Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, August 05, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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' i
w-OPty Street '(ar Conductors Arrestod
at Portland for " Knocking Down."
A Despondent Slexlcan at Sacramento
Attempted to Kill Himself and His
S-7ear-o!d Child.
Phoenix wants free foetal delivery.
Tbe Santa Bosa fruit canneries are
running foil blast.
Sii sailors of the British ehip Fern
jclilTe deserted at San Diegs
Napa fruit growers shipped a carload
of fruit to Butte, Hont. a few days ago.
Milton B. Clapp, a prominent real es
tate man of Los Angeles, couiuiiited
suicide at Pacific Grove.
- ' William Petersbn, aged 26. fell from
1 building at Santa llosa which he was
Ehiugling, aud wr.s kiiled.
Boomers arc gathering along the boua
.dary of the Coivillo reservation, gutting
ready for the invasion.
""Harvey Ladley of Los Anjx-lcs has
been .aoniinated by the Bepubiicans for
congress icon from the sixth district.
. W. 8. Green, chairman of the recent
anti-debris convention, has i-sned a call
for th e re-aastiublinjj of that body ut
Sacramento, Aug. G.
Nearly all the buildings in Yscnville
injured by sh earthquake last April are
repaired. The public school buildius;
nrM b ready for occupancy Sept. 1.
A social train carrying a party of
PiMUuy Iranian Knights Templars passed
1tbrou Oregon and California en rou:e
SO Pnvar. All the points of interest
were visited.
. .The charge of corruption against
Auditor Miller of San Diego county has
bees dismissed on the ground that there
was o tTWtnca of miscondttct on the
part of Hut cCScer.
Cosaty Clerk Gassaway of San Dir-go
who has been ou trial for alleged mis
conduct in office, being charged by the
late grand jury with Having raiapplied
funds belonging to the county has been
It is reported that Owens lake, Inyo
county, CaL. has been sold to an
Jish syndicate for $3,000,000. The lake
: - i -estimated to contain, soda worth $200,
" 000,000, and ihe object of .the pnrchuse
te to establish great'AMh works. -
Governor Iktrkaam ' has been pre
- Mated by the inera' Association with a
- handsome gold match, box. , The match
. box. was mad frota gold' ti&sn from the
- - Gould & -tJoolitUe tainernear Dslch
. '' Vist, dadug 1118 reocut visit of the
.V "6 editors there.
6hi Davis,- editor of tbe Carson (Nev.)
v- Appeal, charged city cfEcfiils with mal-.-""-1
feasance, ia office! TheL grand jury in
vestigated the charges, and asked Davis
the source of his information. Ee re
fused to tell, and was locked up for con
tempt. L. Stevenson, tho lnr.n who
gave him the information, came forward
and released him from the obligation of
secrecy, and ths editor was released.
All the mines in the Coour d'Alene
country are in operation. Troops are
- ixangent home, and the union men un
der arrest are bing prosecuted vigor-
pasly. It is probablo that 00 or two
companies of troops will remain in ths
district for some time. It is asserted
that if ail the troops ere withdrawn
the con-urioa men wili leave the urines,
as they fear another outbreak. 1
-Tha Norwtgian ship Frank Carvillo,
200 days out from Leith. Scoilar.d, has
arrived at San Diego. She was so lon.3
.past due Ihit faars had beta entertained
for her safety. She was beating about
Cape Horn for two mouths before she
could round the cape. In a gale the for
ward house and cabin were stove in and
pther damage sustained. A large part
pf the provisions was damaged, and for
; i three weeks Captain Keiion and his
;' crew of eighteen men have been living
-. on jjjuoqj 0f (jug sea biscuit and a smuil
quantity of thin soup a day. When
"T " )hey arrived in port every trace of food
; V i" ' had disappeared. Ail bore the deyriva-
C. -' - . tion without a murmur.
i . .. .
. ;'; -. Xbe party that left San Diego for the
purpose of bringing in the bodies of S.
- - J. Breedlove and Far nam T. Fish.
' reached Campo the other day on the re
turn trip, ana telephoned that the body
pf C. W- Breedlove, the son, had been
found only a mile and a ha!f from the
place where the other bodies lay. He
bad apparently been dead some length of
ime, and was in the same desiccated
condition as the others. The body lay
"pnly a few hundred yards on th trail
fallowed by the searching party two or
three times. All three bodies will be
brought in by the party, which will
reach here tomorrow evening. ..
A Mexican named Jacob Alcaraz, with
ilia' 3-year-old son in his arms, threw
himself on the track in front of a loco
motive at Sacramento, ms intention be
ing to commit suicido and kill his child.
Engineer Hanford performed a remark
able feat. He reversed his engine and
slapped on the air brakes, stopping the
train within a distance of six feet.
. Jack screws were got cut and the loco
Vnotive had to be raised before the man
and child could be liberated. Strange to
. lay wither was killed, although both
'were terribly mangled about the head
and face. Alcaraz wife died in child
birth a week ago and he has been des
pondent ever since,
JBaUraod Employes to Consolidate.
A Wfflrea-Barre (PaJ dispatch says:
PjreaDtabT8 of the different orders
pi Ndbmt4 vua are in convention in this
pit-; Th following orders are repre
Sens4; ' " Brotherhood of Locomotive
Sngmewa, Brotherhood of Firemen, Or
der of Railway Telegruphera, the S witch
JOf&'s Mutual association and the Ladies'
auxHliary. Specud trains were run on
' pll the railroads. Fully eight thousand
'strangers are in town but they are not
all delegates. The largest delegations
are from Kew York, Pennsylvania, New
Jersey and Delawary, The West was
Joorly represented. The object of the
convention was stated, jiamely, to dis
cuss the advisability of consolidating ail
he orders under ono head. It is said
jthe scheme was favorably received by
611 and will be put into-" effect before
long. - The engineers in the Western
ptatc-a are almost a unit for consolida
Jion.: ;There is some opposition among
Si engineers in thq J3ust. who do not
e the idea cf being called ont on strike
Jvbere tho br.-.kemen or the to!egrn':hers
have difficulty with Jheir employer.
4nt the opposition "of the Eastern men.
it is said, " will be overcome without
culty. ... - .
A 10-yetsr-old girl has been arrested at
San Francisco for incendiarism.
Eoiichurd, tho .smuggler, has boon
captured by the Canadian militia and
taken to Quebec.
The Crane Chemical Works at Spring
field, N. J. blew up the other day. Oao
man was killed.
Filteen persons were killed by tho gas
explosion st the York Farm colliery at
Pottsville, Penn.
One third of the town of Sissom.Cal.,
including the business portion, was
bnrr.ed a few days ago. The total loss
was $58,000; insurance $24,000.
A discharged Pinkorton detective
posted the Homestead strikers of the
coming of the Pnikevton forces. He
did it to get even with Pinkerton for
having him arrested about a
Phil J. D.iwe, proprietor of the Corsr
nafdiiuf enl.irtM nt p;ittllv WJiq fihlt Ulld
killed while standing behind his bar, by j
William liurphy, an ex-Ere marshal, be
cause he would not "mix a cocktail for
him. '
H. Clay King, the Memphis lawyer,
convicted of murder and sentenced to
death, has nppealsd to the United States '
circuit court for a writ of habeas cor-,
pus, on the ground, that ho was not 1
properly tried.
Four children crowded into a closet
nnder a-sink in a new house at Medford,
Mass., and snapped the catch of the door.
When fonud this evening throe of them
wero dead from iulToeation. and tho
other was nearly so. '
A sensation has been created at Den
ver by the arrest cf J. 1L Cross and J.
McDaniels. who aro charged with the
robbery of President Moffat of the First j
National bank, which created such aj
sensation three year ago. j
An unsuccessful attempt was made to
burn the town of Westport, Cal. Sacks
of shavings saturated with oil were
placed in the doorways in the center of.
the block au4 set aftre. The fire was I
discovered in time to prevent a disaster, j
.-r- - , '
ficic persons lour muies, one 111110
girl, three white men and one Indian
lefc Cape Crofter, Oat., in a small boat
for Wiarton. When within ten minutes
sail of their destination a squad struck
the boat and all but three men were
T 1 r!t- 1 - -1. 3
any iuicii., nas uevu visiieu uy j
a disastrous fire. Fifty blocks of thj
residence portion of the city was laid j
waste. The burned houses were mostly j
occupied by workinmen. Over 600 j
families are camped ia the public park. I
The tot al loss w ill reach 1 ,500.000. 1
" Charles Wilson, murderer of Mamie j
Walsh committed suicide at Oregon j
City by haniong himself in his cell. He I
removed tho bandages from his broken
arm and hanged himself with them. He
was discovered by the other prisoners,
bat life was extinct when the officers
reached him.
John Ivans, a boy 16 vcars of ago and
j the author of numerous fires ia Forrest-
ville, Cah, has been raptured. The boy
j confesses to the crimes. He says his
I only object was to make people think
1 Italians did the work and so drive them
away. He hates Italians bitterly. The
lofs from the fires was several thousand
.The mail stage on tha Tillamook and
North Yamhill toll road in Oregon weut
through the bridge across North Trask
river, falling thirty loet into the water
aud among tho rocks below. G. B.
Hadley, of Tillamook, and Rev. Mr.
Edmonds, of Iowa, passengers, and
Willshen Maddnx, tho driver, were all
seriously injured.
A fire broke ont in tha coal bunkers
of the United States cruiser Charleston
at Port Orchard. Wash. The Ere bell
j was rang and within thirty seconds the
j pumps were started. After battling
I with tbe il imes for thirty-five minutes
! the fire was subdued. The fire was
j caused by spontaneous combustion.
: Tiie injuries will neces.tate the return
! of the vesstl to Mare Island for repairs.
A desperato fight cccnmd at Flat
Rock. Ky., between IVpnty Sheriff
Grant Sellers ai:d John CoCey in which
both were killed. Coffey had been ar
rested the day before na-l fined $20.
When Sellers went to O iTey and served
the capias, the latter shot Sellers through
the breast. Selltrs then drew hi-s pistol
nnd shot Coffey four times, and both
men fell and died iilmoft instrtTjtly.
- While Mrs. S. W. Sawyer, the wife of
the president of the bauk at Ei Reno,
O. T., was at the paying teiler'swindow
two men entered the bank and compelled
her, at the point of a revolver, to hand
put all the money in tho vault, amount
ing to 10,500, rnshed to "the door,
mounted their horses and made their es
cape. The robbory is believed to be tho
work of the Dalton gnn-.-. Hundreds of
armed citizens noon started in pursuit
and headed for the Dalton rendezvous in
the Granite mountains.
Five hundred Italian laborers em
ployed in laying pipes between the gas
fields and Chicago quit their camp
and took possession of SturCity Iud.
Stones and sticks were thrown through
the windows of houses and stores, and
the little community was completely
terrorized. For half a day they para
ded the streets, defying the authorities,
breaking windows and tearing down
fences. The two saloons in the place
were broken into and cleaned out, the
desperadoes drinking all tho liquor they
C"uld find, and rolling the barrels ont
on the streets and demolishing bottles
aud glasses. . Going to tho railroad de
pot the rioters roblied the office of what
money it contained and assaulted H. B.
Stanton, the agent, in a horrible manner.
After beating him nearly to death, they
dragged him out upon tho street, strip
ped him of his clothing and suspended
him by his arms from a tree. Ho was
rescued almost an hour later in an ex
hausted condition and may die. His
body is terribly bruised nnd his urins
were so swollen that they had nearly ,
burst when ho was rescued, . When !
night fell the people of the village aban-
doned their homes and. fled from tho
place to the surrounding towns wheie
they could get protection. "
George Green and Albert Larson, the
last of the gang of robbers nrrested on
the Fresno river have been sentenced to
Ihe penitentiary. Green, who is 23
years old, was sentencoi for life. Lnr
Ken is 87 and has a family. The jury
recommended Uim to tho mercy of the
court, and his senteuoe wii3 fixed at
forty 'years. Green is engaged to marry
Lar.-en'3 daughter. She was present iu
court "dnring the trial, and camy back ,
sixty miles to hear his sentence. They '
were convicted of the robbing of a Chin
ese store and tho shooting of the Chinese i
bookkeenac . - .
All Important Happenings Boiled Dowt
mid Assorted for tho Conrenlonro ol
Thoso Readers AVlto Aro In a Hurr
; and Have no Time to Waste in Read
ing Long Articles.
Ex-Governor C. A. Hardin of Jlissourl
is dead.
In the Manitoba elections tho govern
ment was successful, a victory for na-
tional instead of separate school.
Many deaths from heat aro reported been nominated for governor of Minue
from Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, New( 6ota by tho Republicans.
York and other Eastern cities. . Lieutenant Commander Cover, chief
Henry B. Ryder, United States consul liydrographer of the navy do;artment,
at Copenhagen, is charged with com-, estimates that the cost of a cable be
mittiug u fraud iu tho liquidatiou of aa tween the Pacific Coast and Hawaii will
estate. ' I be $1.20J per milo.
A committee of Ur.i'ed States senator ' Chairman Harrity of tho Democratic
wiil inqnite in the rig'its of bona fide national committee has announced the
settlers in the forest reservations of Cal-j national and exectitivo and cumpaigu
ifornia. committee as follows: M. E. Tarpey,
- Thomas Kickerson, ox-president of the 1 California; Charles S. Thomas, Colorado;
Atchison road and ihe builder of rail- ar'os French, Connecticut; Samuel
roads in Mexico, Arizonaand California, ' Ps. Florida; Clark Howell, Jr.. G.r
died at Boston, Sundav, 83 years old. gia; J. J. Richardson. Io,ivh; Charles
Eecretarv Noble has issned a nolice ' V. Blair, Kansas; Thomas IL Slurley.
warning ail persons now on the Colville Kentucky; James Jeffries Lomsiaua;
Indian reservation in Washington with- Arthur beweU. Mame; Arthur P. Oor
out express authority to leave the same ,au'. Maryland; Daniel J Campan
without delay. .
The San Luis & San Jo.-.qaiu R:iilroad
company has been incorporated, with a
capital stock of $10o,00J. to construct
a railroad uorthward from &in Lni3
Obispo to El Moro, a distance of about
ten mile. -
Tho Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe has
made a rate of $13 from Chicago and
Denver and return on account of the
triennial conclave of the Knights Tem
plar. Tho rate is $28. ii, ami this cut is
likely to produce a serious rate war.
Hundreds of deaths from heat were
reported daily from New York last
week. The heat seems to bo more in-! mont; M. W. Rnusnm. Norlh Carolina;
tense than ever before. Fully 50 per ! R. F. Cable. Illinois; E. C Wall. Wis
cent of the deaths are children nnder 5 consin; Josiah Quincev. Maachusetts;
years oi l. From early morning till lato : WiJkuu F. Harrity, I'eausylvauia,
at night all tho ambulances were kept j
fho sending of the cruiser Giovanni
Iralv to take part in the New York
by I'alv to take part M..n l...o l,n
passage of very warm and friendly ex -
pressions of international good-will be -
tween President Harrison and Kia,
The proprietors of five large flouring
mills in the vicinity of New York have
formed a combination. The mills swal-
lowed np are the Heckcr Mills on Gros-
venor slip, the Jones Flour Milliuj
companv. the Jewell Milling comnany.
Brooklyn, and the Kings Flour iniils.
There ii a panic anion the Dakota
farmers lest tL.y wiil le unable to bar -
vest the rreat v. hi at crop now being cut
in South Dakota on account of the great
scarcity of harvest hr.nds. At a na -
prviir Aft t.fici ,n -n-ill i,
need in tho Dakotas and Minnesota
within tho next month.
Edward Hvatt. of Saa Jnrinto. ia
fitting out a camping expedition -to col-'
lKt specimens for the Stanford univer
sity. Tho object of tho trip will bo to
make as complete a showing as possible
nr , . .....1 t;. i.. . . ... . i
,, ... . . ,,,,
Cai.forma. The trip will but a'oout two
. ,
Water is gradual y fianng up the Iaso
nt Saltnn :-inn. The nr,rwl an that
the flow of water may not increase, but
may continue for a month r.r more.' It
has already driven the salt company ont
of their works. The Colorado river is
falling at the rate of about two inches
in twentv-fonr hours.
There were not enough horses in the
police department nt Chicago ihe other
day to carry t ff tho animals which fell
in and about the busmen center of ihe
city alone from excetive heat, and it
was found necessary to call in outside
help, for the ambulances and patrol
wagons bad all they could do to care for
human being.
The Los Angeles board of county
supervisors has passed an ordinance
which has for its purpose the protec
tion of a number of birds and animals
which aro now undergoing in that
county a very rapid extermination.
The animals and birds are the seal, sea
lion, mountain gray squirrel, golden
oriole, mocking bird and the California
road runner nnd meadow lark. It is
also a crime to rob the nests or destroy
the eggs of any of the birds. Fines nnd
imprisonment arc penalties for violation
of the ordinances.
ABirdsboro(P.i.)dispatcbsays: As the
completion of the five inch brown 6cg- gade of militia is still guarding the
mental tulo wire gun draws near cx- mills At Pittsburg the policeare watch
periments with a fac simile cylinder ing tho annarcbista clost-ly. It is be
have been resumed. The other day, lieved that an attempt will be made to
with a new powder of greater energy blow tip the Carnegie mills. H. c.
than that heretofore used, three shots : Frick is rapidly recovering from his
were fired, the first giving a pressure of wounds. Bergman, the would-1 assas
44.000 pounds to tho square inch, tho sin. was given a preliminary hearing
6econd 50,200 pounds and the third moro and his bail fixed at $24,000. There is
than 06.000 pounds. This extraordinary u general belief that hostilities will bo
resnlt. fully CO per cent greater than has resumed at HomesUad if all the troops
ever been obtained in auy built up gun, ' are withdrawn.
left no mark whatever on the cylinder, j Privat lam. of the National Guard
! VfJT S-t ,gll,te"t en,Iir8- stationed at Homestead, proposed three
ment of the bore. The total pressure on ,1,0 .,. ...,:., .....
each of tbe plugs at the ends of the cyl
inder waa more than i.nv nonnds.
An Aeronnnf.'s Parachute Failed to Kx
pnmt Unrlcd in the Mud,
A St. Paul dispatch says: Five thou
sand people at Inver Grove, just south
of this city, wero horrified spectators of
a terrible fall to death of Professor Hebe,
an aeronaut. For several days he had
been making descents by a parachute
from a balloon at a great altitude. Be
fore the last ascent he expressed the be
lief that he would never descend alive,
as he had a presentiment of evil. Nev
ertheless he made the perilous trip.'
"When tho balloon reached the usual
altitude Hobe could bo seen tugging at
the valve cord, but it would not work.
Before ho could manipulate it the balloou
was at least 8,000 feet above tho earth.
In the regular way he cut looso the par
achute aud shot rapidly earthward, but,
to tbe horror of the crowd the parachute
did not expand and the unfortunate
aeronaut fell like a shot toward the
ground. A strong wind wus Mowing
toward the Mississippi river and it was
hoped he would strike the water, bnt so
rapid was the descent that the falling
mau alighted upon tho edge pf a slough
at tho water's brink.
So great was the forco of tho fall that
he was driven into the soft ground to a
depth of t-n feet nnd iii6tuntly killed.
It reqnirad hard work for an hour to
reach tho body, i v'; ...
- Chanaccy M, Depew has sailed for
Thomas B. Iteed of Maine has been
renominated for congress.
The silver men and Peoples' Tarty
of Colorado have combined.
Tho Peoples' Party of San Luis Obispo
has nominated a count' ticket.
The .Democrats of West Virginia have
nominated W. A. McCorkie for gover
nor., Hngh Fay, the actor, is not dead as
was reported. He is on a wedding tonr
ia Ireland and England.
Ex-Congressman Knnte NelBon hns
lJl lTZZni.ZrZ
Charles Howry, Mississippi; John G.
Prather Missouri; Alvah W. Sulloway.
New Hampshire; Miles Ross. New Jer
sey; William F. Sheehun. New York:
M. W. Ransom. North Carolina; Calvin
S. Brice, Ohio; Samuel Rhoney,' Rhode
Island: Holmes Cnmmiugs. Tennessee;
O. T. Holt. Ten; Bradley B. Sinalley,
Vermont; Basil B. Gordon. Virginia.
Wiiliniu F. Harrity of Pennylvania is
chairman ex-ofijeia; S. P. Sherin. secre
tary ex-oflicia The t-ampain com
mittee is: Calvin S. Briw, Ohio; A. O.
Gorman, Maryland: William F. t!'.;ee
han. New York; 1L B. Smal'ey, Ver-
1 ...... ,
I m,As:a ,c "lera has nppeare,lin Pans.
mere wis some uouot at nrst as to lue
! t th " fcR 1Q-
, t,",u b,at ,h? seTe' des I" "
; "Ited from tbe genume epidemic
j The Amsterdam Handelslmn publishes
letters fruln Celebes givin the details
of thu recent -iptioa " Great Sangir
j skmd- The eruption com aenccd nt 6
P- ml wa not braided by the
i lglt sew-mio Immense
i ;uuies of Imiw and smoke and masses
I of ton "udJenly burst from th vol-
! "no- Th fto lM U ov"-,Uo t,J,nJ
: killuig hundreds jLt Wr
! bu"" ,ho fields- Tbo! who "cceeded
; " rrcI"'K surpoel shelter of I heir
! btmes flfud co n-uK?- hous,-
were crushed beneath the weight of fall-
u" SL,1W un,d w'f roli:,r nn,lerthe
wogat of aMies, curving the uimam.
in many iustano-s whole families being
lost. Streams of lava flowed with fright
ful rapidity down the slope of the
mountains. It is estimated that over
one thousand persons jerLhed oa the
slopes of the inor.ntains, and many
more in the lowlait Is. but the exact loss
of ,jft i( not yrt kowx Tho lU l!lJ u
' now threatened wiih famine.- all the
a u ,vi Ae&tTt Ia U)Jlnr
. ;. r , ..' , .
Weils have lcome
dry. Tbe Dutch authorities aro doing
flu. r m t tlinv u n t n''.t-infn that 1 i
At tho opening of ths hna tho other
day. Congressman Wheeler of AMabnroa
toi k Watson of Georgia to task for slat
ing tn a campaign circular that drunken
members reel tbrongh the aisle and
drunken members speak on grave issue.
Watson declared that every word in the
pamahlet was literally true and he was
re to defend every word. Ha d-jfied
, tho house to punUh him. The incident
j created much excitement bnt the mem-
bers contented themselves with hissing
Watson. Finally Boatncr introduced a
resolution for thu appointment of a com
mittee to investigate and tvport ou Wat
sons charges. Tbe committer was ap
pointed. A Pittsburg dispatch nays: The onion
men arrested nt HomMead on charges
of murder have had preliminary hear
ings. Some of them, including Hugh
O'Donnell, have been admitted to bail.
Bail was refused to others who are
charged with murder in the first degree.
Work is going on at the Homrtead
mills nnd evervthing is quiet. One bri-
i nil-. . u .v. hi. i v.vll'IVl
assassinate H. C. Frick of the Carnegie
Company. Iain was strnng np by the
thumbs for thirty minutes by order of
Colonel St rector. Ho was insensible
when cut down. This punislmnnt be
ing considered not enough. Iam was
courtinartiiiled und sentenced to have
one sido of his must actio cut off and
half of his head shaved and to be turned
out of camp. The sentence was ap
proved by General Snawden and carried
out. This -unparalleled punishment of
a mil:tiaman has aroused a storm of
indignation throughout the country. A
number of the most prominent lawyers
in the East have volunteered to prose
cute Colonel Streetor and General
Suowden. Iam, according to the law
in Pennsylvania, is disfranchised.' His
family is one of the most prominent in
the state and a bitter controversy will
indoubtedly follow. '
Catholics and Columbus Dot. "
A Rome dispatch says: The pope has
addressed -a long letter to the arch
bishops and bishops of Spain, Italy and
the two America's on the subject of
Christopher Columbus,' his discoveries,
etc.. lie app ints Oct this year, or
the following Sunday, if it Inopportune,
for rpecial Columbian services, and di
rects that after the office of Ihe day the
solemn mass of the holy trinity be cele
brated in cathedrals and pollogiute
churches in order to celebrate ' worthily
and in a manner suitable to the facts
this solemn anniversary. '
WIIEAT -no 1 wh if, II 3r.'4 1 etl eVol t a t,
137s: mil.inir, fl 'S 4 fur new nd
i ! fn-nld
BA RLE l -Feed STioi'ic H tl: brewing.
J7J.M tor cw: i-ho c oM, 51 0V
Oats-N w: Coist, 1 l.ys; ! . oil ol ,
f I TVm SO for off itriulvi fulr to koM fued,
tl 32 :f,'i: crioicc tn (.nicy, ?1 0H . mill
inir, n 42i V'4 rp It 5 ftI .": gr v,
SI HXH 4 b wli, Freuou l . . l'ai i.oi al
Ifo nln, 1 tV'.al a ..
CnH. Laruo yc'l " .$1 27 1 30 ? ctl s.aoll
do, :a'4-. Mlilee, : s t; si c.
BEANS-Pca. 2 5 ft-' ctl: plnk.K29
S SO: Usyo, : .,0; s all urliltc. : -V'. 4 ; lr.-j
do. -2 2 J.; bait r, noinlua'.; rod, 2 3i;
Llnm, : :oi i.
EEEIlS ltie, TL(o t !b: lie-nn. ','ll'a
isnnry, 3? fur linpurteJ to Cull o n's, Tii
fin- mv1, :)tiS: uluM , n.imtiwl, mukturd. uouii
liaL HAY Xcw: Alfnlfn, f '039 00 $ ton: oat.
t8 uurttlJ 00; wheat, ?'J : 5J: wlu-rt and o it
I'J II '5 I Ji rtn k, !i J. I'a-l.-y, ig n'4
too clover, M 0 (S 11 OJ. coinrcsw.1 uay, ,9 uo
1 '0
bTUAW- va-. c t bata
II Pd -No i.iual.
l:YE-Pri e j Je-l to chanirc, Ncx, $1
1 .5 . il: o.J. I au-gl s
DRIED PEAS -A pp. o Ira to prices: Gee .
SI . ($i ht pel!; M-e ,1 -i-M CO lack, noji
tnal. .. - m
Milt Product.
DP.AS 7 .V i ! tn.
MIHDI.lvCS ri 0 (St:.-,0 ? ton.
CK.-UNO Altl.EV ,-il !i0?toa.
CIIOPPtDK KI-i o QkJi V ion.
FE I) COC X M E A L -a; i. (if S 4 r t a.
OII-CAKE AIEAU-t u.i con .1 the mtlL
1 1.O. K Net a-h prices: Family exlr.ta, u jo I
'-')f udi: o crs-ext a, 11 JJ&l J.; sa.ppin ;
unertt' c, li 7.'S-I u)
VAKtuUS ah prices, ft :0-R sact:s: Cm kf d
srlies;, 3 c f In: ry.- flour. Z-Zc; rv uiea .?-.c:
bu kvhrat flour, i : romine..!, S : oalm l. I1,
S": Ost flrvau, V: ho;i '-.y, 4 f c rl e
D ur. ts in., 4iZ ; pe rl Dartey, i'lj.y;
spill ia. lU(.:,c. ro led o.t. 4c; bucilio.
xroaU, a! ; traham i!ou-. Zle.
i'n pn.-vs: r:irer tin. 4 (y c
r : r. ia 1 c r s -cs.
AoT ..ToKi-:
From n..r In -arks: Ea ly K se j
iv le .'& c: Uatu u , (a . j
fo.-rircr s me liier hi her G.r.irtCUl e.
b xca. jcr!l o orF..r;y Ut-si a d 7 ii li I
I r Ihifh. Ir. m.h.a. 1 1 . ti i l
- - - . ...... j
both k ud.
VAiaoUs Toattor. I ee V ot tor Vsc:
ile: river, U.-ice bo s j. -i int
beans, : c. s . lud; s.iaitner siuan.
J. : encumbers. i(j.i c bo.: ns.-lir. i,jc sb:
r. iplj.l. . (4 & t box: . rr-n IT p-rs."
o He. and 7 f-l i'l f r let imu -oru.
I ijfl c r uus c? bay, do lk-.-keic. J. 0c g.
e ate; g co okr e t1
Fruits and Nuts.
rnESIl rr.flTS Samrterrics. 00 fi
chest lor LiOLSwonh nJ ll o for S'lsrp
le s: O15: Q V chest: u.ktier
li j tfc 4 ft caet: h -ck iin s. IJ (j.oc
r 'r
Ch-'rirs, V43 e V bo 'or Itors- Ann-: ronr,
-'S(' e; sp Int.l JI.. r h. ; td i lur
Ukcu: tu buU i cxnnr , (j: rl a."; pran.
to C p bass : do -Biall -uxes, 4 9 ol best
ai l, -. 0.
usri rii, si ii lii la (.vbokra.
irrn - o. -a r I . QO bss. - s, 4 ( c. j
t-r... w. - . . . , sag v l P bs. :
p:ums, 7 . i$ I S' as lo ra iety aud Las of ii:
ne latin t. i (T c; as-.ertu hj . t. .. 4 V
tfos can loupes. S 041 j, f cra:c: e-tlnp-l
' . 4 fcc oux; sweelaule Clcs.7j441 !.
ranrta -t.ue i.Oe njrcl, Louttu 1 0 ieej
ln.i oil ;. r tjt ltui:luid snJ R d a d
are . Ul.IS. J." i (. V. LnA9s-ele sevahttss
ti Vi. s nu bar ara crsi.iti sud rslil) -Lcm,
Hi o (sy t: ; S-tta I , uU (lisvaua a.-e.t)
J ijt; US. j
Itaouu l I-aies "csnor.s: Santa Barbara, j
4 0; U ters.ite. U O- O.-: L. An r.s. 51 -ui 1
SO L:mc-iicx ca, ;i y '
1 uj V casa. i
V. tiou -Pi 1 f bsnrh: Hon-
lu.u piceapp e. j o.4: 4 ; A- aoulcod.i. (4 .0 '
9 a.
DRIED FntTT-CropoIl 5 : A prico-JL sua- :
dried. .(.- r ts; do oiearh d. M..iuic s
do.fcr41 e appiea. dn.d, t:eod, 4a. c; '
or ,.(! ; er po alal. c b.a hn. bl ac-d, ;
.(H'c do l-ec '.. I st A . do o:t-.r:eO. i, ; ,
pl.1,1 p'.ums. -ei ; , esrs si d . d. ll cC '
. : do cjri, 4 e; do eiai vrai d, '(fii t
. Kais.n -lyer .;,(;! 1. -f w-: toore Mus- j
Csl I, ia k. .c v u.. d.i boxes. ; .v. ; .
sreJnsull ou .-H'S-'i t irjN
l-.iC- i
S' TS-Jo- bin p.- ccs: fr tl. sasc ; a '
tnor-us. so-X U'x A -x da paper suvl-. 1 1 . -h.rd...
. .c. aanuts.Ca::f ru:a s It ih.Ils,
tit-Jc: pk sa 1:0- h;nl, : ; pj. n , .ija
i . cuii.t is pea nu. i' j 41 c: UiU I . 1. , : ' 1 1 11 -
:.v. p-hw-uur. i.jt-.c; e ouanuu, i4 ,.si io i Aro Yon SnHcrinr.
r 1 From b.-ck r.che, iniiamation or thi
Hairy 1'ro.iure an.i Hoaey. , h'.adder. b ick dut deiKssit or s'ene in
BCT-K :-Fr.-sho.-rta ry.i f : fan-y ; U10 bladd .r. or in f-ct nnv derange
t .; t? f;. Z J'Jit.?1? ?"""" '- a ' r-f th k:dnovs or uriuarv or
Ersiern ladle s.cJ. 1 vt.J -. ,r.,us.' If thus afdictod n.- not locsse tim
1 HKt-K c- loruis, n..o c toa.:cr.?3? e j ,r-Lste moa-y on worthier lini
r th; luurrrr dea,t!.?o Y..u Ajer. . . ' meuts arid worse ph'i?r. but strike at
1 c: X sr Y rk reim. l.c; West m. n.c. i the seat cf the dis?aso ai or. 00 bv using
110X Y d cru. II g O'.c j i f rco-a in
1- names: d ,lv -v; ex:racte , JY ej .'c:
new xtr.uio.l. '.&jc for l.ut laxruid t j
(.fo ua-.eruhil-.
BEE.S-. AX Piom -t 2f:: t.
Poultry and Eo
rOCI.TnY lle-s. K o fa 7 jo 'r1 d t b e leu.
4 u la: Ure sn I itix . K-r sm It: j
ront ri. ti i v I' you t d K (.' u f -r I
eld; pees-. pt . H vi 7: d . k ti .0. jj;
ire tu ey.'s UtaiN: V - (or hrrj and isi.c j
for bblen pic .ns, j no , It .. (i 7i ,1 dj ; !
old. n i dta 11 . j
Ktf ?-Ca iio nia store. I''.sc j dot: ranch, j
SSSi-c. occssiun lly hi EUsto u, I..51.0. !
ariectvi a .3 e; isra ion, 17 $.c
CURED MFATS llauit. Ktatcrn. li'i-V.e p
tl: A- , -C :rc .hfor-.iia ie( Ueruto cu ed. U
(1J1, : Cahforn.a a.t, lltfa)ijr.
llaeoa East u bre kfatt, t:',3 x -1 :C .li
(ornia soatok d, he ry and lljtul cieiium, 1
Jt c: lish: II -,r So extra. U.Qii ; cl ar
s.dcs. 0 ktKa
I ork txtra prime. Ml 0 Q I S- Y hbl- prlot
mesa, tl. u4 o i : Una, I7 4 (4 7 7 ; xtra
el ar, Jl: 1 (ft 19 J ; ol a , (IS 4 ftila). piss feci
1U .. . hf bblr. ti . .
Beef M,7.01bbl:exlrameas. .
93 oa: f mil , :l IC 0; r Usniokcd.
11 (CI .
Lard-lls ifornta, J(s7,, r for ticrrcs; 1-.-V
tl:s, 10 W .C4 S:"so U . r ;
Jl- 1 buc t, 9 . : buckets. .c. Ea-t .a.
c.n-pou d, (sc for tierces: do prime stcaui
-CJ.: ln tics s a: i-. , i?, ;; 3- f, Do.
Wool. Hides. Kte.,
W OL-Sin Joaquin, ehoi e. 1 (il 0 : do
fair to rood, 11 lg do xor nnd irashv. 1 (ai.T;
do yoirj tto.-o.-, 1 ?3;,'o South -rn coast burrv,
Iwl io dotr.e IMIa Xoruurn fnneyaii,
free including llumo Ut and .leml tIu
tic do fair With dcfceis, 1 sc cvada h avy
ai.d andy, 11 silo: do ROJ m caoioe. 1 t!i.',c
HlUiS AXD SKI 8 -i-ry hides siusd, w
It: culls, to. brands. r kip; a culls and
brands So henry atlted steer, soand, 7 47- o:
brands and oulls, 10 do me luni, re brand
and oulls, 4 e: do litht, 4(i'se: do biamK aud
culls, :l'0 talted enwa, 4 -e: do brantts n.4
cans, 3 ,c: raiu-u kip, e
do braudi nnd eoll.
S ; Uiiir wool pells, a cfal each medium do
-.09 o. sho.l do (K47 o: shrailing, o ;e:
deer kin, summer. 37 . o do medium SCMa.". e:
do aimer aud Ioiik haired skina .0 :' cl ;
(90 c cacu. damaged, KVeoc. kn.s. j.Co.
Xntereslli'B to Antiquarian.
A Springfield (O.) dispatch says: Ono
of the greatest arcl:a?lo;ical di. coveries
of years, one that will cju-it uliquar
iaus throiigliout the world, has . been
umdo nearLebauon. It has been known
fur 11 long timo that there were eviden
ces uf mound builders on the old Stubbs
farm, but from the peculiar location and
the varied character of the finds they
were not identified until Dr. Scovilie
discovered that they were parts of a
siugle earthwork a serpent mound.
Professor Putnam of the Peahody mu
seum verified the find, aud pronounces
it one of the greatest American antiqui
ties. Air. Metz of the Peahody museum
und World's, fair has surveyed it, and
with 'Professor Putnam ismakingexplo
raticus iu it. The scrpeutine mound is
1.90U feet long and about ten feet
through. The find is in a rich archajlog
ioal district. ' '
ntrni nnii Dnilnmi
Jobl'ing of all kinds. Plans nnd
estimates furnished on application.
Jacktfvrews to let.
C. Elder
Dealer in
kork7f:x and domestic
miwYT. merit""
j if:
- H
If jon take pills it is b-aose jco bare cever
iried ihe
It wc-rk so nlcrly. rlcaninj: tbe Lircr mod
Klues: ari a a mild pby&lc ttbiui caus
ing v.n or ickw-5-, acd does not sicp too
from t-Alinir ud wurkixrg.
For sale by Geo. H. Hxskiiis. McCfonl Or
;THE mi limi MACHINE.
L. E
Hoover, Agent,
j rod lord Ore-
Salary $25 to $50 a West
We will par aNre salary any pwl Wt
ciun cur t:.i- Z irxvix. e;hcr to ira!r or
ca-:.a:ers. V.VtVaJ ia Cr; las oiscrIj.
anJ a, liic ivmcal irauufc:urrr.-s rr;c-,i.
A ;;! J to A. K.KilN A Ci .
ri Qu.ncy Si ,C-.cuf. 2:1.
ho grvat..t of all r.-medi:
thj celebrated Oregon Kidnoy
Pl ,'asar.t to take puroly vee
Satisraetion evcrv time.
- -t;"- -Je. i-r-l RE -Ji-- i.r
:i - 1 , i ism II I r -
wrra EucTRG-
e..MS J . a u
ITiTitcr Vi;Vt VrJrU. i rkn T-cTtIer fta
of b-wio. rrf frry-,t,CT-., ff jak' UcrMVa
t tx) tiaaitUM. i n ' v Vaswt crw tit -nitT.
cia.-. Usf-r. t4 ::, cbd bCwr
rtis'.uatt. tsx. liV-r ir-l r. rncrxi kl.-oal: b.
'?. Tiit i ccbitiw,. Ti.r:l l.-mrastu orr
or tr, ff.-Ct.ii tti.t- ti a.n4k -tll cv cr !
ii'w cr "paji. ?!;ru.itv4 rr ry- crT'. tr l.t st
t'w ttrtt.9a t;r ;i M.1r4fT rrnN'iri fa tci. and
fta&J.-nla crit!jsTi&( ' tftt er.i t-t ;tr ttftto.
c-w rffJ lrt;ti.f .Ui ixu xM-u,, i
tTT--: wva rer 2rl m. tmrrx re ITU ALL tri lS
iltiiH a' 4tlrA"f .trrr.riti lAKtTn twi.tieM t.
No. 172 First Cu,
Mlm Paiis Rils
EXPRESS T11A1VS l uivt pnuri ivn
south I i v,ii,
rni n ... i r . i o 1 .
lfc p. m l.vl Mixlford Lr" Bi,viii
Siloa. in I Ar.. San Fronelsro l.v. ;p.m
Anove trains slop only ut the following na
tions north 1.1 Kut-cburc;: Easl Porllnnd. ihv
B u Clly. Wuudtiiiiu. Suleni. Allunv. litifrent.
Shrd.l. Ilabtey, ItnrrlsblirK, Junction CUV. lrv
lug und Kuireue.
S n. n I Lv INirtlanrt Ar 1 4. n. m
5:10 11. in I Lv Kosoliuni ' Lv . 1 n. 111
SOI p m I Lv Portland Ar S:.VI p in
9:IM p ui I Ar AllNiny I. . j 'mO u m
Pollmin Buret Sleepers.
Tourist MlceIns;Otrs fiw thrarramnio Tut Ion
of soixud chias oassv-nirei-s,atliu-lied toexiuxiss
Retween Portland and Corvaiiis.
Mull trains iluilv, oxoept Siniflav;
7:S0u. 111 I Lv I'ortlnn.l Art :'i0 p. in
IlMO p. m I Ar Coi-vultls Lv 2:'a 111
At Albany un l Onrvnllls connect with train.
01' oregon Pueifio rHilrtutd.
Express Trnlns dully, except sundny:
4:10 p. in I Lv Portlnnd Ar I s -v - -ui
7.25 p. 111 1 Ar M. lltimvlllo Lv ili. n
-riirough tickets to all points east and
south. For ticVcts nnd full Information rc
frardinc; rate", maps, etc., call on the company's
ajtonl af Meford.
alsnager. Asst. O. F. P At.
i i 1 1 ..i 1 1 1 rv 1 1 1 1 1 1 u i
I : Will
-? frjasgj
Repairs Buggies and Wagons
-AXD -
At very reasonable rates. Ne-t door
to Mcrritnan'a bluchsmith shop,
Gspi BlaoKsniltU
Horse and Oxen Shoeing-
4-fl nrvn nrv .nrjOlaa -
aaiaa nan a
Cures UAlArSnli
Clieumatism. Ncnralia. tony
Til- Oalifamia Pesstlvs and Segatrr
y.LECTRic covnn cube
Sold hy an Drn-rri-fi. Each tie. SOe $1.
Oraaslncer A Cs Prop's. Le a'asls.Oal
only tilO per ICU imuare fret. Make? a good
rout for years, and anyone can put it n. tend
stamp for sample and full parlKeiara.
:rn Kiasiic EriSG
39 & 41 West I1umiiwt. Kir Tokk.
One Dollar Weekly
Buys a good Cold Watch by our Club
System. Our 1-l-karat gold-tilled case
aro warranted for iOysars. Fine Elgin
or Wcltham movement. Stem wind
and set. Lady's or G- nfs fcize. Equal
to env Sot.i natch. To secure agtnta
where we have r-ooe. we sell one of tho
LTuntirg Gasj Watch- s for the Club
pric-i arid send C. O. D. by express
with rrivileyo cf esxmina'.ion bfcra
rr.yins- for
Our asrent at Durhnrn. N. C writes:
"Ouriearetcrs hare c-c:eied thty ilon't knew
how you can turuih :a)i wurk for the Mocsy.-
Our a?ent at H ath Springs. S: C sys:
"Your walefces lake jl siirbl Tne gealten
ahi p.. l the Ial water s:.i Ua he exanaa.d
and priced a j-we'er"; mauhrs in Lancaster
that net cc bcluj i&ai 3rura. bat the price
was tii
Our agent tt P. rt irgtt n.Tf x.. writes: '
-Am m re.-s-;t of the a:rb. axd ic cleared
without r-.ecyrn-. A" who have seer. It say it
would be ctecy at
On gocd tellable Agent vsetcd for
each p"::.C3. Wri-.e for particulars.
EMPinK Watcd Co.. New York
leloadto ffeaft&P
Cteset be scecettfcl'y trat'ed raV
Oct cccJ tcatti. To r;-gh ms;5h er ley
cantci pcsilUa is ii.'t reeiircx the fcS
pexcecnta arj c?crxtia ci ill fao
olties LlrJ n'.rr t;s ccictt us oEh.
phjtfcl t::sf It la eircct srkisf
cr.'er. ces tts Is iyof.ib:s sbea the
Bra xsi xpltta ere tcrjid, KdfrHiatl
1 the seer 'jet. cctrdr-j ladigtttica
cri fptps'a. allh all ct their arcii
puyls, harrers.
English Dandelion Tonic
exerts a specICc laSoeacc oetr to liver.
Cxtitts It ts fcsxtthy actiaa. ilHhx Its
chrodc cr-earruegts. acd rcesatM tae
accretion:: cres ld:gesiiea ard csrtl
utioa. shxrtst artit.trs aa
ths entire CpUa, ur; tkes Ins
uURlO KorevM Whoofi.if Cush.CiMpf
Sort Threat, ftthms. r-d trr vSrciao of
Throsl. Lcrcs ard Ciiest. iaclodiap CoRaaetltv
Spc aaiKn&AQetit, Ocutslcc xjywq !. 3ssa
Skilled help furnished hotels and Restaurant.
Private boarding houses and f amities.
Labor hired for railroads and contractors.
T.'e register strictly first class cooks, waiters
and domestics.
S. K. PHILLIPS, fttaa-r.
Writr tor oursiammoth
CaUUue. a tw pare
bo,k, plainly illustrated,
Civiitg manufaviurera1
low, st pricf with manu
lacturers aiour.ts on
, all goods manurartun-d
acd tmpne4 into Uie
Cniteu siau-s.
0 ' ft" to Ui ceuis on every
T 1 1 f e dollar you ssend. We
itrlUrs'"TOl' Hr-t oiU! good.
WUlU groceries, fureilure.chih
11 g. dry Kootts. hau-.capa.
. boots aiid shoes, notions,
crockerj". jewelry, bug.
gies and bantesa. agrt
1 ultcrul impirments: ia
fHet ui.vthilur von a-nnt
VI oney.i
Saved bv bmiue of us.
Send rents to pay ex--xpressage
r acatakigne.
a tiu.vers' iruide. W e ara
the only . concern that
: sens hi nianuiacturers
prices, allowing th buyer the suaie discount
ibal the manufacturer gives to the wholesale
trade. We guarantee all goods to be 'equal to
representations or money refunded. ' Goods
sent by express or freight, with prlTUega'ctf-cx.
ami nation before, paying.' - -
13 QulMV &t)wl, ttalMax t. .
i r
i I
i u