Southern Oregon mail. (Medford, Or.) 1892-1893, August 05, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat, No. I, per bushel t .53
CaU, -- : ".. - " JO
Barter - " : .
Corn, -
Potatoes, .30
Mill Feed, Brut and Shorts, perton 15.00
Uj, baled, tll.OO; loose, 10.00
arA I Oak, per cord 4 00
Wood fj . .. aoo
Floar, wholesale, per barrel 3.60
Floor, retail, . - per sack- " 1.00
Batter, per roll .40
Eggs, per dozen .15
Onions, per pound .02
Apples, . ' per box .50
Bacon and Han per lb. .13HQ.14
Shoulder " .10
Beans . " . .04
Lard " .13
Honey, " ,li
Dry popcorn at Elder's.
Subscribe for the Mail.
Fine job work at this office.
Fruit jars at Davis & Pottenger's.
Sissoa had a $W.0O0 firo oa the 2Sth
ult. . . ..- . '
Fountain-soda water at Slover's, Sc.
D, P.-Gioninjerij working ia town
again.- . - .-
Go to Elder's
town. .
for the bast, tea in
W. P. H. Lesrats was over
mires Saturday, t - . .
Glasswarj at cost. Davis & Pot
teager. .-- : -
Qoia HOTs m3rchant,"W. P. Jacoby,
was here Monday. ' - -
Quaker Rolled Oats at - Davis &
Potttng'er's. " 1 .
G. Bi' Adding ton went north on Mon
day evening's train. ' - '
Cl'Mingus is supplying the market
with blackberries. . .- . ;
atVolter3 gro-
-Lamp chimneys
sarr. -
The ft ourinf mill started up ia
blast Monday mcrning. , :
Soda water, pure and sparkling,
5c, at Slovers.
Fred Luy is visiting the folks at
Jacksonville from Tueoma.
Pure Cider Vinegar at Davis 4
O.'P. McGee made this office a sub
stantial visit during the week.
" Soda, water a cents a glass at C. Y.
W. L. Miller left Sunday for Mon
terey to spend a few weeks.
"Ladies visiting cards printed at
this office.
Miss Ella Eanley was visiting the
family of J. A. Haaley this week.
Fine spices and extracts at Davis
& Pottengtr's.
C. W. Vo:ters and wife Sundayed
with Mrs. Vf's. pi rents at Talent.
Cool yourself off with a cc glass cf
Slovers fountain soda.
Charl-jy Strang has receive! a fiaj
lot ot school books and stationery.
Call on I. E- Hoover if you want
to buy or ssll a cow.
Mrs. Chan. Strang and boys went
down to the Bcall fat m Saturday.
at Davis & Pot-
Pure maple syrup
Will Hailey and wife spent several
days in this city during the week.
Wo. Bybee is in Josephine county
locking after his mining property.
For teas and coffee try Davis &
Dr. W. M. Marstirs is making this
city bis headquarters for the present.
Go to Davis & Pottenger's foi all
kinds of soda drinks 5 cents a glass.
Dr. Will Jackson, the popnlar
Grants Pa33 dentist, was up this vtek.
R. V. Beal! is much improved, being
able to drive np from- his farm Satur-
daJ- .:-, - .." ;
We gte a cash discount of 5- p-: r
centoa all purchases, Angla St Pa
rnate. A. W. Jacobs, one cf the People'?
solid boys, made us a peasant visit
Person." owing for the SingT
sewing machine should call on L. E.
The painter. George W. Coulter, ex
pects to lave for Chicago in a short
time now..- - :,
G"o to O: Holtan. tailor, and in-
spect his goods and prices before buy
ing eisewnerc
Sunt. C. 8. Pries fa Butting- in ; his
spore time visiting the summer schools
of the county.
Slover has the1 onlv iotmtain in
town and gives a large, foaming glass
of soda for or. , J,
Largest stock of men's youths, and
childwns' clothing in town at Angla &
Ply male's. . -
Charles Hoefft, of Chimney Eock,
' was down witk a load of produce the
first of the week. - - -
lluiaorest Bros., dentists. Nitrous
oxide pas administered for painlesB
extraction of teeth.
Dr. F. S. Kahkin was at Jacksonville
Satard&y in company with J. A. Goff,
the'pbotoprapiier. - .
If you - wunt the Singer sewing
machine, call on L K Hoover, of
Licdsey Pu'rdin is home from a
month's visit Tith bis grandma, Mrs.
Worlow, on Aatelope.
Hurrah for straw bats. AH sizi
and styles below cost at Angle Sc Ply
Our , new tailor, W. Green, made
Jacksonville and Ashland a business
visit during the week. :
We claim to turn out the best and
neatest lob work la the valley at rea
sonable srices.
Trunks! Trunks! Valises! Valises!
largest stock; lowest prices at Angle
& nymale s. : , ; . .
A. W. Cormack, of Round Top. went
" over to Montague Sunday to sse his son
.Clyde, wno is at worn naar tnere. .
Wanted Farmers and laborers to
look at the fine line of durable shirts at
the racket.
John FrasiB and ' wife wera down
from Waener nreek Saturday on busi-
nes3 with-our dentists, Demoraat Bro3:
Henry Pare. JK. of ' the -Corvallis
Leader, accompanied by. his 'wif , cams
wp .Monday'mornfoB- "to- attend his
father's fuaeral at Jacksonville.
-See Wo) tars' adv. It is a dandy. .
. Claronca Kellogg has returned horns.
Go to Brouhy & Mathes for good
m :ats. i -
Dr. J. Hinkle was up from tho Point
Saturday. , ' .
" Fine line of toilet soap at the Rackot
Max Mullr's wif j and family are in
San Francisco.
Ladies' bolts, 5 csnts and up, at tho
John Jaffrev is at work on a ranch in
Klamath county.
Hanging lamps at cost. Davi3 &
Mrs. J. A. Goft is paying relatives in
Josephine county a visit.
Placer and quartz claim notices
for sale at this oDice.
Mason fruit jars at C. W. Wcltors;
largest stock and variety.
Maxcy handles all kinds of soda
wat jr at 5 cents a glass.
Miss L. Hay and friend cams up
from Rock Point Saturday.
Ten cent Cuban Blossom cigar for
five cjnts at D.ivis & Pottenger's.
MisS.Millie Howlett was visiting her
many mends nere saturaay.
A f ;w bargains in bovs' and men s
hats at the Racket.
Miss May Gilson is attending th
summer school at Monmouth.
Smoka the Detroit Frjo Pross
cigar at C. W. Wotters.
Prof. M. E. Rigby is spending a few
days in Portland cn businoss.
CaU aad so j th s new 5 and 13 c;nt
counters at the Racket.
Judge Neil was at Grants Pass dur
ing the fore part of tho week.
We have comi to. stay. CaU and
Rjv. T. L. Jones will preach at Con
trol Point August 17, a'. 8:SJ p. in.
R. H. Whitjhead mov?d inta his
fiaa residence oa C street on the 1st
iast. ' . .
Rev. E. L. Thompson will preach his
farewell sermon in Central Point, Au
gust 14. .
M. Mayer and wife, of Ashland, were
taking in the sights of this grex.t city
Jos. Hockersmith if buyiar and
shipping out a largj numb.-r of fine !
Mrs. W. E. Dean and children, of
Grants Pa-s, paid relatives at Ashland
a visit recently.
Mrs. M.'R. Hart and Mrs. M. E.
Rigby now occupy the M. S. Damon
ducking on C street.
O. C. Gunnison, of Ashland, fell down
stairs while visiting at Salem Thurs
day morning, aad broke his n.-ck.
A. J. feseksr, ona of the best shin-gl-j
makers in th; world, brought
down a big load cf his gools this wjek.
Teachers' examination for C3riifi
caies will be held a Jacksonville, com
mencing at noon Wednesday, August
J. D. Whitman wat in Jos-phiai last on busings connect-ed wiib hi
oifice as a number of thj su;tj bjaitl cf
G. W. Cjlvig a.-.d F. W. Chausse
have purcbas.-d tan Grams Pass Oi
sarv.r ot H. J. Richmond and have as
sumed control.
J. W. Marksbjrry purchased a load
of the Engle Mills i oiler flour of An
gle & PSymili for his tra-io at- GjU
Uili Saturday.
According to the oflzcial Egures there
are 111. -.00 school thiluron in Or.-gon.
an inirjase of C,I4i duria the past
twelve months.
G. A. Savage, thi will awake school
si:pcrii4thdi:nt of Jos-;phiae county,
cowducti an educational column in tae
G.-auts Pais Cjuri.-r.
F. T. Djwnin i lajt week sold fifty
acre-: From his large ranch near Cjn-
tral Point, t. J. G. Hodges, of Spokane,
wash., for S40 per acre.
E E. Daaiing, J. E. S-nit'u and wife,
S E.'h a .d family a id oth irs have
retumtd f-o-a their Klamath county
ouli; g. VaUey Record.
Chas. Howard is in Josephias county
with a surviving party classifying and
appraising railroad lands for the Ore
gon & California R. R. Co.
Mrs. Fred Raed aud litils son left
Monday evening for Seattle, having
enjoyrd their visit to h r aunt, Mrs.
John Gallagher, very much. -
Bisger Hermann was the heaviest
loser in the recent Ere at Myrtle Point,
Coos county. He bed property de
stroyed and had no insuranc i.
Miss Hattie Walton returned to her
home in Eugene Monday evening, af'.er
Mrj. Minnio Phltfps U visiting at
Grants Pass.
Tha Dsmorest Bro9. wara doing
Ashland Sunday.
Miss Minnio Vjnvor is paving frtond
at Eusrene a visit.
Uriah Gordon was down from Flounco
Rock Wednesday.
L. M. Lyon was at Grants Pass on
business yesterday.
Charles Carniv. wifo and daughter
drove over Tuesday.
L. C. Coleman, nobody's friend, .13
hsre from San Francisco.
Robert -Cameron was ovjr from
Uaiontown oire duv reojuUy.
Thos. Curry and wifo were visiting
relatives in town Wednesday.
Geo. Sly and family are back from
tho Willametto valley to remain.
Mrs. Purdin and children ara visit
ing Mrs. P's. mother ou Antelope.
Central Point's -justics of tha peac?,
V. B. A. Tempi 3, called Tuesday.
The ice factory expects to put out its
first lot cf frozju wa:cr this week.
Mrs. A. Lamb was doing soma trad
ing with our merchants Wednesday. ,
It keeps Rufus Cox busy looking af
tjr his big stnun thresher theso days.
W. J. Gregory, th j solid farmer of
Central Point precinct, wa; hero Tues
day. W. E. S. Eddy has corked up the citv
restaurant and will go buck to Ash
land. W. H. Simmons and F. B. Cathcart,
of Sacramento, aro visiting Marshal
George Anderson hasbon furnishing
the peopUof thiscity with fresh salmon
from Rogui river.
James K. L.-abo, a second hand man
of Ashland, tarried with us several
houts Wednesday.
M. S. Wood and wifo were in from
the Butte creek country Tuesday trad
ing with our merchants.
Mr. aad Mrs. Dick, cf Euglo Poiut,
accompanied by tho little Dicks, were
in town during the week.
Judge H. K. Ilanna is at Grants Pas?
holding tho August term ot the circuit
court for Josephine county.
Erancis Fitch will occupy the C. IC.
Frouk residenca on C street, having
taken possession this week.
Misses Sophia and May Wilson, of
Rock Point, were the guests of Mrs.
G;o. E. Andersou this week.
J. W. Short was appointed council
man at the lost meeting of the board,
vice E. J. JlonUigue resigned.
George H. Tyl'-r and wife passed
throug.l Mecford Tuesday for the
Indian soda springs from Ashland.
Judce P. P. Prim, Francis Fhch and
Win. M. Colvig went to Gs-ants Pas
Sund.y cv.ning to attend circuilcourt.
Rev. P. R. Burnott has been perma
nently loented at Eujeni to occupy the
pulpit of the Christian church at that
A. Al'ord rec-ived a new thresh ;r
this week, which he has already start d
up m the vm:uty o! Lu farm oa u ag- i
ncr creek. - '
Prof. B. J. nawtborne, of tha state
university at Eugene, aud G. M. W. cf
ho A. O. U. W. of Ore-goo, was in this
city Tuesday.
Dr. J. B. Wait was called to Sams
Valley Monday lo see Jacob Betwinn'.i,
who had b-?ea struck with .ari!ysis.
The pati-.-nt is ia a very precariouscon
iitiou. For Sal 3 Team and two wagons,
bay and a good- cow. Also good farm
for rent two miles from MeU!o:d. la
quire a! this cfSce.
Wanted A girl to do general
bousawork in oznuit family. Good
wag-s Inquire nt New York
(Jueap Cash Store, Medford, Ore.
Best Baking Powder
The Official Government Reports:
The United States Government, after elaborate
tests, reports the Royal Baking Powder to be of
greater leavening strength than any other. (,
The Canadian Official Tests, recently made, show
ihc Royal Baking Powder highest of all in leaven
ing strength. ( Bulletin o, p. b Inland Rev. Dep.)
In practical use, therefore, the Royal Baking
Powder goes further, makes purer and more perfect
food, thaa any other.
Government Chemists Certify:
"The Royal Baking Powder is compossd cf pur? and
wholesome ir.grcdicnts. It docs not contain cither aluni tr phes
j.'liatSsj Or other injurious substances.
" Edwakb C. Lovr, P:i. D."
"The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly ihc i-ureit-and
most reliable baking powder offered lo the public.
" He.nky A. Mott, M. D., Tit. D.w
"The Royal Baking Powder is purest ia quality and high
est ii itrcn.h of any baking powder of which I have 'knowledge.
Wm. Mciluti rik, Pii. D."
A lP0llMTlEiR
' Stationery,
pk Mailer,
France Plymalc was at Ashland yes
terday. Rev. Robert Ennls and family, of
Jacksonville, went to Ashland on yes
terday morning's train.
Dr. E. P. Geary took his wife and
children up to Colestein yesterday to
remain tor some time. Tha doctor
cannot l ave his practice here, so he
returned the iamoflay.
The trestle on the town side of Roy
al's place is being filled. The gravel
train mikes ton trip ft day from
Bloody Run. thus making 100 car loads
a day thrown into the fill. It will take
three weeks vet to finish. Grunts Pass
Couriir. .
Complaint is made that the fish trap
in Itoguo river is an unlawful one. It
is claimed that fish cannot g-t over it.
since it is built m sucb a bungling i wjtb stool. Instruction
manner. The prnoerauthoriti-.-s should j fr,.j ,,t paid for onlv !
invtsttinii-e. ana it u isu i io:ii irau
have the saia j torn out.
Tbo Medford Distilling aad Refin
ing Co.. challMigs the worM for
purity of goods. Th-ir good aro
mr.d-jfrom the b-st of corn and rye
and aro absolutely rcilK. hol."-
sale houi! at Medford Ore. Your val
ued orders solicited.
The Windsor theaV-r was crowded
yesterday, and Duncan Ciark's Female
Minstrel's made one of th-5 srroatest suc-cess-s
ever scored in this house by a
similar organization. The Drt part
was very c-ijoyable. and the jokes
were refreshingly new and created
much hearty laught-r. Tho olio was
well arranged, and the diilercnt mem
ber of the organization pros"ntd
special li s which wore well rvceivrd.
The voung ladies who mako up the
combination are handsome and well
formed and dressed with good taste,
and the grouping, tableaux and
marchi-s are c-ecially worthy of com
mendation. The dudes' j-arad.i and
ninynolo quadrille werj noLibl 5 fea
tures of u very pleasing bi.l. Hoston
Herald. November 1j. Op-ra ilous?,
August 13. Reserved scats, OJ cents.
Now is your chance to s.cur? a beau
tiful sweet voiced "Ewort,4"' organ
book, ai d all
To. Th.-s- in-
stru'i-.eiils are sbi'ipcJ direct from th-?
i factory lo me; heuce, no middle nvn"
I f 1" . ... I :..r....:.H
i nuatitv as mielit bo ii.forrod from tho J
(remarkably low priea. b:.t an st-irtly
i Drst-clats "in ev.-ry r?w:ct an I tally
i warraiv.-d. Hear what Prof. C. J.
i Merrill, M'l."o-d"9 experience! Ciai-i-J
cian, s-xvs ub .u; th -m:
I Mrninsn fi-j .limn 1 i
The Ladi-s" Aid Sxietv will giv an To whom it may concern. This is to
ice cream sociabl nt the" hail in C n-' cjrtifv lhat I have thorough.' scted
tral Point on Wodnsdav cv ming. j Epwc rih organ and can hearmv
August 1). S.im3 flno sVections of i r ma.nd ihem as b -lag ihoi-oughiy
muMc will bj rend 'rel and a reliable The act n u equal and ro
good timi is anticioat-.!. All tnado ;si;onslvo to tbj touch and the CJjujcuy
welcome; by order of "coaixitlee. 1 ol lno bellows is superior to any I have
J .vet seen. Respect fully.
Peler Applegatc, s-:rctari A thai C. J. MERRILL.
Jackson Countv Agricultural . sivia-j Rev. E. E. Thouipsoa is ngeat, MeJ-
tion. having resigned to eneagi in tits : lord,
United Stat 'S surveying contract. Mrs.
We buy for Cash, end we buy to sell,
W'c buy direct, and vre buy iu quantities.
You will always ad our stock complete.
We sell at cr.ic price, aad that the lowest.
We treat you courteously.
A satisfied customer Is our best advertisement.
Our constant aim is to give you the best goods at bottom prices.
We make your interests ours. -Your
child will be served as cheaply and politely as j ourselt
A comparison of our styles and prices will convince yon that yon
s,aould trade with us. .
The Popular Groeef ,
: Staple Biy Got!, MM, Mmz
snending several da s visiting rdativi
and friends at Abhland and this place.
The celebrated Manhattan Food for
horses, cattle and poultry. Guaraa
teed to cu.-a chicken cholera. For sale
at the Strang drug store, Medford, Or.
Twenty-ono street car conductors
were arrested in Portland Thursday
on a charge of larceny in having pock
eted money belonging to tho company,
F. M. Drake and Jno. R. Nori-is,
two Ashland boys, wore on Sunday's
south bound train for home, having
been up north on a tour of inspection
The Grants Pass Courier says that
tt. J. Uicumond. formerly of tne Ob
server, has skipped out, leaving his
dibts, which are numerous, behind
Miss Leatha McCornark returned to
her home in Eugene last Friday even
ing alter a pleasant vist with her si
ter, Mrs. E. P. Giary aad Medford
Mrs. W. B. Moore, who has been vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Holt, of Talent, and other friends in
the valley, returned to Wilbur Monday
evening. '
A. H. Hooker and family arrived
from Heppner, Morrow county, last
week, and expect to make this valley
their heme. in?y aro oia irienasoi
J. J. Crawfoot, travollng salesman of
J. M. Arthur & Co , ol f ortland
stopped ov.r with his wife cna day
this week to visit the family of A.
Davis, of tho flour mill. ,
Saveral good young horsss for sale,
on time if desired. Also a thorough
bred Poland-China so and pigs. In
quire of D. T. Lawton. Mitchell-Lowis
& Staver's agent, Medford, Ore.
A Nebraska man who was swindled
by "green goods man," having tried to
buy counterfeit raon?y, has been ar
tested and will be tried on - tbo -charge
of ''attempting ti procure, unlawful
counterfeit money."
School Books and Stationery
at Strang's Drug Store.
Tom Morina is out of the saloon bus
iness, haviug di -posed cf this-araoto
T. M. Howard and v. li. Hosier, wuo
will continue the business at the old
stand on Front street.
Bi-ibcm Morris was on Wednesday
evening's train for Portland from hU
trip to Klamutn couuty. LI 5 reports
having had a most enjoyable time and
the Sailing exceedingly good.
Tho A. O. U. W. of Oregon shows a
very substantial growth during the
past fiscal year. Daring the year
thi-r j were s-ivciitcea new lodges es
tablished and a gain of nearly 1C0J
Bropby & Mathes opened up their
n-.w mat market robterday . raurningl
Mr. B-ophy U an expert maa at the
block, h u ia bad several years ejepe-
noiic . boo their now aa. elsewhere
in this paper.
L?w Bender was out one day last
wjek for the first tira-r. . Ho is getting
along remarkably wsll, and may con
sratulnte himself that hd fell into tbo
hands of such a slcillfut physician and
surgeon as lir. Jones.
It is renortcl thit giant powder is
h--mg used to Kin nsh in ltogue river.
This ii in violation of th-a law. and
nni-ti tt practicing it should desist at
once, or i hey may find themselves in
the clutches ol an olllcer.
J. H. Upton, joint representative for
Coos and Curry counties, ohj -ctj to be
lubeleu as a republican, lio was nom
inated aud elected as a straight Peo
ple's Partv man, obtaining a clear ma
jority over all, and is proud ol it.
Miss. H. A. Harris, who has been
visit inz the family of Hon. J. H. Stew
art for the past two months, left on
Wednesday evenings train lor her
home in D:nv.-r, Col., where she has
a position in the public schools of that
G. W. Bashford rcturnod from Port
land Wednesday morning, where ho
went to buy a thresher for himself.
James Wilson, J. P. True and Asa
Fordyc?. The machine arrived on the
freight on tha same day and will soon
be at work.
Lvnden. Wash., has a citr : marshal
who wastes no words In making his
announcements public. In a recent
iflsua of the Lyndon Pioner Press ap
pears tills notice, slg-ned by tne mar-
bhal: '"AH persons ownincr a dog or
dogs in Lynden, aro requested to call
ana fay : pr aog within in? next ten
days or get their dogs swiped. "
W. J. Plvmalc was chos-n by Ih-
board to fill the vacancy and assuracu
tha duties of the offico imraliatolv.
Tho O. K. Barber shop of whi-h
J. E. Sheerer is chief tonsurial artUt.
is furnished with elegant and easy
chairs and the razors are always iu
good order. Go thou there and have
thy face shorn rf its prieklv point.
Next to Grand Central Hotel Front St.
Well.-, Fariro & Co. hav i discoa-
tiued all Uviir o!Bcee along th3 suige
routes from Ager to Likovi-w and
from R-dding lo Bieher and the com
pany's agents have been instructed to
bill all pickaiT's for those sections to
Agor an 1 Helling lacircotta? tl:ge
Capt. A. D. nolman. Grand Master
of the I. O. O. F. t.f O.-egon, aceomra-
ied bv his son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jav Kilcf, of Adi , till..
rovn down from Ashland Monday.
Mr. Kites owns a flourinir mill and in
spected the Medford roller mills to his
hearts content.
The business collegs of Medford
clos&d last Wednesday for ono month
vacation, and will open again Septenv
bar 5. 151)2. with ' flattering prospects
About sixty stud nt will attend the
corning term, and as a corps cf compe
tent t-iachers have been engaged, there
is nothing to hindur this institution
becoming first class in every respect.
We Pay tho Cash cr Exchange Our Merchandise
for AH Farm Products-
June ii, isa2. Ycurs Respectfully, J. NUNAN;
Judsro Willard Crawfortl was the
happy recipient last we-k of a beauti
ful oil painting from his neic?. Miss
Blanche Crawford, of Soda S itings,
Idaho. It is a view of tho celebrated
Teton mountains and falls. The judee
prlz.s it vory highly, it being his
ilces Urst ellert.
Dr. J. S. Parson, of Ashland, was
down lrst week in consultation with
D. E. P. Geary on the caaj of little
Edna Hanley. who has b.ien such a pa
tent FuTerer lor ssveral months.
Thora is not much hipes of her recov
ery, although everything is being done
that possibly can oj. .
Tho saw mill property of Rev. G. W.
Hoxio on Williams crook, wns burned
last Sunday while th reverend gentle
man was awiv oreaahing. This is tho
third llm uih mm nas Durnca smcn it
was first located there. About $1,000
worth of lumber was also destroyed.
Grants Pass Observer.
W. Green, tbo new morchnnt tailor
of Medford, has just received tbo larg
est stock of goods ever brought to the
Kogue River valli'y. and as no is uoro
to stay and build up a trade, ho wifl
make suits to order for 824 and up, and
pants for six dollars and up. Step in
and sei his display. Fit gunran'.oed.
All kinds of cleaning and repairing
done. Old Farls hotel building.
William A. Wannaraaker, of Phila
delphia, who is visiting Portland, is
the oiaest nrotner 01 jnnn ana
maker, postmaster-treneral. H-. was
one of th two bondsmen and tho larg-
ettftp Marsh, the lugitlvo president
of th) Keystone National bank of.
Philadelphia which failed some time
ago. andby its failure disclosed the
s'ealing done by City Treasurer John
Bardslcy, now ia jail.
The'Bybeo threshing maahinv met
with an accident last week that do
hiyedwork for several days, by break
in'g'tho axle of tho engine wagon. An
order was telegraphed, . to Portland for
a new 'one, which ; arrived ' Saturday,
and the- men wore vory busy for two
Tin Vorli rtar:c3-J.
T jc families cf the preset t diy for the
production cf crylli:ng Uiat will coo
luce to the ir.s'.rrial wctiare &d comfcrt
of C2aklnd ore almost unlimited aad
when Syrup cf rijs was rct produced
the world Tru enriched with the only
perfect laxative known, as it ia the only
remedy which is truly pleasing asd re-;
freshing lo the taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the tystcm gently ia
the Spring time xr, ia fact, at any time
end the better it is ksowa th more pop
ular it b"ome.
Leg Broken.
R. L. Daaeuberry, tho head sawyer
in tho Klippcl saw mill on Gall's
creek, while riding on tho running
gear of a wagon came in contact with
a stump with such fore- as to break
bis right leg below tho kneo. Dr. E.
P. Geary was called In aad reduced
the fracture. Tho patient is now get
ting along ulcel wo aro pleased to
Farmers' Attention.
Tho tariil having been taken oil of
flour wc aro soiling full roller procos
flour for SI per ack. Anglo & Ply-malo.
ANCLE & PLYMALE, Proprietors.
General Merchandise Groceries,
Freeh Bacon nJ LarJ, Choice Strained Honey. Tare Cider, Viwgar
Cigars ToWc, Caancd Fruits, Vogelal-les and MeaU,
Extracts, Spice., Flour. M.itclies, E;c, Etc.
X. B. Produce Taken in Exchange.
Henry Papa is Dead.
Henry Pape, tho Jacksonville post
master, and an old and respected cltl-2-en
of that pluco, who was stricken
with paralysis last Wednesday, had
another stroke Sunday, and died at
0:30 o clock p. ni. Mr. Papa was a
member of tha Masonic order, who
conducted tho burial services. He was
6,1 years old and loaves-a wifo aud
fivo grown-up children to mourn his
untimely taking away.
Strength and Health.
If you are not feeling strong nnd
healthy, try Electric Bittars. If 4,la
grippv' has left you weak nnd weary,
usa Electric Bitters. This remedy
acts directly on tbo liver, f torauch nnd
kidneys, gently aiding those organs
to perform their lunctions. it you aro
affected with sick headach?, you will
u a epooay nna perraauent roliol by
taking Elcotrio Bitters. Ono trial will
coavinca you that this Is tha remedy
you ne-d. .Large Dottles oalyolc. at
G. H. Haoklns' druj store.
At tho resldonoa of C. H, Basye on
Missouri Flat, July 27, 1833, Miss Ber
tie L. Nickof6on and Samuel I. Theth-
erow and Miss Minnio .Vay Thoth
erow and J. H. Nlckoron, C. II. Basye.
justice ot the peaco, ofilclating,
Tho above was strictly' speaking
People's Party affair, each groom and
brido bing supporters of tho cause,
bneaks. Mesrs.i Beli & MbGo are before none but People's Party wit.
rubers and will' mako things hum for
the next low weens. v
nessos. May they live long aad pros
per. .J. F, W
and Paper ' ;
MertalQBi GareMlT AtteMei- to.
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware
and Fine Building
(VirrantcJ Cutlery, Ccrpeniere srwl ButMcra Tool. i"si.iag Tackle, AKmH&irion, Etc. Eta
Redjacket Force Puraiw, for deep or shollow wells. Tin Shop Attached
Vice Pres.
Asst. Cashier
Jaekson Goantv Sank,
CAPITAL, - $50,000
Medford. .Oregon,
Loan money pn approved security, receive deoosits subject to check,
and transact a general banking business on th; most favorable terms,
riiy-Your Business Solicited,
Correspondents; ' . .
Corb'tti Banking Co., K Y.
Commercial National, Portland,
Pacific Bank, San Francisco,
Iadd & K ash, Saltra,