoka
elgarettoo on tho sly,
Painting, watr colors, S3; oil
colors 10 CO j
Typewriting per term
tor further particulars, apply at the
Now is your chaneo to secure a biau
tiful sweet voiced "Epworth' organ
with stoul, instruction book, and nil
freight paid for only ST5. The3e in
struments aro shipped direct from the
tactory to me; hence, no raiddlo men
profits. They aro not of inferior
quality as might 1m inforred from' tho
romarkably low price, but ara strictly
ti rat-class in every respect and fully
warranted. Hear' what Prof. C. J.
Merrill, M dford.s experienced musi
cian, says about th?m:
Medford, Ore., Juno 22, 18P2.
To whom it may concern. This is to
certify that I havo thoroughly tested
the "Epworth" organ and can heartily
recnmmsnd them its bMng thoroughly
reliable. Tho action is equal and re
sponsive, to tbo touch and the capacity
ol the bellows is superior to any I have
yet seen. Respectfully,
C.J. Merrill.
Rev. E. E. Thompson is ngont. Med
ford,, Ore.
Real Estate Trasfers.
A P Talent to Adnlnh Strmibe. SVJ r f neU and
wli of c4, boo 15. tp 3S s. r3 o. nlHosvrii ot nv4
ot neo 14, und ne4 of vwJ4 of sea H, tpa,lSe,
' Murv 7. Rrirnt In 1 T. T7nA Hn 1 9 .11 31 llllf
A, R R add to AshlnMl, ttni.
Same to sumo, Itn 2), 27, I) lit U Its 30, St, Z3,blk
"C," K K add to Ashlund. fttX).
SytvoKter Puttermn to Millon Borry, SA ldO
acres in Alilnml 100.
J C Hanlv to I W Johnnon. land In tn SO s. r I
e, KV).
Unto wiuiaa II Newton, iou acres, seo u
tp 3T s. r 3 vr.
Chorion O Rlnnev to Martbia M CooUy. 11
83.V KM acres, I p 37, 8100.
T uownuiR to jpnso u xioages, DU OU-IUJ
acres, tp ,T7 n, r 3 w, fj5.
Ooorira E Morgan, to A F Shultl, It t, bllt E.
R K ndd to Ashlitml. (lav
M Purdtn, et nl, to Inlow & Astapolo, lot In
CiiRle Point, U10U.
John Anbpolo to J B Inlow, Q, C. D., to lot iu
Eaelc Point.
Samo to samo, 135 80-1M acres, tp 35 s, r 1 w,
A Million Fvicnds. '
A friend in need is - a friend indeed,
and not less than ono million people
have found just such n friend in Dr.
King's'New Discovery for consumption,
coughs and colds. If you have never
us jd this great cough medicine, ona
irlal will convince you that it has won
derful curativo powers in all disensis
of throat, chest and lungs. Each bot
tle is guaranteed to do all that is claim
ed or inortoy will bs refunded. Trial
bitttes fM3 at G. H, Ha-jkins' drug
M. ricrrr and
1 . l tn-. uvimH.Lii.-).i... w.
o W I age to meet at county clerk' o&ce AuruM r.l
o 00 ! I"" at 10 o'clock a. m.. to qualify and a.nral
diunnces. and further ervlrred tha: U-.'.s matter
I be coiitlnued uutil September term of
ANCLE & PLYitALE, Proprietors.
General Merchandise 1 Groceries,
Fresh Bacon and Lard, Choice Stra-ned Roney. Pnre i Cider, Mwgmr
Cigare and Tobacco, Canned Frttile, Vegetables nd Meat,
Extracts, Spicee, Flour. Matcher, Etc., Etc.
.Y. B Produce. Taken ui Exchange.
be continued uutil Sitlember terra of court.
Ordered that the clerk aJvcnine f ir the pro
alsof kepinir county nvxr, to boj-rti auo
s ro bos
liNlffe. lurnisn Cluin ir.p. loonrco, uicni : v i anu
uieiicul attendaucc and bury tbo dead, and
transr-ort patient within a raatns of are tntlea
ot aaid hospital and bid for Ud scrrici ft
ccptln medical attet;dnnce for a period of oae
year, irom iba imd oi feptcmucr. iw cam
bid to be t pened and coisldrred September T.
iXM at I'i o clock. Said bid; to bs accompanied
by a bond cf tr
Ordered that tho eotnty aswssor be and Is
Sruntcd an vxlcnlon of timo to complete the
af!rvnientct the county until October 7, ISM.
Onlered thai tho proposiuon of John- H.
Iluncr. Jr.. as set forth tn tho Fret portion of
bin btd for the aura ot Ml. to build a siane pave
ment from court house step to gate U ac
cented. 11. W". Dean has been apppointed by the
county court to the office of stock inspector and
Srcentx bonds In the amount ot SXV, with
. Nunan and J. W. Urbee o-i aurcUcs. IVhica
bond wttx nc.xpted and approred.
C. S. Price, superintendent oi scbocl for
Jackson county, nled bis report of the Insti
tute fund of said count.' for the year euding
March lit. ISIO, which showed balance of JV) on
band. Keporl approved
C. S. Price, superintendent of schools for
Jackson county, tiles his report ot school funds
for this year ending March 31. IW3. Which ro
port examined and approved.
Ordered that Max Muller Insure the court
house in the sum of tk,VU '.or tho term ot three
Report cf keeper of county hospital tiled ana
Ordered that the clerk order record for county
commissioner's court.
Ordered thnt l he clerk of this court shall ad
vertise for proposals to build a bridge across
Apploga'.e creek near He .edict's place al a point
wncru tno present county nnupo across satu
eroek is situated. The bidder to uccompntiy
his bid with plans and specifications for tho
same, riuiu prosposais to oo openoa oopiora
ber?, ISV.' nt 1 n. m.
In matter ol school districts or Jackson t..
Oregon : Whereas th? laws ot Oregon passed
eDrunrv ua. inn. roauires tne countv commiss
ioners to provide tho county school superiu
tandent a pint ot the boundrios of the several
school districts of the oounty. Said statue
provides that where present boundaries are un
oirtuln reoi flictink', st:d commissioneia sliall
nnve power to establish or correct tho sumo
and whereas tuo boundries ot various districts
of Jackson county are uncertain. It is ordered
that tho boundaries of school districts aro re
Miscellaneous hills amounting to fiavi.M",
. Good Stables. -
First class rigs of all descriptions
can na procured at an times ol tno day
or night at the Clarendon Hotel livery
stablos. Drummers and citizens uscitig
teams should give this stable a trial.
Satisfaction guaranteed; ohargea rea
Bucklcn's Arnica Salve.
Tho beat salve in the world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcors, salt rheum, fever
soros,tuttor, chapped hands, cliumnlns,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures plies, or no pay required,
It is guaranteed to givo perfect satis
taction or money refunded. Prlco 25c
I. A. WE
Carpets, and Paper
o Curtains
UMertaldiii GareMv Attended to.
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware
and Fine Building Material.
Warranted Cutlery, CarpeoUrs and Builders Tools. Fishing Tackle, Amronntttoa, Xte Et
Redjacket Force Pumps, for deep or shollow wells. Tin Shop Attached
Vice Pres.
Q. W. HOWARD. -Cashier.
J. K.
Asst. Cashier
Jackson County Bank.
CAPITAL, - $50,000 Medford. Oregon.
Loan money on approved security, receive denosits subject to check,
and transact a general banking business on ths most favorable ternu.
3rYour Business Solicited.
Correspondents: " v -
Corbin Banking Co., J?. Y.
Commercial Jational rortland.
Pacific Bank, San Francisco,
Ladd & r.uh. Salem.
wre, largo ootti.s &o ana 9i.uo,
par box. For sale by G. li. Hackins,