Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, August 12, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    -jr.- --v y- ' . : v :- . .;.. ;
Published Krory Friday Morning.
Satered In the Postotnc at MeflfoM, Oregon,
as Mull Matter. '
Mkdford, Fktoat. August 12, 1892.
MM Partg Mt
Nathan Pierce, .of Umatilla Co.
W. H. Galvani, of Washington.
Saral H. Holt, of Jackson Co.
7r Q-. Burleigh, of Wallowa Co.
Congress has adjourned.
There ia hut one free coinage
party in this country the Peo
ple's party. '
"Let enrrency alone" qustion is
pfF flavor, Mr. Plutocrat The peo.
ple are in it.
Read the fifth chiptcr of Hez-;
jekiah and see what a "calamity
fwwler" that grand, old patriarch
Gen. Weaver's late visit to Pen-
trer was his first since 1S53, when
he drove an ox team from St. Joe to
the coast.
" The Willamette capitalists have
withdrawn the proposition to light
iledford with electricity lor ?lUU 1
per annum.
By the way, has "the public re---ri-ved
any information regarding
the health of Mr. Blaine since the
' Minneeopolis convention?
The people seined t be boxed,
. , , . , 1
Da one side destruction on the j
pther damnation in front starva
tion in the rear desolution.
The People's party appeals to
plan's reasons r.ot his prejudices.
A vote cast for the People's party j
is a vote for home and huraanitv. !
REPrBLicAS r,aners in Missouri
x-r t -
sre taking up the "calamity howl1
ly declaring that, '"prices of farms
n Missouri have gone down under
jlempcratie rule."
Is Hungary a passenger can
ride oOO miles for $6 00, first-class.
Jn Oregon for that distance f'.W
is charged In Hungary the gov
ernment owns the railroads. In
the United Statet corporations own
Justirj. McCarthy, the Jrish lead
er, declares that Gladstone will it - j
0 FXUX &.. .
product a broad home rale hill at 'can and shall vote fir Harrison,
the" first opportunity, but that it! but my satisfaction because of
will bo . three years before home
rule will be fully established in
' Ireland, - .
Soox after. the Alabama state
election the Democrats claimed the
Btate by 110.000 majority. It has
dropped down to 10,000 with pros
pects for a lively contest on account
hf gross
frauds. Golly, what a
i" Pettttoxs are being circulated
and numerously signed asking the
jcpunty commissioner's court- to
rescind its actiop in taking the
bounty off of coyote scalps and
raising the county school superin
tendent's salary.
Medpord is very modestly forg
ing to the front as the principal
town of our famous Rogue river
yalley. More building is going on
Jierp" Jban n any .other town in
Southern Oregon. Our busjness
men enjoy the best trade. Better
. 'bargains pan be had here with our
merchants than- can be secured
j -. t
plesewhere. If you are skeptical,
come to town and investigate for
yourself. "
"' TjSTEAp of compromising with its
men he Carnegie company locked
them out apd determined to oper
ate its plant with non-union men.
There is no question or ts abstract
Jegal right to do these things, but
would it pot have been better from
(every point of view if the Carnegie
.pompany had taken a more liberal l
A whv fibonlrl it. cnnV -
marilv reiect every offer of arbitra-
WW .
Not an old-party torch has been
lighted. What' the matter? Won't
the blamed thing go off? '"TN.
Masy of our farmers are refus
ing to sell 1 heir wheat at the prices
offered, and will store it until
they can get a bet ter figure.
The ballot is. tho proper instru
ment with which to kilt Pii lcertori
iam, Carnegism and p'utocraey.
Let labor wield in its interest as it
should, and it will beat Winches
ters, Catlings of dynamite.
s'l wn.r. make yon a speech in
Chicago during the campaign,
said Judge Uiesham to thi yisrting
committee fri-m the People's party,
"endorsing yovr platform and your
candidate. I heartily sympathize
with you in this movement, hut I
am too ill to carry your tanner."
The "People's party candidates
for president and vice president
differ from the old parly nominees
in that they were chosen by the
masses, not hy the money kings of
the country. " They are men for
whom all honest people can cast
their ballot3 with a clear con
science. While Benny and Grover are en
joying their surnmerouting, putting
on aristocratic airs and having a
devil of a good time, our Jim is out
among the great common people,
talking and counseling with them.
' showing himself to be one of them
and having an interest in common
with them.
By a private letter received from
C. E. Terrill, of Harney county,
by Win. Terrill, of Browsboro, we
i learn that the democratic county
j chairman cf that county has re-
'signed and cast his lot with the
People's psrty," Bvron Terrill.
secretary, is a'.sa going to resign
ailj become one of us.
TP t .- 1 1 1 r 1 nnf van ennricm
if the town would be without water
for irrigating and fire purposes in a
month or so more. Bear creek is
drying up fast. Had the town l
at the water tank that it paid out
. , , r
lor having tne ouch dug. we no
doubt would now have a good
supply of water for all purposes.
The Kansas Agitator says:
' George Gould, the son of Jay Gould,
IJI. . e 1 -i i 1 1 fn,l ,,ut tbnt 11 rtsrnllr Rnnofifiin "'""r consM.l to le weuneu -10 tier
; has notified the railroad employes ; mi out tnat a rascanj sonoiagun ,1,,,,,-r.t tbe .r.o.t.l
7-L-i.niJ .L.lwastryh-.gtobeat him out of an,thoice and thought they would
ion the Gould system in Iowa that
lhey niust vote for the repeal of ex
isting railroad laws before he vill
entertain their petition for life-
!"n5 appliances on carg. Free
country ! Frej jieiiplel Iet - the
plutocratic eagle scream from its
lofty heights, let the night owl hoot,
and "let the people be damned."
"The nomination of Cleve
land," said a vary prominent repub
lican business man, an officer of the
Union League club, to the New
York correspondent cf the Philadel
phia Ledger, "will rill me with de-
Of course I am a rcpubli-
Cleveland's nomination will be on
account of no feeling that he would
be a weak oandidate. The reason
of my satisfaction is that with
Harrison and Cleveland as oppos
ing candidates the business inter
ests wiil be safe, whoever a elect
ed." That tells the story of the
wicked twins G. O. P. and D. 0
P. as plainly as it can be told.
A meeting, of the state central
committee pf the People's party
was held in the Forester's hall, in
Portland last Saturday, Chairman
Galvani presiding. The state ex
ecutive committee was completed
in accordance with the resolution
adopted at the Oregon City con;
yentiqn. Tho committee is now
composed of W. II. Galyani, chair-
LmanjDr. J. F. Hendricks, secre
tary; Nathan Pierce, treasurer; W.
H. Spaugh, of Harrisburg, and
John Luce, of John Day, Grant
county. Mr. Luce, the new mem
ber, was a candidate for congress
in the second district at the last
election. A resolution was adopted
to the effect that the party
should be kept free from any alii
ance with .either the republican or
democratic party. Ways and
means for raising fund? were dis
cussed, and it was decided to have
the various People's p.arty clubs
make small contributions to help
pay bills and legitimate expenses
which may be incurred during the
comjng campaign. The state cen
tral committee then adjourmed,
f leaving the future transaction of
business to the state executive
The reports of the San Francisco
board of health, and ot the Tacoma.
Seattle and Spokane noards of
health, arc unusual tributes to be
paid even t.o an article of so high a
character as the Royal Baking
Powder. These boards say, in their
judgment "it is impossible to make
a purer or stronger baking powder
than the Rova!.
Business Change.
The old and reliable firm of
Adkins & Webb, who started into
the hardware business about the
time Medford.was founded," sold
out their big stock of goods to V.
II. Simmons and If. B. Cathcart,
of Sacramento. The new firm ex
pect to take charge about the first
of next month, and are bound to
do well as the house enjoys a big
Masons Banqueted.
The Masonic lodge of this city
was visited by a large -number of
their brethern from Ashland and
Jacksonville at their last regular
meeting Friday niht. After the
lodge work was over the members
of the lodge here together with the
visitors repaired to the Clarendon
where an elegant spread was par
taken of. A most enjoyable time
was had, everybody seeming to be
in the best of humor.
Another Kuuaway.
Last Friday evening as Jeff
lirophv, of the firm of Brophv it
Mathes, was loading up a beef than
he had just slaughtered the team
started to run. and on seeing them
start Mr. Brophv jumped into the
wagon, but as one of t he Hues had
fallen to the ground he grabbed
hold of the remaining one and gave
the horses such a pull that it "threw
him violently to-the ground bruis
ing him in a good many places but
breaking no bones. The horses
ran a short distance and collided
with a tree doing but slight dam
age to their bran new wagon.
Robinson Qoue Northward.
It is reported that Henry Robin
son stopped at Roseburg a day or
n 's waX UP the road and told
an acquaintance mere an noout
how he was lilcrated. If true it
places our marshal in a not very
enviable position. He said he
was going up to where his brother
John was, near Pendleton. The
bungling manner and seemingly
indifference in which this case has
1 t ,i 1 rir
ocen nantuea since uooinson was
committed will be in a striking
... . ...
comparison to the wav in which it
, r' 1 -. .
will be disposed of when H gets
into the circuit court.
Bosy Was In It.
Rosenthal, the clothier and
hatter of this citv, has been plaving
the role of detective this week. " He
honest bill, so he got out the rcqui-
site papers, jumped into a buggy
behind one of
t KJ. Warman's best i
steppers, taking along with him a
limb of the Jaw to be used if neces
sary, and started up the valley.
He came up with his man at Ash
laud, and the way Rosy talked to
that fellow would almost make a
wooden man go down in his Loots.
His uehiionent customer wilted.
punpled up the. finances and was
allowed to go on his way, a sadder I
if not a wiser man. Rosy came
back a happy man, jingling about
forty of those great big silver dollars
and proud that his game of bluff
and strategy had come his way so
Our Own Max Pracht.
In a Washington dispatch wo
find the following:
One of the amendments to the
sundry civil bill, which has just
been agreed to in conference, is of
sone importance as affecting the'
Alaska salmon interests. An ap
propriation of $5000 is made, to be
expended under the direction of
the secretary ot the treasury, to
stop the barricading of tho salmon
streams in Alaska, ami an agent of
the treasury department is to be
sent there to carry out the instruc
tions. Max Pracht, - of Ashland.
Or., has already been selected as i
the special agent, anil his appoint-1
ment will shortly be made, l racht
was collector of customs of Alaska '
during the early part of the admin
istration, but was removed on ac
count of tho charges that were
broueht against him. T ese
charges have now all been cleared
up, and the department is ready to
employ him again.
A Moonlight Social.
Last Saturday evening a moon
light social was given in the Kime
grove by the Whetstone Bros.
The following ladies and gentle
man were in attendance. Misses
Alta, Nerva and Ida Naylop,
Geoigie and Jessie Spencer, Mamie
Isaacs, Cora Bashford, Millie Soliss,
Minnie McPherson, Jennie Whet
stone, Florence Dowell, Eva Rey
nolds', Unrrio Boussum, and Mrs.
Belle Griffin. Messrs. A. N. Soliss,
Clinton Spencer, H. F., D. and B.
H. Wheststonc; Charlie and Harry
Lofland, and W. Mcpherson, N.
Kime, Frank True, Joe A. Thomas,
A. Morris and S. Warder,
After games and amusements
had been indulged in until a late
hour, refreshments were served
consisting of ice cream, lemonade
and enke. AH participating pro
nounced it a highly enioyablo
affair and many sighs of regret
were made that all good things
nave to come to an eng. -
Took His Own Life.
Wm. Hart, who has been stop
ping at the Ashland hotel for sev
eral years past, committed suicide
last Friday. I he body was tound
less than half a mile from the
center of the town, and was lying
in a cramped position, face down
ward. The indications are that
death resulted from taking some
strong poison with suicidal intent.
The cause is supposed to be finan
cial troubles, as it is reported that
he had lost all he had in speculat
ing. Mr. Hart was a pleasant gen
tleman and respected by all who
knew him.
The State Pays Promptly.
Medford Ore., August 8, 1892.
Received from tho State Insurance
company, of Salem, Ore., through
their agent Mr. J. E. Enyart, the sum
ot aow.-iu in luil settlement 01 m.v
dwelling which burned rcc.-utly, and I
fully recommend this company to my
neighbors and friends who need in
surance. Signed, W. P. Faulow.
An Old Timer.
Tuesday we had the pleasure of
a visit from II. C. Clawsmi, who
was a resident of this county thirty
years ago, but now resides in the
state of Idaho. He came to the val
ley forty years ago and remained a
resident for ten years. His visit
is not as pleasant as he anticipated,
owning to finding things so changed
from what they once were Men
that were young then are old now,
and do not recognize him,
although he finds some that he
among whom is 111.
Bvhee, an old pioneer.
During the early 50's a Mrs.
Ilinkle and her daughter were
mysteriously murdered near I'g
town but the murderer was never
apprehended. Mr. Ciawson in
forms the Mail that J. T. Sutton,
a former resident of this county
but now an editor of a People's
party paper in Boise City, Idaho,
not long since, wrote out the con
fession of a man (Mr. Clawsn has
forgotten his name) who acknow
ledged that he hud penetrated the
dastardlv deed and his reason for
doing so was to s-cure what money
the lady hud in her possession.
Farmers, AcUntion.
The tariff having hn taken "off of
flour wo are sell ing full roller process
flour lor SO cU. permck. Angle & IMr
nmlo. Romantic Wedding.
There arrived from the sunny
clime of Southern Oregon Wednes
.1.... .... i .1 1
, - , . r .
I four voting folks, who at first, at-
. ,j , ..
traded no unusual attention as we
. manv vjs. f fa
L. u w ,earncj ,ha,
j among them were two who wished
J to l,e onc- The, .V0,,"S, 'y
' wf 8' u',lKr aSe had Mt , r
! H I home without
;J"y ne c! ,an,J nc mar:
"!1 !',e he"y,n b,UP wt,fr..of
..Y" '"r" "r "
. ."-lainews, .aiiss Amelia otten
Mr. A. W. Sunders, of Rock Point,
and Miss Alice Mathews, of Jack
sonville. Oregon.
Shortly after their arrival, at 6
p. m., a messenger was sent for
someone to perform the marriage
ceremony, and a crew to man the
boat. After all had been procured
they embarked on tho life-lxiat
Amelia (named at sea in honor of
the bride) with strong arms at the
oars, and a justice of the peace to
tie the knot. When well out at
sea the loving couple. Mr. G. W.
Mathews and Miss Amelia Ottcn,
were pronounced man and wife, the
setting sun casting its golden rays
on the happy pair and groupe,
presently followed by the twink
ling stars and brilliant moon, cast
ing their brilliant reflections on the
peaceful surface of the ocean mak
ing the scene truly romantic.
After their return they proceeded
to the Bay hotel where the "boys"
serenaded them, the groom treat
ing them liberally. The young
ladv is the adopted daughter of F.
Often, of Rock Point, Or., and Un
voting man resides at tho same
place, his parents owning a large
farm near there. The party were
to return to their homes this morn
ing. Crescnt City Courier, Aug. G.
Prof. J. C. Clai k In ttcferm Journal.
I visited Jackson county not long
since and met some of the leading
People's Party workers, among
them the true and tried Ira Wake
field who como within six votes of
being elected Circuit Judge. Mr.
Wakefield is one of the most effec
tive stump speakers in tho state.
He has 11 pleasant little farm home
near Phoenix and aearly all his
neighbors for miles around are
earnest advocates of our party, not
least among them being S. if. Holt
and Wm. H. Brecsc. The latter
has a little fruit ranch in Talent,
where he plays the roll of Vu!can
and does the best blacksmith work
of any man in the two counties of
Jackson and Josephine. He is a
well-educated German and while
his efforts as a stump speaker re
veal more or less of tho Teutonic
twist in the use of English, he al
ways succeeds in making his points
more clear and telling than a largo
majority of our native workers do.
Mr. and Mrs. Bresse, accompan
ied hy S. M. Byers, another intelli
gent People e Party worker formed
a ljttlo picnic pnrty and took me
to Tolinun's Soda springs, some
fourteen miles northeast of Ash
land, Ore., on the Linkville stago
roaa. . .
rjoaltt Baking
Used in Millions of Homes
These springs are in one, respect
remurkable, as distinguished ordi
nary Soda springs. They exhale a
centum gas or "vapor" which has
been used successfully among the
Indians of that region from time
This gas treatment when proper
ly applied proves to be a sure and
speedy cure for fevers, rheumatism
and all ordinary throat, bronchial
and lung troubles.
The patient sits in a lox with
his head outside and free to breathe
the fresh air, while the gas is busv
searchit g out every affected prt rf
the system. Il is a mo.-t ucrlict
"microbe killer."
I speak from exjicricnce. I went
there suffeii.ig from a bronchial
trouble that had never left me since
my recovery from i:ri hist winter,
and which was steadily gro vt-ig
worse and causing nie mure or less
inconvenience, anxiety and even
alarm. It relieves ordinary ii :ue
ness instantly. I felt a decided
change from the very first applica
tion, and after a stay of iiw days
there was scarcely a trace of my
trouble left, and my voice is I citer
now than it was before I had the
grip. Judge To! ma 11 was cured of
a worse condition than mine before
he U.ught the ground IGO acres on : Ia" 1:5 7,u ule Bnme-
. . . .b , . , ,, tor. atiuual Advance.-
which the sjirmos are lo:ateu. Jle ..
went to work at once, built a health
home on the banks of Emigrant . f 1) H L A TTiTTQT?
crek wlere invalids and guests : Uirilirtil. JlU U Oili
can una a pieisani, uomciie re
treat at reasonable rates and re
cover their health and youth and
enjoy tent fishing and mountain
rambles among the pines, to their
heart's content. Judge Tolman
and his sweet-faced motherly wife
are there themselves to see that all
arc well taken care of and made
The Windsor thea!er was crowded
yesterday, and Duncan Clark's FemaU
Minstreis mndj one of tho greatest suc
cesses ever scored in this bouss by a
similar organization. Tho first part
was verv cijoyjbl-". ad the jokes
were refreshingly new and orva'.ed
much hearty lauhf-r. The olio was
well arranced, and the dierent mem
bers of the organisation ptvsented
Speciallus which werj well received.
The valine Indies who uiako c.p Uie
etimbfiiBtion are handeocvi and well
formed and drvssjd with pood lase.
and the rntip!nT. tabb-aux and
marches are on-eciailv worthy of cni
mendatiou. The dudes." rarado and
mnvpole quadrille wero notable fea
tures of a very pleasing bi.l. lltoston
Herald. .ovfm!i.T l.. Cp'ra Uous-,
August 13. ltescrvtd seats, CO cents.
Ieserviny Prais.
Wo desir to say to cur citizens, that
for year e havo b -en selling Dr.
Kin'g's New Discover.' for eoa.MiinDtion.
Dr. Kinp's New Li to Pilis. Bucklen's
Arnica Salve and Kl.-ctric liilters, and
have never handled remedies that sell
as well, or that have given such ur.i- j
versa! sal i Miction. e do not hesitate
to iruarant ie them every tim. and we
stand rcadv to refund the purchase
price, if satisfactory results do r.ot fol
low their ut Theso t-em-Mlies have
won their greet popularity purely on!
their m -rit. G. H. Wins, drujSiSt. i
Eagle Holler Mills.
Tiie Best or Flour, GraLam, Corn Meal,
tind Chopped Feed of All Kinds.
WWheat Exchanged at all limes on best terms possible.
C. FAKNIIAL Vshlana. Ore.
JVIaehinery and Vehicles,
il Farm & Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages,
Carts and Harness, Champion Mowers and Binders, Bonanza
and Starr Rakes; Canton Black Land and Hillside Plows, Gale &
Bissell Chilled Plows. - Bale Ties and Binding-Twine a Specialty.
p. T, LAWTON, M'crr Medford Branch.
40 Years the Standard.
He Will Challenge the Election.
Washington, Aug. 9. The Star's
special from Montgomery, Ala.,
says that B. F. ' Kaib, late
Alliance candidate for governor,
is out in a published letter this
morning, disputing the claim of
Jones' election. The letter
reates a sensation, and is regarded
as evidence of Kaib's intetiti-.-n to
challenge the official count, which
is now nearly completed, and which
lixes Jones' majority at betwjt-n
nine and twelve ihou-and.
Two Voltou.
"Silver crcsheil to earth will rise j
again." "Uniied v.-o stand, divided we I
arc not iu it. were mottoes that adorned i
the cpera house in Ouray, oud attracted j
notice of all de'egntes and visitors dnr- '
ing ttio congress. Words more true were !
never uttered, unite on Wtaver and
wowi'l be tabin a step forward. To
vote for IIamso:i or Cleveland means
four moro years of bondage. Daranxo
VTlil Carry Nevada.
The People's rarty held its first con
vention and uon:uated three presi
tial electors p'euged to vote for
nominees cf the Omaha convention, j
Everything is progressing as well as i
possibly can be expected, and that the I
: People's party is going to carry Nevada I
One 5ight Only,
Saturday, Aug. 13,
20 First Glass Artists
risw 5ongs. Fancy Dances,
Genuine French High Kiskers,
Roman and Grecian Statuary from
Marohs an j Tableaux.
., ,
fyyg gnrj g Hgjf HOUfS 01 PUtt Fllll
Palace Barber Shop
Chief Tonsorial Artist, Opposite
Of Eastern Shoes.
opposite postoffice.
' c . n , &r., it
! OllltS 10 UTCSr, 524 SilQ UD.
! n . , An ...
jPaiitS tl 0, $5 aflfj Up.
;ii8!M28lio!l wMt
Comer of 7th and C Sts.
iir-ncnR n
Great Clothier
Has just received a large stock of
also a finestock of
Which he will sell as low as can
be sold. Small profits and quirk
sales will be his motto.
Call ami
see for vourself.
Having- bought out Frank Galloway
is cow pre tared to fill all order
The Cheapest and Best Picket Fence
made. Correspondence Solicited. Ad
dress all orders to
Medford, - -' Oregon.
The leading Dreg Store oT VotonJ Is
(Successor to Hv&tsx Kawtoa.)
He bas anytMsg in the line cf
Pure Drugs.
Patent Medicines,
Books. Stationery,
Faints and Oils,
Tobacco, Ciears, Perfumery,
Toilet Articles,
And everything that is carried ia a
Prescriptions Carefully
Main Strkkt, Medford; Orkgox.
Jobbing of all Kinds,
Medford,- - - Oregon.
3 .A- Ct v ? ft- Vv M
3 $$ r- v .- V ys S
1 Sivvfe I